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Student Guide Book

Physical Metallurgy 1

Prof. Dr. Ir. Bondan Tiara Sofyan, M.Si.

Yudha Pratesa, ST, MT

Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

Universitas Indonesia
Physical Metallurgy 1 is the basic knowledge in the stream of Metallurgy and Materials
Engineering. It covers crystallography, microscopic phenomenon and mechanism which control
behaviour of materials. It lays foundation for further subjects related to manufacturing and
processing, because it studies the relationship between structure, processing, properties and
performance of materials.

This guidebook is intended to provide guidelines for students taking this subject. By reading this
guidebook, it is expected that students understand the learning objectives and should be able to
prepare themselves prior to each topic. It is also to guide students in working in group so that
they may make the most of the group exercises. Any comments, critics, correction to this
guidebook are thankfully accepted.

Depok, September 2016

Teaching Team,

Prof. Dr. Ir. Bondan Tiara Sofyan, M.Si.

Yudha Pratesa, ST, MT

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 1

Table of Content
Preface 1
Table of Content 2
Chapter 1. General Information 3
Chapter 2. Learning Objectives 5
Chapter 3. Outlines of Subject 7
Chapter 4: Teaching Methods and Learning Activities 9
Chapter 5: Exercises and Assignments 13
Chapter 6. Assessment 23
References 26

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 2


General Information
1. Subject : Physical Metallurgy 1
2. Subject Code : ENMT603006
3. Semester : 3
4. Credit : 4 SKS
5. Year : 2016/2017
6. Type of Subject : Basic Competence Subject (Mata Kuliah Dasar Keahlian)
7. Prerequisite : Introduction to Engineering Materials
8. Relationship between this subject and other subjects in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering
Please see your Academic Guidebook

9. Teaching Team :
Prof. Dr. Ir. Bondan T. Sofyan, M.Si.,
Yudha Pratesa, ST, MT,

10. Description of the subject

As a materials engineer, you must have understanding on the structure, the processing /fabrication and
degradation of materials which overall determine the performance of the material during application. This
is illustrated in Figure 1.

Physical Metallurgy covers the basic of structure of solid materials, including the crystal structure,
defects, and how they are determined by many factors, such as: processing routes, type of materials,
alloying, etc. The structure of materials will also determine how a material can be utilized and how it
reacts to loading and other external factors. So in fact, Physical Metallurgy covers the interrelationship
between microstructure materials fabrication, as shown in Figure 1.

The lecture will consist of 4 integrated parts:

1. Part I: Crystallography, where you will learn on how is the ordered structure of materials.
2. Part II: Crystal Defects. In this part you will learn that all crystals have defects and how are the
characteristics of the defects. Stress will be given to Line Defects (Dislocations), because
dislocations are the key elements that determine the formability of crystalline materials.
Crystalline materials will fail if we cannot move the dislocations furthermore.
3. Part III: Materials Failure. You will learn that there is other failure that is NOT caused by the
failure to move dislocations.
4. Part IV: Strengthening Mechanism. Here you will learn how to manipulate dislocation movement
to strengthen materials.

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 3

Learning activities will be conducted through various methods, which consist of: interactive lecture,
question-based learning, discussion, demonstration and unguided structured assignments. Assessment will
be made continuously through a set of exercises, group discussion, mid semester exam and final exam.

This guide book will help students prepare for learning activities throughout the semester for this subject.
Preparation may include reading, preparation of worksheet and practice. Achievement of students will
entirely be due to their activities and preparation. Construction of knowledge will be made through
exercises and questions available in this book. Students are expected to do the exercises, and they may
move to further stage as they ready for that. Overall, students are expected to be active learners by
acquiring knowledge through thinking and exercising. Students may also use this guidebook to self-assess
their achievement.



molecules, components
microstructure materials fabrication devices
crystals structures

protection against

Figure 1. Scope of metallurgy and materials engineering

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 4


Learning Objectives
2.1. Terminal Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this subject students are expected to establish essential knowledge of crystallography
of materials, to understand the imperfection in crystal, how to manipulate the imperfection for material
strengthening in order to obtain particular characteristics of materials, and to establish a strong capability
to correlate microstructures of materials with their characteristics.

