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Randomized clinical trial between hourly titrated and 2
hourly static oral misoprostol solution for induction of labor
Abdulrahim A. Rouzi, MBChB; Nora Alsahly, MBChB; Rana Alamoudi, MBChB; Nisma Almansouri, MBChB;
Nawal Alsinani, MBChB; Souzan Alkafy, MBChB; Rayyan Rozzah, MBCHB; Hassan Abduljabbar, MBChB

BACKGROUND: Misoprostol is an effective agent for the induction of were similar between groups, except for age. Vaginal delivery was
labor. Existing guidelines recommend oral misoprostol solution 25 mg achieved within 24 hours in 47 women (64.4%) who received hourly
every 2 hours. However, more research is required to optimize the use of titrated-doses of misoprostol solution and 48 women (65.8%) who
oral misoprostol solution for the induction of labor. received 2-hourly static-dose misoprostol solution (P1.00). Rates of
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare efficacy and vaginal delivery within 24 hours did not differ significantly between
safety of hourly titrated-dose oral misoprostol solution with static-dose oral treatment groups for women who were nulliparous (P1.00) or who
misoprostol solution every 2 hours for labor induction. had postterm pregnancies (P.66), a Bishop score of 3 (P.84),
STUDY DESIGN: In this randomized controlled study, oral misoprostol or oxytocin augmentation (P.83). Cesarean deliveries were per-
solution was administered as (1) 20 mg hourly (4 doses) that was formed within 24 hours in 9 women who received hourly titrated-
increased in the absence of regular uterine contractions to 40 mg hourly dose misoprostol solution and 2 women who received 2-hourly
(4 doses) and then to 60 mg hourly (16 doses) or (2) 25 mg every static-dose misoprostol solution (P.056). Pyrexia and meconium-
2 hours until active labor began (12 doses). A sample size of 146 women stained liquor occurred more frequently with the hourly titrated-
was planned with the use of a projected 95% rate for the primary endpoint dose regimen.
(vaginal delivery within 24 hours) for hourly titrated-dose misoprostol and CONCLUSION: The static-dose oral misoprostol solution every 2 hours
80% rate for static-dose misoprostol every 2 hours. Safety outcomes has similar efficacy as hourly titrated-dose misoprostol solution but with
included maternal morbidity and adverse neonatal outcomes. fewer side-effects and lower complication rates.
RESULTS: From December 2013 to July 2015, 146 women were
assigned randomly to treatment. Demographic and clinical factors Key words: misoprostol, oral, solution, static, titrated

E vidence that has accumulated over

the years supports the use of oral
misoprostol as a safe and inexpensive
with a terminal half-life of 20e40
minutes.4,5 A 2014 Cochrane Review of
oral misoprostol for labor induction
FIGO-recommended static-dose miso-
prostol solution every 2 hours,5 would
enable a more widespread use of this
drug for labor induction. In 2012, the included an additional 19 studies.6 The drug. Therefore, the objective of this
International Federation of Gynecology authors conrmed the previous conclu- study was to compare the efcacy and
and Obstetrics (FIGO) recommended an sion, stating that, if using oral miso- safety of hourly titrated-dose oral miso-
oral dose of 25-mg misoprostol solution prostol, then the evidence suggests that prostol solution, as described by Cheng
every 2 hours to induce labor, citing the the dose should be 20 to 25 mg given et al,7 with the FIGO-recommended
2011 World Health Organization every 2 hours. They added that the ev- static-dose oral misoprostol solution
(WHO) recommendations for labor in- idence supports the use of oral regimens every 2 hours for labor induction.
duction.1 The WHO strongly recom- over vaginal regimens. The study by
mended this regimen by rating the Cheng et al,7 which compared hourly Materials and Methods
quality of evidence as moderate2 and titrated-dose oral misoprostol with This open-label randomized trial was
including data from the 2006 Cochrane vaginal misoprostol, inspired us to approved by the King Abdulaziz Uni-
Review by Alrevic and Weeks.3 The explore a stepwise titration. versity Hospital (KAUH) institutional
more frequent dosing may address the In our previous randomized clinical review board (KAUH study number 944-
short half-life of misoprostol, which is trial (RCT), we observed a 70% rate of 12). We enrolled all women who were
reported to reach a Cmax of 300e800 vaginal delivery within 24 hours with the admitted to KAUH (Jeddah, Saudi
pg/mL in approximately 14e30 minutes, stepwise hourly titrated oral misoprostol Arabia) for whom induction of labor was
solution regimen, which was greater indicated by their attending obstetrician,
than the 55% rate in women who were who met the eligibility criteria, and who
Cite this article as: Rouzi AA, Alsahly N, Alamoudi R, given the standard treatment of a dino- provided written informed consent. In-
et al. Randomized clinical trial between hourly titrated and prostone vaginal insert (P.05).8 How- clusion criteria were (1) singleton live
2 hourly static oral misoprostol solution for induction of
ever, this vaginal delivery rate with pregnancy, (2) 34 weeks gestation, (3)
labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017;216:405.e1-6.
titrated oral misoprostol solution was Bishop score 6, (4) intact membranes,
0002-9378/$36.00 signicantly lower than the 94% that (5) cephalic presentation, and (6) reas-
2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. was achieved by Cheng et al.7 Con- suring fetal heart rate. Exclusion criteria
versely, a simpler regimen, such as the were (1) hypersensitivity to misoprostol,

