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Water Resources and Industry 17 (2017) 16

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Remediation of chromium and copper on water hyacinth (E. crassipes) MARK

shoot powder

M. Sarkara, , A.K.M.L. Rahmana, N.C. Bhoumikb
Department of Chemistry, Jagannath University, Dhaka 1100, Bangladesh
Wazed Miah Science Research Centre, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka 1342, Bangladesh


Keywords: Tannery euent characterization and removal eciency of Chromium (Cr) and Copper (Cu) on water hyacinth
Adsorbent has been observed by ltration process. The euent was contaminated by deep blue color, acidic pH, higher
Water hyacinth value of total dissolve solid (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and lower value
Tannery euent of dissolve oxygen (DO). After ltration, the euent shows that the permissible limit of investigated metals.
Physicochemical parameters, ltration
Adsorbent capacity of water hyacinth shoot powder for Cr and Cu ion was found to be 99.98% and 99.96% for
standard solution (SS) and 98.83% and 99.59% for tannery euent (TE), respectively.

1. Introduction health and environment [8,9]. Therefore, the removal of heavy metal
from industrial and municipal euent is one of the growing concerns.
Bangladesh is a south Asian developing country with its unplanned The commonly applied methods for the treatment of industrial
industrial and urban area. In most of the cases the euent is euents are precipitation, ion exchange, electrochemical process,
discharged into the nearby River or water body without any pretreat- membrane processes and adsorption [10]. However, most of these
ment and thereby deteriorating aquatic environment. From this techniques have some drawbacks such as complicated treatment
euent, the enrichment of heavy metal concentration in the water process and high cost. Adsorption is the most viable and eective
body is the most growing concern in the present era. The Buriganga is a method for removing heavy metal. In recent years adsorption is
historical and commercially important River for Bangladesh owing at considered as a much preferable technique [11,12]. Nowadays, it is a
the southern edge of Dhaka Metropolitan area. But from last couple of growing demand to nd out a locally available, low cost, environmen-
decades the Buriganga River has been polluted by heavy metals tally friendly and ecient adsorbent for the removal of heavy metal
(especially Cr and Cu) coming from tannery euents [1]. People from industrial and municipal waste. In the recent past, some
staying on the bank of the Buriganga River are facing various health researchers emphasize using aqua vascular weed for removal of heavy
problems by using the polluted water in their household purpose as the metals like water hyacinth. Hasan et al. [13] used water hyacinth root
Buriganga is a vital source of water for nomad of Dhaka city. The for the removal of Cd and Zn and observed higher removal eciency.
properties of water are changed by heavy metal contamination and has Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is grown abundantly through-
a detrimental eect on sheries life and habitats [2,3]. The heavy out the tropical and subtropical region [14] in the world and also
metals have high mobility in aquatic systems and expose high toxicity available in the Bangladesh. As a consequence, we select water hyacinth
[4]. The discharge from electroplating, tannery, metallurgical indus- as a low cost adsorbent to study the removal eciency of chromium
tries, paints, pigments, printing and graphics, waste disposal, agricul- and copper using ltration process. The aim of this study is to observe
tural waste and sewage are the main sources of chromium pollution [5]. the removal eciency of water hyacinth shoot powder.
The industries which widely used Copper are metal cleaning and
plating, paper board, printed circuit board, wood pulp, fertilizer, paints 2. Materials and methods
and pigments [6,7]. The copper and chromium enriched euent from
these industries mixed into the water streams without any pretreat- 2.1. Preparation of standard chromium and copper solution
ment. Heavy metals released from dierent sources into the environ-
ment have a propensity to persist and eventually are accumulating An amount of 500 mg/l standard solution of Cr and Cu were
throughout the food chain that imposing a serious threat to the animal prepared. Accurately weighted 1.4135 g K2Cr2O7 and 1.9661 g