2.2. Supportive Learning Objectives

PART I. Crystallography
1. Students understand the concept of crystals and are able to determine types of crystal of selected
engineering materials.
2. Students are able to determine Miller indices of planes and directions in various crystal structures.
3. Students are able to project crystal.
4. Students are able to determine crystal classes based on their symmetry
5. Students understand the process of crystal formation and growth and possible defects that may form.
6. Students understand the method to identify crystal structure of materials.

PART II. Crystal Defects

7. Students understand point defects in crystalline materials and how they affect properties of materials.
8. Students understand how dislocations form and move in crystalline materials, and how dislocations
affect properties of materials.
9. If the students are given a particular crystal structure (FCC, BCC or CPH) of materials they can
examine slip system for dislocation on the structure and how it affects mechanical properties of the

PART III. Materials Failure

10. Students are able to distinguish fatigue and static fractures in term of dislocation movement and
fracture appearance.
11. If students are given a fatigue fracture surface, they can analyze the initial crack and predict the type
of loading that may cause it.
12. Students can differentiate movement of dislocations at low and high temperature, which may lead to
creep mechanism.
13. Students understand the mechanism of wear in materials and how to design material to have high
wear resistance.

PART IV. Strengthening Mechanisms

14. Students are expected to be able to illustrate mechanisms to hinder dislocation movements in order to
increase strength of materials: solid solution strengthening, strain hardening, grain boundary

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 5

strengthening, dual phase and precipitation strengthening, steel strengthening and composite
15. If the students are given various microstructures of materials, they may predict the difference of
mechanical properties of each material.
16. If students are given information on processing routes of materials, they may predict the mechanical
properties of the materials.
17. If low-strength materials are given to the student, they may design a set of process to increase the
strength of the materials.

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 6


Outline of Subject
Supportive Topic Sub-topic Reference
1 1. Introduction to 1.1. What is crystal? [1] Chap. 2
Crystal 1.2. Lattice [1] Chap. 6
1.3. Unit Cell
1.4. The 14 Bravais Lattice
2 2. Miller Indices 2.1. Planes [1] Chap.2
2.2. Direction
2.3 Zone equation
3 3. Stereographic 3.1. Origin of stereographic projection. [1] Chap.4
Projection 3.2. The Wulff Net and properties of projection
4 4. Crystal Symmetry 4.1. Symmetry operation [1] Chap. 5
4.2. Minimum symmetry elements [1] Chap. 8
5 5. Formation of 5.1. Solidification Handout
Crystal 5.2. Dendritic growth of snow
6 6. Identification of 6.1. Principles of XRD [1] Chap.12
Crystal 6.2. Generation of x-ray
6.3. Analysis of XRD data
6.4 Quantitative
7, 8, 9 7. Crystal Defects 7.1 Introduction [3] Chap. 6
7.2 Point Defects (0-dimension) [3] Chap.3
7.2.1. Types of Point Defects [3] Chap. 4
7.2.2. Application of point defect on [4]
high temperature coating
7.3 Line Defects (Dislocations) (1-
7.3.1. Edge Dislocations
7.3.2. Screw Dislocations
7.3.3. Burgers Vector
7.3.4. Movement of Dislocations
7.3.5. Energy of Dislocation
7.3.6. Interaction of Dislocation
7.3.7. Dislocations in FCC, BCC and
HCP structures
7.4 Planar Defects (2-dimension)
7.4.1. Types of planar defects
7.4.2. Planar defects on high
temperature service
10, 11 8. Introduction to 8.1. Introduction [3] Chap.19

