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Brenda Chaidez

UWP Paper 2 Draft 2

Trumps Rhetorical Persuasion

F. (Trans.). (2016, September 1). Transcript of Donald Trumps Immigration Speech. The New

York Times. Retrieved August 14, 2010, from


This piece is Trumps Speech on immigration during a rally in Phoenix, Arizona. Trump

is trying to persuade the crowd to impose harsh restrictions on immigration and is

blaming immigrants and Hillary Clinton for deaths to the people to try and persuade the

people that the immigrants and Hillary Clinton are bad and that he is good. This source is

good because of Trumps rhetoric used in the speech. His speech includes vague words

that help to show that although his words sound nice he doesnt state what he will do to

make things better for the people. His vague words are helpful to show how they could

either be good or bad, but still make the people like him. Instead of being straight forward

about his point he first starts to get the people to like and accept him by using kind words

and showing his loyalty to the United States. His use of words such as difficult and

very sensitive to make the people feel as if he is working hard for the people and is

thinking of their well-being and are vague words to summarize the situation. These words

also show how he makes the people feel comforted and included in these so called

difficult situations. This also helps to show that to prove a point to the people he

repeats words and phrases which make up a lot of his speech to reinforce his thoughts on

the people to influence their emotions. I also plan to analyze his use of people who are

victims of immigrant violence as examples in his speech. This is important because it

shows how he is evoking sympathy towards the person used as an example and for his

cause. I can use his word choices in this speech and other articles to show how he uses

the peoples emotions to persuade them to think like him and allow him to do what he

sees fit for the United States.

Kuntzman, G. (2017, February 13). Donald Trump's policies, not Mexicans, are the real

immigration problem in America . Retrieved August 15, 2017, from


The author is stating that in Trumps immigration speechs he is telling lies to the people

of the United States and uses facts to prove this. They show how his vagueness hides his

lies such as bad hombres in which the people he refers to are not bad but just

hardworking people. This text helps to reinforce my idea that his words do not show his

plans and also not to believe his vague or condemning words without checking facts first.

With this text, I will expand this argument by showing how he manipulates the people

without the real facts to make them believe him and how he makes it hard for the people

to check these facts because they do not have the resources to do so.

Remarks by President Trump During Meeting with Immigration Crime Victims (O., Trans.).

(2017, June 28). Retrieved August 15, 2017, from


This piece is Trumps speech to the cabinet to persuade them to pass more strict laws on

immigration. In this speech Trump is persuading the cabinet that old immigration laws

are not good for the nation and should be replaced. He uses some victims of immigrant

violence to persuade the people in the cabinet by making them feel guilty if they do not

concede which can help the previous to show how he uses this means to influence

audiences emotions. This source helps to show how he uses his big position to influence

not just the people but the cabinet. This can be seen in this piece when he starts to say

hello to people separately in his speech and talk about how good they are, especially for

being on his side which is a silent reprimand to the people who are not on his side. This

piece helps to show how he uses his words to make him appear higher above these people

and that he can control them which shows how he is manipulative. Another thing in his

speech is his use of victims in which when he talks he blames the cabinet for the

misfortunes that happened to these people and tries to make him look as if he is not to

blame if anything goes wrong. He uses the word lifesaving when talking about the

measures as if they are the only things that will protect the people. With his speech, he

tries to make this seem as if it is the most crucial thing to fix when it is not true. With this

piece, I can analyze how he can influence people with greater political standing to

persuade them to do what he wants.

Williams, B. (2016, August 26). Trump's immigration policy (or what we know about it) in 13

illuminating tweets. Retrieved August 15, 2017, from

These pieces are Trumps thoughts and ideas on immigration. In these tweets, he tries to

show people how enforcing immigration laws is right and how he is now being supported

by many other people to show he is supported and also correct. These aid my research

because they show how he tries to convince people to build stronger borders. His use of

words such as MUST, and Killing are strong in his tweet when talking about

immigration. It shows how for people that this is necessary because he emphasizes this.

Also killing is a strong word that paints a bad picture in the peoples head but has no

use in this tweet because it does not involve killing when talking about losing in trade.

Also, his use of trade to persuade strays from the topic of protecting the people instead of

his wallet. These tweets help to show how he strays from the topic and uses strong words

that are exaggerations in the paper and are vague and or incorrect to paint false pictures to

the people and how he displays his idea is right and implies that anybody who does not

agree is wrong.

How does Trump use his dialect to persuade his audience on immigration? I will use the

past examples in the previous articles to show that his exaggeration of words and phrases such as

MUST, difficult, and bad hombres can do this. These words show what is important for

their safety as deemed by Trump and what difficult things he must do for them and who these

people are that threaten their safety, bad hombres as he states. His play on emotions can also

do this with his exaggeration of his loyalty for his country which helps him connect with the

people. His use of victims are used to play with the peoples emotions to pull them to his cause. I

would also use his demeaning words to show how he sneers those that do not agree with him as

wrong to show how his status can influence and intimidate people into agreeing with him.

Another thing that I would add is how he builds up his status to make himself look big and

important so that others would feel compelled to listen to him, and how he uses this for his

advantage. His use of vague words show that he is withholding the truth of the facts and his real

actions to the people. With this I can show how he lets people interpret his vague words which

lead them to far off conclusions such as bad hombres which makes the people think the

Mexican men are bad although Trump technically did not say that so with his exaggerated words

people can take them far which helps Trumps cause.

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