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World Psychiatry


Volume 14, Number 2 June 2015

EDITORIALS Answering some phenomenal challenges to the 181

Prospects and problems for a phenomenological 113 prediction error model of delusions
approach to delusions P.R. CORLETT
R. BENTALL Are the neurocognitive correlates of subtle 184
Neural dynamics in mental disorders 116 subjective symptoms the way forward in psychiatry?
Phenomenology is Bayesian in its application to 185

Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 113-258

Effects of antipsychotics, antidepressants and 119 A.L. MISHARA, P. STERZER
mood stabilizers on risk for physical diseases in Phenomenological and neurocognitive perspectives 186
people with schizophrenia, depression and bipolar on polythematic and monothematic delusions
disorder M. COLTHEART
The effectiveness of psychodynamic 137 RESEARCH REPORTS
psychotherapies: an update Age matters in the prevalence and clinical 189
P. FONAGY significance of ultra-high-risk for psychosis
symptoms and criteria in the general population:
PERSPECTIVES findings from the BEAR and BEARS-Kid studies
The NIMH Experimental Medicine Initiative 151 B.G. SCHIMMELMANN, C. MICHEL,
The human connectome in health and 154 5-HTTLPR genotype potentiates the effects of 198
psychopathology war zone stressors on the emergence of PTSD,
D.C. VAN ESSEN, D.M. BARCH depressive and anxiety symptoms in soldiers
deployed to Iraq
What has serotonin to do with depression? 158 M.J. TELCH, C.G. BEEVERS, D. ROSENFIELD ET AL
Comparative efficacy and acceptability of 207
The interaction between stress and genetic 161 psychotherapies for depression in children and
factors in the etiopathogenesis of depression adolescents: a systematic review and network
P. MCGUFFIN, M. RIVERA meta-analysis

JUNE 2015
Phenomenological and neurocognitive 164 Telemental health: a status update 223
perspectives on delusions: a critical overview E. ABOUJAOUDE, W. SALAME, L. NAIM
Delusions, epistemology and phenophobia 174 Toward a new definition of mental health 231
Phenomenological models of delusions: concerns 175 The alternative DSM-5 model for personality 234
regarding the neglect of the role of emotional disorders
pain and intersubjectivity J.M. OLDHAM
P.H. LYSAKER, J.A. HAMM The Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual 2nd 237
The interpersonal world of psychosis 176 edition (PDM-2)
The intersubjectivity of delusions 178 The critical ingredients of assertive community 240
T. FUCHS treatment
Therapeutic advances for people with delusions 180
will come from greater specification and LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 243
empirical investigation

IMPACT FACTOR: 12.846 ISSN 1723-8617

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Prospects and problems for a phenomenological

approach to delusions
Department of Psychological Sciences, Liverpool University, Liverpool L69 3GL, UK

In this issue of the journal, Sass and Byrom (1) outline with the informant has been characterized as one of radi-
some phenomenological accounts of delusion formation cal empathy (14).
(highlighting experiences which, for simplicity, I will refer Whether this distinction is always as clear as advertised
to as altered reality experiences) and identify some is moot (phenomenological inquiries, it seems to me, often
points of contact with the relevant neuroscientific litera- make inferences about mechanism). Even if it is, the phe-
ture. As they freely admit, some of their ideas are specula- nomenological approach raises a more subtle difficulty
tive, but the general case that researchers should take the that was discussed in the later philosophy of L. Wittgenstein
work of phenomenologists seriously is well made. (15) and clearly articulated by the radical behaviourist
It is not difficult to perceive some common ground B.F. Skinner (16).
between the phenomenological approach and the cognitive- Contrary to some mischaracterizations of Skinners po-
behavioural approach to delusions. For example, some of sition, he did not doubt that we can talk about private
Conrads case studies, as translated in an earlier paper by experiences, but was puzzled about how we are able to do
Bovet and Parnas (2) e.g., case #3, in which a German so. Like Wittgenstein, he saw that language is the creation
soldier develops a paranoid illness after a series of failures of a verbal community, and that learning how to describe,
and slights are readily interpretable within a cognitive- therefore, requires three elements: the individual, the
behavioural framework, which emphasizes the importance stimulus to be described and (crucially) at least one other
of pre-existing cognitive biases and problems of self-es- competent language user who also has access to that stim-
teem (3,4). ulus. Consider, for example, how we learn to identify sim-
Freemans model of paranoia, in particular, assigns a ple physical objects such as furniture. If I call a chair a
role to anomalous experiences in provoking the patients table, I can be corrected if another member of the verbal
search for meaning, and has been supported by studies community can see that I am looking at a chair. I can also
showing associations between paranoia and sleep loss (5), be taught new verbal responses (that is a chaise-longue;
cannabis use (6), hearing loss (7), and even a sudden reduc- or a chaise-longue has the following features. . .). These
tion in height engineered in a virtual environment (8). opportunities are denied in the case of experiences which
Hence, I think there is much to be gained from the only the speaker has access to, which is why so much of
cross-fertilization between different approaches to under- our language of experience is metaphorical a stabbing
standing delusions. Here I raise some questions about pain, a heavy heart (17). Even the word depression is
how this is to be achieved, echoing, to some extent, points a metaphor, stolen first by psychiatrists from cardiologists
previously made by others who have commented on the to signal the opposite of excitation before being passed
phenomenological approach to hallucinations (9). onwards into everyday language (18).
Problems involved in reporting private experience have Of course, phenomenologists are aware of the role of
been long recognized in psychology and at one point led metaphor in experiential reports. Conrads account of
to a methodological version of behaviourism that ruled trema preceding the onset of delusions is explicitly meta-
first-person reports of mental processes as illegitimate phorical. Nonetheless, we are left with difficult questions
(10). Although few would take this extreme position about exactly what is happening when these reports are
today, the problem has not gone away. Seminal (11) and made. What kind of stimulus is being reported? And how
more recent studies (12) have amply demonstrated that are we to decide between different but apparently incom-
people very often tell more than they can know about patible phenomenological claims such as those of, say,
what is happening in their own minds. Conrad or Matussek? Without some kind of external cri-
Phenomenologists argue that their methodology is not terion, these questions appear irresolvable.
compromised in this way because it differs in some impor- A possible solution is to map phenomenological reports
tant respects from introspection. Whereas the introspec- on to other kinds of data, for example, from neuroimaging
tionist attempts to obtain direct access to mechanisms, studies, as suggested by Sass and Byrom and others before
participants in phenomenological studies are instructed to them (13). A minimum first step would be to address ques-
report raw experiences, with all their assumptions and tions of reliability (the extent to which different interviewers
interpretations about those experiences bracketed out elicit similar or different phenomenological reports). There
(13), conveying them to an interviewer whose relationship has been some progress in this regard, for example, the

development of the Examination of Anomalous Self-Expe- life crisis in which there is bound to be a search for mean-
rience (19). Ultimately, this approach should lead to quanti- ing. This does not mean that they should be discounted, but
tative empirical investigations to determine in whom and in it does mean that we should seek comparisons with the
what circumstances altered reality experiences occur. exceptional experiences of ordinary people, rather than
For some of the phenomenologists reviewed by Sass with ordinary life. For example, we could compare the
and Byrom, for example Jaspers, the answer to the in onset of psychosis with other sudden life changes such as
whom? question is in people with schizophrenia. religious conversion.
In principle, this claim could be analytical or synthetic. In Indeed, religious conversion bares some similarity to
the former case, what is being proposed is a narrow redefi- delusion formation across a number of dimensions. For
nition of schizophrenia which, I suspect, would be uncom- example, adolescence is a high-risk period for both (28). It
fortable for many modern researchers. If the claim is syn- has long been recognized that religious conversion, like
thetic, then empirical research is required to show that all the onset of delusions, often occurs against a background
(or at least only) schizophrenia patients (defined by some of personal crisis (29). Insecure attachment is a predispos-
other criteria) suffer from these experiences. ing factor for both religious conversion (30) and paranoid
A Danish study of 155 consecutive psychiatric referrals delusions (31). There may be other similarities, for exam-
found that perplexity and abnormal self-experiences (simi- ple, in terms of information processing and other kinds of
lar to Conrads trema concept) were reported by many but psychological functioning. Some studies have reported
not all first episode schizophrenia patients (20). Another difficulty in distinguishing between religious people and
study (21) made the apparently spectacular discovery that patients with delusions (32,33), although it is possible that
70% of non-psychotic patients with so called basic the right questions were not asked.
symptoms (mostly altered reality experiences) developed If we should be wary of the assumption that delusions
schizophrenia at long-term follow-up. However, this find- are different from other kinds of beliefs and attitudes, a
ing looks less spectacular when it is realized that two corollary is that we should be mindful that much of ordi-
thirds were lost to follow-up. Assuming that these patients nary mental life remains poorly examined. Hence, normal
were most likely non-psychotic, the true conversion rate beliefs and attitudes may be much more complex than we
was probably about 25%. Further research along these usually suppose.
lines would clearly be helpful. If phenomenological analysis is to shed light on abnor-
However, an insurmountable difficulty is that schizo- mal mental states, perhaps it can begin by helping us to
phrenia is not a particularly coherent concept on any cri- better understand the ordinary.
teria that phenomenological data could be compared
with. For example, family and molecular research shows a
substantial shared genetic component with other diagno- References
ses (22,23), clinical and neuroscientific data support a
1. Sass L, Byrom G. Phenomenological and neurocognitive perpec-
continuum with mood disorders rather than separate dis- tives on delusions: a critical overview. World Psychiatry 2015;14:
ease entities (24), and multivariate analyses of symptom 164-73.
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might show how syndromes (such as schizophrenia) can 1143-92.
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may render symptoms (such as delusion) more heteroge- secutory delusions. Br J Clin Psychol 2002;41:331-47.
neous than they otherwise appear (1), it seems unlikely 5. Freeman D, Pugh K, Vorontsoya N et al. Insomnia and paranoia.
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that phenomenological or, for that matter, any other kind
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of data could lead to a unified theory of schizophrenia. paranoia: using the intravenous administration of D9-tetrahydro-
A much better approach would be to treat altered reality cannabinol (THC) to identify key cognitive mechanisms leading
experiences as phenomena to be investigated in their own to paranoia. Schizophr Bull 2015;41:391-9.
right. 7. Thewissen V, Myin-Germeys I, Bentall RP et al. Hearing im-
pairment and psychosis revisited. Schizophr Res 2005;76:99-
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of schizophrenia has no doubt been fostered by the as- 8. Freeman D, Evans N, Lister R et al. Height, social comparison
sumption that these experiences lie beyond the realm of and paranoia: an immersive virtual reality experimental study.
normal mental life. However, we should be cautious in Psychiatry Res 2014;218:348-52.
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Neural dynamics in mental disorders

Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK

The search for the pathophysiological substrates of men- another either directly or via only a small number of inter-
tal disorders remains an important challenge for psychiat- vening nodes. From this perspective, cognition, conscious-
ric research. While major psychiatric conditions have a ness and their disturbances are not properties arising from
biological signature that can be identified with a range of isolated neuronal units but rather from the distributed and
neuroimaging approaches, biomarkers that allow reliable coordinated interplay of a large number of neuronal as-
differentiation between different conditions as well as semblies (5).
detection at early-illness stages have yielded only modest Evidence has accumulated that such neuronal coordi-
success. Given the importance of early intervention in a nation is achieved through modulating the synchrony of
range of disorders as well as the move towards personal- rhythmic activity at low and high frequencies. While neu-
ized medicine (1), understanding the underlying neurobi- ral oscillations have a long history in neuroscience, it was
ology is of crucial importance towards the development of the discovery of Singer and colleagues that oscillations in
more effective treatments and care. the beta/gamma range (13-30/30-200 Hz) establish pre-
While the difficulties in the field are also due to nosolog- cise synchronization between distributed neural responses
ical overlap between different conditions and poor con- in the visual cortex (8), which led to the hypothesis that
struct validity of major diagnoses, an impediment has also rhythmic activity at high frequencies constitutes a mecha-
been the limited understanding and availability of mea- nism for establishing temporal windows for neuronal com-
surement tools to gain insights into the complex neuronal munication (9).
dynamics in large-scale networks and their dysfunctions. This perspective has contributed to the conceptualiza-
In schizophrenia research, for example, the search for the tion of the brain as a self-organizing complex system in
underlying biological signatures of clinical symptoms and which numerous, densely interconnected but functionally
cognitive deficits had for a long time focused on the contri- specialized areas cooperate in ever-changing, context-
bution of circumscribed brain regions, such as the prefron- and task-dependent constellations. Important and distinct
tal cortex. In contrast to this view, which was largely variables of these dynamic processes are the power and
inspired by findings from clinical neuropsychology, current frequency of oscillatory activity in local circuits and the
research suggests that anatomical alterations involve a long-range synchronization of these temporally structured
large number of cortical and subcortical regions (2). On activities across brain areas. Oscillatory processes, in partic-
the basis of these observations and a large body of work ular at gamma-band frequencies, serve the generic cortical
highlighting a distributed neural and cognitive impairment, computations underlying local encoding of information,
the hypothesis that I would like to advance is that schizo- while long-range synchronization at low theta (4-8 Hz),
phrenia and perhaps other mental disorders are likely to alpha (8-13 Hz) and beta (13-30 Hz) frequencies serves the
constitute systemic disturbances involving fundamentally a effective coupling between more remote brain regions (10).
disruption in the dynamics of neural processes in large- Recent evidence has emerged that the pathophysiology
scale networks (3). of schizophrenia, but also of autism spectrum disorders
This is supported by recent data which highlight that and Alzheimers disease, may fundamentally involve altera-
cognitive and executive processes during normal brain tions in synchrony and amplitude of neuronal oscillations
functioning essentially emerge from the coordinated activ- (neural synchrony) (11), highlighting that a disturbance in
ity of distributed neuronal populations that are dynami- neuronal dynamics may lie at the core of these disorders.
cally configured on the backbone of fixed anatomical While it is currently unclear to what extent such impair-
connections (4,5). The organization of anatomical con- ments may be causal towards the pathogenesis of these syn-
nections and their contribution towards functional inter- dromes, the hypothesis that changes in the precision and
actions is highlighted in the paper by Van Essen and strength of neuronal oscillations are underlying the cogni-
Barch (6) in this issue of the journal, which summarizes tive deficits and possibly certain clinical symptoms in sever-
recent advances in both structural and functional neuro- al conditions is consistent with recent observations that
imaging, in particular in mapping neural connections schizophrenia and related disorders are characterized by
in terms of their structural and functional pathways, the alterations in the organization of the connectome (12),
so-called connectome. indicating that changes in the lay-out of cortico-cortical
The brains connectome has small-world properties (7), connections could impact on the establishment of large-
which implies that even neuronal groups distributed scale functional interactions (see also 6 in this issue of the
across distant cortical areas can communicate with one journal).

116 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

This perspective furthermore predicts that the mecha- by other imaging techniques, such as fMRI, for which the
nisms that are involved in assuring the generation of coor- biological mechanisms of signal generation are less clear
dinated neuronal states are likely to be dysfunctional in and the direct translation of findings from data obtained
mental disorders and thus could offer novel treatment tar- with human experiments to animal models is more difficult.
gets and possibilities for early intervention. During normal Moreover, crucial insights into the pathophysiology of
brain functioning, networks of mutually interacting GABAer- major mental disorders are also likely to require a focus
gic interneurons are crucially involved as pacemakers in the on at-risk populations. Major psychiatric syndromes, such
generation of high-frequency oscillations in local circuits. In schizophrenia and Alzheimers disease, involve an extend-
addition, AMPA- and NMDA-receptor mediated activation ed prodromal period prior to the full manifestation of
of GABAergic interneurons is essential for the generation of clinical symptoms and diagnosis, during which cognitive
oscillatory activity and is involved in the long-range synchro- impairments are already manifested. As the treatments
nization of spatially segregated cell groups (3). available do not reverse circuits dysfunctions once clinical
Impaired high-frequency oscillations in schizophrenia symptoms reach current diagnostic thresholds, develop-
but also in autism spectrum disorders are consistent with ment of biomarkers for targeted early intervention are cru-
dysfunctions in GABAergic interneurons as a core impair- cial. EEG/MEG approaches may be ideally suited for this
ment in these disorders (13). Moreover, animal models goal, as the wide range of oscillation frequencies provides
demonstrate that diverse genetic and environmental risk a parameter space that can be used to delineate disorder-
factors converge on specific defects in the development specific neuronal dynamics, which can then be used to
and function of interneurons (3), highlighting that such identify the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms in
deficits constitute a critical pathway common to several pre-clinical research.
syndromes which lead to impaired generation of rhythmic Moreover, such studies may also reveal insights into the
activity and cognitive deficits. neurobiology that may be closer to the essential core of
Data on GABAergic dysfunctions is accompanied by find- mental disorders. For example, it is conceivable that cer-
ings emphasizing the importance of aberrant glutamatergic tain clinical manifestations, such as the positive symptoms
neurotransmission in psychiatric conditions. In schizophre- of schizophrenia, reflect the systems adaptive response
nia, hypofunctioning of the NMDA receptor is thought to be towards a more fundamental disturbance in neuronal
critically implicated in cognitive deficits as well as in psy- dynamics. From this perspective, genetic and environmen-
chotic symptoms, as blockade of that receptor can recreate tal risk factors cause a primary disturbance that leads to a
many features of the disorder in human participants and ani- disruption of large-scale dynamics and cognitive dysfunc-
mal models (14). tions. This view is consistent with previous formulations
In order to further advance the role of aberrant neural which have emphasized a differentiation between primary
dynamics in the explanation of major mental disorders and or basic symptoms and secondary or accessory phenome-
establish close links with underlying neurobiological param- na in schizophrenia, the latter essentially representing
eters, a crucial prerequisite are non-invasive imaging tools compensatory and adaptive phenomena towards a funda-
that have sufficient temporal and spatial resolution. Until mental disruption of neuronal processes.
recently, studies investigating the spatial organization of While some of the issues raised in this paper reflect
large-scale cortical networks could only be conducted with long-standing debates in both cognitive neuroscience and
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), because psychiatry with regard to the nature of brain functions
advanced source-analysis techniques for electrophysiological and their disturbances, it is perhaps only now, with the
data which complement the excellent temporal resolution increased knowledge and technology available to examine
of electro/magnetoencephalography (EEG/MEG) were not large-scale dynamics, that insights into the pathophysiolo-
available. However, recent studies which have mapped oscil- gy of mental disorders may be in reach. Such insights
latory cortical networks during cognitive and executive pro- would not only be of tremendous value for scientific pur-
cesses have demonstrated the feasibility of this approach, poses, but also allow for more effective early intervention
highlighting that modulations in the synchrony between brain as well as for the development of rational treatments
regions are particularly crucial for cognitive processes (10). aimed at reducing the human and social costs associated
While EEG/MEG approaches have the required tem- with major mental disorders.
poral resolution to capture neuronal dynamics at realistic
time scales, a distinct advantage of these approaches is References
also the fact that they are ideally suited for translational
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118 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015


Effects of antipsychotics, antidepressants and mood

stabilizers on risk for physical diseases in people with
schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder
Department of Psychiatry, Zucker Hillside Hospital, North Shore - Long Island Jewish Health System, Glen Oaks, New York, NY, USA; 2Department of Psychia-
try and Molecular Medicine, Hofstra North Shore LIJ School of Medicine, Hempstead, New York, NY, USA; 3Psychiatric Neuroscience Center of Excellence, Fein-
stein Institute for Medical Research, Manhasset, New York, NY, USA; 4Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
Bronx, New York, NY, USA; 5Department of Neurosciences, Catholic University Leuven, B-3070 Kortenberg, Belgium; 6Department of Public Health and Prima-
ry Care, University of Leuven, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium

People with severe mental illness have a considerably shorter lifespan than the general population. This excess mortality is mainly due to
physical illness. Next to mental illness-related factors, unhealthy lifestyle, and disparities in health care access and utilization, psychotropic
medications can contribute to the risk of physical morbidity and mortality. We systematically reviewed the effects of antipsychotics, antide-
pressants and mood stabilizers on physical health outcomes in people with schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder. Updating and
expanding our prior systematic review published in this journal, we searched MEDLINE (November 2009 - November 2014), combining the
MeSH terms of major physical disease categories (and/or relevant diseases within these categories) with schizophrenia, major depressive dis-
order and bipolar disorder, and the three major psychotropic classes which received regulatory approval for these disorders, i.e., antipsy-
chotics, antidepressants and mood stabilizers. We gave precedence to results from (systematic) reviews and meta-analyses wherever possible.
Antipsychotics, and to a more restricted degree antidepressants and mood stabilizers, are associated with an increased risk for several physi-
cal diseases, including obesity, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders, hyponatremia; cardiovascular, respiratory tract, gastrointes-
tinal, haematological, musculoskeletal and renal diseases, as well as movement and seizure disorders. Higher dosages, polypharmacy, and
treatment of vulnerable (e.g., old or young) individuals are associated with greater absolute (elderly) and relative (youth) risk for most of
these physical diseases. To what degree medication-specific and patient-specific risk factors interact, and how adverse outcomes can be mini-
mized, allowing patients to derive maximum benefits from these medications, requires adequate clinical attention and further research.

Key words: Physical illness, cardiovascular, metabolic, endocrine, gastrointestinal, respiratory, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression,
antipsychotics, antidepressants, mood stabilizers

(World Psychiatry 2015;14:119136)

People with severe mental illness (SMI), particularly schizo- antidepressants and mood stabilizers. While psychotropic
phrenia, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder, medications can potentially increase the risk of many physi-
have an average mortality rate that is 2-3 times higher than cal diseases, we focused on a selected number of diseases.
the general population (1-3), corresponding to a 10-25 year We further restricted our search to pertinent English-language
shortened life expectancy (2-9). The most common causes (systematic) reviews and meta-analyses, although for certain
of death in people with SMI are physical diseases (10). physical diseases relevant individual studies were selected.
Mental illness-related factors, unhealthy lifestyle choices, The MEDLINE searches yielded 13,477 hits (Table 1).
as well as disparities, not only in health care access and utili- Below, we summarize the findings concerning the relation-
zation, but also in health care provision, contribute to the ship of antipsychotics, antidepressants and mood stabilizers
poorer physical health outcomes in people with SMI (11). to each physical illness/domain.
However, the use of psychotropic medications can further
increase the risk of physical complications/disorders.
Thorough knowledge about the effects of frequently used NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC DISEASES
psychotropic medications antipsychotics, antidepressants
and mood stabilizers on physical health in people with Obesity
SMI can inform better treatment choices and/or strategies.
Updating and expanding our prior review published in People with SMI are, compared to the general popula-
this journal (11), we systematically searched MEDLINE tion, at increased risk for being overweight and obese (12-
(November 2009 - November 2014) for epidemiological, 15). The likelihood of being obese is increased 2.8-4.4 fold
morbidity and mortality data combining the MeSH terms of in patients with schizophrenia and 1.2-1.7 fold in those with
major physical disease categories and/or relevant diseases major depression or bipolar disorder (16-22).
within these categories (Table 1) with schizophrenia, major Weight gain commonly assessed as body weight change,
depressive disorder and bipolar disorder, and the three change in body mass index, or clinically relevant (7%)
major psychotropic classes which received regulatory ap- weight change from baseline (23,24) is a well-established
proval for these psychiatric disorders, i.e., antipsychotics, side effect of antipsychotics during the acute and maintenance

Table 1 MEDLINE search results: disease category with placebo (11,31). Antipsychotic-nave or first-episode
(1SMI, 1 psychotropic) patients are more vulnerable to weight gain, as all anti-
psychotics have been found to cause significant weight gain
Nutritional and metabolic diseases: 1,958 hits (358 reviews) in these patients (24). Moreover, antipsychotics have
Obesity: 1,550 hits (266 reviews) been found to produce more severe weight gain in these
patients compared to those with chronic schizophrenia (37).
Dyslipidemia: 408 hits (92 reviews)
Generally, weight gain with antipsychotics is rapid during
Endocrine system diseases: 1,709 hits (324 reviews) the first few weeks, slows gradually, and often reaches a pla-
Diabetes mellitus/diabetic ketoacidosis: 1,305 hits (256 reviews) teau within one year (23). Results indicate that the first year
Thyroid disorders/hyponatremia/SIADH: 404 hits (68 reviews)
of antipsychotic treatment is a critical period for weight gain
and metabolic abnormalities (38), as initial rapid weight
Cardiovascular diseases: 1,394 hits (211 reviews) gain is a good indicator for long-term weight gain and obesi-
Coronary heart disease/sudden cardiac death: 617 hits (85 reviews) ty (23,39). According to a recent meta-analysis (24), almost
Cerebrovascular disease: 777 hits (126 reviews) all antipsychotics show a degree of weight gain after pro-
longed use, except for amisulpride, aripiprazole and ziprasi-
Hypertension/myocarditis: 965 hits (165 reviews)
done. This meta-analysis also documented that switching
Respiratory tract diseases subjects to metabolically more neutral compounds may not
Pneumonia: 108 hits (11 reviews) result in weight loss in all cases.
Antidepressants, such as amitriptyline and mirtazapine,
Gastrointestinal diseases and mood stabilizers, such as lithium and valproate, have
Liver diseases/constipation: 672 hits (150 reviews) also been associated with weight gain (23,40,41) (Table 2).
However, weight gain is generally more modest or mild with
antidepressants and mood stabilizers, and differences be-
Cancer: 2,387 hits (396 reviews)
tween antidepressants are modest (40).
Muscoloskeletal diseases Clinical and animal study data suggest that increasing
appetite and food intake, as well as delayed satiety signaling,
Osteoporosis: 163 hits (49 reviews)
are key behavioral changes to antipsychotic-induced weight
Haematologic diseases: 364 hits (40 reviews) gain/obesity (24,39,42). Antagonism at 5-HT2C and H1
receptors seems involved in antipsychotic-induced weight
Other diseases: 4,121 hits (890 reviews)
gain. Among antipsychotics, clozapine and olanzapine,
SMI severe mental illness, SIADH syndrome of inadequate antidiuretic which have the highest weight gain/obesity risk, also have
hormone secretion the highest affinities for 5-HT2C and H1 receptors (39).
There are marked individual variations in weight gain,
irrespective of prescribed antipsychotic (39): some subjects
treatment of patients with schizophrenia, affecting 15 to 72% lose weight, others maintain or gain weight with the same
of these patients (11). agent (24). Although (partial) non-adherence can be a con-
There is, however, a hierarchy for risk of weight gain founder, this observation, together with the results from
among antipsychotics, that has been confirmed in different monozygotic twin and sibling studies, suggests that genetic
studies and meta-analyses (11,23-33). Weight gain is great- factors play an important role in medication-induced weight
est with the second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs) gain (43-45), with estimates as high as 60-80% for anti-
clozapine and olanzapine, while quetiapine, risperidone, psychotic-related weight gain (46).
paliperidone and iloperidone have an intermediate risk. Ari-
piprazole, amisulpride, ziprasidone, asenapine and lurasi-
done have less or little effect on body weight (11) (Table 2), Dyslipidemia
although observed effects depend on the degree of prior
treatment exposure (30). In children and adolescents (<18 Antipsychotics have been associated with lipid abnor-
years old), roughly the same hierarchy for risk of weight malities to relevant degrees (11,30) (Table 2). Adverse
gain with these agents has been identified (23,34-36), yet at effects on triglycerides and cholesterol occur early and may
a higher level, likely due to less prior antipsychotic exposure even precede weight gain, pointing to weight-independent,
(30). Among the first-generation antipsychotics (FGAs), the molecular effects in addition to weight-related ones (30).
so-called low-potency agents, such as chlorpromazine and Compared to age- and sex-matched general population
thioridazine, have higher weight gain potential than the cohorts, metabolic syndrome criteria for elevated triglycer-
high-potency drugs, such as haloperidol (11,30). ides (OR 5 2.73, 95% CI: 1.95-3.83) and decreased high-
No antipsychotic, however, should be considered truly density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (OR 5 2.35, 95% CI:
weight neutral, as the proportion of individuals experienc- 1.78-3.10) were more commonly met in patients with
ing significant weight gain is greater with any SGA than schizophrenia (17). Moreover, in chronic antipsychotic

120 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

Table 2 Adverse effects of antipsychotics, antidepressants and mood stabilizers on specific physical health outcomes

Physical disease/condition Antipsychotics Antidepressants Mood stabilizers

Nutritional and metabolic diseases

Obesity 0/1 (haloperidol, lurasidone, 2 (bupropion) to 1 (mirtazapine, 0 (lamotrigine) to 11

ziprasidone, aripiprazole) paroxetine, TCAs) (valproate, lithium)
to 111 (clozapine,
olanzapine, low potency FGAs)

Dyslipidemia 1 to 11 0 to 1 (if weight gain) 2 (valproate: cholesterol) to 1

Endocrine system diseases

Diabetes 0/1 (haloperidol, lurasidone, 0 to 1 0 to 11 (valproate)

ziprasidone, aripiprazole)
to 111 (clozapine and olanzapine > low and
mid potency FGAs)

Thyroid disorders 0 0 0 to 11 (lithium)

Hyponatremia/SIADH 1 1 to 11 (SSRIs) 0 to 1

Cardiovascular diseases

Hypertension 0 to 11 0 to 1 (venlafaxine) 0

Coronary heart disease and stroke 1 to 11 0 to 1 0 to 1

Myocarditis 0 to 1 (clozapine) 0 0
QTc prolongation/ 0 to 1 (thioridazine>sertindole 0 to 1 ? 0
sudden cardiac death > ziprasidone)

Respiratory tract diseases

Pneumonia 1 to 11 (clozapine) 0 2 (lithium) to 0

Gastrointestinal diseases

Constipation 0 to 11 (clozapine) 0 to 1 (TCAs) 0

Liver dysfunction 0 to 11 (often early 1 0 to 11 (valproate >

and transient) carbamazepine)


Breast cancer 0 to 1 ? 0 0

Prolactinoma 0? 0 0

Musculoskeletal diseases

Osteoporosis/fractures 0 to 1 (prolactin-raising 1 2 (lithium) to 0


Hematologic diseases

Leucocytopenia/agranulocytosis 1 to 111 (clozapine) 0 to 1 0 to 11 (carbamazepine)

Thrombocytopenia 0 0 0 to 11 (valproate)

Other physical diseases

Kidney diseases 0 0 0 to 11 (lithium)

Movement disorders 1 to 111 0 to 1 0 to 1

Seizure disorders 1 to 11 (clozapine) 0 to 1 (TCAs > bupropion) 2 to 1 (lithium toxicity)

2 5 reduction; 0 5 likely/generally no effect; 1 5 some effect; 11 5 moderate effect; 111 5 marked effect, ? 5 questionable
SIADH syndrome of inadequate antidiuretic hormone secretion, FGAs first-generation antipsychotics, SSRIs selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, TCAs
tricyclic antidepressants

treated patients, compared to first-episode or untreated and 16.9% vs. 41.1%) and low HDL cholesterol (21.9% and
patients with schizophrenia, metabolic syndrome criteria 20.4% vs. 44.7%) (17). An elevated risk for meeting the tri-
were more commonly met for elevated triglycerides (19.6% glyceride and HDL cholesterol criteria for metabolic

syndrome was also found in patients with depression (22) olanzapine and clozapine, and to a lesser extent quetiapine
and bipolar disorder (47), with higher metabolic syndrome and risperidone, were shown to be associated with an in-
risk in populations receiving antipsychotics. creased risk of glucose dysregulation or DM in people who
Although some antidepressants have been associated have schizophrenia or bipolar disorder (28,62) (Table 2).
with weight gain (23,41), which is a risk factor for lipid Nielsen et al (63) showed DM development in first-
abnormalities, data on adverse lipid effects of these medica- episode schizophrenia patients initially treated with olanza-
tions remain scarce, and most antidepressants have not pine (hazard ratio, HR 5 1.41) and mid-potency FGAs
been associated with dyslipidemia (48) (Table 2). (HR 5 1.60). During longer-term treatment and adjusting
Among mood stabilizers, lithium has not been associated for follow-up duration, DM was associated with low-
with relevant lipid abnormalities (49), although lithium- potency FGAs (OR 5 1.45), olanzapine (OR 5 1.57) and
induced hypothyroidism can lead to weight gain and clozapine (OR 5 2.31). Fleischhacker et al (64) found, in
changes in lipid profile (50). Valproate has been associated first-episode schizophrenia patients, newly diagnosed cases
with reductions in total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) of DM with olanzapine and amisulpride during a 52-week
cholesterol in patients with schizophrenia (51) and bipolar treatment period.
disorder (52), despite its association with weight gain, Antipsychotics should be used with caution in children
increased triglycerides and glucose, and insulin abnormali- and youth (65). A recent study (66) found a 3-fold increased
ties (53) (Table 2). risk of DM in children and youth (the most frequently
recorded psychiatric diagnoses were mood disorders, atten-
tion-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder)
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM DISEASES who had recently initiated antipsychotic treatment (HR 5
3.03, 95% CI: 1.73-5.32), compared to those receiving other
Diabetes mellitus psychotropic medications. The risk was already increased
within the first treatment year (HR 5 2.49, 95% CI: 1.27-
Evidence suggests that the prevalence of type 2 diabetes 4.88), increased further with cumulative dose, and remained
mellitus (DM) in people with schizophrenia, bipolar disor- elevated one year after antipsychotic discontinuation (HR 5
der and schizoaffective disorder is 2-3 fold higher than in 2.57; 95% CI: 1.34-4.91) (67).
the general population (9,16,25,39,54,55). Two meta-ana- Antipsychotics may induce DM independent of weight
lyses found overall prevalences of DM in people with multi- gain and adiposity (39,42). Thus, a model in which
episode psychosis to be 9.5% (N 5 116,751) (16) and 12.8% antipsychotic-induced DM is solely due to obesogenic effects
(N 5 2,098) (56), respectively, nearly twice as high as in is an oversimplification (42). These medications appear to
the general population (9). The risk of type 2 DM in people contribute to DM both indirectly, by inducing weight gain,
with (major) depression or depressive symptoms is 1.2-2.6 and directly, by promoting insulin resistance. M3 receptors
times higher than in those without depression (11,57). The play a crucial role in the regulation of insulin secretion
age of onset of DM in individuals with a SMI seems to be through both peripheral and central cholinergic pathways
about 10-20 years earlier than in the general population (39). Therefore, DM induced by SGAs may be partly due to
(58,59). the blockade of central and peripheral M3 receptors. Olan-
An association, albeit of uncertain magnitude, seems to zapine and clozapine, the SGAs with the highest risk to
exist between antipsychotics and DM, affecting about 12% induce DM, also possess the highest M3 receptor-binding
of people receiving these medications (9). Recently, meta- affinity (40). M3 blockade may lead to an initial disruption of
analyses (16,56) showed that the prevalence of DM is not insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis that can progres-
appreciably increased in drug-nave patients during the first sively lead to insulin resistance and DM during chronic
episode of psychosis once control groups are age-matched. treatment (67).
The majority of studies suggest that metabolic abnormalities The literature is still inconclusive on a possible associa-
accumulate rapidly after the initiation of treatment (9,30). tion between antidepressants and DM (23,68-71). Several
Although a former meta-analysis showed that SGAs reports (68,72-75) suggest that the (concurrent) use of
seem to have a stronger diabetogenic risk than FGAs, the (certain) antidepressants is associated with an increased
risk being 1.3 fold higher in people with schizophrenia tak- risk of glucose dysregulation or DM; others do not (76,77)
ing the former compared with those receiving the latter (Table 2).
medications (60), a more recent meta-analysis indicated A recent meta-analysis (78) found that antidepressants
that, at the moment, evidence is still insufficient to draw increased the likelihood of new-onset DM (OR 5 1.50, 95%
firm conclusions about the relative risk of SGAs and FGAs CI: 1.08-2.10; HR 5 1.19, 95% CI: 1.08-1.32). However,
(61). However, this uncertainty may well be due to the fact because only observational studies were included in this
that neither of the two classes is homogeneous regarding analysis, a causal relationship could not be established
cardiometabolic risk. Several studies suggest that the differ- (71,78). Long-term randomized controlled and prospective
ing weight gain liability of SGAs contribute to the differing studies are needed to confirm a possible cause-effect rela-
relative risks (RRs) of DM with these agents: specifically, tionship. Another problem is that (major) depression may

122 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

act as a confounding variable in the relationship between tematic review (40) concluded that, compared to placebo,
antidepressants and DM risk: antidepressants may have an lithium is associated with increased thyroid stimulating hor-
impact on mental illness-related factors relevant to the risk mone (TSH) levels (14.00 iU/mL, 95% CI: 3.9-4.1) and
for DM, such as physical activity and diet (71,79). clinical hypothyroidism (OR 5 5.78, 95% CI: 2.00-16.67).
Nevertheless, there are indications that an increased risk In addition, lithium can produce adverse effects on the
of DM is associated with the concurrent use of tricyclic anti- parathyroid gland. Compared with placebo, lithium was
depressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors associated with increased parathyroid hormone (17.32 pg/
(SSRIs) (OR 5 1.89) (80), the long-term use of either tricy- mL, 95% CI: 3.42-11.23) and blood calcium (1009 mmol/
clic antidepressants (incidence rate ratio, IRR 5 1.77) or L, 95% CI: 0.02-0.17), but effects are generally mild (40).
SSRIs (IRR 5 2.06) in at least moderate daily doses (81), Although quetiapine has been associated with mild T4
and the use of antidepressants in high-risk patients (82). elevations, TSH levels were within normal limits and pa-
Some reports (57) also indicated that the use of mood sta- tients remained euthyroid (88).
bilizers is associated with DM (OR 5 1.64) in patients with Other antipsychotics, antidepressants, valproate and car-
major depression. Indeed, certain mood stabilizers, espe- bamazepine do not seem to affect thyroid or parathyroid
cially valproate, have been associated with an elevated risk functioning (Table 2).
for the development of insulin resistance (83) (Table 2).

Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone

Diabetic ketoacidosis secretion and hyponatremia

Although diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), a potentially fatal Antipsychotics appear to be associated with an increased
condition (84), occurs most often in patients with type 1 DM prevalence of hyponatremia (89,90), which is often associat-
(85), it may be the first obvious manifestation of type 2 DM. ed with polydipsia (Table 2).
Physical symptoms include: increased thirst (polydipsia) and Antidepressants, especially SSRIs, have been associated
urination (polyuria), excessive appetite (polyphagia), nausea, with the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
abdominal pain and vomiting, dehydration, Kussmaul secretion and with hyponatremia (91) (Table 2). In a recent
breathing, acetone (fruity apple-like) breath, weakness or systematic review (92), that was limited by variations in
lethargy, confusion and alerted consciousness (85). study designs, populations, and utilized thresholds, the inci-
The incidence of DM presenting as DKA is, compared to dence of hyponatremia diverged between 0.06% and 40%
the general population, nearly 10-fold higher in patients for SSRIs and between 0.08% and 70% for venlafaxine. Inci-
with schizophrenia (86). Cases of DKA in patients not pre- dences for mirtazapine and tricyclic antidepressants were
viously known to be diabetic, including several fatalities, lower, and ORs for SSRIs (1.5-21.6) were consistently
have been associated with SGA treatment initiation (54,86). higher than for tricyclic antidepressants (1.1-4.9), but much
While the underlying mechanisms are not well understood, less evidence was available for non-SSRI antidepressants.
antipsychotic-related DKA can occur soon after treatment Identified patient risk factors included older age (OR 5 6.3)
onset and in the absence of weight gain (over one third of and concomitant use of (thiazide) diuretics (OR 5 11.2-
cases presented with either no weight gain or even weight 13.5) (92). Carbamazepine and valproate have been associ-
loss) (85). ated with hyponatremia in case reports.
DKA can occur with almost all SGAs. However, at least Based on the above, electrolytes should be checked in
half of the reports involve individuals on polypharmacy, patients on antipsychotics, antidepressants and/or mood
complicating the risk attribution to a specific antipsychotic stabilizers with otherwise unexplained physical or mental
(85). The greatest number of DKA cases has been observed state deterioration (Table 2).
with clozapine and olanzapine. However, cases have also
been reported with quetiapine, risperidone, and even with
aripiprazole and ziprasidone (85,87), although order or CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES
channelling effects (i.e., shifting high-risk patients to lower
risk agents) cannot be excluded. Hypertension
Although DKA remains a rare adverse effect of SGAs,
clinicians must remain vigilant, given its acute onset and Although antipsychotics increase body weight and are
potential lethality (85). associated with obesity, their effect on blood pressure is less
pronounced than expected. This has likely to do with their
alpha-1 blocking effects (93), which can lower blood pres-
Hypothyroidism and hyperparathyroidism sure. Nevertheless, hypertension criteria for metabolic
syndrome are more commonly met in patients with schizo-
Hypothyroidism is a common adverse effect of lithium, phrenia than in the general population (OR 5 1.36, 95% CI:
warranting continued monitoring (Table 2). A recent sys- 1.21-1.53) (16), as well as in chronic patients with schizo-

phrenia receiving antipsychotics (39.7%) than in first- 1.2; 95% CI: 1.16-1.23) compared to SGA users (107).
episode (30.4%) or untreated patients (24.3%) (56). Elevat- However, several other studies (e.g., 112) found no signifi-
ed risk for meeting the hypertension criterion for metabolic cant association between the risk of myocardial infarction
syndrome was also found in patients with depression (22) and antipsychotic exposure.
and bipolar disorder (47), with higher metabolic syndrome The risk for cardiovascular events varies with the individual
risk in populations receiving antipsychotics (Table 2). SGAs. This risk seems to be lowest with aripiprazole and
Among antidepressants, venlafaxine is the one most fre- ziprasidone (113-115). Considering FGAs, a nationwide,
quently associated with increase in blood pressure (94), register-based, five-year follow-up study of all patients pre-
while mirtazapine has been found to be associated with senting with first onset of schizophrenia found an increased
hypertension less than tricyclic antidepressants (95) (Table likelihood for cardiovascular deaths among users of levome-
2). Generally, mood stabilizers do not affect blood pressure, promazine (OR 5 2.68; 95% CI:1.37-5.25, p 5 0.004) (116).
unless chronic renal failure induced by lithium affects vol- Data on the comparative acute cardiovascular safety of
ume distribution (Table 2). SGAs in younger adults are limited. In a recent large nation-
wide register-based cohort study (N 5 48,625) (117), the risk
of major cardiovascular events (cardiovascular mortality,
Coronary heart disease and stroke acute coronary syndrome or ischemic stroke) in non-elderly
(18-64 years) psychiatric outpatients was similar with risperi-
The preponderance of evidence suggests that patients done, olanzapine and quetiapine within one year of treat-
with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depression ment initiation. In another recent commercial U.S. claims
are at significantly higher risk for cardiovascular morbidity database inception cohort study of 284,234 non-elderly
and mortality than their counterparts in the general popula- adults aged 18-65 years (118), individuals within one year of
tion (1,5,6,11,96-99). The risk is approximately 1.5 to 3-fold exposure to SGAs showed a higher risk of essential hyper-
increased in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disor- tension (adjusted HR, AHR 5 1.16, 95% CI: 1.12-1.21), DM
der, and on average 1.5-fold increased in those with major (AHR 5 1.43, CI: 1.33-1.53), hypertensive heart disease
depression. Moreover, cardiovascular diseases are the com- (AHR 5 1.34, CI: 1.10-1.63), stroke (AHR 5 1.46, CI: 1.22-
monest cause of death in patients with SMI (100,101), with 1.75), coronary artery disease (AHR 5 1.17, CI: 1.05-1.30),
risks 10-fold higher than suicide (102). The literature on and hyperlipidemia (AHR 5 1.12, CI: 1.07-1.17) than those
antipsychotic-related cardiovascular outcomes in patients exposed to antidepressants.
with a SMI is sparse. Moreover, data are conflicting. Compared to obese individuals without a SMI, obese
Although some studies (103,104) reported a higher risk patients with SMI have a significantly higher cardiovascular
of cerebrovascular diseases in patients using antipsychotics, risk (119). This raises the possibility that, in addition to
others (105) did not (Table 2). In case-control studies with weight gain and obesity-related mechanisms, a direct effect
elderly patients, the probability of cerebrovascular acci- of antipsychotics on cardiovascular risk may exist. For
dents in antipsychotic users, compared with non-users, was example, autonomic nervous system dysfunction triggered
approximately 1.3- to 2-fold greater (106). The risk of stroke by schizophrenia may be exacerbated by antipsychotic
is highest during the first weeks of treatment (104,106). A treatment through blockade of peripheral dopamine recep-
recent meta-analysis of 20 observational cohort studies tors, increasing sympathetic activity (120). A direct effect of
found that older adults (65 years) using FGAs were not at antipsychotics on insulin resistance, causing glucose intoler-
a statistically significantly increased higher risk (RR 5 1.4; ance, is another possible mechanism contributing to the
95% CI: 0.81-1.91) for stroke, as compared to SGA users increased risk of cardiovascular diseases (121).
(107). The potential cardiovascular effects of tricyclic antide-
Few studies have looked at the association between anti- pressants are well known. They can cause orthostatic
psychotics and myocardial infarction, which remains con- hypotension, slowed cardiac conduction, and increased
troversial because of heterogeneous clinical settings and heart rate, and are therefore best avoided in patients with
methodological approaches (108,109). Some found an in- pre-existing cardiovascular disease (122). SSRIs appear to
creased risk of myocardial infarction in older patients (66 have a better cardiovascular safety (123,124) (Table 2).
years) with or without dementia (110,111) or patients with Nevertheless, in patients with high risk factors, SSRIs (i.e.,
SMI (109,112) using antipsychotics compared to control citalopram) (125,126) may be associated with (modest)
subjects (RR 5 1.15-6.2) (110,111). In the study by Lin et al QTc prolongation. Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake
(109), carried out in a large sample of patients with schizo- inhibitors (SNRIs) are associated with a small, but
phrenia, mood disorders or dementia, the adjusted OR of increased incidence of cardiovascular adverse events
acute myocardial infarction risk was 2.52 (95% CI: 2.37- (hypertension, tachycardia and orthostatic hypotension),
2.68) for any antipsychotic, 2.32 (95% CI: 2.17-2.47) for while at therapeutic doses they do not seem to cause QTc
FGAs, and 2.74 (95% CI: 2.49-3.02) for SGAs. A recent prolongation (122). Although lithium can have some car-
meta-analysis found that older adults (65 years) using diac conduction effects, in general, it can be used safely in
FGAs were at higher risk for myocardial infarction (RR 5 patients with cardiac disease (123) (Table 2).

124 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

Myocarditis be associated with citalopram (138). Tricyclic antidepres-
sants prolong the QTc interval to a greater extent than
Myocarditis is a potential risk of clozapine treatment, SSRIs by a factor of more than 2 (125).
occurring often early in treatment and in young male Studies linking antipsychotics and antidepressants with
patients (127). Therefore, routine electrocardiographic moni- an increased SCD risk suggest a dose-dependent relation-
toring for the first four weeks, and discontinuation of cloza- ship (135,139).
pine in the presence of myocarditis, may assist to prevent Cases of TdPs have been reported with antipsychotics,
fatalities (128). However, case reports suggest that rechallenge tricyclic antidepressants and SSRIs. Using the FDA Adverse
with clozapine using slow titration may be successful in the Event Reporting System (FAERS) data, the Arrhythmogenic
majority of reported cases (129). Potential of Drugs (ARITMO) project (140,141) classified,
next to ziprasidone, five other SGAs (amisulpride, cloza-
pine, olanzapine, quetiapine and risperidone) as having a
Sudden cardiac death very strong torsadogenic signal. However, these antipsy-
chotics (with the exception of amisulpride and possibly
Patients with schizophrenia have been reported to be 2-4 quetiapine) have, in general, been associated with a QTc
times more likely to experience sudden cardiac death (SCD) prolongation potential of questionable clinical concern
than the general population (130,131). Although reasons (133). SSRI-associated TdP is a very rare event: only very
for this increased risk remain unclear, individual suscepti- few cases have been reported (142). However, adding SSRIs
bility (e.g., underlying coronary artery disease (101) and to SGAs may, although also very rarely, contribute to TdPs
higher prevalence of Brugada electrocardiographic abnor- (143). There are no reported cases of lithium-induced TdPs
malities (131)) seems to be a relevant factor. Additional (139).
important risk factors include unhealthy lifestyle factors Notably, coronary heart disease underlies the majority of
and psychotropic medications. SCD (144). A recent recommendation concludes that it is
The association between SCD and specific psychotropic not mandatory to perform electrocardiogram monitoring as
drugs has been explained by a lengthening of ventricular a prerequisite to initiating antipsychotic treatment in the
repolarization (QTc prolongation), predisposing the patient absence of cardiac risk factors, unless the prescribed anti-
to life-threatening ventricular tachyarrhythmias (i.e., tor- psychotic has been established to have an increased risk of
sades de pointes, TdPs) (132). There is a consensus that QTc TdP and SCD (133) (Table 2).
values >500 msec, or an absolute increase of 60 msec
compared with drug-free baseline, puts patients at signifi-
cant risk of TdPs and SCD (126,133). However, although a RESPIRATORY TRACT DISEASES
link exists between QTc and TdPs, this is neither linear, nor
straightforward (126). Indeed, TdPs can occur at therapeu- Pneumonia
tic doses of antipsychotics or antidepressants with a QTc
interval <500 ms (134). One century ago, respiratory diseases, such as pneumo-
Patients using FGAs or SGAs have an increased risk of nia and tuberculosis, accounted for the majority of deaths
SCD compared to non-users with or without a psychiatric amongst people with SMI who lived in institutions (145).
illness, with ratios ranging from 1.5 to 5.8, depending on the Today, they are still more prevalent in these individuals
type of antipsychotic and restrictiveness of the SCD defini- compared to the general population, and among the most
tion (11,131,135,136). The largest study to date (459,614 common causes of death (146-149).
incident antipsychotic users) reported a SCD incidence of Not only having a SMI, but also the use of psychotropics
3.4 per 1,000 person-years (137). Antipsychotics with a is a risk factor for respiratory tract diseases. A dose-
greater risk of QTc prolongation include thioridazine dependent increased risk for pneumonia is associated with
(greatest risk), pimozide, droperidol, mesoridazine, and i.v. current use of SGAs in patients with schizophrenia (adjust-
haloperidol (total cumulative dose > 2 mg) among FGAs ed RR, ARR 5 1.69, 95% CI: 1.43-2.01 vs. non-users)
(126,133), and sertindole, amisulpride and ziprasidone (150,151) and bipolar disorder (ARR 5 2.07, 95% CI: 1.58-
among SGAs (32,133). QTc prolongation with lurasidone 2.71 vs. non-users) (152). Similarly, the current use of SGAs
and aripiprazole is judged to be clinically insignificant and FGAs in elderly patients without a SMI seems to be
(32,133). QTc prolongation associated with asenapine and associated with a dose-dependent increase in the risk for
iloperidone is comparable to that associated with risperi- pneumonia (153-157).
done, olanzapine and quetiapine (32,133) (Table 2). In patients with schizophrenia, particularly the current
According to a recent meta-analysis, SSRIs are, com- use of clozapine is associated with an elevated and dose-
pared to placebo, associated with a statistically significant dependent risk of pneumonia (ARR 5 3.18, 95% CI: 2.62-
(but clinically insignificant for most patients) dose-depen- 3.86, p<0.001), while this risk is moderate for olanzapine,
dent increase in the QTc interval (16.10 milliseconds; 95% quetiapine and risperidone (ARR between 1.32 and 1.83,
CI: 3.47-8.73, p<0.001) (125). The highest effect seems to p<0.001), compared to patients not currently using anti-

psychotics (150) (Table 2). In patients with bipolar disor- polypharmacy (Table 2). The antidepressants with the high-
der, the current use of clozapine (ARR 5 2.59, p<0.01), as est risk of hepatotoxicity include iproniazid, nefazodone,
well as the current use of olanzapine and haloperidol, were phenelzine, venlafaxine, imipramine, amitriptyline, duloxe-
associated with dose-dependent risk ratios for pneumonia tine, bupropion, trazodone, tianeptine and agomelatine
greater than 2.50. Furthermore, pneumonia had a longer (160-162). Those with the least potential include citalo-
duration in these patients during the period of exposure to pram, escitalopram, paroxetine and fluvoxamine (162).
each of these drugs (151). Monitoring of liver function tests and immediate discontin-
With antidepressants, no increased risk of pneumonia uation upon emergence of abnormal laboratory findings or
has been found in most studies (e.g., 158) (Table 2). signs/symptoms of liver dysfunction are crucial, since most
There seems to be no significant association between cases of hepatic damage are reversible when detected early
mood stabilizers and pneumonia, and lithium even has a (162).
dose-dependent protective effect (152) (Table 2). However, Among mood stabilizers, carbamazepine and valproate
the combination of mood stabilizers and SGAs or FGAs have been associated with liver dysfunction and should be
was associated with an increased risk. Among drug combi- avoided in patients with pre-existing liver disease (163)
nations, olanzapine plus carbamazepine had the highest (Table 2).
risk (ARR 5 11.88, p<0.01), followed by clozapine plus val-
proic acid (RR 5 4.80, p<0.001) (152).
Although the possible mechanisms of drug-induced pneu- Constipation
monia remain speculative (153), H1 antagonism by clozapine
and olanzapine, inducing sedation, and M1 antagonism, Severe constipation leading to serious consequences
inducing dryness of the mouth, esophageal dilatation and and even death can occur with certain antipsychotics. The
hypomotility, may be involved, as well as the additive sedating most reported complications are paralytic ileus, faecal
effect by carbamazepine or valproic acid (152). impaction, bowel obstruction and intestine/bowel perfora-
tions (164).
Constipation has been most widely reported with cloza-
GASTROINTESTINAL DISEASES pine (123,164), although it can be associated with other
antipsychotics as well (165) (Table 2). The prevalence of
Liver diseases constipation in randomized controlled trials is 39.6% with
zotepine, 21.3% with clozapine, 14.6% with haloperidol
Liver function test abnormalities in patients receiving anti- and 12% with risperidone (166).
psychotics are common, but often mild and transient. Constipation is a common side effect of tricyclic antide-
According to a systematic review (159), the median percent- pressants, while it is not particularly associated with expo-
age of patients with any abnormal liver function test on any sure to mood stabilizers (Table 2).
antipsychotic was 32% (range: 5-78%). However, the median
percentage of patients with clinically significant elevations
(i.e., > 3-fold above the upper limit of normal for alanine ami-
notransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyl
transpeptidase or > 2-fold the upper limit of normal for alka-
Leucocytopenia and agranulocytosis
line phosphatase) was 4% (range: 0-15%) (Table 2). Abnor-
malities were generally asymptomatic, arose within 6 weeks Antipsychotics (especially but not only clozapine), antide-
pressants (e.g., clomipramine and imipramine) and mood sta-
of starting an antipsychotic, and did not worsen or resolved
with continued treatment. The most commonly abnormal liv- bilizers (especially carbamazepine) have been associated with
er function test involved transaminases, and there was no leucocytopenia and agranulocytosis (167-170) (Table 2).
clear difference between FGAs and SGAs. Clozapine (particularly in the first three months of treat-
Rarely, antipsychotics have been associated with severe ment) and phenothiazines are the most common causes of
or fatal hepatic injury. The FGA chlorpromazine has been drug-related neutropenia/agranulocytosis (169). The risk
most widely implicated with severe cholestatic hepatic inju- for neutropenia and agranulocytosis with clozapine is
ry. There are three main mechanisms by which antipsy- approximately 3% and 1%, respectively, with older patients
chotics can be associated with liver injury: by impairing bile being at higher risk (167,168). Carbamazepine should not
secretion, leading to cholestasis; by exerting a direct toxic be used in combination with clozapine, due to its potentia-
effect on hepatocytes; and by affecting the liver indirectly tion of neutropenia and agranulocytosis (169,170). Anti-
via obesity leading to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (159). infective agents, proton pump inhibitors and other gastroin-
Between 0.5 and 3% of patients receiving antidepressants testinal agents have also been associated with haematologi-
may develop asymptomatic mild elevation of serum amino- cal adverse effects when co-prescribed with clozapine
transferase levels. However, all antidepressants can induce (171). Non-tricyclic antidepressants are rarely associated
hepatotoxicity, especially in elderly patients and those on with agranulocytosis.

126 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

With appropriate management, the mortality from drug- non-users, women who used antipsychotic dopamine antag-
induced agranulocytosis in Western countries is currently onists had a 16% greater risk (AHR 5 1.16, 95% CI:
approximately 5% (decreasing from 10-16% over the past 1.07-1.26) of developing breast cancer, with a direct dose-
two decades) (167). response relationship. As stated by the authors, the magni-
tude of the observed risk, although statistically significant,
was small in absolute terms (1,239 cases of breast cancer in
Thrombocytopenia the user group versus 1,228 cases in the non-user group).
Furthermore, it was estimated that there is less than a 14%
Among the reviewed psychotropic drug classes, only val- chance that a dopamine antagonist user who develops
proate has been associated with thrombocytopenia to a rele- breast cancer does so on the basis of her antipsychotic use.
vant degree (Table 2). The incidence may be around 5%, The authors therefore concluded that their findings do not
and more likely at valproate serum levels above 80 mcg/ml, warrant changes in patients antipsychotic medication regi-
especially in females and older people (172). mens (187, p. 1153).
Among SGAs, there has been concern that risperidone,
amisulpride and paliperidone, which have been associated
NEOPLASMS with hyperprolactinemia (188), may increase the risk of
breast cancer. However, so far, results indicate that these
Breast cancer compounds do not seem to increase this risk (189).
A systematic review (190), including 93 studies (in vitro,
Generally, patients with SMI, especially schizophrenia, animal and human studies) considering the effects of anti-
have lower cancer rates than the general population (173), psychotics (FGAs 1 SGAs) on cancer development, found
despite unhealthy lifestyle and a higher likelihood of obe- that these medications as a class cannot be considered as a
sity. However, this comparison is complicated by the fact risk factor for breast cancer in humans. Moreover, some
that most cancers accumulate with age and that people reports describe mechanisms of cancer protection with anti-
with SMI die on average 15-25 years earlier than the gen- psychotics (or antidepressants) (186,191,192). For example,
eral population (11). it has been shown in vitro that (prolactin-elevating) pheno-
Breast cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed thiazines may enhance the effect of tamoxifen, a first-line
cancers worldwide (one in eight women will be diagnosed adjuvant treatment for breast cancer patients, in human
with this cancer during their lifetime), is the leading cause of breast cancer cells (193,194). Thus, to date, no robust evi-
cancer death among females, and starts occurring in early dence exists for an increased risk of breast cancer due to
adulthood (174-176). Given that women with schizophre- antipsychotic-induced hyperprolactinemia (186,195).
nia have lower parity (177,178) and higher frequencies of As evidence suggest that SSRIs can increase circulating
other known breast cancer risk factors (obesity, DM, prolactin above the accepted normal range (20 ng/ml in
unhealthy lifestyle behaviors, including alcohol dependence men and 25 ng/ml in women) (196-198) via prolactin
and smoking), one would anticipate higher breast cancer releasing factors, such as vasoactive intestinal peptide and
rates in this population. However, data are conflicting. oxytocin (188), antidepressant-related breast cancer risk
Although several studies have shown an increased breast has been questioned. Overall, however, results do not
cancer risk and mortality rate among women with schizo- support the serotonin-mediated pathway for the prolactin-
phrenia (e.g., 173,179-182), other studies have found a breast cancer hypothesis, irrespective of the type of antide-
decreased or a statistically non-significantly increased risk pressant (198-200) (Table 2).
(e.g., 183,184) (Table 2). A recent meta-analysis of observa-
tional studies in people with central nervous system disor-
ders found that patients with schizophrenia showed a Prolactinoma
higher co-occurrence of breast cancer (effect size 5 1.25;
95% CI: 1.10-1.42) (185). Although a pharmacovigilance study raised concern
Increasing experimental and epidemiological data point about a possible association between prolactin-raising anti-
to the influence of prolactin in mammary carcinogenesis psychotics and prolactinomas (201), evidence for a causal
(186), raising questions about the possible relationship relationship is missing (Table 2). Potential reasons for the
between prolactin-raising antipsychotics and breast cancer observational association include a background rate of 5-
risk. The current evidence base, however, is very limited. 10% of silent prolactinomas that are more likely detected
The majority of studies focused on patients treated with when elevated prolactin levels prompt brain imaging stud-
FGAs (186), not finding an increased breast cancer risk. An ies, and the potential misclassification of pituitary hypertro-
exception is the cohort study by Wang et al (187), in which phy related to prolactin elevation due to antipsychotics as
52,819 women on antipsychotic dopamine antagonists prolactinoma (188). In patients with secreting prolactino-
were compared with 55,289 women who were not on mas and psychosis, the partial D2 agonist aripiprazole may
antipsychotics. The authors found that, compared with be particularly useful (202).

