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FIRST YEARS - Professional Development through Distance Education


FIRST YEARS > Developmental Milestones, birth to 8 years

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Chart Legend
Children grow and develop at different rates. However, most pass through an
identifiable skill "set" along the way. Called developmental milestones, these Color codes: Abbreviations used:
are skills which build on each other, from simple to complex, during Hearing dB: decibel
predictable time periods. For example, a child must babble single syllables LF: low frequency
(4 - 6 months) before multiple syllables (7 to 9 months) before speaking
HF: high frequency
2-word sentences (18 - 24 months). Milestone charts represent a "timetable"
for mastery of these skills -- a guide to "normal" development. Keep in mind, Speech CV: consonant-vowel
however, that children vary in their development and that an individual child IPA Chart (if needed)
may develop more quickly in one area than in another. Language R: Receptive
Below are general guidelines for hearing/auditory, cognitive, speech (sound E: Expressive
production) and language (listening, understanding and using words) MLU: Mean Length of
development. Most children will demonstrate these skills within six months of Utterance
the times listed. In reality, these areas overlap, as development in one area is reinforced and enhanced by growth in

For visual, motor, social and emotional developmental milestones, visit these sites from How Kids Develop: What is
child development and what skills do children develop at different ages?
First 6 Weeks 1 to 2 Years
1 to 3 Months 2 to 3 Years
3 to 6 Months 3 to 5 Years
6 to 9 Months 5 to 7 Years
9 to 12 Months

Age Hearing Speech Language Cognition

0-3 Auditory detection/ Infants are unable to control attends to speaker's mouth responds to and imitates facial
attention: motor movements; therefore, or eyes expressions of others
reacts to loud sounds most actions are reflexes. moves in response to voice (Meltzoff & Moore, 1977)
with startle (Moro reflex) The most important reflex expresses feelings by recognizes bottle or breast
reacts initially to sounds for speech development is cooing (one syllable - "ah"), briefly looks at objects
that are close by; the rhythmic suck-swallow gurgling (at back of throat),
between 2-4 months pattern, established 3 and crying (E)
begins to develop months prior to birth. exhibits differentiated
distance hearing produces sounds such as crying (E)
responds to LF sounds fussing, crying, burping, and vocalizes to caregiver's
(vowels) better than to cooing. smile and voice and to
HF sounds produces most sounds on express pleasure (E)
(consonants) exhalation with lengthy
is awakened by loud vowel-like sounds (back
voices and sounds vowels)
By the end of the 3rd makes single vowel sounds
month, an infant "ah" "eh" "uh" -- one syllable
recognizes his mother's sustains cooing 15-20
voice; stops crying to seconds
listen; listens to his/her Different kinds of crying for
own sounds pain and hunger
enjoys a few

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FIRST YEARS - Professional Development through Distance Education

Age Hearing Speech Language Cognition

4-6 turns his eyes/head to vocalizes in self-initiated smiles at speaker (R) explores with hands and
mos. search for sounds sound play vocalizes to objects (E) mouth
enjoys hearing his own coos to music laughs smiles/vocalizes to mirror
sounds (gurgling, vocalizes "ma" or "mu" says "mama/dada" without image; reaches out to mirror
laughing, and babbling) tries to repeat heard sound meaning (E) image
- auditory feedback loop sequences babbles to gain attention experiments with
develops babbling begins (E) cause-effect: shakes rattle
enjoys sound of musical experiments/plays with shows pleasure/ reaches for objects
toys (rattles, bells) sounds (yells, gurgles, displeasure by vocalizing
responds to voices by blows raspberries and (E)
babbling bubbles)
begins differentiating varies volume, pitch, and
between environmental rate (suprasegmentals)
and speech sounds
after hearing his
mother's voice, cries if
the face he/she then
sees is not his mother's
recognizes familiar
sounds for feeding (e.g.
spoon in a dish)

Age Hearing Speech Language Cognition

7-9 in sitting position, turns produces sounds in one recognizes names of family searches for partially hidden
mos. eye/head/body to source breath members (R) object
of sound (sound enjoys imitating sound responds to "no" most of struggles to get objects that
localization); has sequences the time (R) are out of reach
difficulty locating babbles with some CV attends to pictures (R) plays game like "peek-a-boo"
sounds above or behind syllables ("bababa") uses gesture and imitates simple acts, e.g.
responds to simple uses /m/, /n/, /b/, /p/, /t/, /d/ vocalization to protest (E) clapping, nodding
requests in babbling vocalizes during games (E) gives, points, shows
modifies speech to imitates sounds, cough, sings along with a familiar pulls rings off peg
match what was heard tongue clicking (increased song (E)
imitates speech and tongue tip activity), etc.
non-speech (blowing imitates some
raspberries) sounds onomatopoeias
responds to name babbling shows pitch and
attends to music/singing inflectional changes
understands many copies (sometimes
onomatopoeias inaccurately) intonational
(Learning to Listen contours
Sounds) beginning of adult speech
(starting to develop certain
vowels, syllables,

