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Means of transport Worksheet 10.

1 Trace the outline of the boxes according to the code. Then draw one
of each type of transport in the boxes.
air transport blue land transport brown sea transport = green

train plane ship

boat underground

helicopter motorbike lorry

car bus

air transport land transport sea transport

2 Use the words from activity 1 to complete the sentences. Use each word
only once.

 A and a sail on water.

 A and a fly in the air.

Oxford University Press Espaa, S. A.

 A and a carry goods.

 A has only 2 wheels.

 The is bigger than a .

Means of transport Worksheet 10.1

1 Trace the outline of the boxes according to the code. Then draw one
of each type of transport in the boxes.
air transport blue land transport brown sea transport = green

train plane ship

boat underground

helicopter motorbike lorry

car bus

air transport land transport sea transport

Free answer. Free answer. Free answer.

blue: plane, helicopter

brown: train, underground, lorry, bus, motorbike, car
green: ship, boat
2 Use the words from activity 1 to complete the sentences. Use each word
only once.

 A ship and a boat sail on water.

 A plane and a helicopter fly in the air.

Oxford University Press Espaa, S. A.

 A train and a lorry carry goods.

 A motorbike has only 2 wheels.

 The underground is bigger than a bus .

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