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Data Analysis

The above data is collected through questionnaire. The sample size was 100 respondents and the

survey was conducted in West Delhi. The data is presented through charts, graphs and tables. All

the calculations are done in the MS-Excel. There were some limitations that I faced while

collecting and analyzing the data such as time constraints, lack of expertise and hesitation of

respondents in filling the questionnaire and giving me appropriate information. Following is the

analysis of the collected data:

The first question which was asked to the respondents was about their decision to buy

Bolero whether they purchased it because of the friends/family suggestion or it was their

own decision.
57% of the respondents said that it was their own decision and 47% said they purchased it

because of friends/family suggestion.

Majority of the respondents took this decision on their own.
So through results we can say that the company should take extra efforts in promoting

their products as large numbers of people take their decision on the way a company

promotes its products.

In the next question respondents were asked why they choose this particular brand. The

options that placed before them were: Price, Design, Fuel economy, after sales services,

Quality and others. Through the responses to this question we identified which factor or

factors influence the respondents the most.

The highest responses i.e. 33.75% have been attributed to fuel economy. The other factors

that influence the respondents in favoring this brand over others are (in descending

order): Price, design, after sales services, quality.

Through this result we can say that company should pay more attention to improve the

quality of Bolero.
Then in the next question respondents were asked about their level of satisfaction on the

basis of some attributes of Bolero such as: fuel consumption, safety & comfort, design,
space available & maintenance cost. They had to indicate their level of satisfaction as:

extremely satisfied, satisfied, neutral, dissatisfied & highly dissatisfied towards each of

the above mentioned attributes. Through the responses to this question we identified the

satisfaction level of the consumers.

From the responses received we can say that majority of the respondents are satisfied

with the fuel consumption, safety & comfort and space available in the Bolero.
Majority of the respondents are neutral about design and maintenance cost of the Bolero.
Only few of the respondents were dissatisfied with the above mentioned attributes, this

indicates that the respondents are moderately satisfied with the Bolero.
The next question was about their satisfaction towards the overall service provided by the

Mahindra & Mahindra. The options placed given were: strongly agree, agree, neither

agree nor disagree, disagree & strongly disagree.

Highest numbers of responses i.e. 39% were agreed that they are satisfied with the

services provided by the company and only few were not satisfied.
Through the responses to this question we identified the respondents are satisfied with the

services provided by the company.

Respondents were asked to compare the Bolero with other products that are available in

the same segment.

The highest numbers of responses i.e. 42% were attributed to somewhat better. This

shows that majority of the respondents regarded Bolero as somewhat better than others in

the same segment.

Then in the next question they were asked whether theyll recommend Bolero to others or

By analyzing the responses to this question we identified how likely will they

recommend Bolero to others.

Highest responses i.e. 49% were attributed to probably will recommend. It helps

company in identifying the potential demand for the Bolero so that they can plan their

activities accordingly.
In the next question they were asked whether or not they are satisfied with this brand.
Highest responses i.e. 67% were attributed to yes. Company should try to find out why

this is so. They can modify and apply the same attractions towards the consumers which

are not satisfied with the brand.

Respondents were asked whether theyll buy another car of the same brand or not. By

analyzing the responses to this question we identified the probable demand for the

companys products in future.

Highest responses i.e. 52% were attributed to no. This indicates that although M & M

may have an overall goodwill from the consumers, there are still some things that they

are not doing right.

In the next question they were asked about their overall opinion about Bolero. The

options placed before them were: very good, good, neither good nor bad, bad and very

By analyzing the responses to this question we identified the overall opinion of the

consumers about Bolero.

Highest responses i.e. 40% were attributed to good. There were few respondents who

attributed to bad. Company should try to find out the reasons for this.

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