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Rooftop Solar PV System Designers and


Training Curriculum

APEC Secretariat

March 2015
Phptp by marufish (flickr free use) SAFETY CODES
Training of PV Designer and Installer

Phptp by kyknoord (flickr free use)

Phptp by thomas kohler (flickr free use)

1. Codes and Standards
2. International Installation Standard

Local installation standards and safety codes 3

Codes and Standards
Depending on the country, certain activities in the solar PV design and
installation are regulated by law.

What is a standard: a set of technical definitions and guidelines that

function as instructions for designers, manufacturers, operators, or
users of equipment. Standards are often voluntary

What is a code/regulation: a code is a set of rules that an be adopted

into law. A code can refer to standards in order for the rule to be met

*A simpler definition is: A code tells us what to do, and a standard tells
us how to do it. A code may tell us that the building must be protected
from lightning, and a standard tells us how to protect the building from
lightning that would meet the codes definitions

Local installation standards and safety codes 4

Codes and Standards
A good example is the NFPA 70 in the United States.
NFPA is the National Fire Protection Association which
is a United States trade association that creates and
maintains private, copyrighted, standards relating to
the fire safety.

The United States has a National Electrical Code which

is a regionally adoptable standard for the safe
installation of electrical wiring and equipment. This
code is based on the NFPA 70 standard.

Local installation standards and safety codes 5

Codes and Standards
Many developing economies are lacking the legal code
(such as a building safety code) that specifically covers a
solar PV design and installation. But the trade association
operating in those economies can tell its members to use a
certain standard (existing internationally or created locally)
to design and install a solar PV system.

However, most countries usually already have a building

safety code that covers the wiring and electrical installation
requirements. These codes must be adhered to first and
foremost because they are the law. Using international
standards or a local trade associations standards must be in
excess of the local codes

Local installation standards and safety codes 6

IEC 61215
Standard IEC 61215
Title Crystalline silicone terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - Design qualification and type approval
Description Describes the requirements for the design qualification and type approval of PV modules that can
be used for long term operation in general open-air climates, as defined in IEC 60721-2-1
(Classification of environmental conditions - Part 2-1: Environmental conditions appearing in nature
- Temperature and humidity). Determine the electrical and thermal behaviors of the module. In the
end the goal is to prove that the module is capable of whitstanding prolonged exposure in certain
climates under the test conditions. While not a guarantee that all panels that pass this test will last
for a long time, it is a good indication that the manufacturer have spent resources to ensure the
products pass this requirement.
Recommendation MANDATORY - all panels to be used should have a certificate to prove the conformance to this
standard if the solar PV panels to be used are of the crystalline type

Brand Specific Procedures 7

IEC 61646
Standard IEC 61646
Title Thin-film terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - Design qualification and type approval
Description Specific to photovoltaic modules only. Describes the requirements for the design qualification and
type approval of PV modules that can be used for long term operation in general open-air climates,
as defined in IEC 60721-2-1 (Classification of environmental conditions - Part 2-1: Environmental
conditions appearing in nature - Temperature and humidity). Determine the electrical and thermal
behaviors of the module. In the end the goal is to prove that the module is capable of whitstanding
prolonged exposure in certain climates under the test conditions. While not a guarantee that all
panels that pass this test will last for a long time, it is a good indication that the manufacturer have
spent resources to ensure the products pass this requirement.
Recommendation MANDATORY - all panels to be used should have a certificate to prove the conformance to this
standard if the solar PV panels to be used are of the thin film type

Brand Specific Procedures 8

IEC 61730 - Parts 1&2
Standard IEC 61730
Title Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification
Description Part 1 - Describes the construction requirements for the modules to provide safe electrical and
mechanical operation throughout its expected lifetime. The construction should prevent electrical
shock, fire hazards, and personal injury due to mechanical and environmental stresses. To be used
in conjunction with IEC 61215 or IEC 61646, not to replace them.

Part 2 - Provide the testing procedures to verify the safety of PV modules that has been assessed by
conformance to Part 1. The test procedures and acceptance criteria are designed to detect the
potential failures of any PV module components that would result in fire, electric shock and
personal injury. Defines the basic safety test procedures and additional tests that are typical of the
panel's real world applications. The categories include general inspection, electrical shock hazard,
fire hazard, mechanical stress and environmental stress.