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 7

Supportive Topic Sub-topic Reference
Fatigue and Fracture 8.2. Fatigue stress
of Materials 8.3. Fatigue failure
8.4. Fatigue test
12 9. Creep of Materials 9.1. Creep and high temperature failure [3] Chap. 20
9.2. Creep testing
9.3. Stress rupture life time behaviour
9.4. Factors affecting creep
9.5. Creep mechanisms
9.6. Materials for high creep resistance
13 10. Wear of Materials 10.1. Introduction
10.2. Friction
10.3. Lubrication
10.4. Wear of Materials:
Adhesive Wear
Abrasive Wear
Surface Fatigue
Corrosive Wear
10.4. Wear Prevention
10.5. Case study
14, 15, 16, 17 11. Strengthening 11.1 Introduction [3] Chap.7
Mechanism 11.2 Strain (Work) hardening [3] Chap. 8
11.3 Solid Solution strengthening [3] Chap. 5
11.4 Grain boundary strengthening [3] Chap. 9
11.5 Precipitation (two-phase) [3] Chap.17
Strengthening [3] Chap.18
11.6 Steel Alloys Strengthening
11.7 Composite Strengthening

[1] Borchardt-Ott, W, Crystallography, Springer, 1995.
[2] McKie, D and C. McKie, Essentials of Crystallography, Blackwell Scientific, 1986
[3] Abbaschian, R and Reed-Hill, R.E, Physical Metallurgy Principles, 4th ed, Brooks Cole, 2008.
[4] Residual life assessment and microstructure, In: ECCC recommendations Vol 6, Europe
Commission 2005

Reference Books
[5] Callister, W.D, Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 7 th ed., Wiley., 2006
[6] Smallman, R.E and Bishop, R.L, Modern Physical Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, 6th ed.,
Butterworth Heinemann, 1999.
[7] Philips, R, Crystals, Defects and Microstructures, Modeling Across Scale, Cambridge Univ. Press,
[8] Mangonon, P. L, The Principles of Materials Selection for Engineering Design, Prentice-Hall, 1998
[9] Hull, D and Bacon, D,J, Introduction to Dislocations, 4th ed., Pergamon, 2001

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 8


Teaching Methods and

Learning Activities
Note: The real learning activities may slightly vary from the plan, depending on the class situation.

Week Learning
Supportive Learning Objectives Topic and Sub Topic Reference Media Assessment
/Day Method

PART I. CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 1. Introduction to 1.1. What is crystal? [1] Chap. 2 Interactive LCD,
1 1. Students understand the concept of Crystal 1.2. Lattice [1] Chap. 6 lecture Laptop
Day 1 crystals and are able to determine types of 1.3. Unit Cell
crystal of selected engineering materials. 1.4. The 14 Bravais Lattice
2. Students are able to determine Miller 2. Miller Indices 2.1. Planes [1] Chap.2 Interactive LCD, Assignment 1, due
indices of planes and directions in various 2.2. Direction lecture Laptop date in class
Day 2
crystal structures. 2.3 Zone equation
2 3. Students are able to project crystal. 3. Stereographic 3.1. Origin of stereographic [1] Chap.4 Interactive LCD,
Day 1 Projection projection. lecture Laptop
3.2. The Wulff Net and
2 properties of projection Exercise LCD, Assignment 2, due
Day 2 Laptop date in class

3 4. Students are able to determine crystal 4. Crystal Symmetry 4.1. Symmetry operation [1] Chap. 5 Interactive LCD,
Day 1 classes based on their symmetry 4.2. Minimum symmetry [1] Chap. 8 lecture Laptop
Exercise LCD, Assignment 3, due
3 Laptop date in class
Day 2