MUSCULOSKELETAL DISEASES The most recent meta-analysis (237), which pooled results
from 13 qualifying cohort and case-control studies, found
Osteoporosis that SSRIs were associated with a significantly increased risk
of fractures (RR 5 1.72, 95% CI: 1.51-1.95, p<0.001). This
Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are associated with increased risk was also observed in studies that adjusted for
lower bone mineral density (BMD) and higher prevalence depression (RR 5 1.74, 95% CI: 1.28-2.36, p<0.001) and for
of osteoporosis compared to the general population (203- BMD (RR 5 1.70, 95% CI: 1.28-2.25, p<0.001). Treatment
206). The etiology of BMD loss in these patients is compli- with SSRIs seems also to be associated with an increased
cated (204,207). Risk factors related to patients lifestyle failure of bone implants, which suggests the need for careful
(e.g., smoking, reduced physical activity, alcohol abuse, vita- surgical treatment planning in SSRI users (252). The effect
min D and calcium deficiency, polydipsia) (203), as well as of SSRIs on bone formation and resorption appears to be
use of antipsychotics (207,208), are likely to be involved. governed by the activation of a number of 5-HT receptors on
Several reviews and meta-analyses (209-213) have reported osteoblasts and osteoclasts via endocrine, autocrine/para-
that (major) depression is also associated with low BMD crine and neuronal pathways (241,253,254).
and increased fracture risk. Lithium is possibly associated with a reduced fracture
Although raised prolactin levels induced by antipsy- risk (255,256) (Table 2). Long-term treatment with val-
chotics have been associated with an increased risk of proate combined with low-dose SGAs may adversely affect
osteoporosis (214) (Table 2), clinical data implicating anti- BMD in premenopausal women with bipolar disorder
psychotic-induced hyperprolactinemia as a possible major (257). Finally, concomitant use of an opioid with one or sev-
risk factor for bone loss remain limited and contradictory eral antipsychotics may also increase fracture risk in elderly
(203,204). One review (203) showed that 60% of the studies patients (258,259).
examining the relationship between antipsychotic-induced
hyperprolactinemia and BMD loss found some effects of
hyperprolactinemia. However, samples and effects were OTHER PHYSICAL DISEASES
small, and only few studies were prospective. The increased
risk for bone loss induced by hyperprolactinemia is believed Kidney diseases
to be mediated by hypogonadism (215), leading to abnor-
mally low sex hormone levels, although some evidence Nephrotoxicity is a well-known side effect of lithium
suggests direct effects of prolactin on human osteoblasts (260) (Table 2). Acute renal failure has been described in
(216). lithium intoxication (261), but the greatest concern is the
Most studies and reviews (157,203,217-223) found signif- possible progression to end-stage renal disease during long-
icant increases in the risk of fractures (ORs between 1.2 and term use (262).
2.6) associated with antipsychotics. Compared with SGAs, However, conflicting evidence concerning lithiums ef-
a higher fracture risk was found for FGAs in some studies fect on renal function exists. A systematic review (263),
(158,220,224), possibly due to extrapyramidal symptoms investigating the effects of lithium on renal function in older
causing gait disturbances and impairing mobility and bal- adults, and the largest and most recent meta-analysis to date
ance, which are risk factors for falls (and, thus, fractures) in (40), screening nearly 6,000 publications on various aspects
older adults (107). However, other studies (105,219,225) of potential lithium toxicity in patients with depression or
found no differences between FGAs and SGAs. Moreover, bipolar disorder, both concluded that there is little evidence
it is also unclear whether individual SGAs differ in the risk for a clinically significant reduction in renal function in
of falls/fractures (105,218,226). most patients, and that the risk of end-stage renal failure is
Longitudinal, cross-sectional and prospective cohort low. These results are consistent with a former meta-
studies, as well as meta-analyses, suggest that antidepres- analysis (264). Nevertheless, end-stage renal failure only
sants, particularly SSRIs, at therapeutic doses are associated starts appearing in some patients after continuous treatment
with decreased BMD and increased fracture risk, especially for more than 15-20 years, whereas meta-analyses include
in older adults (218,220-222,227-249) (Table 2). Reduced numerous patients treated for shorter periods (265). More-
BMD has also been found in young adults and children pre- over, several studies (266,267) on prolonged lithium treat-
scribed SSRIs (250,251). For SSRIs and tricyclic antidepres- ment have suggested that the risk of renal end-stage failure
sants, a growing excess risk of fractures has been reported might not be that low.
with increasing dose (227,233,235), although this effect According to the International Group for the Study of
does not appear to be homogeneous across the whole class Lithium-Treated Patients, approximately 25% of patients on
of drugs (227). The increase in risk is highest during the ear- medium-term lithium therapy (<15 years), as well as most
ly stages of treatment, with a dramatic increase after initia- patients on long-term lithium treatment (>15 years), devel-
tion, reaching a peak within one month for tricyclics and op some form of chronic lithium nephropathy (268). How-
eight months for SSRIs (228), decreasing towards baseline ever, this condition manifests primarily as impaired urinary
following discontinuation (227,228). concentration with or without polyuria, which generally has

128 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

little clinical relevance. In contrast, patients with severe illness-related factors, disparities in health care access and
polyuria are at increased risk for lithium intoxication due utilization, and unhealthy lifestyle, psychotropic medica-
to fluctuations in sodium levels. Effects of lithium intoxica- tions can contribute to the emergence or aggravation of
tion range from minor tubular changes to acute tubular physical diseases. This review summarized recent evidence
necrosis, which generally is reversible upon removal of for the effect of antipsychotics, antidepressants and mood
excess amounts of lithium. Recurrent lithium intoxication, stabilizers on physical health/illness in patients with schizo-
however, is thought to promote progressive lithium nephro- phrenia, major depression and bipolar disorder.
pathy (269). Thus, regular lithium level monitoring may pro- In general, adverse effects on physical health are greatest
tect against acute and chronic renal failure, and should be with antipsychotics, followed by mood stabilizers, tricyclic
mandatory in long-term lithium-treated patients (269). antidepressants and newer antidepressants. However, ef-
fects vary greatly among individual agents, and interactions
with underlying host factors are relevant. Higher dosages,
Movement disorders polypharmacy, and the treatment of vulnerable (e.g., old or
young) people seems to be associated with a greater effect
In susceptible patients, chronic treatment with antipsy- on most physical diseases.
chotics can lead to movement disorders, including tardive Although antipsychotics have the greatest potential to
dyskinesia, tardive dystonia and tardive akathisia (270) adversely affect physical health, it is important to note that
(Table 2). Although SGAs seem to have a 5- to 6-fold several large, nationwide studies providing generalizable
reduced risk for tardive dyskinesia compared to FGAs data have suggested that all-cause mortality is higher in
(271,272), the risk is not zero. Moreover, older people (273) patients with schizophrenia not receiving antipsychotics
and those with extrapyramidal symptoms or anticholinergic (4,281). Furthermore, clozapine (4), antidepressants (282),
use (271) are at elevated risk for tardive dyskinesia. and lithium (283), as well as antiepileptics (284), are associ-
Antidepressants, lithium and valproate are generally not ated with reduced mortality from suicide. Thus, the poten-
associated with tardive dyskinesia (Table 2). Nevertheless, tial risks of antipsychotics, antidepressants and mood stabi-
tremor and myoclonus, which can occur with lithium and lizers need to be weighed against the risk of the psychiatric
valproate, respectively, can be mistaken for tardive dyskine- disorders for which they are used and the lasting potential
sia. Moreover, movement disorders can also occur endoge- benefits that these medications can produce.
nously in patients with schizophrenia (274), and other Nevertheless, greater attention to the possible impact of
medications, such as metoclopramide (275), also carry a psychotropic medications on the physical health of people
risk for tardive dyskinesia. with SMI can aid clinicians in selecting appropriate
treatments for individual patients whose medication-inde-
pendent risk factors for specific disorders require special
Seizure disorders consideration. Moreover, knowledge about specific medica-
tion effects can help implementing appropriate monitoring
All antipsychotics, especially clozapine, have the poten- and management strategies aimed at improving physical
tial to reduce the seizure threshold (276,277). This effect is and well as mental health outcomes of these generally disad-
generally not clinically relevant, but is dose-dependent and vantaged populations.
rises sharply at clozapine doses of 500-600 mg/day, while
relationships with clozapine blood levels are less clear
(278). When seizures occur, this is not a reason to discontin- Acknowledgement
ue clozapine; rather, valproate should be added for seizure
prophylaxis (adjusting the clozapine dose as needed) (127). The first two authors contributed equally to this work.
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136 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015


The effectiveness of psychodynamic psychotherapies:

an update
Research Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology, University College London, and The Anna Freud Centre, London, UK

This paper provides a comprehensive review of outcome studies and meta-analyses of effectiveness studies of psychodynamic therapy (PDT)
for the major categories of mental disorders. Comparisons with inactive controls (waitlist, treatment as usual and placebo) generally but by
no means invariably show PDT to be effective for depression, some anxiety disorders, eating disorders and somatic disorders. There is little
evidence to support its implementation for post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bulimia nervosa, cocaine depen-
dence or psychosis. The strongest current evidence base supports relatively long-term psychodynamic treatment of some personality disorders,
particularly borderline personality disorder. Comparisons with active treatments rarely identify PDT as superior to control interventions and
studies are generally not appropriately designed to provide tests of statistical equivalence. Studies that demonstrate inferiority of PDT to
alternatives exist, but are small in number and often questionable in design. Reviews of the field appear to be subject to allegiance effects.
The present review recommends abandoning the inherently conservative strategy of comparing heterogeneous families of therapies for het-
erogeneous diagnostic groups. Instead, it advocates using the opportunities provided by bioscience and computational psychiatry to creative-
ly explore and assess the value of protocol-directed combinations of specific treatment components to address the key problems of individual

Key words: Psychodynamic psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, somatic disorders, personality

(World Psychiatry 2015;14:137150)

Psychodynamic therapy (PDT) is on the retreat around the py as evidence-based (e.g., practice-based evidence) (23).
world in the face of critique of its scientific credibility. Empiri- However, it is misguided to deny that RCTs are key to estab-
cally substantiated clinical judgement underpins professional lishing the validity of a therapeutic modality.
accountability and transparency in health care and increas- The history of medicine is littered with interventions that
ingly so in mental health (1). One would therefore expect em- did remarkable duty as therapies and yet, when subjected to
pirically supported therapies to gradually replace treatment RCT methodology, were shown either to have no benefit over
as usual in everyday clinical care (2-5). Many outside the alternative treatments or even to prevent the patient from
cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) community have ob- benefitting, in terms of effect size or speed, from a superior
jected to this, raising concerns about the generalizability of intervention. Perhaps the most dramatic example is the RCT
findings from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) (6). that ended 100 years of radical mastectomies for breast carci-
The issue of external validity of RCTs in the context of noma only 30 years ago. The study showed that half a million
health care policy was recently exposed to philosophical women who had been subjected to disabling, mutilating oper-
scrutiny (7), leading to the suggestion that the key issue may ations, performed with the best of intentions on the basis of a
not be the theory-driven question of whether an intervention fallacious theory about how carcinoma spreads, could have
works, but the implementation question Will it work for had equally good outcomes with lumpectomies (24).
us?. For example, multisystemic therapy for conduct disor- Empirical knowledge in psychological therapies is multi-
der is supported by trials in the U.S. and Norway, but these faceted and complex, and requires sophistication in the scru-
results were not replicated in Sweden and Canada (8-19). tiny of research data. While critical reviews that summarize
Along with other researchers, we have argued that, in or synthesize a body of research are not without value, they
order for a treatment to be considered as empirically sup- also have major limitations. They rely on the statistical signif-
ported, evidence beyond that provided by RCTs is required icance of a study to determine an interventions efficacy, yet
(20,21). However, this does not imply, as many have as- statistical significance is primarily determined by sample
sumed, that RCTs can be replaced by methods that do not size. Meta-analyses can pool multiple studies where each
comply with Mills method of difference maxim (stating has low statistical power (a pervasive problem in psychother-
that where you have one situation that leads to an effect, apy research), but are potentially misleading when the RCTs
and another which does not, and the only difference is the being aggregated are not homogeneous in terms of the target
presence of a single factor in the first situation, you can infer population, the treatment method and the outcome mea-
this factor as the cause of the effect) (22). sures. This is often the case for trials of PDT.
Some have argued that not only are RCTs for psycho- A recent meta-review of 61 meta-analyses covering 21
therapy flawed because of issues of generalizability, but also psychiatric disorders containing 852 trials and 137,126 par-
that there are alternative ways of establishing psychothera- ticipants yielded slightly larger effect sizes for psychotherapy

(0.58; 95% CI: 0.42 to 0.76) than pharmacotherapy (0.40; fied by the work of those around the boundaries of both
95% CI: 0.28 to 0.52) studies (25), but the applicability of domains (33-36). The common distinction between inter-
these figures is brought into question by the null results from pretive and supportive approaches (37) speaks to a clinical
head-to-head studies. dichotomy that existed 30-40 years ago, but hardly applies
The limitations of meta-analyses have generated concern today. Certain manualized treatments are labelled as psy-
among a number of reviewers (26,27) that undue weight is chodynamic (38,39), but a thorough content analysis of
given to heterogeneous small-scale studies, which are con- these remains to be done. The pragmatic approach adopted
sidered in preference to well-designed and well-conducted in this review has been to use self-declared allegiance as the
RCTs that converge in their results. While hard-pressed guiding principle as to what constitutes PDT.
readers may understandably wish to take an intellectual This review focuses on effectiveness and ignores ques-
short-cut to a pooled effect size rather than considering tions of mechanism and treatment process. This was, again,
individual investigations, it is important to remember that a decision of expedience given the space limitations and the
meta-analyses lack individual patient data they are based wish to provide a comprehensive survey. The literature
on response rates and mean values. This masks important search on which this contribution depends was based on
heterogeneity that is often revealed by careful scrutiny of the methodology evolved for two previous large-scale sur-
individual investigations. veys (20,40) and involved a computer search of all major
This review has opted to prioritize individual studies. The databases using 100 terms referring to different aspects of
key limitation of small studies is the so-called file drawer mental health problems and 11 terms describing psycho-
problem. Insufficient patients are sampled in small studies. As therapy (the search algorithm and full inclusion criteria are
a consequence, relying on underpowered studies means that available on request). Studies were selected if they reported
there is a risk that the likely effectiveness of a therapy is over- outcomes that were directly related to the disorder or to
stated simply because a study with the same sample size but intermediate variables. The review is limited to experimental
chance negative findings is unlikely to have been published. designs involving some degree of random assignment.
Further, it is important to recognize that the absence of a
significant difference between two conditions in a study
should not be considered evidence for equivalence. The lat- DEPRESSION
ter requires a different statistical procedure and a larger sam-
ple size than the so-called superiority trials which most Short-term PDT
psychotherapy trials are (28). Lack of significant difference
does not mean that two interventions are equally effective, Several studies have compared PDT to waitlist (41,42),
but only that it is impossible to rule out their equivalence placebo (43-46) or usual care controls (47-50) in the short-
(29). A confident statement of superiority requires a trial term treatment of depression. The results are mixed, with
with at least 50 individuals per arm for a medium effect size some favouring PDT (41-43,47,49,51) while others report
(30). Equivalence trials are expected to have sample sizes no superiority to controls (44-46,48,50).
several times larger. Sadly, few of the trials which are re- A number of these studies are methodologically too weak
viewed here meet this elementary criterion. to permit definitive conclusions, either due to small sample
Finally, how do we define psychodynamic psychotherapy? size (41-43,50) or because their implementation of PDT fails
A recent meta-analysis likened the family of psychodynamic to meet criteria (52) for a bona fide treatment (44,48).
therapies to an actual, if somewhat dysfunctional, family Among the good studies, results are still mixed. Some stud-
whose many members hardly spoke to each other and some- ies report medium effect sizes: 20.57 (95% CI: 20.99 to
times even spoke different languages (31). This review uses a 20.14) (47) and 20.53 (95% CI: 20.92 to 20.13) (49). Per-
broad definition of psychodynamic treatment as a stance tak- haps the most rigorous study comparing supportive expres-
en to human subjectivity that is inclusive and aimed at a com- sive therapy with placebo medication reported no superior
prehensive understanding of the interplay between aspects effects at the end of treatment on either depression (45) or
of the individuals relationship with his/her environment, quality of life (46). However, a recent well-conducted study
whether external or internal (32). It refers to the extraordi- of women with depressive disorders and breast cancer found
nary human potential for dynamic self-alteration and self- that significantly more of the PDT group achieved remission
correction. This definition incorporates a developmental from depression than the usual care group (44% vs. 23%)
perspective, and assumes limitations on conscious influence, (53). An RCT of a mixed anxiety and depression group also
ubiquity of conflict, internal representation of relationships, reported favourable post-treatment results for PDT on clini-
mental defences, and that complex meanings can be attached cian and self-report measures (54).
to experience (32). An intriguing meta-analysis of studies carried out in China
The boundaries of PDT have become blurred over recent lists six controlled trials that reported substantial treatment
decades by changes in both CBT approaches and psychody- success from psychodynamic psychotherapy as an adjunct to
namic theory and technique, leading to increasing conver- medication and conventional nursing in the treatment of
gence of both understanding and clinical methods, exempli- depression in patients with Parkinsons disease (55).

138 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

Since in clinical practice psychological therapies for reporting too limited to permit reliable inferences about
depression are mostly offered in combination with medi- equivalence or even superiority (76-82). If CBT is superior
cation, the potential value added by brief dynamic thera- to PDT, it is so only in very brief (8-session) implementa-
py is a key question for practitioners. A well-constructed, tions (77). PDT and solution-focused therapy appear com-
appropriately powered RCT found combined treatment parable in effectiveness (83).
to be more acceptable (reducing refusal and premature A recently advanced innovative approach used the Inter-
termination of medication) and associated with higher net to deliver PDT based on a self-help manual in a pro-
recovery rates (41% vs. 59%) (56). These findings were gramme lasting 10 weeks. Compared to a structured support
confirmed for self-reported depression and quality of life condition, recovery rates of 35% vs. 9% were reported, which
outcomes, but not for clinician-rated outcomes (57). A were maintained at 10-month follow-up (84). A second trial
further smaller study comparing clomipramine with or based on a different model also yielded good outcomes com-
without PDT reported reduced depression, lower hospi- pared to online therapist support without treatment modules
talization rates, better work adjustment and better global in a mixed mood and anxiety disorder population (85).
functioning in the combined treatment group (58). A
combined analysis of three RCTs (56,59,60), in which
data were pooled to enable contrasts between pharmaco- Long-term PDT
therapy alone and combination treatment, yielded better
observer-rated and self-reported outcomes in terms of In normal practice, PDT is often offered as a long-term
remission and response rates at treatment termination for (50 sessions or more) treatment. However, only a handful of
combination treatments (61). studies have explored the effectiveness of long-term PDT.
There may be moderators of the superior effect of com- The Helsinki study showed long-term PDT to be inferior
bination treatments. So far, unreplicated findings suggest to short-term PDT initially, but superior after 3-year follow-
that PDT may be particularly indicated if depression is up (86-88). In an intriguing comparison between intensive
accompanied by personality disorder (62,63) or child- long-term PDT (psychoanalysis), long-term PDT and short-
hood trauma (64), and findings are restricted to long-term term PDT, psychoanalysis was initially inferior to both other
follow-ups (42,65,66). Dose-effect relations associated therapies, but was more effective at 5-year follow-up (89).
with the length of therapy (8 vs. 16 sessions) have not A large-scale naturalistic study randomized 272 depressed
been found for combination treatments (59). patients to unmanualized long-term PDT, fluoxetine or their
When pharmacotherapy is contrasted head-to-head with combination for 24 months (51). Long-term PDT on its own
PDT, studies fail to identify differential effects (45,46,67,68). or in combination was more effective in reducing depression
Adding pharmacotherapy to PDT brings equivocal benefit scores than fluoxetine alone, with a medium effect size.
(60), an important observation in the light of consistent find- A study in which participants with major depressive dis-
ings of patient preference for PDT (69). A meta-analysis order were randomized to psychoanalysis or long-term PDT
comparing psychotherapies to treatment with selective sero- found significant superiority of psychoanalysis on self-rated
tonin reuptake inhibitors demonstrated that the former were measures of depression at 3-year follow-up, but no differen-
comparable to medication and that PDT was as efficacious ces at 1 and 2 years (90). A quasi-experimental comparison
as other therapies. However, psychotherapies that were not found psychoanalysis but not long-term PDT to be superior
bona fide (i.e., those delivered by professionals without sub- to CBT on measures of depression at 3 year follow-up (91).
stantial training in psychotherapy) had significantly worse A recently completed study of 18 months of once-weekly
outcomes (70). psychoanalytic psychotherapy for patients with two previous
Several high-quality trials reported comparisons between documented treatment failures reported the psychotherapy
CBT and PDT. A well-powered equivalence trial (N5341) to be superior to U.K. practice guidelines-based treatment,
reported no observer-rated, patient-rated or therapist-rated but superiority was not apparent until 2 years after the end of
differences at treatment termination or follow-up, although treatment (92).
overall the remission rate was low at 22.7% (71-73). Another
trial found PDT, but not counselling or CBT, to be superior
to a control in reducing the rate of postnatal depression at Meta-analyses
termination (49), although the treatments were equivalent at
short-term and long-term follow-up. By contrast, an RCT of Meta-analytic findings on the whole reveal large pre-post
291 inpatients reported that CBT was equally effective in treatment effects (93,94) for PDT maintained at 1-year
those selected for CBT or PDT, while PDT benefitted only follow-up, with medium effect sizes indicating superiority to
those who were specifically selected for that treatment (74). inactive controls (31,95) but either no difference (31) or
Consequently, CBT was superior for the randomly rather slight inferiority (94) in relation to alternative interventions
than systematically assigned group of patients (75). post-treatment. Checking for publication bias revealed the
Earlier studies tended to show negligible differences existence of file drawer studies favouring PDT, which abol-
between PDT and CBT, but the trials were too small and ished the inferiority.

Effect sizes at follow-up relative to other treatments are A health economics study reported that the end of treat-
insignificant overall (31,94,96), but PDT performed signifi- ment cost-effectiveness of CBT and PDT compared to wait-
cantly worse against CBT (31) and in geriatric studies (31). list was uncertain and depended on societal willingness to
PDT is comparable to alternative treatments at long-term pay (WTP): CBT proved cost-effective at WTP  e16,100
follow-up. It also increases the effect of antidepressant med- per responder and PDT at WTP  e27,290 (106).
ication (31,96). There are no studies of PDT against inactive controls in
generalized anxiety disorder, except a study of Internet-
based PDT, which yielded no evidence of superiority to
Comment waitlist control on anxiety ratings (107). An early study of a
poorly specified PDT showed it to be inferior to both anxiety
On the whole, evidence supports the use of PDT in the management training and cognitive therapy at termination
treatment of depression, although its effects compared to and short-term follow-up (108). A small study comparing
placebo and other inactive control treatments are moderate PDT to supportive therapy failed to find superiority of PDT
rather than large. There is evidence that the effects are main- for interpersonal problems (109). An RCT contrasting CBT
tained in both the short and long term. PDT may be a pre- with PDT found the former to be superior on self-reported
ferred alternative to pharmacotherapy and certainly adds to measures of anxiety, but this was not confirmed by indepen-
the effectiveness of medication. If CBT is more effective dent observer ratings (110). At 12-month follow-up, signifi-
than PDT, this difference is neither large nor reliable. How- cant differences favouring CBT remained on two of the
ever, there are too few large-scale trials to fully establish measures (110).
equivalence. Two small studies of panic disorder have been reported.
The dynamic therapies considered under the heading In one study, panic-focused PDT was clearly superior to
PDT are probably quite similar in practice, but vary in the- applied relaxation (73% vs. 39% response) (111), specifically
oretical orientation, content focus, and style of delivery for those with comorbid personality disorders (112). A simi-
(supportive vs. confrontational), and no single type of PDT lar study contrasted this treatment with CBT and found no
emerges as particularly efficacious. The literature on long- significant differences, although a larger sample with the
term PDT, which is still in its infancy, suggests that this same response ratios (47% PDT vs. 72% CBT) would lead to
approach may have value, perhaps particularly with more statistical significance (H50.52) (113).
complex and chronic cases of depression. There is a ques- There is no evidence that PDT is helpful for obsessive-
tion over the issue of cost-effectiveness of these therapies. compulsive disorder (114). The single study adding PDT to
Both established and currently emerging Internet applica- pharmacotherapy reported no significant clinical effect
tions of PDT are of particular interest, because of their from this supplemental treatment (115).
potential for efficient dissemination. There is only one study of PDT as an approach to post-
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (116), which shows a sig-
nificant reduction of intrusion and avoidance compared to
ANXIETY waitlist, to about the same extent as hypnotherapy and trau-
ma desensitization. Systematic reviews found insufficient
Short-term PDT evidence in relation to PTSD to warrant comment (117-
119), although strong theoretical and clinical arguments
Notwithstanding the high lifetime prevalence of anxiety have been advanced for incorporating a psychodynamic
disorders (97), few studies have examined the effectiveness approach into PTSD treatment programmes (120).
of PDT for these conditions.
PDT has been shown to be superior to enhanced waitlist
for social anxiety and social phobia (98-102). The most Meta-analyses
recent study, with 207 PDT and 79 waitlist patients, yielded
large differences in remission rates (26% vs. 9%) (100). A Meta-analyses have tended to combine different anxiety
smaller study showed that adding group PDT to medication disorders when providing effect sizes (31,121). PDT is re-
(clonazepam) reduced social anxiety (103) and immature ported to be significantly more effective than inactive control
defence styles (104). conditions with a medium effect size, and to be overall insig-
Whilst short-term PDT outperformed applied relaxation, nificantly different when compared with alternative treat-
it was equivalent or inferior to prolonged exposure in two ments. However, substantial heterogeneity is reported in
small, early studies (98,99). More recent trials contrasting both primary and secondary outcomes. These conclusions
PDT with CBT found small between-group differences differ from those of other reviewers (122,123) who compared
in remission (100,102). Continuous measures of phobia PDT only with CBT and claimed definite superiority for the
favoured CBT at termination. Between 6-month and 2-year latter. This claim, however, has been questioned (121) and
follow-up, the differences between the two treatments dis- significant errors may indeed have crept into one of the
appeared (105). above meta-analyses (122).

140 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

Comment than routine treatment (21%) and achieved outcomes com-
parable to family therapy (41%) and cognitive analytic thera-
The effectiveness of PDT for anxiety is crucial in the debate py (32%) (131).
between those who argue for specific treatment approaches, In a recent, exceptionally high-quality study (Anorexia
as in CBT, versus those who support a generic approach Nervosa Treatment of OutPatients, ANTOP) (132,133), focal
seeking to identify similar unconscious content across diag- dynamic psychotherapy was contrasted with enhanced CBT
nostic groups. and treatment as usual, which incorporated the same intensi-
In relation to social anxiety and perhaps generalized anx- ty of psychotherapy, offered by community experts. Weight
iety disorder and panic disorder, promising emerging evi- gains were comparable across the three groups over 12
dence supports the argument for a generic approach. The months. With respect to global outcome measures, patients
case is weakened, however, by the absence of evidence for allocated to PDT had higher recovery rates than the control
PTSD and the evidence of absence of effect for obsessive- group; this was the first study to show superiority to CBT.
compulsive disorder. In general, the methodological weak- Patients in the control group more frequently required inpa-
nesses of earlier studies call meta-analytic findings into tient treatment (41%) than those receiving PDT (23%) or
question. CBT (35%). Although full syndrome anorexia nervosa per-
Overall, there is considerable potential for further sound sisted in 21% of PDT patients (versus 28% of controls), the
research aiming to identify the anxiety conditions for which findings, in association with other studies (134), suggest that
PDT may be particularly helpful. a focus on intra- and interpersonal factors is beneficial for
individuals with this disorder (135).
PDT in the treatment of anorexia nervosa in 12-19-year
EATING DISORDERS olds was found to be comparable to family-based treat-
ment after 12-18 months of implementation in terms of
A small study showed self-psychology oriented PDT to be achieving a target weight, but slightly inferior in terms of
superior to nutritional counselling in treating a combination change in body mass index and more frequent hospitaliza-
of anorexia and bulimia nervosa. The comparison with an tion (136,137). In an independent study of PDT versus
active treatment in the same study (cognitive orientation family-based therapy, age appeared to be a significant
therapy) favoured PDT, particularly for bulimia nervosa moderator, with older patients benefitting more from indi-
(124). By contrast, two studies focusing on bulimia nervosa vidual therapy and younger patients from family-based
found both PDT and CBT to be effective in reducing eating approaches in both short-term (138) and long-term fol-
disorder symptoms, but CBT was slightly superior on global low-up (139). A definitive study with larger samples found
measures of clinical outcome, self-rated psychopathology that, even for older adolescents, family-based treatment
and some indicators of social adjustment (125,126). achieved higher rates of remission and larger treatment
A 16-week course of group psychodynamic psychothera- effects than individual treatment (140).
py for binge eating disorder was superior to treatment as
usual on all measures, and mostly equivalent to group CBT
in reducing binge eating and overall improvement (79% Comment
PDT vs. 73% CBT) (127). PDT resulted in lower depression
and more improvement in self-esteem, but greater suscepti- There is strong evidence (two independent RCTs, one of
bility to hunger. There was some indication that patients which is large) that PDT can contribute to recovery from
with higher attachment anxiety benefitted more from PDT. anorexia nervosa. This is underscored by the fact that treat-
A recent report of an RCT of 70 patients with bulimia ner- ment as usual in the ANTOP trial included psychotherapy,
vosa, contrasting 2 years of once-weekly PDT with 20 ses- which, given the location of the study (Germany), was most
sions of CBT over 5 months, found CBT to be more effective likely to have been non-manualized PDT.
in both the short (5 months) and long (2 years) term (128). While available studies are small and conflicting, there is
Both treatments were effective in reducing eating disorder sufficient uncertainty about the relevance of PDT for bulim-
symptoms and general psychopathology. On the face of it, ia nervosa to warrant further research in which the imple-
this finding might be considered to have appropriately chal- mentation of the therapy is more appropriately symptom-
lenged the value of PDT, except that, strangely, this manual- focused.
ization of PDT precluded addressing bingeing and purging
unless the topic was volunteered by the patient (129). The
findings drew attention to the importance of adapting PDT SOMATIC PROBLEMS
to the patients presenting problems (130).
An RCT comparing focal PDT with family therapy, cogni- A number of studies have examined the usefulness of
tive analytic therapy and routine treatment of anorexia ner- interpersonally oriented PDT for individuals presenting with
vosa found that PDT achieved more improvement (52%) a range of pain symptoms.

A relatively large study of irritable bowel syndrome pa- significant differences between groups for follow-up hospi-
tients, randomized to usual (medical) care or PDT (plus usual tal costs (151).
care), reported substantial changes in somatic symptoms,
abdominal pain and bowel dysfunction at 3 and 15 months in
the PDT group (141). A 12-week trial found that women pre- Meta-analyses
senting with irritable bowel syndrome benefitted more from
PDT than from active listening in terms of self- and doctor- No meta-analyses have been reported recently. A limited
rated symptoms (142). Those in the control group who ac- review identified only 13 RCTs and a moderate effect size
cepted psychotherapy after the end of treatment improved, for somatic symptoms (d520.59; 95% CI: 20.78 to 20.40),
and those who declined relapsed. but the random effects model failed to reach significance
A further study with people with the same clinical prob- (152). The effects are clearer for psychiatric symptoms and
lems contrasted eight sessions of PDT with pharmacological social adjustment than somatic symptoms.
treatment (paroxetine) and treatment as usual (143). Both
active treatments reduced physical distress but neither im-
proved pain ratings. Psychotherapy reduced health care Comment
costs during the follow-up year. Patients with a history of
sexual abuse particularly benefitted from PDT, but those The evidence base for PDT in somatoform disorders com-
with depression did better with paroxetine treatment. pared to control treatments is quite robust. Although there
A comparison of PDT with supportive psychotherapy in are no adequate meta-analytic summaries, this narrative
patients with dyspepsia reported that at 1 year 54% felt review clearly reveals that an interpersonal form of dynamic
physically much better with the former treatment, com- therapy has substantial and relatively long-term effects, with
pared to 28% of those receiving the latter (144). The physi- medium effect sizes compared to enhanced treatment as
cal improvements were in line with improvements in usual, and that PDT may be able to reduce long-term health
psychological symptoms in the PDT group. These findings care costs for somatic disorders.
were replicated in a small Iranian RCT, indicating cultural Interestingly, there appear to have been no comparisons
generalizability (145). with active symptom-focused psychosocial treatments such
A well-powered trial in patients with chronic pain symp- as CBT. Yet, a comparison may be relatively easy, since in
toms, randomized to PDT or enhanced medical care, yielded this context PDT is mostly offered as a particularly brief
medium between-group effects (d50.42) for physical quality intervention (8-10 sessions).
of life at 9-month follow-up (146). An earlier study with a The overall impression is that PDT may be more effective
smaller sample of patients with somatoform pain disorder when somatoform disorders are associated with adverse
and a much longer (33 sessions) treatment also yielded sig- social histories rather than manifest psychiatric problems.
nificant pain reductions, in addition to improvements in
somatization, mood and social adjustment (147).
An evaluation of 25 sessions of PDT compared to four DRUG DEPENDENCE
consultations over 6 months for patients with fibromyalgia
found no evidence of superiority of PDT for symptoms spe- RCTs suggest that the value of PDT in the treatment of
cific to this disorder or general psychiatric problems (148). drug dependence is moderated by the substance involved.
However, the training offered to the therapists was brief An early study of methadone-maintained opiate dependence
(4 hours) and focused on insight rather than interpersonal found drug counselling plus either supportive-expressive
emotional awareness, which has been found to be more rel- PDT or CBT to be beneficial relative to drug counselling
evant (149). alone, but there were no differences between the two psy-
An imaginative study randomized general practitioners chotherapies (153-155). Patients with psychiatric morbidity
to be trained to work jointly with psychodynamic psycho- benefitted most from the psychotherapies (156). A replica-
therapists to deliver 10 weekly group therapy sessions tion study of methadone users with psychiatric morbidity
in addition to the diagnosis and psychological management contrasted only PDT with counselling and observed a reduc-
of medically unexplained symptoms (150). This large trial tion of cocaine-positive but not opiate-positive urine sam-
found significant small to medium health benefits over ples during the treatment period (157). Importantly, this
enhanced medical care from this psychodynamic group study demonstrated better maintenance of abstinence at 6
intervention. months, lower-dose methadone use and a significant reduc-
A large quasi-experimental study compared pre- and tion in psychiatric morbidity.
post-treatment health care costs for 890 patients treated A study of cocaine dependence, contrasting CBT, PDT
with brief PDT for a broad range of somatic and psychiatric and individual drug counselling based on the 12-step philos-
disorders with those of a control group (N5192) who were ophy (all incorporating group drug counselling) with group
referred but never treated, and found an average cost reduc- drug counselling alone, found individual drug counselling
tion per treated case of $12,628 over 3 follow-up years, with to be most efficacious (158). Neither CBT nor PDT added

142 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

benefit to group drug counselling, and they did not differ is limited even for CBT. The available evidence for PDT sug-
from each other in terms of effectiveness. Thirty-eight per- gests some possible immediate benefit from dynamic ap-
cent of individual drug counselling patients compared to proaches, but benefits are not sustained in the longer term.
18% of PDT patients maintained 3 months of consecutive
abstinence. However, individual drug counselling did not
reduce psychiatric symptoms, unemployment, or medico- PERSONALITY DISORDERS
legal, social, alcohol or interpersonal problems to a greater
extent than the other treatments (159). A relatively wide range of dynamic therapies have been
evaluated for a number of personality disorders, against both
active and inactive control treatments. A number of small tri-
Comment als report intensive, relatively brief (25-40 sessions) PDT to
be superior to minimal contact (166), waitlist (167,168) and
It is unclear whether PDT should be recommended to treatment as usual (169-172). Some studies demonstrated
supplement the treatment of opiate-dependent individuals. the value of longer-term treatments for specific diagnoses,
Individual drug counselling clearly has benefit and, since for example, borderline personality disorder (173,174).
contingency management has become a preferred treatment Brief therapies do less well against active controls. In
for dependency problems (20,40), the role of PDT in the mixed personality disorder populations, manualized PDT
treatment of drug dependence is currently doubtful. was not superior to supportive psychotherapy (175), adap-
tive psychotherapy (167) or non-manualized community-
delivered PDT (176). In a comparison of non-manualized
PSYCHOSIS PDT with CBT, the latter was more efficacious over a
20-session treatment and follow-up for avoidant personality
A Cochrane review of individual PDT for schizophrenia disorder (168). In contrast, a trial of manualized PDT versus
and severe mental illness, including four randomized trials CBT for cluster C personality disorder patients reported no
with 528 participants, found that patients who had received significant differences and a somewhat more rapid reduction
PDT used less medication, were no more or less likely to be of symptom distress in the PDT group (177). A further com-
rehospitalized, but were less likely to be discharged (160). parison between PDT, CBT and brief relational therapy
There was no clear evidence of any positive effect of PDT (which focuses on ruptures in the therapeutic alliance) found
and adverse effects were not considered. Another meta- that the latter two treatments were associated with a higher
analytic review (161), which identified 37 studies with 2,642 percentage of clinically significant and reliable change in the
patients, incorporated many studies from the 1950s to the treatment of cluster C personality disorder, although the dif-
1970s, when treatment pathways and practices were quite ferences were not significant (178).
different, which makes the pooled estimates impossible to There have been larger trials with active treatment com-
interpret. parisons focused on borderline personality disorder. Trans-
In a partial RCT, the Danish National Schizophrenia ference-focused psychotherapy was shown to be superior to
Project (162), patients with first episode psychosis received supportive psychotherapy and dialectical behaviour thera-
one of three treatment packages: one including PDT, the py on some symptom measures (improving irritability,
second multi-family treatment, and the third treatment as anger and assault and impulsivity) (179) as well as a num-
usual. Only a small subgroup of patients was randomized. ber of attachment-related measures (180). Similarly,
When controlled for drug and alcohol use, the 1-year com- mentalization-based treatment was shown to be superior
parison revealed benefit from PDT (162). A further analysis to structured clinical management of equal intensity (181),
after 2 years contrasted treatment as usual (N5150) with particularly for patients with more than two personality
PDT (N5119) (only 72 patients had been randomly allocat- disorder diagnoses (182). Mentalization-based treatment
ed). Patients receiving PDT had higher Global Assessment was also found to be superior to supportive group therapy,
of Functioning scores (medium effect size) (163). Benefits but only in terms of global assessment of functioning, at
were no longer evident at 5-year follow-up (164). termination (183) and at 18-month follow-up (184). How-
A pilot study of psychodynamic art therapy vs. treatment ever, an RCT comparing transference-focused psychother-
as usual with a small sample found a post-treatment reduc- apy and CBT (schema-focused therapy) found CBT to be
tion in positive psychotic symptoms, which dissipated 6 more effective, particularly because early dropout rates
weeks later (165). were higher for the former treatment (185). In this context,
it is noteworthy that the introduction of mentalization-
based treatment to a specialist unit for borderline personal-
Comment ity disorder was historically associated with a substantial
reduction of dropouts (from 15% to 2%) (186).
There is increasing optimism about the value of psycholog- While the inclusion of general psychiatric management
ical therapy for psychosis, although the supporting evidence in a review of PDT may perhaps be controversial, this

dynamically informed intervention, manualized by two while mentalization-based treatment is deemed probably ef-
psychodynamic practitioners (187), owes much to dynamic ficacious. In fact, a number of the comparator treatments
techniques and conceptualization of borderline personality considered above also have strong claims to being empirical-
disorder. It has been shown to be comparable to dialectical ly supported, notably relational psychotherapy for general
behaviour therapy at termination (188) and 2-year follow- personality disorder (193), manualized dynamic supportive
up (189). therapy (194) and brief adaptive psychotherapy (195).
A review of the treatment of personality disorders (196)
summarizes the characteristics required for an effective treat-
Meta-analyses ment as structured, focused on developing agency, integrative
of feelings and actions, active and validating, and incorporat-
There are few meta-analyses specific to PDT for personal- ing supervision. Most dynamic therapies will incorporate
ity disorders, although a number of the meta-analyses focus- these features. Their relative efficacy is thus hardly surprising.
ing on long-term psychotherapy capture many if not all of
the relevant studies (190,191).
One meta-analysis of controlled and uncontrolled studies DISCUSSION
for patients with comorbid depression reported large pre-
post effect sizes (d51-1.27) and superiority to waitlist, but What can be concluded about the efficacy of PDT? In-
no significant differences in efficacy compared to other triguingly, different reviews of the same literature appear
treatments (63). The most comprehensive meta-analysis sometimes to reach dramatically different conclusions (190,
reported medium effect sizes compared to inactive controls 191,197-201). There is a clear need for authors to declare
(31). Active treatment comparisons yield insignificant but interests, since the conclusions of reviews often appear to
negative effect sizes (g520.15, 95% CI: 20.3 to 0.1) and no reflect the authors theoretical orientation, just as the out-
significant difference at follow-up. comes of individual studies appear to be highly correlated
Breaking down outcomes to symptomatology, global func- with the first authors affiliation (202). This tendency is
tioning, interpersonal problems, depression and suicidality regrettable, because the lack of balance and the determina-
also revealed no significant differences between PDT and tion to use statistics primarily for support leads to entrenched
other therapies on any of these dimensions, but medium traditions and conflicts with the need to innovate through
effect sizes in relation to control treatments. A marginally sig- the process of collaboration that is so characteristic of discov-
nificant association between the number of sessions and ery science.
effect size is reported. The extension of the evidence-based movement to psycho-
However, it would be wrong to argue that complex disor- therapy, which we strongly support, may have reinforced a
ders always require complex and long-term PDT interven- conservatism by raising the bar for accepting innovative ap-
tions. Patients with chronic mental disorders (average 5-year proaches. Could CBT be discovered and disseminated now
chronicity), who were frequent utilizers of mental health under the empirically supported therapies paradigm (203)?
services, were randomized to treatment as usual or very brief Complex combinations of techniques have been packaged as
(8-session) PDT (192). Six months post-treatment there were empirically supported therapies. Increasingly, developers
significant benefits in terms of general psychiatric distress, have prioritized the implementation of packages without
social functioning, quality of life, and resource utilization in regard to the unique value of each component. These treat-
terms of outpatient attendance, general practitioner contacts, ment packages evolve in relation to what many now consider
nurse contacts and medication. The cost of psychotherapy a less-than-adequate system of diagnostic classification (204-
was recouped through reductions in resource use. The study 206). Transdiagnostic considerations will ultimately out-
underscores the absence of a simple linear relationship be- weigh syndrome-specific treatment recommendations.
tween the length of a dynamic treatment and the severity of Given all this, is it possible to make meaningful recom-
psychopathology. mendations about PDT based on the evidence? The follow-
ing suggestions seem to be well grounded in data:

Comment  Treatment approaches generated from PDT principles

appear to benefit individuals who present with depres-
The evidence concerning personality disorders is rela- sion, some forms of anxiety, eating disorders and so-
tively robust in highlighting the superiority of PDT over matic problems.
controls across key clinical variables including suicidality,  Implementations of the same principles in long-term treat-
global and interpersonal functioning, as well as comorbid ments (1 year and longer) appear to benefit individuals
psychopathology. with complex disorders where the severity manifests as a
The American Psychological Association (Division 12) combination of syndromal and spectral-level problems (a
has designated transference-focused psychotherapy a well- generally high level of vulnerability to psychopathology)
established treatment for borderline personality disorder, (207,208).

144 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

 There is little evidence to suggest that PDT is superior to Gardner and Dr. A. Higgitt for assistance with the litera-
other therapeutic approaches. Its implementation in ture review and drafting the manuscript, and Dr. P. Luyten
most instances will depend on the availability of appro- for helpful discussions.
priately trained personnel and their willingness to ac-
quire the specific techniques that have been shown to be
efficacious to a level of competence on a par with per-
sonnel delivering treatments in RCTs.
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may well be concerned that current PDT approaches are tion. J Consult Clin Psychol 1997;65:821-33.
11. Henggeler SW, Pickrel SG, Brondino MJ. Multisystemic treat-
too deeply rooted in the technical preferences of developers
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150 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015


The NIMH Experimental Medicine Initiative

National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA

Much has been written about the dire state of treatment roughly $150M per year. More than half of these trials
development for mental disorders (1). While there has were for psychosocial interventions. Our initial review
been progress in the development of devices and psycho- demonstrated a large number of under-powered trials that
social treatments, psychopharmacology over the past were slow to recruit and even slower to publish. Indeed, a
decade appears to have stalled after four decades of exu- 2012 review of trials across the National Institutes of
berant growth (2). Health (NIH) reported that fewer than half published
There are several reasons for the lack of progress in med- results within 30 months of completion (6). Most trials
ication development: preclinical studies appear neither pre- were looking for an efficacy signal, but were designed not
dictive or reproducible, there are few novel targets for to rigorously test a hypothesis about how or for whom the
Phase I and Phase II studies, and several expensive recent intervention should work. Few trials included any test of
Phase III studies have failed. Psychiatric drug development mechanism of action. Trials rarely included measures of
is now seen as high risk. Indeed, large pharmaceutical com- dose-response or tests of duration that could inform their
panies have reduced investment in central nervous system adoption and reimbursement in the real world. Given the
disorders from 267 projects in 2009 to 129 projects last range of issues, NIMH announced in 2014 that it would
year, with many of these projects focusing on neurological no longer accept proposals for clinical trials unless they
and not psychiatric disorders (3). were responsive to a Request for Applications (RFA).
It is important to note that four decades of drug develop-
ment resulting in over 20 antipsychotics and over 30 antide-
pressants have not demonstrably reduced the morbidity or NEW CLINICAL TRIALS
mortality of mental disorders. While there may be many
explanations for the unabated public health needs associat- In 2014, NIMH released three RFAs to solicit proposals
ed with mental illness, there can be little doubt that we need for clinical trials (see http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/
additional research and development to provide the preven- rfa-files/). In line with an experimental medicine approach,
tive interventions and cures that will reduce morbidity and each of these RFAs refocused trials from simple tests of effi-
mortality. Current medications have an important role in cacy to studies of disease mechanism (7). The new approach
the toolbox of interventions but, either alone or in combina- required a measure of target engagement, where the target
tion with other treatments, they have not proven sufficient. ideally was linked to some mechanism of disease but could
The question is how to develop the next generation of also be a mechanism of action of the intervention. The pro-
interventions. totype of a target might be a measure of receptor occupancy.
A clinical trial of a drug thought to work as a dopamine
receptor antagonist would need to demonstrate a dose for
PREVIOUS CLINICAL TRIALS engagement or occupancy of the dopamine receptor and
then test for efficacy at that dose.
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has This simple requirement has two important implications.
tried to answer this question by focusing on each of the First, it allows negative efficacy data to be informative. Sec-
issues noted above: problematic preclinical studies, lack of ond, it allows a test of the importance of the target. In five
novel targets, and failure of Phase III trials. Others have decades of treatment development, there have been essen-
argued for the need to move rapidly into human trials due tially no mechanisms falsified in neuropharmacology, in part
to the difficulty extrapolating from preclinical results (4,5). because target mechanisms are rarely tested in clinical trials.
Here we describe changes in the clinical trials portfolio to Of course, receptor occupancy is a high bar for target
search for novel targets and increase the likelihood of Phase engagement, unlikely to be feasible in most studies. For
III success. The approach has been called the shift to exper- psychosocial studies, the target could be a shift in attention-
imental medicine at NIMH. Although this term has been al bias or social cognition or family dynamics, as assessed by
used to describe broadly the clinical study of mechanisms changes in objective measures included in the trial. For
of disease, for NIMH, experimental medicine refers to an device studies, the target might be a change in EEG or
approach to clinical trials. evoked potentials or the blood-oxygen-level dependent
The first step before changing the clinical trials approach (BOLD) signal. The choice of target is critical because
was a review of the portfolio in 2012. In the previous the choice of intervention is almost always iterative. Each
year, NIMH supported over 250 clinical trials at a cost of new intervention is a step along a path toward much more

effective treatments. To accelerate that path, NIMH believes recruitment milestones. As noted above, many NIH trials
that an understanding of the target will prove to be the criti- were also slow to publish following completion of the study,
cal insight, not a slight increase in effect size. with as many as 30% failing to publish any results (6).
As a further test of this approach, NIMH sponsored a NIMH has also altered its expectations for clinical trials
series of contract trials called Fast-Fail trials (FAST). These beyond experimental design. All trials funded by NIMH
trials were based on an analysis of failed Phase III trials that must be registered in ClinicalTrials.gov. To expedite enroll-
suggested a need to insert go - no go decisions into earlier ment, all multi-site trials are expected to have a centralized
phases of the development process (5). By failing early and institutional review board (IRB). Recruitment will now be
often, development could focus on the treatments most tracked in all studies, with funding terminated for studies
likely to succeed in Phase III. In addition to requiring meas- that persistently fail to meet recruitment goals.
ures of target engagement, the FAST studies had specific NIMH-funded clinical trials are now required to submit
milestones built in for assessing progress. Since these trials individual level data on a quarterly basis to the National
were funded as contracts, project management was rigorous Database for Clinical Trials Related to Mental Illness (http://
and funding was contingent on hitting these milestones. ndct.nimh.nih.gov). The importance of sharing individual-
Current trials include assessing the kappa opiate receptor level data became apparent in a recent reanalysis of 37 pub-
for anhedonia in depression and a GABA-A agonist for lished clinical trials (8). In 35% of the trials, the reanalysis led
social cognition in autism, with measures of target engage- to a different interpretation than reported in the original
ment and specific efficacy outcomes built in. paper, with implications for the types and numbers of pa-
tients who should be treated.
Two other issues deserve note. Clinical trials of mental
ENHANCING IMPACT disorders have been impaired by the heterogeneity of our
diagnostic classifications. It is not hyperbole to suggest
The new experimental medicine approach asks applicants that a study of a new drug for major depressive disorder
to answer two simple questions about their experimental is analogous to giving a new antibiotic to everyone with
design: Will negative results be informative? Will positive fever. No one should be surprised that 30% of patients
results have an impact? Target engagement addresses the respond to placebo and 50% fail to respond to the new
question about negative results. The impact of positive results treatment. We need precision medicine for mental disor-
is more complicated. In spite of the considerable experimen- ders. The Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) project seeks
tal evidence of efficacy for targeted psychotherapies such as to go beyond symptom-level classification to identify more
cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior thera- precise categories that could be used to stratify patients for
py, and considerable data about the most effective use of clinical trials (9). This approach may also yield new clinical
medications, our field faces a crisis of failed implementation. targets, such as anhedonia, fear reactivity, or aspects of
There are at least three issues affecting implementation. executive function, that take us beyond the current focus
First, in most communities, in both the developed and the on antidepressants, antipsychotics, and anxiolytics.
developing world, there are too few clinicians with super- Finally, it is a curious paradox that nearly all clinical trials
vised training in either psychopharmacology or those psy- study a single intervention and yet in the real world of prac-
chotherapies with the most evidence for efficacy. Second, tice nearly all patients receive multiple interventions. While
for psychosocial treatments, the research establishing evi- research demands the purity of single variables, we must
dence rarely demonstrates the requisite dose or duration of find a way for science to align more closely with the practi-
treatment. And finally there has been little adherence to cal needs of patients. Is it realistic to expect conditions as
standards for fidelity, especially for psychotherapies. With- complex as psychotic, mood, or anxiety disorders to re-
out the regulatory framework that exists for medications spond to a singular intervention? The treatment of diabetes
and devices, neither patients nor payers know how to judge now involves a package of psychosocial, medical, and de-
what a therapist actually delivers. Experimental medicine vice based interventions. Surely the time has come to recog-
may not solve all of these issues, but properly designed nize that there is not a magic bullet for most people with
experiments can at least establish dose and duration, with mental disorders, that the best treatment will involve access
the potential for creating measures of fidelity as well. to multiple interventions tailored to the needs of an individ-
ual patient and selected by an informed patient working
with an informed provider. The NIMH supported Recovery
BEYOND EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN After Initial Schizophrenia Episode (RAISE) study is an
example of this approach that could serve as a model for
The aforementioned portfolio analysis revealed serious future trials (see http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/
problems with several key measures of performance. While schizophrenia/raise/index.shtml).
not ubiquitous, there were many trials that had failed to The shift to deployment focused intervention studies, which
register in ClinicalTrials.gov, some with prolonged delays take real world issues into account, may ostensibly appear
in enrolling the first subjects, and many failing to meet to be a challenge to an experimental medicine approach.