Age Hearing Speech Language Cognition

10-12 responds physically to uses variegated recognizes familiar persons tries to accomplish simple
music (non-reduplicative) babbling or objects when named (R) goals (seeing and then
responds to questions ("dageedagee") looks at named pictures crawling to a toy)
1 yr. by searching begins changing babbling to with an adult (R) looks for/finds objects that are
can look for named real words attends to new words (R) out of sight (such as a spoon
object that is out of sight continues imitating sounds identifies two body parts on that falls under the table)
understands some begins using more back self (R) stacks rings on peg
common phrases vowels, central vowels, and gives objects upon verbal begins awareness of in/out
consonants request. (R) (objects/ containers)
uses social gestures
(waving "bye-bye") (E)
vocalizes with intent
frequently (E)
uses onomatopoeias to
refer to objects (E)
says one to two words

Age Hearing Speech Language Cognition

12-18 shows interest in uses echolalia and follows 1-step commands explores objects in many
mos. sounds of radio and unintelligible speech/jargon without a gesture/verbal different ways (shaking,
television omits some initial cue alone (R) banging, throwing, dropping)

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FIRST YEARS - Professional Development through Distance Education

listens to simple stories, consonants and almost all uses true words within points to named pictures
songs, and rhymes final consonants jargon-like utterances (E) begins to use objects correctly
demonstrates 2 item continues to develop vowels combines vocalization and (drinking from cup, brushing
memory and diphthongs gesture to obtain a desired hair, dialing phone, listening to
varies pitch when vocalizing object (E) receiver)
uses 21 different phonemes identifes/points to 3+ body laughs at silly actions (as in
imitates words inexactly parts (on self or doll), wearing a bowl as a hat)
clothing item, or a toy on solves problems by trial and
verbal request (R) error, e.g. inverts bottle to
names objects on request obtain object; obtains toy with
(E) stick
gives objects if asked (R) scribbles spontaneously
by 18 months, uses 20 -
100 meaningful words;
50% of words are nouns

Age Hearing Speech Language Cognitive

18-24 understands when jargon peaks at 18 mos. follows 2-step related finds objects even when
called from another correctly pronounces most commands without visual hidden under two or three
room vowels cues (R) covers
2 yrs. remembers what was uses /m/, /p/, /b/, /w/, /n/, /t/, points to 4+ body parts (on likes to take things apart
heard in the correct /d/ correctly in the self or doll) (R) stacks rings on peg in order of
order (e.g. "Put the fish beginning of syllables and uses question intonation to size; builds higher towers
in the water and the short words ask yes/no questions (E) turns one page at a time
turtle on the grass.") 2 years: 25% - 50% uses 2-word activates mechanical toy
(auditory sequencing) intelligibility phrases/sentences pretend plays about familiar
follows a conversation commonly uses 25 different frequently by 24 months situations
when the topic is known phonemes ("more milk," "a doggie,"
answers questions uses beginning consonants "read book"); MLU 1.50-2.0
about a picture or book word-final consonants (E)
emerge names most common
pitch is lower and more objects (E)
stable understands questions
where? and what's that?
begins using pronouns like
"my," "me," "mine"; refers
to self by name (E)
uses 200+ words (E)

Age Hearing Speech Language Cognition

2-2 answers questions 60% of speech is intelligible responds appropriately to begins to sort by shapes and
yrs. about a story by 30 months of age location phrases ("in," colors
continues to develop front "on") (R) names one color
consonants recognizes family member begins make-believe play;
names (R) dramatizes mother and baby
uses "and" ("mommy and begins to understand
daddy") (E) functional concepts of familiar
uses 3-word sentences objects and part/whole
frequently; MLU 2.0-2.5 (E) concepts
begins using verb endings shares toys
(-ing) ("Mommy pushing")
refers to self as "me" rather
than by name (E)
asks simple questions
("Where ball?" "What
Daddy doing?" "What
color?") (E)
uses number + noun ("two
doggie") (E)

Age Hearing Speech Language Cognition

2-3 begins making cognitive continues use of echolalia answers questions with matches an object in hand or
yrs. judgments about what when difficulties in speech "yes" or "no" (E) in the room to a picture in a
was heard, e.g. "Tell me are encountered understands the concepts book
about your trip to Disney exhibits repetitions, of "one" and "all" (R) completes 5+ piece puzzle