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 9

Week Learning
Supportive Learning Objectives Topic and Sub Topic Reference Media Assessment
/Day Method
5. Students understand the process of crystal 5. Formation of Crystal 5.1. Solidification Handout Interactive LCD,
4 formation and growth and possible defects 5.2. Dendritic growth of snow lecture Laptop
Day 1 that may form.
6. Students understand the method to 6. Identification of 6.1. Principles of XRD [1] Chap.12 Interactive LCD, Assignment 4, due
identify crystal structure of materials. Crystal 6.2. Generation of x-ray lecture + Laptop date in class
Day 2
6.3. Analysis of XRD data exercise
Day 1
PART II. CRYSTAL DEFECTS 7. Crystal Defects 7.1. Introduction [3] Chap. 6 Interactive LCD, Assignment 5, due
7. Students understand point defects in 7.2 Point Defects (0- [3] Chap.3 lecture + Laptop date in class
crystalline materials and how they affect dimension) [3] Chap. 4 exercise
properties of materials. 7.2.1 Types of Point [4]
8. Students understand how dislocations form Defects
Day 2
and move in crystalline materials, and how 7.2.2. Application of
dislocations affect properties of materials. point defect on high
9. If the students are given a particular crystal temperature coating
structure (FCC, BCC or CPH) of materials
they can examine slip system for 7.3 Line Defects (Dislocations) Interactive LCD, Assignment 6, due
dislocation on the structure and how it (1-dimension): lecture + Laptop date in class
affects mechanical properties of the 7.3.1. Edge Dislocations exercise
Day 1
materials. 7.3.2. Screw Dislocations
7.3.3. Burgers Vector
7.3.4 Movement of Interactive LCD, Assignment 7, due
Dislocations lecture + Laptop date in class
6 7.3.5 Energy of exercise
Day 2 Dislocations
7.3.6. Interaction of
7 7.3.7 Dislocations in FCC, Interactive LCD,
Day 1 BCC and HCP structures lecture Laptop

7.4 Planar Defects (2- Interactive LCD,

dimension) lecture + Laptop
7 7.4.1 Types of Planar Review
Day 2 Defects
7.4.2 Point defect on
high temperature service
8 EXAM 2 ( in UTS Period) EXAM 2

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 10

Week Learning
Supportive Learning Objectives Topic and Sub Topic Reference Media Assessment
/Day Method

PART III. MATERIALS FAILURE 8. Introduction to 8.1. Introduction [3] Chap.19 Interactive LCD,
9 10. Students are able to distinguish fatigue and Fatigue and Fracture of 8.2. Fatigue stress lecture Laptop
Day 1 static fractures in term of dislocation Materials 8.3. Fatigue failure
movement and fracture appearance.
11. If students are given a fatigue fracture 8.4. Fatigue test Interactive LCD, Assignment 8, due
surface, they can analyze the initial crack 8.5. Case study lecture + Laptop date in class
and predict the type of loading that may exercise
Day 2
cause it.

12. Students can differentiate movement of 9. Creep of Materials 9.1. Introduction [3] Chap. 20 Interactive LCD, Assignment 9
dislocations at low and high temperature, 9.2. Creep and high lecture + Laptop
which may lead to creep mechanism. temperature failure exercise
9.3. Creep testing
10 9.4. Stress rupture life time
Day 1 behavior
9.5. Factors affecting creep
9.6. Creep mechanisms
9.7. Materials for high creep
13. Students understand the mechanism of 10. Wear of Materials 10.1. Introduction Interactive LCD,
wear in materials and how to design 10.2. Friction lecture Laptop
material to have high wear resistance. 10.3. Lubrication
10.4. Wear of Materials:
Adhesive Wear
Abrasive Wear
Day 2
Surface Fatigue
Corrosive Wear
10.4. Wear Prevention
10.5. Case study
11 EXAM 3 EXAM 3
Day 1
11 PART IV. STRENGTHENING 10. Strengthening 10.1. Introduction [3] Chap.7 Interactive LCD, Assignment 10, due
Day 2 MECHANISMS Mechanism 10.2. Strain (Work) hardening [3] Chap. 8 lecture + Laptop date in class
[3] Chap. 5 exercise
14. Students are expected to be able to
12 [3] Chap. 9
illustrate mechanisms to hinder dislocation
Day 1 [3] Chap.17