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Sarkar).
Received 7 March 2015; Received in revised form 29 October 2016; Accepted 14 December 2016
2212-3717/ 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
M. Sarkar et al. Water Resources and Industry 17 (2017) 16

2.5. Digestion of sample and heavy metal analysis

An aliquot of 100 ml of each sample for heavy metal analysis

(specically, Cr & Cu) was taken in a 100 ml of Pyrex volumetric ask.
Then 1.0 N concentrated HCl (9 ml) was added followed by 1.0 N
concentrated nitric acid (3 ml). The content of the volumetric ask was
carefully heated in sand bath nearly to dryness in fume hood. After
cooling the volumetric ask at room temperature, deionized water was
added to the sample up to the mark of ask. Then, the sample was
ltered through a nylon membrane lter (Whatman, pore size 0.8 m,
diam. 47 mm) and the ltrate was collected in a 250 ml screw cap
plastic bottle (Type- HDPE container, LDPE-lined Polypropylene Cap,
Fig. 1. Water Hyacinth (E. crassipes).
Brand-Thermo Scientic). Finally, they were preserved for the deter-
mination of Cr and Cu. The AAS was calibrated for all the metals by
running dierent concentration of standard solutions. Average values
of three replicates were taken for each determination. The detection
CuSO45H2O was taken and diluted to 500 m1. These standard limit for Cr and Cu was 0.003 mg/l. The euent after ltration process
solutions were used in ltration process. All chemicals were purchased was directly determined by AAS.
from Kanto Chemical Co. Japan required for using AA-
Spectrophotometer. 2.6. Treatment process

2.2. Preparation of adsorbent Filtering column was made of Pyrex glass tube of 1.5 cm inner
diameter and 50 cm height. The experiment was conducted with
The adsorbent materials Water Hyacinth (Fig. 1) were collected vertical down ow fashion. An amount of 2.0 g WHSP was less tightly
from a basin of suburb Konapara, near Dhaka city. After collecting the packed in a column up to 15 cm height between 2 cm supporting layer
adsorbent materials were transported to the laboratory. The shoot of of glass wool per 500 ml solution. The adsorption eect was observed
the Water Hyacinth weed was segregated from rest parts and washed for 472.56 mg/l Cr and 482.06 mg/l Cu concentrated standard solution
ten times by deionized water, cut into small pieces and dried in sunlight (SS) and 10.4749 mg/l Cr and 2.445 mg/l Cu concentrated tannery
for 72 h. After sun drying the small spices of shoot were dried in oven euent (TE). The study was conducted at room temperature (28
at 70 5 C for 48 h and grind by mortar. The shoot particles were 2 C) and pH of Cr and Cu SS as well as TE was 7.4 0.2. Inlet of the
sieved and a certain size 150 m was collected and stored in a plastic column was connected to the 1.0 l feed bucket with the plastic tubing.
bottle for further use. The solution was passed through the WHSP column by gravimetric
ow. After passing through the column, the samples were collected at
every 1 min interval for rst 20 min and then 5 min interval up to 1 h.
2.3. Sampling For second hours samples were collected after 10 min interval and
30 min interval for third hours. The ow rate was maintained through
After chrome tanning, the tannery euent is drained out into the the experiment using an equipped with a stopper. The TE was collected
Buriganga River along with household euent in the same drain. The after 1 min interval for rst 20 min and then 10 min interval up to one
samples were collected from that drain at Kalunagar in Hazaribagh hour, 20 min interval for second hour and 30 min interval for third
thana (Fig. 2) in non transparent plastic bottle. Some physicochemical hour. All samples (Eluate) solutions were collected at the bottom of the
parameters like color, pH, TDS, EC and DO were recorded instantly column. The residual concentration of Cr and Cu was analyzed using
and the samples were transported to the laboratory as soon as possible. AAS. The schematic diagram of ltration process is shown in Fig. 3.
After that COD was measured in the laboratory. The collected sample
were stored into separate plastic container previously washed with 2% 2.7. Data analysis
(v/v) HNO3 and stored by adding 10 ml of 0.1 N HNO3 per litter to the
euent to prevent the growth of microbial bacteria. Then the sample The percentage of adsorption of Cr and Cu was calculated according
was sealed to prevent air oxidation and stored in a refrigerator to to the following equation:
prevent the microbial decomposition of organic and inorganic com-
pounds present in the euent. All the experimental solutions were Removal% = (Co Ce)/Co *100
brought to room temperature before use. Where Co is the initial Cr and Cu ion concentration (mg/l) and Ce is the
nal Cr and Cu ion concentration (mg/l).
2.4. Sample analysis
3. Results and discussion
Samples were analyzed in the Inorganic Research laboratory,
Department of Chemistry, Jagannath University. Color was observed 3.1. Physicochemical parameters of euent
through eye sight. pH, EC, TDS and DO were measured instrumentally
and COD was measured by condensation and potassium dichromate Physicochemical parameters of TE were analyzed before adsorption
oxidation. The EC and TDS parameters were measured by using CTS- through enormous laboratory analysis and the quality of the raw euents is
406K model meter, Taiwan; pH was measured by using Twin, B-221 shown in Table 1. Here, we found that the euent was slightly basic in
pH meter, Horiba, Japan and DO was measured by using YK-22 nature and the other parameters such as TDS, EC and COD were also very
model meter, Taiwan. Heavy metal concentration was determined by high which indicate that the euent sample collected from the drain at
SHIMADZU, AA-7000 Shimadzu Corporation, Japan model atomic Kalunagar in Hazaribagh thana was highly polluted. The collected samples
absorption spectrometer. were deep blue in color due to the use of copper salt for chrome tanning.