152 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

In fact, it is essential for understanding both targets and im- 2. Miller G. Is pharma running out of brainy ideas? Science 2010;
pact. 329:502-4.
3. Pankevich DE, Altevogt BM, Dunlop J et al. Improving and accel-
erating drug development for nervous system disorders. Neuron
CONCLUSIONS 4. Perrin S. Preclinical research: make mouse studies work. Nature
We need a next generation of treatments for mental disor- 5. Paul SM, Mytelka DS, Dunwiddie CT et al. How to improve R&D
productivity: the pharmaceutical industrys grand challenge. Nat
ders. As one step towards this goal, NIMH has introduced a Rev Drug Discov 2010;9:203-14.
new set of requirements for clinical trials. The design of 6. Ross JS, Tse T, Zarin DA et al. Publication of NIH funded trials
these trials follows an experimental medicine approach, registered in ClinicalTrials.gov: cross sectional analysis. BMJ 2012;
with a focus on target engagement. Beyond design, these tri- 344:d7292.
als will require new levels of transparency and efficiency. 7. Insel TR, Gogtay N. National Institute of Mental Health clinical
trials: new opportunities, new expectations. JAMA Psychiatry
Public health success will ultimately depend on more pre- 2014;71:745-6.
cise stratification of patients for trials and the development 8. Ebrahim S, Sohani ZN, Montoya L et al. Reanalyses of random-
of combinations of treatments that can optimize outcomes. ized clinical trial data. JAMA 2014;312:1024-32.
9. Insel TR. The NIMH Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Project:
precision medicine for psychiatry. Am J Psychiatry 2014;171:

1. Hyman SE. Revolution stalled. Sci Transl Med 2012;4:155cm111. DOI 10.1002/wps.20227


The human connectome in health

and psychopathology
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA; 2Departments of Psychology, Psychiatry, and Radiology, Washington
University, St. Louis, MO, USA

A basic tenet of biological psychiatry is that psychiatric Individual variability in cortical structure, function, and
disorders are driven by abnormalities in brain function, connectivity is likely to underlie much of what determines
which in turn reflect abnormalities in the underlying brain our unique personalities, including behavioral disorders.
circuits, i.e., in the wiring of the brain. These circuit abnor- However, cortical interactions with a complex array of
malities presumably reflect a complex interplay between subcortical nuclei (8% of brain volume but only 1% of
genes and environment. Many psychiatric disorders have neuronal number) and with the cerebellum (10% of brain
strong genetic underpinnings: common or rare variants of volume, 80% of the neurons) are extremely important as
genes, individually or in combination, elevate the suscepti- well (3,4). Data from nonhuman primate studies suggest that
bility to disorders such as autism (1), schizophrenia (2), and there are 10,000 long-distance pathways between cortical
many others. and subcortical parcels ranging widely in their connection
Most psychiatric disorders are thought to be neurodeve- strength (5,6). Deciphering even a modest fraction of this cir-
lopmental in nature, either because symptoms typically arise cuitry in the human brain is truly a daunting endeavor.
during childhood (e.g., autism) or because the interactions Four major MRI modalities provide views of human
between genes and environment begin early, even if the brain structure, function, and connectivity. First, structural
onset of the disorder becomes evident only in adolescence MRI uses volume-based analyses to estimate the distribu-
or adulthood. tion of gray matter regions, and surface-based analyses to
To better understand, diagnose, and treat psychiatric disor- assess cortical thickness and folding patterns. Second, task
ders, it is crucial to obtain deeper insights into brain circuits in functional MRI (fMRI) identifies regions of increased or
health and disease and in humans and animal models. Here, decreased fMRI blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD)
we focus on the relevance of human in vivo neuroimaging, signal that in turn reflects brain activity (synaptic currents
particularly involving magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We and neuronal spiking) via a complex and still poorly under-
briefly address three major points. First, recent neuroimaging stood mechanism of neurovascular coupling (7). Third,
studies have already provided important insights about abnor- diffusion imaging (dMRI) and tractography enable charac-
malities related to brain structure, function, and connectivity terization of structural connectivity using preferential dif-
in psychopathology. Second, recent advances in neuroimag- fusion of water molecules along the length of axons to esti-
ing of healthy adults, including many driven by the Human mate the dominant fiber orientation(s) in each white matter
Connectome Project, offer exciting prospects for accelerated voxel, then inferring long-distance connectivity based on
progress in characterizing disease-related brain connectivity (deterministic or probabilistic) tractography algorithms.
abnormalities. Third, methodological limitations of each Tractography is conceptually the closest approach to infer-
neuroimaging method, some of which are inadequately ring direct anatomical connectivity, but it has significant
appreciated, require critical assessments and careful inter- practical limitations owing to the prevalence of crossing
pretation of research findings, especially when placed in fibers, branching fibers, and other methodological con-
the context of the extraordinary complexity of brain cir- founds that can give rise to false positives and false negatives
cuits revealed by studies of laboratory animals. (6). Fourth, resting-state fMRI (rfMRI) relies on correlated
fluctuations in the BOLD signal to infer functional con-
nectivity, that typically reflects brain regions sharing a his-
MEASURING HUMAN BRAIN STRUCTURE, tory of coactivation. This may reflect anatomically direct
FUNCTION, AND CONNECTIVITY connectivity, but coactivation may occur instead or in addi-
tion through common inputs or indirect connections (8).
The human brain contains about 90 billion neurons and The spatial resolution of each MRI modality depends on
150 trillion synapses. Physically, the dominant structure is the size of individual volume elements (voxels), which in
the cerebral cortex, a highly convoluted sheet containing turn reflects the signal to noise constraints of each approach.
most of the synapses but only 20% of the neurons (3). The Voxel dimensions are typically 1 mm for structural MRI,
cortex is a mosaic containing hundreds of distinct areas 3 mm for fMRI, and 2 mm for dMRI, but methodological
(parcels), but accurate mapping of their location, function, advances by the Human Connectome Project described
and connectivity is an ongoing quest. below have substantially reduced voxel sizes for each mo-

154 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

dality. In the remainder of this paper, we focus mainly on disorders, but they represent only the tip of an information
advances revealed by analyses of structural and functional iceberg that can be better exposed using improved neuroim-
connectivity. aging methods. Like many other arenas of neuroscience,
neuroimaging has benefited from many recent improvements
in data acquisition and analysis that hold promise for
advancing our understanding of circuit level dysfunction in
psychopathology. Here, we illustrate a few of the advances in
human neuroimaging enabled by the Human Connectome
The past decade has seen a burgeoning literature applying
Project (23).
currently available methods for assessing functional and
Among the many improvements in data acquisition, the
structural connectivity to our understanding of course, out-
two most significant are multi-band pulse sequences, which
come, treatment response and heterogeneity in psychiatric
benefit both fMRI and dMRI data acquisition (24,25), and
disorders, as well as their developmental antecedents (9). In
customized scanners with increased maximum gradient
many ways these studies are still in their infancy, but here
strength, which benefits dMRI (24,26). For fMRI, this trans-
we describe a few examples that highlight the potential utili-
lates to better resolution in space (2 mm vs. typical 3 mm
ty and power of these methods for helping us to understand
voxels; 1.6 mm voxels at 7 Tesla), which enables accurate
the pathophysiology of a range of psychiatric disorders.
mapping of data to the cortical ribbon, and in time (0.7 s vs.
Not surprisingly, one major focus has been to assess
typical 2 s for each frame, or image volume), which in-
whether individuals with various forms of psychiatric disor-
creases sensitivity to dynamic activity patterns and also
ders differ from individuals without psychiatric disorders in
helps filter out noise. For dMRI, the improvement is in spa-
either structural and/or functional connectivity. For example,
tial resolution (1.25 mm vs. typical 2 mm), which enables
a recent meta-analysis of obsessive-compulsive disorder indi-
better identification of crossing fibers (27), plus the pros-
cates that this illness is associated with altered structural con-
pect of dealing better with gyral biases (6). Nonetheless,
nectivity between lateral prefrontal and parietal regions (10).
even with improved resolution, given the known densities
Importantly, the field is now moving beyond basic com-
of neurons and synapses, a fMRI voxel in the Human Connec-
parisons to healthy individuals by using measures of func-
tome Project contains 250,000 neurons and 250,000,000
tional and structural connectivity to elucidate the progres-
synapses, while a dMRI voxel contains hundreds of thou-
sion of brain changes across different stages or phases of
sands of axons. Hence, the gulf between the micro- and
illness (11), and between individuals who have putatively
macro-connectome domains remains enormous.
different psychiatric disorders (12,13). This offers the
Improvements in Human Connectome Project data anal-
prospect of critical insights about potentially dissociable
ysis include concurrent use of appropriate geometric models
etiological pathways.
for cerebral cortex (as a surface mesh) and subcortical struc-
A growing number of investigators are examining the rela-
tures (as voxels) (28), and improved intersubject alignment
tionship between individual differences in specific symptom
using functionally relevant features as well as folding pat-
or cognitive domains and structural and functional brain
terns (29). This is critical, given the dramatic individual
connectivity, both within and across diagnostic categories
differences in the physical pattern of cortical convolutions
(14,15). This aligns well with the Research Domain Criteria
and the variability in size and location of cortical areas rela-
(RDoC) initiative (16,17), which focuses on identifying core
tive to folds.
brain-behavior systems that may be critical for understand-
The Human Connectome Project expects to complete
ing psychopathology.
data acquisition on 1200 healthy adult twins and nontwin
Another important thrust is to use connectivity measures
siblings in 2015. Results from the 500 subjects released
to understand the predictors and mechanisms of treatment
to date are already beginning to emerge. The Connectome
response for psychiatric disorders (18,19), providing insights
DB database serves as a user-friendly workhorse platform
into both the types of individual difference characteristics
(http://www.humanconnectome.org) that to date has ena-
and the types of treatments that may facilitate plasticity.
bled sharing of nearly a petabyte (1 million gigabytes) of
Finally, an exciting new direction is to use structural and
data with the scientific community. For rfMRI, this includes
functional connectivity measures to elucidate risk factors for
extensively processed data such as parcellations based on
and the developmental antecedents of psychiatric disorders
functional connectivity and functional connectivity matri-
(20-22). Such information may provide novel avenues for
ces for individuals as well as population averages.
early intervention or even prevention, as well as clues as to
In 2014, the National Institutes of Health announced
a Connectomes Related to Human Disease funding op-
portunity (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-
THE HUMAN CONNECTOME PROJECT AND BEYOND 14-281.html) for the study of brain disorders using advanced
methods of data acquisition and analysis, with the resultant
The efforts summarized above are starting to provide valu- data to be shared via a Connectome Coordinating Facility
able insights into circuit-based mechanisms of psychiatric that is an extension of Connectome DB. Hopefully, this

promotion of common strategies of acquiring and sharing (eds). Diffusion MRI, 2nd ed. Amsterdam: Academic Press, 2014:
high-quality neuroimaging data will accelerate progress in 337-58.
7. Hillman EM. Coupling mechanism and significance of the
characterizing circuit abnormalities. BOLD signal: a status report. Annu Rev Neurosci 2014;37:161-
8. Dosenbach NU, Fair DA, Miezin FM et al. Distinct brain net-
CONCLUSIONS works for adaptive and stable task control in humans. Proc Natl
Acad Sci USA 2007;104:11073-8.
9. Castellanos FX, Di Martino A, Craddock RC et al. Clinical appli-
While there is reason to be optimistic about continued cations of the functional connectome. NeuroImage 2013;80:527-
advances, it is also vital to be realistic about the limits that 40.
are attainable using current technologies. Ideally, we would 10. Piras F, Piras F, Caltagirone C et al. Brain circuitries of obsessive
like to see methods that enable diagnosis at the level of indi- compulsive disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis of dif-
vidual subjects. Further, it will be increasingly critical in fusion tensor imaging studies. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2013;37:
future work to synergistically integrate analyses of both 11. Canu E, Agosta F, Filippi M. A selective review of structural con-
functional and structural connectivity, given their comple- nectivity abnormalities of schizophrenic patients at different
mentary strengths and information content. stages of the disease. Schizophr Res 2015;161:19-28.
In addition, it will be important to appreciate relationships 12. Baker JT, Holmes AJ, Masters GA et al. Disruption of cortical
in connectivity across spatial scales, such as understanding association networks in schizophrenia and psychotic bipolar dis-
order. JAMA Psychiatry 2014;71:109-18.
how disruption of local circuits (i.e., excitation/inhibition 13. Anticevic A, Savic A, Repovs G et al. Ventral anterior cingulate
imbalance) may influence both larger scale functional con- connectivity distinguished nonpsychotic bipolar illness from psy-
nectivity (29), and even potentially structural connectivity chotic bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Schizophr Bull 2015;
over time. 41:133-43.
The degree to which these aspirations will be feasible 14. Cole MW, Anticevic A, Repovs G et al. Variable global dyscon-
nectivity and individual differences in schizophrenia. Biol Psychi-
remains open to question, but we believe that the advances atry 2011;70:43-50.
afforded by endeavors such as the Human Connectome 15. Spielberg JM, Miller GA, Warren SL et al. Transdiagnostic dimen-
Project and related projects are helping to provide the tools sions of anxiety and depression moderate motivation-related
and data that are vital for accelerating progress. brain networks during goal maintenance. Depress Anxiety 2014;
16. Insel T, Cuthbert B, Garvey M et al. Research Domain Criteria
(RDoC): toward a new classification framework for research on
Acknowledgements mental disorders. Am J Psychiatry 2010;167:748-51.
17. Cuthbert BN. The RDoC framework: classificating transition
This work was funded by the Human Connectome Project from ICD/DSM to dimensional approaches that integrate neu-
(1U54MH091657-01) from the 16 NIH Institutes and roscience and psychopathology. World Psychiatry 2014;13:28-
Centers that Support the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience 18. Delorenzo C, Delaparte L, Thapa-Chhetry B et al. Prediction of
Research, and by the McDonnell Center for Systems selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor response using diffusion-
Neuroscience at Washington University. weighted MRI. Front Psychiatry 2013;4:5.
19. Dichter GS, Gibbs D, Smoski MJ. A systematic review of relations
between resting-state functional-MRI and treatment response in
major depressive disorder. J Affect Disord 2014;172C:8-17.
References 20. Luking KR, Repovs G, Belden AC et al. Functional connectivity
of the amygdala in early-childhood-onset depression. J Am Acad
1. DeRubeis RJ, Cohen ZD, Forand NR et al. The Personalized Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2011;50:1027-41.
Advantage Index: translating research on prediction into individ- 21. Clauss JA, Seay AL, VanDerKlok RM et al. Structural and func-
ualized treatment recommendations. A demonstration. PLoS One tional bases of inhibited temperament. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci
2014;9:e83875. 2014;9:2049-58.
2. Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Con- 22. Lewis JD, Evans AC, Pruett JR et al. Network inefficiencies in
sortium. Biological insights from 108 schizophrenia-associated autism spectrum disorder at 24 months. Transl Psychiatry 2014;4:
genetic loci. Nature 2014;511:421-7. e388.
3. Azevedo FA, Carvalho LR, Grinberg LT et al. Equal numbers of 23. Van Essen DC, Smith S, Barch D et al. The WU-Minn Human
neuronal and nonneuronal cells make the human brain an iso- Connectome Project: an overview. Neuroimage 2013;62:1299-
metrically scaled-up primate brain. J Comp Neurol 2009;513:532- 310.
41. 24. Ugurbil K, Xu J, Auerbach EJ et al. Pushing spatial and temporal
4. Pakkenberg B, Pelvig D, Marner L et al. Aging and the human resolution for functional and diffusion MRI in the Human Con-
neocortex. Exp Gerontol 2003;38:95-9. nectome Project. Neuroimage 2013;80:80-104.
5. Markov NT, Ercsey-Ravasz MM, Ribeiro Gomes AR et al. A 25. Smith SM, Andersson J, Auerbach EJ et al. Resting-state fMRI
weighted and directed interareal connectivity matrix for macaque in the Human Connectome Project. Neuroimage 2013;80:144-
cerebral cortex. Cereb Cortex 2012;24:17-36. 68.
6. Van Essen DC, Jbabdi S, Sotiropoulos SN et al. Mapping connec- 26. Setsompop K, Kimmlingen R, Eberlein E et al. Pushing the limits
tions in humans and nonhuman primates: aspirations and chal- of in vivo diffusion MRI for the Human Connectome Project.
lenges for diffusion imaging. In: Johansen-Berg H, Behrens T Neuroimage 2013;80:220-33.

156 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

27. Sotiropoulos SN, Jbabdi S, Xu J et al. Advances in diffusion MRI 29. Anticevic A, Gancsos M, Murray JD et al. NMDA receptor func-
acquisition and processing in the Human Connectome Project. tion in large-scale anticorrelated neural systems with implications
Neuroimage 2013;80:125-43. for cognition and schizophrenia. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2012;
28. Glasser MF, Sotiropoulos SN, Wilson JA et al. The minimal 109:16720-5.
preprocessing pipelines for the Human Connectome Projects.
Neuroimage 2013;80:105-24. DOI 10.1002/wps.20228


What has serotonin to do with depression?

University Department of Psychiatry, Warneford Hospital, Oxford OX3 7JX, UK

The serotonin hypothesis of clinical depression is almost Overall, this evidence suggests that impairing serotonin
50 years old. At its simplest, the hypothesis proposes that function can cause clinical depression in some circumstan-
diminished activity of serotonin pathways plays a causal role ces, but is neither necessary nor sufficient. In addition, the
in the pathophysiology of depression. This notion was based depressogenic effects of tryptophan depletion are much more
on the depressogenic effects of amine depleting agents such apparent in people who have experienced prior episodes of
as reserpine, as well as the actions of antidepressant drugs depression than in those simply at high risk of illness, for
such as monoamine oxidase inhibitors and tricyclic antide- example by virtue of a strong family history (6). This suggests
pressants, discovered by clinical serendipity, but later found that low serotonin function may compromise mechanisms
in animal experimental studies to potentiate the effects of involved in maintaining recovery from depression rather
serotonin and other monoamines at the synapse (1). than having a primary effect to lower mood in all vulnerable
This pattern of theory making moving from the pharma- people.
cological actions of drugs with some efficacy in treatment These findings also hint at a role for diminished trypto-
to biochemical notions of causation has been common phan availability in triggering depression, particularly in
in biological psychiatry. In such an undeveloped field this people with a previous history of illness. Interestingly, lower
approach, though logically precarious, has been a useful plasma levels of tryptophan are one of the few reasonably
heuristic and, in the case of the dopamine hypothesis of psy- robust findings in patients with more severe forms of depres-
chosis, has been strikingly upheld by advanced brain imaging sion (7) and, more recently, have been linked to peripheral
techniques (2). However, the serotonin hypothesis of depres- inflammation and consequent induction of the tryptophan
sion has not been clearly substantiated. Indeed, dogged by metabolizing enzyme indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (8). In-
unreliable clinical biochemical findings and the difficulty flammation could therefore produce depression in vulnerable
of relating changes in serotonin activity to mood state, the individuals by lowering plasma tryptophan and diminish-
serotonin hypothesis eventually achieved conspiracy the- ing brain serotonin activity. Conceivably, such an effect could
ory status, whose avowed purpose was to enable industry to explain the diminished efficacy of SSRIs in depressed pa-
market selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) to a tients with high levels of inflammatory biomarkers (9).
gullible public (3).


UNDERSTANDING OF DEPRESSION? Undoubtedly, a major reason for the continuing interest
in serotonin and depression is the fact that SSRIs are useful
In biological psychiatry, pathophysiological hypotheses antidepressant drugs for some patients. Elegant basic stud-
are not easily refuted. More often they simply seem to be- ies have revealed intriguing molecular and cellular conse-
come irrelevant as new models of causation take their place. quences of repeated SSRI administration in animals, for
In an era of neural networks and systems level neuroscience, example increases in hippocampal cell proliferation and
single neurotransmitter theories of depression look in- enhanced expression of neuroplasticity related proteins such
creasingly implausible. Is serotonin still worth thinking as brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) (10). However,
about in relation to depression? linking such changes to resolution of the clinical depressive
The best evidence that serotonin plays a role in the patho- syndrome is challenging. More pertinent in this respect
physiology of depression comes from studies of tryptophan are neuropsychological studies which show that, in both
depletion, where an acute dietary manipulation is employed healthy participants and depressed patients, administra-
to produce a transient lowering in brain serotonin activity tion of SSRIs leads to positive shifts in the way the brain
through diminishing availability of its precursor amino acid, appraises emotionally-valenced information. This effect
tryptophan. In healthy participants with no risk factors for occurs very early in treatment, prior to clinical antidepres-
depression, tryptophan depletion does not produce clinically sant effects, and appears to be mediated via serotonergic
significant changes in mood; however, recovered depressed innervation to limbic circuitry, particularly the amygdala (11).
patients free of medication can show brief, clinically rele- This work gives a new insight into how serotonin path-
vant, depressive symptomatology (4). Interestingly, the same ways may influence mood in depressed patients, that is
is true of recovered depressed patients undergoing catechol- by altering the way the brain appraises emotionally-laden
amine depletion with alpha-methyl-para-tyrosine (5). information at an implicit level. Unlike mood, emotions are

158 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

relatively short-lived, automatic responses to internal or of the central nervous system. This anatomical layout is ideal
external stimuli, and in depressed patients emotional re- for broadcasting relatively simple messages which are of gen-
sponses are reliably negatively biased (12). Thus, from this eral interest to many different regions of the brain, such as the
viewpoint, increasing serotonin activity in depressed people reward prediction error signal carried by dopamine. This is
does not influence subjective mood directly but, rather, as a not to say that the serotonergic system has a limit of only one
secondary consequence of positive shifts in automatic emo- kind of signal; there may be some anatomical specificity in
tional responses. the information transmitted, and the complex range of sero-
Over time, it is suggested, this positive biasing of automatic tonergic receptors allows for signals to be multiplexed even
processing would, in an appropriate interpersonal environ- in neurons projecting to the same region (17).
ment, lead to changes in the strategic processing associated Current models of serotonergic function have tried to
with conscious emotional experience. This psychological account for three broad observations about the effects of
process is likely to involve re-learning a range of emotional enhancing serotonergic function in animals and humans:
associations, which might account for the gradual onset of first, that it influences response to aversive stimuli; second,
clinical antidepressant activity (11). In addition, the notion that it increases behavioural inhibition; and third, that it
that re-learning is involved in subjective improvement in improves the symptoms of depression (18).
depression sits well with the finding noted above that antide- An initial computational account of serotonergic trans-
pressants such as SSRIs promote synaptic plasticity, an effect mission suggested that it acted in opponency to dopamine,
classically associated with learning (13). transmitting a punishment prediction error. That is, phasic
serotonergic activity reports when events were worse than
expected (19). This model is able to account for the effect of
COMPUTATIONAL APPROACHES TO SEROTONIN serotonergic modification on behavioural responses to stress
FUNCTION and threat, as it suggests that serotonin broadcasts crucial
information for learning about aversive outcomes. An elabo-
Computational neuroscience offers a framework that al- ration of the model suggests that, in addition to the phasic
lows the role of specific neurotransmitters to be dissected punishment prediction error signal, tonic serotonergic activi-
from within a complex, interconnected and dynamic system ty represents the average, or expected frequency of punish-
such as the brain. The paradigmatic example of a computa- ments (20). This links the effect of serotonin on aversive
tional approach to understanding the function of a central processing to behavioural inhibition, as the more frequently
neurotransmitter is the finding that activity in a subset of punishments are expected to occur when actions are taken,
dopaminergic neurons, projecting from the ventral tegmen- the more advantageous does a cautious approach to action
tum throughout the brain, sharply increases when an unex- become.
pected reward occurs (14). Computational accounts suggest A second variant of this model frames the role of seroto-
that these dopamine neurons contain information about the nin as controlling delay-discounting, which describes the
reward prediction error, which is calculated simply as the observation that an immediate reward (say, being given a
difference between the reward the animal expected to bar of chocolate now) is generally valued to a greater extent
receive and what it actually received (15). This provides a than a delayed reward (being given a bar of chocolate in a
compelling quantitative account of the role of dopaminergic weeks time). Computationally, this effect can be described
neurons in updating beliefs about the environment. by representing the value of a reward numerically (a bar of
The role of serotonin in cognition has not, to date, been chocolate could have an immediate reward value of 100)
characterized as successfully as the dopaminergic reward and then systematically reducing this value as a function of
prediction error signal. This may in part be due to the tech- how long a delay there is until it is received (the value of the
nical challenges of identifying serotonergic neurons elec- same chocolate bar to be eaten in a weeks time may be 50)
trophysiologically or the low concentrations of serotonin (21). Serotonin has been suggested to control how steep
compared to dopamine in the central nervous system, prob- this discounting process is specifically, high levels of sero-
lems which may be more readily circumvented in the future tonin make the process flatter and thus reduce the differ-
by advances in optogenetics (16). Whatever the cause, no ence between immediate and distant rewards (22,23). Flat-
existing computational account of serotonergic function tening the discount rate in this manner makes it more likely
commands the empirical support enjoyed by the dopami- that the animal will be willing to wait for a delayed reward,
nergic model. and explains why enhancing serotonergic function reduces
As a result, before reviewing the specific proposed models impulsive behaviour.
of serotonergic function, it is useful to consider the broad A third computational model, developed by Dayan and
type of information that the serotonergic system could trans- Huys (18), may be more relevant to the role of serotonin in
mit, given its gross anatomy and neurochemistry. Serotoner- depression and its treatment. Here, serotonin is perceived as
gic neurons, in keeping with other central monoaminergic influencing the way that one thought leads to another, specif-
neurotransmitters such as noradrenaline and dopamine, ically by inhibiting chains of thoughts predicted to lead to
project from small central nuclei throughout much of the rest negative affective states (lets not go there). From this

viewpoint, the role of serotonin is to ensure that thoughts 6. Ruhe  HG, Mason NS, Schene AH. Mood is indirectly related to
with potentially negative emotional consequences are rela- serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine levels in humans: a
meta-analysis of monoamine depletion studies. Mol Psychiatry
tively underexplored; hence facilitation of serotonin produ- 2007;12:331-59.
ces a bias towards optimistic valuations, as rewarding thoughts 7. Anderson IM, Parry-Billings M, Newsholme EA et al. Decreased
are visited more frequently than punishing thoughts. This plasma tryptophan concentration in major depression: relation-
is consistent with actions of SSRIs on emotional processing ship to melancholia and weight loss. J Affect Disord 1990;20:185-
described earlier (11). Conversely, tryptophan depletion 91.
8. Wichers MC, Koek GH, Robaeys G et al. IDO and interferon-a-
would be expected to undermine this effect of serotonin, induced depressive symptoms: a shift in hypothesis from trypto-
leading to greater access to negative thinking patterns. In phan depletion to neurotoxicity. Mol Psychiatry 2005;10:538-44.
an individual where particularly bleak patterns of negative 9. Uher R, Tansey KE, Dew T et al. An inflammatory biomarker as a
thoughts have been established during previous depressive differential predictor of outcome of depression treatment with
episodes, tryptophan depletion could result in such experi- escitalopram and nortriptyline. Am J Psychiatry 2014;171:1278-
ences being readily re-accessed, leading to the return of 10. Sharp T, Cowen PJ. 5-HT and depression: is the glass half-full?
clinically significant depressive symptoms. Curr Opin Pharmacol 2011;11:45-51.
11. Harmer CJ, Goodwin GM, Cowen PJ. Why do antidepressants
take so long to work? A cognitive neuropsychological model of
CONCLUSIONS antidepressant drug action. Br J Psychiatry 2009;195:102-8.
12. Beck AT, Rush AJ, Shaw BF et al. Cognitive therapy of depres-
sion. New York: Guildford, 1979.
Simple biochemical theories that link low levels of sero- 13. Duman RS. Pathophysiology of depression: the concept of synap-
tonin with depressed mood are no longer tenable. However, tic plasticity. Eur Psychiatry 2002;17:306-10.
experimental and computational accounts of how serotonin 14. Schultz W, Dayan P, Montague PR. A neural substrate of predic-
influences emotional processing throw an intriguing light tion and reward. Science 1997;275:1593-9.
15. Sutton R, Barto AG. Reinforcement learning. Cambridge: MIT
on the neuropsychology of depression and its pharmacolog- Press, 1998.
ical treatment. 16. Miyazaki KW, Miyazaki K, Tanaka KF et al. Optogenetic activa-
Whether this information can be harnessed to predict tion of dorsal raphe serotonin neurons enhances patience for
therapeutic response to SSRI treatment at an individual lev- future rewards. Curr Biol 2014;24:2033-40.
el is an important topic for clinical translation. 17. Dayan P, Huys QJM. Serotonin in affective control. Annu Rev
Neurosci 2009;32:95-126.
18. Dayan P, Huys QJM. Serotonin, inhibition, and negative mood.
PLoS Comput Biol 2008;4.
References 19. Daw N, Kakade S, Dayan P. Opponent interactions between
serotonin and dopamine. Neural Networks 2002;15:603-16.
1. Coppen A. The biochemistry of affective disorders. Br J Psychiatry 20. Cools R, Nakamura K, Daw ND. Serotonin and dopamine: unify-
1967;113:1237-64. ing affective, activational and decision functions. Neuropsycho-
2. Howes OD, Kambeitz J, Kim E et al. The nature of dopamine dys- pharmacology 2011;36:98-113.
function in schizophrenia and what this means for treatment: 21. Daw ND, Doya K. The computational neurobiology of learning
meta-analysis of imaging studies. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2012;69: and reward. Curr Opin Neurobiol 2006;16:199-204.
776-86. 22. Schweighofer N, Bertin M, Shishida K et al. Low-serotonin levels
3. Cowen PJ. Serotonin and depression: pathophysiological mecha- increase delayed reward discounting in humans. J Neurosci 2008;
nism or marketing myth? Trends Pharmacol Sci 2008;29:433-6. 28:4528-32.
4. Smith KA, Fairburn CG, Cowen PJ. Relapse of depression after 23. Miyazaki K, Miyazaki KW, Doya K. The role of serotonin in the
rapid depletion of tryptophan. Lancet 1997;349:915-9. regulation of patience and impulsivity. Mol Neurobiol 2012;45:
5. Berman RM, Narasimhan M, Miller HL et al. Transient depres- 213-24.
sive relapse induced by catecholamine depletion: potential phe-
notypic vulnerability marker? Arch Gen Psychiatry 1999;56:395- DOI 10.1002/wps.20229

160 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015


The interaction between stress and genetic factors in

the etiopathogenesis of depression
Medical Research Council Social Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, Kings College London,
London SE5 8AF, UK; 2Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red de Salud Mental CIBERSAM-University of Granada, 18100 Granada, Spain

The presence of a genetic component to depression has Methodological issues regarding stress assessment have
been established by family, twin and, to a lesser extent, been repeatedly discussed. First, there is the question of
adoption studies. Family studies have shown that first- using a time consuming standardized interview versus a
degree relatives of patients with depression have on average quicker checklist method. Research has consistently con-
three times the risk of depression of those without a family firmed that semi-structured interviews are more accurate
history of the disorder (1), but at least one study of clinically and effective than simple questionnaires (10). Second, there
ascertained narrowly defined depression estimated the risk is the problem of direction of causality: is the subjects men-
in siblings to be nearly ten times the risk in controls siblings tal state influencing the event (or how it is reported) or is
(2). A systematic meta-analysis including data from five the event really precipitating depression? Researchers have
twin studies reported an average heritability estimate of tried to tease out events that are truly independent of the
37% (1), but a clinically based twin study provided an esti- patients own actions and mental state. Acute life events
mate of over 70% (3). have been most consistently found to precede the onset of a
Genetic association studies have mainly focused on neuro- depressive episode compared with chronic and distal events
transmitter and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis (11), but early life stress, specifically adverse childhood
related genes (4,5). Although almost 200 genes have been experiences (emotional, physical or sexual) have been
investigated through this type of candidate gene approach, shown to increase the risk of depression in adulthood and
only a few findings have been replicated (6), with seven can- even in old age (12,13). Indeed, life events occurring long
didate genes explored by meta-analysis yielding statistically before the onset of depression have little or no relationship
significant results (5HTTLPR, APOE, DRD4, GNB3, HTR1A, with adult depression once childhood maltreatment is con-
MTHFR and SLC6A3) (6). trolled for (14).
Since a landmark publication in 2007 of a genome-wide One of the first attempts to study the effects of life events
association study (GWAS) of seven common diseases, one of within a familial context used a semi-structured interview,
which was bipolar disorder (7), association studies of major the Life Events and Difficulties Schedule (LEDS) (9), and
depression have also taken a GWAS approach. Unfortunate- resulted in the provocative finding that not only did the rela-
ly this has been less successful so far than in other common tives of depressed subjects have an increased rate of depres-
psychiatric disorders, including Alzheimers disease, bipolar sion, but also they appeared to have an elevated rate of
disorder and schizophrenia. A recent mega-analysis con- threatening events (15). Subsequent work with twins sug-
ducted on eight GWAS included 18,759 unrelated individu- gested that there is actually a modest but significant heritable
als (9,240 major depressive cases and 9,519 controls) and component to self-reported life events (16) and a genetic cor-
analyzed more than 1.2 million single nucleotide polymor- relation between self-reported life events and depressive
phisms (SNPs). No SNPs achieved the stringent criteria that symptoms in adolescents (17). However, this genetic effect
have now become the standard for declaring genome-wide is probably only characteristic of self-reported life events
significance (p < 531028) (8). assessed by a questionnaire, since parental reports of life
Thus, despite substantial heritability, there has been a events occurring in the same adolescents showed no evi-
failure to robustly identify genetic variants that contribute to dence of heritability. Furthermore, the phenomenon of famil-
depression. Plausible explanations include heterogeneity iarity of LEDS-detected threatening life events in relatives of
(diagnostic, etiological or both), the existence of multiple depressed patients was shown to be explained by shared
tiny genetic effects that require even larger samples, and fail- events, for example illness in a parent affecting both members
ure to take into account gene interplay with environmental of a sibling pair (2). This whole question of how life events are
factors. detected and defined has recently attracted renewed interest
The association between stress and depression is strong in the context of studies of gene-environment interaction.
and compelling, with consistent evidence that life stressors Gene-by-environment interaction (GxE) studies aim to
influence the onset and clinical course of depression (9). On detect whether there are genetic influences affecting indi-
the other hand, not everyone who experiences such events vidual differences in response to the environment. The first
develops the disorder and not everyone who becomes GxE study of depression focusing on a specific genetic vari-
depressed appears to have a precipitating life event. ant was reported by Caspi et al in 2003 (18). They found

that a functional polymorphism in the serotonin transporter Until now, GxE studies have focused on candidate genes
linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) moderates the effect and, although the genome wide genotyping technology has
of environmental factors (childhood maltreatment and been available for a while, no gene-environment wide inter-
stressful life events) on the risk of depression. Individuals action studies (GEWIS) have been conducted in psychiatric
carrying one or two copies of the relatively low-expressing disorders so far. GEWIS face two major challenges: the
short allele (s) had a higher risk of depression after being availability of environmental data and statistical power (19).
exposed to stressful life events or childhood maltreatment The other major problem is that the largest analysis to date
than homozygous for the long allele (l) (18). by the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, including nearly
Subsequently, there have been more that fifty studies try- 20,000 individuals, failed to find any genome-wide signifi-
ing to replicate Caspis findings, and the results have been cant hit (8). Therefore, we can predict that extremely large
somewhat contradictory (4,19), with two negative meta- samples will be needed to detect GxE interactions that with-
analyses (20,21) receiving much attention. However, Uher stand the statistical stringency needed in genome-wide stud-
and McGuffin (22) have noticed a significant systematic ies. Nevertheless, such efforts are ongoing and one of the
effect of how life events were assessed, with negative studies highly welcome benefits of the post-genomic era in psychiat-
being the ones that used subjective self-report measures. ric genetics is the now universal acceptance that real advan-
The most recent and complete meta-analysis, including 54 ces can only be made by consortia that apply global stand-
studies, has found strong evidence that 5-HTTLPR does ards of both scientific method and practical collaborative
indeed moderate the relationship between depression and spirit.
adversity, particularly childhood maltreatment and specific
objectively measurable stressors (23).
There is also support from recent data that interactions Acknowledgements
with 5-HTTLPR are stronger amongst individuals with
chronic or persistent forms of depression (14,24,25). A re- This study presents independent research partially funded by
cent study has also confirmed the presence of an interaction the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedi-
between 5-HTTLPR and various forms of childhood mal- cal Research Centre at South London and Maudsley NHS
treatment (26). Currently, an ambitious large scale meta- Foundation Trust and Kings College London. The views
analysis is underway, attempting to provide a definitive expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those
exploration of adversity, depression and 5-HTTLPR and of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.
including data from 35 independent groups and at least
33,761 individuals (27).
There is also emergent work suggesting that the s allele of References
the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism may confer a differential sen-
sitivity to the environment, which may be either beneficial 1. Sullivan PF, Neale MC, Kendler KS. Genetic epidemiology of
or negative (28). For example, a study of preschool children major depression: review and meta-analysis. Am J Psychiatry 2000;
indicated that homozygotes for the 5-HTTLPR s allele were 2. Farmer A, Harris T, Redman K et al. Cardiff depression study. A
more vulnerable to depression at high stressful live events sib-pair study of life events and familiality in major depression. Br
exposure, but showed reduced rates of depression at low J Psychiatry 2000;176:150-5.
stressful events exposure, appearing to benefit from a better 3. McGuffin P, Katz R, Watkins S et al. A hospital-based twin regis-
ter of the heritability of DSM-IV unipolar depression. Arch Gen
environment (29). Furthermore, there is preliminary evi-
Psychiatry 1996;53:129-36.
dence that children with anxiety or depression respond 4. Cohen-Woods S, Craig IW, McGuffin P. The current state of play
more positively to psychological treatments if they carry the on the molecular genetics of depression. Psychol Med 2013;43:
5-HTTLPR s allele (30). 673-87.
5-HTTLPR has become a forerunner for a whole range 5. El Hage W, Powell JF, Surguladze SA. Vulnerability to depres-
sion: what is the role of stress genes in gene x environment inter-
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Phenomenological and neurocognitive perspectives

on delusions: a critical overview
Department of Clinical Psychology, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Rutgers University, 152 Frelinghuysen Rd., Piscataway, NJ 08854-
8020, USA

There is considerable overlap between phenomenological and neurocognitive perspectives on delusions. In this paper, we first review major
phenomenological accounts of delusions, beginning with Jaspers ideas regarding incomprehensibility, delusional mood, and disturbed cogito
(basic, minimal, or core self-experience) in what he termed delusion proper in schizophrenia. Then we discuss later studies of decon-
textualization and delusional mood by Matussek, changes in self and world in delusion formation according to Conrads notions of
apophany and anastrophe, and the implications of ontological transformations in the felt sense of reality in some delusions. Next we con-
sider consistencies between: a) phenomenological models stressing minimal-self (ipseity) disturbance and hyperreflexivity in schizophrenia, and
b) recent neurocognitive models of delusions emphasizing salience dysregulation and prediction error. We voice reservations about homogeniz-
ing tendencies in neurocognitive explanations of delusions (the paranoia paradigm), given experiential variations in states of delusion. In par-
ticular we consider shortcomings of assuming that delusions necessarily or always involve mistaken beliefs concerning objective facts about
the world. Finally, we offer some suggestions regarding possible neurocognitive factors. Current models that stress hypersalience (banal stimuli
experienced as strange) might benefit from considering the potential role of hyposalience in delusion formation. Hyposalience associated with
experiencing the strange as if it were banal, and perhaps with activation of the default mode network may underlie a kind of delusional dere-
alization and an anything goes attitude. Such an attitude would be conducive to delusion formation, yet differs significantly from the hypersa-
lience emphasized in current neurocognitive theories.

Key words: Delusions, schizophrenia, phenomenological psychopathology, neurocognitive models, salience dysregulation, prediction error,
self-disorder, delusional mood

(World Psychiatry 2015;14:164173)

THE PHENOMENOLOGICAL Phenomenology is acutely sensitive to with semi-structured formats (10) ca-
APPROACH TO DELUSIONS the potential variety of orientations a pable of illuminating how behavioral
deluded patient might have. Also, it signs and symptoms are reflective of
The phenomenological approach fo- stresses that delusions may defy ready alterations of the structures of experi-
cuses on delusion as a phenomenon, comprehension or empathy by normal encing (11, p. 546).
on its subjective or lived dimension: individuals, since they sometimes involve
what it is like to have a delusion. A cru- radical changes in grounding structures
cial feature of phenomenological psy- and assumptions of human experience. Jaspers and delusion proper
chopathology is its emphasis on the Schizophrenia patients are often aware
mode, manner, or form of the experi- of the difficulty of conveying their experi- The formulation of delusions offered
ence in question (1,2). The content of ences and the likelihood of being misun- by K. Jaspers, the father of phenomeno-
an experience, and the supposedly derstood (8). D.P. Schreber, the schizo- logical psychopathology, set the agenda
erroneous nature of beliefs presumably phrenia patient (of a grandiose paranoid for much subsequent psychiatric theory
asserted or assumed by the patient, are sort) who is perhaps the most famous and investigation. Unlike contemporary
less important than how the delusional delusional patient of all time, spoke of uses of the term, in which delusion
world seems to be experienced and matters that lack all analogies in human applies to aberrant beliefs in schizo-
what sort of reality or existence the experience and which I appreciated phrenic, paranoid, manic, psychotically
patient might ascribe to it. directly only in part with my minds eye depressive, and organic conditions, Jas-
Heidegger (3) referred to the latter (9, p. 123). To make myself at least pers considered delusion proper or
dimensions of existence as ontolo- somewhat comprehensible I shall have primary delusion (1, pp. 95,98) (also
gical, and distinguished them from to speak much in images and similes, known as true delusion) to be charac-
object-oriented (what he called ontic) which may at times perhaps be only teristic of schizophrenia.
modes of understanding experience. approximately correct (9, p. 2). True delusions could, thought Jas-
Delusions often involve a mutation in Recognizing this diversity and this pers, be distinguished from delusion-
the ontological framework of experience difficulty in communication and com- like ideas, because the latter could be
that can alter the overall sense of ex- prehension suggests the need for in- understood within the context of under-
istence and the world, including changes depth, qualitative exploration of the lying personality or as exaggerations of
in felt reality-status, time, space, and patients experiences. This requires normal emotions and affects. True delu-
self-experience (4-7). replacing typical structured interviews sions which involve conviction, cer-

164 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

tainty, imperviousness, and impossi- concerns the experienced reality-status patient stared at a swinging cord of a
bility as (merely) associated features of the delusional beliefs or quasi-beliefs light-switch so intently that, after a
require learning about the primary (i.e., the degree or kind of reality that time, he came to feel that not the cord
experience traceable to the illness (1, the delusional world is experienced but the wall and background were mov-
p. 96), of which the apparently incor- as having). ing back and forth; this led, in turn, to
rect judgment is a secondary product. Delusions may help to make a kind the thought that the world was coming
For Jaspers, primary or true delusion of rational sense out of what would oth- to an end (17, p. 93).
involves a direct and unmediated expe- erwise be felt as disturbing, and other- Matussek stresses decontextualiza-
rience that is un-understandable in wise inexplicable, changes in the very tion and framing of isolated features
light of previous experiences or beliefs. foundations of the experiential world for apperception of delusional signifi-
It is rooted in some indescribable alter- i.e., out of the torturous sense of things cance (17, p. 94) and generation of
ation of personality (in the sense of a seeming just so (disconcertingly spe- delusional beliefs. The very salience or
structural basis for subjectivity) or cific or precise) or bristling with strange, framing of particular items may suggest
mode of consciousness of the patient: cosmic, intentional significance (15, p. that something of particular impor-
a transformation in [ones] total 61), or of the disconcerting experiences tance or weighting is being indicated,
awareness of reality (1, p. 95) that of losing ones sense of self or of living conveying an aura of intensified sym-
remains largely incomprehensible. . . in a shared and objective world. bolic content (17, p. 95). Dis-embed-
and beyond our understanding (1, p. Among the many interesting phenom- ding and a certain derealization can
98). This primarily distinguishes it enologically-oriented theorists in Jaspers also allow these emerging significances
from normal belief, overvalued wake who wrote on delusions (these to link up more easily with other, iso-
idea, and delusion-like idea (the lat- include Minkowski, Binswanger, Ey, lated features or meanings floating out-
ter found in other psychotic condi- Ru mke, among others (6,14,16)) are side any standard or practical context,
tions as well as in schizophrenia). P. Matussek and K. Conrad, psychia- and perhaps also separated from nor-
Most subsequent phenomenological trists who brought phenomenology mal sorts of reality-claims. One is
investigations have followed Jaspers together with Gestalt psychology. much clearer about the relatedness of
lead by focusing on delusion in schizo- things, because one can overlook the
phrenia, especially on three types of factuality of things. They dont exist
global change that contribute to the dis- Matussek: decontextualization so one has nothing to do with them
tinctive incomprehensibility: delusion- (17, p. 96), said one patient, who
al mood; disturbance of basic, minimal, Matussek described a loosening of reported special, revelatory access to
or core self; and certain alterations in the natural perceptual context (17, p. meanings ignored by others and stat-
the apparent reality-status of delusional 90) that allows individual perceptual ed: my ability to see connections had
beliefs. components to float free of standard been multiplied many times over.
Jaspers suggested that delusions and anchoring in commonsense unities or
delusional perceptions often arise out scenes; this, in turn, opens the way to
of feelings of unidentified significance attributions of exaggerated or peculiar Conrad: apophany and anastrophe
(12). Occurring most notably in schizo- significance and a bringing-together of
phrenia, this psychological state in- isolated elements into relationships of K. Conrad (18) offers a compelling
volves feelings of strangeness and delusional meaning that may be kalei- account of global alterations in delu-
tension and of suggestive yet ineffable doscopic but can become rigidified. sional mood. He refers to the first stage
meaning: perception is unaltered in The delusional significance is typically of delusion formation as the trema
itself but there is some change which experienced directly as inherent in theatrical jargon referring to stagefright
envelops everything with a subtle, the object (17, p. 98), as if rooted in before the play begins. The patient
pervasive and strangely uncertain sensory perception. senses that something is in the offing.
light (1, p. 98). The second feature Matussek describes a distinctive com- Most commonly he feels a sense of
involves mutations of basic self-expe- bination of passivity with activity. The threat and associated anxiety, depres-
rience: The individual, though he patient experiences a rigid gaze, feeling sion, inhibition, or indecisiveness (18,
exists, is no longer able to feel he exists. held captive (17, p. 94) by the object pp. 93,105); there may also be anticipa-
Descartes cogito ergo sum (I think or objects. Yet he also has an exaggerat- tory excitement, exaltation, manic-like
therefore I am) may still be superficial- ed ability to focus his attention on euphoria. Despite some difficulties with
ly cogitated but it is no longer a valid such isolated details (17, p. 93) and concentration, there is no clouding of
experience (1, pp. 122,578; see also may indeed take pleasure in this consciousness, but hyper-vigilance,
13,14). The third feature of delusion fixing [of] attention (17, p. 94), there- feelings of being hyper-awake (18,
proper (1, p. 95) or of schizophrenic in- by further transforming the perceptual pp. 230,249).
comprehensibility (less explicitly stat- field via a prolonged gazing difficult What typically ensues in this delu-
ed by Jaspers: see 1, pp. 95,99,105,106) for normal individuals to sustain. One sional or pre-delusional mood is the

apophany. Apophany comes from a sense of existing as a unified and vital peculiarly inconsequent at times. . .
Greek word meaning to become visi- subject of experience), with two com- Belief in reality can range through all
ble or apparent; it refers to an abnor- plementary facets: hyperreflexivity and degrees, from a mere play with possi-
mal, sometimes excruciating sense of diminished self-affection also associ- bilities via a double reality the empiri-
meaningfulness tantalizing but typi- ated with disturbance in cognitive/per- cal and the delusional to unequivocal
cally unidentifiable that can affect ceptual grip or hold on the external attitudes in which the delusional con-
internal (body, stream of conscious- world (20-22). Hyperreflexivity de- tent reigns as the sole and absolute
ness) as well as external space. The scribes how experiences normally tacit reality (1, pp. 105-106).
patient attributes these changes to the emerge into focal awareness, where But even when delusions reign as
external world and searches for clues they are experienced as objects separate sole and absolute, it is not clear that
to render the new unpredictable changes from self-as-subject, whereas diminish- they are necessarily experienced within
more comprehensible. ed self-affection (also termed diminish- the natural attitude the common-
Often the patient experiences the ed self-presence) describes decreased sense orientation that takes objects
world as somehow false, inauthentic, sense of existing as an experiencing and persons as objectively real and
or insinuating, and as referring some- consciousness or lived body. intersubjectively available (2,25). It is
how to himself: I have the feeling that Self-disturbance destabilize[s] the noteworthy that patients who claim
everything turns around me (18, p. natural ontological attitude and may absolute confidence in their delusion,
161). Conrad uses the term anastrophe throw the patient into a new onto- may nevertheless not act on its basis.
(literally: turning-back or turning- logical-existential perspective, an often Schreber, for example, often does not
inward) to capture this self-referential, solipsistic framework, no longer ruled make claims about the external or
introversive, or self-observing quality by the natural certitudes concerning interpersonally shared world, claims
what could be termed a form of space, time, causality, and noncon- that could be supported or refuted by
hyper-reflexivity (15). tradiction (11, p. 544), thereby facili- evidence independent of the experi-
Apophany and anastrophe are two tating experiences of the world as ence itself. His delusional beliefs are
sides of a coin. Changes in perceived staged or mind-dependent, and a gran- frequently described in a way that gives
environment (e.g., sense of things being diose sense of gaining access to deeper them a coefficient of subjectivity as
oddly significant, false, or planned) layers of reality. Although self-distur- when he speaks of appreciating his
elicit reflection and inhibit spontane- bances involve atmospheric and cate- psychotic experiences only in part
ous engaged activity; yet these changes gorically subjective qualities, there is with my minds eye or inner eye (9,
themselves can only occur in the pres- growing evidence that they can be pp. 110,123,136,157,234,235,312). At
ence of a veritable spasm of reflexion meaningfully measured, thereby bridg- times he even makes the solipsistic or
(18, pp. 167,199). ing phenomenology and scientific de- quasi-divine claim that seeing
Conrad describes progression from mands for reliable measurement (23,24). awareness itself is confined to my
subtle to blatant alterations of inner person and immediate surroundings
space (inner apophany) that occur (9, p. 322).
during anastrophe. The inward focus- Reality-testing and quasi-solipsism If the delusion is believed in the con-
ing actually has an externalizing effect, text of something like a (subjectively
transforming proprioceptive sensations With its sensitivity to kinds of reality experienced) natural attitude, one ought
or internal mental threads into some- subjectively felt or ascribed within to act in relation to that belief. But if the
thing felt as distanced and alien delusion, phenomenology is cautious delusion is felt to be true only for me, in
(15,19). An intriguing example is de- about assuming that delusions are my minds eye and for me alone (or, at
scribed in a classic article by Tausk false beliefs about external reality. least, only for me and my delusional
and later discussed by Sass as exempli- Phenomenologists question the gener- others), the contradiction is resolved:
fying hyperreflexivity (15): the patient al applicability of the standard poor- one need hardly seek evidence for an
Natalijas illness began with mild expe- reality-testing formula assumed in experience (akin, in some respects, to
riences of estrangement from herself DSM-IV, DSM-5, ICD-10, and much an imaginary realm) that makes no
and culminated in a full-blown delu- of psychiatry. claim with regard to normal intersubjec-
sion regarding a distant influencing Jaspers remarked on the specific tive reality; one will hardly take action
machine that determined her every schizophrenic incorrigibility of (true) in actuality with regard to what one
thought, sensation, and movement; it delusions, and their peculiar tendency senses as existing in a purely or quasi-
crystallized the apophany of her inner to be associated with irrelevance for virtual realm.
space under conditions of reflexive action (inconsequentiality): Reality This provides a phenomenological
spasm. for [the patient] does not always carry way of accounting for at least some
These mutations have been formu- the same meaning as that of normal instances of the famous double book-
lated recently as an alteration of mini- reality. . . Hence the attitude of the keeping of which Bleuler (26) spoke.
mal or core self or ipseity (the basic patient to the content of his delusion is The very unreality of the delusional

166 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

world may, in fact, be the feature that with later consideration of efforts to tancies (empirical prior beliefs (33, p.
most recommends it, perhaps provid- relate the concept of the default mode 347)) in unrealistic, dysfunctional, often
ing, in some instances, the deepest to schizophrenia and delusions (34-36). delusional directions, because of the
motivation for dwelling in the delu- We consider three, somewhat over- distorting influence of input that should
sional realm as Sartre suggests of lapping, issues: a) the consistency have been filtered out as irrelevant or
the morbid dreamer who thereby within certain limits between phe- inconsequential (as mere noise) and the
escapes the anxieties and demands of nomenological perspectives and the attempt to understand the anomalous ex-
real-world experience (15,27,28). prediction error and salience dysregula- perience. Because the errors are false
tion models; b) the problematic tenden- (32, p. 55), no amount of associated
cy of contemporary neurocognitive (as updating of beliefs can ever adequate-
Summary well as cognitive-behavioral) accounts ly model the world; hence prediction
to adopt an overly homogenizing and errors will be propagated even further
The phenomenological approach has insufficiently ontological perspective up the system to ever-higher levels of
focused almost exclusively on delusions on delusion; c) some ways phenome- abstraction. Dysfunctions in the meso-
in schizophrenia, which (contrary to nology might broaden the contempo- corticolimbic dopamine system, right
current usage) are sometimes under- rary neurocognitive vision, expanding prefrontal cortex, and glutamate trans-
stood to be the only true delusions. the range of testable hypotheses. Given mission may underlie these dynamic
Phenomenological accounts of delu- phenomenologys focus on delusions in processes.
sional mood/atmosphere discuss loos- schizophrenia, we mostly deal with that Corlett et als (33) prediction error
ening of perceptual context, promiscuous particular syndrome or disorder. formulation offers a rich and stimulat-
linkages between de-contextualized ing neurobiological account. They aim
elements, a sense of being at the cen- to provide a comprehensive and unify-
ter of things, and alienating hyper- Compatibility of phenomenology ing framework, postulating a singular
reflexivity. with prediction error and salience dysfunction (33, p. 361), or single fac-
Such a perspective helps to clarify dysregulation accounts tor, prediction error dysfunction for
how paranoid, metaphysical, influence- delusion formation and maintenance,
related, bodily, and solipsistic delusions The prediction error model assumes underlying all delusions, across diag-
together with altered experience of that principles of Bayesian inference nostic groups a view consistent with a
self, intersubjectivity, and felt reality (method whereby probability estimates complaint-oriented approach (38, p.
might develop on the basis of overall are continuously updated as additional 221) and the U.S. National Institute of
structural or ontological changes asso- evidence is acquired) play a crucial Mental Healths initiatives to focus on
ciated with delusional mood and its role in human perception and learning. symptoms or problem behaviors (39,
aftermath. One may wonder whether Applied to delusion, the model intro- p. 635) and aberrant systems that
these constitute heterogeneous features, duces three postulates. implement psychopathology (39, p.
and to what extent they derive from or The first is that the patient experien- 633) rather than syndromes (40). Our
reflect some central disruption. The ces an exaggerated sense of strange- own preference is for transcending this
notion of ipseity disturbance (20,22,29) ness, novelty or surprise due to potentially misleading polarity between
is one hypothesis regarding such a trou- disrupted prediction-error signaling symptoms and syndromes, by empha-
ble generateur (see 21,23). (37, pp. 2387,2388) of the signifi- sizing how syndromes (such as schiz-
cance of what, objectively speaking, ophrenia) can embody distinctive
are minor discrepancies between per- global modes of psychological life that
NEUROCOGNITIVE APPROACHES ceptual expectancies and perceptual may render symptoms (such as delu-
input, thereby engender[ing] predic- sion) more heterogeneous than they
We turn now to a consideration, tion error where there ought to be otherwise appear.
from a phenomenologists standpoint, none (33, p. 357) (noise in predictive The compatibility of phenomenologi-
of contemporary neurocognitive theo- learning mechanisms). cal and prediction error (and related)
ries of delusion. We focus on promi- The second is that this disconcerting accounts has been discussed in two
nent recent representatives of two sense of anomaly, whereby objectively recent articles on salience dysregulation
domains: a) the phenomenological hy- redundant or irrelevant environmen- and source monitoring as possible neu-
potheses of minimal-self or ipseity dis- tal cues (33, p. 347) nevertheless seem rocognitive correlates of the disturbance
turbance (20) and hyperreflexivity/ strange and sinister, readily gives rise of minimal-self/ipseity emphasized by
alienation (15), introduced above; b) to delusions that serve to account for phenomenologists (41,42; see also 43
neurocognitive models (30) postulat- the sense of anomaly. for an alternative discussion of phen-
ing aberrant salience (31) and predic- The third is that this over-emphasis omenology/neurobiology/delusion).
tion error offered by Fletcher and Frith or over-weighting (32) also skews Though Corlett et als (33) model par-
(32) and especially Corlett et al (33), future perceptual and cognitive expec- ticularly emphasizes prediction error,

it incorporates both the aberrant salience turbed self-experience especially of The beliefs and propositions at
theory of Kapur (31) and Friths model of lived-body or body-schema (implicitly issue pertain to spontaneous bodily
source monitoring (44-46). sensed body-awareness that serves as action/perception, yet are described
Already in 1992, Sass (15) discussed background to our experience of the on the model of intellectual conjec-
neurocognitive accounts consistent with world) to constituting the overall ture or formulation, reminiscent of
his emphasis on the hyperreflexive ontological transformations, including the explicit conjectures and refuta-
and alienated aspects of schizophrenic those pertaining to the external world, tions of scientific theorizing (55; see
subjectivity; he linked the latter directly inherent in delusional mood or delu- also 56 and Merleau-Pontys critique of
to phenomenological accounts of delu- sion formation. These ontological trans- intellectualism (54)); they seem to per-
sion formation by Conrad and Matussek, formations, expressed and grounded in tain to facts within the world rather
and to both Hemsley and Grays model of distortions of the lived-body (as locus of than to alterations in global foundations
disturbed expectancies (weakening of basic selfhood), are, in any case, neces- or self-world structures. Closer to the
the influence of regularities that nor- sary considerations for accounting for spirit of phenomenology (or, at least, its
mally orient and constrain ongoing the bizarreness (50) of many schizo- vocabulary) is an attempt to link distur-
perceptual processes) (47, p. 18; 15, p. phrenic delusions and experience more bances of predictive precision with
69); and Friths (45) diminished effer- generally, which seem less a matter of diminished self-presence (ipseity) and,
ent feedback from willed intentions straightforward threats from the mun- in turn, with associated delusions (57).
(neurocognitive feedback indicating to dane environment than more founda- We see, then, that there is sub-
oneself that ones own bodily move- tional alterations of experience of self, stantial compatibility between contem-
ment is an intentional action) (15, p. 435) lived-body, or world. Indeed, many porary neurocognitive and phenome-
undermining normal self-experiences of schizophrenic delusions are closely in- nological accounts. Phenomenology,
possession and control. terwoven with altered bodily ways of however, with its commitment to sub-
Important details of the neurocogni- being, which they in a sense express (51). jective dimensions, stresses the con-
tive model have obviously changed Consider Natalijas classic influ- stitutive role of basic self-experience
over two decades. The psychological encing-machine delusion and Schreb- and ontological aspects of delusional
processes now postulated are not very ers solipsistic delusional world of mood as crucial to characterizing de-
different, however, since the key ele- nerves and rays. Each manifests, in lusions.
ment of both Hemsleys expectancy a particularly blatant way, the experi-
hypothesis (prominently cited by Cor- ence of being alienated from ones own
lett et al, 33) and the current prediction corporeal and mental feelings and The paranoia paradigm
error model is mismatch between movements (while also taking these
expectation and experience (33, p. feelings and movements even ones Our second point criticizes the ten-
345) and the consequent prominence own subjectivity as prime objects of dency to view delusion (using this
of (inappropriate) salience and sur- attention), together with concomitant term in the broad, contemporary sense)
prise. Corlett et al (48) present their derealization of the external world as a distinct, even modular phenome-
Bayesian prediction error model as an (15,28). non, and to assume the possibility of a
extension, in terms of underlying neu- Such delusions might be better unifying account that cuts across diag-
rochemistry, of the perspectives of- captured by perspectives that favor nostic entities and phases of illness,
fered by Hemsley and Kapur. Sass enactive or radical embodied offering a unifying explanation for
(15,49) notes that this disruption of approaches to cognition (52,53), in- delusions with disparate contents (33,
expectancies would affect experience spired by phenomenologys espe- p. 346) by postulating a singular dys-
not only of the external world (Hems- cially Merleau-Pontys (54) stress function (33, p. 361) or single factor.
leys original emphasis; Conrads exter- on how world-experience is imbued We acknowledge the remarkable the-
nal apophany), but also of core-self with the perceivers own implicit oretical ingenuity and subtlety especially
and lived body (Conrads internal apo- sense of bodily capacities and disposi- of Corlett et als (33) hypotheses, based
phany). Although these self-aspects are tions. Here there is at least the appear- on an overarching prediction error
not stressed in Kapurs (31) account of ance of conflict with the more in- model that views mind/brain as an
salience dysregulation, the issue of tellectualistic-sounding prediction-error inference machine. To us, however, the
agency is extensively discussed in pre- formulations, e.g., regarding false Bayesian prediction error model lacks
diction-error theory, with prediction inference (33, p. 346, emphasis added) face validity as an account of (at least)
errors in self-generated action explain- and maladaptive beliefs that mis- such delusions as those involving pro-
ing both delusions of motor control represent the world, with belief found guilt, death, or bodily disintegra-
and excessive sense of agency (33). defined (within the Bayesian frame- tion, or wealth and power, that are com-
It is noteworthy, however, that phe- work) as the subjective probability mon in severe depression and mania, or
nomenologists have emphasized (e.g., that some proposition about the world of solipsistic grandeur and metaphysical
15) the potential contribution of dis- is true (32, p. 50, emphasis added). revelation found in some chronic/