APRIL 2017 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 405.e1

Original Research OBSTETRICS

(2) previous cesarean delivery or other until the onset of regular uterine activity. compared with the use of the indepen-
uterine surgery, (3) severe pregnancy- In both groups, no further misoprostol dent t-test (P<.05 indicated statistical
induced hypertension (abnormal liver was given once regular uterine activity signicance).
function test results, urine protein>1 was observed. If contractions subse-
g/d, blood pressure 160/100 mm Hg), quently became inadequate, oxytocin Results
(4) total pregnancies 4, (5) multiple was provided 2 hours after the last Of the 186 women who data were
gestations, (6) uterine contractions, and misoprostol dose. Regular uterine activity assessed for eligibility between
(7) signicant maternal cardiac, renal, or was dened as regular uterine contrac- December 2013 and July 2015, 146
liver disease. Women were assigned tions every 3e5 minutes and lasting 60 women were assigned randomly to
randomly (1:1) into the treatment seconds. The primary outcome was treatment (hourly titrated dose, 73
groups (hourly titrated-dose or static successful labor induction, dened as women; static-dose every 2 hours, 73;
dose every 2 hours) with the use of vaginal delivery within 24 hours after Figure). Demographic and clinical fac-
computer-generated numbers. Alloca- treatment initiation. Secondary out- tors were similar between groups, except
tion concealment was carried out by the comes were rate of cesarean delivery and for age (Table 1). Patient age (mean-
use of opaque envelopes that were need for oxytocin augmentation. Safety standard deviation) was 27.25.3
distributed by the obstetrics nurse. La- outcomes included incidence of years (range, 17e42 years) in the hourly
bor management at KAUH is standard- maternal morbidity and adverse titrated-dose group and 29.35.1 years
ized and includes electronic fetal neonatal outcomes. Uterine tachysystole (range, 19e45 years) in the static-dose
monitoring that is performed 1 hour was dened as >5 contractions in a 10- every 2 hours group (P.01). Postterm
before and 1 hour after the start of in- minute period without fetal heart rate pregnancy was the primary indication
duction and is continued after the changes. Uterine hyperstimulation was for labor induction for 90 women
beginning of uterine contractions until dened as hypertonic uterine contrac- (61.6%). Four women with premature
delivery. Intramuscular or intravenous tions or uterine tachysystole that was rupture of the membranes at term were
analgesia is given for pain relief during associated with fetal heart rate abnor- included in the study (titrated-dose
labor. Delivery is carried out by in-house malities. To minimize bias, abnormal group, 1 woman; static-dose group, 3
staff, usually residents and senior resi- fetal heart rate tracings, uterine con- women). These 4 women with enroll-
dents under the supervision of the on- tractile abnormalities, and other intra- ment violations were included in the
call consultant. partum events were determined and intent-to-treat analysis. Women in the
Oral misoprostol solution was managed by the in-house staff and not hourly titrated-dose group received a
administered as a 1-mg/mL solution post-hoc by the researchers. median of 9 doses (range, 3e21); the
prepared from a 200-mg misoprostol The use of a projected 95% rate of median dose was 300 mg (range,
tablet (Cytotec; Searle Pharmaceuticals, vaginal delivery within 24 hours for the 60e1020 mg). Women in the static-dose
Leicester, United Kingdom) dissolved in hourly titrated-dose misoprostol every 2 hours group received a median of
200 mL water, as previously described.9 regimen, as described by Cheng et al,7 6 doses (range, 1e11); the median dose
Cutting the tablets is difcult and and 80% rate for the recommended was 150 mg (range, 25e275 mg).
imprecise; however, preparing a miso- static-dose misoprostol regimen every 2 Vaginal delivery within 24 hours was
prostol solution allows precise dosing, hours10 would require 73 women per achieved in 95 women (65.1%) in the
and the misoprostol remains active in group (alpha.05 and 80% power). Our entire cohort, including 47 women (45
the solution for 24 hours.6 The oral 70% rate of vaginal delivery within 24 normal vaginal deliveries and 2 vacuum
misoprostol solution was prepared fresh hours for the stepwise hourly titrated- extractions) in the hourly titrated-dose
for each woman, and the unused solu- dose misoprostol solution regimen group (64.4%) and 48 women (43
tion was discarded. In the hourly from our previous RCT8 was not used normal vaginal deliveries and 5 vacuum
titrated-dose group, the regimen because the maximum cumulative dose extractions) in the static dose every
described by Cheng et al7 was used in the in our study was 460 mg compared with 2 hours group (65.8%; relative risk, 0.98;
following manner: The starting dose was 1120 mg in the study by Cheng et al,7 95% condence interval, 0.77e1.24;
20-mg (20 mL) oral misoprostol that was which might have contributed to our P1.00; Table 2). Cesarean delivery was
administered hourly for 4 doses; in the lesser rate of vaginal deliveries within performed in 17 women (23.2%) in the
absence of regular uterine activity, the 24 hours. hourly titrated-dose group: 11 women
dose was increased to 40 mg (40 mL) Analysis was performed on an intent- (64.7%) for fetal distress and 6 women
hourly for 4 doses, and then to 60 mg to-treat basis. The data were analyzed (35.3%) for failure to progress. Cesarean
(60 mL) for 16 doses. In the static-dose with the use of the Statistical Package for delivery was performed in 6 women
every 2 hours group, the recommended the Social Sciences (version 22.0; SPSS (8.2%) in the static dose every 2 hours
FIGO regimen was used in the following Inc, Chicago, IL). Dichotomous vari- group: 2 women (33.3%) for fetal
manner5: Oral misoprostol solution 25 ables were compared between groups distress and 4 women (66.7%) for failure
mg (25 mL) was administered every 2 with c2 analysis or Fishers exact test, as to progress (relative risk, 2.83; 95%
hours for a maximum of 12 doses or warranted; continuous variables were condence interval, 1.18e6.77; P.02).