Recommendation MANDATORY - all panels to be used should have a certificate to prove the conformance to this

Brand Specific Procedures 9

IEC 61701
Standard IEC 61701
Title Salt mist corrosion testing of photovoltaic (PV) modules
Description Test procedures to determine the resistance of PV modules to corrosion from salt mist containing
Cl(-) such as NaCL, MgCl2, etc. Can be applied to flat plate PV modules and concentrator PV
modules and assemblies. Includes a cycling test sequence that combines a salt fog exposure
followed by humidity storage under controlled temperature and relative humidity conditions. It
is more suitable to reflect the corrosion processes that happen in PV modules subjected to
permanent or temporary corrosive atmosphere.
Recommendation MANDATORY (conditional) - all panels to be used should have a certificate to prove the
conformance to this standard if the the installation location is in a marine environment or within
a reasonable proximity to the sea or other conditions where there could be frequent exposure to
salt-laden atmosphere

Brand Specific Procedures 10

IEC 62716
Standard IEC 62716
Title Ammonia corrosion testing
Description Test procedures to determine the resistance of PV modules to corrosion from ammonia (NH3).
Highly corrosive atmosphere such as agricultural companies or near cooling towers/devices could
eventually degrade some of the components. The damage can be permanent could impair their
functioning and safe operation
Recommendation MANDATORY (conditional) - all panels to be used should have a certificate to prove the
conformance to this standard if the the installation location is in a location with a high frequency
of exposure to atmosphere containing high levels of ammonia.

Brand Specific Procedures 11

IEC 62804
Standard IEC 62804
Title System voltage durability test for crystalline silicone modules
Description Test procedures involving a climate chamber test at 60C and 85% relative humidity.
Electroluminescence imaging for different currents and low irradiance measurements can provide
early detection and characterization of Potential-Induced Degradation effects on modules that are
experiencing this issue.
Recommendation MANDATORY - all framed panels to be used should have a certificate to prove the conformance to
this standard once it is widely available and in force

Brand Specific Procedures 12

IEC 62109
Standard IEC 62109
Title Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic power systems
Description Part 1 - General requirements to be applied to the Power Conversion Equipment (PCE) used in
photovoltaic systems to ensure its safety in common usage. Define the minimum requirements for
the design and manufacture of PCE for protection against electric shock, energy, fire, mechanical
and other hazards.

Part 2 - Covers specific safety requirements relevant to dc to ac inverter products as well as

products that contain or perform the functions of an inverter. Inverters covered by this standard
may be grid-interactive, stand-alone or multi-mode. Must be used jointly with Part 1 of this
Recommendation MANDATORY - all inverters to be used should have a certificate to prove the conformance to this

Brand Specific Procedures 13

IEC 62116
Standard IEC 62116
Title Test Procedure for islanding prevention measures for Utility connected photovoltaic
Description Test guidelines to test the performance of automatic islanding prevention measures installed in or
with single or multi-phase utility interactive PV inverters connected to the utility grid. The
procedures and criteria are the minimum requirements that allow repeatability. Additional
requirements may be specified if demostrable risk can be shown. Inverters and other devices
meeting the requirements of this standard are considered non-islanding as defined in IEC 61727
Recommendation MANDATORY - all inverters to be used should have a certificate to prove the conformance to this

Brand Specific Procedures 14

IEC 61683
Standard IEC 61683
Title Photovoltaic Systems Power conditioners Procedure for measuring efficiency
Description Test guidelines for measuring the efficiency of power conditioners used in stand-alone and utility-
interactive photovoltaic systems, where the output of the power conditioner is a stable ac voltage of
constant frequency or a stable dc voltage
Recommendation MANDATORY - all inverters to be used should have a certificate to prove the conformance to this

Brand Specific Procedures 15

EN 50524
Standard EN 50524
Title Data sheet and name plate for photovoltaic inverters
Description This European Standard describes the information required to be shown on PV inverters in grid
parallel operation in its name plate and datasheet information. It is to provide minimum
information required to configure a safe and optimal system with photovoltaic inverters. The
nameplate is a sign of durable construction on or in the inverter.
Recommendation MANDATORY - all inverters to be used should have a certificate to prove the conformance to this

Brand Specific Procedures 16

Standard IEC61727
Title Photovoltaic (PV) systems - Characteristics of the utility interface
Description Applies to utility interconnected PV systems operating in parallel with the utility and using non
islanding inverter. Contains the requirements for interconnection of PV systems to the utility
distribution system
Recommendation RECOMMENDED - to produce a field test certificate to prove the conformance to this standard