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 11

Week Learning
Supportive Learning Objectives Topic and Sub Topic Reference Media Assessment
/Day Method
movements in order to increase strength of 10.3. Grain boundary [3] Chap.18 Interactive LCD, Assignment 11, due
materials: solid solution strengthening, strengthening lecture + Laptop date in class.
strain hardening, grain boundary 10.4. Solid Solution exercise Assignment 12, due
Day 2
strengthening, dual phase and precipitation strengthening date in the next
strengthening, steel strengthening and class.
composite strengthening. 10.5. Precipitation (two- Interactive LCD, Assignment 13, due
15. If the students are given various phase) Strengthening lecture + Laptop date in class
Day 1
microstructures of materials, they may exercise
predict the difference of mechanical 10.6. Steel Alloys Interactive LCD, Assignment 14, due
13 properties of each material. Strengthening lecture + Laptop date in class
Day 2 16. If students are given information on 10.7. Composite exercise
processing routes of materials, they may Strengthening
predict the mechanical properties of the 10.8. Case study Interactive LCD, Assignment 15, due
materials. lecture + Laptop date in class
17. If low-strength materials are given to the exercise
Day 1
student, they may design a set of process
to increase the strength of the materials.
Review and LCD,
UAS Laptop
Day 2
15/16 EXAM 4 (UAS) EXAM 4

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 12


Exercises and Assignments

Please work in pairs.

1. Determine the indices for the planes a and b shown in Figure 1.

2. Determine the indices for the directions shown in Figure 2.
3. In a cubic system, provide a sketch of the following planes and directions:
(243), (0 2 1), [11 2 ], [242]

b y
y c
Figure 1 x Figure 2


Please work in pairs.

The aim of this assignment is to familiarise students with the concept and applications of the
stereographic projection.

The stereographic projection provides a useful means of representing the planes and directions of a crystal
lattice in a two-dimensional diagram, which preserves angular relationships and the distribution of
symmetry elements in the crystal. The present experiment is designed to provide an introduction to the
basic elements of projection and its application to crystallographic problems.

What to bring
Tracing paper, pencil, protractor, compass, ruler, calculator and your Wulff net.

Experimental Procedure
Using the Wulff net and tracing paper, complete the following exercises with the aid of your tutor.

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 13

1. Element of Projection 1
This exercise is to project the planes of an orthorhombic mineral anglesite as shown in Fig. 1.
a. Plot the plane c (001) and b (010).
b. Plot the planes n and m, of which b ^ n = 32.5o and b ^ m = 52o.
c. Do the planes b, n and m belong to one zone? If yes, determine the zone axis of the
d. Plot the plane o, of which c ^ o = 52o.
e. Plane d lies in a vertical zone at 90o to the zone c, o and b. Plot the plane d if c ^ d =
f. Locate the plane y, if b ^ y = 50o and c ^ y = 57o.
g. Measure the angle between m ^ y and n ^ y.

2. Element of Projection
On a separate sheet of tracing paper complete the following exercises.

a. Plot two general directions X and Y, 30o apart.

b. Sketch in the plane containing X and Y and find its normal (NXY)
c. The directions Z1 and Z2 are both 40o from X and 20o from Y. Plot these directions.
d. What angles do Z1 and Z2 make with the normal to the plane (XY)?
e. Plot the locus of directions 40o from Z1.
f. What is the angle between the plane (XY) and plane (XZ)? Check whether this angle depends on
which sense of Z is chosen.
g. Find the normal to the plane containing NXY and NXZ.