M. Sarkar et al. Water Resources and Industry 17 (2017) 16

Fig. 2. Map of Hazaribagh thana and viewing its location.

Table 1:
Physicochemical parameters of untreated tannery effluent.

Parameters Value

Color Deep blue

Odor Acrid
pH 7.4
Cr Conc. (mg/l) 10.475
Cu Conc. (mg/l) 2.445
TDS (mg/l) 13350
EC (mS) at 28 C 61.94
DO (mg/l) 0.3
COD (mg/l) 3460

*TDS=Total Dissolve Solid, EC=Electrical Conductivity, DO=Dissolve Oxygen, COD=-

Chemical Oxygen Demand.

(Shimadzu, Japan) spectrophotometer in the range 4000400 cm1.

The comparative FT-IR spectrum of before and after adsorption on
WHSP are shown in following Fig. 4. The OH band was found at
3422 cm1, the C-H stretch for methylene was found at 2921 cm1. C-O
Fig. 3. Schematic representation of column. stretching vibration of ester was observed at 1250 cm1 [15,16]. Beside
these N-H bend for amines spectrum was observed at 1635 cm1, -CH3
bend for alkanes was observed at 1431 cm1. After adsorption most of
the adsorption bands shifts or decreases their intensity. The slight
3.2. Characterization of adsorbent changes occur in the bands of FT-IR spectra of the WHSP adsorption
peak due to the binding of the metal ions on the active sites [17]. After
Pressed KBr pellets were prepared by grinding sample with KBr in Cr and TE adsorption the band at 1250 cm1 and 1383 cm1 were
1.0% w/w ratio. FT-IR spectra were recorded with IRPrestige-21 disappeared whereas, after Cr SS adsorbed, a new band at 1150 cm1

M. Sarkar et al. Water Resources and Industry 17 (2017) 16

Fig. 5. SEM image of WHSP.