168 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

withdrawn patients with schizophrenia um, and that all involve claims about ing supposed reasoning abnor-
(e.g., 58,59). Such delusions seem likely the world that are believed by the malities, top-down reasoning impair-
to be more decisively linked to different patient more or less from within the ments or lesions in belief evaluation
psychological states, not the powerful (subjectively experienced) natural atti- regions of the brain), and also regard-
and uncomfortable experience (33, p. tude. There is merit in questioning ing potential psychological treatments:
353) of uncertainty and surprise, but absolute and categorical claims. But, as for instance, can proffering counter-
rather self-hatred, despair, devitaliza- indicated, consideration of lived dimen- evidence really be the true therapeutic
tion, elation, or the possibilities for gran- sions of key delusional experiences sug- element in successful CBT for psycho-
diosity or awe inherent in solipsistic gests the importance of appreciating sis (74)?
withdrawal. The emphasis on surprise, certain qualitative differences regarding
novelty, or strangeness may apply best implicit reality-claims or experiences of
to paranoid delusions, representing reality. Expanding the range of
what we term the paranoia paradigm: Some delusions, especially perse- neurocognitive hypotheses
the tendency to view literal beliefs about cutory, may well involve mistaken be-
external threat or attack as constituting liefs that prompt action. But, as Jaspers The tendency to conceive of delu-
the prototypical instance of delusion. observations suggest, not all delusions are sions in terms of hypersalience and
Paranoid/persecutory delusions fre- of this nature. Many schizophrenia surprise, typically involving a sense of
quently occur in schizophrenia and patients, especially perhaps withdrawn ontic threat from external reality, may
delusional disorders (60-62), which, individuals, describe forms of double be related to a certain asymmetry with-
historically speaking, are the delusion- bookkeeping or quasi-solipsistic subjec- in the prediction error account.
al conditions par excellence; they are tivization (27,28). Patients with grandiose Both Fletcher and Frith (32) and
common in affective psychoses and and guilt-based delusions are less likely to Corlett et al (33) do acknowledge that
certain neurological conditions (63). act on delusions, despite being more cer- prediction error can be awry through
This is one reason why such delusions tain and more impervious to counter- overweighting but also through under-
may play a disproportionate role in evidence (68,69; see also 70,71). Such weighting or under-emphasizing of
inspiring neurobiological and cogni- delusions may pertain to what the patient prediction error or perceptual anoma-
tive theories. Another reason concerns experiences (albeit ambiguously) as ly. Thus, Fletcher and Frith (32) speak
the understandability and at least ratio- occurring only in another realm where of relatively augmented response to
nal possibility (non-bizarre quality) of the usual sources of refutation or moti- stimuli that should be neutral (32, p.
many paranoid delusions (especially vations for action are rendered phe- 53), but also of relatively suppressed
outside schizophrenia): this means nomenologically and logically irrelevant, response to stimuli that [since unex-
that they more readily conform with or at least dubious. This begs for a distinc- pected] should be relevant and im-
both commonsense and standard psy- tion between empirical or ontic delusions portant, noting evidence for both in
chiatric assumptions about the nature and those of a more autistic, solipsistic, or schizophrenia (see also 37). Despite
of beliefs. This understandability, how- ontological nature (4,15,28,72). Both this recognition, their accounts of delu-
ever, may align this kind of delusion should, however, be recognized as ideal sion formation clearly emphasize exag-
with what Jaspers termed a delusional types, involving transitional and overlap- gerated prediction-error signaling: how
idea something that can be com- ping possibilities rather than dichoto- excessive bottom-up signaling (48, p.
prehend[ed] vividly enough as an exag- mous forms. Cognitive scientists tend to 517) or aberrant novelty. . . signals
geration or diminution of known base their models of delusion formation drive attention (33, p. 347) or grab
phenomena (1, p. 577) (namely, anx- on formal logic and notions about scien- attention (32, p. 55), demanding an
ious scanning and sense of threat). tific discovery (e.g., 73). But once the limi- explanation or an updating of belief. . .
Some would stress that psychotic tations of the belief model or paranoia [which in turn] forms the germ of a
delusions are not, in fact, categorically paradigm are recognized, the notions of delusional belief.
different from what Jaspers termed aesthetic or imaginative experience may A striking feature of schizophrenias
delusion-like ideas, overvalued ideas, seem equally or more relevant (27,58). characteristically paradoxical nature is
and normal beliefs (64). Such a view Thus, at least some delusions, espe- that schizophrenic persons seem unusu-
has been influential in cognitive models cially in schizophrenia, are not straight- ally capable not only of finding the banal
of delusions (65), cognitive-behavior forward instances of mistaken belief, in to be strange (which would accord with
therapy (CBT) for delusions (66), psy- the usual sense of the term, or of false hypersalience), but also of finding the
chometric measurement of delusions inference (33, p. 346) that misre- strange banal (hyposalience).
(67), and neurocognitive attempts to present objective reality. To recognize Sass (15) cites the neglected work of
model delusions as maladaptive beliefs this should force us to raise questions Polyakov (75) on disturbances of prob-
that misrepresent the world (33, p. regarding underlying pathology (e.g., ability prognosis. Using tachistoscopic
346). The operative assumption is that the role of hypothesized deficits or studies, Polyakov demonstrated exag-
all such phenomena lie on a continu- biases in cognitive processes, includ- gerated openness in schizophrenia:

enhanced ability to quickly identify, and hyperawareness, perhaps charac- standard view at the time), but rather as
accept, and take in stride phenomena terized less by overemphasis on than withdrawal from goal-directed action
that most people would find anomalous, by relative indifference to anomaly. (15, p. 389), orientation to the external
strange to the point of being difficult to Ipseity or minimal-self-experience seems world, or pragmatic cognition in pref-
recognize. Related tendencies are men- likely to be altered in this default, erence for more introverted and
tioned by Fletcher and Frith and by Cor- anything-goes mode, probably in the detached modes of cognition (15, p.
lett et al, who speak, respectively, of direction of disengagement and dimin- 556) modes that could underlie
dream-states in which experiences are ished presence or vitality. Further, this characteristic transformations of self
often bizarre yet accepted without ques- orientation may have some relation- and world (15, p. 390) that occur in
tion (32, p. 52) and of enhanced capac- ship with what has been termed the schizophrenia, including perceptual
ity, in schizophrenia, to recognize a default-mode network (DMN) activ- disorganization, abnormal salience,
concave mask rather than correcting ity, already found to be related to the and introversion conducive to delu-
to the standard convexity of a face (33, generation of positive symptoms, hal- sions and hallucinations.
p. 352). They do not, however, clearly lucinations, and possibly delusions as Gerrans (34) has offered an original
relate this propensity (for taking anom- well (36,78-80). but compatible discussion of the default
alies in stride) to delusions. The DMN first identified by modes role in generating delusions.
We suggest that this latter propensi- Raichle (81) in 2001 is activated Whereas he emphasizes suppression of
ty may often foster an attitude call it when there is withdrawal from practi- reality-testing, we speak of an alter-
an anything-goes orientation that cal, world-oriented activity in favor of nate ontological modality in which
is intimately related to the characteris- self-referential processing, autobio- intersubjective reality is suspended.
tically schizophrenic loss of common- graphical recall and mind-wandering Thus, there may be at least two
sense or natural self-evidence (76,77), (82,83). The network includes medial abnormal modalities (overweighting
and thereby to delusion formation as prefrontal cortex, posterior cingulate/ and underweighting of prediction
well. An anything-goes orientation retrosplenial cortex, and left and right errors), apparently opposed, both com-
obviously undermines the overall inferior parietal lobules (36). Various mon in schizophrenia and both related
grounding in habitual, commonsense experts have mentioned a give and to development of delusions albeit
reality that ordinarily bolsters our abili- take between DMN and task-positive not necessarily delusions of the same
ty to recognize and reject that which is systems (reciprocal patterns of activa- type. But what of the relationship bet-
eminently implausible; hence this ori- tion and deactivation) (82, p. 1276), ween these two modes?
entation may facilitate the genesis, since DMN normally suppresses the A possibility consistent with Kapur
acceptance, and persistence of objec- attention and salience systems or cen- (31), Fletcher and Frith (32), and Corlett
tively implausible meanings and con- tral-executive network systems (which et al (33) is that the overweighting would
nections that can be central in delusion involve dorsolateral prefrontal cortex have pathogenetic priority, coming first,
formation, especially in some bizarre and parietal regions) activated in sit- and then giving rise to an underweighting
and solipsistic delusions characteristic uations requiring response selection that results from fatigue or withdrawal.
of schizophrenia. The lack of con- and working memory that presumably Neurobiologically, hyperactivation of
straints may foster a kind of patho- increase weighting of anomalous per- salience network would be followed by
logical freedom (15, p. 127) that is ceptions (84). hyperactivation of DMN and concomi-
characteristic of schizophrenia. Recall Interestingly, in schizophrenia, there tant suppression of salience and attention
Matusseks patient: One is much seems to be poor deactivation of the systems. Psychologically, anxious hyper-
clearer about the relatedness of things, DMN even when such persons are awareness of anomaly would be fol-
because one can overlook the factuali- attending to external stimuli (36,84,85), lowed by psychological withdrawal or
ty of things (17, p. 96). In this sense it suggesting reduced engagement with non-reactivity, perhaps because con-
could underlie some though not all the external world (82, p. 1276). This stant strangeness accustoms one to
instances of the so-called jumping-to- finding suggests that a dreamlike, intro- the strangeness of the strange. But in
conclusions style studied by CBT versive, or subjectivistic orientation can some schizophrenic patients perhaps
theorists. prevail even during ostensible engage- those of a more disorganized type
This mode of experience bizarre- ment in practical action. and with insidious onset the
as-banal may be associated with The importance of this sort of intro- anything-goes orientation might be
underweighting rather than over- verted orientation is discussed by Sass more crucial to the initial formation of
weighting of the significance of predic- (15) in relation to the hypofrontality delusions. Delusions are less promi-
tion errors, involving distinct patterns (deactivation of dorsolateral prefrontal nent in such patients, but they certainly
of activity in neural pathways and in cortex) often found in schizophrenia. occur, and clearly demand explanation
neurotransmitters such as dopamine Sass argued that this hypofrontality in any comprehensive account.
and glutamate. Psychologically, it may should be understood not as decline of Another possibility, however, is that
be associated with passive withdrawal higher or more abstract functions (a a kind of anything-goes orientation

170 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

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Delusions, epistemology and phenophobia

JOSEF PARNAS definitions are by no means operation- Unfortunately, the main body of neuro-
Psychiatric Center Hvidovre and Center for al in any scientific sense of the term cognitive research into delusion, psy-
Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, and are in many respects also empirical- chosis, insight, as well research of
Copenhagen, Denmark ly incorrect (1,5). Most importantly, they psychotherapeutic approaches to delu-
all deal with what have been consis- sions (8), have been committed to this
Sass and Byrom (1) reconsider the tently considered as delusion-like latter, i.e., secondary notion of delusion
phenomenology of delusion and its fit ideas, secondary or second-rank (as a cognitive mistake), which has basi-
with contemporary accounts from delusions, which reflect variously deter- cally nothing to do with the primary,
cognitive neuroscience. Starting from mined judgmental errors. However, it is ontological or true delusions of
their considerations, I will highlight the true, primary or ontological schizophrenia (1).
some basic problems of the epistemol- delusion (1) that constitutes the central From a phenomenological perspec-
ogy of the DSM-III1 (i.e., all versions concern of psychopathology, because it tive, primary delusions are not origi-
of DSM from DSM-III to DSM-5). holds a key to grasping the mental life nally cognitive errors but are essen-
For psychiatrists solely trained in in schizophrenia, with pathogenetic and tially experiential phenomena with
DSM-III1 based psychopathology, diagnostic implications (5). affective or pathic roots an aspect
Sass and Byroms article may seem as a Primary delusions exhibit an intrin- well illustrated by Conrads accounts
reminiscence of non-empirical specula- sic affinity to auditory verbal halluci- of trema and intensified ground-
tion of a pre-scientific era, expressed nations and to passivity phenomena affectivity (1). In this sense we may
in a poetic language that was finally (6,7). The DSM-III1 attempted to talk of delusional experience or, per-
abandoned in the construction of oper- compensate for omitting the primary haps even more appropriately, of a
ational vocabulary in DSM-III. This op- delusions by introducing a novel cate- psychotic core experience, shared by
erationalization of the diagnostic terms gory, i.e., bizarre delusion. This was delusions and auditory verbal halluci-
was anticipated to produce a rapid eti- a delusion, defined as a false belief nations. This is best described as an
ological progress due to the unambigu- due to incorrect inference, further pos- affection (structurally not unlike a
ous phenotypic descriptions. However, sessing a propositional content de- sensation, e.g., a tooth-ache), which
these hopes have not materialized emed to be bizarre, i.e. (in DSM-5) articulates itself in the midst of the
despite massive research efforts with clearly implausible, not understand- patients innermost subjective, private
an accumulation of a bewildering di- able to same-culture peers and not sphere (6,7,9). It is, writes H. Ey, a
versity of empirical findings. derived from ordinary life experi- modification within the self with an
This etiological failure is usually ences. The successive changes in the emergent sentiment of alienation, oth-
ascribed to an unexpected complexity definitions exact wording from DSM- erness or alterity (lexperience dalter-
of the brain (2) or to an assumed het- III to DSM-5 were solely motivated by ite) (6, p. 417).
erogeneity of the DSM-III1 diagnos- reliability concerns, whereas it was The primary delusion arises as a
tic phenotypes, unfit for causal explo- not considered that the content of a revelation, i.e., an affective, non-con-
ration (3). However, the etiological delusion, taken in itself, i.e., outside of ceptual articulation of meaning that
failure may also have been due to a its psychopathological context, has a only subsequently becomes cognitive-
misguided epistemology of the DSM- limited diagnostic value (5). ly elaborated and dressed with propo-
III1 (4). Indeed, the case of delusion Rather, the validity of bizarre sitional delusional content. Noncom-
presented here (1) points not so delusion was justified by brief ref- pliance with treatment and incorrigibil-
much to a still insufficient resolution erences to Kraepelins remark that ity of such delusions stem from their
power of biotechnology but rather to delusions in schizophrenia are often roots in the original first-personal (ego-
a more basic descriptive problem of nonsensical and to Jaspers notion logical) affection (no one ever doubts
DSM-III1, that is, an overly simplis- of un-understandability (5). Bizarre his own tooth-ache; in fact, it would be
tic psychopathology, with potentially delusions were exemplified by the absurd to do so) (9).
distorted phenomenological distinc- passivity phenomena. Yet, the delusions Primary delusions are not self-con-
tions (4). of influence (e.g., delusion of thought tained, atomic symptoms but reflect
In DSM-III and IV, delusions were insertion, accounting for experiencing more basic alterations of the structure
defined as false beliefs due to incorrect of thoughts deprived of their usual sense of consciousness, variously named (e.g.,
inference about external reality. The of mineness/ipseity) are explanatory- autism, ipseity-hyperreflexivity disorder,
DSM-5 definition is more laconic: fixed cognitive efforts and hence belong to lack of natural evidence, altered
beliefs that are not amenable to change the category of delusion-like ideas, sec- awareness of reality, etc. (10)), with
in light of conflicting evidence. These ondary or second-rank delusions (5). an emergence of another ontological

174 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

framework, no longer ruled by the axi- References 5. Cermolacce M, Sass LA, Parnas J. What
oms of everyday natural attitude (9). is bizarre in bizarre delusion? A critical
1. Sass L, Byrom G. Phenomenological and review. Schizophr Bull 2010;36:667-97.
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and scientific psychiatry without inti- II. Paris: Masson, 1973.
sions: a critical overview. World Psychia-
mate familiarity with psychopathologi- try 2015;14:164-73. 7. Gennart M. Corpor eit
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of subjectivity; in Jaspers words, a 
8. Skodlar B, Henriksen MG, Sass LA et al.
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and how they experience it. Unfortu- ric Publishing, 2002:3-18. phrenia: a critical evaluation of its the-
nately, current diagnostic manuals of- 3. Hyman SE. The diagnosis of mental dis- oretical framework from a clinical-
fer no more than a behaviouristically orders: the problem of reification. Annu phenomenological perspective. Psycho-
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4. Parnas J, Bovet P. Psychiatry made easy:
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fail to faithfully reflect pathological quences. In: Kendler KS, Parnas J (eds). reappraisal of poor insight and noncom-
alterations in the mental realm. Such Philosophical issues in psychiatry III: the pliance. Schizophr Bull 2014;40:542-7.
phenophobia, if not remedied, will nature and sources of historical change. 10. Parnas J. The core Gestalt of schizophre-
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014: nia. World Psychiatry 2012;11:67-9.
in all likelihood weaken credibility
of clinical psychiatry and continue to DOI 10.1002/wps.20206
undermine research efforts.

Phenomenological models of delusions: concerns

regarding the neglect of the role of emotional pain
and intersubjectivity
PAUL H. LYSAKER1, JAY A. HAMM2 cognitive processes involved be ac- We, however, see that the core prob-
Roudebush VA Medical Center and Indiana counted for and reconciled. We also lem with purely cognitivist explana-
University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, agree with the authors reflections that tions is that delusional beliefs are
USA; 2Eskenazi Health Midtown Community no single psychological, neurobiological unstable and often emerge in particu-
Mental Health, Indianapolis, IN, USA or phenomenological model is likely lar intersubjective contexts. People
to explain delusions. In this commen- with schizophrenia may be delusional
Sass and Byroms paper (1) describes tary, however, we will suggest that the during some but not other periods of
one phenomenological and several neu- authors synthesis neglects substantial the day, and may be delusional about
rocognitive models of delusions and bodies of knowledge about delusions, certain issues but not others (2,3). The
then proposes a synthesis. The authors including their instability within the instability of delusions poses a prob-
put forward a model in which altera- flow of daily life, temporal links be- lem for the cognitivist models, as well
tions in self-experience interact with tween painful affects and the pres- as for the phenomenological model
neurocognitive processes such that per- ence of delusions, and correlates with offered in Sass and Byroms paper.
sons over-value information that should difficulties forming ideas about the Why would delusional processes fluc-
be ignored and withdraw from practi- thoughts and experiences of others. In tuate so dramatically if they are a mat-
cal, world-oriented activity in favor of what follows we will detail each of ter of the trait-like deficits proposed?
self-referential processing,ultimatelyar- these points and suggest that ignoring A related problem is that multiple
riving at convictions which may be pro- this literature risks dehumanizing the studies suggest that fluctuations in delu-
found barriers to wellness. dilemmas at the heart of delusional sions often follow alterations in emo-
We support the integration of neu- experience, something which could tional state. Threats to self-esteem and
roscience and phenomenological mod- have deeply negative consequences for the emergence of clearly discernable
els. These different approaches are rare- treatment. forms of emotional pain have been
ly considered as complementary even To begin, we agree that understand- found to predict the occurrence of posi-
though any comprehensive model of ing delusions primarily as miscalcula- tive symptoms in multiple studies (4,5).
severe mental illness requires that both tions based on neurocognitive abnor- This would seem to suggest that delu-
the subjective phenomena and neuro- malities does not match the evidence. sions are not merely miscalculations

based on neurocognitive deficits or the They would also seem less likely to be in clinicians standing at a distance
product of fundamental alterations in able to adjust their views based on from their patients and their suffering.
the sense of self, as the authors describe. what others think, as others views
Instead, if pain triggers delusional expe- would be inaccessible. References
rience, it may be that delusions are in Sass and Byrom do discuss a gener-
part attempts, albeit ineffective ones, by al withdrawal to a solipsistic state, but 1. Sass L, Byrom G. Phenomenological and
human beings to explain or communi- we suggest looking at something dif- neurocognitive perspectives on delu-
sions: a critical overview. World Psychia-
cate their pain to other human beings. ferent: problems that occur when per-
try 2015;14:164-73.
This is also consistent with work from sons with psychosis fully try to focus 2. Appelbaum PS, Robbins PC, Vesselinov R.
evolutionary psychiatry suggesting that or interact with others, something Persistence and stability of delusions over
paranoia may be a dysfunction of the that seems essential for any coherent time. Compr Psychiatry 2004;45:317-24.
basic threat detection system. model of how delusions unfold as 3. Peters E, Lataster T, Greenwood K et al.
It has been suggested that persecu- they do in the flow of daily life. Of Appraisals, psychotic symptoms and affect
in daily life. Psychol Med 2012;42:1013-23.
tory delusions may emerge when per- note, alternative models not men- 4. Thewissen V, Bentall RP, Oorschot M
sons do not feel that they belong with- tioned by Sass and Byrom do exist for et al. Emotions, self-esteem, and paranoid
in any group and so, in the absence of understanding delusions and their episodes: an experience sampling study.
a sense of safeness and security, they place in the human condition. These Br J Clin Psychol 2011;50:178-95.
5. Udachina A, Varese F, Myin-Germeys I
feel constantly threatened and ulti- include the work of Salvatore et al
et al. The role of experiential avoidance in
mately explain that in terms of imag- (10), who suggest that the experience paranoid delusions: an experience sam-
ined threats (6). Importantly though, of ontic threat interacts with real life pling study. Br J Clin Psychol 2014;53:
delusions may at different times stem experiences, cognitive biases and defi- 422-32.
from very different motives. While de- cits in the ability to understand others 6. Liotti G, Gilbert P. Mentalizing, motiva-
tion, and social mentalities: theoretical
lusions may express distress at some to produce at least certain kinds of
considerations and implications for psy-
moments, at other times they may delusions. chotherapy. Psychol Psychother 2011;84:
function as a means to ward off emo- In summary, Sass and Byroms view 9-25.
tional connections with others. In other seems to neglect well-established links 7. Hamm J, Buck BE, Lysaker PH. Reconcil-
words, their oddness may be intention- of delusions with emotional pain and ing the Ipseity-Disturbance model with the
al and serve the purpose of remaining metacognition, and this carries several presence of painful affect in schizophrenia.
Philos Psychiatr Psychol (in press).
unknowable to prevent the emergence hazards. In our opinion, the risk is to 8. Lysaker PH, Dimaggio G. Metacognitive
of pain (7). cast delusions as exotic phenomena capacities for reflection in schizophrenia:
Another literature that is not con- and therefore, mistakenly, as mental implications for developing treatments.
sidered here concerns the difficulties states which are incomprehensible rath- Schizophr Bull 2014;40:487-91.
9. Bru ne M. Metacognition in schizophre-
many with psychosis have forming er than understandable forms of human
nia: a concept coming of age. Isr J Psychi-
complex integrated ideas about the experience. This may further result in atry Relat Sci 2014;51:63-7.
subjective experiences of other per- positioning persons with delusions as 10. Salvatore G, Lysaker PH, Procacci M
sons, sometimes referred to as theory beings removed from pain and the most et al. Fragile self, poor understanding of
of mind and metacognition (8,9). This central elements of human experience. others mind, threat anticipation and cog-
nitive biases as triggers for delusional
would seem relevant in two senses. At the level of clinical practice, we
experience in schizophrenia: a theoreti-
Persons unable to notice specific see an even more significant danger. cal model. Clin Psychol Psychother 2012;
things about others or to appreciate Sass and Byroms model seems to us 19:247-59.
the perspectives of other people to risk relieving clinicians from the
might well adopt delusional stances charge of understanding the humanity DOI 10.1002/wps.20207
as a fail-safe response to uncertainty. of their patients and could well result

The interpersonal world of psychosis

MATTHEW RATCLIFFE in phenomenological psychopatholo- I will address a theme that is not so
Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, gy to work on predictive coding, and prominent in their discussion of these
Vienna, Austria emphasizing the heterogeneity of de- changes but implicit throughout: the
lusional experience. Delusions, they interpersonal aspect. In so doing, I
Sass and Byrom (1) do a fine job in maintain, presuppose more envelop- seek to complement and elaborate
explaining the phenomenological ap- ing changes in a persons sense of self, upon their account, as well as point
proach to delusions, linking themes body, and world. In this commentary, to some avenues for further enquiry.

176 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

In General Psychopathology, Jaspers nounced alterations in the overall form childhood trauma and abuse are claim-
offers the following brief remarks about of interpersonal experience, in how ed to increase vulnerability to psycho-
belief-formation and the social world: one encounters and relates to people sis, with some authors maintaining that
Normal convictions are formed in a in general, are thus inextricable from up to 85% of adults with schizophrenia
context of social living and common wider-ranging changes in the structure diagnoses have suffered childhood
knowledge. . . The source for incorrigi- of experience and thought. The point abuse (7,8). It is plausible to suggest
bility therefore is not to be found in any can also be applied to predictive coding that early attachment patterns, which
single phenomenon by itself but in the models: in addition to exploring how nurture a kind of affective trust in
human situation as a whole, which isolated organisms make predictions, others, have an important influence
nobody would surrender lightly. If so- detect errors, and compensate for those on how one later comes to experience
cially accepted reality totters, people errors, we ought to consider the roles and relate to the interpersonal world as
become adrift (2, p. 104). We can di- played by intersubjective regulatory a whole. These patterns can be derailed
stinguish two complementary themes processes. to varying degrees by childhood
here. First of all, our belief-formation As Sass and Byrom observe, psy- trauma. Associated epistemic biases in
processes depend upon our relations chosis involves estrangement from adulthood include an intolerance
with other people. For example, I have the commonsense world. Once we of ambiguity, inflexible and dogmatic
argued elsewhere that a kind of non- emphasize that this world is essen- thinking, and a tendency to make
localized trust has a central role to play. tially a public, consensus world, it be- judgements based on insufficient infor-
For our epistemic practices to be guided comes clearer why there is a change mation (something that may arise in
by others, those others must be re- not just in the content of ones beliefs part from a failure to treat others as
garded as epistemically competent and but also in the way in which one reliable sources of information) (9).
also well-meaning. This is not some- believes. Believing that p is the case Amongst other things, diminished
thing we ordinarily accept in the form and that q is not the case involves affective trust would interfere with
of a debatable proposition. Rather, our regarding p but not q as integral to the what Csibra and Gergely call natural
default way of experiencing and re- public world. However, if none of a pedagogy, a process whereby ostensive
lating to other people involves, amongst persons beliefs are rooted in a public cues from others foster credulity so as
other things, a kind of habitual trust world, she cannot make sense of the to facilitate the transmission of general
(3). Second, the beliefs that we do form contrast between p and q in that way. information about the social world
are embedded in a consensus world, So, when she asserts that something (10). Thus, without a certain way of
in a taken-for-granted background of is the case or is not the case, a relating to others, the sense of being
shared knowledge and practice. Hence different kind of conviction must be rooted in a public world would be com-
belief-formation and belief-content are involved. promised from the outset, leading to
both shaped by a certain style or Global social estrangement could epistemic dispositions and a more gen-
form of interpersonal experience and take various different forms. For in- eral way of finding oneself in the inter-
relatedness. stance, R.D. Laing famously describes personal world that could render one
However, this point is not specific to a predicament where others appear susceptible to further unpleasant social
belief. How our surroundings appear to only in the guise of existential threat, experiences and, ultimately, to psycho-
us similarly implicates our relations thus cutting one off from kinds of sis. Of course, there may also be very
with specific individuals and with peo- interpersonal relation that are more different cases where an endogenous
ple in general. The phenomenologist usually implicated in the formation, delusional atmosphere arises inde-
and psychiatrist J.H. van den Berg notes sustenance, and revision of belief (6). pendently of interpersonal relations,
how a situation can look quite different, But other changes in the structure of with salience dysregulation then driving
depending on who we are with. We intersubjectivity that have the effect of disruptions of intersubjectivity (7). But,
avoid certain people because we cutting one off from other people in even in this kind of scenario, how others
want to keep our surroundings un- general would similarly impact upon respond could play various roles in
damaged, while the company of others the form of experience and belief. In- determining outcome.
is pleasant in that the objects en- terpersonal experience in psychosis is Hence, a profound and pervasive
countered come to no harm (4, p. 65). therefore potentially quite variable. estrangement from other people is cen-
In fact, human experience is interper- As well as being inseparable from tral to many, perhaps all, variants of
sonally regulated to such an extent that the structure of delusional experience, delusional experience. It sets one adrift
profound and prolonged social depriva- interpersonal processes plausibly have from relations that regulate the form,
tion can erode the capacity to distin- an important developmental role to as well as the content, of experience
guish ones body from ones surround- play. It is increasingly acknowledged and belief. Furthermore, altered inter-
ings, imagining from perceiving, and that there are significant links between personal experience is not merely inte-
wakefulness from dreaming (5). Pro- trauma and psychosis. In particular, gral to the kinds of experience that

Sass and Byrom describe; it has impor- 3. Ratcliffe M, Ruddell M, Smith B. What is 8. Read J, van Os J, Morrison AP et al.
tant developmental roles to play too. a sense of foreshortened future? A phe- Childhood trauma, psychosis and schizo-
nomenological study of trauma, trust and phrenia: a literature review with theoreti-
time. Front Psychol 2014;5:1026. cal and clinical implications. Acta Psy-
4. van den Berg JH. A different existence. Pitts- chiatr Scand 2005;112:330-50.
References burgh: Duquesne University Press, 1972. 9. Fonagy P, Allison E. The role of mentaliz-
5. Guenther L. Solitary confinement: social ing and epistemic trust in the therapeutic
1. Sass L, Byrom G. Phenomenological and death and its afterlives. Minneapolis: relationship. Psychotherapy 2014;51:372-
neurocognitive perspectives on delu- University of Minnesota Press, 2013. 80.
sions: a critical overview. World Psychia- 6. Laing RD. The divided self: a study of 10. Csibra G, Gergely G. Natural pedagogy.
try 2015;14:164-73. sanity and madness. London: Tavistock Trends Cogn Sci 2009;13:148-53.
2. Jaspers, K. General psychopathology. Man- Publications, 1960.
chester: Manchester University Press, 1913/ 7. Morrison AP, Frame L, Larkin W. Rela- DOI 10.1002/wps.20208
1963. tionships between trauma and psychosis.
Br J Clin Psychol 2003;42:331-53.

The intersubjectivity of delusions

THOMAS FUCHS essentially intersubjective phenomena, stage, in the midst of a mysterious play
Psychiatric Department, University of Heidelberg, both in form and content. that he tries in vain to decipher (P.
D-69115 Heidelberg, Germany First, Sass and Byrom rightly ques- Weirs Truman Show is a movie which
tion the standard account of delusions patients often mention in order to
Sass and Byrom (1) convincingly ar- as mistaken beliefs about objective describe their experience). Similarly,
gue for the need to systematically inves- facts in the world. Bizarre delusions the hypersalience of environmental
tigate the lived or subjective experience aside, in most cases the psychiatrist cues in most cases refers to social sit-
of schizophrenic delusions. Moreover, will hardly be able to empirically falsify uations and significances (meaningful
they connect phenomenological accounts the patients delusional claims but gazes, telling gestures, strange people
of delusion formation with current this wont even be necessary. Delu- walking by, etc.), resulting in an expe-
neurocognitive models of salience dys- sions typically manifest themselves in rienced threat from evil intentions of
regulation and prediction error. I fully an intersubjective situation, namely as others rather than from the natural
subscribe to this approach, yet I want to a peculiar inability or refusal of the world.
draw the readers attention to an addi- patient to adequately take the others Thus it seems that an adequate an-
tional dimension of delusions which perspective into account, to under- alysis of the phenomenon of delusion
may be elucidated by a phenomenologi- stand his doubts, to try to make himself has to take its intersubjective dimension
cal and enactive approach. adequately understood, etc.. In other into account (2). Our experience of
To begin with, traditional notions words, delusions appear primarily as a the world is not a solitary achieve-
such as incomprehensibility (Jaspers), specific disturbance or breakdown of ment, but is based on a continuous
decontextualization (Matussek) or apo- communication: the mutual compari- intersubjective co-creation of meaning.
phany (Conrad), but also more recent son and alignment of perspectives fails. We live in a shared life-world because
concepts presented by Sass and Byrom Nevertheless, regarding content, schiz- we continuously create and enact it
such as ipseity disorder, hyperreflexivity ophrenic delusions notoriously show a through our coordinated activities and
or schizophrenic solipsism, may convey pervasive reference to others by whom participatory sense-making (3). This
the impression that schizophrenic delu- the patient feels observed, spied at, implies circular processes of mutual
sion is a rather individual or subjective persecuted or manipulated. Even understanding, negotiation of inten-
phenomenon, implying a withdrawal though the others often remain hid- tions, alignment of perspectives and
from sociality into a dream-like inner den, act covertly or in a roundabout reciprocal correction of perceptions
world. Similarly, the neurocognitive mo- way, the patient nevertheless has the processes that take place in every inter-
dels of prediction error signalling or of impression of being in the centre of action and communication with others.
hypersalience attempt to explain delu- their gazes, intentions and actions. An essential presupposition for these
sions by reference to basal cognitive Conrads trema or stage fright in processes is the capacity of shared
dysfunctions that lend abnormal sig- beginning psychosis as well as his no- intentionality or perspective taking
nificance or strangeness to normally tion of anastrophe (everything turns that means, to transcend ones primary,
irrelevant environmental cues. What around me) point to the self-centrality egocentric perspective and to grasp
threatens to be overlooked in both cases of the schizophrenic person, experi- others intentions and point of view.
is that schizophrenic delusions are enced as if being on a clandestine This suspends the primary self-centrality

178 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

that is ultimately rooted in the subjec- But this does not at all mean that intersubjective situation bereft of the
tive or lived body. Intersubjectivity in its the others are no longer important. basic trust that could help to restore a
full sense is thus based on the ability to On the contrary, now the patient feels consensual understanding of the situa-
oscillate between an ego-centric, em- being observed by gazes from the tion and to co-constitute a shared,
bodied perspective on the one hand, background, being spied at from out commonsensical reality. No matter
and an allo-centric or decentred per- of anonymous cars, or secretly tested what their neurobiological presupposi-
spective on the other, without there- in well-prepared situations. In other tions and neurocognitive components
by losing ones bodily centre of self- words, he takes others presumed are no doubt that these are of crucial
awareness. This decisive step of human perspectives even excessively (this has importance delusions are not just
cognitive development may also be sum- been termed overmentalization, e.g. products of individual brains. Their
marized as reaching the excentric posi- 11), but in a way that all these perspec- basis is not a faulty representation of
tion, a term coined by German philoso- tives seem to be directed centripetally the world, but a failure of enacting a
pher H. Plessner (4) to denote a third or towards himself in a threatening way. shared world through interaction with
higher-level stance from which the inte- Delusions may thus be described as others.
gration of the ego- and allo-centric point a loss of the excentric position. Del-
of view is possible. uded patients are able to take the
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sions as well. In the prodromal stages of meant for me or not aimed at me. 9. Jaspers K. General psychopathology, 7th
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tion and the resulting loss of familiar er, the situation is reversed: it is pre- 1968.
significances particularly extend to the cisely the normally irrelevant and acci- 10. Fuchs T. Delusional mood and delusional
perception A phenomenological analy-
social sphere. The faces, the gazes and dental background elements that adopt
sis. Psychopathology 2005;38:133-9.
the behaviour of others become highly a meaningful, sinister and threatening 11. Montag C, Dziobek I, Richter IS et al.
ambiguous, and the interactive circles character. The deluded person does no Different aspects of theory of mind in
with others are fundamentally disturbed. longer acknowledge the possibility of paranoid schizophrenia: evidence from a
In the delusional mood arising from this chance, and thus refuses to treat the video-based assessment. Psychiatry Res
ambiguity, the basic trust in others shared situation as an open one. Every-
12. Berner P. Psychopathologische Wahnfor-
breaks down (9,10). The co-constitution thing revolves around him. schung und psychiatrische Hypothesen-
of a shared world fails and is replaced by In sum, delusions may not be suffi- bildung. Nervenarzt 1978;49:147-52.
the new, idiosyncratic coherence of the ciently described as individual false
delusion. beliefs. Rather, they correspond to an DOI 10.1002/wps.20209

Therapeutic advances for people with delusions will
come from greater specification and empirical
PHILIPPA GARETY trary, the purpose is to understand are even more strongly characterized
Department of Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, the causal factors implicated in dis- by the jumping to conclusions rea-
Psychology & Neuroscience, Kings College tinct types of delusion and thence to soning bias than are persecutory delu-
London, London, UK develop targeted interventions (2). sions (3). But this is emphatically not
Thus, recent research has examined to deny the importance of emotions in
Phenomenological accounts of de- persecutory, grandiose and religious both grandiose and persecutory delu-
lusions focus on the experiences of themed delusions to explore hypothe- sions (3). Sass and Byrom are incor-
people not the delusional content sized differences (for example, 3,4). rect in asserting that the paranoia
but its mode, manner or form. The There is highly replicated evidence, paradigm emphasizes only reasoning
emphasis on the detailed description in dozens of independently conducted biases. Cognitive models of delusions
and in-depth exploration of how the studies, of reasoning biases in people are multifactorial, and research has
person experiences the self and the with delusions, demonstrating, in com- shown how emotional processes are
world, at times of disturbance and parison to control groups, the tenden- also active as causal mechanisms of
distress, is important. Phenomenolo- cy to gather less information under persecutory delusions.
gy has much to teach mental health conditions of uncertainty (or jump- Large scale epidemiological research,
professionals about recognizing and ing to conclusions) (see 2,5 for experiments and interview-based longi-
validating patients anomalous expe- reviews). I agree that it is possible, as tudinal studies have investigated social
riences and their emotional impact. Sass and Byrom note, that the and psychological mechanisms of para-
Furthermore, Sass and Byrom (1) jumping to conclusions bias is par- noid thinking and persecutory delu-
offer some elegantly formulated ideas tially reflected in their concept of an sions (for example, 8-10). Emotional
about how information is processed anything goes mentality. Related to, processes are clearly important. For
by some people with delusions (their but distinct from jumping to con- example, Wickham et al (10), in a study
hyposalience hypothesis) and possi- clusions is a limited reflectiveness of 7,000 members of the general public,
ble links to certain neurocognitive ac- about ones own reasoning, which we found that multiple social and econom-
counts of delusions. But do these ideas have called poor belief flexibility a ic indices of deprivation predicted the
point towards therapeutic advances? I relative incapacity to reflect on ones occurrence of paranoia, and that this
do not think so. judgements, to review and reconsider was partially mediated by measures of
There is much cognitive research first impressions and to consider al- interpersonal trust and stress. Another
on delusions which has informed and ternatives. Recent evidence suggests study which followed 300 patients with
influenced cognitive behaviour thera- that this over-reliance on rapid auto- schizophrenia spectrum psychosis over
py (CBT), but which appears neglect- matic thinking, at the expense of 12 months showed that a negative self-
ed or even misinterpreted by Sass and slower reflective thinking adopting a concept predicted the persistence and
Byrom. The cognitive approach, in two process model of reasoning, as severity of persecutory delusions (8).
common with these authors, does not in Kahnemans Thinking, Fast and An experimental investigation of how
view delusions as unitary phenomena, Slow (6) is an important mechanism cannabis triggers paranoia showed that
but it differs in that it also tests empir- of persecutory delusion persistence and anomalies of experience and negative
ically the hypothesized mechanisms change. A randomized study with 100 affect are the most likely mechanisms
of cause and persistence of different people with schizophrenia spectrum of action in causing paranoia (9).
delusion types. The most striking ex- psychosis and paranoid thinking dem- Studies such as these lead directly to
ample concerns persecutory delu- onstrated that we can help people with new therapeutic approaches to delu-
sions, a common, clinically important persecutory delusions to become aware sions. It is a travesty to suggest, as do
delusion type. The recent cognitive of thinking fast, and to slow down their Sass and Byrom, that CBT therapists
research on persecutory delusions is thinking, thereby reducing their para- working with people with delusions
not correctly represented by what noia; this points the way forward for would endorse the idea that proffering
Sass and Byrom call the paranoia new therapeutic strategies (7). counter-evidence [can] really be the
paradigm, i.e., the tendency to view It is of note, perhaps contrary to true therapeutic element in successful
literal beliefs about external threat or Sass and Byroms assumption about CBT for psychosis. Indeed, this was
attack as constituting the prototypical the role of emotions underpinning never the case. Very early, it was recog-
instance of delusion. On the con- grandiosity, that grandiose delusions nized that presenting counter-evidence

180 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

is a strikingly unproductive way to References geting reasoning to effect change in para-
work with delusions (11). Rather, the noia. Schizophr Bull 2015;41:400-10.
1. Sass L, Byrom G. Phenomenological and 8. Fowler D, Hodgekins J, Garety P et al.
therapy has always involved under- Negative cognition, depressed mood and
neurocognitive perspectives on delu-
standing the grounds for the persons paranoia: a longitudinal pathway analysis
sions: a critical overview. World Psychia-
belief the unusual experiences and try 2015;14:164-73. using structural equation modelling. Schi-
events underpinning it while validat- 2. Freeman D, Garety P. Advances in zophr Bull 2012;38:1063-73.
ing and empathizing with emotional understanding and treating persecutory 9. Freeman D, Dunn G, Murray RM et al.
delusions: a review. Soc Psychiatry Psy- How cannabis causes paranoia: using the
distress; and exploring with the patient, intravenous administration of D9-tetra-
chiatr Epidemiol 2014;49:1179-89.
collaboratively, alternative possibilities, hydrocannabinol (THC) to identify key
3. Garety PA, Gittins M, Jolley S et al. Differ-
cognitive, emotional and behavioural, ences in cognitive and emotional processes cognitive mechanisms leading to para-
in the light of the persons history and between persecutory and grandiose delu- noia. Schizophr Bull 2015;41:391-9.
social environment. sions. Schizophr Bull 2013;39:629-39. 10. Wickham S, Taylor P, Shevlin M et al.
4. Iyassu R, Jolley S, Bebbington P et al. Psy- The impact of social deprivation on para-
More recently, informed by the more noia, hallucinations, mania and depres-
chological characteristics of religious
precise empirical evidence of mecha- sion: the role of discrimination social
delusions. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epi-
nisms of specific symptom persistence, demiol 2014;49:1051-61. support, stress and trust. PLoS One 2014;
whether of reasoning biases, negative 5. Garety PA, Freeman D. The past and 9:e105140.
affect or negative self-concept, the CBT future of delusions research: from the 11. Milton F, Patwa VK, Hafer RJ. Confron-
inexplicable to the treatable. Br J Psychia- tation vs belief modification in persistent-
approach is to work with the process (if ly deluded patients. Br J Med Psychol
try 2013;203:327-33.
you like, with the mode or manner of 1978;51:127-30.
6. Kahneman D. Thinking, fast and slow.
the thinking rather than the content) New York: Farrar, Strauss, Giroux, 2011.
and thereby to alleviate the delusion 7. Garety P, Waller H, Emsley R et al. Cog- DOI 10.1002/wps.20210
and its accompanying distress and nitive mechanisms of change in delu-
impact on everyday life (2). sions: an experimental investigation tar-

Answering some phenomenal challenges to the

prediction error model of delusions
PHILIP R. CORLETT tween expectation and experience that PE is still a single factor explanation of
Department of Psychiatry, Yale University, New guide learning, attention, and belief delusions, even the most bizarre ones.
Haven, CT, USA formation and maintenance. If PEs Sass and Byrom question whether
are signaled inappropriately, delusions aberrant PE can explain the centrality
Delusions are a challenge; a menag- result (1). of self-experience to delusions, as
erie of odd beliefs with a diverse set of Sass and Byrom (4) highlight some well as some of the contents of delu-
differential diagnoses and candidate phenomenological challenges to this sions related to inflated self-concept
pathologies (1). Their phenomenology explanation. Here, I meet those chal- or metaphysics. There is a nascent
has led many to deem them un-under- lenges. I will argue that the aberrant PE field examining self-representation in
standable (2). On the other hand, their model can indeed account for some of the brain (indeed, this circuitry often
susceptibility to treatment with D2 re- the more puzzling aspects of delusions, overlaps with the DMN). I believe
ceptor antagonists has led many clini- for example the central role of self- we can conceive of healthy self-
cians and scientists to consider them experience in delusions, the curious experience and ipseity disturbance in
understood. double bookkeeping in which patients the context of PE theory.
Delusions are neither fully under- may engage, the role of hyposalience PE theory posits that the brain
stood nor un-understandable. 20-50% (the bizarre as banal), the anything builds hierarchical models to predict
of patients have residual delusions goes inferences made by many people the causes of its sensory data (6). Any
even after adequate D2 blockade (3). with delusions, as well as bizarre delu- mismatch between prediction and data
A recent model challenges the un- sions that appear to defy understanding. can have two consequences: a) it is
understandability conclusion, suggest- Sass and Byrom also speculate that ignored or overridden by prior beliefs
ing a bridging hypothesis that unites the brain default mode network (DMN) (as is the case with optical illusions), or
neural and experiential aspects of delu- may mediate these latter phenomena. I b) it is transmitted up the hierarchy
sions through computational theory will join them in this speculation, but where it updates the top-down prior
(1). That hypothesis involves predic- I will argue that the DMN too is PE with new learning (so expectation is
tion errors (PEs) the mismatches be- driven (5). As such, I will maintain that different in the future) (6).

The first-person self is perceived as a future expectancies (1). Likewise, the were gathered from patients with a
result of the same hierarchical model- relationship between endorsing and range of delusion contents (13). They
ing process. Ultimately it encodes the rejecting the delusion is modulated by also claim that bizarre delusions (e.g.,
evidence for (or belief in) the existence PE; if a surprising salient event occurs I am the right foot of Christ) are
of the self in the world when all is (perhaps one that is reminiscent of more problematic for PE theory.
intact, we model ourselves as agents in the delusion), the old belief may be Here, I point to the overlap between
our world that can act on our environ- renewed (1). More broadly, in the face causal belief formation, associative
ment and, through acting, change the of constant aberrant PE (either in terms learning and propositional cognition;
sensory feedback we receive (7). Under of magnitude, timing or precision), new causal representation may involve lin-
this account, ipseity arises when the belief formation is necessary. If PE sig- guistic expressions like metaphors
agent identifies with its model of the nals remain variable, inconsistent, and (14). Bizarre delusions then represent
world (8). Aberrant PE would lead to difficult to accommodate, it is possible inappropriate use of metaphor in an
the ipseity disturbances that Sass and that a new causal model is required attempt to establish some inter-
Byrom outline through a disruption of that is a new set of causal associations, subjective meaning, albeit futile.
this self-modeling process. For exam- a new mechanism that might pertain. During the formative delusional
ple, a surprising lack of self-agency Thus PE guides the exploration of the mood, the world becomes ineffable.
experience, due to a deficit in predict- space of possible explanatory beliefs Prodromal patients use relative terms
ing ones intentions, could lead to pas- (11) until this PE over beliefs is mini- (similes) to describe their experiences:
sivity delusions (1). According to this mized by the adoption of a new higher It is as if people are actors, walking
account, self-experiences, beliefs and order causal belief (1). Under constant down the street wearing masks (15).
delusions arise as the best explanation aberrant PE, one can imagine switching As these experiences persist, the rela-
for the available data incident upon back and forth between delusional and tive terms subside (people are wearing
the organism. This explanation over- non-delusional interpretations (or dou- masks, they are in disguise); the simile
rides other potential explanations in a ble bookkeeping) (1). becomes a metaphor as the delusion
winner-take-all manner (1). Relatedly, Sass and Byrom posit develops and the metaphor becomes a
Sass and Byrom go on to highlight that, for patients with delusions, the top-down prior around which percep-
a phenomenon that challenges this bizarre can become banal. Indeed, tion and cognition are organized.
winner-take-all notion: double book- the PE model appreciates and can Delusional priors form as the best
keeping. Here, patients with delu- account for this. In the face of persis- way to account for a noisy and uncer-
sions lack manifest conviction in their tent aberrant PE, patients may learn a tain PE. But if they dont accommodate
beliefs, e.g., claiming that their food is hyper-prior a prior over priors that this PE, the PE will eventually be disre-
being poisoned, but eating it never- anything is possible, even the surpris- garded and wont update the prior
theless. It seems that people do not ing experiences and associations on (16). However, the prior will be engaged
always act on their delusions and that which their delusions are based (11). with, reactivated and therefore strength-
they may simultaneously endorse and This hyper-prior, that the world is ened (1). Similar so-called backfire
deny them (9). always surprising, renders subsequent effects have been observed with political
A phenomenon from animal condi- PE experiences expected unsurpris- beliefs (17). They relate to the process of
tioning, extinction learning, might be ing, banal. This is a potential explana- memory reconsolidation, through which
relevant to double bookkeeping (1). tion for delusion maintenance, double memories are reactivated, updated and
Extinction involves new learning, for bookkeeping (with respect to mani- consolidated once more (1). Aberrant
example to no longer expect reward or fest conviction) and negative symp- PE may drive inappropriate reactivation,
electric shock in a previously reinforced toms if goal-directed actions have rumination upon and strengthening of
situation. There is a transition from proven repeatedly ineffectual, why delusional priors (1). This ruminative
expecting a salient event, to no longer engage in actions at all (12), and if all engagement with delusional priors may
expecting it. Patients recovering from beliefs lack explanatory adequacy, also be a mechanism through which
their delusions describe a similar duality why bother acting on them or updat- simile becomes metaphor in bizarre de-
of belief and disbelief regarding their ing them? lusions.
delusions (10). Under an extinction Sass and Byrom suggest that PE Such rumination engages autobio-
account of recovery from delusions, may account better for non-bizarre graphical memory (perhaps a contrib-
new learning (of a non-delusional delusions (particularly what they call utor to ipseity) and the DMN circuit-
belief) competes with and overrides the the paranoid type). I suggest instead ry (18). Sass and Byrom point out
original reinforced situation (the delu- that the PE model best explains aber- that delusion severity has been relat-
sion) (1). Extinction learning (of a new rant salience and delusions of refer- ed to the inappropriate DMN engage-
belief) is driven by appropriate PE: ence. However, our empirical data ment, perhaps as a result of its uncon-
when the expected event fails to tran- linking delusion severity to aberrant strained operation in the absence of
spire, a negative PE triggers updating of PE using functional neuroimaging control from dorsolateral prefrontal

182 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

cortex (DLPFC) (19). They argue that Admittedly, our investigations so 7. Limanowski J, Blankenburg F. Minimal
DMN responses have been related to far have lacked an affective compo- self-models and the free energy principle.
Front Hum Neurosci 2013;7:547.
self-processing and so the DMN rep- nent (note, however, our work on the 8. Blanke O, Metzinger T. Full-body illu-
resents a neural locus for ipseity and role of distress in PE signaling and sions and minimal phenomenal selfhood.
its disturbance in individuals with delusion-like ideation (20)). A recent Trends Cogn Sci 2009;13:7-13.
delusions. I urge caution in ascribing review of the dys-interaction between 9. Bleuler E. Die Prognose der Dementia
any function, particularly one as mul- cognition and emotion in studies of praecox (Schizophreniegruppe). Allge-
meine Zeitschrift fu r Psychiatrie 1908;65:
tifaceted as self-processing, to one set schizophrenia highlighted the role of 436-64.
of regions. affect in generating aberrant salience. 10. Stanton B, David A. First-person accounts
This problem is further compounded Across studies, neural and behavioral of delusions. Psychiatr Bull 2000;24:333-6.
by the challenges of inferring the pre- responses to affectively salient events 11. FitzGerald TH, Dolan RJ, Friston KJ.
cise function of DMN (since, by defini- were attenuated and neutral events Model averaging, optimal inference, and
habit formation. Front Hum Neurosci
tion, it is engaged when subjects are garnered excessive affectivity often 2014;8:457.
disengaged, any inferences about its these responses correlated with delu- 12. Fletcher PC, Frith CD. Perceiving is be-
function cannot be corroborated by sion severity (21). lieving: a Bayesian approach to explaining
behavioral data). However, lets as- In summary, Sass and Byrom high- the positive symptoms of schizophrenia.
sume that DMN is involved in autobio- light the importance of phenomenolog- Nat Rev Neurosci 2009;10:48-58.
13. Corlett PR, Murray GK, Honey GD et al.
graphical processing (i.e., it contributes ical data in generating an explanation Disrupted prediction-error signal in psy-
to ipseity) and that its activity is usually of delusions. The PE theory likewise chosis: evidence for an associative account
anti-correlated with DLPFC (19). My focuses on relating the experiences of delusions. Brain 2007;130(Pt. 9):2387-
work has shown that, during causal that characterize delusions to their 400.
belief formation, the DLPFC signals an underlying brain mechanisms (1). The 14. Mitchell CJ, De Houwer J, Lovibond PF.
The propositional nature of human asso-
explanatory gap or PE (1). Others devil though is in the details, and I trust ciative learning. Behav Brain Sci 2009;
have suggested that the DMN may gen- that, by elaborating some PE theory 32:183-98.
erate a narrative (possibly autobio- details, I have answered some of the 15. Gross G, Huber G. Sensory disorders in
graphical) to explain such PEs (5). challenges leveled by Sass and Byrom. schizophrenia. Arch Psychiatr Nervenkr
It is possible then that ipseity may be It seems that ipseity and PE models 1972;216:119-30.
16. Preuschoff K, Bossaerts P. Adding pre-
perturbed through defective engage- are broadly consilient, but concerned diction risk to the theory of reward learn-
ment of DLPFC, DMN or a faulty inter- with different levels of explanation ing. Ann NY Acad Sci 2007;1104:135-
action between them. Future work (22). It is important that we capitalize 46.
should identify the relationship between on this consilience rather than focus- 17. Bullock JG. Partisan bias and the Bayes-
PE and explanation, DLPFC and DMN ing on prioritizing one level of expla- ian ideal in the study of public opinion.
J Politics 2009;71:1109-24.
function. Their usual anti-correlation is nation over the others. 18. Spreng RN, Mar RA, Kim AS. The com-
disrupted in psychotic states (19), but mon neural basis of autobiographical
the specifics of their interaction in the memory, prospection, navigation, theory
genesis of experiences, beliefs and delu- References of mind, and the default mode: a quanti-
sions is deserving of further scrutiny. tative meta-analysis. J Cogn Neurosci
1. Corlett PR, Taylor JR, Wang XJ et al. 2009;21:489-510.
Nevertheless, it is possible to explain 19. Whitfield-Gabrieli S, Ford JM. Default
Toward a neurobiology of delusions. Prog
the relationship between DMN and mode network activity and connectivity
Neurobiol 2010;92:345-69.
delusions in the PE framework. 2. Jaspers K. General psychopathology. in psychopathology. Annu Rev Clin Psy-
Finally, Sass and Byrom express Manchester: Manchester University Press, chol 2012;8:49-76.
concern that belief formation in the PE 1963. 20. Corlett PR, Fletcher PC. The neurobiolo-
3. Lindenmayer JP. Treatment refractory gy of schizotypy: fronto-striatal predic-
model involves a conscious delibera- tion error signal correlates with delusion-
schizophrenia. Psychiatr Q 2000;71:373-
tive process that is cold and logical. like beliefs in healthy people. Neuropsy-
This is not the case. All but the highest 4. Sass L, Byrom G. Phenomenological and chologia 2012;50:3612-20.
levels of the hierarchical generative neurocognitive perspectives on delu- 21. Anticevic A, Corlett PR. Cognition-emo-
model on which minimal self and delu- sions: a critical overview. World Psychia- tion dysinteraction in schizophrenia. Front
try 2015;14:164-73. Psychol 2012;3:392.
sion formation are based are unavail- 22. Marr D, Poggio T. From understanding
5. Carhart-Harris RL, Friston KJ. The default-
able to conscious awareness (8). We computation to understanding neural cir-
mode, ego-functions and free-energy: a
are not conscious of processing at low- neurobiological account of Freudian ideas. cuitry. Neurosci Res Prog Bull 1977;204:
er levels of the hierarchy (below narra- Brain 2010;133(Pt. 4):1265-83. 301-28.
tive self and first person perspective) 6. Friston K. A theory of cortical responses.
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 2005; DOI 10.1002/wps.20211
and so beliefs and delusions form out-
side of conscious awareness.