3. Application of Projection
On a separate sheet of tracing paper complete the following exercises.

a. Plot the <100> basis directions.

b. Find the directions D which makes angles of :
57.7o with [100];
74.5o with [010];
36.7o with [001].
What are the direction indices of D?
c. Plot the direction A[1 2 1] and B[221].
d. Measure the angle between these directions and compare with the calculated value, giving
reasons for any difference.
e. Plot the position of the normal N1 to the plane (AB) containing the directions A and B and
determine its direction indices. Compare with the exact indices determined by calculation.
f. Draw the planes of which A and B are the normals. These planes intersect at N, as do all planes
having normal lying in (AB). What is the name given to the direction N?

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 14

Please work in a group of 3 students.

The aim of this exercise is to investigate aspects of symmetry elements of crystal systems and to carry out
simple exercise in crystallography.

Understanding the symmetry elements is one way to determine crystal structure. Each crystal structure
has minimum symmetry, which then defines its crystal classes. The present exercise is designed to
provide an introduction to the basic elements of symmetry in determining crystal classes.

Experimental Procedure
1. Draw up a table as shown below. Study the solid objects provided and list their symmetry elements
(mirror planes (m) and rotation axes) in the table. You need to study at least 3 solid objects.

Solid Symmetry Elements Crystal Point

No. m 2 3 4 6 system Group

With the aid of your list and the table below, decide to which of the seven crystal systems each solid
belongs and define its point group, add this information to your list.
Crystal System Minimum Symmetry Requirement
Cubic Four 3 axes parallel to body diagonal of cell
Hexagonal One 6 or parallel to c-axis
Rhombohedral One 3 or parallel to c-axis
Tetragonal One 4 or parallel to c-axis
Orthorhombic Three perpendicular 2 or axes parallel to a, b, and c axes
Monoclinic One 2 or parallel to b-axis (by convention)
Triclinic none

2. Having had exercise no. 1, try to study the crystal form of Epsomite (MgSO 4.7H2O) as shown below.
a. Draw / sketch the elements of symmetry of this crystal. Please sketch it on this question
sheet. e e
b. By defining the symmetry elements, determine the crystal system which it belongs.
c. Determine the point group of the crystal. m
d. Determine which planes of the crystal belong to [001] zone. a

s s

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 15

Please work in pairs.

Pure Epsomite (as shown in Assignment 3, No. 2) was analyzed by XRD with an x-ray source of MoK=
0.7093 , and the results are presented below. Each of diffraction peak on the pattern has been indexed.
Determine the lattice parameters of the Epsomite crystal.


Please work in pairs.
A formation energy of 2.0 eV is required to create a vacancy in a particular metal. At 800C there is one
vacancy for every 10,000 atoms. At what temperature will there be:
a. one vacancy for every 1,000 atoms?
b. one vacancy for every 100,000 atoms?
c. one vacancy for every 1,000,000 atoms?
Plot temperature vs number of vacancy. Please comprehend how number of vacancy exponentially
increases with the increase in temperature.


Please work in pairs.
a. Draw a simple cubic crystal lattice.
b. Find and draw all possible burger vectors in the lattice.
c. Find the slip planes in the lattice.


Please work in pairs.
(i) (ii)
Using what youve learned about dislocation-dislocation
interactions, explain in detail which of the two following
edge dislocation configurations is more stable, and why.

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 16

Please work in pairs.
Using the chart of fracture surface appearance, identify the type of load, nominal stress and stress
concentration level for the two shaft examples given below.

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 17

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 18
Please work in pairs.

Using the LarsonMiller data for S-590 iron

shown in this figure, predict the time to rupture for
a component that is subjected to a stress of 140
MPa(20,000 psi) at 800C (1073 K).


Please work in pairs.

Propose a series of steps to reduce a rod of copper-zinc alloy from 1 diameter to 0.1diameter.
The maximum cold work allowable for copper is 85%.
You will have to draw the copper, then anneal it several times.
What is the tensile strength of your final product?