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FIRST YEARS - Professional Development through Distance Education

World." (auditory especially starters ("I" and uses subject pronoun: he counts 2 to 3 objects; knows
processing) first syllables) (E) more numbers (but not always
answers questions speaks with a loud voice asks "What happened?" in the right order)
about an undisclosed increases range of pitch (E) remembers what happened
but familiar topic consistently uses initial uses "gonna" and "wanna" yesterday
consonants (some are (E) knows where things usually
misarticulated); frequently uses 3-4 word sentences; belong
omits medial consonants; converses with self; MLU substitutes one object for
frequently omits or 2.5-3.0 (E) another in pretend play (as in
substitutes final consonants shows interest in "why" and pretending a block is a "car")
By age 3, 90 % of children "how" explanations (R) laughs at silly ideas (like
produce the following expands use of verb milking a dog)
consonants in conversation: endings (-ing), avoids some dangers, e.g. a
/p/, /m/, /n/, /h/, /w/ plurals/possessives ("eat hot stove or a moving car
accurately pronounces all cookies"), contractions (E) selects objects not the same /
vowels and diphthongs begins the "why" question Which doesn't belong? from
(except those with an r, stage; asks "wh"- set of objects
such as in the word "bird") questions ("What's that?" names own drawings
uses approx. 27 phonemes and "Where ball?") (E) pretends to be caregiver
3 years: 75 - 80% uses 2-/3-word negative holds up fingers to tell age
intelligibility phrases (/"no want states first & last name
masters 2/3 of the adult that")(E)
speech sounds asks for "another" (E)
understands "now," "soon,"
and "later" (R)
begins using singular/
plural noun-verb agreement
"converses:" relates simple
imaginative tales; describes
actions in book (E)
vocabulary: 900+ words (E)

Age Hearing Speech Language Cognition

3-4 improves listening skills; substitutes some stops for uses possessives (E) identifies and names primary
yrs. comprehends auditory fricatives (i.e. "tat" for "sat") uses "we," "she," and colors
information in a variety increases speech rate "they" (E) counts to ten
of settings (auditory may delete a syllable in uses "some," "many," and approaches problems from a
understanding) multi-syllabic words "all" (E) single point of view
listens attentively and simplifies words with blends uses present progressive: begins to have a clearer sense
retells stories 4 yrs: 80 % - 90% is/are/am + verb ing (E) of time; wants to know what
accurately repeats intelligibility Uses some irregular verbs will happen next
sentences with high The following consonants (E) engages in fantasy play;
predictablility emerge: /r/, /l/, /s/, /t /(ch), Uses "can't," "not," and distinguishes between the real
identifies objects based / /sh, /z/ "didn't" (E) and pretend worlds
on description (open By 4, 90% of children have uses "hafta," "have to," and takes turns and can do so
set) mastered the following "want to" (E) without always being
sounds in conversation: /b/, uses 3rd person singular reminded
/k/, /d/, /j/ , /f/, /g/ s (E) identifies situations that would
expresses ideas and lead to happiness, sadness,
feelings rather than just or anger
talking about the world draws somewhat recognizable
around him/her (E) picture that is meaningful to
begins using analogies, child if not to adult; names
comparisons; can complete and briefly explains picture
opposite analogies ("sister distinguishes day activity
is a girl; brother is a ___.") (playing) from night activity
(E) (sleeping)
describes the use of sequences familiar routines,
objects such as "fork," simple finger plays, patterns
"car" (E) of blocks
enjoys poems and traces/copies figures
recognizes language (squares), drawn objects
absurdities such as, "Is knows division of day -
that an elephant on your morning, afternoon, night
head?" (R) matches object to occupation
uses do to ask yes/no - fishing rod to fisherman
questions (E)
vocabulary: 1500+ words

Age Hearing Speech Language Cognition

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FIRST YEARS - Professional Development through Distance Education

4-5 recalls 5+ facts from a 5 years: 98 - 100% asks what/who/where or draws recognizable pictures;
yrs. familiar story intelligibility why do questions (E) copies more complex figures
identifies word that By age 5, the phonological asks what/who/where or (triangle)
rhymes or doesn't rhyme processes of syllable why did questions (E) likes cutting/pasting
in set of 3-4 deletion and fronting are asks whose (E) knows own street and town
suppressed. uses does to ask yes/no begins to relate clock time to
The following consonants questions (E) daily schedule
emerge: (/d /) -"j" as in converses with longer, identifies a problem, lists
jump, /v/, voiced(//) and more complex sentences, possible solutions verbally and
voiceless(/ /) "th" but still makes grammar chooses which one(s) are
errors; MLU 4.5+ (E) appropriate
uses has, does, had (E) tells color of unseen object -
uses because, when, if, "What color is an apple?
and so in clauses (E) categorizes, naming items
uses these and those (E) without visual clues, e.g.
uses before and after (E) animals, food, toys; decides
uses comparative own criteria for categories
adjectives ("small-smaller") predicts story from book cover
(E) names penny, nickel and dime
answers "why" and "how" knows days of the week
questions ; replies to
questions like "What is a
house made of?" (E)
By age 5, uses 2500 words
ends conversations

