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Solutions of Week-1, assignment 1

1. i) Load factor=(average load over a period)/(maximum demand during the period)

0.5=(average load)/100
Average load= 50 MW
Annual generation = (50x365x24) Mwh=438000 Mwh

ii) Diversity factor = (40+30+25+20)/100=1.15

iii) Utilization factor = (system maximum demand/rated plant capacity) = 100/125 = 0.80

2. i) Load factor=average load/maximum demand

=>0.65=average load/100
=>average load=65 Mw
=> Daily generation = (65x24) = 1560 Mwh
ii) Reserve capacity=Installed capacity-maximum demand
Plant capacity factor=average demand/rated plant capacity
=>0.50=65/rated plant capacity
=>rated plant capacity=130 Mw
=>Reserve capacity=130-100=30 Mw

3. i) Maximum energy that can be produced daily = rated plant capacity x 24=130 x 24
Mwh=3120 Mwh

ii) Plant use factor = total unit generated/(Maximum energy at full load)
0.75 = (65 x 24)/(Maxm. energy at full load)
Maximum energy at full load=2080 Mwh

4. Maximum demand = (10000+8000+5000+7000)/1.5 = 20, 000 kw =20 Mw

5. Average demand = 0.6x20 = 12.0 Mw. Annual energy supplied = 12 x 365 x 24 =105120 Mwh
= 105.12 Gwh


Load x Hrs
Load (MW) Hrs (Mwh)
2 8760 17520
4 7000 28000
6 4380 26280
8 2628 21024
10 1752 17520
12 876 10512
15 87 1305
Total 25483 122161

Average load = 122161/25483 = 4.79 Mw

Maximum demand =15.0 Mw
Load factor = 4.79/15 = 0.319

7. Average demand = 450000/(365 x 24) = 51.37 Mw

i) Load factor = (51.37/100) = 0.5137

ii) Demand factor = 100/175 = 0.57

8. Average demand = 0.65 x 100 = 65 Mw. Daily energy produced = 65 x 24 =1560 Mwh

9. 0.60 = 65/Rated plant capacity; => Rated plant capacity = 108.33 Mw

10. Reserve capacity = Installed a capacity Maximum demand = 108.33 -100 = 8.33 Mw

11. Utilization factor = 100/108.33 = 0.923

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