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 19

Please work in pairs.
1. The following yield strengths were obtained in ferritic steel as a function of grain size. Estimate the two
constants in the Petch equation for this material and predict the expected yield strength of the steel in
which the grain size is reduced to 1 m.
Grain size (m) Yield strength (MPa)
250 105
40 180
12 280


This is an individual assignment. Please do it at home and submit in the next class.
Do the virtual experiment there to prove that Hall-Petch equation does work!


Please work in pairs.

Assignment will be given in class


Please work in pairs.

Assignment will be given in class

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 20

Please work in pairs.

The Case:
A 0.2C-1.6Mn-0.7Si-0.9Al TRIP (Transformed-
Induced Plasticity) steel was prepared by
vacuum induction melting. The homogenization
treatment was performed by soaking at 1350 C
for 300 min. The hot rolling operations were
performed on both the as-cast and as-
homogenized slabs (with 20 mm thickness) at
nominal temperature of 1150 C by consecutive
pass reductions of 10%, 30%, 50%, and 70% to
achieve sheets with a thickness of 6 mm. Then
cold rolling operations were performed to
achieve a thickness of 1 mm. Finally, the
intercritical annealing (IA) at 790 C for 6 min,
followed by bainitic isothermal transformation
(BIT) treatments at 400 C for 6 min were
performed. Retained austenite

Questions: Ferrite
1. Please analyze Figs. 1 (c), (d), (e), (f). What
are the effects of hot rolling on the as-cast Bainitic ferrite
microstructures? Please note the working
temperature of the rolling and correlate it
with the Fe-C phase diagram. (20 marks)
2. Please compare between Figs. 1 (c) and (g),
as well as between Figs 1 (f) and (h).
Explain the effects of prior homogenization
process on the microstructures after hot
rolling (20 marks).
3. Please compare between Figs. 1(f) and (j).
Explain the effects of cooling rate after hot
rolling on the microstructures. (10 marks)
4. Please compare between Figs. 1(f) and 2(c),
between Figs. 1 (h) and 2(b), and between Fig. 2. The microstructures of NA0, HF0
Figs. 1(j) and 2(a). What are the effects of and NF0 samples after IA at 790 C for 6
IA and BIT heat treatment on the min and BIT at 400 C for 6 min. Please
microstructures? (20 marks) refer to Figs. 1 (j), (h) and (f) for NA0, HF0
5. Explain the strengthening mechanisms and NF0, respectively. Note that all the
operate in the alloy having microstructure micrographs were taken at the same
as shown in Fig. 2(b). Please elaborate in magnification.
detail. (20 marks)
6. By analyzing all given information, please
rank (from the lowest to the highest) the
strength of the TRIP steel having
microstructures as seen in Figs 1 (a), (c),
(d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (j), (k). (10 marks)


Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 21

Fig. 1. (a) and (b) are related to the as-cast microstructure. The 10%, 30%, 50%, and 70% hot rolled and
furnace cooled microstructures are respectively shown in (c), (d), (e),and (f). The 10% and 70% hot rolled
and furnace cooled microstructures after homogenization and the corresponding EDS spectra are shown
in (g), (h), and (i), respectively. (j) shows the 70% hot rolled and air cooled microstructure from the as-
cast condition, (k) shows the subsequent re-austenitized and furnace cooled microstructure, and (l) exhibit
the corresponding EDS spectra. Note that all the micrographs were taken at the same magnification.

Ref. G. Azizi, H. Mirzadeh, M.H. Parsa, Materials Science & Engineering 639 (2015) 402406.

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 22


Assessment and Code of Conduct

6.1. Instrument
1. Assignments
2. Exams (written test, restricted response essay, extended response essay)

6.2. Assessment
No Component Weight
1. Assignments 1-15 50 %
2. Exam 1 12.5 %
3. Exam 2 12.5 %
4. Exam 3 12.5 %
5. Exam 4 12.5 %
Total 100 %
Notes: No late submission of assignment is accepted.