Are the neurocognitive correlates of subtle subjective
symptoms the way forward in psychiatry?
TILO KIRCHER dromes have been related to brain acti- therefore inaccessible to a wider
Department of Psychiatry, Marburg University, vation (2,3), while recently a more fine international audience. For example,
Marburg, Germany grained and subjective psychopatholo- Sass and Byrom discuss concepts
gy has been applied (4,5). by K. Conrad, but another important
In their thoughtful overview, Sass In the article, highly selected phe- phenomenological contribution on
and Byrom (1) correlate three levels nomenological ideas (models) are chronic, negative symptoms stems
of description: the subjective experi- correlated with current neuroscience from W. Blankenburg (7), both from
ence of the patient as understood by a models. Since there is not much repli- Marburg. Their two main books have
third person (phenomenology), cog- cated data on the neurobiology of equally not been translated into
nitive models and neuroscience. In delusions, Sass and Byroms account English.
particular, they link two diverging is rather a comparison of models. Ide- The clinician should be familiar
models with each other, i.e., selected ally, one would have a phenomeno- with the rich descriptive and herme-
phenomenological accounts of delu- logically derived symptom or experi- neutic tradition of psychiatry. We only
sions and their potential underlying ence and relate this to empirical data, see in our patients what we know.
neurocognitive explications. They iden- rather than comparing models with There are other levels for the explana-
tify correlations between the two mod- each other. More empirically testable tion of experiences than cognitive psy-
els and crystallize neglected areas in predictions from phenomenology would chology and neuroscience, and a deep
neurocognitive accounts, filling them be welcome. understanding of the patients world
with phenomenological notions. Basi- However, this begs the question of is interesting and therapeutic in itself.
cally, they argue to look for fine grained, which among the many phenomeno- A phenomenologically informed sys-
subjective symptoms beyond struc- logical accounts (Sass and Byrom tems neuroscience, integrating envi-
tured interviews and DSM/ICD criteria only discuss a few) should be translat- ronmental, genetic, molecular and
and to relate them to neurocognitive ed into experiments and tested. For brain imaging data in the same patient
data. current neuroscientific data acquisi- across his life, will eventually explain
The authors ambition is to find a tion, a fluctuating phenomenon/symp- the etiology and pathophysiology of
neuroscientific explanation of subjec- tom is usually considered, and the mental disorders. It can, however,
tive experiences. However, neurosci- patient is investigated experimentally not replace an interpersonally shared
ence should not be a validator for at two or more points in time, with understanding of the patients inner
phenomenology, as they are two dif- symptom severity being correlated life as a humane value and source of
ferent realms of description, which with cognitive measures and/or brain content in itself.
states. This methodological constraint
should inform each other. There is of
vastly reduces the number of phenom-
course a fundamental explanatory
ena possibly investigated. References
gap. The subjective consciousness
A further current problem is that
(first person perspective) has to be
the conception of our patients inner 1. Sass L, Byrom G. Phenomenological and
translated by the patient into a second
lives has been oversimplified by the neurocognitive perspectives on delu-
person output, usually verbal and operationalized diagnostic approach- sions: a critical overview. World Psychia-
non-verbal; this has to be understood es. This oversimplification has been try 2015;14:164-73.
by the interviewer and then related to 2. Dierks T, Linden DE, Jandl M et al.
accompanied by a reliance on method- Activation of Heschls gyrus during
brain states (third person perspec- ologies that are unable to capture the auditory hallucinations. Neuron 1999;
tive). The mind-body relation is a yet delicate forms of human experience 22:615-21.
unresolved philosophical question; and expression (6). If the cognitive sci- 3. Kircher TT, Liddle PF, Brammer MJ et al.
therefore we can only correlate such Neural correlates of formal thought
entist wants to base experiments
disorder in schizophrenia: preliminary
levels of descriptions, but we cannot on phenomenological notions, he or findings from a functional magnetic reso-
explain them with one another. she must be deeply familiar with the nance imaging study. Arch Gen Psychia-
Correlating symptoms with brain philosophical-phenomenological liter- try 2001;58:769-74.
states has already been successfully ature. This needs thorough reading 4. Sommer IE, Diederen KM, Blom JD et al.
achieved by a neuroimaging symptom and understanding of the ideas, which Auditory verbal hallucinations predomi-
nantly activate the right inferior frontal
catching approach, mainly for audito- are currently marginalized. Many area. Brain 2008;131:3169-77.
ry hallucinations and formal thought French and German texts have not 5. Kircher T. Neuronale Korrelate psycho-
disorder. In the beginning, cruder syn- been translated into English and are pathologischer Symptome. Denk- und

184 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

Sprachprozesse bei Gesunden und and phenomenology of the psychiatric Psychopathologie symptomarmer Schizo-
Patienten mit Schizophrenie. Darmstadt: object. Schizophr Bull 2013;39:270-7. phrenien. Stuttgart: Enke, 1971.
Steinkopf, 2003. 7. Blankenburg W. Der Verlust der natu rli-
6. Parnas J, Sass LA, Zahavi D. Rediscover- chen Selbstversta
ndlichkeit: Ein Beitrag zur DOI 10.1002/wps.20212
ing psychopathology: the epistemology

Phenomenology is Bayesian in its application

to delusions
AARON L. MISHARA1, point to an alteration of predictive ed mismatch responses in schizophre-
PHILIPP STERZER2 mechanisms at low levels of sensory nia patients may actually not reflect the
Department of Clinical Psychology, Chicago processing. Behavioral and functional failure to register surprising events, but
School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles, neuroimaging studies of illusory visu- rather the fact that each event is surpris-
CA 90017, USA; 2Department of Psychiatry and al perception in schizophrenia pa- ing (5,7). Hyper- and hyposalience are
Psychotherapy, Charite-Universita
tsmedizin, tients have suggested impaired pre- two sides of the same coin, accounted
D-10117 Berlin, Germany dictive mechanisms in early visual for by a single factor, prediction-error
cortex (e.g., 6,7). Similarly, mismatch- dysfunction (9).
Sass and Byrom (1) argue that phe- negativity (MMN), an electrophysio- This is supported by Heidelberg psy-
nomenology expands the range of logical signal that is thought to reflect chiatrist Mayer-Gross (1932) observa-
testable hypotheses. This resonates the automatic registration of irregu- tion of reduced anticipatory expectation
with our view that phenomenology larities in sensory input, is reduced in in the self disturbances, due to the
leads to neurobiological hypotheses, patients with schizophrenia (8). The ongoing interruption of current goal-
which can be tested experimentally empirical evidence for altered predic- processing by the made or influenced
(2,3). It is also a welcome modifica- tive coding seems to contradict the perceptions, movements, thoughts, etc.,
tion of Sass proposal (4) that pheno- authors assumption that the pre- which characterize those disturbances
menology serves an explanatory func- dictive mechanisms involved in delu- (10). There is only the compelling senso-
tion. If phenomenology explains sion formation/maintenance neces- ry evidence of now: no temporal order
schizophrenia by proposing its core sarily implicate, or are limited to, cog- prevails, each sensory impression is
essence as a disturbance of hyper- nitive or intellectualistic processes. equally valued, replacing its prede-
reflexivity/ipseity (4), it claims knowl- Furthermore, the authors suggest cessor. This reduction in top-down,
edge about causal relationships without that the exaggerated prediction-error embodied perceptual expectation in the
recourse to testing hypotheses about signaling giving rise to hypersalience self disturbances observed by Mayer-
mechanism. does not account for hyposalience and Gross anticipates the predictive coding
The authors see a conflict between an associated anything-goes attitude, account of attenuation of visual illusions
enactive or embodied approaches which they propose may be due to a (e.g., the hollow-mask illusion) in schizo-
to cognition and more intellectualis- dysfunction in the default-mode net- phrenia and how this relates to delusions
tic sounding prediction-error formu- work. Apart from possible problems and related symptoms (as discussed by
lation. We suggest that this apparent with reverse inference, we question Corlett, Fletcher and Frith, and others).
conflict is related to a misunderstand- the assertion that hyposalience as The phenomenological psychiatrist
ing of the term beliefs in predictive described by the authors is incompati- Binswanger also described the self in
coding accounts. In current accounts ble with the notion of prediction-error schizophrenia as captive in the pres-
of Bayesian hierarchical predictive dysfunction. To the contrary, predic- ent moment in a temporal shrinking
coding, a belief is considered merely a tive coding accounts actually predict of past and future which resembles
probability distribution over some un- that the proposed exaggerated predic- dreaming (11). In his fiction, Kafka
known state and may or may not be tion-error signaling (or imbalance in depicts the reduced expectation in
consciously accessible (5). A central the precision of prediction errors and dreamlike-hypnagogic experiences, where
claim of hierarchical predictive cod- prior beliefs) (5) results in an im- protagonists report expecting the
ing models is that such beliefs are paired distinction between normally very events that surprise them (12).
fundamentally embodied even at the expected and unexpected events. This This is not bizarre-as-banal, but the
lowest levels of sensory processing, is exemplified by reduced MMN ampli- absence of banal altogether. It is also
clearly not implying intellectual con- tude in schizophrenia conceptualized not anything-goes, but can be for-
jecture and refutation. Accordingly, as a consequence of altered prediction- malized in the Bayesian hierarchy as
studies of patients with schizophrenia error signaling. In this context, attenuat- outlined above. Similarly, Binswanger

describes a monotonous spreading 2. Mishara AL, Fusar-Poli P. The phenome- ophrenia. Front Integr Neurosci 2014;8:
of the delusion to the entire perceptu- nology and neurobiology of delusion for- 63.
mation during psychosis onset: Jaspers, 8. Todd J, Michie P, Schall U et al. Mismatch
al field in terms of a loosening of Truman symptoms, and aberrant salience. negativity (MMN) reduction in schizophre-
context from prior learning (2,11). Schizophr Bull 2013;39:278-86. nia Impaired prediction-error generation,
Sass and Byroms language suggests 3. Mishara AL. Missing links in phenome- estimation or salience? Int J Psychophysiol
that phenomenology does the work nological clinical neuroscience? Why we 2012;83:222-31.
of description and inference (e.g., are still not there yet. Curr Opin Psychia- 9. Mishara AL, Corlett P. Are delusions bio-
try 2007;20:559-69. logically adaptive? Salvaging the doxastic
phenomenology is acutely sensitive, 4. Sass LA. Phenomenology as description shear pin. Behav Brain Sci 2009;32:530-1.
phenomenology is cautious). Such and as explanation: the case of schizo- 10. Mayer-Gross W. Die Klinik der Schizo-
phrasing may lead to the mistaken phrenia. In: Schmicking D, Gallagher S phrenie. In: Bumke O (ed). Handbuch
assumption that phenomenology is a (eds). Handbook of phenomenology and der Geisteskrankheiten. Berlin: Springer,
body of finalized results articulated by cognitive science. Dordrecht: Springer, 1932:293-578.
2010:635-54. 11. Mishara AL. The unconscious in para-
one individual or group, rather than a 5. Adams R, Friston K. Bayesian inference, noid delusional psychosis? Phenomenol-
rigorous method, which includes an precision and psychosis. In: Mishara AL, ogy, neuroscience, psychoanalysis. In:
ongoing process of dialogue, refine- Corlett P, Fletcher P et al (eds). Phenom- Lohmar D, Brudzinska J (eds). Founding
ment, and consensus. enological neuropsychiatry, how patient psychoanalysis phenomenologically. New
experience bridges clinic with clinical neu- York: Springer, 2011:212-49.
roscience. New York: Springer (in press). 12. Mishara AL. Kafka, paranoic doubles
References 6. Seymour K, Stein T, Sanders LL et al. and the brain: hypnagogic vs. hyper-
Altered contextual modulation of prima- reflexive models of disruption of self in
1. Sass L, Byrom G. Phenomenological and ry visual cortex responses in schizophre- neuropsychiatric disorders and anoma-
neurocognitive perspectives on delu- nia. Neuropsychopharmacology 2013;38: lous conscious states. Philos Ethics Hu-
sions: a critical overview. World Psychia- 2607-12. manit Med 2010;5:13.
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What visual illusions teach us about schiz- DOI 10.1002/wps.20213

Phenomenological and neurocognitive perspectives

on polythematic and monothematic delusions
MAX COLTHEART his soul, that he changed into a woman, tification (the person I see in the mir-
Department of Cognitive Science and Centre for and that he was omnipotent, omni- ror is not me, but some stranger who
Cognition and its Disorders, Macquarie University, scient and even omnipresent (4). And looks like me) (17); reduplicative par-
Sydney NSW 2109, Australia amongst the beliefs expressed by the amnesia for persons (a stroke patient
Nobel Laureate J. Nash, diagnosed with affirmed both that her husband had
Sass and Byrom (1) end their paper schizophrenia, were that he would died and had been cremated four years
by advising us to doubt the wisdom of become Emperor of Antarctica, that he earlier (true) and that he was currently
viewing delusion as a unitary phenom- was the left foot of God on Earth, and a patient on the ward in the same hos-
enon. I share their view. We must that his name was really Johann von pital that she was in (not true)) (17);
make distinctions here. And as far as Nassau (5). somatoparaphrenia (the patient denies
the phenomenology of delusion is con- In contrast, in monothematic delu- ownership of a limb insisting that this
cerned, the most important distinction sional conditions, the patient expresses limb actually belongs to someone else,
is between polythematic and monothe- only a single delusional belief concern- such as a relative or the clinical exam-
matic delusional conditions (2,3) ing a single topic. Numerous different iner) (18); delusion of alien control
critical here because the various phe- monothematic delusions have been (someone else is able to control my
nomenological features of delusion described in the literature. Eight of actions; I am a puppet and someone
that Sass and Byrom discuss are char- these monothematic delusions (6) are: else is pulling the strings) (19); delu-
acteristic of polythematic delusion, but Capgras delusion (one of my closest sion of thought insertion (thoughts
not of monothematic delusion. relatives has been replaced by an are put into my mind like Kill God;
In polythematic delusional condi- impostor) (7-10); Cotard delusion (I its just like my mind is working but it
tions, the patient expresses delusional am dead) (11,12); Fregoli delusion (I isnt; they come from this chap Chris;
beliefs about a wide variety of unrelated am being followed around by people theyre his thoughts) (20).
topics. For example, amongst the beliefs who are known to me but who are Sass and Byrom summarize the phe-
expressed by P. Schreber were that unrecognizable because they are in dis- nomenological perspective on delusion
nerves and rays were taking over guise) (13-16); mirrored-self misiden- as follows: Phenomenological accounts

186 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

of delusional mood/atmosphere dis- nal model of the world (27,28) to 6. Davies M, Coltheart M, Langdon R et al.
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factor account. Philos Psychiatr Psychol
promiscuous linkages between de-con- rience next. These predictions will 2001;8:133-58.
textualized elements, a sense of being normally be fulfilled, but occasionally 7. Capgras J, Reboul-Lachaux J. Lillusion
at the center of things, and alienating not: occasionally something not pre- des sosies dans un d elire systematis
hyperreflexivity. Such a perspective dicted by the internal model occurs. chronique. Bulletin de la Soci et
e Clinique
helps to clarify how paranoid, meta- That event indicates that there is some- de M edecine Mentale 1923;11:6-16.
8. Berson RJ. Capgras syndrome. Am J Psy-
physical, influence-related, bodily, and thing wrong with the database of beliefs chiatry 1983;140:8.
solipsistic delusions together with that the model uses to predict what will 9. Signer SF. Capgras syndrome: the delusion
altered experience of self, intersubjec- happen next in the world. So the data- of substitution. J Clin Psychiatry 1987;48:
tivity, and felt reality might develop base needs to be fixed (by modifying 147-50.
on the basis of overall structural or existing beliefs or adopting new ones) 10. Fo rstl H, Almeida OP, Owen AM et al. Psy-
chiatric, neurological and medical aspects
ontological changes associated with so that it becomes compatible with the of misidentification syndromes: a review of
delusional mood and its aftermath. unexpected event. Adopting the belief 260 cases. Psychol Med 1991;21:905-10.
Examples of all of this are seen in This is not my wife will make the Capg- 11. Cotard J. Du d elire des n
egations. Archives
patients with polythematic delusional ras patients belief database compatible de Neurologie 1882;4:152-70, 282-95.
conditions, especially in what they say with the lack of arousal response to 12. Berrios GE, Luque R. Cotards syndrome:
analysis of 100 cases. Acta Psychiatr
when describing their experiences, the sight of the wifes face (29; my Scand 1995;91:185-8.
such as Sass and Byroms quotations emphasis). 13. Courbon P, Fail G. Syndrome dillusion
from Schreber. As the emphasized phrase indicates, de Fr egoli et schizophrenie. Bulletin de
But scrutiny of the (now quite exten- this theory proposes that what triggers la Soci et
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sive) literature on monothematic delu- the search for a new belief (which will 1927;20:121-5.
14. de Pauw KW, Szulecka TK, Poltock TL.
sions such as the eight delusions listed become the Capgras delusion) is pre- Fregoli syndrome after cerebral infarc-
above reveals nothing like this. Such diction error: that is Factor 1. But this tion. J Nerv Ment Dis 1987;175:433-8.
patients do not report anything like, to is not sufficient to bring about Capgras 15. Ellis HD, Whitley J, Luaut e JP. Delusion-
quote from Sass and Byrom, feelings of delusion, because patients with frontal al misidentification: the three original
strangeness and tension and of sugges- ventromedial damage show the same papers on the Capgras, Fr egoli and inter-
metamorphosis delusions. Hist Psychia-
tive yet ineffable meaning or that autonomic symptom as Capgras pa- try 1994;5:117-46.
something is in the offing or a sense tients, yet are not delusional (30). The 16. Langdon R, Connaughton E, Coltheart
of threat and associated anxiety or idea prompted by the autonomic abnor- M. The Fregoli delusion: a disorder of
an abnormal, sometimes excruciating mality (Thats not my wife) ought to person identification and tracking. Top
sense of meaningfulness or an experi- be rejected; it instead becomes adopted Cogn Sci 2014;6:615-31.
17. Breen N, Caine D, Coltheart M et al.
ence of the world as somehow false, as a belief because of the presence of Towards an understanding of delusions
inauthentic, or insinuating. These are Factor 2, which is defective ability to of misidentification: four case studies.
all part of the phenomenology of poly- evaluate beliefs, perhaps associated Mind & Language 2000;15:74-110.
thematic delusion, but they are not part with right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 18. Bisiach E. Language without thought. In:
of the phenomenology of monothe- abnormality (22). Weiskrantz L (ed). Thought without lan-
guage. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
matic delusion. Analogous two-factor explanations 1988:464-84.
As for neurocognitive hypotheses have been offered for the other mono- 19. Mellor CS. First-rank symptoms of
about delusion, we dont know much thematic delusions (6,21-23). schizophrenia. Br J Psychiatry 1970;117:
about how to explain polythematic 15-23.
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(21-23) seems to offer a good expla- References 1992.
nation of the various monothematic 21. Langdon R, Coltheart M. The cognitive
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case of Capgras delusion. neurocognitive perspectives on delu- Language 2000;15:184-218.
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188 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015


Age matters in the prevalence and clinical

significance of ultra-high-risk for psychosis symptoms
and criteria in the general population: findings from
the BEAR and BEARS-Kid studies
University Hospital of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Bern, Bolligenstrasse 111, 3000 Bern 60, Switzerland

Early detection of psychosis is an important topic in psychiatry. Yet, there is limited information on the prevalence and clinical significance of high-
risk symptoms in children and adolescents as compared to adults. We examined ultra-high-risk (UHR) symptoms and criteria in a sample of individ-
uals aged 8-40 years from the general population of Canton Bern, Switzerland, enrolled from June 2011 to May 2014. The current presence of attenu-
ated psychotic symptoms (APS) and brief intermittent psychotic symptoms (BLIPS) and the fulfillment of onset/worsening and frequency require-
ments for these symptoms in UHR criteria were assessed using the Structured Interview for Psychosis Risk Syndromes. Additionally, perceptive and
non-perceptive APS were differentiated. Psychosocial functioning and current non-psychotic DSM-IV axis I disorders were also surveyed. Well-
trained psychologists performed assessments. Altogether, 9.9% of subjects reported APS and none BLIPS, and 1.3% met all the UHR requirements
for APS. APS were related to more current axis I disorders and impaired psychosocial functioning, indicating some clinical significance. A strong age
effect was detected around age 16: compared to older individuals, 8-15-year olds reported more perceptive APS, that is, unusual perceptual experien-
ces and attenuated hallucinations. Perceptive APS were generally less related to functional impairment, regardless of age. Conversely, non-perceptive
APS were related to low functioning, although this relationship was weaker in those below age 16. Future studies should address the differential
effects of perceptive and non-perceptive APS, and their interaction with age, also in terms of conversion to psychosis.

Key words: Psychosis, ultra-high-risk symptoms, attenuated psychotic symptoms, brief intermittent psychotic symptoms, children and ado-
lescents, general population

(World Psychiatry 2015;14:189197)

Early detection of psychosis has become an important top- cance, seems to increase with age in community and help-
ic in psychiatry. Yet, despite several efforts to define a clinical seeking samples of children and adolescents, again especially
high risk of developing psychosis, limited attention has been in the case of hallucinatory phenomena. Thus, it has been
specifically directed towards children and adolescents (<18 recently argued that the validity of current risk criteria needs
years) (1-4). Two early detection approaches, developed and to be examined, and possibly adapted to this segment of the
evaluated predominately in adult or mixed-aged samples, population (1-3,6).
currently prevail (3,5): the basic symptom (6) and the ultra- Traditionally, an age threshold of 18 years is applied in
high-risk (UHR) approach (7). The latter mainly relies on psychiatry to distinguish between early and adult onset.
attenuated psychotic symptoms (APS), that is, delusional and However, it is currently unknown whether the postulated
hallucinatory phenomena in which some insight is still decrease in frequency and increase in clinical significance of
maintained. APS with advancing age follows this traditional threshold, or
Within the debate on the attenuated psychosis syndrome, rather corresponds to the transition from childhood to ado-
proposed for inclusion in the DSM-5, concern about patho- lescence, around the age of 13, or from early to late adoles-
logization of non-ill behaviors and experiences has been cence, around the age of 16.
voiced (8). Such a concern might particularly apply to chil- In this study, we explored the relationship between age
dren and adolescents for several reasons. First, conversion and the prevalence and clinical significance of APS in a sam-
rates in help-seeking UHR samples aged 12-18 years were ple of individuals aged 8-40 years, who were randomly select-
lower than those observed in adult or mixed-age samples ed from the general population of Canton Bern, Switzerland.
(3,4,9,10), which might indicate a lesser predictive accuracy
of UHR criteria in this age group (3). Second, though not
assessing the UHR criteria with specific instruments, commu- METHODS
nity studies of children and adolescents found high preva-
lence rates of APS (11-14), particularly hallucinations, with a Study design and procedure
spontaneous remission in about three quarters of cases (14).
Third, the association of both clinician-rated and self-rated Stratified sampling by sex (1:1) was used to randomly
APS with poorer socio-occupational functioning and psychi- select potential participants aged 8-17 years (in the Bi-
atric morbidity (12,15-17), and thus their clinical signifi- national Evaluation of At-Risk Symptoms in Children and

Adolescents, BEARS-Kid study) or 16-40 years (in the Bern fulfillment of onset/worsening and frequency requirements
Epidemiology At-Risk, BEAR study) from approximately for these symptoms in UHR criteria. More specifically, the
384,000 persons of these age groups included in the obliga- current presence of any APS (any SIPS item from P1 to P5
tory population register of Canton Bern, Switzerland. with a score between 3 and 5) and any BLIPS (any SIPS item
In the BEARS-Kid study, subjects were assessed face-to- from P1 to P5 with a score of 6) was assessed, as well as the
face, while in the BEAR study subjects were evaluated by fulfillment of the UHR requirements concerning onset/wors-
telephone interviews that were supported by the computer- ening (onset or worsening within the past 12 months for
assisted telephone interviewing technique (18). Prior to the APS; level of psychotic intensity reached within the past 3
studies, excellent concordance rates (78-100%) were found months for BLIPS) and frequency (at least weekly presence
for the telephone assessments of risk criteria/symptoms as in the past month for APS; at least several minutes per day at
compared to face-to-face assessments (19). a frequency of at least once per month for BLIPS). Non-
The ethics committee of the University of Bern approved perceptive (P1, P2, P3, and P5) and perceptive (P4) APS/
both studies. Participation in the telephone interview was BLIPS were also distinguished.
considered as provision of informed consent in the BEAR Symptom-independent current global level of psychoso-
study. For the BEARS-Kid study, written informed assent/ cial functioning was estimated using the Social and Occu-
consent was secured from subjects and their parents. pational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS, 21), in
Recruitment and assessments for the BEAR study were which a score of 70 was considered indicative of low func-
conducted over 14 months (from June 2011 to July 2012) tioning. The Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Inter-
and those for the BEARS-Kid study over 33 months (from view (22) and its version for children (23) were used to
September 2011 to May 2014). assess current non-psychotic mental disorders according
In both studies, eligibility criteria included appropriate to DSM-IV criteria.
age, main residence in Canton Bern (i.e., a valid address and To ensure excellent data quality, interviewers received an
not being abroad during the assessment period), and an intensive 3-month training prior to the start of both studies.
available telephone number. Interviews were discontinued Further, weekly supervision of symptom ratings was provid-
if respondents had a lifetime diagnosis of psychosis or insuf- ed by two of the authors (F.S.-L. and C.M.), to avoid errone-
ficient German, French or English language skills. ous rating of vivid imaginations and fantasies or of experien-
In the BEARS-Kid study, the participation rate was ces related to certain states of development as a UHR symp-
41.5% of eligible children/adolescents. Those who partici- tom, particularly within the BEARS-Kid study.
pated did not differ from those who refused to participate in
terms of age, gender and nationality. The main reasons for
refusal to participate were lack of interest in the topic Statistical analyses
(49.6%), lack of time (33.8%), excessive length of the inter-
view (16.5%), and expectation of an uncomfortable inter- Using SPSS 21.0., frequencies and percentages were com-
view (11.0%). No reason was provided by 10.2% of those pared by chi-square tests, and non-normally distributed
who refused to participate. interval data and ordinal data were evaluated by the
In the BEAR study, the participation rate was 66.4% of Mann-Whitney U tests.
eligible persons. Those who participated did not differ from Binary logistic regression analyses using enter were per-
those who refused to participate in terms of age, gender and formed to assess effects of different age groups (8-12; 13-15;
nationality. The main reasons for refusal to participate were 16-17; 18-19; 25-29; 30-40) on UHR criteria and each of their
lack of interest in the topic (52.9%), lack of time (44.5%), requirements. The age group with a peak in the onset of first-
expectation of the assessment of too intimate data (15.3%), episode psychosis (20-24 years) served as the reference
and excessive length of the interview (13.2%). No reason group.
was provided by 38.9% of those who refused to participate. Logistic regression analyses were also used to assess the
Where allowed by the subsample size, each child/adoles- effects of UHR requirements and their interaction with age
cent (aged 8-17 years) was randomly matched by gender and on low psychosocial functioning, and on the presence of any
highest educational level of parents to each of the four adult axis I disorder. To evaluate the potential additional effects of
age groups (18-19, 20-24, 25-29, and 30-40 years). Our final an age 3 requirement interaction, both the respective UHR
sample comprised 535 adults and 154 children/adolescents. requirements and their interaction with age were entered as
independent variables, and the interaction with age was con-
sidered as relevant when both backward and forward logistic
Assessments regression analyses equally selected the interaction term as a
predictor. We expected small numbers of low functioning
Assessments were performed by well-trained psycholo- and axis I disorders per age group; therefore, age, rather than
gists. The Structured Interview for Psychosis Risk Syndromes age group, was entered in the interaction analyses. Through-
(SIPS, 20) was used to explore the current presence of APS out, the goodness-of-fit (GoF) was estimated by the Omnibus
and brief intermittent psychotic symptoms (BLIPS), and the test.

190 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

Table 1 Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of subjects with and without ultra-high-risk (UHR) symptoms

At least one UHR symptom

Yes (N568; 9.9%) No (N5621; 90.1%) (N5689) Statistics

Male, n (%) 26 (38.2) 270 (43.5) 296 (43.0) v21 50:69, p50.407, V50.032

Swiss nationality, n (%) 58 (85.3) 576 (92.8) 634 (92.0) v21 54:64, p50.031, V50.082

Highest ISCED score of parents, 3 (3-5) 3.5 (3-5) 3 (3-5) U518354.0, p50.059, r50.072
median (quartiles)
Age, median (quartiles) 21.4 (16.1-28.4) 23.5 (19.0-29.6) 23.3 (18.5-29.5) U517920.5, p50.040, r50.078

Age group, n (%) v26 515:6x, p50.016, V50.151

8-12 years (n545) 10 (22.2) 35 (77.8) 45 (6.6)

13-15 years (n531) 7 (22.6) 24 (77.4) 31 (4.6)

16-17 years (n578) 8 (10.3) 70 (89.7) 78 (11.5)

18-19 years (n581) 6 (7.4) 75 (92.6) 81 (11.9)

20-24 years (n5155) 12 (7.7) 143 (92.3) 155 (22.2)

25-29 years (n5144) 11 (7.6) 133 (92.4) 144 (21.1)

30-40 years (n5155) 14 (9.0) 141 (91.0) 155 (22.2)

Any current axis I diagnosis, n (%) 26 (38.2) 68 (11.0) 94 (13.6) v21 538:73, p<0.001, V50.237

First-degree relative with psychosis, n (%) 0 6 (1.0) 6 (0.9) v21 50:66, p50.415, V50.031

SOFAS  70, n (%) 12 (17.6) 13 (2.1) 25 (3.6) v21 542:40, p<0.001, V50.248

DSM-IV axis I diagnoses: n557 (8.3%) mood disorders, mainly depression (n528, 4.1%); n534 (4.9%) anxiety disorders; n56 (0.9%) obsessive-compulsive disor-
der; n513 (1.9%) eating disorders; n59 (1.3%) somatization disorders; only assessed in participants of the BEARS-Kid study (n5119): n54 (3.4%) attention-defi-
cit/hyperactivity disorder; n51 (0.8%) conduct disorder
ISCED International Standard Classification of Education, SOFAS Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale

RESULTS significant (GoF: v26 55:4, p50.490), indicating that per-

sons across all age groups were equally likely to report
The current prevalence of any UHR symptom was 9.9%. non-perceptive APS (Table 2).
As no BLIPS were detected, the UHR symptoms were ex- When the UHR onset/worsening requirement was con-
clusively APS. The prevalence of any perceptive APS was sidered, the age effects on the prevalence of APS increased
4.9%; that of any non-perceptive APS was 6.1% (6.0% for (GoF: v26 534:5, p<0.001). Again, only persons aged 8-12
any unusual thought content, 3.0% for any persecutory idea, and 13-15 years were more likely to fulfill the requirement,
0.3% for any grandiosity, and 0.7% for any disorganized as compared to the 20-24-year-olds. Separate analyses of
communication). the onset/worsening requirement for perceptive and non-
Subjects with APS were younger than those without APS, perceptive APS again showed a stronger effect (GoF:
and more likely to have non-Swiss nationality, low psycho- v26 536:5, p<0.001) of perceptive APS in persons aged 8-12
social functioning, and any axis I diagnosis. The related and 13-15 years, while an age effect for non-perceptive APS
effect sizes were small to medium. We did not find any sig- (GoF: v26 56:3, p50.389) was not observed (Table 2).
nificant difference in the frequency of APS with regard to When the UHR frequency requirement was considered, age
participants gender or highest education of their parents effects declined to a statistical trend level (GoF: v26 511:6,
(Table 1). p50.071), where only persons aged 8-12 were significantly
In logistic regression analyses, the age group reliably dis- more likely to fulfill the requirement as compared to per-
tinguished between those with and without APS (GoF: sons aged 20-24. Again, this age effect was maintained and
v26 512:7, p50.049). Compared to persons aged 20-24 even intensified for perceptive APS (GoF: v26 521:9,
years, those aged 8-12 and 13-15 years were more likely to p50.001), while it was missing for non-perceptive APS
report APS, while all other age groups (i.e., 16-17, 18-19, (v26 57:5, p50.277) (Table 2).
25-29, 30-40) were not (Table 2). Nine persons (1.3%) fulfilled all the UHR requirements
The model became even more significant (GoF: v26 527:0, for APS (7 for perceptive and 2 for non-perceptive APS).
p<0.001) when only perceptive APS were considered. Only persons aged 8-12 were more likely to meet all the
Odds ratios in subjects aged 8-12 and 13-15 increased requirements compared to those aged 20-24 (GoF:
while, again, no effect emerged in the adult age groups and v26 522:0, p50.001) (Table 3). Due to the small sample size,
in the 16-17-year olds. Conversely, when only non- no separate analyses were performed for perceptive and
perceptive APS were considered, the model was non- non-perceptive APS.

Table 2 Effects of age on prevalence and UHR onset/worsening and frequency requirements for APS

Effect on APS prevalence Effect on APS prevalence Effect on APS prevalence (considering
(irrespective of other UHR (considering the onset/worsening but the frequency but not the
requirements) not the frequency requirement) onset/worsening requirement)

b SE Wald (df51) p Exp (b) 95% CI b SE Wald (df51) p Exp (b) 95% CI b SE Wald (df51) p Exp (b) 95% CI

Any APS 8-12 yrs. 1.23 0.47 6.86 0.009 3.41 1.36-8.52 2.25 0.63 12.74 0.000 9.44 2.75-32.37 1.34 0.61 4.91 0.027 3.82 1.17-12.50

13-15 yrs. 1.25 0.52 5.65 0.017 3.48 1.22-9.71 1.98 0.70 7.94 0.005 7.26 1.83-28.83 0.98 0.74 1.77 0.184 2.66 0.63-11.27

16-17 yrs. 0.31 0.48 0.42 0.519 1.36 0.53-3.48 0.41 0.78 0.28 0.596 1.51 0.33-6.92 20.01 0.72 0.00 0.993 0.99 0.24-4.08

18-19 yrs. 20.05 0.52 0.01 0.927 0.95 0.34-2.64 20.05 0.88 0.00 0.959 0.96 0.17-5.33 20.46 0.83 0.31 0.575 0.63 0.12-3.19

25-29 yrs. 20.02 0.43 0.00 0.973 0.99 0.42-2.31 20.63 0.87 0.52 0.470 0.53 0.10-2.95 20.64 0.72 0.79 0.373 0.53 0.13-2.15

30-40 yrs. 0.17 0.41 0.17 0.682 1.18 0.53-2.65 21.41 1.12 1.57 0.211 0.25 0.03-2.22 0.54 0.53 1.03 0.309 1.71 0.61-4.83
Any perceptive 8-12 yrs. 2.02 0.59 11.75 0.001 7.50 2.37-23.74 2.47 0.84 8.70 0.003 11.77 2.29-60.58 2.47 0.84 8.70 0.003 11.77 2.29-60.58
13-15 yrs. 1.97 0.64 9.43 0.002 7.20 2.04-25.39 2.43 0.89 7.43 0.006 11.33 1.98-64.96 0.94 1.24 0.57 0.451 2.55 0.22-29.03

16-17 yrs. 20.24 0.85 0.08 0.781 0.79 0.15-4.16 216.87 4551.0 0.00 0.997 0.00 0.00 20.01 1.23 0.00 0.996 0.99 0.09-11.13

18-19 yrs. 0.44 0.69 0.42 0.517 1.56 0.41-5.97 216.87 4465.9 0.00 0.997 0.00 0.00 20.05 1.23 0.00 0.971 0.96 0.09-10.71

25-29 yrs. 20.15 0.68 0.05 0.821 0.86 0.23-3.26 20.63 1.23 0.26 0.611 0.54 0.05-5.96 216.87 3349.4 0.00 0.996 0.00 0.00

30-40 yrs. 20.23 0.68 0.11 0.740 0.80 0.21-3.02 216.87 3228.4 0.00 0.996 0.00 0.00 20.70 1.23 0.32 0.569 0.50 0.05-5.54

Any non-perceptive 8-12 yrs. 20.16 0.81 0.034 0.846 0.86 0.18-4.18 216.87 5991.6 0.00 0.998 0.00 0.00 20.38 1.11 0.12 0.730 0.68 0.08-5.99
13-15 yrs. 0.68 0.71 0.92 0.338 1.97 0.49-7.88 216.87 7218.9 0.00 0.998 0.00 0.00 1.17 0.76 2.37 0.124 3.21 0.73-14.22

16-17 yrs. 0.43 0.56 0.58 0.446 1.53 0.51-4.58 20.01 1.23 0.00 0.996 0.99 0.09-11.13 20.94 1.10 0.73 0.393 0.39 0.05-3.39

18-19 yrs. 20.35 0.69 0.25 0.616 0.71 0.18-2.74 20.05 1.23 0.00 0.971 0.96 0.09-10.71 20.28 0.85 0.11 0.746 0.76 0.14-4.00

25-29 yrs. 20.23 0.55 0.17 0.685 0.80 0.27-2.36 216.87 3349.4 0.00 0.996 0.00 0.00 20.45 0.74 0.37 0.544 0.64 0.15-2.72

30-40 yrs. 0.60 0.46 1.72 0.190 1.82 0.74-4.48 216.87 3228.4 0.00 0.996 0.00 0.00 0.62 0.57 1.16 0.281 1.85 0.61-5.65

Binary logistic regression analyses with method enter and 20-24-year olds as reference age group. Significant predictors are in bold type
UHR ultra-high-risk, APS attenuated psychotic symptoms

World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

Table 3 Effect of age on current presence of any APS indicated a stronger association between lower psychoso-
cial functioning and presence (GoF: v21 527:1, p<0.001) or
Age group b SE (df51) p Exp(b) 95% CI recency of APS (GoF: v21 57:4, p50.007), in particular
non-perceptive ones (GoF: v21 58:0, p50.005) and in the
8-12 yrs. 2.01 0.88 5.17 0.023 7.46 1.32-42.18 older group (as indicated by significant standardized resid-
13-15 yrs. 1.66 1.02 2.66 0.103 5.28 0.71-38.97 uals in chi-square tests, i.e., 3.7-6.4). The age 3 onset inter-
16-17 yrs. 216.87 4550.96 0.00 0.997 0.00 0.00 action effect on psychiatric morbidity, however, was not
18-19 yrs. 20.05 1.23 0.00 0.971 0.96 0.09-10.71
replicated by using the 16-year cut-off.
25-29 yrs. 216.87 3349.41 0.00 0.996 0.00 0.00

30-40 yrs. 216.87 3228.38 0.00 0.996 0.00 0.00

Binary logistic regression analysis with method enter and 20-24-year olds as
reference age group. Significant predictors are in bold type Within our community sample of never-psychotic 8-40-
APS attenuated psychotic symptoms year olds, 9.9% reported UHR symptoms in the clinical
interviews carried out by well-trained clinical psychologists,
using the SIPS. UHR symptoms were exclusively rated as
Low psychosocial functioning was predicted by all APS APS. All the UHR requirements for APS were fulfilled by
requirements, and APS frequency was found to be the strong- only 1.3% of the sample, or 13.2% of those with APS. Indi-
est predictor (Table 4). For perceptive APS, the effect on cating some clinical significance of APS, their presence was
functioning was less pronounced: only sufficiently frequent related to more frequent current DSM-IV axis I disorders
APS predicted low functioning. On the contrary, all non- and/or functional impairment.
perceptive APS requirements were highly predictive of low The results strongly indicated an age effect, with a signifi-
functioning (Table 4). cant shift in both prevalence and clinical significance of
Significant age 3 requirement interactions in the predic- APS and their UHR requirements from early to late adoles-
tion of low psychosocial functioning indicated that APS oc- cence, i.e., around age 16 years. The age effect on prevalence
currence and recency were more predictive of low function- was exclusive to perceptive APS, i.e., unusual perceptual
ing in the older sample, but frequency requirements were experiences and attenuated hallucinations. As compared to
not (Table 4). A similar, slightly stronger effect was detected 16-40-year olds, subjects aged 8-15 were more likely to
for non-perceptive APS onset requirement (Table 4). On the report perceptive APS, and were more likely to do so with
contrary, all interactions between age and perceptive APS an onset or worsening of symptoms within the year prior to
requirements on low psychosocial functioning were non- the interview. This is in line with earlier studies on halluci-
significant (Table 4). nations in community samples of children/adolescents,
Psychiatric morbidity was predicted by all APS require- which indicated a high prevalence, though little persistence
ments (Table 5). Again, APS frequency was found to be the over time, particularly of infrequent, less than weekly hallu-
strongest predictor. For both perceptive and non-perceptive cinations (24).
APS, only occurrence and frequency were predictive, but not With regard to clinical significance, perceptive APS were
the onset/worsening requirement (Table 5). An interaction mainly unrelated to low current psychosocial functioning,
with age was detected only for the onset/worsening require- except when frequent. This pattern persisted when age was
ment (Table 5), indicating that recent onset or worsening of considered. Actually, although functional impairment has
APS had a stronger association with psychiatric morbidity in been related to clinician-assessed APS-like symptoms in
the older age group. No specific age-interaction effects were other samples of children and adolescents (12,25,26), those
detected regarding the impact of psychiatric morbidity on studies did not separately examine perceptive and non-per-
perceptive or non-perceptive APS (Table 5). ceptive symptoms. Indeed, we found a positive association
The age effect on the occurrence of APS, particularly per- between the occurrence of any APS and low psychosocial
ceptive APS, indicated an age threshold around age 16. To functioning, increasing with age. Yet, this association, par-
confirm this, and to test for additional age effects within the ticularly in older age groups, relied heavily on non-
two age groups below (8-15) and above (16-40) this cut-off, perceptive APS, mainly unusual thought content or perse-
we re-ran logistic regression analyses on occurrence, onset cutory ideas. These consistent, though different, interaction
and frequency requirements, as well as the APS criterion patterns of perceptive and non-perceptive APS with func-
separately, within these two age groups. In support of a sin- tional deficits and age suggest that attenuated delusional
gle 16-year threshold, all results were non-significant. ideas, but not attenuated hallucinatory experiences, co-
Next, we used the 16-year cut-off to re-explore the inter- occur with functional deficits. It also indicates that this co-
actions between the two age groups and APS requirements occurrence is more likely when the onset or worsening of
on psychosocial functioning and axis I diagnosis. Results attenuated delusional ideas is recent, or their frequency
supported the age threshold with regard to the interaction high, and when the person has already entered late adoles-
effects on psychosocial functioning. The interactions again cence or adulthood.

Table 4 Prediction of low psychosocial functioning (SOFAS score  70) by APS requirements and estimation of interaction with age effects

Prediction by APS Interaction with Wald Omnibus

requirements* b SE Wald (df51) p Exp (b) 95% CI Omnibus test age effects** b SE (df51) p Exp (b) 95% CI test

Occurrence of APS irrespective of onset/worsening and frequency requirements

Any APS 2.31 0.42 29.55 <0.001 10.02 4.37-23.01 v21 542:4, Any APS 3 age 0.09 0.02 33.99 <0.001 1.09 1.06-1.12 v21 527:4,
p<0.001 p<0.001

Any perceptive APS 1.02 0.64 2.541 0.111 2.78 0.79-9.81 v21 52:0, Only perceptive No interaction effect
p50.154 APS 3 age

Any non-perceptive APS 2.58 0.45 33.31 <0.001 13.17 5.49-31.60 v21 552:1, Only non-perceptive No stable model
p<0.001 APS 3 age

Occurrence of APS considering the onset/worsening but not the frequency requirement

Any APS 1.72 0.59 8.54 0.003 5.56 1.76-17.57 v21 56:3, Any APS 3 age 0.10 0.03 11.94 0.001 1.10 1.04-1.16 v21 58:8,
p50.012 p50.003

Any perceptive APS 0.82 1.06 0.59 0.441 2.26 0.28-18.13 v21 50:5, Only perceptive No interaction effect
p50.488 APS 3 age

Any non-perceptive APS 3.36 1.02 10.80 0.001 28.78 3.88-213.44 v21 58:0, Only non-perceptive 0.17 0.05 10.75 0.001 1.18 1.07-1.30 v21 58:4,
p50.05 APS 3 age p50.004

Occurrence of APS considering the frequency but not the onset/worsening requirement

Any APS 2.92 0.46 40.33 <0.001 18.58 7.54-45.78 v21 531:4, Any APS 3 age No stable model

Any perceptive APS 1.74 0.80 4.68 0.030 5.69 1.18-27.45 v21 53:3, Only perceptive No interaction effect
p50.069 APS 3 age

Any non-perceptive APS 3.19 0.49 42.14 <0.001 24.34 9.28-63.81 v21 532:3, Only non-perceptive No stable model
p<0.001 APS 3 age

*Binary logistic regression analyses with method enter, ** binary logistic regression analyses with method backward and forward using the respective requirement and its interaction with age as independent
variables. Significant predictors are in bold type
APS attenuated psychotic symptoms, SOFAS Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale

World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

Table 5 Prediction of presence of any axis I disorder by APS requirements and estimation of interaction with age effects

Interaction with Omnibus

Prediction by APS requirements* b SE Wald (df51) p Exp (b) 95% CI Omnibus test age effects** b SE Wald (df51) p Exp (b) 95% CI test

Occurrence of APS irrespective of onset/worsening and frequency requirements

Any APS 1.62 0.28 33.16 <0.001 5.03 2.90-8.73 v21 529:5, p<0.001 Any APS 3 age No interaction effect

Any perceptive APS 1.48 0.37 15.77 <0.001 4.39 2.12-9.10 v21 513:6, p<0.001 Only perceptive No stable model
APS 3 age

Any non-perceptive APS 1.50 0.34 19.52 <0.001 4.49 2.31-8.74 v21 516:98, p50.044 Only non-perceptive No interaction effect
APS 3 age

Occurrence of APS considering the onset/worsening but not the frequency requirement

Any APS 1.80 0.41 19.29 <0.001 6.07 2.72-13.58 v21 517:0, p<0.001 Any APS 3 age 0.10 0.02 18.97 <0.001 1.11 1.06-1.16 v21 519:2,

Any perceptive APS 1.06 0.61 3.02 0.082 2.89 0.87-9.59 v21 52:6, p50.108 Only perceptive No interaction effect
APS 3 age

Any non-perceptive APS 1.86 1.01 3.43 0.064 6.45 0.90-46.32 v21 53:0, p50.081 Only non-perceptive No interaction effect
APS 3 age

Occurrence of APS considering the frequency but not the onset/worsening requirement

Any APS 2.08 0.37 31.75 <0.001 7.99 3.88-16.46 v21 528:8, p<0.001 Any APS 3 age No interaction effect

Any perceptive APS 1.55 0.60 6.77 0.009 4.72 1.47-15.19 v21 55:8, p50.016 Only perceptive No interaction effect
APS 3 age

Any non-perceptive APS 2.14 0.43 25.24 <0.001 8.52 3.69-19.66 v21 523:2, p<0.001 Only non-perceptive No interaction effect
APS 3 age

*Binary logistic regression analyses with method enter, ** binary logistic regression analyses with method backward and forward using the respective requirement and its interaction with age as independent
variables. Significant predictors are in bold type
APS attenuated psychotic symptoms

Compared to the interaction between APS and psychoso- the study, we had found that both face-to-face and tele-
cial functioning, that between psychiatric morbidity and phone-interviews enabled a reliable assessment of APS
APS was more general, and not moderated by age, except across age groups (18,19). Nevertheless, the use of risk crite-
for the onset/worsening requirement. Thus, the increase in ria identical to those adopted in clinical settings and the
the association between APS-like symptoms and psychiatric assessment of symptoms by an established interview for
morbidity with advancing age, suggested by a descriptive attenuated and frank psychotic symptoms, conducted by
comparison of results of two separate samples of 11-13 and trained and closely supervised clinical psychologists, is a
13-15-year olds (13), was not confirmed in our sample. strength that ensured the high quality of the data.
Only with respect to the onset/worsening requirement, a In conclusion, as the early detection of psychosis is in-
similar interaction was observed: a recent onset or worsen- creasingly moving into younger age groups, the issue of
ing of APS was more strongly linked to psychiatric morbidi- validity and clinical significance of current UHR symptoms
ty in older age groups. In terms of a schizotypy model (27), and criteria in children/adolescents is becoming increasing-
this stronger association between recently developed APS ly pressing (1-3,6). Indeed, our findings clearly ask for fur-
and non-psychotic psychiatric morbidity in the older age ther studies of APS in relation to different age groups, in
groups might indicate that APS developing in childhood or order to avoid misinterpretation of their psychopathological
adolescence might be subject to a certain mental stabiliza- nature. Thereby, the higher prevalence of perceptive APS in
tion and adjustment across early adulthood, being therefore children and young adolescents below age 16 calls for their
less linked to psychiatric morbidity. Yet, more research is re-appraisal in this age group in both the early detection of
clearly required to examine this interaction and its potential psychosis and the diagnosis of attenuated psychosis syn-
moderators. drome, if it is introduced into the DSM-5.1.
As our results might have significant clinical implications, Of interest for all age groups, perceptive APS seem to be
they call for replication in larger samples. In particular, the less related to low psychosocial functioning than non-
age groups below age 16 years were rather small in the pre- perceptive APS in the general population, unless they are
sent study, thus potentially limiting the power of our analy- frequent. These findings ask for replication and the differen-
ses. A strength of the study, however, was the broad age tial study of perceptive and non-perceptive APS and their
range, allowing for data-driven comparisons of age effects, interaction with age, in order to better distinguish ill from
rather than comparisons of rates reported in separate sam- non-ill experiences in the general population, and in chil-
ples in the literature. The minimum age of 8 years was cho- dren and young adolescents in particular.
sen because the source monitoring of perception necessary
for distinguishing between hallucinations and products of
fantasy might not have been completely developed before Acknowledgement
that age (28). The maximum age of 40 years was chosen on
the basis of the highest reported intake age in clinical UHR This work was supported by two independent project
samples (18). Yet, in particular with regard to the second grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation
onset peak of psychosis in women (29,30), possible gender- (320030L_144100 and 32003B_135381).
related age effects on the prevalence and clinical signifi-
cance of APS in samples older than age 40 still warrant
examination. However, our chosen maximum age should
sufficiently ensure the absence of brain processes related to 1. Schimmelmann BG, Schultze-Lutter F. Early detection and inter-
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DOI 10.1002/wps.20216


5-HTTLPR genotype potentiates the effects of war

zone stressors on the emergence of PTSD, depressive
and anxiety symptoms in soldiers deployed to Iraq
Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA; 2Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, USA; 3University of Wisconsin - Milwau-
kee, Milwaukee, WI, USA; 4University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 5University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; 6Duke University, Durham,

Exposure to war zone stressors is common, yet only a minority of soldiers experience clinically meaningful disturbance in psychological func-
tion. Identification of biomarkers that predict vulnerability to war zone stressors is critical for developing more effective treatment and pre-
vention strategies not only in soldiers but also in civilians who are exposed to trauma. We investigated the role of the serotonin transporter
linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) genotype in predicting the emergence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depressive and anxi-
ety symptoms as a function of war zone stressors. A prospective cohort of 133 U.S. Army soldiers with no prior history of deployment to a
war zone, who were scheduled to deploy to Iraq, was recruited. Multilevel regression models were used to investigate associations between
5-HTTLPR genotype, level of war zone stressors, and reported symptoms of PTSD, depression and anxiety while deployed to Iraq. Level of
war zone stressors was associated with symptoms of PTSD, depression and anxiety. Consistent with its effects on stress responsiveness, 5-
HTTLPR genotype moderated the relationship between level of war zone stressors and symptoms of emotional disturbance. Specifically, sol-
diers carrying one or two low functioning alleles (S or LG) reported heightened symptoms of PTSD, depression and anxiety in response to
increased levels of exposure to war zone stressors, relative to soldiers homozygous for the high functioning allele (LA). These data suggest
that 5-HTTLPR genotype moderates individual sensitivity to war zone stressors and the expression of emotional disturbance including PTSD
symptoms. Replication of this association along with identification of other genetic moderators of risk can inform the development of bio-
markers that can predict relative resilience vs. vulnerability to stress.

Key words: 5-HTTLPR genotype, war zone stressors, PTSD, depression, anxiety, biomarkers, stress responsiveness

(World Psychiatry 2015;14:198206)

Although not without controversy (1), there is growing promising gene-by-environment (GxE) interaction findings
recognition that genetic factors in combination with expo- have recently been reported, involving genetic variants that
sure to stressful and/or life threatening situations contribute putatively influence hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)
to the development of psychiatric disorders, such as post- axis function (i.e., FKBP5 and CRHR1) (11), GABA recep-
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (2) and depression (3). tor functioning (i.e., GABRA2) (12), and G protein signaling
After controlling for baseline characteristics, deployed (i.e., RGS2) (13).
soldiers with exposure to combat stressors are three times Of particular interest in mapping the genetic risk for
more likely to develop PTSD symptoms relative to deployed PTSD are studies of the functional variable number tandem
soldiers with no combat stress exposure (4). However, expo- repeat polymorphism in the proximal promoter of the sero-
sure to war zone stressors does not impact all soldiers simi- tonin transporter gene (i.e., the serotonin transporter linked
larly. Some soldiers develop moderate to severe anxiety and polymorphic region or 5-HTTLPR). This interest reflects
depression symptoms following war zone stress exposure, the importance of the serotonin transporter in mediating
whereas others do not (4). Similarly, epidemiologic data active clearance of extracellular serotonin and thereby
indicate that many Americans (60.7%) have been exposed influencing the duration and intensity of serotonin signal-
to a traumatic stressor, yet only a small minority (8%) devel- ing. This signaling pathway is an important modulator of a
oped PTSD (5). Although a number of risk factors for PTSD cortico-limbic neural circuitry mediating behavioral and
and depression have been identified (6), genetic variation is physiologic responses to stress and threat, including trauma
believed to partially explain individual differences that oc- (14,15).
cur in such dysfunctional responses to trauma (7). The 5-HTTLPR is most commonly represented by two
Evidence from twin studies involving Vietnam War veter- variants: a short (S) allele and a long (L) allele. The presence
ans first indicated that approximately 30% of the variance in of one or two short alleles, rather than two copies of the
PTSD can be attributed to shared genetic variance (8). Simi- long allele, may be associated with reduced transcriptional
lar estimates for the genetic liability to depression and other efficiency that putatively results in significant decreases
anxiety disorders have been established (9). Subsequent (approximately 50%) in serotonin reuptake (16,17). This 5-
candidate gene studies have provided limited evidence for HTTLPR effect may be modulated by a single nucleotide
specific genetic loci shaping risk for PTSD (10). Several polymorphism (rs25531) comprised of an adenine (A) to

198 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

guanine (G) substitution, most commonly occurring at the pathology at pre-deployment in order to account for its vari-
sixth nucleotide in the first of two extra 20 to 23 bp repeats ability prior to exposure to war zone stress. Based on the
of the L allele (18). Importantly, the L allele with guanine at documented neural, physiologic and behavioral effects of
the sixth nucleotide (LG) exhibits similar reductions in tran- the 5-HTTLPR, we predicted that S carriers would be at
scriptional activity to the S allele in comparison to the greater risk than L homozygotes to develop PTSD, depres-
L allele with adenine at the sixth nucleotide (LA) (19). This sive and anxiety symptoms in response to increasing levels
has led most to adopt a triallelic classification scheme for of exposure to war zone stressors.
the 5-HTTLPR, with the following functionally defined
alleles: L5LA and S5S, LG, yielding the following func-
tional genotypes: LL (high activity), LS (intermediate METHODS
activity), and SS (low activity).
Consistent with the resulting increases in synaptic seroto- Participants
nin (20), the S (or S) allele has been associated with relative-
ly increased neural, behavioral and physiologic reactivity to Participants were 133 U.S. Army soldiers with no prior
stress, threat and trauma (21). This profile of heightened sen- war zone experience, who were scheduled to deploy to Iraq
sitivity to environmental challenge translates into a well- within 90 days. The principal investigator and the project
documented GxE effect of increased risk for mood and anxi- director conducted briefing meetings for potential partici-
ety disorders in the context of stressful life events in carriers pants from eight combat and two combat support units at
of the S allele (3). Stratifying study samples by type of stressor Fort Hood Texas. Of the 223 soldiers who attended the
has revealed a significant relationship between 5-HTTLPR group orientation sessions, 184 (82%) provided informed
genotype and depression for studies of childhood maltreat- consent and completed an extensive 8-hour pre-deploy-
ment, medical conditions, and life stress (21). ment assessment at the University of Texas at Austin. Six
Surprisingly, relatively few studies have directly exam- soldiers were not deployed and one soldier withdrew from
ined the moderating role of the 5-HTTLPR in the emer- the study. Of the 177 deployed soldiers, genetic data were
gence of PTSD. Among female undergraduates who varied unavailable for 31 soldiers, while 13 soldiers failed to com-
in their exposure to an on-campus shooting, the S allele plete any war-zone stress assessments while being deployed.
was associated with significantly greater PTSD symptoms 2- Thus, the final sample included 133 soldiers who provided
4 weeks post-shooting (22). Similarly, the S allele was asso- DNA samples prior to deployment and in-theater reports of
ciated with increased risk for PTSD in individuals who war-zone stress experiences.
lacked social support (23) or lived in regions with high The study was approved by the Office of Research Sup-
unemployment and neighborhood crime (24) in the after- port and Compliance at the University of Texas at Austin
math of Hurricane Katrina. Further, a cross-sectional study and the Brooks Army Medical Center Scientific and Human
reported that the S allele was associated with increased risk Use Review Committee. All study participants provided in-
for PTSD in individuals experiencing adult traumatic events formed consent.
and childhood adversity, and especially if they experienced
both types of trauma (25). Among refugees from the Rwan-
dan Civil War, the S allele was associated with increased Assessments
risk for PTSD at relatively low levels of trauma; however,
this differential risk for PTSD diminished as trauma expo- Prior to deployment, groups of four to six soldiers arrived
sure increased (26). In contrast, among people exposed to for study participation by 8.00 a.m., and were monitored by
three or more traumas in a large epidemiological sample study personnel until dismissal approximately 8 to 9 hours
(N53,045 adults from Pomerania, Germany), the L allele later. After providing informed consent, participants provid-
was associated with increased risk for PTSD (27). ed a saliva sample for DNA isolation, completed a compre-
Here we examine whether 5-HTTLPR genotype interacts hensive stress risk assessment battery, and were interviewed
with a stressful war zone environment to predict the devel- to assess the presence of DSM-IV diagnoses by the Struc-
opment of PTSD, anxiety and depression symptoms among tured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID-I, 30).
soldiers from the U.S. Army deployed to Iraq. The current Soldiers were deployed to Iraq approximately 60 to 90
prospective study is unique in several ways. First, exposure days after the pre-deployment assessment, and reported
to war zone stressors was assessed during deployment in war-zone stress experiences during deployment on a
Iraq via web-based surveys in which soldiers provided monthly basis using the Combat Experiences Log (CEL), a
monthly reports of recent war zone experiences. Most prior web-based system for prospectively assessing war-zone
studies have been limited by retrospective recall of traumat- stress in theater (31). From a list of 18 well-validated war-
ic or stressful experiences over long periods of time (28,29). zone stressors (e.g., received hostile incoming fire, been
Second, the soldiers in the current study had not previously wounded or injured in combat, received bad news from
been deployed to a war zone, which helps minimize hetero- home), they were asked to indicate stressors they experi-
geneity of our sample. Third, we rigorously assessed psycho- enced since their most recent in-theater CEL entry (or since

deployment to the combat zone in the event of their very used to identify the 5-HTTLPR and rs25531 variants: S, LA
first response to the CEL system). These 18 stressors were and LG (18). In a total volume of 20 l, 25 ng of genomic
drawn from a modified version of the Deployment Risk and DNA were amplified in 1 Multiplex master mix (Qiagen,
Resilience Inventory (32). Further, the CEL allowed soldiers Valencia, CA) primers at final concentrations of 200 nM.
to record up to two unique stressors not covered by the 18 The primer sequences were the following: forward, 5-
standard stressor items. The number of reported combat TCCTCCGCTTTGGCGCCTCTTCC-3, and reverse, 5-
stressors was summed for each soldier to estimate the level TGGGGGTTGCAGGGGAGATCCTG-3. Thermal cycling
of war-zone stress exposure for each CEL entry. involved 15 min of initial denaturation at 95 C followed by
PTSD symptoms were assessed using the 4-item PTSD 35 cycles at 94 C for 30 sec, 62 C for 90 sec, and 72 C for 60
Checklist (PCL-Short) (33). Despite its brevity, the PCL- sec. This was followed by thermal cycling at 72 C for 10
Short assesses each of the three core PTSD symptom clus- min. To distinguish the A/G single nucleotide polymor-
ters: re-experience (2 items), avoidance (1 item), and hyper- phism of the rs25531, we extracted 7 ul of the PCR product
arousal (1 item), with a diagnostic accuracy estimate equiva- for digestion by 5 U HpaII (an isoschizomer of MspI) or 10
lent to that of the original 17-item PCL (33). For the current U MspI, for a total reaction of 17 ul. These were loaded side
sample, the internal consistency (Cronbachs alpha) com- by side on 2.5-3.0% agarose gel.
puted from soldiers first in-theater entry was .79. These methods produced allele frequencies of S, n5114
In-theater depression symptoms were assessed using the (42.86%); LA, n5143 (53.76%); and LG, n59 (3.38%), and a
brief 10-item version of the Center for Epidemiologic Stud- genotype distribution of SS, n522 (16.54%); SLG, n53
ies Depression Scale (CES-D) (34). The CES-D was devel- (2.26%); LGLG, n50 (0%); SLA, n567 (50.38%); LGLA,
oped to screen general populations for the presence of n56 (4.51%); and LALA, n535 (26.32%). Genotype distri-
depressive symptoms, and thus the content of its items is bution of the 5-HTTLPR across all participants was in
designed to be understandable and emotionally accessible Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, v2 (3)50.67, p50.85. Consis-
to all individuals irrespective of their clinical status. More- tent with previous research (19,37), the S and LG alleles
over, the CES-D has shown excellent psychometric proper- were treated as functionally equivalent for purposes of anal-
ties, and has been widely administered in various measure- ysis, which employed the following genotype groups:
ment modes, including web-based assessment (35). The 10- LL535, LS573, and SS525.
item version is strongly associated with scores from the full
20-item version (kappa5.97, p<0.001) (34). For the current
sample, the internal consistency computed from soldiers Statistical analysis
first in-theater entry was .73.
The CEL also measures anxiety reactions during deploy- Multilevel, mixed-effects random coefficient regression
ment using 18 items constructed to address common anxi- models (MRMs) were used to analyze the data. Our depen-
ety symptoms across three major domains: cognitive (e.g., dent variables were PTSD symptoms, depressive symptoms
fear of losing control), emotional (e.g., feeling scared), and and anxiety symptoms (together referred to as war zone
somatic (e.g., tension in muscles). Each symptom was rated stress reactions), measured monthly during deployment. In
on a 5-point scale (15not at all to 55extremely). Internal order to examine the relation between stressors and war
consistency computed from soldiers first in-theater entry zone stress reactions over and above the mutual effect of
was .92 for the current sample (31). time since deployment (referred to as time) on both, we
controlled for the effects of time in the MRM models. The
effects of time were modeled as a quadratic function, since
DNA collection and genotyping the relation between time and war zone stress reactions has
been shown to be curvilinear (38).
Saliva was collected with the Oragene DNA self-col- With respect to 5-HTTLPR genotype, we performed a
lection kit following the manufacturers instructions. Par- series of preliminary analyses testing for allele load effects
ticipants rubbed their tongues around the inside of their by comparing LS vs. SS genotypes. These analyses re-
mouth for about 15 sec and then deposited approximately 2 vealed no significant load effects (all p values >0.43). Thus
ml of saliva into the collection cup. Participants secured the we followed the recommendation of Hariri et al (39) and
cup firmly by screwing it clockwise until snug which modeled genotype as a two-level variable (S carriers vs. L
released a solution from the lower compartment that mixed homozygotes). The predictors of war zone stress reactions
with the saliva. This started the initial phase of DNA isola- in the MRM models included time (months since deploy-
tion and stabilized the saliva sample for long-term storage ment), time2, gender, war zone stressors (assessed monthly
at room temperature (36). Saliva samples were shipped to during deployment), 5-HTTLPR genotype (S carrier vs.
the University of Pittsburgh for DNA extraction and LL), and the interaction between 5-HTTLPR genotype and
genotyping. level of war zone stressor exposure.
A triplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol fol- Following Hedeker and Gibbons (40), we decomposed
lowed by double restriction endonuclease digestion was the monthly measure of war zone stressors into a between-

200 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

Table 1 Regression coefficients for each class of war zone stress reaction

War zone stress reactions

Predictor PTSD symptoms Depressive symptoms Anxiety symptoms

Average level of stressors .22*** .49* 1.12**

Change in level of stressors .07 .62*** 1.21***

5-HTTLPR genotype 2.18 2.14 2.23

Average stress x 5-HTTLPR genotype .21* .83* 1.36*

Change in stress x HTTLPR genotype 2.14 2.31 .20

Time (months since deployment) .00 .03 2.06

Time2 2.02*** 2.04*** 2.06***

Gender (male50; female51) .50 2.86* 5.47*

PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p0.001

soldier effect (the average level of stressors reported over Growth curve analyses of war zone stressors and war
the deployment period) and a within-soldier effect (the devi- zone stress reactions over time
ation from the average level of stressors for each soldier at
each point in time, referred to as change in war zone Initial MRM analyses were performed to examine the lin-
stressors). Failing to decompose these effects would con- ear and quadratic effects of time for the three indices of war
found the between- and within-soldier effects, resulting in zone stress reactions. Results revealed that the quadratic
potentially misleading results (22). trend over time was significant for all three measures:
All variables were centered at their grand mean so that b52.02, t (147)525.08, p<0.001 for PTSD symptoms;
results for every main effect would represent the average b52.04, t (44)524.77, p<0.001 for depressive symptoms;
effect for the sample. Gender was included as a covariate in and b52.06, t (49)523.97, p<0.001 for anxiety symp-
all the analyses, because of the observed linkage between toms. On the contrary, for all measures, the linear effect of
gender and both depressive and anxiety symptoms. time was not significant (p values >0.43). These results indi-
cate that, subsequent to deployment, symptoms steadily
increased, with a peak about 8 months after deployment, fol-
RESULTS lowed by a gradual return to initial levels around month 16.
The soldiers exposure to war zone stressors over time fol-
Participants lowed a different pattern. Neither the linear nor quadratic
trends were significant (p values >0.26), indicating that
The analyses were conducted on the data from 133 stressors remained relatively constant over the term of the
soldiers, who provided a total of 926 monthly assessments soldiers deployment.
(mean number of assessments 6.9665.62, median 5.0, range
1-18). The mean age of the final sample was 23.566.0 years.
Main effects of war zone stressors, 5-HTTLPR genotype
The large majority of the sample (85.7%) was male, and
participants were predominantly Caucasian (72.9%), of
and gender on war zone stress reactions
which 24 (18% of the total sample) were Hispanic. Other
ethnic/racial groups included African-Americans (9.8%), Results from the MRM analyses revealed that higher
American Indians (12.8%), and Asian/Pacific Islanders average levels of war zone stressors were significantly relat-
(4.5%). ed to greater war zone stress reactions on all three measures:
At pre-deployment, 20 (15.0%) participants met criteria b5.22, t (137)54.01, p<0.001 for PTSD symptoms; b5.49,
for one or more current Axis I diagnoses, including sub- t (135)52.28, p<0.05 for depressive symptoms; and b51.12,
stance use disorder (n57, 5.3%), anxiety disorder (n59, t (141)53.22, p<0.01 for anxiety symptoms. Similarly,
6.8%), mood disorder (n56, 4.5%), and adjustment disorder month-to-month changes in war zone stressors were posi-
(n55, 3.8%). tively related to concurrent levels of depressive symptoms
The mean duration of deployment was 393.0667.8 days. (b5.62, t (60)53.63, p50.001) and anxiety symptoms
The number of in-theater war zone stressors reported by a (b51.21, t (59)54.14, p<0.001), but not PTSD symptoms
soldier in a given month ranged from 0 to 18 (mean6SD (p>0.23). Females, in comparison to males, reported higher
2.0162.40). The average level of stressors reported by each levels of both depressive symptoms (b52.86, t (82)52.12,
soldier over the course of deployment ranged from 0 to 14 p<0.05) and anxiety symptoms (b55.47, t (92)52.42,
(mean6SD 3.0862.75). The month-to-month changes in p<0.05). There was no significant main effect of 5-HTTLPR
war zone stressors for a soldier ranged from 29 to 9 genotype on any of the three indices of war zone stress reac-
(mean6SD 0.0061.47). tions (p values >0.55) (Table 1).