Fig. 4. FTIR spectrum of before and after adsorption of Cu and Cr on WHSP from
bottom to up: a) before adsorption b) After Cr adsorption Cr c) After Cu adsorption d)
respectively. Within 10 min time, WHSP showed the highest removal
after passing euent.
capacity of Cr for SS. This could be attributed to the availability of more
number of adsorption sites. Availability of specic surface area on
instead of 1250 cm1 is appeared. Similarly, in case of Cu adsorption,
adsorbent plays a vital role for the surface metal adsorption process
two new band at 1163 and 1110 cm1 are appeared instead of
[19-21]. With progress of time the adsorption capacity of WHSP will
1250 cm1. It is suspected that due to chemisorption the band at
decrease due to saturation resulting into high concentration of metal
1250 cm1 is disappeared. The spectra after adsorption obtained with
ion in eluent. This might be attributed to the fact that each adsorbent
decreasing the intensity indicate physical adsorption predominately
has a specic active surface site that would saturated at a certain
occurred. DellaGrece et al., (2009), [18] showed that, E. crassipes
adsorbent concentration [22]. In case of TE, WHSP took higher time
composed of a chemical structure as -COOCH3. Thereby, we suspect
that Cr3+ and Cu2+ replace the CH3 group and form COOCr and
COOCu and hence C-O band at 1250 cm1 disappeared.
CH3 Cr

+ Cr3+ + -CH3
O Cu

+ Cu2+ + -CH3

for obtaining saturation (Fig. 7). This might be attributed that in TE,
3.3. Morphological study there were present dierent metals and reactive dye. As dierent
metals and dyes have dierent reactivity order and atomic size, thereby
SEM image of WHSP was taken by and electron microscope competition may occur towards the adsorbent sties [23]. Therefore, the
(model-SSOQLD9111, Netherland). For SEM image pellets were pre- smallest metal or dye ion adsorbed rst than bigger sized one. This
pared by an apparatus using only hand pressure. The SEM image of might be the reason for delaying the saturation state of xed bed
WHSP in Fig. 5 shows the rough surface area which is suitable for column in case of TE.
adsorption. Similarly, in case of Cu, within 14 min time, ltration column of
WHSP shows the highest removal capacity. However, we found, about
3.4. Removal of Cr and Cu 99.96% Cu was removed within 14 min (Fig. 8). After reaching
minimum Cu concentration of eluate solution in 14 min, Cu concen-
The removal of Cr using SS and TE through the ltration column of tration in elutes solution is being to increase after that time. In case of
WHSP at predetermined time interval is shown in Figs. 6 and 7, Cu, we nd that sharp removal capacity of Cu as time progressed

M. Sarkar et al. Water Resources and Industry 17 (2017) 16

Fig. 6. Cr conc. Vs. time plot for standard solution (SS).

Fig. 9. Cu conc. Vs. time plot for tannery euent (TE).

Fig. 7. Cr conc. Vs. time plot for tannery euent (TE).

Fig. 10. Removal % Vs. Time plot for Cr from SS.

and 11, respectively. In case of SS, 99.8% Cr was removed within

13 min time but after 13 min the removal percentage decreases and fall
at 68.9% up to 3 h (Fig. 10). This may be occurred for the saturation of
active site. In case of TE, 98.8% Cr was removed at 3 h period (Fig. 11).
Figs. 12 and 13 represents the percentage of Cu removal from SS
and TE, respectively. In case of SS, Cu shows the highest removal
percentage (99.9%) within 14 min but after that the removal eciency

Fig. 8. Cu conc. Vs. time plot for standard solution (SS).

(Fig. 9). The removal of Cu is continued up to three hours. Such long

time might be taken due to the presence of ion competition among the
metals and also, dye ions in the tannery euent towards active site of
WHSP adsorbent [23].

3.5. Removal percentage of Cr and Cu

The percentage of Cr removal from SS and TE depicted in Figs. 10 Fig. 11. Removal % Vs. Time plot for Cr from TE.

M. Sarkar et al. Water Resources and Industry 17 (2017) 16

laboratory, Jagannath University and nancial support of the

Jagannath University Development Project on the Pollution of the
Buriganga River.


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We gratefully acknowledge the support of Inorganic research

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