Brand Specific Procedures 17

EN 50438
Standard EN 50438
Title Requirements for the connection of micro-generators in parallel with public low voltage
distribution networks
Description This European Standard specifies the requirements for connection and operation of micro-
generators and their protection devices in parallel with public low-voltage distribution networks.
Micro-generation refers to equipment rated up to and including 16A per phase, single or
multiphase 230/400V or multi phase 230V (phase-to-phase voltage)
Recommendation RECOMMENDED - to produce a field test certificate to prove the conformance to this standard

Brand Specific Procedures 18

IEC 60364-7-712
Standard IEC 60364-7-712
Title Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7-712: Requirements for special or locations - Solar
photovoltaic (PV) power supply systems installations
Description The requirement of this part of IEC 60364 apply specifically to the electrical installations of PV
power supply systems including systems with AC modules
Recommendation RECOMMENDED - to follow this standard

Brand Specific Procedures 19

IEC 62446
Standard IEC 62446
Title Grid-connected photovoltaic systems - Minimum requirements for system documentation,
commissioning tests and inspection
Description Defines the minimum information and documentation required to be delivered to the customer
after the installation of a grid connected PV system is completed. Describes the minimum
commissioning tests, inspection criteria and documentation expected to verify the safe installation
and correct operation of the system. Written specifically for the grid connected PV systems
Recommendation RECOMMENDED - to follow this standard

Brand Specific Procedures 20

IEC 61724
Standard IEC 61724
Title Photovoltaic system performance monitoring - Guidelines for measurement, data exchange and
Description Recommendation of procedures to monitor the energy characteristics of PV systems. To assess the
overall performance of PV systems based on three system performance parameters - final yield,
reference yield, and performance ratio. These three parameters define the system performance in
terms of energy production, solar resource and system losses. Together they provide a method to
compare the system performance with other system options and also to allow the customer to
determine if the system is performing as expected. The Performance ratio of any solar PV plant
should be calculated based on this standard
Recommendation RECOMMENDED - to follow this standard

Brand Specific Procedures 21

IEC 62093
Standard IEC 62093
Title Balance-of-system components for photovoltaic systems - Design qualification natural
Description A set of requirements for the design qualification of balance-of-system (BOS) components used in
solar PV systems. Written for specific solar components such as batteries, inverters, charge
controllers, surge protectors, switch gears, and others but may be applicable to other BOS
Recommendation RECOMMENDED - to follow this standard

Brand Specific Procedures 22

Standard EN-1991-1-4
Title Actions on structures - Part 1-4: General actions - Wind actions
Description Gives guidance and actions for the structural design of buildings and civil engineering works for
wind. Includes the whole structure of parts of the structure or elements attached to the structure.
Intended to predict characteristic wind actions on land-based structures, their components and
Recommendation RECOMMENDED - to follow this standard

Standard EN-1991-1-2
Title Actions on structures - Part 1-4: General actions - Actions on structures exposed to fire
Description Gives guidance applicable to buildings with a fire load related to the building and its occupants. Also
deals with thermal and mechanical actions on structures exposed to fire, and themal actions related to
nominal and physically based thermal actions
Recommendati RECOMMENDED - to follow this standard

Brand Specific Procedures 23

EN 50521
Standard EN 50521
Title Connectors for photovoltaic systems - safety
Description Applies to connectors of application Class A according to IEC/EN 61730-1 for use in PV systems with
rated voltages up to 1500 VDC and rated currents up to 125A per contact. Applies to connectors
without breaking capacity but might be engaged and disengaged under voltage.
Recommendation RECOMMENDED - to follow this standard

Brand Specific Procedures 24

Note to trainer
Note to training institutions:
- The above are just examples of some of the more
common international standards used in the solar PV
industry. There are also others that may be usable and/or
required in each country
- Some international standards may not be applicable, and
this need to be explained why
- If some local/national standards are based on
international standards, what are the differences?
- Each of the listed standard in this document come with a
recommendation. Please adjust for each country whether
theyre a requirement or not required. If possible explain
why not

Brand Specific Procedures 25

Project Number : EWG 22/2013A

Produced By

Andre Susanto
Chitra Priambodo
Castlerock Consulting -

Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Secretariat
35 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Singapore 119616
Tel: (65) 68919 600
Fax: (65) 68919 690

2015 APEC Secretariat

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