Figure 2 Moderating effects of 5-HTTLPR genotype on the emer-
gence of symptoms of depression in response to increasing levels of
war zone stressors

Figure 1 Moderating effects of 5-HTTLPR genotype on the emer- p50.01), and anxiety symptoms (b51.48, t (142)53.39,
gence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in response p50.001) (see Figures 1, 2 and 3).
to increasing levels of war zone stressors To investigate whether these findings were due to pre-
existing psychopathology, we repeated these analyses con-
trolling for lifetime history of an Axis I disorder (0 5 no
For war zone stressors, females tended to report slightly disorder, 1 5 one or more Axis I disorders). Although a his-
fewer stressors than males (b521.21, t (93)51.93, p50.057), tory of Axis I disorder was generally related to greater war
perhaps reflecting different war zone assignments. There zone stress reactions (b5.49, t (123)51.85, p<0.07 for PTSD
were no differences between the numbers of stressors experi- symptoms; b52.48, t (103)52.59, p50.01 for depressive
enced by S allele carriers vs. L homozygotes (p50.97). symptoms; and b54.54, t (113)52.89, p50.005 for anxiety
symptoms), all the significant effects reported above (includ-
ing the interactions between genotype and level of stressors)
Effects of the interaction of war zone stressors by
were still significant after controlling for that history.
5-HTTLPR genotype on war zone stress reactions

MRM analyses revealed significant interactions between Effects of race in moderating the interactive effects
5-HTTLPR genotype and average level of war zone stressors
during deployment for all three measures of war zone stress Because differences in the genetic backgrounds of indi-
reactions: b5.21, t (121)52.08, p<0.05 for PTSD symptoms; viduals as represented by race can possibly confound the
b5.83, t (126)52.13, p<0.05 for depressive symptoms; and effects of specific genetic polymorphisms (42), MLM analy-
b51.36, t (134)52.12, p<0.05 for anxiety symptoms. How- ses were performed to examine the effects of race on the
ever, none of the interactions between the 5-HTTLPR geno- observed interaction effects of war zone stressors x 5-
type and month-to-month changes in war zone stressors HTTLPR genotype for each of the three war zone stress
was significant (p values >0.28) (Table 1). reactions. Race was coded as white (n597), African-Amer-
To examine the nature of these interactions between 5- ican (n513), and other (n523), and was represented by two
HTTLPR genotype and average level of war zone stressors,
we followed the recommendations formulated by Aiken
and West (41). Using their approach, we calculated the rela-
tion between soldiers average stress levels and their stress
reactions separately for S carriers and their L homozygote
counterparts (this approach uses the entire sample to calcu-
late each simple slope, but computes these effects for each
group of soldiers separately). For L homozygotes, higher
levels of average stress reported in the field did not predict
higher symptoms: b5.07, t (85)5.86, p>0.39 for PTSD
symptoms; b52.12, t (108)52.43, p>0.66 for depressive
symptoms; and b5.11, t (116)5.24, p>0.81 for anxiety
symptoms. In contrast, and consistent with our hypothesis,
S carriers responded to higher levels of average stress with Figure 3 Moderating effects of 5-HTTLPR genotype on the emer-
higher levels of PTSD symptoms (b5.28, t (134)54.01, gence of symptoms of anxiety in response to increasing levels of war
p<0.0001); depressive symptoms (b5.71, t (138)52.62, zone stressors

202 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

dummy variables. Interactions were formed between these genotype and war zone stressor severity. This finding is not
two dummy variables and all of the terms predicting out- surprising, since the potential threats (stressors) facing sol-
come in the MRM analyses. diers in a war zone are often not under the control of the
The resulting analyses were consistent in showing no sig- individual soldier, whereas in non-military contexts, indi-
nificant effects for race. Comparing models with and with- vidual variables such as genetic factors and personality traits
out race as a variable revealed no significant differences in are more likely to influence the situations people face.
their deviance scores (2 log likelihoods): v2 (12)56.18, Consistent with previous studies (31,50), soldiers report-
p50.91 for PTSD symptoms, v2 (12)511.19, p50.51 for ing more severe war zone stressors also reported higher lev-
depressive symptoms, and v2 (12)510.88, p50.54 for anxi- els of PTSD, depressive and anxiety symptoms. However,
ety symptoms. These results indicate that race did not have this main effect of war zone stressors was moderated by 5-
a significant overall effect on any of the war zone reactions. HTTLPR genotype. Specifically, S carriers responded to
Further, none of the race x war zone stressors x 5-HTTLPR increasing levels of war zone stressors with increasingly
genotype interactions for PTSD, depression or anxiety greater war zone stress reactions across all three symptom
symptoms were significant (all p values ranged between domains. In contrast, there was no relationship between
0.17 and 0.47), indicating that the observed war zone stres- war zone stressors and the emergence of psychological
sors x 5-HTTLPR genotype interactions were not influenced symptoms for L homozygotes. This finding is quite consis-
by soldiers race. tent with a diathesis-stress formulation of combat stress
(51), and with 5-HTTLPR S allele moderating risk for psy-
chosocial dysfunction specifically in the wake of stressful
DISCUSSION life events (5).
Our observed GxE effect is likely mediated through the
Our in-theater web-based assessment allowed us to exam- shaping of behavioral and neural responses to stress by the
ine prospectively the main and interactive effects of 5- 5-HTTLPR. As described by Caspi et al (21), the 5-HTTLPR
HTTLPR genotype and exposure to war zone stressors in constitutes a genetic substrate for the personality trait of
predicting psychological dysfunction as they occur over the negative emotionality, which has been conceptualized as
course of soldiers deployment. The results provide novel the propensity to experience aversive emotional states
evidence for an association between 5-HTTLPR genotype, under conditions of stress (47,52,53). This expression of the
level of exposure to war zone stressors, and symptoms of S allele on negative emotionality reflects the polymor-
PTSD, depression and anxiety among soldiers deployed to a phisms influence on serotonin signaling and, in turn, the
war zone. Our approach offers significant advantages over development and functioning of a distributed cortico-limbic
static, retrospective assessments used in previous combat circuitry mediating behavioral and physiologic responses to
stress risk studies (31). stress, threat and trauma (14,15). Specifically, the S (or S)
The changes in war zone stress reactions over time were allele of the 5-HTTLPR is associated with increased threat-
more complex than expected on the basis of previous related reactivity of the amygdala, which is critical for the
reports of a positive association between length of deploy- expression of fear conditioning and anxiety (54).
ment and war zone stress reactions (43,44). Each of the Consistent with the greater attentional bias to threat
three targeted indices of war zone stress reactions PTSD observed in individuals with high negative emotionality and
symptoms, depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms the importance of the amygdala in driving this bias, our
showed a significant inverted U-pattern in their respective group has recently shown, in a subset of these soldiers, that
growth curves over time. Stress reactions increased during the S allele is associated with pre-deployment attentional
the first eight months of deployment but then decreased to bias for aversive stimuli (55) as well as pre- to post-
their earlier levels over the final eight months. This finding deployment shifts in gaze bias toward negative facial stimuli
may reflect the effects of simple habituation or an increase (56). We are now actively exploring the links between 5-
in soldiers sense of mastery in response to repeated con- HTTLPR genotype, threat-related amygdala reactivity, phys-
frontation with similar war zone stressors. iologic and behavioral indices of negative emotionality (38),
We found no evidence for a main effect of 5-HTTLPR and the emergence of war zone stress reactions.
genotype on any of the three war zone stress reactions. This Several design features of the study merit comment. First,
finding is consistent with previous longitudinal studies we chose to employ a triallelic classification of the 5-
showing that 5-HTTLPR moderates, but does not predict as HTTLPR accounting for rs25531 genotype. Among our
a main effect, the impact of stress on risk for depression (45- sample, 3.4% of the L alleles were functionally reclassified
48) and anxiety (28). Because it has been suggested that 5- as low expressing based on rs25531 status (i.e., LG). These
HTTLPR genotype may influence ones risk of exposure to alleles would have been misclassified as high expressing
stressors via gene-environment correlation (49), we tested alleles had we used the standard biallelic classification sys-
whether S carriers were more likely to report heightened tem. Although the different classification schemes did not
levels of exposure to war zone stressors relative to L homo- affect the results of the current study, this misclassification
zygotes. We found no such association between 5-HTTLPR issue may be one of the factors accounting for the dis-

crepancies in findings across studies. Second, our prospec- assessment (interview vs. self-report) may account for the
tive design offers advantages over case only, case control discrepancy in findings across studies. Specifically, Caspi
and cross-sectional designs, by minimizing reporting et al (21) assert that studies employing interview as opposed
biases associated with the retrospective assessment of to self-report stressor assessments are more likely to show
exposure to the stressor. Third, our repeated assessment of support for the 5-HTTLPR x stress interaction. Our study,
war zone stressors and symptoms of PTSD, depression and which employed measures of war zone stressors via web-
anxiety allows us to examine patterns of change in symp- based self-reports, suggests otherwise. This difference may
toms as a result of repeated exposure to stressors. Converg- reflect the repeated nature of our self-report assessments,
ing evidence from research with rodents, primates and which may have led to more accurate reporting. Alternative-
humans implicates repeated exposure to a stressor as a crit- ly, it could be a result of the MRM analysis used in the cur-
ical dimension in determining the emergence of psychopa- rent study, which increased power by including all subjects,
thology (21). regardless of missing data, and a large number of data points
Several limitations of our study should also be noted. from repeated assessments.
First, the sample size limits the power and stability of our Second, our findings point to the importance of stressor
findings across subgroups such as racial/ethnic minority severity in moderating the impact of the 5-HTTLPR on sol-
participants. Second, although participants were recruited diers risk of experiencing psychological dysfunction while
from ten different army units, we cannot rule out the possi- deployed. S carriers showed equivalent levels of PTSD,
bility that our findings may not generalize to soldiers from depressive and anxiety symptoms relative to L homozy-
outside Fort Hood. Replication with a larger sample across gotes when specific war zone stressors were low, but
multiple army bases is warranted. Third, we chose to include showed greater symptoms in all three dimensions as expo-
only soldiers who had no history of prior deployment to a sure to war zone stressors increased.
war zone, in order to eliminate the inferential ambiguity Thus, our data support a specific role for the 5-HTTLPR
associated with prior exposure. However, this design deci- as a genetic vulnerability factor that potentiates the effects
sion precluded the investigation of 5-HTTLPR x prior of war zone stress on the psychological well-being of de-
deployment interaction effects. Fourth, while our evalua- ployed soldiers. More generally, they further the potential
tions of war zone stress reactions are based on validated utility of this polymorphism, especially when combined
self-report symptom measures, which offer the advantage of with other genetic moderators of risk, to inform the devel-
providing a convenient means for modeling change in opment of biomarkers that predict relative resilience and
psychological symptoms during deployment and for vulnerability to stress broadly.
testing the main and interactive effects of genetic and envi-
ronmental influences on those changes, they do not assess
threshold diagnoses of PTSD, depression or other anxiety Acknowledgements
disorders. It should be noted that, upon their return from
deployment, soldiers were administered several diagnostic This work was funded by the U.S. Army Research, Develop-
interviews (i.e., the SCID and the Clinician-Administered ment, and Engineering Command Acquisition Center,
PTSD Scale) by a trained clinician. Consistent with previous Natick Contracting Division, and the U.S. Defense Advanced
reports using stringent diagnostic criteria (4,57), only a Research Projects Agency under contract W911QY-07-C-
small percentage (15%) met full criteria for a threshold 0002 (to M.J. Telch). The sponsors were not involved in the
mental disorder. The small numbers of threshold diagno- design or conduct of the study; collection, analysis, manage-
ses precluded formal analyses of this outcome variable. ment or interpretation of the data; and preparation or
However, the importance of assessing the full dimension- approval of the manuscript. The views expressed in this
ality of psychopathology, especially that of mood and publication are those of the authors and may not necessari-
anxiety, has emerged as a critical factor in advancing ly be endorsed by the U.S. Army.
treatment and prevention (58). Thus, our focus on contin-
uous measures of symptoms is likely an advantage in
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206 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015


Comparative efficacy and acceptability of

psychotherapies for depression in children and
adolescents: a systematic review and network
Department of Neurology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, China; 2Orygen National Centre of Excellence in Youth
Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia; 3Department of Clinical Psychology, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
Institute of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, University Hospital and University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland; 5Research Department of Clinical, Edu-
cational and Health Psychology, University College London, London, UK; 6Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Ho ^ pital Piti
etriere, Institut des
e Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France; 7Department of Diagnostic, Clinical and Public Health Medicine, University
Systemes Intelligents et Robotiques, Universit
of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy; 8Department of Psychology, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC, USA; 9Department of Psychology, Harvard
University, Cambridge, MA, USA

Previous meta-analyses of psychotherapies for child and adolescent depression were limited because of the small number of trials with direct
comparisons between two treatments. A network meta-analysis, a novel approach that integrates direct and indirect evidence from random-
ized controlled studies, was undertaken to investigate the comparative efficacy and acceptability of psychotherapies for depression in chil-
dren and adolescents. Systematic searches resulted in 52 studies (total N53805) of nine psychotherapies and four control conditions. We
assessed the efficacy at post-treatment and at follow-up, as well as the acceptability (all-cause discontinuation) of psychotherapies and con-
trol conditions. At post-treatment, only interpersonal therapy (IPT) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) were significantly more effective
than most control conditions (standardized mean differences, SMDs ranged from 20.47 to 20.96). Also, IPT and CBT were more beneficial
than play therapy. Only psychodynamic therapy and play therapy were not significantly superior to waitlist. At follow-up, IPT and CBT were
significantly more effective than most control conditions (SMDs ranged from 20.26 to 21.05), although only IPT retained this superiority at
both short-term and long-term follow-up. In addition, IPT and CBT were more beneficial than problem-solving therapy. Waitlist was signifi-
cantly inferior to other control conditions. With regard to acceptability, IPT and problem-solving therapy had significantly fewer all-cause
discontinuations than cognitive therapy and CBT (ORs ranged from 0.06 to 0.33). These data suggest that IPT and CBT should be consid-
ered as the best available psychotherapies for depression in children and adolescents. However, several alternative psychotherapies are
understudied in this age group. Waitlist may inflate the effect of psychotherapies, so that psychological placebo or treatment-as-usual may
be preferable as a control condition in psychotherapy trials.

Key words: Psychotherapies, depression, children, adolescents, cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, psychodynamic therapy,
problem-solving therapy, play therapy, waitlist, network meta-analysis

(World Psychiatry 2015;14:207222)

Depression in young people has significant developmen- Clinical practice guidelines recommend that psychothera-
tal implications, and accounts for the greatest burden of dis- py be considered as the first-line treatment for the manage-
ease in this age group (1). The point prevalence of depres- ment of mild to moderate depression in children and ado-
sion ranges from 1.9 to 3.4% among primary school children lescents (12-15), and that medications be reserved for severe
and from 3.2 to 8.9% among adolescents, and the incidence cases and those in which psychotherapy does not work
peaks around puberty (2-4). The average duration of a (12,13). From the U.S., it is known that approximately three-
depressive episode in children and adolescents is about nine quarters of the adolescents treated for depression have
months, and 70% of patients whose depression remits will received some form of psychotherapy (16). Controversy
subsequently develop another depressive episode within regarding the efficacy and safety of antidepressant medica-
five years, which suggests a substantial continuity between tions, along with the evidence of an increased risk of suicidal
child and adolescent depression and depression in adult- behavior in children and adolescents treated with some of
hood (3,4). Moreover, due to the atypical presentation and these medications, has focused attention on the use of psy-
the high frequency of comorbidities (5,6), many cases of chotherapy for this young population (17-21).
child and adolescent depression remain undetected, and do A number of psychotherapies are currently available for
not receive the treatments they need (7-9). Thus, youths treating depression in children and adolescents (22,23).
with depression experience serious impairment in social Although there is a broad consensus that various psycho-
functioning, e.g. poor school achievement and relational therapies are beneficial for depression in youth patients,
problems with family members and peers (10), and show an recent systematic reviews and meta-analyses have questioned
elevated risk of self-harm and suicidal behaviors (11). this notion (24-28). The effect sizes of cognitive-behavioral

therapy (CBT) have recently decreased (24) compared to then retrieved a shortlist of potentially relevant studies in
those documented in earlier meta-analyses (25). Some full text. These articles were reviewed in full to ensure that
meta-analyses have reported that CBT is superior to other they satisfied all of the following criteria.
psychotherapies (26,27), whereas others have suggested Only prospective RCTs, including cross-over and cluster-
that non-cognitive treatments (e.g., interpersonal therapy, randomized trials, were selected. The study population had
IPT) work as well as cognitive ones (24,28). However, the to consist of children or adolescents (aged from 6 to 18 years
conclusions of previous traditional meta-analyses were when initially enrolled in the primary study) who either had a
based on a limited number of trials with direct compari- diagnosis of major depression, minor depression, intermittent
sons between two treatments, while some treatments have depression, or dysthymia based on standardized diagnostic
rarely or never been directly compared in a randomized interviews, or exceeded a predefined threshold for depressive
controlled trial (RCT). symptoms using a validated depression severity measure.
We implemented a network meta-analysis, a new meth- Interventions included any manualized or structured psy-
odological approach that allows the simultaneous compari- chotherapy, such as behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy,
son of multiple psychotherapeutic interventions within a CBT, family therapy, IPT, play therapy, problem-solving
single analysis, while preserving randomization (29). This therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and supportive therapy,
approach was applied to integrate direct evidence (from regardless of duration and number of treatment sessions.
studies directly comparing interventions) with indirect evi- RCTs comparing different modalities of the same type of psy-
dence (information about two treatments derived via a chotherapy (face-to-face, Internet or telephone), different
common comparator, e.g. waitlist) to estimate the compara- treatment conditions (CBT or CBT plus sessions for parents)
tive efficacy and acceptability of all treatments (30). or different intervention formats (group or individual) were
We previously investigated in this way the comparative considered as the same node in the network analysis.
efficacy of psychotherapies for adult depressed patients (31) Comparators included another class of psychotherapy or
and of augmentation agents in adult treatment-resistant a control condition, such as waitlist, no-treatment, treat-
depression (32). The aim of the current network meta-anal- ment-as-usual, or psychological placebo.
ysis was to provide a comprehensive and hierarchical evi- To reduce inconsistency among trials, we excluded stud-
dence of the efficacy and acceptability of all psychotherapies ies which recruited patients with treatment-resistant or psy-
in the treatment of depression in children and adolescents. chotic depression; or involved combination therapies (i.e.,
combination of different psychological interventions, com-
bination of psychotherapy with pharmacotherapy or anoth-
METHODS er non-psychotherapeutic intervention); or focused on main-
tenance treatment or relapse prevention; or in which the
Study protocol and search strategy psychotherapy intervention was not specifically aimed to
treat depression. Studies were deemed eligible if they includ-
This systematic review is reported using PRISMA guide- ed patients with comorbid psychiatric disorders.
lines. The protocol has been registered with PROSPERO
(CRD42014010014) and published in BMJ Open (33).
Eight electronic databases PubMed, EMBASE, Outcome measures
Cochrane, Web of Science, PsycINFO, CINAHL, LILACS,
and ProQuest Dissertations were searched from January 1, The primary outcome was efficacy at post-treatment, as
1966 to July 1, 2014 with medical subject headings (MeSH) measured by mean change scores in depressive symptoms
and text words. Also, ClinicalTrials.gov, the World Health (self- or assessor-rated) from baseline to post-treatment.
Organizations trial portal and U.S. Food and Drug Adminis- The secondary outcome was efficacy at follow-up, as mea-
tration (FDA) reports were reviewed. No language restric- sured by mean change scores in depressive symptoms
tions or restrictions on publication type were applied. from baseline to the end of follow-up. In addition, we
Additional studies were searched for in the reference lists extracted the data for short-term (1 to 6 months) and
of all identified publications, including relevant meta- long-term (6 to 12 months) follow-up in each study. If a
analyses and systematic reviews. Relevant authors were study reported data for more than one time within our
contacted to supplement incomplete reports in the original pre-defined follow-up periods, we considered the last
papers or to provide new data of unpublished studies. time point within the range. If participants received fur-
ther treatments after the initial trial (e.g., continuous
treatment or booster sessions), they were not included in
Study selection the follow-up analysis.
Where depression symptoms were measured in a trial
Two independent researchers (BQ and YYL) selected using more than one scale, we extracted data for the scale
studies for inclusion, with divergences resolved by consen- with the highest rank in a pre-defined hierarchy, based on
sus. They scanned citations at the title/abstract level and psychometric properties and appropriateness for use with

208 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

children and adolescents and on consistency of use across ues. To ensure convergence, trace plots and the Brooks-
trials (18). The Childrens Depression Rating Scale (CDRS- Gelman-Rubin statistic were assessed (42). Convergence
R, 34) was adapted for children and adolescents from the was found to be adequate after running 50,000 samples for
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD, 35), a tool vali- both chains. These samples were then discarded as burn-
dated and commonly used in adult populations. Both the in, and posterior summaries were based on 100,000 subse-
CDRS-R and the HAMD have good reliability and validity quent simulations. The node splitting method was used to
(36) and had the highest rank in the hierarchy. The Beck calculate the inconsistency of the model, which separated
Depression Inventory (BDI, 37) and the Childrens Depres- evidence on a particular comparison into direct and indirect
sion Inventory (CDI, 38) were the most commonly used evidence (43). Probability values were summarized and
among depression symptom severity self-rated scales and reported as surface under the cumulative ranking curve
were ranked the second highest in the hierarchy. (SUCRA) and rankograms, a simple transformation of the
The acceptability of treatment was operationally defined mean rank used to provide a hierarchy of the treatments
as all-cause discontinuation, as measured by the proportion
and accounting for both the location and the variance of all
of patients who discontinued treatment up to the post-
relative treatment effects (44).
intervention time point.
Network meta-analysis was performed using the Win-
BUGS software package (version 1.4.3, MRC Biostatistics
Unit, Cambridge, UK) with random effects models for
Data extraction and risk of bias assessment
multi-arm trials. The other analyses were performed and
presented by the Stata 11.0 and R 2.11.1 software packages.
Two independent researchers (BQ and YYL) classified
We conducted subgroup analyses of data on primary out-
psychotherapy approaches, extracted the data and assessed
the risk of bias with good inter-rater agreement (kappa50.86 come (efficacy in post-treatment) using the meta-regression
to 0.90). The researchers independently extracted the key model and calculating Somers D (a correlation coefficient
study parameters using a standardized data abstraction form for a dichotomous and an ordinal variable) (45). We consid-
and assessed the risk of bias in trials using the risk of bias tool ered sex ratio (male-to-female ratio >1 vs. <1); age group
from the Cochrane Handbook (39). Any disagreements were (children aged 6-12 years vs. adolescents aged 13-18 years);
discussed with a third researcher (XYZ). number of sessions planned (8 vs. >8 sessions); interven-
tion format (group vs. individual); method for defining the
presence of depression (diagnosis of major depression, minor
Data synthesis and analysis depression or dysthymia vs. severity of depressive symp-
toms); comorbid psychiatric disorders (with vs. without); risk
We performed Bayesian network meta-analysis to com- of bias (high risk vs. unclear risk or low risk); sample
pare the relative efficacy and acceptability of different psy- size (50 vs. >50 patients); and year of publication (prior to
chotherapies and control conditions with each other from 2000 vs. 2000 or following).
the median of the posterior distribution (29,30). The pooled
estimates of standardized mean difference (SMD) with 95%
credible intervals (CrIs) were calculated for continuous out- RESULTS
comes, and odds ratios (ORs) with 95% CrIs for categorical
outcomes. The SMD is the difference in mean change scores We analyzed 52 RCTs (46-97), including 116 conditions
from baseline to post-treatment between two groups divided (psychotherapies and control conditions) and 3,805 patients
by the pooled standard deviation (SD) of the measurements, (see the flow chart in Figure 1). Overall, 2,361 patients were
with a negative SMD value indicating greater symptomatic randomized to nine psychotherapies (CBT, N51149; IPT,
relief (39). In the presence of minimally informative priors, N5344; supportive therapy, N5244; cognitive therapy,
CrIs can be interpreted similarly to confidence intervals, and N5230; family therapy, N5134; play therapy, N5105;
at conventional levels of statistical significance a two-sided behavioral therapy, N576; problem-solving therapy, N544;
p<0.05 can be assumed if 95% CrIs do not include 0 (30). or psychodynamic therapy, N535). The remaining 1,444
A Cohens effect size with Hedges correction for small patients were randomized to four control conditions (wait-
sample bias was calculated for all comparisons contained in list, N5419; no-treatment, N5284; treatment-as-usual,
the studies (40). If means and SDs were not provided, we N5432; or psychological placebo, N5309).
calculated them from the p value or other statistical indices The RCTs were published between 1980 and 2013. Sam-
as described elsewhere (41). Results from intention-to-treat ple sizes ranged from 9 to 399 patients per trial, with a medi-
analysis (ITT) or modified ITT were preferred over results an of 73. About three-fifths of total participants (59.9%)
from completer analyses. were females. Ten trials involved children only, 37 adoles-
The pooled estimates were obtained using the Markov cents only, and five both. The mean age of participants was
Chains Monte Carlo method. Two Markov chains were run 14.7 years (range: 7-18 years). The mean number of sessions
simultaneously with different arbitrarily chosen initial val- planned for psychotherapy was 11.4 (range: 5-36 sessions).

Figure 1 Flow chart of study selection

Further descriptive information about the included studies treatment was 9.5 weeks (range: 4-36 weeks); that of follow-
is given in Table 1. up period was 8.1 months (range: 1-24 months).
Twenty-one studies (40%) investigated depressive disor- The risk of bias was rated as low concerning randomized
ders with standardized diagnostic assessments, while 27 generation of the allocation sequence in 25 RCTs, allocation
(52%) explored depressive symptoms with a validated concealment in six RCTs, masking of outcome assessors to
depression severity measure, and the remaining four used treatment allocation in 20 RCTs, incomplete outcome data
both methodologies. The median duration of acute phase in 28 RCTs, and selective reporting in 46 RCTs.

210 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

Table 1 Characteristics of included studies

Treatment Treatment Follow-up Efficacy at Efficacy at

Definition of conditions and Age (years, duration Number of duration post-treatment follow-up
Trial depression sample size range) (weeks) sessions (months) SMD (95% CI) SMD (95% CI)

Ackerson et al, 1998 (46) 27-item CDI 10 CT515 vs. 7-12 4 NA NA CT vs. WL: 22.05 NA
and 21-item WL515 (23.12, 20.97)

Asarnow et al, 2002 (47) DSM-IV CBT511 vs. 4th to 5 10 NA NA NA

WL512 6th grade

Bolton et al, 2007 (48) APAI 32 IPT5105 vs. 14-17 16 16 NA IPT vs. WL: 20.53 NA
PT5105 vs. (20.81, 20.26);
WL5104 PT vs. WL: 0.19
(20.08, 0.46)

Brent et al, 1997 (49) DSM-III-R CBT537 vs. 13-18 12-16 NA NA CBT vs. SUP: 20.29 NA
FT535 vs. (20.77, 0.19);
SUP535 FT vs. SUP: 0.25
(20.25, 0.75)

Butler et al, 1980 (50) Self-report CBT514 vs. 5th to 10 10 NA CBT vs. PBO: 21.12 NA
Depression CT514 vs. 6th grade (21.94, 20.30);
Battery 59 PBO514 vs. CBT vs. NT: 20.68
NT514 (21.46, 0.10);
CT vs. PBO: 20.77
(21.56, 0.01);
CT vs. NT: 20.17
(20.92, 0.59)

Clarke et al, 1995 (51) CES-D 24 CT576 vs. 9th to 5 15 12 CT vs. TAU: 20.21 CT vs. TAU: 20.13
TAU574 10th grade (20.57, 0.15) (20.51, 0.24)

Clarke et al, 1999 (52) DSM-III-R CBT587 vs. 14-18 8 16 24 CBT vs. WL: 20.27 NA
WL536 (20.72, 0.18)

Clarke et al, 2001 (53) CES-D 24 CT545 vs. 13-18 8 15 24 CT vs. TAU: 20.33 CT vs. TAU: 20.13
TAU549 (20.75, 0.10) (20.5, 0.27)

Clarke et al, 2002 (54) DSM-III-R CBT541 vs. 13-18 8 16 24 CBT vs. TAU: 20.21 CBT vs. TAU: 0.08
TAU547 (20.63, 0.21) (20.34, 0.50)

Curtis, 1992 (55) DSM-III-R CBT512 vs. high school 8 12 NA CBT vs. WL: 21.57 NA
WL511 students (22.63, 20.51)

Dana, 1998 (56) 27-item CDI 12 CBT510 vs. 8-13 4 8 1 CBT vs. NT: 20.07 CBT vs. NT: 0.01
NT59 (20.97, 0.83) (20.89, 0.91)

De Cuyper et al, 2004 (57) DSM-III-R CBT511 vs. 9-11 16 16 12 CBT vs. WL: 0.17 CBT vs. WL: 20.57
WL511 (20.71, 1.05) (21.47, 0.33)

Diamond et al, 2002 (58) DSM-III-R FT516 vs. 13-17 12 12 NA FT vs. WL: 20.35 NA
WL516 (21.05, 0.35)

Table 1 Characteristics of included studies (continued)

Treatment Treatment Follow-up Efficacy at Efficacy at
Definition of conditions and Age (years, duration Number of duration post-treatment follow-up
Trial depression sample size range) (weeks) sessions (months) SMD (95% CI) SMD (95% CI)

Diamond et al, 2010 (59) 21-item BDI 20 FT535 vs. 12-17 12 12 6 FT vs. TAU: 20.47 FT vs. TAU: 20.30
TAU531 (20.96, 0.02) (20.78, 0.19)

Eskin et al, 2008 (60) DSM-IV PST512 vs. 15-18 6 6 12 PST vs. WL: 21.26 NA
WL511 (22.18, 20.35)

Ettelson, 2003 (61) DSM-IV CBT513 vs. high school 8 16 NA CBT vs. WL: 21.00 NA
WL512 students (21.84, 20.16)

Fine et al, 1991 (62) DSM-III-R BT530 vs. 13-17 12 NA 9 BT vs. SUP: 0.46 BT vs. SUP: 20.18
SUP536 (20.13, 1.04) (20.81, 0.45)

Fischer, 1995 (63) DSM-III-R CBT58 vs. 12-17 5 5 NA CBT vs. PBO: 20.47 NA
PBO58 (21.47, 0.52)
Fleming et al, 2012 (64) CDRS-R 30 CBT520 vs. 13-16 5 7 NA CBT vs. WL: 21.41 NA
WL512 (22.21, 20.60)

Hickman, 1994 (65) DSM-III-R BT56 vs. TAU53 8-11 10 10 1 BT vs. TAU: 20.57 BT vs. TAU: 20.68
(22.00, 0.86) (22.13, 0.77)

Hoek et al, 2012 (66) 20-item CES-D PST522 vs. 12-21 5 5 2.5 PST vs. WL: 20.04 PST vs. WL: 0.04
16 WL523 (20.78, 0.70) (20.73, 0.81)

Israel & Diamond, 2013 (67) 17-item HAMD FT511 vs. 13-17 12 12 NA FT vs. TAU: 21.26 NA
14 TAU59 (22.25, 20.28)

Jeong et al, 2005 (68) SCL-90-R PBO520 vs. middle school 12 36 NA PBO vs. WL: 20.87 NA
WL520 students (21.52, 20.22)

Kahn et al, 1990 (69) 27-item CDI 15 BT517 vs. 10-14 6-8 12 1 BT vs. WL: 21.03 BT vs. WL: 20.61
CBT517 vs. (21.75, 20.31); (21.30, 0.08)
WL517 CBT vs. WL: 20.39 CBT vs. WL: 20.88
(21.07, 0.29) (21.59,20.18)

Kerfoot et al, 2004 (70) MFQ 23 CBT529 vs. 13.7 (2.2), 8 8 NA CBT vs. TAU: 0.11 NA
TAU523 14.1 (1.6) (20.47, 0.70)

Lewinsohn et al, 1990 (71) DSM-III CBT545 vs. 14-18 7 14 24 CBT vs. WL: 20.89 NA
WL524 (21.46, 20.32)

Liddle & Spence, 1990 (72) 27-item CDI 19 CBT511 vs. 7-12 8 8 3 CBT vs. PBO: 20.57 CBT vs. PBO: 20.25
and 17-item PBO510 vs. (21.45, 0.31); (21.11, 0.61)
CDRS-R  40 NT510 CBT vs. NT: 20.45 CBT vs. NT: 20.27
(21.32, 0.42) (21.14, 0.59)

Listug-Lunde, 2004 (73) 27-item CDI 15 CBT510 vs. middle school 7 13 3 CBT vs. WL: 0.09 CBT vs. WL: 0.27
WL59 students (20.86, 1.04) (20.69, 1.23)

Marcotte & Baron, 1993 (74) 21-item BDI 15 CBT515 vs. 14-17 6 12 2 CBT vs. WL: 20.44 CBT vs. WL: 21.11
WL513 (21.24, 0.36) (21.97, 20.26)

McCarty et al, 2013 (75) MFQ 14 CBT558 vs. 11-15 12 12 NA NA CBT vs. SUP: 20.46
SUP562 (20.84,20.08)

World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

Table 1 Characteristics of included studies (continued)
Treatment Treatment Follow-up Efficacy at Efficacy at
Definition of conditions and Age (years, duration Number of duration post-treatment follow-up
Trial depression sample size range) (weeks) sessions (months) SMD (95% CI) SMD (95% CI)

Merry et al, 2012 (76) CDRS-R 30 CBT594 vs. 12-19 4-7 7 3 CBT vs. TAU: 20.19 CBT vs. TAU: 20.13
TAU593 (20.48, 0.09) (20.42, 0.16)

Moldenhauer, 2004 (77) 27-item CDI 15 CBT515 vs. 12-17 6 6 1 CBT vs. PBO: 20.49 NA
PBO511 (21.29, 0.30)

Mufson et al, 1999 (78) 24-item HRSD IPT524 vs. 12-18 12 12 NA IPT vs. PBO: 20.72 NA
15 PBO524 (21.31, 20.13)

Mufson et al, 2004 (79) 24-item HAMD IPT534 vs. 12-18 12-16 12 NA IPT vs. TAU: 20.64 NA
10 TAU530 (21.15, 20.13)

Phillips, 2004 (80) 21-item BDI 10 CBT533 vs. 15.5-20.5 6 6 NA CBT vs. WL: 20.36 NA
WL531 (20.86, 0.13)

Reed, 1994 (81) DSM-III-R BT512 vs. 14-19 12 6 2 NA NA


Reivich, 1996 (82) 27-item CDI >10 CBT527 vs. 10-12 12 12 4 CBT vs. NT: 20.19 CBT vs. NT: 20.45
SUP523 vs. (20.79, 0.42); (21.04, 0.13);
NT524 SUP vs. NT: 20.24 SUP vs. NT: 0.04
(20.85, 0.37) (20.56, 0.65)

Reynolds & Coats, 1986 (83) 20-item BDI 12 BT511 vs. Mean 15.65 5 10 5 BT vs. WL: 21.64 BT vs. WL: 21.29
CBT59 vs. (22.75, 20.53); (22.46, 20.13);
WL510 CBT vs. WL: 21.93 CBT vs. WL: 21.91
(23.20, 20.66) (23.21,20.61)

Roberts et al, 2003 (84) 27-item CDI 15 CBT525 vs. 11-13 12 12 6 CBT vs. PBO: 0.08 CBT vs. PBO: 20.17
PBO527 (20.49, 0.66) (20.82, 0.47)

Rohde et al, 2004 (85) DSM-IV CBT545 vs. 13-17 8 16 12 CBT vs. PBO: 20.48 CBT vs. PBO: 0.20
PBO548 (20.90, 20.06) (20.22, 0.62)

Rossello & Bernal, 1999 (86) DSM-III-R CBT525 vs. 13-18 12 12 3 CBT vs. WL: 20.36 NA
IPT523 vs. (20.99, 0.28);
WL523 IPT vs. WL: 20.88
(21.56, 20.20)

Rossello et al, 2008 (87) DSM-III-R CBT552 vs. 12-18 12 12 NA CBT vs. IPT: 20.51 NA
IPT560 (20.89, 20.14)

Spence et al, 2003 (88) 21-item BDI 13 CBT5204 vs. 12-14 8 8 12 CBT vs. NT: 20.51 CBT vs. NT: 20.19
NT5195 (20.74, 20.28) (20.45, 0.08)

Stark et al, 1987 (89) 27-item CDI 16 CBT59 vs. 9-12 5 12 2 CBT vs. WL: 21.71 NA
PST510 vs. (22.83, 20.59);
WL59 PST vs. WL: 20.88
(21.83, 0.08)

Stice et al, 2010 (90) CES-D 20 CBT589 vs. 14-19 6 6 24 CBT vs. PBO: 20.65 CBT vs. PBO: 20.17
CT580 vs. (20.95, 20.34); (20.47, 0.13);
SUP588 vs. CT vs. PBO: 20.07 CT vs. PBO: 20.05
PBO584 (20.37, 0.24); (20.36, 0.25);
SUP vs. PBO: 20.26 SUP vs. PBO: 20.32

(20.56, 0.04) (20.62,20.02)
Table 1 Characteristics of included studies (continued)
Treatment Treatment Follow-up Efficacy at Efficacy at
Definition of conditions and Age (years, duration Number of duration post-treatment follow-up
Trial depression sample size range) (weeks) sessions (months) SMD (95% CI) SMD (95% CI)

Tang et al, 2009 (91) DSM-IV-TR IPT535 vs. 12-18 6 12 NA IPT vs. TAU: 21.00 NA
TAU538 (21.48, 20.51)

Trowell et al, 2007 (92) DSM-IV, Kiddie- DYN535 vs. 9-15 9 24.7/11 6 DYN vs. FT: 0.65 DYN vs. FT: 0.21
SADS FT537 (0.18, 1.13) (20.26, 0.67)

Vostanis et al, 1996 (93) DSM-III-R CBT531 vs. 8-17 18 9 9 CBT vs. PBO: 20.38 CBT vs. PBO: 20.31
PBO530 (20.91, 0.15) (20.83, 0.22)

Weisz et al, 1997 (94) 26-item CDI 11 CBT516 vs. 9.6 8 8 9 CBT vs. NT: 20.70 CBT vs. NT: 20.63
NT532 (21.32, 20.08) (21.25, 20.02)

Wood et al, 1996 (95) DSM-III-R CBT526 vs. 9-17 Mean 9.2 Mean 6.4 6 CBT vs. PBO: 20.86 CBT vs. PBO: 20.11
PBO527 (21.45, 20.26) (20.71, 0.49)

Young et al, 2006 (96) CES-D 16 IPT527 vs. 11-16 10-12 8 6 IPT vs. TAU: 21.04 IPT vs. TAU: 20.60
TAU514 (21.72, 20.35) (21.26, 0.06)

Young et al, 2010 (97) CES-D 16 IPT536 vs. 13-17 10-12 8 18 IPT vs. TAU: 21.09 IPT vs. SUP: 20.90
TAU521 (21.67, 20.51) (21.55,20.25)

APAI Acholi Psychosocial Assessment Instrument depression symptom scale, BDI Beck Depression Inventory, BT behavioral therapy, CES-D Center for Epidemiologic Study Depression Scale, CI
confidence interval, CDI Childrens Depression Inventory, CDRS-R Childrens Depression Rating Scale-Revised, CBT cognitive-behavioral therapy, CT cognitive therapy, FT family therapy, HAMD
Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, IPT interpersonal therapy, MFQ Mood and Feelings Depression Questionnaire, NT no-treatment control, OR odds ratio, PBO psychological placebo, PT play
therapy, PST problem-solving therapy, DYN psychodynamic therapy, SADS Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia, SMD standardized mean difference, SUP supportive therapy, SCL-90-R
Symptom Check List-90-Revision, TAU treatment as usual, WL waitlist

World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

Figure 2 Network plot of evidence of all trials. The width of the lines is proportional to the number of trials comparing every pair of treatments,
and the size of every node is proportional to the number of randomized participants. BT behavioral therapy, CBT cognitive-behavioral therapy,
CT cognitive therapy, FT family therapy, IPT interpersonal therapy, NT no-treatment control, PBO psychological placebo, PT play thera-
py, PST problem-solving therapy, DYN psychodynamic therapy, SUP supportive therapy, TAU treatment-as-usual, WL waitlist

There were 13 nodes (nine psychotherapies plus four not significantly more beneficial than waitlist. Waitlist was
control conditions) and 33 comparisons in the network plot significantly inferior to all other control conditions, includ-
of evidence (Figure 2). Results of efficacy at post-treatment ing placebo, treatment-as-usual, and no-treatment (SMDs
and follow-up assessments are shown in Figure 3. Concern- ranged from 20.53 to 20.67).
ing efficacy at post-treatment, only two psychotherapies Data about acceptability are shown in Figure 4. IPT and
(IPT and CBT) were significantly more effective than problem-solving therapy had significantly fewer all-cause
most control conditions, including psychological placebo, discontinuations than CBT and cognitive therapy (ORs
treatment-as-usual and waitlist (SMDs ranged from 20.47 ranged from 0.06 to 0.33). Problem-solving therapy also had
to 20.96). IPT and CBT were also significantly more benefi- significantly fewer discontinuations than psychological pla-
cial than play therapy (SMDs520.93 and 20.80, respec- cebo (OR50.10; 95% CrI: 0.02 to 0.98).
tively). Among the nine investigated psychotherapies, only Concerning efficacy at short-term follow-up, IPT was sig-
psychodynamic therapy and play therapy were not signifi- nificantly more effective than problem-solving therapy and
cantly more beneficial than waitlist. Waitlist was significant- waitlist (SMDs520.99 and 20.95, respectively), and CBT
ly inferior to no-treatment (SMD520.46). was significantly more effective than cognitive therapy,
Concerning efficacy at follow-up, IPT and CBT were sig- problem-solving therapy, psychological placebo, and wait-
nificantly more effective than most control conditions, list (SMDs ranged from 20.35 to 20.91). Behavioral thera-
including treatment-as-usual, waitlist and, for CBT, no- py and supportive therapy were superior to waitlist
treatment (SMDs ranged from 20.26 to 21.05). Also, IPT (SMDs520.71, and 20.67, respectively). Waitlist was signif-
and CBT were significantly more beneficial than problem- icantly inferior to psychological placebo (SMD520.52). In
solving therapy (SMDs521.10 and 20.90, respectively). the analysis of efficacy at long-term follow-up, IPT was sig-
Psychodynamic therapy and problem-solving therapy were nificantly more beneficial than CBT, cognitive therapy,

Figure 3 Relative effect sizes of efficacy at post-treatment and at follow-up according to network meta-analysis. Comparisons between treatments should be read from left to right, and
the estimate is in the cell in common between the column-defining treatment and the row-defining treatment. For efficacy in post-treatment, standardized mean differences (SMDs) less
than 0 favor the column-defining treatment. For efficacy in follow-up, SMDs lower than 0 favor the row-defining treatment. To obtain SMDs for comparisons in the opposite direction,
negative values should be converted into positive values, and vice versa. Significant results are in bold and underlined. BT behavioral therapy, CBT cognitive-behavioral therapy, CT
cognitive therapy, FT family therapy, IPT interpersonal therapy, NT no-treatment control, PBO psychological placebo, PT play therapy, PST problem-solving therapy, DYN
psychodynamic therapy, SUP supportive therapy, TAU treatment-as-usual, WL waitlist

World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

Figure 4 Relative effect sizes of acceptability from network meta-analysis. Comparisons between treatments should be read from left to right, and the estimate is in the cell in common
between the column-defining treatment and the row-defining treatment. For acceptability, odds ratios (ORs) smaller than 1 favor the column-defining treatment. To obtain ORs for com-
parisons in the opposite direction, reciprocals should be taken. Significant results are in bold and underlined. BT behavioral therapy, CBT cognitive-behavioral therapy, CT
cognitive therapy, FT family therapy, IPT interpersonal therapy, NT no-treatment control, PBO psychological placebo, PT play therapy, PST problem-solving therapy, SUP

supportive therapy, TAU treatment-as-usual, WL waitlist
Figure 5 Forest plots of network meta-analysis results for efficacy with psychological placebo as reference. Standardized mean differences lower than 0 favor psychotherapy. BT
behavioral therapy, CBT cognitive-behavioral therapy, CT cognitive therapy, FT family therapy, IPT interpersonal therapy, PT play therapy, PST problem-solving therapy,
DYN psychodynamic therapy, SUP supportive therapy, SMD standardized mean difference, CrI credibility interval

World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

psychological placebo, treatment-as-usual, and no-treat- particularly high (17,99). Second, patients who are allocated
ment (SMDs ranged from 20.78 to 21.08), while CBT was to no-treatment may actively seek other treatments, while
not superior to any control condition. those on waitlist do not, as they are waiting for the interven-
There was no significant heterogeneity in the network tion to be delivered (98). Anyway, the use of waitlist may
meta-analysis concerning efficacy at post-treatment (SD inflate the treatment effect of psychotherapies in clinical tri-
50.38; 95% CrI: 0.25 to 0.53), efficacy at follow-up als, and the use of psychological placebo or treatment-as-
(SD50.12; 95% CrI: 0.01 to 0.31), and acceptability usual is likely to provide a more robust comparison.
(SD50.69; 95% CrI: 0.25 to 0.98), which suggests good inter- In our analysis, IPT and CBT demonstrated a robust
pretability of the results. There was very little evidence that effect over short-term follow-up, but only IPT had a benefi-
direct and indirect effects were inconsistent (95% CrIs of dif- cial effect over long-term follow-up. The theory behind IPT
ferences between direct and indirect estimates included 0). may particularly ring true for young people, as interpersonal
Forest plots of the network meta-analysis results for effi- difficulties may be more likely to drive psychopathology at
cacy at post-treatment and at follow-up, with psychological this age (100). However, this finding was based on few trials,
placebo as reference, are shown in Figure 5. We also created and requires further validation.
hierarchies of effect size on the basis of SUCRA rankings for Subgroup analyses suggested no significant moderation
efficacy outcomes. The best treatment, according to the of the treatment effect by different patient characteristics
curves, was IPT at post-treatment (SUCRA590.5%) and at and intervention settings. Nonetheless, compared to psy-
follow-up (SUCRA590.3%). The worst treatment, according chological placebo, IPT and CBT showed less robust effects
to the curves, was waitlist at post-treatment (SUCRA59.39%) in studies on children with depression or on patients with
and at follow-up (SUCRA56.26%). comorbid disorders, and in more recently published trials.
There was no evidence that the treatment effect was sig- These findings are consistent with those from previous liter-
nificantly modified by patients clinical characteristics or ature (26,101,102), but require further confirmation due to
risk of bias in the trials. However, IPT and CBT had less sig- the relatively small size of the subgroups.
nificant effects in studies in which patients were children, There were some limitations in the current study. Net-
comorbid psychiatric disorders were present, and the year work meta-analysis assumes that some treatment arms are
of publication was 2000 or following. similar in rationale and procedure, allowing us to group
them together as one node in the network (103). However,
the classification of psychotherapeutic interventions for
DISCUSSION child and adolescent depression remains provisional. For
instance, the treatments implemented in the trials we
Our review of 52 RCTs suggests that, among the psycho- included under the heading family therapy were some-
therapies tested in children and adolescents with depres- what heterogeneous. Moreover, treatment-as-usual may be
sion, only IPT and CBT are significantly more beneficial very different in various mental health care contexts, and it
than most control conditions at post-treatment and at may be difficult to differentiate between no-treatment and
follow-up. Compared with other psychotherapeutic inter- treatment-as-usual in clinical practice, because when some-
ventions, IPT and CBT were significantly more effective one is assigned to no treatment, he/she can seek some form
than play therapy at post-treatment, and more effective than of usual care (98).
problem-solving therapy at follow-up. Psychodynamic ther- We excluded studies on treatment-resistant depression
apy and play therapy were not significantly more effective and psychotic depression, to reduce heterogeneity and
than waitlist in reducing depression symptoms at post- inconsistency among trials. This may have led, however, to
treatment and follow-up, although the limited number of tri- an overestimation of the effect size in the present meta-
als available suggests the need for further research. analysis, because the most difficult cases were not consid-
The acceptability of psychotherapies for depressed chil- ered. Also, we could not include data on adverse effects,
dren and adolescents has seldom been investigated in previ- cost-effectiveness, quality of life outcomes and suicide,
ous meta-analyses. We found that IPT and problem-solving because they were lacking in almost all studies, although
therapy had significantly fewer all-cause discontinuations these variables are important for clinicians and patients to
than CBT and cognitive therapy. A possible interpretation is make decisions on selecting appropriate treatment.
that a protocol putting emphasis on cognitive changes is In conclusion, our review supports the notion that IPT
more difficult for young people to engage in. and CBT, when available, should be the initial choice of psy-
Our finding that waitlist was inferior to other control con- chological treatment for depression in children and adoles-
ditions (including no-treatment, treatment-as-usual and psy- cents. However, several alternative treatment options are
chological placebo) seems to support the idea that waitlist understudied in this age group, and further research on
may act as a nocebo condition in psychotherapy trials (98). moderators of treatment effect are needed. Waitlist may
In the case of child and adolescent depression, alternative inflate the treatment effect of psychotherapies, and psycho-
hypotheses may be proposed to interpret this finding. First, logical placebo or treatment-as-usual are likely to provide a
placebo response in child and adolescent depression may be more robust comparison in psychotherapy trials.

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222 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015


Telemental health: a status update

OCD Clinic, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA; 2Department of Psychiatry, Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon

A rather large body of literature now exists on the use of telemental health services in the diagnosis and management of various psychiatric
conditions. This review aims to provide an up-to-date assessment of telemental health, focusing on four main areas: computerized CBT
(cCBT), Internet-based CBT (iCBT), virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET), and mobile therapy (mTherapy). Four scientific databases were
searched and, where possible, larger, better-designed meta-analyses and controlled trials were highlighted. Taken together, published studies
support an expanded role for telepsychiatry tools, with advantages that include increased care access, enhanced efficiency, reduced stigma
associated with visiting mental health clinics, and the ability to bypass diagnosis-specific obstacles to treatment, such as when social anxiety
prevents a patient from leaving the house. Of technology-mediated therapies, cCBT and iCBT possess the most efficacy evidence, with VRET
and mTherapy representing promising but less researched options that have grown in parallel with virtual reality and mobile technology
advances. Nonetheless, telepsychiatry remains challenging because of the need for specific computer skills, the difficulty in providing patients
with a deep understanding or support, concerns about the therapeutic alliance, privacy fears, and the well documented problem of patient
attrition. Future studies should further test the efficacy, advantages and limitations of technology-enabled CBT, as well as explore the online
delivery of other psychotherapeutic and psychopharmacological modalities.

Key words: Telemental health, telepsychiatry, Internet-mediated cognitive behavioral therapy, virtual reality exposure therapy, mobile therapy,
mobile apps, short message service, depression, social phobia, specific phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder

(World Psychiatry 2015;14:223230)

The delivery of mental health services via telecommuni- nology platform, level of clinician involvement, and type of
cation systems is having a remarkable expansion. For exam- therapy.
ple, nearly 6% of all mobile health applications are now cCBT refers to the use of software programs to deliver
devoted to mental health (1). standardized, automated psychotherapy via personal com-
Telemental health uses computer programs, Internet pro- puters, CD-ROMs and desktop programs, or through inter-
grams, teleconferencing, and smartphone applications for active voice response (IVR) telephone systems. It dates
the remote delivery of mental health services, including back to the 1980s (2) and has been the first technology-
diagnosis, assessment, symptom tracking, and treatment. enabled therapy delivery system to be formally studied.
The aim of this paper is to review the current state of tele- Since conventional CBT is often a manualized, standard-
mental health, focusing on its four main areas: computerized ized treatment, it was thought to lend itself well to the use of
CBT (cCBT), Internet-mediated CBT (iCBT), virtual reality technology in a way that minimized therapist involvement
exposure therapy (VRET), and mobile therapy (mTherapy). beyond the initial steps of program design (3). Thus, explo-
Articles were identified using PubMed, PsycINFO, Scien- ration of computer programs that would conduct CBT
ceDirect, and Wiley Online Library. The search was con- with patients began relatively early, before the Internet
ducted using the terms telepsychiatry, telemental health, became a widespread phenomenon and the cornerstone of
computerized cognitive behavioral therapy, assisted com- telemedicine and telemental health today (4).
puterized psychotherapy, unassisted computerized psy- Via specifically designed software programs, cCBT allows
chotherapy, Internet therapy, mobile cognitive behavior- individuals to self-diagnose, personalize treatment goals,
al therapy, mobile therapy, virtual reality exposure and employ standardized therapy tools to achieve symp-
therapy, virtual reality therapy, and remote cognitive tom control and relapse prevention. It involves variable
behavioral therapy. Google Scholar and Metacrawler levels of therapist intervention: standalone or unassisted
search engines were also used to help identify unpublished cCBT generally refers to the independent use of a stan-
material and book chapters.
dardized, software-based treatment program that almost
The studies included in the review were limited to those
completely bypasses the therapist (5), whereas guided or
published in English, with no restrictions placed on the
assisted cCBT typically incorporates minimal therapist
country or year of publication. To the extent allowed by the
involvement (6-8).
literature, well-designed meta-analyses and larger, con-
Beyond cCBT, the last decade has witnessed the remark-
trolled trials with clearly defined outcome measures and
able growth of Internet-mediated psychotherapy. Several
inclusion and exclusion criteria were highlighted.
studies have explored the delivery of various psychothera-
peutic approaches via the Internet, including interpersonal
COMPUTERIZED AND INTERNET-MEDIATED CBT psychotherapy and online psychoeducation. However, most
of the existing psychotherapy literature investigating the use
Several forms of technology-enabled psychotherapy now of the Internet has focused on the delivery of CBT, an
exist. They differ in important ways with respect to the tech- approach that has at times been called iCBT (e.g., 2,9).

Like cCBT, iCBT includes unassisted programs (5) as well ly assigned to 12 weeks of real-time iCBT with videoconfer-
as programs that incorporate minimal therapist involvement, encing (N510), self-help book-based exposure and response
usually via email or text message exchanges (assisted iCBT) prevention (N510), or a waitlist group (N510). Post-
(10). A third form of iCBT is real-time iCBT, which consists treatment assessment demonstrated the superiority of real-
of live online conversations with full therapist involve- time iCBT with videoconferencing: six participants (60%)
ment, and it may or may not include a video conferencing receiving this treatment option achieved clinically signifi-
component (11,12). cant improvement as assessed by the Yale-Brown Obses-
sive-Compulsive Scale; one participant (10%) demonstrated
reliable change in response to self-help; and all participants
Efficacy in the waitlist group demonstrated no change (14).
Finally, group technology-enabled therapy has also re-
Several meta-analyses have examined the efficacy of tech- ceived some research attention. A study compared the effi-
nology-enabled CBT. A meta-analysis of 14 randomized cacy of real-time group iCBT with videoconferencing to
controlled trials (RCTs) and 2,976 subjects compared both face-to-face group CBT. It asked 18 subjects with depres-
assisted and unassisted cCBT to either waitlist or traditional sion or anxiety to select between the two interventions.
CBT in the treatment of adult depression (13). cCBT Eight chose real-time iCBT with videoconferencing and
showed a moderate post-treatment effect size on depressive appeared along the perimeter of the screen with the thera-
symptoms when compared to the waitlist group, with equiv- pist in the center and could interact with one another and
alent outcomes compared to traditional CBT. However, tra- the therapist in real time; 10 chose traditional CBT. Sub-
ditional CBT performed better than cCBT in functional jects in both groups received 13 weekly one-hour group ses-
improvement and symptom reduction at the long-term fol- sions. No significant difference was seen in efficacy, with
low-up points and was associated with lower dropout rates. approximately 60% in each group responding (15).
A large iCBT meta-analysis included 108 trials, of which
104 reported on clinical efficacy (N59,410) and eight on
cost-effectiveness (N52,964) (2). Studies varied considerably Special populations
in methodologies, outcome measures and conditions treated,
and compared either unassisted iCBT to assisted iCBT or one Technology-enabled therapies have been studied for their
of those interventions to a waitlist control or face-to-face potential use in special populations, including children and
therapy. Among the studies, 12 RCTs compared iCBT to tra- adolescents (16,17) and medically ill psychiatric patients (18).
ditional CBT in the treatment of depressive symptoms, social A recent meta-analysis examined the efficacy of one unas-
phobia, panic disorder, specific phobia (arachnophobia), sisted iCBT program (BRAVE-ONLINE) and three assisted
sexual dysfunction and body dissatisfaction. Pooled results iCBT programs (BRAVE, COPE-A-LOT and Think, Feel,
from the RCTs demonstrated similar efficacy on outcome Do) in the treatment of childhood anxiety disorders. Data
measures as determined by effect size. from seven studies (five controlled trials, one case study and
The literature on real-time iCBT with or without video- one cohort study) and 240 subjects aged 7 to 16 collectively
conferencing is more limited. In an RCT of adult subjects demonstrated the efficacy of unassisted and assisted iCBT,
with major depressive disorder, 197 participants were with results comparable to those of traditional CBT (19).
assigned to ten sessions over 16 weeks of real-time iCBT with Similarly, a study in 31 child and adolescent subjects with
a live therapist and without videoconferencing, and 148 par- OCD (mean age: 11) randomly assigned participants to fam-
ticipants to an eight-month waitlist. Subjects in both groups ily real-time iCBT with a live therapist and videoconferenc-
continued to receive usual care by their general practi- ing or to a waitlist control. Participants received 14 family-
tioners. At the four-month follow-up, 38% of subjects in the based sessions and were assessed at one week and three
real-time iCBT vs. 24% in the control group responded, months post-treatment. Subjects assigned to the waitlist
based on the Beck Depression Inventory (11). group were assessed at four weeks post-randomization.
Also, a study of 26 subjects (mean age: 30) with mood or Results demonstrated the superiority of real-time iCBT with
anxiety disorders randomly assigned participants to either videoconferencing: 81% response and 56% remission rates
real-time iCBT with videoconferencing or traditional CBT. were seen among participants receiving iCBT, compared to
Participants received 12 weekly one-hour sessions and a 13% response and remission rates in the waitlist group (12).
follow-up session six weeks post-treatment. Real-time iCBT Telemental health interventions in patients who have
with videoconferencing was associated with a statistically sig- medical comorbidities have received some research attention
nificant reduction in symptoms of depression (p<0.001), as well. An RCT of 56 subjects with fibromyalgia and mild to
anxiety (p<0.001) and stress (p<0.001), and had a similar moderate depression or anxiety randomly assigned partici-
efficacy to traditional CBT (3). pants to either six weeks of minimally assisted iCBT or con-
A more recent RCT investigated the efficacy of exposure tinued unchanged pharmacological treatment. Subjects were
and response prevention based CBT in the treatment of assessed at one, six and 12 weeks post-intervention. At all
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in 30 subjects random- assessment points, iCBT was associated with a significant

224 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

reduction in both the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire technology involved, has made VRET a potentially viable
scores and tender point sensitivity as assessed via physical alternative to in vivo exposure therapy, and one that seems
examination (18). on the way to broader adoption (22).
VRET is generally conducted over six to 12 sessions, each
lasting between 45 and 60 min (23). It has received less
Prevention research attention than cCBT or iCBT, but efficacy data sug-
gest its potential role in the treatment of several psychiatric
Several studies have explored the role of technology- conditions, including phobias, post-traumatic stress disor-
enabled therapies in the prevention of psychiatric illness. der (PTSD), OCD and substance use disorders.
One RCT tested the efficacy of unassisted iCBT in preventing
depression in 163 university students who were randomly
assigned to either five weeks of unassisted iCBT or a waitlist Efficacy
control. Subjects who received unassisted iCBT had signifi-
cantly less depressive symptoms and improved literacy about Social anxiety disorder (social phobia)
depression at study end. The dropout rate, however, was sig-
nificantly higher within the unassisted iCBT group compared Multiple studies provide evidence in support of VRET in
to the control group (46.9 vs. 28.0%) (5). the treatment of social anxiety disorder and public speaking
In a relapse prevention study of iCBT in partially remitted anxiety. In a study of 41 subjects with social anxiety disorder,
depression, 303 subjects were randomly assigned to one of subjects participated in four sessions of cognitive restructur-
three interventions: unassisted iCBT, traditional therapy, or ing, followed by four virtual sessions that targeted particular
unassisted iCBT combined with traditional therapy (6). Indi- feared social settings (e.g., conference room, classroom, large
viduals assigned to unassisted iCBT or unassisted iCBT com- auditorium). The study provided evidence that environments
bined with traditional therapy received nine online sessions. that better mimicked the feared scenario outperformed those
No statistically significant difference was seen in response that did not (24). A similar outcome was observed in a
and remission rates between unassisted iCBT and either tra- controlled trial that compared VRET to conventional CBT
ditional therapy or unassisted iCBT combined with tradi- in the treatment of public speaking anxiety in a total of eight
tional therapy. However, data at the 12-month follow-up subjects. Participants were asked to deliver a speech before a
demonstrated that traditional therapy was associated with a real-life audience of five to nine individuals before and after
lower relapse rate compared to unassisted iCBT (20.7 vs. completing four VRET sessions. All participants reported
31.3%). subjective improvement in public speaking anxiety immedi-
Another study tested assisted iCBT in the prevention of ately following, and several months after, the intervention
relapse in partially remitted depression by randomly assign- (25).
ing 84 subjects to ten weeks of either 16 sessions of assisted Another study (N588) compared the efficacy of 12 ses-
iCBT or a waitlist control (7). Assessment at the 24-month sions of conventional CBT, 12 sessions of VRET, and a
follow-up demonstrated a significantly lower relapse rate in waitlist control in social anxiety disorder. VRET and con-
the assisted iCBT compared to the control group (13.7 vs. ventional CBT proved equally superior to the waitlist group,
60.9%). with sustained improvement at one-year follow-up (26).
Finally, a study examined the impact of minimally guided
iCBT on the relapse of severe health anxiety (hypochondria-
sis) at six and 12 months after the conclusion of an RCT. Specific phobias
Minimally guided iCBT yielded significantly better symptom
control as well as increased cost-effectiveness compared to Clinical trials of VRET in the treatment of specific phobias
the waitlist control (20). have also provided promising evidence. Several studies have
explored the treatment of agoraphobia using VRET and
have demonstrated superiority over a waitlist control (e.g.,
VIRTUAL REALITY EXPOSURE THERAPY 27,28). A larger, more recent study assessed the efficacy of
VRET in 80 subjects with long-standing (five years or more)
VRET refers to the use of virtual reality to conduct expo- agoraphobia. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of
sure therapy by mimicking real-life situations. The earliest three groups: CBT with drug therapy (CBT group), N530;
experimental attempts on the use of virtual reality exposure CBT with drug therapy and VRET (VRET group), N530;
as a treatment modality date back to 1992 (21), but it was and drug therapy alone (drug group), N520. Individuals
only recently that the digital revolution brought about head- in both the CBT group and the VRET group received
mounted displays, computer automated virtual environ- five sessions of psychoeducation and cognitive restructuring,
ments, motion sensors and other sophisticated tools, mak- followed by six sessions of CBT or CBT and VRET. Both
ing VRET environments more realistic, immersive and interventions were associated with clinical improvement, but
interactive. That, combined with the decreasing cost of the VRET was associated with better adherence (29).