6.3. Grading
85 80-84.9 75-79.9 70-74.9 65-69.9 60-64.9 55-59.9 40 54.9 0-40
A A- B+ B B- C+ C D E

6.4. Code of Conduct

o No cheating and plagiarism. Cheating and plagiarism will be sanctioned with E mark.
o No sandals
o No smoking
o Attendance is required min 75 %. Why? Knowledge can be transferred through handout, but
values cant be! So, please come and we may share good values in life.

All of the following are considered plagiarism:

turning in someone else's work as your own
copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit
copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your
work, whether you give credit or not
Most cases of plagiarism can be avoided, however, by citing sources. Simply acknowledging that certain
material has been borrowed, and providing your audience with the information necessary to find that
source, is usually enough to prevent plagiarism. However, borrowing a whole paragraph is already
considered plagiarism! (

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 23

Matrix for Exam
Cognitive Instrument Number of Weigh
Domain 1 question/problem t
C2 Restricted response essay (Interpret 1-2 35 %
(comprehension) information on a graph and details of
C3 (application) Restricted response essay (Apply a 1-2 25 %
concept on real case in manufacturing)
C4 (analysis) Extended response essay (Analysis of a 1-2 25 %

C6 (evaluation) Extended response essay (Evaluation of 1 25%

a given set of data and condition that
possesses the best properties)

Total 4-7 100%

6.7. Examples of questions for exams.

Restricted response essay

C2 (Comprehension)
1. Briefly explain the differences between recovery and recrystallization processes.
2. What is the driving force for recrystallization?
3. Is it possible for an undeformed specimen to be recrystallized? Explain why.

C3 (Application)
1. When making hardness measurements, what will be the effect of making an indentation very close to
a preexisting indentation?
2. Why a tool steel containing 0.9 % C, 0.5 % Cr, 0.1 % V and 0.5 % W (wt. %) is suitable as wear-
resistant material?

Extended response essay

C4 (Analysis)

A stainless steel propeller shaft on a large yacht

failed after two years in service. The loading
conditions were rotating bending. The shaft is
made of high nitrogen austenitic stainless steel,
and the fracture surface is as shown, which is
typical of a fatigue failure. On the fractography,
show where the crack initiation, crack propagation
and the final failure area.
Picture taken from:

Bloom Taxonomy

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 24

C6 (Evaluation)

a b

Figure 1 above are TEM micrographs of Al-4Cu-0.3Mg (wt. %) aged at 200 oC for different duration.
a. Based on the size and distribution of the precipitates, compare the hardness of the alloy in Figure 1 (a)
and 1 (b). Give reason for your answer.
b. Predict the stage of ageing of the two samples (a) and (b) and evaluate their mechanical properties
c. Which condition will you choose if the materials to be used as fuselage of aircraft. Give scientific
reason for your answer.

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 25

[1] Borchardt-Ott, W, Crystallography, Springer, 1995.
[2] McKie, D and C. McKie, Essentials of Crystallography, Blackwell Scientific, 1986
[3] Abbaschian, R and Reed-Hill, R.E, Physical Metallurgy Principles, 4th ed, Brooks Cole, 2008.

Reference Books
[4] Callister, W.D, Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 7 th ed., Wiley., 2006
[5] Smallman, R.E and Bishop, R.L, Modern Physical Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, 6th ed.,
Butterworth Heinemann, 1999.
[6] Philips, R, Crystals, Defects and Microstructures, Modeling Across Scale, Cambridge Univ. Press,
[7] Mangonon, P. L, The Principles of Materials Selection for Engineering Design, Prentice-Hall, 1998
[8] Hull, D and Bacon, D,J, Introduction to Dislocations, 4th ed., Pergamon, 2001

Related Journals
[1] Acta Materialia, Elsevier
[2] Materials Transaction, American Society of Materials
[3] Journal of Materials Science, Springer

Student Guide Book Physical Metallurgy 1 26

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