405.e2 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology APRIL 2017 OBSTETRICS Original Research

Trial profile

Enrollment Assessed for eligibility (n = 186)

Excluded (n = 40)
Not meeting inclusion criteria (n = 27).
Declined to participate (n = 7).
Other reasons (n = 6).

Randomized (n = 146)

Allocated to hourly titrated misoprostol (n = 73) Allocated to 2 hourly static misoprostol (n = 73)
Received allocated intervention (n = 73) Received allocated intervention (n = 73)
Did not receive allocated intervention (n = 0) Did not receive allocated intervention (n = 0)
One woman received allocated treatment even though Three women received allocated treatment even
she had ruptured membranes (an exclusion criterion), though they had ruptured membranes (an exclusion
and was included in the final ITT analysis criterion), and were included in the final ITT analysis

Lost to follow-up (n = 0) Lost to follow-up (n = 0)

Discontinued intervention (n = 0) Discontinued intervention (n = 0)

Analysis: Intent-to-
Analysed (n = 73). Analysed (n = 73)
Excluded from analysis (n = 0) Excluded from analysis (n = 0)

Flowchart of participants enrolled.

ITT, intent-to-treat.
Rouzi et al. Titrated and static oral misoprostol regimens. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017.

The indication of induction of labor in women who delivered by cesarean sec- women (33.3%) in the static dose every
the 17 women who delivered by cesarean tion in the static dose every 2 hours 2 hours group (relative risk, 4.5; 95%
section in the hourly titrated-dose group group was postterm pregnancy in 3 condence interval, 1.00e20.11;
was postterm pregnancy in 9 women, women; intrauterine growth restriction P.056). Proportions that achieved
pregnancy-induced hypertension in 2 in 1 woman, oligohydramnios in 1 vaginal delivery within 24 hours did not
women, intrauterine growth restriction woman, and other indication in 1 differ signicantly between treatment
in 1 woman, oligohydramnios in 1 woman. Similarly, cesarean deliveries groups for women who were nulliparous
woman, diabetes mellitus in 1 woman, were performed within 24 hours after (P1.00), who had postterm pregnan-
and other indications in 3 women. The treatment in 9 women (53%) in the cies (P.66), or who had a Bishop score
indication of induction of labor in the 6 hourly titrated-dose group but in only 2  3 (P.84).