Claustrophobia has also received attention as a possible Substance use disorders
target for VRET. One study tested VRET in four subjects with
claustrophobia, exposing them to eight virtual environments Treatment of drug dependence often involves strengthen-
of increasing claustrophobic severity. Results demonstrated ing the ability to resist using drugs when faced with triggers
the efficacy of VRET both immediately after, and at the three- that provoke craving. Conventional CBT therapists usually
month follow-up (30). Another study in six subjects with rely on photographs and films to elicit craving, but have diffi-
claustrophobia suggested benefit from VRET, with the bene- culty mimicking the behaviors typical setting. The need to
fit shown to extend into real-life situations (31). better simulate real-life situations has led to the investigation
At least two controlled trials have demonstrated improved of virtual reality as a more immersive environment in which
clinical outcomes for VRET vs. waitlist and equal benefit for to conduct therapy.
VRET and conventional exposure therapy in the treatment of An early study investigating VRET in the treatment of five
aviophobia (21,32,33). Finally, small studies have demon- heroin-dependent subjects incorporated virtual cues that
strated improvement from VRET in the treatment of acro- typically elicit craving. Both subjective (e.g., anxiety) and
phobia (34,35). objective (e.g., autonomic activation) measures suggested the
ability of virtual exposure to trigger real-life responses (42).
More recently, a sample of 47 chronic smokers demonstrated
Post-traumatic stress disorder hyperarousal when exposed to virtual smoking parapherna-
lia (43). To our knowledge, no study has compared VRET to
The first use of virtual reality in PTSD treatment involved conventional CBT in the treatment of substance use.
a Vietnam War veteran (36), with a subsequent study in ten
Vietnam War veterans demonstrating statistically signifi-
cant reductions in both anxiety and avoidance levels that Other conditions
persisted at the three- and six-month follow-up points (37).
Other studies have suggested the efficacy of VRET in the VRET has been preliminarily explored in the treatment of
treatment of PTSD resulting from non-war traumas. For other conditions as well. For example, a study in 34 female
example, a controlled study in subjects with PTSD stemming subjects with eating disorders compared the efficacy of con-
from the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks compared ventional CBT alone to CBT with VRET. Both groups dem-
VRET to a waitlist group. Of the 13 subjects who received onstrated statistically significant improvement in body
VRET, five were resistant to previous treatments, and, of the image, but participants receiving CBT with VRET showed
ten receiving VRET who completed the study, nine experi- greater improvement at the one-year follow-up point (44).
enced statistically significant improvement (38). Similarly, a Further, and despite fear that virtual simulations might
study in ten subjects with PTSD resulting from abuse, crime exacerbate symptoms in conditions already characterized
assault or car accident randomly assigned participants to by impaired reality testing, studies are beginning to assess
either conventional CBT or VRET. Both treatment modali- VRET in psychotic individuals, with one schizophrenia trial
ties resulted in significant improvement in core PTSD symp- (N591) suggesting improved assertiveness and conversa-
toms (39). Finally, one article reviewed the possible role of tional abilities with VRET, as well as higher interest by sub-
VRET in the treatment of post-fall PTSD-like symptoms in jects in virtual environment platforms than conventional
elderly patients, providing evidence in favor of VRET and treatment settings (45).
noting its ease of use in that patient population when com-
pared to in vivo exposure (40).

Obsessive-compulsive disorder mTherapy refers to the use of mobile phone devices,

smartphones and mobile applications or apps in the
Data on using VRET in the treatment of OCD are limited, delivery of mental health services. Its popularity has grown
in part because of the difficulty and cost of building pro- rapidly, as indicated by the title, Smartphone apps become
grams that simulate the wide variability in OCD triggers surrogate therapists, of a 2012 lay press article (46).
among patients. However, a study comparing 30 subjects Indeed, survey data suggest that mTherapy interventions
with OCD to 27 matched controls yielded an increased level may be favored over other telemental health tools by health
of compulsive checking among subjects with OCD in care consumers (47).
response to virtual triggers compared to the control group, Currently, over 3,000 mental health apps exist in Apples
which suggested a role for VRET in OCD treatment and led App Store and Googles Google Play (48). They offer help
to a subsequent, uncontrolled study in 24 subjects with with diagnosing (49), self-monitoring (1,48), symptom track-
arranging compulsions. Results from that study showed a ing and documentation (50), adherence to traditional thera-
decrease in OCD-related anxiety in response to VRET (41). py (51), and appointment and therapy homework reminders

226 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

(48). They can also provide convenient means for interacting at the three-month follow-up (between group Cohens
with therapists between appointments (52). Although the lit- d50.64) (57).
erature on their efficacy remains scarce, some preliminary
outcome data exist covering the more common forms of
mTherapy. Text messaging or short message service

Text messaging, or short message service (SMS), has been

Mobile apps used as an mTherapy intervention that allows for the imme-
diate delivery of interventional messages and reminders of
Mobile apps are the main form of mTherapy and include health goals, appointments and therapy homework (58).
self-monitoring apps (52), apps that enhance self-awareness Preliminary studies have investigated it in the treatment
(53), apps that help with self-regulation (54), and CBT- of conditions such as major depression and psychotic
inspired apps (mCBT) (55). A randomized trial of a self- disorders.
monitoring app assigned 18 subjects to seven days of A study in 54 subjects with major depression and comor-
monitoring. The study demonstrated superiority over retro- bid alcohol use disorder randomly assigned participants to
spective questioning about depression and stress (52). That either receiving twice-daily supportive text messages (N526),
was explained by decreased memory bias when gathering or to a waitlist group where participants received thank
data and recording behaviors and thoughts as they occurred you text messages once every 14 days (N528). Subjects
in real-life situations. were followed for up to three months. Results, as assessed by
Another RCT in 118 depressed subjects aged 14 to 24 ran- the Beck Depression Inventory, showed a statistically signifi-
domly assigned individuals to the use of mobile self- cant difference in favor of text messaging when compared to
monitoring apps that tracked mood, stress level, and daily the waitlist control (59).
activities (N568) or to a control group (N546) where only
daily activities were monitored. The use of mobile self-
monitoring apps was associated with increased emotional Phone calls
self-awareness, decreased depressive symptoms, rapid symp-
tom improvement, and time savings compared to the control Voice phone calls are an older form of mTherapy and
group (53). have been used in the treatment of various psychiatric condi-
Preliminary data from RCTs suggest benefit from mobile tions, including anxiety disorders and depression. An RCT
CBT as well. In one study, male subjects were assigned to assessed phone-based psychotherapy in the reduction of
one of two interventions: 11 received mobile CBT and 12 suicidal ideation and self-harm by randomly assigning 68
were assigned to waitlist. Individuals in the mobile CBT subjects to either brief phone treatment alongside traditional
group received three group meetings conducted by a psy- face-to-face psychotherapy (N534) or only face-to-face
chologist, in addition to self-reporting between meetings via psychotherapy (N534). Voice calls focused on mood assess-
a mobile CBT app that focused on clarifying personal values, ment, provision of reassurance, problem-solving, and medi-
goal setting, relaxation, mindfulness, and acceptance tools. It cation training. Assessment at six and 12 months following
was hypothesized that between-meeting self-reporting would therapy initiation revealed that subjects also receiving phone
improve the continuity and impact of the face-to-face inter- psychotherapy had significantly less suicidal ideation and
vention. Indeed, mobile CBT was associated with a greater other depressive symptoms (60).
reduction in depressive symptoms than the control group at
post-treatment, in addition to an improvement in reported
overall health and working ability (55). DISCUSSION
Another RCT in 35 subjects (mean age: 41 years) with
major depressive disorder randomly assigned 15 to mobile To a large degree, the potential advantages of telemental
CBT and 20 to cCBT. The Get Happy mobile app was health mirror those of telemedicine and include improved
used and consisted of six lessons to be completed over eight access to care, especially for patients who live in areas that
weeks. Both mobile CBT and cCBT were associated with a are under-served by mental health professionals, who have
statistically significant reduction in depressive symptoms physical limitations that limit their ability to obtain tradition-
post-treatment and at the three-month follow-up (56). al care, or whose work or other responsibilities prevent them
A more recent study compared the efficacy of apps for from commuting to a regular clinic. In addition, the reduced
mobile CBT and for mobile interpersonal therapy in treating need for office-related infrastructure may help contain costs
social anxiety disorder. Fifty-two subjects were randomly and improve efficiency, helping make health care services
assigned to receive either mobile CBT (N527) or mobile more affordable overall. Advantages that are more specific to
interpersonal therapy (N525). Mobile CBT performed bet- telemental health include reducing the stigma attached to vis-
ter than mobile interpersonal therapy as measured by the iting mental health facilities, as well as the ability to bypass
Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, both post-treatment and diagnosis-specific obstacles to treatment (e.g., social anxiety-

or OCD-related fear of leaving the house or visiting a treat- CONCLUSIONS
ment setting).
Still, telemental health in its various manifestations re- It has been estimated that up to 50% of all health care
mains somewhat controversial, in part because of ongoing services will be conducted electronically by 2020 (65). Tele-
concerns among patients and professionals about how tech- mental health has been an integral part of the telemedicine
nology platforms might impact the therapeutic alliance movement and, given the hands off nature of many
(61). Other problems include the lack of sufficient support, mental health services and the reduced need for treatment
the inability to provide users with a deep understanding of tools such as physical exams, lab tests and radioimaging, it
their conditions, and the need for specific computer skills may be poised to grow even faster than other medical
(62). Moreover, while CBT (and, by extension, exposure and fields.
response prevention) has been investigated to some degree, So far, however, the rise of telemental health has generally
little data are available on other common forms of psycho- outpaced scientific research, which limits the ability to make
therapy, and virtually no data exist on technology-assisted strong recommendations, especially when the substitution of
psychopharmacological care. online platforms for conventional care is being considered.
Of all technology-mediated therapies, cCBT and iCBT Randomized clinical trials of adequate size and representa-
have been researched the most. Compared to cCBT, which tion are clearly needed in order to establish the efficacy, safety
was once limited to CD-ROMs and installable programs that and treatment adherence of available interventions, as well
required individuals to independently complete activities in as to test some woefully understudied ones, such as Internet-
the absence of therapist guidance, iCBT appears to be an enabled psychopharmacological care.
advance in that it offers access to a broader variety of CBT In addition, concerns about data and interaction confi-
programs, while also providing the opportunity for varying dentiality as well as compliance with health information reg-
levels of therapist guidance. Research studies point to many ulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and
successes for cCBT and iCBT across several psychiatric disor- Accountability Act in the U.S., remain an obstacle to adop-
ders and support a role for these interventions in modern psy- tion by patients and providers alike and should be priori-
chotherapy delivery. Still, a major limitation of cCBT and, tized. Finally, insurer reimbursement needs to be assessed
perhaps to a lesser degree, iCBT appears to be patient attri- and advocated for in the case of interventions that have been
tion (16). shown to be effective and secure, especially if conventional
VRET is a younger technology-enabled therapy that may alternatives are inaccessible, too expensive or insufficient on
possess advantages over traditional forms, especially when it their own.
comes to recreating challenging exposure situations, such as
airplanes (for aviophobia) or bar settings (for alcohol-related
disorder). Compared to traditional CBT, VRET may have the References
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230 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015


Toward a new definition of mental health

Department of Psychiatry, University of Naples SUN, Naples, Italy; 2Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Charit
e-University Medicine Berlin, Berlin,
Germany; 3Competence Center for Transcultural Psychiatry, Psychiatric Center Ballerup, Hellerup, Denmark; 4Hellesdon Hospital and Norwich Medical School,
University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK; 5Association for the Improvement of Mental Health Programmes, Geneva, Switzerland

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), useless efforts, as well as migrants and minorities experienc-
mental health is a state of well-being in which the individu- ing rejection and discrimination.
al realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal The concept of positive functioning is also translated by
stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is several definitions and theories about mental health into the
able to make a contribution to his or her community (1). ability to work productively (1,8), and may lead to the wrong
This definition, while representing a substantial progress conclusion that an individual at an age or in a physical con-
with respect to moving away from the conceptualization of dition preventing her/him from working productively is not
mental health as a state of absence of mental illness, raises by definition in good mental health. Working productively
several concerns and lends itself to potential misunderstand- and fruitfully is often not possible for contextual reasons
ings when it identifies positive feelings and positive function- (e.g., for migrants or for discriminated people), which may
ing as key factors for mental health. prevent people from contributing to their community.
In fact, regarding well-being as a key aspect of mental Jahoda (9) subdivided mental health into three domains:
health is difficult to reconcile with the many challenging life self-realization, in that individuals are able to fully exploit their
situations in which well-being may even be unhealthy: most potential; sense of mastery over the environment; and sense of
people would consider as mentally unhealthy an individual autonomy, i.e. ability to identify, confront, and solve problems.
experiencing a state of well-being while killing several per- Murphy (10) argued that these ideas were laden with cultural
sons during a war action, and would regard as healthy a per- values considered important by North Americans. However,
son feeling desperate after being fired from his/her job in a even for a North American person, it is hard to imagine, for
situation in which occupational opportunities are scarce. example, that a mentally healthy human being in the hands of
People in good mental health are often sad, unwell, angry terrorists, under the threat of beheading, can experience a
or unhappy, and this is part of a fully lived life for a human sense of happiness and mastery over the environment.
being. In spite of this, mental health has been often concep- The definition of mental health is clearly influenced by
tualized as a purely positive affect, marked by feelings of the culture that defines it. However, as also advocated by
happiness and sense of mastery over the environment (2-4). Vaillant (11), common sense should prevail and certain ele-
Concepts used in several papers on mental health include ments that have a universal importance for mental health
both key aspects of the WHO definition, i.e. positive emo- might be identified. For example, in spite of cultural differen-
tions and positive functioning. Keyes (5,6) identifies three ces in eating habits, the acknowledgement of the importance
components of mental health: emotional well-being, psy- of vitamins and the four basic food groups is universal.
chological well-being and social well-being. Emotional well-
being includes happiness, interest in life, and satisfaction;
psychological well-being includes liking most parts of ones TOWARD A NEW DEFINITION OF MENTAL HEALTH
own personality, being good at managing the responsibilities
of daily life, having good relationships with others, and Aware of the fact that differences across countries in val-
being satisfied with ones own life; social well-being refers ues, cultures and social background may hinder the achieve-
to positive functioning and involves having something to ment of a general consensus on the concept of mental health,
contribute to society (social contribution), feeling part of a we aimed at elaborating an inclusive definition, avoiding as
community (social integration), believing that society is much as possible restrictive and culture-bound statements.
becoming a better place for all people (social actualization), The concept that mental health is not merely the absence
and that the way society works makes sense to them (social of mental illness (1,8) was unanimously endorsed, while the
coherence). equivalence between mental health and well-being/function-
However, such a perspective of mental health, influenced ing was not, and a definition leaving room for a variety of
by hedonic and eudaimonic traditions, which champion pos- emotional states and for imperfect functioning was drafted.
itive emotions and excellence in functioning, respectively (7), The proposed definition is reported herewith:
risks excluding most adolescents, many of whom are some-
what shy, those who fight against perceived injustice and Mental health is a dynamic state of internal equilibrium
inequalities or are discouraged from doing so after years of which enables individuals to use their abilities in harmony

with universal values of society. Basic cognitive and social proposed as a mediator of stress adjustment (17,18), and a
skills; ability to recognize, express and modulate ones own link between inappropriate or ineffective emotional regula-
emotions, as well as empathize with others; flexibility and tion and depression has been found in clinical and neuroim-
ability to cope with adverse life events and function in social aging studies (19-22). A variety of modulated emotional
roles; and harmonious relationship between body and mind response options, that can be flexibly employed, contribute
represent important components of mental health which con- to an individuals mental health, and alexithymia (i.e., an
tribute, to varying degrees, to the state of internal equilibrium. inability to identify and express ones own emotions) is a
risk factor for mental and physical disorders (23,24).
The addition of a note explaining what is meant in the Empathy, i.e., the ability to experience and understand
definition by the expression universal values is deemed what others feel without confusion between oneself and
necessary, in the light of the misleading use of this expres- others, enables individuals to communicate and interact in
sion in certain political and social circumstances. The values effective ways and to predict actions, intentions, and feel-
we are referring to are: respect and care for oneself and oth- ings of others (25). The absence of empathy is not only a risk
er living beings; recognition of connectedness between peo- factor for violence and a feature of antisocial personality dis-
ple; respect for the environment; respect for ones own and order, but also impairs social interactions at all levels.
others freedom. Flexibility and ability to cope with adverse events are also
The concept of dynamic state of internal equilibrium is deemed important to mental health maintenance. Flexibility
meant to reflect the fact that different life epochs require refers to the ability to revise a course of action in the face of
changes in the achieved equilibrium: adolescent crises, mar- unpredicted difficulties or obstacles, change ones own ideas
riage, becoming a parent or retirement are good examples of in the light of new evidence, and adapt to changes that dif-
life epochs requiring an active search for a new mental equi- ferent life epochs or contingent situations may require. Lack
librium. This concept also incorporates and acknowledges of flexibility may result in great distress for a person under-
the reality that mentally healthy people may experience going sudden and/or important life changes, and is an
appropriate human emotions including for example fear, important aspect of several psychiatric disorders, such as
anger, sadness and grief whilst at the same time possessing obsessive personality or delusional disorder (26).
sufficient resilience to timeously restore the dynamic state The basic ability to function in social roles and to partici-
of internal equilibrium. pate in meaningful social interactions is an important aspect
All components proposed in the definition represent im- of mental health and particularly contributes to resilience
portant but not mandatory aspects of mental health; as a against distress; however, social exclusion and stigmatiza-
matter of fact, they may contribute to a varying degree to the tion often impair social participation, so any definition of
state of equilibrium, so that fully developed functions may mental health alluding to this aspect has to avoid blaming
offset an impairment in another aspect of mental function- the victim and to carefully analyze social patterns of stig-
ing. For instance, a very empathetic person, highly interest- matization, discrimination and exclusion that impair partic-
ed in mutual sharing, may compensate for a moderate ipation (27).
degree of cognitive impairment, and still find a satisfactory The inclusion of a harmonious relationship between
equilibrium and pursue her/his life goals. body and mind is based on the concept that mind, brain,
The main reasons underlying the choice of the compo- organism and environment are heavily interconnected, and
nents included in the definition are provided hereafter. the overall experience of being in the world cannot be sepa-
Basic cognitive and social skills are regarded as an impor- rated from the way in which ones body feels in its environ-
tant component of mental health in the light of their impact ment (28). Disturbances of this interaction may result in
on all aspects of everyday life (12-15). Cognitive skills include psychotic experiences, eating disorders, self-harm, body
the ability to pay attention, remember and organize informa- dysmorphic disorder or poor physical health.
tion, solve problems, and make decisions; social skills involve
the ability to use ones own repertoire of verbal/non-verbal
abilities to communicate and interact with others. All these CONCLUSIONS
abilities are interdependent and allow people to function in
their environment. Reference to the basic level of these The definition of mental health drafted in this paper is
abilities is meant to clarify that mild degrees of impairment aimed to overcome perspectives based on ideal norms or
are compatible with mental health, while moderate to severe hedonic and eudaimonic theoretical traditions, in favor of
degrees of impairment, especially if not balanced by other an inclusive approach, as free as possible of restrictive and
aspects, may require support by other members of the society culture-bound statements, and as close as possible to human
and a number of social incentives, such as facilitated job life experience, which is sometimes joyful, and at other
opportunities, financial benefits or ad hoc training programs. times sad or disgusting or frightening; sometimes satisfacto-
Emotional regulation, i.e. the ability to recognize, express ry, and at other times challenging or unsatisfactory.
and modulate ones own emotions, is also regarded as an The proposed definition is also compatible with the recov-
important component of mental health (16). It has been ery movement perspective, in which recovery after an illness

232 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

is seen as a process aimed to attain a fulfilled and valued life rates of psychiatric diagnosis and drug use A cross sectional
by building on the functions spared by the illness, in spite of population based study. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2014;24:
the fact that other functions have been impaired (29). 14. Moritz DJ, Kasl SV, Berkman LF. Cognitive functioning and the
incidence of limitations in activities of daily living in an elderly
community sample. Am J Epidemiol 1995;141:41-9.
Acknowledgement 15. Warren EJ, Grek A, Conn D et al. A correlation between cogni-
tive performance and daily functioning in elderly people. J
Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol 1989;2:96-100.
This paper was drafted as part of the activities of the Com- 16. Gross JJ, Mun ~ oz RF. Emotion regulation and mental health. Clin
mittee on Ethical Issues of the European Psychiatric Psychol Sci Pract 1995;2:151-64.
Association. 17. McCarthy CJ, Lambert RG, Moller NP. Preventive resources and
emotion regulation expectancies as mediators between attach-
ment and college students stress outcomes. Int J Stress Manag
References 18. Schwartz D, Proctor LJ. Community violence exposure and chil-
drens social adjustment in the school peer group: the mediating
1. World Health Organization. Promoting mental health: concepts, roles of emotion regulation and social cognition. J Consult Clin
emerging evidence, practice (Summary Report). Geneva: World Psychol 2000;68:670-83.
Health Organization, 2004. 19. Barlow DH, Allen LB, Choate ML. Toward a unified treatment
2. Waterman AS. Two conceptions of happiness: contrasts of per- for emotional disorders. Behav Ther 2004;35:205-30.
sonal expressiveness (eudaimonia) and hedonic enjoyment. J Pers 20. Campbell-Sills L, Barlow DH, Brown TA et al. Acceptability and
Soc Psychol 1993;64:678-91. suppression of negative emotion in anxiety and mood disorders.
3. Diener E, Suh EM, Lucas R et al. Subjective well-being: three dec- Emotion 2006;6:587-95.
ades of progress. Psychol Bull 1999;125:76-302. 21. Araragi N, Lesch K. Serotonin (5-HT) in the regulation of de-
4. Lamers SMA, Westerhof GJ, Bohlmeijer ET et al. Evaluating the pression-related emotionality: insight from 5-HT transporter and
psychometric properties of the Mental Health Continuum-Short tryptophan hydroxylase-2 knockout mouse models. Curr Drug
Form (MHC-SF). J Clin Psychol 2011;67:99-110. Targ 2013;14:549-70.
5. Keyes CL. Mental health in adolescence: is Americas youth flour- 22. Kennedy SE, Koeppe RA, Young EA et al. Dysregulation of
ishing? Am J Orthopsychiatry 2006;76:395-402. endogenous opioid emotion regulation circuitry in major depres-
6. Keyes CLM. Mental health as a complete state: how the saluto- sion in women. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2006;63:1199-208.
genic perspective completes the picture. In: Bauer GF, Ha mmig 23. Helmers KF, Mente A. Alexithymia and health behaviors in
O (eds). Bridging occupational, organizational and public health. healthy male volunteers. J Psychosom Res 1999;47:635-45.
Dordrecht: Springer, 2014:179-92. 24. Kauhanen J, Kaplan GA, Cohen RD et al. Alexithymia and risk of
7. Deci EL, Ryan RM. Hedonia, eudaimonia, and well-being: an death in middle-aged men. J Psychosom Res 1996;41:541-9.
introduction. J Happiness Stud 2008;9:1-11. 25. Decety J, Smith KE, Norman GJ et al. A social neuroscience per-
8. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Mental health: a spective on clinical empathy. World Psychiatry 2014;13:233-7.
report of the Surgeon General. Rockville: U.S. Public Health Ser- 26. Klanker M, Feenstra M, Denys D. Dopaminergic control of cogni-
vice, 1999. tive flexibility in humans and animals. Front Neurosci 2013;7:1-
9. Jahoda M. Current concepts of positive mental health. New York: 23.
Basic Books, 1958. 27. Heinz A, Kluge U. Anthropological and evolutionary concepts of
10. Murphy HBM. The meaning of symptom check-list scores in mental disorders. J Speculative Philosophy 2011;24:292-307.
mental health surveys: a testing of multiple hypotheses. Soc Sci 28. Fuchs T, Schlimme JE. Embodiment and psychopathology: a phe-
Med 1978;12:67-75. nomenological perspective. Curr Opin Psychiatry 2009;22:570-5.
11. Vaillant GE. Positive mental health: is there a cross-cultural defi- 29. Slade M, Amering M, Farkas M et al. Uses and abuses of recovery:
nition? World Psychiatry 2012;11:93-9. implementing recovery-oriented practices in mental health sys-
12. Artero S, Touchon J, Ritchie K. Disability and mild cognitive tems. World Psychiatry 2014;13:12-20.
impairment: a longitudinal population-based study. Int J Geriatr
Psychiatry 2001;16:1092-7. DOI 10.1002/wps.20231
13. Gigi K, Werbeloff N, Goldberg S et al. Borderline intellectual
functioning is associated with poor social functioning, increased


The alternative DSM-5 model for personality disorders

Menninger Clinic, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA

Differences among personality types and styles have been The criteria-defined DSM categorical system has been
observed for centuries. What accounts for these differences widely utilized worldwide and has served as a stimulus to
what makes each persons personality unique has been research. Nevertheless, a number of problems and short-
debated for a very long time as well. As far back as the days comings of this approach have been identified (4,5). For
of Hippocrates, it was recognized that there must be correla- most personality disorders, the number of criteria, or thresh-
tions between behavior patterns and human biology, and old, required to make the diagnosis was arbitrary, yet the
personality types and styles such as melancholic, phlegmatic categorical approach conveys the impression that the disor-
and sanguine were thought to correlate with differential lev- der is either present or it is not, rather than that a symptom
els of body humors such as bile, phlegm and blood. These and trait pattern can vary along a gradient of severity. Fur-
principles have stood the test of time, but today we have thermore, the polythetic nature of the criteria sets involves
moved from theory to science and we speak of levels of neu- extensive heterogeneity within diagnoses. For example,
rotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and norepi- there are 256 ways that five out of nine criteria for the diag-
nephrine that correlate with different personality types and nosis of borderline personality disorder can be configured
styles. And we recognize that a given individuals personali- (5), and two patients could receive this diagnosis but share
ty emerges from at least two sources: temperament (the only one criterion.
hardwired genetic component) and character (the shap- Work began on DSM-5 over a decade ago, and in an ear-
ing and molding effects of experience either healthy or dis- ly monograph entitled A research agenda for DSM-V it
ruptive during early development, particularly childhood was noted that well-informed clinicians and researchers
attachment processes). have suggested that variation in psychiatric symptomatolo-
While great progress has been made, it remains challeng- gy may be better represented by dimensions than by a set
ing to reach a broad consensus on the best way to classify of categories, especially in the area of personality traits
different personality types, and to differentiate the normal (6, p. 12). Once convened, the Work Group for Personality
range and variety of personality types from what we call and Personality Disorders was charged to review the litera-
personality disorders. A central feature of this debate has ture and explore the possibility of developing a dimensional
been whether to use a dimensional or a categorical system. approach to classification of personality disorders.
The Five-Factor Model has been studied extensively in An initial draft of a prototype model was developed and
factor-analytic trait psychology research and has been wide- posted on the DSM-5 website in 2010, along with all pro-
ly heralded as a valid dimensional system to capture main posed changes being considered for DSM-5. After extensive
variations in personality styles (1). This model, however, feedback from written responses, professional audiences,
was derived mostly from studies of normal populations and and the DSM-5 Task Force itself, it was decided that the
has not been easily applicable to patient populations. prototype model would not be workable. A criteria-based
The DSM adopted a categorical system more compatible hybrid model was then developed and posted in 2011, fol-
with disease classification systems used in the world of med- lowed by a final posted version in 2012. This model was
icine. In its third edition, published in 1980, diagnostic crite- studied in the DSM-5 field trials. The new model for border-
ria were developed that defined a set of eleven personality line personality disorder, for example, showed good test-
disorders, and these were placed on the second axis (Axis retest reliability (7) and was judged to be preferable to the
II) of the multi-axial system introduced in that edition of the DSM-IV model by clinicians in routine clinical practice and
manual (2). Later editions of the DSM reduced the number at academic centers participating in the field trials. Data
of personality disorders to 10 and established a uniform poly- were obtained (and later published) from an independent
thetic format for the diagnostic criteria of each disorder, group of practitioners showing similar results (8).
requiring a designated number of criteria to be present to The new model for personality disorders was presented
make a given diagnosis (e.g., any 5 of 9 criteria are required to the entire DSM-5 Task Force, consisting of the overall
for a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder). Personal- chair and co-chair of the DSM-5 effort, along with the
ity disorders in DSM-IV are organized in what I refer to as a chairs of all of the DSM-5 Work Groups, and it was strongly
dimensionally-flavored categorical system, reflected in and unanimously approved. However, several scientific and
the three cluster groupings: Cluster A (odd-eccentric), clinical committees that the American Psychiatric Associa-
Cluster B (dramatic-emotional), and Cluster C (anxious- tion (APA) had established to review all proposed changes
fearful) (3). in the diagnostic manual felt that there was not sufficient

234 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

evidence at the time to validate the proposed new personali- Overall, there has been growing interest in this alterna-
ty disorder model and to establish its clinical utility. The tive model. Clinical experience and further research can
APA Board of Trustees then voted to sustain the DSM-IV help evaluate its validity, reliability, and clinical utility, and
diagnostic system for personality disorders, virtually un- whether or not additional changes might be considered in
changed, in the main section of DSM-5 and to include the future revisions of the diagnostic manual. One interesting
proposed new model as an alternative DSM-5 model for per- model is being proposed for the ICD-11, i.e., to utilize a sin-
sonality disorders in Section III of DSM-5, the section gle diagnostic term of Personality Disorder rated on four
referred to as Emerging measures and models (9). Although levels of personality dysfunction: personality difficulty (a
this result was a disappointment to the Work Group, it is Z code implying no formal disorder), mild, moderate, and
encouraging that the new model is included in DSM-5 as an severe personality disorder (14). This proposal is somewhat
alternative model, thus officially allowing its use by analogous to the Personality Disorder-Trait Specified diag-
those who are interested, and stimulating research on it (see nosis of DSM-5.
5,10,11). One critique of the alternative model, voiced by a num-
In the alternative model, the essential criteria to define ber of leaders in the personality disorder field, argued that
any personality disorder are: a) moderate or greater impair- the new model is too complicated and that clinicians will
ment in personality functioning, and b) the presence of path- not use it (15). However, as described above, clinicians
ological personality traits. A level of functioning scale is reported favorably on its clinical utility and its use for treat-
provided, and sensitivity and specificity data supported the ment planning and communication to colleagues, patients,
designation of moderate impairment as the appropriate and families. Also, a fair test of complexity is to compare all
threshold to indicate the presence of a personality disorder of DSM-IV personality disorder diagnoses with all of those
(12). As defined in the alternative model, personality func- in the new model. In fact, the number of criteria required to
tioning consists of the degree to which there is an intact sense cover all diagnoses in the new model has been reduced by
of self (involving a clear, coherent identity and effective self- 43% compared to DSM-IV. Either version can be used pro-
directedness) and interpersonal functioning (reflecting a totypically as is common in clinical practice, so that the
good capacity for empathy and for mature, mutually reward- most prominent diagnostic pattern, such as borderline per-
ing intimacy with others). Pathological personality traits are sonality disorder, will command the highest priority in
organized into five trait domains (negative affectivity, detach- treatment planning, with the option to explore additional
ment, antagonism, disinhibition, and psychoticism), each of pathological features as appropriate.
which is further explicated by a set of trait facets reflecting
aspects of the domain itself. This trait system has been shown
to correlate well with the Five Factor Model (13). References
One task taken up by the Work Group was to review the
literature and assess the strength of the published data sup- 1. Costa PT Jr, Widiger TA (eds). Personality disorders and the five-
porting the construct validity of each DSM-IV personality factor model of personality, 2nd ed. Washington: American Psy-
chological Association, 2002.
disorder, similar to the process carried out in the develop- 2. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical man-
ment of DSM-IV itself, which led to the removal of passive- ual of mental disorders, 3rd ed. Washington: American Psychiat-
aggressive personality disorder from the diagnostic manual ric Association, 1980.
as a discrete disorder, reconceptualizing it as a trait found in 3. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical man-
ual of mental disorders, 4th ed. Washington: American Psychiat-
many different Axis I and Axis II conditions. The result of
ric Association, 1994.
these reviews was to reduce the number of designated per- 4. Krueger RF, Hopwood CJ, Wright AGC et al. Challenges and
sonality disorders to six (antisocial, avoidant, borderline, strategies in helping the DSM become more dimensional and
narcissistic, obsessive-compulsive, and schizotypal), and to empirically based. Curr Psychiatr Rep 2014;16:515.
specify the nature of the moderate or greater impairment in 5. Skodol AE. Personality disorder classification: stuck in neutral,
how to move forward? Curr Psychiatr Rep 2014;16:480.
personality functioning, as well as to itemize the pathologi-
6. Rounsaville BJ, Alarcon RD, Andrews G et al. Basic nomencla-
cal personality trait domains and trait facets that character- ture issues for DSM-V. In: Kupfer DJ, First MB, Regier DE (eds).
ize each disorder. A research agenda for DSM-V. Washington: American Psychiat-
In addition, a new diagnosis called Personality Disorder- ric Association, 2002:1-29.
Trait Specified was established, replacing Personality Disor- 7. Regier DA, Narrow WE, Clarke DE et al. DSM-5 field trials in the
der Not Otherwise Specified in DSM-IV. This diagnosis can United States and Canada, part II: test-retest reliability of selected
categorical diagnoses. Am J Psychiatry 2013;170:59-70.
now be utilized as more than just a rule-out diagnosis it 8. Morey LC, Skodol AE, Oldham JM. Clinician judgments of clini-
indicates that a patient does meet the general criteria for a cal utility: a comparison of DSM-IV-TR personality disorders and
personality disorder, does not qualify for any of the six desig- the alternative model for DSM-5 personality disorders. J Abnorm
nated personality disorders, and has a pathological trait pro- Psychol 2014;123:398-405.
9. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical man-
file that can be individually portrayed (which can capture
ual of mental disorders, 5th ed. Washington: American Psychiat-
paranoid, schizoid, histrionic, and dependent traits if present, ric Association, 2013.
in addition to any other applicable trait facets).

10. Skodol AE, Bender DS, Oldham JM. An alternative model for 13. Krueger RF, Hopwood CJ, Wright AGC et al. DSM-5 and the
personality disorders: DSM-5 section III and beyond. In: Oldham path toward empirically based and clinically useful conceptuali-
JM, Skodol AE, Bender DS (eds). American Psychiatric Press zation of personality and psychopathology. Clin Psychol Sci Pract
textbook of personality disorders, 2nd ed. Washington: American 2014:21:245-61.
Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., 2014: 511-44. 14. Tyrer P. The likely classification of borderline personality disor-
11. Krueger RF, Markon KE. The role of the DSM-5 personality trait der in adolescents in ICD-11. In: Sharp C, Tackett JL (eds).
model in moving toward a quantitative and empirically based Handbook of borderline personality disorder in children and ado-
approach to classifying personality and pathology. Annu Rev Clin lescents. New York: Springer, 2014: 451-7.
Psychol 2014;10:477-501. 15. Shedler J, Beck A, Fonagy P et al. Personality disorders and
12. Morey LC, Bender DS, Skodol AE. Validating the proposed Diag- DSM-5. Am J Psychiatry 2010;167:1026-8.
nostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition,
severity indicator for personality disorder. J Nerv Ment Dis 2013; DOI 10.1002/wps.20232

236 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015


The Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual 2nd edition

Department of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy; 2Graduate School of Applied
and Professional Psychology, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA

For decades many clinicians, especially psychodynamic Guide to the DSM-5 Diagnostic Exam (6), Nussbaum notes:
and humanistic therapists, have resisted thinking about ICD-10 is focused on public health, whereas the PDM
their patients in terms of categorical diagnoses. In the cur- focuses on the psychological health and distress of a particu-
rent era, they find themselves having to choose between lar person. Several psychoanalytical groups joined together
reluctantly accepting the DSM diagnostic labels, deny- to create PDM as a complement to the descriptive systems of
ing them, or developing alternatives more consistent with DSM-5 and ICD-10. Like DSM-5, PDM includes dimen-
the dimensional, inferential, contextual, biopsychosocial di- sions that cut across diagnostic categories, along with a thor-
agnostic formulations characteristic of psychoanalytic and ough account of personality patterns and disorders. PDM
humanistic approaches. The Psychodynamic Diagnostic uses the DSM diagnostic categories but includes accounts of
Manual (PDM) (1) reflects an effort to articulate a psycho- the internal experience of a person presenting for treatment
dynamically oriented diagnosis that bridges the gap between (6, pp. 243-244).
clinical complexity and the need for empirical and method- Addressing the discomfort many clinicians have with cate-
ological validity. It has been strongly influenced by a similar gorical diagnosis (7), the PDM provided an alternative frame-
effort, the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure (SWAP- work that attempts to characterize an individuals full range
200) (2,3), on which it has drawn extensively. The second of functioning 2 the depth as well as the surface of emotion-
edition of the PDM (PDM-2) (4,5) will be published in 2016 al, cognitive and social patterns (1, p. 1). The PDM explic-
by Guilford Press. itly describes itself as a taxonomy of people rather than a
The first edition of the PDM, spearheaded by S. Green- taxonomy of diseases, as an effort to describe what one
span with help from N. McWilliams and R. Wallerstein, rep- is rather than what one has (1, p. 17). According to Ste-
resented the collaborative efforts of members from five pansky (8), the exposure of the first edition in the U.S. has
sponsoring organizations: the American Psychoanalytic been extensive.
Association, the International Psychoanalytical Association, In October 2013, the American Psychoanalytic Associa-
the Division of Psychoanalysis of the American Psychologi- tion noted: There is a place in the field for classifying
cal Association, the American Academy of Psychoanalysis patients based on descriptions of symptoms, illness course,
and Dynamic Psychiatry, and the National Membership and other objective facts. However, as psychoanalysts, we
Committee on Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work. The know that each patient is unique. No two people with
PDM-2 will be sponsored also by the International Associa- depression, bereavement, anxiety or any other mental ill-
tion for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. ness or disorder will have the same potentials, needs for
The PDM-1 had four major sections: Adult Mental Disor- treatment or responses to efforts to help. Whether or
ders; Child and Adolescent Mental Health Syndromes; not one finds great value in the descriptive diagnostic
Infant and Early Childhood Disorders; and Conceptual and nomenclature exemplified by the DSM-5, psychoanalytic
Empirical Foundations for a Psychodynamically Based Clas- diagnostic assessment is an essential complementary
sification System for Mental Health Disorders. Schemati- assessment pathway which aims to provide an under-
cally, except when evaluating infants and pre-schoolers standing of each person in depth as a unique and complex
(assessed with a specific multiaxial system), clinicians were individual and should be part of a thorough assessment of
encouraged to assess the following in all patients: level of every patient. Even for psychiatric disorders with a strong
personality organization and prevalent personality styles or biological basis, psychological factors contribute to the
disorders (Axis P); level of overall mental functioning (Axis onset, worsening, and expression of illness. Psychological
M); symptoms and syndromes and the patients subjective factors also influence how every patient engages in treat-
experience of them (Axis S). ment; the quality of the therapeutic alliance has been
The PDM aimed to promote integration between nomo- shown to be the strongest predictor of outcome for illness
thetic understanding and the idiographic knowledge that is in all modalities. (www.apsa.org). It went on to recom-
useful for individual case formulation and the planning of mend the PDM for this complementary assessment.
patient-tailored treatment. In focusing on the full range of In the aftermath of the death of S. Greenspan shortly
mental functioning, it aspired to complement DSM and ICD after the 2006 publication of PDM-1, and the retirement
efforts to catalogue symptoms and syndromes. In the Pocket of R. Wallerstein (who died in 2014; the PDM-2 will be

dedicated to both Greenspan and Wallerstein), the new edi- relational patterns, including attention to attachment pat-
tion required leadership representing both continuity and terns and their possible relationship to psychopathology
change, which we have attempted to provide. Several spe- and normative development.
cific Task Forces were organized, each under the leader- There will be a section on Mental Health Disorders of the
ship of two editors: Adults - P Axis (N. McWilliams and J. Elderly, absent in the first edition.
Shedler); Adults - M Axis (V. Lingiardi and R. Bornstein); The PDM-2 will contain two special sections on Cli-
Adults - S Axis (E. Mundo and J. ONeil); Adolescents nician-Friendly Tools (both PDM-2-derived and derived
(M. Speranza and N. Midgley); Children (N. Malberg and from prior studies) that are intended to help practitioners
L. Rosenberg); Infancy and Early Childhood (A.M. Speran- attain a better understanding of the overall approach embod-
za and L. Mayes); Elderly (F. Del Corno and D. Plotkin); ied in the manual (20,21).
Tools (S. Waldron, F. Gazzillo and R. Gordon); Case Illus- Finally, the PDM-2 will omit the extensive last section on
trations and PDM-2 Profiles (F. Del Corno, V. Lingiardi supporting empirical articles, and will instead integrate more
and N. McWilliams). The second edition will thus retain systematic references to research, especially as empirical stud-
the basic multiaxial structure, but will be characterized by ies inform more operationalized descriptions of the different
several important changes, including those that follow. disorders.
The Adult Personality section will be integrated and re- In summary, the PDM aims to detect and describe pa-
vised according to theoretical, clinical and empirical indi- tients characteristic mental experiences, thereby increasing
cations, especially those derived from measures such as the the capability of clinicians to relieve the psychological dis-
SWAP-200 (2,3,9) and its new versions (10,11) and appli- tress of the distinctly individual patients who seek their help.
cations (12,13), and from the Psychodynamic Diagnostic It attempts to restore the connection between deep under-
Prototypes (14). The section on Levels of Personality Orga- standing and treatment, without the requirements of other
nization will, in light of research since 2006 that indicates diagnostic systems that they be useful for demographic stud-
the clinical utility of this concept, include a psychotic level ies, billing, institutional record-keeping, syndromal research,
of personality organization (15). and other ancillary uses of diagnostic labels.
In the M Axis, the number of mental functions will be Without a counterpoint to the current tendency to focus
increased from nine to twelve: capacity for regulation, atten- more and more narrowly on discrete disorder categories, the
tion and learning; capacity for affective range, communica- clinical relationship may be jeopardized and even damaged.
tion and understanding; capacity for mentalization and Avoiding this hazard is the main reason why the authors of
reflective functioning; capacity for differentiation and inte- both editions of the PDM have offered this complementary
gration; capacity for relationships and intimacy; self-esteem classification system to the mental health community.
regulation and quality of internal experience; impulse con-
trol and regulation; defensive functioning; adaptation, resil-
iency and strength; self-observing capacities (psychological References
mindedness); capacity to construct and use internal stand-
ards and ideals; meaning and purpose. An assessment pro- 1. PDM Task Force. Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual. Silver Spring:
cedure with a Likert-style scale will be associated with each Alliance of Psychoanalytic Organizations, 2006.
mental function. 2. Westen D, Shedler J. Revising and assessing Axis II, part I: devel-
oping a clinically and empirically valid assessment method. Am J
The S Axis will enhance its integration with the DSM-5
Psychiatry 1999;156:258-72.
and the ICD-10. The new edition will give a more exhaus- 3. Westen D, Shedler J. Revising and assessing Axis II, part II: toward
tive explanation of the rationale for the description of af- an empirically based and clinically useful classification of personality
fective states, cognitive patterns, somatic states and rela- disorders. Am J Psychiatry 1999;156:273-85.
tionship patterns, and cite related clinical and empirical 4. Lingiardi V, McWilliams N, Bornstein RF et al. The Psychodynamic
studies. It will more thoroughly emphasize both the subjec- Diagnostic Manual Version 2 (PDM-2): assessing patients for im-
proved clinical practice and research. Psychoanal Psychol 2015;32:
tive experience of the patient and the likely countertransfer- 94-115.
ence of the clinician (16-19). 5. Huprich SK, McWilliams N, Lingiardi V et al. The Psychodynamic
Because there are significant psychological differences Diagnostic Manual (PDM) and the PDM-2: opportunities to signifi-
between young children and teenagers, an Adolescent sec- cantly affect the profession. Psychoanal Inq 2015;35:60-73.
6. Nussbaum AM. The pocket guide to the DSM-5 diagnostic exam.
tion (age 11-18) will be separated from the Child section
Washington: American Psychiatric Association, 2013.
(4-10). The Special Section on Infancy and Early Child- 7. McWilliams N. The Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual: an effort
hood (IEC) will include a discussion of developmental lines to compensate for the limitations of descriptive psychiatric diag-
and homotypic/heterotypic continuities of early infancy, nosis. J Pers Assess 2011;93:112-22.
childhood, adolescent and adult psychopathology, as these 8. Stepansky PE. Psychoanalysis at the margins. New York: Other
Press, 2009.
have been investigated in both clinical and empirical litera-
9. Blagov PS, Shedler J, Westen D. The Shedler-Westen Assessment
tures. The PDM will give better definitions of the quality of Procedure (SWAP): evaluating psychometric questions about its
primary relationships (child and caregivers), emphasizing reliability, validity, and impact of its fixed score distribution. Assess-
the evaluation of family systems and their characteristic ment 2012;19:370-82.

238 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

10. Westen D, Shedler J, Bradley B et al. An empirically derived tax- 16. Colli A, Tanzilli A, Dimaggio G et al. Patient personality and thera-
onomy for personality diagnosis: bridging science and practice pist response: an empirical investigation. Am J Psychiatry 2014;171:
in conceptualizing personality. Am J Psychiatry 2012;156:273- 102-8.
84. 17. Lingiardi V, Tanzilli A, Colli A. Does the severity of psychopatho-
11. Westen D, Shedler J, Durrett C et al. Personality diagnoses in ado- logical symptoms mediate the relationship between patient per-
lescence: DSM-IV Axis II diagnoses and an empirically derived sonality and therapist response? Psychotherapy (in press).
alternative. Am J Psychiatry 2003;160:952-66. 18. Gazzillo F, Lingiardi V, Del Corno F et al. Clinicians emotional
12. Lingiardi V, Shedler J, Gazzillo F. Assessing personality change in responses and PDM P axis personality disorders: a clinically rele-
psychotherapy with the SWAP-200: a case study. J Pers Assess vant empirical investigation. Psychotherapy (in press).
2006;86:36-45. 19. Gordon R, Gazzillo F, Blake A et al. The relationship between
13. Gazzillo F, Lingiardi V, Peloso A et al. Personality subtypes in theoretical orientation and countertransference expectations: im-
adolescents with anorexia nervosa. Compr Psychiatry 2013;54: plications for ethical dilemmas and risk management. Clin Psy-
702-12. chol Psychother (in press).
14. Gazzillo F, Lingiardi V, Del Corno F. Towards the validation of 20. Bornstein RF. From symptom to process: how the PDM alters goals
three assessment instruments derived from the PDM P Axis: the and strategies in psychological assessment. J Pers Assess 2011;93:
Psychodynamic Diagnostic Prototypes, the Core Preoccupations 142-50.
Questionnaire and the Pathogenic Beliefs Questionnaire. B Psicol 21. Gordon RM, Stoffey RW. Operationalizing the Psychodynamic
Appl 2012;265:31-45. Diagnostic Manual: a preliminary study of the Psychodiagnostic
15. McWilliams N. Psychoanalytic diagnosis: understanding person- Chart (PDC). Bull Menninger Clin 2014;78:1-15.
ality structure in clinical process (2nd ed). New York: Guilford
Press, 2011. DOI 10.1002/wps.20233


The critical ingredients of assertive community

Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center and Department of Psychiatry, Geisel Medical School at Dartmouth, Hanover, NH, USA

In their paradigm-shifting study, Stein and Test (1) devel- continuous care. Initially, the model promised lifelong
oped and evaluated a community mental health treatment care.
model for people with serious mental illness that became
known as assertive community treatment (ACT). Their ap-
proach challenged many standard practices and beliefs in RESEARCH ON EFFECTIVENESS
psychiatry. Based on earlier work, they had concluded (2)
that hospital training programs to prepare patients for com- In the decades following the Stein and Test (1) study, doz-
munity living after discharge were ineffective, and that pro- ens of randomized controlled trials of ACT evaluated its
viding training and support within community settings after effectiveness for promoting community reintegration of
discharge was far superior. The principle of in vivo assess- people with severe mental illness. Several reviews con-
ment, training and support became a cornerstone of the cluded that ACT was more effective than standard serv-
ACT model. With the locus of contact in the community, ices in reducing hospital use and increasing community
ACT used assertive outreach to engage clients who were tenure (3), and numerous practice guidelines endorsed
reluctant to keep appointments at a clinic. ACT as an evidence-based practice for the treatment of
Another critical ingredient of the ACT model was a schizophrenia (4). The impact of ACT on outcomes other
holistic approach to services, helping with illness manage- than hospital use and community tenure was less clear,
ment, medication management, housing, finances, and though some studies found improvements in stable hous-
anything else critical to an individuals community adjust- ing, symptom management, and quality of life (3).
ment. ACT services included assistance in routine practical Research also began to identify the client populations for
problems in living, such as shopping and using public trans- which ACT was most effective. ACT was strongly effective
portation. Along with the focus on the clients immediate and cost-effective for clients who returned repeatedly to psy-
needs and personal goals, the shift in service delivery to chiatric hospitals; conversely, it was less effective and clearly
community settings dramatically increased client engage- not cost-effective for infrequently hospitalized clients (5).
ment in and satisfaction with mental health services (3). Extensions of the ACT model to homeless people with severe
Drawing on their experience on hospital treatment teams, mental illness aimed at reducing homelessness were also gen-
Stein and Test formulated the ACT model as requiring a erally effective, especially when integrated with evidence-
multidisciplinary team of mental health professionals, pro- based housing models (6).
viding intensive, timely, and personalized services, facilitat-
ed through frequent team meetings to review treatment
plans and services. ACT was also conceived as a direct ser- MODIFICATIONS
vice model, with clinicians providing most needed services
themselves rather than referring to other providers. Another Although some proponents of ACT insisted on orthodoxy,
feature of the model with far-reaching influence was integra- most endorsed ACT as a flexible service model that could be
tion of services, which has demonstrated advantages over augmented with other evidence-based practices to address
brokered approaches (i.e., referring clients to other pro- specific target populations and outcome domains. Over
grams for many services). ACT teams integrated mental time, many ACT teams incorporated substance abuse treat-
health treatment, housing, rehabilitation, and many other ments, supported employment, and family psychoeducation
services, and tailored them to the needs and goals of each (7). In addition, modified ACT teams tailored services for cli-
client. ents experiencing early episodes of psychosis (8), those with
Another core feature of the ACT model was a low client- borderline personality disorder (9), and those with criminal
staff ratio of approximately 10 clients per full-time ACT justice histories (10). Recent attention has focused on en-
practitioner. This staffing pattern permitted multiple con- hancing the experience of recovery, especially functional
tacts each week with clients needing intensive support. In recovery and quality of life (11). Most of these augmenta-
addition, teams provided continuous coverage, responding tions have not yet been carefully studied, and in some areas
quickly to client emergencies, 24 hours per day, seven days the results have been mixed, but overall these innovations
per week. Finally, ACT teams committed to long-term and represent significant progress in defining the ACT model.

240 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

ACT FIDELITY tion needs to be flexible over time to respond to changes in
values, context, culture, and research. Although ACT may
Several research groups have operationally defined the have lost its preeminence as the most empirically supported
critical ingredients of ACT by developing fidelity scales. of all community mental health treatment approaches (14),
These scales measure implementation of the essential fea- its monumental contribution in providing a clear, opera-
tures of a model and enable program leaders to achieve tionally defined treatment model with extensive research
and maintain model standards. One widely-used scale, the support remains exemplary. Many critical ingredients of
Dartmouth ACT Fidelity Scale (DACTS) (12), has been a ACT have been assimilated into standard practice in pro-
valid tool for determining whether programs follow ACT gressive mental health systems.
principles. A more recent scale expanded the DACTS to Several core components of the original ACT model have
include greater specification of staff roles and assessment not endured. The principle of time-unlimited support i.e.,
of recovery-oriented services (11). that clients should receive ACT indefinitely is not evidence-
A meta-analysis evaluating the relationship between based, recovery-oriented, practical, or cost-effective, and it
ACT fidelity and reduction of hospital use employed two has essentially been dropped and replaced with policies en-
broad indices measuring critical ingredients of the ACT couraging graduation (16). The multidisciplinary concept
model: staffing (low client-staff ratio, optimal team size, has gradually transformed to recognize that team members
and inclusion of psychiatrist and nurse in the team) and need to learn new competencies continuously as evidence-
organization (e.g., ACT team provides care directly rather based practices emerge.
than brokering, daily team meeting, and 24-hour access) Other limits of ACT have been acknowledged. ACT is not
(13). Organization predicted significant reductions in hos- well suited to rural settings, because sparsely-populated
pital use, while staffing did not. Thus, this study provided communities lack a critical mass of service users requiring
empirical support for the organizational components of intensive mental health services. To accommodate rural set-
ACT, but cast doubt on the necessity of multidisciplinary tings, a Dutch hybrid service model called flexible ACT
staffing standards. (FACT) has embedded a short-term ACT team within a clin-
ical treatment team, providing intensive services for clients
who are in crisis, with easy transition to and from usual serv-
ABSORPTION IN STANDARD SERVICES ices (17). Other modified versions of ACT to support transi-
tions and flexibility have been developed (e.g., 18), but no
The widespread endorsement of ACT by mental health clearly superior model has emerged.
leaders encouraged many states in the U.S. as well as other Influenced by research on related care management
countries to adopt it as a service model. However, several models, specifications for the critical ingredients of the ACT
large-scale evaluations in the U.K. failed to show any advan- model continue to expand. ACT teams now incorporate
tage for ACT over standard services, leading one researcher ingredients such as a focus on recovery, shared decision
to conclude that ACT was effective only in communities with making, outcome-based supervision, strengths-based treat-
inadequate community mental health systems and an overu- ment planning, and use of generic community resources (7).
tilization of psychiatric hospitals (14), precisely because stan-
dard mental health services in the U.K. had already adopted
many of the innovations pioneered by ACT. Similarly, con- CONCLUSIONS
trolled trials in the U.S., particularly in good service areas,
have not consistently found better outcomes for ACT in ACT was the leading model of community mental health
recent years, as the U.S. has continued to sharply reduce the services developed during the latter half of the 20th century.
rate of hospitalization admissions and length of hospital It facilitated deinstitutionalization and enabled successful
stays. Internationally, ACT continues to be an attractive ser- community reintegration for thousands of people with seri-
vice model option in some nations, such as Japan (15), with ous mental illness. The key principles of ACT outreach,
poorly developed community mental health services and delivery of services in the community, holistic and integrat-
routine use of long-term hospitalizations. ed services, and continuity of care continue to influence
the structure of mental health services in profound ways
over much of the world.
CURRENT VIEWS OF THE CRITICAL INGREDIENTS The structure and flexibility of ACT has permitted myriad
OF ACT adaptations. Thus, ACT remains relevant for service systems
and clients with multiple needs in many settings. Complex
Current mental health services researchers believe that service models such as ACT must continue to adapt over
the organizational features of ACT are sound, as proven by time, as new concepts, new environments, new stresses, and
their widespread emulation, and that any complex interven- new empirically-supported practices emerge.