Age Hearing Speech Language Cognition

5-6 expansion of auditory By 6, 90% of children have stabilizes correct usage of says letters of alphabet
yrs. understanding mastered the following irregular plurals and past understands that letters
can provide a word that sounds in conversation: /t/, tense/irregular verbs (E) written on a page represent
rhymes with a given /r/, / /(ng), /l/ uses pronouns, spoken words
word uses a variety of blends prepositions, and articles understands number
learns letter-sound self-monitors speech correctly, consistently (E) concepts to "ten"
associations uses superlative est (E) rote counts to 30+
uses er to form nouns recognizes and can reproduce
(teach/teacher) (E) many shapes, letters, and
uses future progressive: numbers
will be + verb + __ing (E) plays games by the rules
asks wh questions with understands seasons of the
does (E) year
uses sentences with 8+ begins to think about their own
words; uses compound and behavior/actions and to see
complex sentences (E) consequences/ explain
understands time situations
sequences (what happened begins to read and write,
first, second, etc.) (R) distinguishing capitals and
vocabulary: 2800+ words lowercase
(R); 2500+ (E) uses invented spelling (e.g.
color could be spelled "kulr")
arranges objects in order,
according to size
completes simple maze
adds, subtracts
comprehends directional
commands - left/right

Age Hearing Speech Language Cognition

6-8 provides a synopsis/ Most children have typical uses irregular comparative/ can develop a plan to meet a
yrs. summary after listening articulation by age 7. superlative: better, best: goal
to information one time By 7, 90% of children have worse, worst (E) rote counts to 100+
mastered the following uses past perfect tense understand/use riddles and
sounds in conversation: ("She had read the book.") idioms ("Hold your horses.")
/ /(sh), /t /(ch), /j/ , uses past perfect tells jokes
voiceless (/ /) "th" progressive ("had been tells own address, phone
By 8 90% of children have camping") (E) number
mastered the following asks have questions with names months of the year
sounds in conversation: /s/, present perfect ("Have you names month for a given
/v/, /z/ been there before?") (E) holiday
passive voice developed by can tell time
most children (E)
uses well formed narratives

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FIRST YEARS - Professional Development through Distance Education



American Academy of Pediatrics. (1999) Steven P. Shelov, S.P. & Hannemann, R.E. (eds.) Caring for Baby and
Young Child: Birth to Age 5. New York: Bantam.
ASHA. (2005) How Does Your Child Hear and Talk?
Interactive Speech Associates. (n.d. retrieved 5/23/06) Developmental Norms/Milestones.
Justice, L. (2006). Communication Sciences and Disorders: An Introduction. Upper Saddle River NJ: Pearson.
Learning Disabilities Association of America, (1999) Early Identification - Cognitive Milestones.
Meltzoff, A. & Moore, M.K (1977). Imitation of facial and manual gestures by human neonates. Science 198:75-78.
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders/NIDCD. (2001) Speech and Language
Developmental Milestones. Interactive checklist - How do I know if my child is reaching the milestones?
Rossetti, L.M. (2005) The Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale: A Measure of Communication and Interaction.
East Moline: LinguiSystems, Inc.
Shipley, K and McAfee, J. (1998) Assessment in Speech Language Pathology: A Resource Manual. 2nd edition. San
Diego: Singular publishing Group, Inc.
Tuohy, J., Brown, J., Mercer-Moseley, C. (2005) St. Gabriel's curriculum for the development of audition, language,
speech, cognition, early communication, social interaction, fine motor skills, gross motor skills: A guide for
professionals working with children who are hearing-impaired (birth to six years). 2nd ed. Sydney: St. Gabriel's
Auditory-Verbal Early Intervention Centre.
Wilkes, E.M. (1999) Cottage Acquisition Scales for Listening, Language & Speech. San Antonio: Sunshine Cottage
school for Deaf Children.

Alexander Graham Bell Association | UNC-CH Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences
FIRST YEARS, Last update: June 2009, Maintained by FIRST YEARS Webmaster

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