APRIL 2017 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 405.e3

Original Research OBSTETRICS

titrated-dose group had meconium-

stained uid (n23; 31.5%) compared
Baseline characteristics
with the static-dose group (n12;
Hourly titrated 2-Hourly Static 16.4%; P.05; Table 4).
Variable (n73) (n73) P value
Age, y a
27.25.3 (17e42) 29.35.1 (19e45) .01 Comment
Misoprostol was approved by the US
Gestation, wka 39.91.55 (34e42) 39.71.49 (37e43) .44
Food and Drug Administration for
Body mass index, kg/m2a 32.66.4 (23.5e59.1) 31.76.2 (19.6e44.9) .42 reducing the risk of nonsteroidal anti-
Nulliparous, n (%) 40 (54.8) 30 (41.1) .13 inammatory drug-induced gastric
Bishop score 3, n (%) 52 (71.2) 57 (78.1) .44 ulcers but is used extensively off-label
for labor induction, a common obstet-
Indication, n (%)
ric intervention. In 2002, the US Food
Postterm 48 (65.8) 42 (57.5) .39 and Drug Administration approved a
Intrauterine growth 1 (1.3) 7 (9.6) .06 new label for misoprostol that included
restriction the use of vaginal misoprostol for cer-
Pregnancy-induced 7 (9.6) 4 (5.5) .53 vical ripening and labor induction
hypertension without indicating efcacy, safety,
Diabetes mellitus 5 (6.9) 4 (5.5) 1.00 doses, or dose intervals.11 The Amer-
ican College of Obstetricians and
Oligohydramnios 2 (2.7) 2 (2.7) 1.00
Gynecologists reported that misoprostol
Premature rupture of 1 (1.3) 3 (4.1) .62 is safe and effective for cervical ripening
and labor induction and recommended
Other 9 (12.3) 11 (15.1) .81 a dose of 25 mg.11 In addition, the
Data are given as meanstandard deviation (range). WHO included misoprostol for labor
Rouzi et al. Titrated and static oral misoprostol regimens. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017. induction in their Model List of
Essential Drugs to emphasize its
importance.12 Although misoprostol is
The use of oxytocin was similar be- oxytocin were similar between groups not approved for labor induction, its
tween the hourly titrated-dose group (P.83). Frequencies of maternal low cost, stability at room temperature,
(n54; 73.9%) and the static dose every adverse events were similar between multiple administration routes, and
2 hours group (n52; 71.2%; P.85). In groups, except for pyrexia (Table 3). No greater acceptability with oral adminis-
addition, the proportions of women who perinatal deaths occurred in the study tration among pregnant women
were induced successfully after receiving population; however, more infants in the contributed to its widespread off-label
use in Europe and most other coun-
tries.13 The endorsement of misopros-
TABLE 2 tol by professional organizations, which
Labor outcomes include FIGO,1 WHO,2 American Col-
Hourly 2 Hourly Relative risk lege of Obstetricians and Gynecolo-
misoprostol misoprostol (95% confidence gists,11 and Society of Obstetricians and
Variable (n73), n/N (%) (n73), n/N (%) P value interval) Gynecologists of Canada,14 is not
Delivered vaginally 47/73 (64.4) 48/73 (65.8) 1.00 0.98 (0.77e1.24) shared by the National Institute for
in 24 h Health and Care Excellence,15 which
Cesarean delivery 17/73 (23.2) 6/73 (8.2) .02 2.83 (1.18e6.77) published a guidance document in 2008
that stated that vaginal prostaglandin
Subgroups: Vaginal E2 (PGE2) is the preferred method of
delivery in 24 h
induction of labor, unless there are
Parity: nulliparous 21/40 (52.5) 16/30 (53.3) 1.00 specic clinical reasons for not using it.
Indication: postterm 30/48 (62.5) 29/42 (69.0) .66 However, neither the type of prosta-
Bishop score 3 33/52 (63.5) 38/57 (66.7) .84 glandin E2 (gel, tablet, or sustained
release pessary) nor the dose is speci-
ed.16 The French College of Gynecol-
Yes 39/54 (72.2) 39/52 (75) .83 ogists and Obstetricians recommends a
No 8/19 (42.1) 9/21 (42.9) 1.00 vaginal dose of 25-mg misoprostol every
Rouzi et al. Titrated and static oral misoprostol regimens. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017. 3e6 hours but notes that more
powerful studies remain necessary for