References 10. Morrissey JP, Meyer P, Cuddeback G. Extending assertive com-
munity treatment to criminal justice settings: origins, current evi-
1. Stein LI, Test MA. An alternative to mental health treatment. I: dence, and future directions. Community Ment Health J 2007;43:
Conceptual model, treatment program, and clinical evaluation. 527-44.
Arch Gen Psychiatry 1980;37:392-7. 11. Monroe-DeVita M, Teague GB, Moser LL. The TMACT: a new
2. Test MA, Stein LI. Practice guidelines for the community treat- tool for measuring fidelity to assertive community treatment.
ment of markedly impaired patients. Community Ment Health J J Am Psychiatr Nurses Assoc 2011;17:17-29.
1976;12:72-82. 12. Teague GB, Bond GR, Drake RE. Program fidelity in assertive
3. Bond GR, Drake RE, Mueser KT et al. Assertive community treat- community treatment: development and use of a measure. Am J
ment for people with severe mental illness: critical ingredients Orthopsychiatry 1998;68:216-32.
and impact on patients. Dis Manag Health Outcomes 2001;9: 13. Burns T, Catty J, Dash M et al. Use of intensive case management
141-59. to reduce time in hospital in people with severe mental illness:
4. Dixon LB, Dickerson F, Bellack AS et al. The 2009 Schizophrenia systematic review and meta-regression. BMJ 2007;335:336-40.
PORT psychosocial treatment recommendations and summary 14. Burns T. The rise and fall of assertive community treatment? Int
statements. Schizophr Bull 2010;36:48-70. Rev Psychiatry 2010;22:130-7.
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choice, and harm reduction for homeless individuals with a dual tions of challenges and strategies of transition from assertive com-
diagnosis. Am J Public Health 2004;94:651-6. munity treatment to less intensive services. Community Ment
7. Goscha RJ, Rapp CA, Bond GR et al. Case management and com- Health J 2015;51:85-95.
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2012:293-308. 18. Nord en T, Malm U, Norlander T. Resource group assertive com-
8. Nordentoft M, Melau M, Iversen T et al. From research to practice: munity treatment (RACT) as a tool of empowerment for clients
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9. Burroughs T, Somerville J. Utilization of evidence based dialecti-
cal behavioral therapy in assertive community treatment: examin- DOI 10.1002/wps.20234
ing feasibility and challenges. Community Ment Health J 2013;49:

242 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015


Need for a realistic appraisal of benzodiazepines

Some recent articles on benzodiazepine use (1,2) have sedative effect, while side effects of paroxetine such as sexu-
been followed by one more wave of negative publicity al dysfunction and weight gain remained an issue. The origi-
about these medications, sometimes calling for more regu- nal observation of non-responsiveness of panic disorder to
lations of their prescribing (3) Is this criticism deserved benzodiazepines (in contrast to imipramine) was probably
and what is its basis? mainly due to the usage of subtherapeutic doses of those
The recent article by Olfson et al (1) does not really pro- drugs.
vide any new information about benzodiazepines. It simply The potentials for dependency, toxicity and abuse of ben-
informs us about the approximate percentage of U.S. adults zodiazepines have been emphasized in the literature, yet
who used these drugs in 2008, and differences between gen- the percentage of abuse is really low in relation to the num-
ders and age groups. It does not suggest any rising epidem- ber of people using them (14). Also, as Greenblatt et al (8)
ics in prescribing of benzodiazepines, as there is none. pointed out, since benzodiazepines do not cure neither anx-
Indeed, prescribing of benzodiazepines for mood and anxi- iety nor insomnia, symptom recurrence can be anticipated
ety disorders decreased in the U.S. between 2001 (90 mil after their discontinuation, and many critics may have
prescriptions) and 2007 (85 mil prescriptions), while popu- mixed in their observations symptoms of withdrawal with
lation had increased. recurrence of the anxiety disorder symptomatology.
Regarding insomnia, Olfson et al (1) only echo some con- Furthermore, the withdrawal phenomena that occur
cerns raised in the past. They quote a 11 year old National with SSRIs (15) and atypical antipsychotics (16) have been
Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidance (4) for the frequently ignored. In the case of SSRIs, these phenomena
use of zaleplon, zolpidem and zopiclone (not benzodiaze- have been termed discontinuation syndromes, but are in
pines), recommending the use of hypnotics only on short- no way milder or less troublesome than those entailed by
term basis for severe and impairing insomnia and only after benzodiazepines (15).
careful consideration of nonpharmacological options. The Concerns have been also raised about relationships be-
recommendation of using nonpharmacological options is tween benzodiazepines and events such as risk of falling and
fine for brief, situational, intermittent insomnia. Yet, recom- car accidents, and dementia (2,3). However, at least some of
mending only a short-term treatment for severe impairing these relationships could be spurious (17), and it seems pre-
insomnia is not clinically suitable. Insomnia is now consid- mature to conclude that benzodiazepines are a causative
ered a chronic disorder: its definition specifies duration of at factor in a multidimensional disorder such as Alzheimers
least 3 months. In clinical practice, we usually do not treat disease. These concerns also ignore the fact that benzodiaze-
chronic illness for a brief period of time. The requirement of pine side effect profile is in many aspects very favorable com-
only a brief use of hypnotics in insomnia was removed from pared to the long-term use of SSRIs and antipsychotics.
most regulatory materials. Actually, we do not have enough Unfortunately, the use of antipsychotics in generalized anxi-
long-term studies available. Some long-term studies (only ety disorder has greatly increased in the U.S., as it seems that
6 months) actually suggest that prolonged treatment with general practitioners falsely believe that these drugs are safer
eszopiclone (5) and zolpidem (6) improves daytime concen- than benzodiazepines.
tration, work performance and patient satisfaction. Unfortu- There have been also calls for more restrictions on pre-
nately, we do not have similar studies with benzodiazepines, scribing benzodiazepines. More control and restrictions
but their long-standing use for this indication by clinicians do not usually work well, as we have seen in the case of
suggests similar conclusions. Last but not least, the relation- boxed warning about suicidality associated with antide-
ship between insomnia and depression is bidirectional (7), pressants. Benzodiazepines are actually controlled sub-
since untreated insomnia may lead to depression. stances under the Controlled Substances Act in the U.S..
Benzodiazepines provide an effective treatment of anxi- Further regulation of prescribing benzodiazepines using
ety disorders (8-10). Their use has been in part supplanted so-called triplicate prescriptions was abandoned in some
by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), interest- U.S. states after this regulation led to an increase in pre-
ingly without any supporting evidence of superior efficacy scriptions of barbiturates, meprobamate and other more
or better safety data. Indeed, when benzodiazepines and toxic medications.
antidepressants were directly compared in controlled trials, Many concerns have been also raised about prescribing
a superiority of the former in both efficacy and side effect benzodiazepines for the elderly. However, as pointed out
profile emerged (11). For instance, in Nardi et als compari- by Salzman and Shader, experienced geriatric clinicians
son of clonazepam vs. paroxetine in panic disorder (12,13), often find that judicious use of low-dose, short half-life ben-
the benzodiazepine was not only faster and better during zodiazepines reduces stress, promotes daytime functioning,
the short-term treatment, but remained effective in long- and assists in sleep onset; elderly patients themselves report
term (3 years) treatment, when tolerance developed to its that they would gladly forgo short-term memory reduction

in exchange for a calmer daytime and reliable sleep onset References
(17, p. 2).
How and why did we get to our professions negative 1. Olfson M, King M, Schoenfeld M. Benzodiazepine use in the
United States. JAMA Psychiatry 2015;72:136-42.
view of benzodiazepines, a view which is not necessarily
2. Billioti de Gage S, Moride Y, Ducruet T et al. Benzodiazepine use
shared by other disciplines? A part of the problem is a dif- and risk of Alzheimers disease: case control study. BMJ 2014;
ferent perspective by different clinicians. As noticed by 349:g5205.
Starcevic (10), clinicians working in settings for the treat- 3. Moore N, Pariente A, Begaud B. Why are benzodiazepines not
ment of substance use disorders tend to take a harsh yet controlled substances? JAMA Psychiatry 2015;72:110-1.
4. National Institute for Clinical Excellence. Guidance on the use of
stand on long-term use of benzodiazepines, while clinicians
zaleplon, zolpidem and zopiclone for the short-term management
working with patients with anxiety and related disorders of insomnia. London: National Institute for Clinical Excellence,
may be more willing to see the good side. We would like 2004.
to add that, unfortunately, when new medications are 5. Walsh JK, Krystal AD, Amato DA et al. Nightly treatment of pri-
introduced, their superior profile is suddenly promoted mary insomnia with eszopiclone for six months: effect on sleep,
quality of life, and work limitations. Sleep 2007;30:959-68.
and marketed, even if the evidence concerning their superi-
6. Krystal AD, Erman M, Zammit GK et al. Long-term efficacy and
ority to existing medications is unclear or not available, safety of zolpidem extended-release 12.5 mg, administered 3 to 7
especially since comparison to a gold standard is no longer nights per week for 24 weeks, in patients with chronic primary
required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), insomnia: a 6-month, randomized, double-blind, placebo con-
and superiority to placebo is considered satisfactory. trolled, parallel-group, multicenter study. Sleep 2008;31:79-90.
7. Sivertsen B, Salo P, Mykletun A et al. The bidirectional associa-
It is worth mentioning that a provision in the U.S.
tion between depression and insomnia: the HUNT study. Psycho-
Affordable Care Act that the pharmaceutical industry suc- som Med 2012;74:758-65.
cessfully defeated was the plan to compare efficacy of 8. Greenblatt DJ, Shader RI, Abernethy DR. Current status of ben-
cheap vs. expensive medications. Is it possible that cheap zodiazepines (first of two parts). N Engl J Med 1983;309:354-8.
benzodiazepines would fare better in anxiety disorders 9. Greenblatt DJ, Shader RI, Abernethy DR. Current status of benzo-
diazepines (second of two parts). N Engl J Med 1983;309:410-6.
than some expensive new antidepressants and antipsy-
10. Starcevic V. The reappraisal of benzodiazepines in the treatment
chotics? We can probably guess the answer, but we would of anxiety and related disorders. Expert Rev Neurother 2014;14:
prefer systematic studies to be done. 1275-86.
In conclusion, clinicians know that benzodiazepines, 11. Offidani E, Guidi J, Tomba E et al. Efficacy and tolerability of ben-
like any other medications, are unlikely to entail perma- zodiazepines versus antidepressants in anxiety disorders: a system-
atic review and meta-analysis. Psychother Psychosom 2013;82:
nent and definitive solutions to chronic anxiety states,
insomnia and other conditions. However, as stated by Star- 12. Nardi AE, Valenca AM, Freire RC et al. Psychopharmacotherapy
cevic (10, p. 1283), the likely reasons for their ongoing of panic disorder: 8-week randomized trial with clonazepam and
popularity include their consistent and reliable effective- paroxetine. Braz J Med Biol Res 2011;44:366-73.
ness for the most prominent symptoms of anxiety, relatively 13. Nardi AE, Freire RC, Mochcovitch MD et al. A randomized, nat-
uralistic, parallel-group study for the long-term treatment of panic
good tolerability, quick onset of action, possibility of using
disorder with clonazepam or paroxetine. J Clin Psychopharmacol
them on an as-needed basis and the realization that the 2102;32:120-6.
newer antidepressants have not been as useful for anxiety 14. American Psychiatric Association Task Force on Benzodiazepine
and related disorders as they had initially seemed to be. Dependency. Benzodiazepine dependence, toxicity, and abuse.
Physicians should remain free to prescribe benzodiaze- Washington: American Psychiatric Association, 1990.
15. Nielsen M, Hansen EH, Gotzsche PC. What is the difference
pines like any other psychotropic medications. Suggesting
between dependence and withdrawal reactions? A comparison of
simplistic measures for complex clinical issues is not an benzodiazepines and selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors.
answer. Informed prescribing rooted in critical thinking is. Addiction 2011;107:900-8.
16. Cerovecki A, Musil R, Klimke A et al. Withdrawal symptoms and
Richard Balon1, Giovanni A. Fava2, Karl Rickels3 rebound syndromes associated with switching and discontinuing
1 atypical antipsychotics: theoretical background and practical rec-
Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral
ommendations. CNS Drugs 2013;27:545-72.
Neurosciences and Anesthesiology, Wayne State 17. Salzman C, Shader RI. Benzodiazepine use and risk for Alz-
University, Detroit, MI, USA; 2Department of heimer disease. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2015;35:1-3.
Psychology, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy and
Department of Psychiatry, State University of New York DOI 10.1002/wps.20219
at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA; 3Department of
Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,

244 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015


Psychotropic drugs and homicide: a prospective

cohort study from Finland
After a high-profile homicide case, there is often discus- offenders coming from abroad, 24 offenders whose data
sion in the media on whether or not the killing was caused were blocked due to security reasons, and 10 offenders
or facilitated by a psychotropic medication. Antidepres- excluded due to incomplete data on previous incarcera-
sants have especially been blamed by non-scientific or- tion, we were left with 959 offenders, who were included
ganizations for a large number of senseless acts of in our analysis. For each offender, 10 population controls
violence, e.g., 13 school shootings in the last decade in the where picked from the Population Information System by
U.S. and Finland (1). In September 2014, there were more matching individuals by gender, age (year of birth), and
than 139,000 hits from Google for the search terms home municipality at the time of each homicide.
antidepressant, homicide, and more than 1,050,000 hits Information on medication use from January 1995 to
for the terms antidepressant, violence. It is likely that December 2011 was obtained for all cases and their con-
such massive publicity in the lay media has already led a trols through record linkage to the nationwide Finnish
number of patients and physicians to abstain from antide- Prescription Register. The database contains the date of
pressant treatment, due to the perceived fear of pharma- prescription purchase, the Anatomic Therapeutic Chemi-
cologically induced violence. cal (ATC) code, and the purchased quantity, stated as the
What is the scientific evidence for an association be- number of defined daily doses (DDDs), which are defined
tween psychotropic drugs and homicidal behavior? Most by the World Health Organization (12). This procedure
of the available studies are case reports that only suggest a has been described in more detail in our previous cohort
coincidental link between violence or homicide and anti- studies (13-16).
depressants (2,3) or benzodiazepines (4), while very little We identified a subject as a current user if (s)he was
is known about the association between antipsychotics using a given drug at the time of the homicide/matching,
and homicide. Two recent ecological studies found no according to the amount of medication purchased in
support for a significant role of antidepressant use in DDDs. Drug exposure was assumed to start at the date of
lethal violence in the Netherlands or the U.S., although purchase, and drug exposure duration was determined by
data on individual offenders were not available (5,6). the amount of DDDs. Previous use (Yes/No) was also
Quantitative data from the U.S. Food and Drug Adminis- based on the date of purchase and amount in DDDs. A
tration (FDA) adverse event reporting system (7) imply subject had previous use if (s)he made a prescription pur-
that some antidepressants may be associated with a dis- chase during the previous 7-year period, before the time of
proportionately high number of violent events (8). On the homicide/matching, but the drug exposure ended before
contrary, two small studies on antidepressant use among a the date of homicide. Among those offenders who had
special subgroup of homicide-suicide offenders found no been in prison during the 7-year period prior to homicide,
evidence to support a causal link between antidepressants the time during their prison sentence (prior to their
and homicidal behavior (9,10). release) was censored, and also among their matched
There are three crucial conditions that must be fulfilled control subjects. Subjects aged 25 years or younger were
to properly study the putative association between exposure further investigated in a separate analysis.
(i.e., use of a psychotropic drug) and outcome (homicide): The primary outcome measure was the risk of offending
a) the sample must be unselected, to be representative of during current use vs. no current use for three major
the total offender population; b) the reason for prescribing categories of psychotropic medications: antidepressants,
the medication must be considered and controlled, and c) benzodiazepines, and antipsychotics. Within the offender
the effect of other concomitant medication(s) must be cohort, each individual served as his/her own control. In
adjusted. No such studies have been done thus far on the this analysis, individuals without any medication exposure
association between the risk of committing homicide and were omitted. A Poisson regression model was used to
the use of psychotropic drugs. estimate the relative risk (RR) of homicide during current
We carried out a prospective cohort study with an use versus no-use of each study medication among the
embedded case-control design in order to test the hypo- offenders.
thesis that current antidepressant treatment is associated The follow-up time on medication was based on DDDs,
with an increased risk of committing a homicide. We pro- and truncated to each persons total follow-up time. The
spectively collected a database that included all homicides RR was calculated for both the adjusted and unadjusted
reported to, and investigated by, the police in Finland in models, according to age, gender, current use of illegal
the period 2003-2011 (11). From the 1091 homicides drugs, current use of alcohol, and both current (i.e., at the
known to police, after exclusion of 12 cases not solved, 7 time of the homicide) and previous use of other study

medications. When comparing offenders and matched sumed risk of homicidal behavior. The surprisingly high
controls, the odds ratio (OR) was used as a measure for risk associated with opioid and non-opioid analgesics
the risk, and it was estimated using the conditional logistic deserves further attention in the treatment of pain among
regression model that takes into account the matching sets individuals with criminal history.
(which individuals served as controls for each offender).
For primary outcome measures, the level of statistical Jari Tiihonen1-3, Martti Lehti4, Mikko Aaltonen4,
significance was set to p<0.016 to account for multiple Janne Kivivuori4, Hannu Kautiainen5,6, Lauri J. Virta7,
testing (Bonferroni correction). The secondary analysis Fabian Hoti8, Antti Tanskanen1,3, Pasi Korhonen8
compared the current vs. no current use of seven other Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska
medication categories (opioid analgesics, other analgesics, Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden; 2University of Eastern
antiepileptics, lithium, stimulants, medicines used in ad- Finland, Department of Forensic Psychiatry,
dictive disorders, other anxiolytics), which were used as Niuvanniemi Hospital, Kuopio, Finland; 3National
covariates in the primary analysis. The level of significance Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland;
in the secondary analysis was set to p<0.005. National Research Institute of Legal Policy, Helsinki,
The median age of offenders and controls was 36.3 Finland; 5Unit of Primary Health Care, Kuopio
years (range 13.3-88.0 years). A total of 849 (88.5%) University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland; 6Helsinki
offenders were males, and 42 (4.4%) had more than one University Central Hospital, Unit of Primary Health
victim, 761 (79.4%) were intoxicated by alcohol and 51 Care and University of Helsinki, Department of General
(5.3%) by illicit drugs during the offence (as confirmed by Practice, Helsinki, Finland; 7The Social Insurance
the police). Institution, Research Department, Turku, Finland;
The analysis within the offender population revealed EPID Research Oy, Espoo, Finland
that the adjusted RR was 1.31 (95% CI: 1.04-1.65;
p50.022) for current use vs. no current use of antidepres-
sants, 1.45 (95% CI: 1.17-1.81; p50.001) for current use Acknowledgements
vs. no current use of benzodiazepines, and 1.10 (95% CI:
0.82-1.47; p50.54) for current use vs. no current use of This study was supported by annual EVO financing (spe-
antipsychotics. The current use of both opioid (1.92; 95% cial government subsidies) from Niuvanniemi Hospital,
CI: 1.36-2.72, p<0.001) and non-opioid (3.06; 95% CI: Finland. The authors thank Ms. A. Ra sanen, Niuvanniemi
1.78-5.24, p<0.001) analgesics was associated with signifi- Hospital, Kuopio, Finland, for secretarial assistance.
cantly increased risk of offending. Among subjects aged
25 or younger, the only findings approaching statistical
significance were observed for current use of opioid
analgesics (adjusted RR 3.23; 95% CI: 1.05-9.94; p50.04)
and benzodiazepines (adjusted RR 1.95, 95% CI: 0.95- 1. Citizens Commission on Human Rights of Colorado. Federal
4.00, p50.07). No significant interactions were observed investigation of the link between shootings and psychiatric drugs
between current use of psychotropic medications vs. is long overdue. http://psychiatricfraud. org/tag/school-shooting.
intoxication by alcohol or illicit drugs. 2. Healy D, Herxheimer A, Menkes DB. Antidepressants and vio-
lence: problems at the interface of medicine and law. PLoS Med
The analysis based on case-control design showed an
adjusted OR of 1.30 (95% CI: 0.97-1.75) as the risk of 3. Mason SE. Prozac and crime: who is the victim? Am J Orthopsy-
homicide for the current use of an antidepressant, 2.52 chiatry 2002;72:445-55.
(95% CI: 1.90-3.35) for benzodiazepines, 0.62 (95% CI: 4. Daderman AM, Lidberg L. Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) abuse in
0.41-0.93) for antipsychotics, and 2.16 (95% CI: 1.41-3.30) combination with alcohol causes premeditated, grievous violence
for opioid analgesics. in male juvenile offenders. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 1999;27:
The results of this prospective study show that antide- 5. Marcotte DE, Markowitz S. A cure for crime? Psycho-pharma-
pressant use per se was associated with an only modestly ceuticals and crime trends. J Policy Anal Manage 2010;30:29-
increased risk of committing a homicide, with borderline 56.
statistical significance. Benzodiazepine and analgesic use 6. Bouvy PF, Liem M. Antidepressants and lethal violence in the
Netherlands 1994-2008. Psychopharmacology 2012;222:499-
was linked with a higher risk of homicidal offending, and
the findings remained highly significant even after correc- 7. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The Adverse Event Report-
tion for multiple comparisons. ing System (AERS): latest quarterly data file, 2010. www.fda.gov.
These results which may probably be generalized to 8. Moore TJ, Glenmullen J, Furberg CD. Prescription drugs asso-
other developed and stable societies that have a low to ciated with reports of violence towards others. PLoS One 2010;5:
medium homicide rate, although not necessarily to coun-
9. Tardiff K, Marzuk PM, Leon AC. Role of antidepressants in mur-
tries with higher rates of organized and premeditated der and suicide. Am J Psychiatry 2002;159:1248-9.
crime imply that the use of antidepressants should not 10. Barber CW, Azrael D, Hemenway D et al. Suicides and suicide
be denied to either adults or adolescents due to a pre- attempts following homicide. Homicide Stud 2008;12:285-97.

246 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June

11. Lehti M, Kivivuori J. Homicide in Finland. In: Liem MCA, 14. Tiihonen J, Lo nnqvist J, Wahlbeck K et al. 11-year follow-up
Pridemore WA (eds). Handbook of European homicide research. study of mortality in patients with schizophrenia: a population-
Patterns, explanations, and country studies. New York: Springer, based cohort study (FIN11 study). Lancet 2009;374:620-7.
2012:391-404. 15. Tiihonen J, Haukka J, Taylor M et al. A nationwide cohort study
12. World Health Organization. ATC/DDD Index 2006. www. of oral and depot antipsychotics after first hospitalization for
whocc.no. schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry 2011;168:603-9.
13. Tiihonen J, Wahlbeck K, Lo nnqvist J et al. Effectiveness of 16. Tiihonen J, Suokas JT, Suvisaari JM et al. Polypharmacy with anti-
antipsychotic treatments in a nationwide cohort of patients in psychotics, antidepressants, or benzodiazepines and mortality in
community care after first hospitalization due to schizophrenia schizophrenia. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2012;69:476-83.
and schizoaffective disorder: observational follow-up study. BMJ
2006;333:224-7. DOI 10.1002/wps.20220


Designer benzodiazepines: a new challenge

In the February 2015 issue of World Psychiatry, Schifano but it is unclear if designer benzodiazepines are covered
et al (1) gave an overview of novel psychoactive substances by the Controlled Substances Analogue Enforcement Act,
and their potentially harmful effects. They highlighted that 1986. Similar legal problems exist in most other countries
in the last couple of years the number of drugs offered via in the world, making it difficult to reduce availability of
Internet shops has increased dramatically and that benzo- these dangerous new drugs.
diazepines are often used to treat intoxications with these
drugs in the clinical setting. Bjoern Moosmann1,2, Leslie A. King3,
We would like to point out that designer benzodiazepines Volker Auwa rter1
have become a rapidly growing class of drugs of abuse in Institute of Forensic Medicine, Forensic Toxicology,
their own right in the last two years. We believe that mental Medical Center - University of Freiburg, Germany;
health professionals should be aware of this new development. Hermann Staudinger Graduate School, University of
The first designer benzodiazepines available online were Freiburg, Germany; 3Basingstoke, UK
diclazepam, flubromazepam and pyrazolam (2-4). Recently,
five others became readily available (i.e., clonazolam, des-
chloroetizolam, flubromazolam, nifoxipam and meclonaze- Acknowledgements
pam), none of which has been approved for medicinal use
in any country. Nearly all of these compounds have been This article has been produced with the financial support
synthesized as drug candidates by pharmaceutical compa- of the Drug Prevention and Information Programme of
nies and their syntheses, as well as basic animal testing data, the European Union (JUST/2011/DPIP/AG/3597), the
are described in the literature along with many more poten- German Federal Ministry of Health, and the City of
tial successors (5). Typical formulations are tablets, capsules Frankfurt/Main, Germany. The contents of the article are
or blotters in various doses. Furthermore, the drugs are also the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be
offered as pure powders with prices as low as 5-10 US cents taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.
per dose.
Immunochemical tests applied in clinical settings and
drug rehabilitation detect most of the designer benzodiaze- References
pines with sufficient sensitivity. However, the mass spectro-
metric methods needed for confirmation do not regularly 1. Schifano F, Orsolini L, Papanti GD et al. Novel psychoactive sub-
stances of interest for psychiatry. World Psychiatry 2015;14:15-26.
cover the latest designer benzodiazepines, due to lack of ref-
2. Moosmann B, Bisel P, Auwa rter V. Characterization of the design-
erence materials. Practitioners should be aware of this limi- er benzodiazepine diclazepam and preliminary data on its metabo-
tation and carefully assess seemingly false-positive results. lism and pharmacokinetics. Drug Test Anal 2014;6:757-63.
Due to their high potency, compounds like clonazolam 3. Moosmann B, Huppertz LM, Hutter M et al. Detection and iden-
or flubromazolam can cause strong sedation and amnesia tification of the designer benzodiazepine flubromazepam and pre-
liminary data on its metabolism and pharmacokinetics. J Mass
at oral doses as low as 0.5 mg. Such low doses are extreme-
Spectrom 2013;48:1150-9.
ly difficult to measure for users handling bulk materials, 4. Moosmann B, Hutter M, Huppertz LM et al. Characterization of
and tablets often vary greatly in the content of the active the designer benzodiazepine pyrazolam and its detectability in
ingredient. This can lead to unintended overdosing, and human serum and urine. Forensic Toxicol 2013;31:263-71.
could also be of concern in drug facilitated crimes (6). 5. Sternbach LH, Randall LO, Banziger R et al. Structure-activity
relationships in the 1,4-benzodiazepine series. In: Burger A (ed).
Designer benzodiazepines are often taken as self-
Drugs affecting the central nervous system. London: Edward
medication by users of stimulant and hallucinogenic drugs, Arnold, 1968:237-64.
leading to upper downer cycles (7) and risk of severe 6. Robertson M, Raymon L. RohypnolV R and other benzodiazepines.

addiction in people frequenting the party scene. Persons In: LeBeau MA, Mozayani A (eds). Drug-facilitated sexual assault:
with anxiety disorders also tend to self-medicate on these a forensic handbook. London: Academic Press, 2001:89-106.
7. Kozel NJ, Adams EH. Cocaine use in America: epidemiologic and
drugs if a medical prescription cannot be obtained (8). The
clinical perspectives. Natl Inst Drug Abuse Res Monogr Ser 1985;
high availability of these drugs via online vendors and the 61:136-8.
low price may facilitate development of addiction in this 8. Bolton J, Cox B, Clara I et al. Use of alcohol and drugs to self-
population. medicate anxiety disorders in a nationally representative sample.
Many classical benzodiazepines are listed in Sched- J Nerv Ment Dis 2006;194:818-25.
ule 4 of the 1971 United Nations Convention. They are
DOI 10.1002/wps.20236
also in Schedule IV of the U.S. Controlled Substances Act,

248 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015


When local poverty is more important than your

income: mental health in minorities in inner cities
In the next decades, the worlds population in urban (bi 5 3.58, SE 5 1.78, p < 0.05) were associated with an
areas will increase by 2-3 billion people (1). Within this increase in mental distress. The most pronounced effect
population context, there is increasing evidence that both due to individual factors was associated with having a
socially disadvantaged inhabitants and people with a mi- migration background, which led to an increase of more
nority status are at high risk for mental disorders and men- than 3.5 points on the GHQ-28. The age effect corres-
tal health burden (2-4). ponded to an increase of roughly 1.5 points on the GHQ-
Differential analyses of individual-level and neighborhood- 28 per decade, and each 100 Euros lower monthly income
level socioeconomic factors in native citizens have sug- led to an increase of roughly 1 point on the GHQ-28.
gested that the neighborhood context may impact mental When assessing neighborhood effects, the percentage
health beyond individual differences in income and edu- of citizens on public welfare at the neighborhood level
cation (5). Recent data indicate that the processing of accounted for the largest share in the variance in mental
social stress is different in migrants in connection with health (bn 5 1.12, SE 5 0.26, p < 0.001), corresponding to
urbanicity, raising the possibility of additive or interactive roughly 11 points on the GHQ-28 for each 10% increase
effects of these risk factors (6). We investigated the effects in the percentage of residents receiving public welfare
of individual differences in socioeconomic and minority benefits within the neighborhood. Crucially, we found a
status, as well as of poverty and ethnic composition at the significant interaction between individual minority status
level of urban neighborhoods, on mental health in an in- and neighborhood level poverty at a more liberal thresh-
ner city population in Berlin, Germany. old (bi,n 5 0.50, SE 5 0.30, p < 0.10), indicating that a 10%
Participants were selected from public registries com- increase in the percentage of residents on public welfare
prising all residents in 11 neighborhoods within the central in the neighborhood corresponded to an increase of
district of Berlins inner city (Berlin-Mitte) in combina- roughly 8 points on the GHQ-28 in the entire population,
tion with on-site selection and snowballing (see 7 for and an additional 5 points on the GHQ-28 in residents
details). We focused on the largest minority in Berlin, i.e., with minority status.
people with a Turkish migration background (8). Res- To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study
pondents (N 5 478) reflected the average age and gender showing that poverty in the neighborhood, as indexed by
distribution within each of the neighborhoods (8). Neigh- the proportion of residents in a local neighborhood on pub-
borhood variables derived from microcensus data included lic welfare, explains significantly more variance in mental
the age and gender distribution, the proportion of residents health among persons with versus without a migration
with minority status (ethnic density), and the proportion background, beyond individual effects of age and income.
of residents on public welfare in local neighborhood com- From a public health perspective, these findings may
munities. have implications for the prevention of mental health
Interviews were conducted in German and Turkish by problems in inner city minority populations. One may
trained interviewers and consisted of a socio-demographic well hypothesize that general economic measures and
assessment and the General Health Questionnaire 28-item interventions aimed at alleviating poverty may, on a popu-
version (GHQ-28) (9). lation level, have a significant impact on mental health.
We used individual level variables (age, gender, years of Likewise, interventions aimed at alleviating the mental
education, monthly net income per household member, health burden specific to residents with a minority status
and minority status) and neighborhood-level variables may have to take local poverty effects into account. At
(ethnic density and percentage of residents on public wel- this level, policy makers, public health experts, and actors
fare within a neighborhood) to predict mental health sta- in community psychiatry and prevention may want to
tus in a multilevel model using R System for Statistical consider expanding service provision according to local
Computing (www.cran.org). In addition, we specified a economic factors.
term for the interaction of the presence of a migration
background with local poverty levels, which we added to Michael A. Rapp1,2, Ulrike Kluge1,3, Simone Penka1,3,
the specified models. Azra Vardar1, Marion C. Aichberger1, Adrian P.
On average, subjects with a minority status had signi- Mundt , Meryam Schouler-Ocak1, Mike Mo
sko5, Jeffrey
ficantly less years of education, less income, and higher Butler , Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg , Andreas Heinz1
6 7
levels of mental distress. On an individual level, increasing Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Campus
age (bi 5 0.15, SE 5 0.07, p < 0.05), decreasing income Mitte, Charite University Medicine Berlin, Berlin,
(bi 5 20.86, SE 5 0.42, p < 0.05), and minority status Germany; 2Social and Preventive Medicine, University

of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany; 3Berlin Institute for 2. Cantor-Graae E, Selten JP. Schizophrenia and migration: a meta-
Integration and Migration Research, Humboldt analysis and review. Am J Psychiatry 2005;162:12-24.
3. Ludwig J, Duncan GJ, Gennetian LA et al. Neighborhood effects
University, Berlin, Germany; 4Departamento de on the long-term well-being of low-income adults. Science 2012;
Psiquiatra y Salud Mental, Hospital Clnico 337:1505-10.
Universidad de Chile; Escuela de Medicina Sede Puerto 4. Heinz A, Deserno L, Reininghaus U. Urbanicity, social adversity
Montt, Universidad San Sebastian, Santiago, Chile; and psychosis. World Psychiatry 2013;123:187-97.
5 5. Galea S, Ahern J, Nandi A et al. Urban neighborhood poverty and
Institute for Medical Psychology, University of
the incidence of depression in a population-based cohort study.
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany; 6Bezirksamt Berlin- Ann Epidemiol 2007;17:171-9.
Mitte, Berlin, Germany; 7Central Institute of Mental 6. Akdeniz C, Tost H, Streit F et al. Neuroimaging evidence for a
Health, University of Heidelberg/Medical Faculty, role of neural social stress processing in ethnic minority associat-
Mannheim, Germany ed environmental risk. JAMA Psychiatry 2014;71:672-80.
7. Mundt AP, Aichberger MC, Kliewe T et al. Random sampling for
a mental health survey in a deprived multi-ethnic area of Berlin.
Community Ment Health J 2014;48:792-7.
Acknowledgements 8. Bezirksamt Mitte von Berlin. Basisdaten zur Bevo lkerung und
sozialen Lage im Bezirk Berlin-Mitte. www.berlin.de/ba-mitte/
This work was funded by grants from the Volkswagen org/gesplanleit/publ_liste.html.
Foundation and the German Federal Ministry for Educa- 9. Goldberg DP. Manual of the General Health Questionnaire.
Windsor: NFER Publishing, 1978.
tion and Research (BMBF 01 EL0807). The first two
authors contributed equally to the work. DOI 10.1002/wps.20221


1. United Nations Population Fund. State of world population 2012.

By choice, not by chance: family planning, human rights and
development. New York: United Nations Population Fund, 2012.

250 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015


Urbanization and the prevalence of schizophrenia

in China between 1990 and 2010
Among the environmental risk factors for schizophrenia, Applying these prevalence estimates to the correspond-
evidence supports a role of urbanicity (1-3). In recent dec- ing population of China, there were 3.09 (95% CI: 2.87-
ades, urbanization has been occurring at a massive scale in 3.32) million persons affected during their lifetime in the
low- and middle-income countries (4,5). It is therefore of year 1990. Twenty-seven percent of the cases were from
global public health importance to explore how rapid urban- urban areas, which corresponds to the overall proportion
ization might have affected the burden of schizophrenia in of urban residents in China in the same year (26.4%). By
growing economies, with China being a prime example. 2010, the number of persons affected with schizophrenia
Epidemiological evidence in China has improved over rose to 7.16 (95% CI: 6.57-7.75) million, a 132% increase,
the past two decades and Chinese academic journals have while the total population of China only increased by 18%
become accessible in electronic databases (6). Moreover, during this period (4). Moreover, the contribution of
China recently underwent urbanization and economic expected cases from urban areas to the overall burden in-
development at an unprecedented scale: 26.4% of its 1.1 bil- creased from 27% in 1990 to 62% in 2010, well above the
lion inhabitants lived in urban areas in 1990, rising to 49.2- proportion of urban residents in China in 2010 (49.2-49.7%).
49.7% of 1.3 billion in 2010 (4,7). We may expect a signi- This study helps to establish the universality of urbani-
ficant increase of schizophrenia burden in China as a result. city as a risk factor and the extent to which it affects the
To explore this, we conducted a systematic review of burden of schizophrenia in a large country that under-
the Chinese and English literature, through China National went rapid urbanization. As schizophrenia prevalence was
Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang and PubMed, for the found to be similar in rural and urban China at the begin-
years from 1990 to 2010. Only studies that had applied a ning of industrialization (late 1980s) (8), our findings
case definition based on DSM-III or IV, ICD-9 or 10, or suggest that the mechanisms driving the risks of illness in
Chinese Classification of Mental Disorders (CCMD-2, 2R urban areas are likely to be associated with modern urban
or 3) were retained. lifestyles. The lower rates of schizophrenia found when
Based on pre-defined minimum quality criteria, 42 prev- China was less industrialized are consistent with studies
alence studies were selected. They were mostly large that reported lower rates of the illness in low- and middle-
population-based studies, typically using a two-stage data income countries (3).
collection design in which trained assessors performed an This analysis has broad implications. Many populous
initial screening and psychiatrists followed up with a de- parts of the world, particularly in low- and middle-income
tailed evaluation. Direct contact was made with the corre- countries, are undergoing urbanization at a scale and rate
sponding authors of 13 studies to obtain any missing that took Western countries centuries to achieve (9).
information. Geographically, the retained studies covered Global urbanization may therefore result in an increased
21 of mainland Chinas 31 provinces, municipalities and global prevalence of schizophrenia through mechanisms
autonomous regions. Bayesian methods were applied to that need to be further explored.
predict maximum likelihood for point prevalence and life-
time prevalence in urban and rural China in the years
1990, 2000 and 2010.
The analyses of the 42 studies combined information Kit Yee Chan1,2, Fei-fei Zhao3, Shijiao Meng3,
from 2,284,957 people, 10,506 of whom were diagnosed Alessandro R. Demaio4,5, Craig Reed1,
with schizophrenia in their lifetime. In urban areas, the Evropi Theodoratou1, Harry Campbell1,
point prevalence (15 years) of the disorder was 0.32% Wei Wang3, Igor Rudan1
(95% CI: 0.29-0.36) in 1990, 0.47% (95% CI: 0.44-0.50) in Centre for Population Health Sciences and Global
2000, and 0.68% (95% CI: 0.57-0.81) in 2010. In contrast, Health Academy, University of Edinburgh Medical
in rural areas, the corresponding estimates were 0.37% School, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK; 2Nossal Institute for
(95% CI: 0.33-0.42), 0.36% (95% CI: 0.35-0.38), and Global Health, University of Melbourne, Melbourne,
0.35% (95% CI: 0.33-0.38). Lifetime prevalence (15 Australia; 3Municipal Key Laboratory of Clinical
years) in urban China was 0.39% (95% CI: 0.37-0.41) in Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Capital Medical
1990, 0.57% (95% CI: 0.55-0.59) in 2000, and 0.83% (95% University, Beijing, China; 4Harvard Global Equity
CI: 0.75-0.91) in 2010. The corresponding estimates for Initiative, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA;
rural areas were 0.37% (95% CI: 0.34-0.40), 0.43% (95% Copenhagen School of Global Health, University of
CI: 0.42-0.44), and 0.50% (95% CI: 0.47-0.53). Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Acknowledgements 3. Saha S, Chant D, Welham J et al. A systematic review of the prev-
alence of schizophrenia. PLoS Med 2005;2:e141.
4. United Nations Population Division. Total population; urban and
The study was supported by the Nossal Institute of Global rural population. New York: United Nations Population Division,
Health, University of Melbourne; the National 12th Five- 2013.
Year Major Projects of China; the Australian National 5. Cohen B. Urbanisation in developing countries: current trends,
Health and Medical Research Council; the Importation future projections, and key challenges for sustainability. Technol
and Development of High-Calibre Talents Project of Bei- Soc 2006;28:63-80.
6. Xia J, Wright J, Adams CE. Five large Chinese biomedical biblio-
jing Municipal Institutions; and the Bill and Melinda graphic databases: accessibility and coverage. Health Info Libr J
Gates Foundation. The first three authors contributed 2008;25:55-61.
equally to this work. 7. Peng X. Chinas demographic history and future challenges. Sci-
ence 2011;333:581-7.
8. Yang LH, Phillips MR, Li X et al. Employment outcome for peo-
ple with schizophrenia in rural v. urban China: population-based
References study. Br J Psychiatry 2013;203:272-9.
9. Wei Y. Urban policy, economic policy, and the growth of large
1. Vassos E, Pedersen CB, Murray RM et al. Meta-analysis of the cities in China. Habitat Int 1994;18:53-65.
association of urbanicity with schizophrenia. Schizophr Bull 2012;
38:1118-23. DOI 10.1002/wps.20222
2. Heinz A, Deserno L, Reininghaus U. Urbanicity, social adversity
and psychosis. World Psychiatry 2013;12:187-97.

252 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015


Obituary: Juan Jose Lo

pez-Ibor (1941-2015)
NORMAN SARTORIUS many surprising adornments that made country, ensured that printed copies
Association for Improvement of Mental Health you want to hear more and more. were made available to all, designed
Programmes, Geneva, Switzerland All of these features gained strength training programmes in the use of the
and meaning from the humanism that classification for different categories of
In 1966, Juan Jose Lo  pez-Ibors fa- was at all times a dominant determinant mental health workers, spoke about it
ther hosted the 4th World Congress of of Juan Joses action and thought. He at various major professional meetings,
Psychiatry in Madrid. I listened to him acted in consonance with his convic- both in Spain and in other Spanish
speaking and was amazed by the width tions and profound sense of justice, speaking countries. The program was
of his knowledge and the cosmopolitan fighting for the rights or people with so successful that it became the model
style which he adopted with ease, while mental illness and against the abuse for the introduction of similar changes
remaining harmonious with the tradi- which they so often experienced. He into practice in a number of other
tions and culture of Spain. did so with strength but also with a clear mental health programs in different
Juan Jose tried to emulate his father determination to improve the situation countries.
in the choice of his profession, in his rather than stop at punishing those who Several years ago Juan Jose was
international links, in the topics which were responsible for the situation that struck by an illness that did not respond
he selected for study (such as psychopa- needed to be improved. A good exam- to treatment and eventually took him
thology), in his loyalty to and work in ple of the implementation of this atti- away from us. He understood that the
the WPA (of which he became Presi- tude was the improvement of training prognosis of his ailment was poor and
dent on the thirtieth anniversary of his programs for psychiatrists that resulted that his days were numbered. His reac-
father being elected President) and in from the highly successful visit of a tion to this realization was admirable.
numerous other ways. He also admired WPA group to China at the time of Falun He continued with his work, attended
his mother, an accomplished scholar Gong members complaints about the scientific meetings, wrote about various
and devoted mother to him and his way in which the members of the sect subjects and above all retained his ca-
eleven brothers and sisters, and a per- were treated and considered mentally pacity to laugh and be jovial, pleasant in
son whose wisdom continued to influ- ill. His support and contribution to the company and admirable in his abilities.
ence his later career and action. development of the Madrid Declara- His way of dealing with his illness was
Yet, while trying to emulate his fa- tion, which governs the professional yet another confirmation of greatness
ther, Juan Jose surpassed him. A unique behavior of psychiatrists, is another given only to a few.
and remarkable person, he made major example of his commitment to justice It would be easy to list the many pro-
contributions to psychiatry, to medicine and ethical practice of medicine. grams and projects in which Prof.
in general and to science, established a I had the pleasure of working with Lo pez-Ibor played a major role and
worldwide network of friends and col- Juan Jose over many years first while recall the topics of his many publica-
laborators, and educated generation we developed collaborative ventures tions and presentations. I did not do
after generation of psychiatrists and between the mental health program of this because I believe that the most im-
medical students. the World Health Organization and Juan portant legacy that he left is that of
Fluent in major European languages Joses department (and his local and being an example of a person who has
and superbly trained in psychiatry in international network) and subsequently reached the peak of professional capac-
Germany, France, Switzerland and during many years of joint work in the ity yet retained and continued demon-
Spain, he accumulated knowledge and WPA. The project of making the mental strating his humanism, sense of justice
experience about a broad variety of sub- disorders chapter of the International and commitment to ethical principles
jects, ranging from philosophy to ecolo- Classification of Diseases (which he and that should govern our profession.
gy and from psychoanalysis to neuroim- his coworkers translated into Spanish) I shall miss him, not only as a model
aging. He could speak about a great widely used exemplified Juan Joses from which one can always learn and be
variety of topics, gracing the arrays of remarkable capacity to organize the inspired, but also as a good friend always
facts with anecdotes and personal translation of knowledge into practice. caring and optimistic, courageous and
views, making his talks resemble a He made arrangements for the then witty, generous and thoughtful.
Christmas tree with candles illuminat- new classification to be presented in a
series of scientific meetings all over the DOI 10.1002/wps.20224
ing some of the branches and with

WPA Social justice for the mentally ill
DINESH BHUGRA stakeholders to develop and deliver the As you know, Prof. Juan Jose Lo  pez-
President, World Psychiatric Association agenda on mental health. The WPA is Ibor passed away on January 12, 2015.
working very closely with the World He was a true giant of Spanish psychia-
I am truly honoured and humbled Health Organization to develop and try and of world psychiatry. The Execu-
to take this role on. Nearly nine months deliver this mental health agenda. I was tive Committee and the whole organi-
into the job, I am realizing how much invited to speak at the H20 Health zation will miss him. His contributions
hard work my predecessors had put in Summit in Melbourne as a prelude to will be part of his legacy and will form a
over the years and would like to thank the G20 summit in Brisbane and I part of the global psychiatry for decades
them for their input and efforts into strongly believe that around the globe to come. We are all immensely grateful
making the organization what it is. we are reaching a point where mental that he contributed so much to psychia-
health is being taken seriously. We all try research, policy and development at
Following the publication of the
have a role to play and once again I a number of levels. On a more personal
WPA Action Plan 2014-2017 in the
would strongly urge you to contact your level, I am really grateful for his sup-
October 2014 issue of World Psychia-
policy makers making sure that often it port, help and friendship and we shall
try (1), it is worth recalling that the
is other stakeholders such as Ministers miss his sage advice. Our thoughts are
General Assembly in Madrid approved
for Education, Economy or Employ- with his family and friends and may his
this programme, which aims to high-
ment who may be more interested in soul rest in peace.
light the public mental health agenda.
getting families back to work. Before the recent WPA Regional Meet-
Its themes form the core of social jus-
There are examples from other coun- ing in Hong Kong, I had the opportuni-
tice for people with mental illness. The
tries which we can attempt to emulate. ty of meeting the Secretary for Health as
aim is to improve the outcomes and
But the key to all this is social justice. well as the Secretary for Social Care to
chances for recovery.
Social justice means that patients with discuss what changes are needed to
There is no reason why people with
mental illness should have the same improve services in Hong Kong. I have
mental illness should die 15-20 years rights to employment, housing, social had similar meetings in the UK. In the
younger and face discrimination and functioning and outcomes and recovery recent Indian Psychiatric Society annu-
prejudice. Five parallel themes have as those who have physical illness. al meeting, some of the most exciting
been identified. These include: a) do- The WPA website is under renova- research and work that is going on in
mestic gender-based interpersonal vio- tion and reconstruction with an attempt India and in the region was presented.
lence; b) child sexual, physical and to make it more interactive and user- These observations illustrate that there
emotional abuse; c) prisoner mental friendly. I have also established a Presi- is an opportunity where we should be
health care; d) mental health care of dential Task Force to develop social learning from each other about what is
underserved groups such as elderly; media presence for the organization. the best practice for our patients.
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender; Another Presidential Task Force has Preparations are underway for the
those with intellectual disabilities, mi- been established on public education International Conference of the WPA
grants, refugees and asylum seekers; and I am delighted that A. Sharma from in Bucharest and a Regional Meeting
and e) mental health promotion for all. India is leading it. A. Tasman is leading in Osaka and I very much hope that
Although these five streams are verti- the Presidential Task Force on setting as many members as possible will
cal, they also form a horizontal basis up a qualification in collaboration with attend these so that we can continue
and for each of them a Presidential our collaborating centres and university to learn from each other.
Task Force has been appointed. The partners. I am determined to get more I am keen to hear from our members
details of the Task Forces are available early career psychiatrists involved in and societies about what the added val-
from me directly or the WPA Secretari- various committees and activities of the ue of the WPA is. So please do feel free
at. The aim is to launch reports at inter- WPA and as agreed by the Executive to get in touch with ideas on how we
national conferences. If any individual Committee they will have observer sta- can improve the organization and com-
or group wishes to take part in this, tus on all standing and operational com- munication both within the organiza-
please do not hesitate to contact the mittees. tion and with other agencies.
Secretariat. The new Executive Committee has
For the first time ever, the World had two meetings since the election and Reference
Economic Forum has appointed a we are all keen to work together to pro-
1. Bhugra D. The WPA Action Plan 2014
Global Agenda Council on Mental vide added value to the member organi- 2017. World Psychiatry 2014;13:328.
Health and this gives me a unique op- zations of the WPA at a number of
portunity to work with a number of key levels. DOI 10.1002/wps.20225

254 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

An update on the activities of WPA
Scientific Sections
AFZAL JAVED Section on Religion, Spirituality and it is heartening to note that most of
WPA Secretary for Sections Psychiatry). them have elected new members on
Several Sections also have officially these positions. This will certainly help
Scientific Sections keep on having linked international scientific journals. WPA in promotion of leadership and
a prominent position in the working These include the Journal of Affective involvement of young psychiatrists in
of WPA, especially for promoting and Disorders, Psychopathology, Academic the working of the Association.
disseminating scientific knowledge a- Psychiatry, History of Psychiatry, Per- There will be a prominent partici-
round the globe. The current number sonality and Mental Health, the Journal pation of Scientific Sections at the
of Sections has increased to 69, after of Mental Health Policy and Econo- forthcoming WPA International Con-
the establishment of the new Section mics, the International Journal of Men- ference in Bucharest (June 2015). An
on HIV/AIDS Psychiatry, chaired by tal Health, the Journal of Intellectual Intersectional Forum is also planned
M.A. Cohen. Disability Research, Activitas Nervosa there on the topic of old age psychia-
WPA Sections enjoy a great degree Superior, Psychiatry in General Practice, try, and two intersectional educational
of independence within the framework Transcultural Psychiatry, and the Ar- teaching and training programmes will
of the WPA Statutes and By-Laws chives of Womens Mental Health. also take place.
(1,2). The Section work is supported by The survey also revealed that WPA Section officers and members are
an Operational Committee headed by membership have considerable infor- also contributing extensively to the
the Secretary for Sections. mation on the activities of the WPA WPA official journal World Psychiatry
During the 2014 World Congress of Scientific Sections, and 60% of the re- (4-18). Their interest and participation
Psychiatry in Madrid, Section officers sponding Member Societies rated the in the development of the chapter on
attended a special meeting, during impact and visibility of these activities mental disorders of the ICD-11 is
which reports were presented about as excellent or good, while the another ongoing contribution to the
the activities implemented during the quality of these activities was rated as psychiatric field (19,20).
triennium 2011-2014. The results of a excellent or good by 65% of the It is expected that the enthusiasm
WPA survey showed that the majority respondents. of Scientific Sections for their WPA
of Sections were fully functional dur- The WPA Action Plan for 2014-2017 work will continue and will bring
ing that period. Organizing sessions at (3) was also discussed during the further contributions to the quality of
WPA sponsored and co-sponsored Madrid meeting, with a special empha- scientific knowledge and the develop-
meetings was found to be the most sis on Sections future role in developing ment of innovative approaches in psy-
common activity (implemented by 88% the theme of promotion of mental chiatric practice.
of Sections). There was also a notice- health as a targeted action. Sections
able increase in the number of WPA have indeed started planning various
co-sponsored meetings organized by activities looking at a number of aspects
individual Sections during 2011-2014. of this particular area, with a main focus
1. Javed A. WPA Scientific Sections. World
The number of such WPA co-spon- on producing educational leaflets for Psychiatry 2013;12:278.
sored meetings and conferences (either the general public, updating the WPA 2. Javed A. News from WPA Scientific Sec-
organized as an independent meeting website, preparing slides and education- tions. World Psychiatry 2014;13:205.
and/or supported by one of the WPA al material for professionals, developing 3. Bhugra D. The WPA Action Plan 2014-
2017. World Psychiatry 2014;13:328.
Scientific Sections) reached a very high slides and educational material for 4. Economou M, Madianos M, Peppou
number (39 meetings compared to 17 medical students, providing sugges- LE. Suicidal ideation and reported sui-
meetings in the triennium 2008-2011). tions for curriculum development for cide attempts in Greece during the eco-
Within the World Congress, 65 sympo- trainees in psychiatry, producing nomic crisis. World Psychiatry 2013;12:
guidelines and consensus statements, 53-9.
sia and 22 workshops were organized
5. Berrios GE, Markova IS. Is the concept
by Sections. organizing scientific sessions at WPA of dimension applicable to psychiatric
Some Scientific Sections have pro- meetings, identifying themes for inter- objects? World Psychiatry 2013;12:76-
duced position statements during the sectional collaboration, implementing 8.
triennium (e.g., that on independent some joint intersectional projects, and 6. van Praag HM. Religiosity, a personality
trait to be reckoned within psychiatry.
medical examinations by the Forensic strengthening links with other allied
World Psychiatry 2013;12:33-4.
Psychiatry Section), and others have professional organizations. 7. Dein SL. Religion and mental health: the
developed training courses for resi- The Sections also keep on having contribution of anthropology. World Psy-
dents (e.g., that developed by the their elections every three years, and chiatry 2013;12:34-5.

8. Moreira-Almeida A. Religion and health: 13. Fleischhacker WW. Adherence/compli- 17. Fountoulakis KN, Moller H-J. Are anti-
the more we know the more we need to ance: a multifaceted challenge. World Psy- depressants clinically useful? Conclusion
know. World Psychiatry 2013;12:37-8. chiatry 2013;12:232-3. of a decade of debate. World Psychiatry
9. Lopez-Ibor JJ Jr, Lopez-Ibor MI, Gonzalez- 14. Carli V, Hoven CW, Wasserman C et al. 2014;13:201-2.
Vives S et al. Disentangling complexities A newly identified group of adolescents 18. Economou M, Peppou LE, Souliotis K
in the relationship between religion and at invisible risk for psychopathology et al. Gambling and the enduring finan-
psychiatry. World Psychiatry 2013;12:42- and suicidal behavior: findings from the cial recession in Greece. World Psychia-
3. SEYLE study. World Psychiatry 2014;13: try 2014;13:324.
10. Verhagen PJ. A complex subject matter 78-86. 19. Bucci P. WPA partnership with the World
asks for a clear lead. World Psychiatry 15. Bertelli MO, Salvador-Carulla L, Scuticchio Health Organization in the development
2013;12:43. D et al. Moving beyond intelligence in the of the ICD-11 chapter on mental disor-
11. Christodoulou NG, Christodoulou GN. revision of ICD-10: specific cognitive func- ders. World Psychiatry 2013;12:87-8.
Management of the psychosocial effects of tions in intellectual developmental disor- 20. Volpe U. WPA contribution to the devel-
economic crises. World Psychiatry 2013; ders. World Psychiatry 2014;13:93-4. opment of the chapter on mental disor-
12:78. 16. Moussaoui D. When psychiatrists are ders of the ICD-11: an update. World
12. Rondon MB. Priority issues in womens forced to deal with religion in daily prac- Psychiatry 2013;12:183-4.
mental health. World Psychiatry 2013;12: tice. World Psychiatry 2014;13:203-4.
275-6. DOI 10.1002/wps.20226

256 World Psychiatry 14:2 - June 2015

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The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) World Psychiatry

The WPA is an association of national psychiatric societies World Psychiatry is the official journal of the World
aimed to increase knowledge and skills necessary for work in Psychiatric Association. It is published in three issues per year
the field of mental health and the care for the mentally ill. Its and is sent free of charge to psychiatrists whose names and
member societies are presently 135, spanning 118 different addresses are provided by WPA member societies and sec-
countries and representing more than 200,000 psychiatrists. tions.
The WPA organizes the World Congress of Psychiatry Research Reports containing unpublished data are wel-
every three years. It also organizes international and regional come for submission to the journal. They should be subdivided
congresses and meetings, and thematic conferences. It has 69 into four sections (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion).
scientific sections, aimed to disseminate information and pro- References should be numbered consecutively in the text and
mote collaborative work in specific domains of psychiatry. It listed at the end according to the following style:
has produced several educational programmes and series of 1. Cuijpers P, Sijbrandij M, Koole SL et al. Adding psy-
books. It has developed ethical guidelines for psychiatric chotherapy to antidepressant medication in depression
practice, including the Madrid Declaration (1996). and anxiety disorders: a meta-analysis. World Psychiatry
Further information on the WPA can be found on the web- 2014;13:56-67.
site www.wpanet.org. 2. McRae TW. The impact of computers on accounting.
London: Wiley, 1964.
3. Fraeijs de Veubeke B. Displacement and equilibrium mod-
WPA Executive Committee
els in the finite element method. In: Zienkiewicz OC,
President D. Bhugra (UK)
Hollister GS (eds). Stress analysis. London: Wiley,
President-Elect H. Herrman (Australia)
Secretary General R.A. Kallivayalil (India)
All submissions should be sent to the office of the Editor.
Secretary for Finances A. Soghoyan (Armenia)
Secretary for Meetings M. Takeda (Japan)
Editor M. Maj (Italy).
Secretary for Education E. Belfort (Venezuela)
Editorial Board D. Bhugra (UK), H. Herrman (Australia),
Secretary for Publications M. Riba (USA)
R.A. Kallivayalil (India), A. Soghoyan (Armenia), M. Takeda
Secretary for Sections A. Javed (UK/Pakistan)
(Japan), E. Belfort (Venezuela), M. Riba (USA), A. Javed
WPA Secretariat Advisory Board H.S. Akiskal (USA), R.D. Alarcn (USA),
Geneva University Psychiatric Hospital, 2 Chemin du Petit J.A. Costa e Silva (Brazil), J. Cox (UK), M. Jorge (Brazil), H.
Bel-Air, 1225 Chne-Bourg, Geneva, Switzerland. Phone: Katschnig (Austria), F. Lieh-Mak (Hong Kong-China), F. Lolas
+41223055737; Fax: +41223055735; E-mail: wpasecretariat@ (Chile), J.E. Mezzich (USA), D. Moussaoui (Morocco), P.
wpanet.org. Munk-Jorgensen (Denmark), F. Njenga (Kenya), A. Okasha
(Egypt), J. Parnas (Denmark), V. Patel (India), P. Ruiz (USA),
N. Sartorius (Switzerland), C. Stefanis (Greece), A. Tasman
(USA), S. Tyano (Israel), J. Zohar (Israel).

Office of the Editor Department of Psychiatry, University of

Naples SUN, Largo Madonna delle Grazie, 80138 Naples,
Italy. Phone: +390815666502; Fax: +390815666523; E-mail:
majmario@tin.it. Acknowledgement
This publication has been partially supported by an unrestricted
educational grant from Eli Lilly Italia SpA,
which is hereby gratefully acknowledged.

World Psychiatry is indexed in PubMed, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Current Contents/Social 2015 by WPA Notice No responsibility is assumed by the Publisher for any injury and/or damage to per-
and Behavioral Sciences, Science Citation Index, and EMBASE. sons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or
operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein.
All back issues of World Psychiatry can be downloaded free of charge from the PubMed system
Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of
(http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/tocrender.fcgi?journal=297&action=archive). diagnoses and drug dosages should be made.
WPS-C1SP 5/19/15 7:14 PM Page 1

World Psychiatry


Volume 14, Number 2 June 2015

EDITORIALS Answering some phenomenal challenges to the 181

Prospects and problems for a phenomenological 113 prediction error model of delusions
approach to delusions P.R. CORLETT
R. BENTALL Are the neurocognitive correlates of subtle 184
Neural dynamics in mental disorders 116 subjective symptoms the way forward in psychiatry?
Phenomenology is Bayesian in its application to 185

Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 113-258

Effects of antipsychotics, antidepressants and 119 A.L. MISHARA, P. STERZER
mood stabilizers on risk for physical diseases in Phenomenological and neurocognitive perspectives 186
people with schizophrenia, depression and bipolar on polythematic and monothematic delusions
disorder M. COLTHEART
The effectiveness of psychodynamic psychotherapies: 137 RESEARCH REPORTS
an update Age matters in the prevalence and clinical 189
P. FONAGY significance of ultra-high-risk for psychosis
symptoms and criteria in the general population:
PERSPECTIVES findings from the BEAR and BEARS-Kid studies
The NIMH Experimental Medicine Initiative 151 B.G. SCHIMMELMANN, C. MICHEL,
The human connectome in health and 154 5-HTTLPR genotype potentiates the effects of 198
psychopathology war zone stressors on the emergence of PTSD,
D.C. VAN ESSEN, D.M. BARCH depressive and anxiety symptoms in soldiers
deployed to Iraq
What has serotonin to do with depression? 158
Comparative efficacy and acceptability of 207
The interaction between stress and genetic 161 psychotherapies for depression in children and
factors in the etiopathogenesis of depression adolescents: a systematic review and network
P. MCGUFFIN, M. RIVERA meta-analysis

JUNE 2015
Phenomenological and neuro-cognitive 164 Telemental health: a status update 223
perspectives on delusions: a critical overview E. ABOUJAOUDE, W. SALAME, L. NAIM
Delusions, epistemology and phenophobia 174 Toward a new definition of mental health 231
Phenomenological models of delusions: concerns 175 The alternative DSM-5 model for personality 234
regarding the neglect of the role of emotional disorders
pain and intersubjectivity J.M. OLDHAM
P.H. LYSAKER, J.A. HAMM The Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual 2nd 237
The interpersonal world of psychosis 176 edition (PDM-2)
The intersubjectivity of delusions 178 The critical ingredients of assertive community 240
T. FUCHS treatment
Therapeutic advances for people with delusions 180
will come from greater specification and LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 243
empirical investigation

IMPACT FACTOR: 12.846 ISSN 1723-8617

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