405.e4 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology APRIL 2017 OBSTETRICS Original Research

higher median misoprostol dose (300

mg; range, 60e1020 mg) compared with
Maternal adverse events
that used by Cheng et al (180 mg; range,
Hourly titrated 2 Hourly static 40e1120 mg). Similarly, the rate of
Variable (n73), n (%) (n73), n (%) P value vaginal delivery within 24 hours in our
Uterine tachysystole 8 (10.9) 2 (2.7) .09 study in women who were treated with
the FIGO-recommended protocol
Uterine hyperstimulation 1 (1.37) 0 1.00
(25 mg oral misoprostol every 2 hours,
Shivering 3 (4.11) 0 .26 12 doses total) was lower than that
Vomiting 2 (2.74) 1 (1.37) 1.00 reported by Aalami-Harandi et al10
Nausea 3 (4.1) 1 (1.37) .62 (65.8% vs 79.7%).
In our study, the rates of cesarean
Pyrexia 6 (8.2) 0 .03
delivery, side-effects, and complications
Rouzi et al. Titrated and static oral misoprostol regimens. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017. were higher in the titrated-dose group
than in the static-dose group. Although
Cheng et al7 reported no cases of hy-
better dening the doses, routes of administering oral misoprostol solution perstimulation in the 101 women who
administration, tolerance and in- as 20e25 mg every 2 hours.6 The evi- received the titrated-dose misoprostol,
dications.17 Low-dose oral misoprostol dence supports the use of oral miso- in the current study we observed 1 case
in solution for labor induction is worthy prostol regimens over vaginal of uterine hyperstimulation in the
of continued investigation, despite the misoprostol regimens as another titrated-dose group. In a dose-nding
approval of a vaginal delivery system Cochrane Review concluded that the study of oral misoprostol for labor
in Europe in 2013.18 The pivotal vaginal route should not be researched augmentation, no uterine hyperstimu-
EXPEDITE trial, which provided data further.20 However, study design and lation occurred with a dose of 50 mg
for regulatory submissions, reported quality varied considerably among the every 2 hours.21 Our neonatal intensive
vaginal delivery within 24 hours in included studies. The authors admitted care unit admission rates in both
54.6% of women who were treated with that methodologically sound clinical treatment groups were within the re-
the 200-mg misoprostol insert, but in trials continue to be a priority, both in ported ranges of previous studies that
only 34.0% of dinoprostone-treated developing and industrialized countries had evaluated oral misoprostol
women. A similar rate of cesarean de- and that a randomized examination (0e12%).22-24 The results of our RCT
liveries between groups of slightly comparing different regimens would be indicate that the regimen of static-dose
>25%, was reported, but tachysystole helpful to determine whether the labor- misoprostol solution every 2 hours has
occurred signicantly more often with intensive one- to two-hourly adminis- similar efcacy as the hourly titrated-
misoprostol (13.3%) than with dino- tration is necessary. dose regimen but with fewer side-
prostone (4.0%; P<.05).19 In our study, the 64.4% rate of vaginal effects and complications. In addition,
Numerous RCTs have evaluated delivery within 24 hours in the hourly the static-dose every 2 hours regimen is
labor induction methods. The latest titrated-dose misoprostol group was simpler and would allow more wide-
Cochrane Review, which was based on considerably lower than the rate re- spread use of oral misoprostol for labor
76 trials (14,412 women), recommends ported by Cheng et al7 (94%), despite a induction.
Our ndings should be interpreted
with the following limitations in mind.
Our RCT was not double-blinded to
Neonatal outcomes treatment. The sample size calculation
was made with the primary endpoint
Hourly titrated Static every (vaginal delivery within 24 hours) rec-
Variable (n73) 2 hours (n73) P valuea ommended by the WHO,2 the 2014
Nonreassuring fetal heart rate, n (%) 16 (21.9) 10 (13.7) .28 Cochrane review,6 and the National
Meconium-stained fluid, n (%) 23 (31.5) 12 (16.4) .05 Institute for Health and Care Excel-
lence.15 To compare other measures of
Birthweight, g 3094.5481.7 3106.2466.4 .88
efcacy and safety would have required
Apgar score <7 at 1 min, n (%) 6 (8.2) 6 (8.2) 1.00 considerably more study participants;
Apgar score <7 at 5 min, n (%) 1 (1.37) 0 1.00 however, acquiring more subgroup data
Neonatal intensive care unit admission, n (%) 4 (5.48) 2 (2.74) .68 in a clinical trial setting may improve
guidance on the use of oral misoprostol
Fisher exact test.
Rouzi et al. Titrated and static oral misoprostol regimens. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017. for specic populations for whom this
off-label use is being introduced. n

APRIL 2017 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 405.e5

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405.e6 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology APRIL 2017

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