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U D C 539.42: 624.073.012.


Yield criterion for initially isotropic

reinforced slab
by M. W. Kwiecinski, M.Sc.(Tech.), D.Sc.(Tech.) (Warsaw)


SUMMARY the values of ultimate moment. This is due to the fact

This paper deals with the problem of formulating a that the yield line is assumed to be the limiting case of
yield criterion for quasi-isotropic reinforced slabs. The a " stepped" line in which the directions of tensile
possibility of the kinking of reinforcement bars on the bars are at right-angles to the infinitesimal steps which
open fracture line is taken into account and a detailed are not liable to change while plastic curvature is in-
analysis of yield moment on the plastic hinge is made. creasing. It is readily pointed out that this conservative
Both the" square" yield criterion and the criterion for assumption leads to a kinematically impermissible
perfect kinking of reinforcement prove limiting cases of mechanism of rotation of the two adjoining rigid (1)
the proposed partial-kinking theory. Values of plastic parts of a slab. No reinforcement bar can remain
moments obtained from this criterion are more optimis- straight.
tic than those obtained by Johansen's criterion. The The square criterion gives
proposed theory enables one to describe analytically the mn
results of some former experimental investigations which -
= cos 2 ex: + sm. 2
ex: = 1 .......... (1)
have shown that the ultimate moment in an initially
where mn denotes plastic moment on the fracture line
isotropic slab is not independent of the plastic hinge
with normal n inclined at ex: to the x-axis, m = mnCex: =
0, 71"/2).
The objection from the kinematical viewpoint is the
Stepped-yield-line theory
probable reason for the disagreement between experi-
Considering the bending of concrete slabs uniformly ments and the transformation given by equation 1.
reinforced in two perpendicular directions with equal Tests carried out at the Building Research Station (2)
areas of bottom reinforcement per unit width, i.e. have confirmed the need for a more realistic yield
assuming a slab to be initially (elastically) quasi-iso- criterion.
tropic, the "square" yield criterion (1) is generally
used. This is commonly applied to plastic slabs which Complete-kinking-of-reinforcement theory
are so lightly reinforced with mild-steel wires that the
Approaching the determination of yield criterion
plastic hinge begins to form when the reinforcing rods
for quasi-isotropic reinforced concrete slab from the
yield. (1-5) Moreover, tensile membrane action is
unsafe side, i.e. formulating a criterion as optimistic
usually not taken into account, irrespective of the
as possible, one has to assume that the reinforcement
kinematic boundary conditions of the slab.
is dragged at right-angles to the straight yield line. It
The main advantage of the square criterion is
is easy to ascertain that this assumption takes into
the simplicity of its analytical formulation, but it has
account the full benefit attributed to change of direc-
been strongly criticized from several points of view. (2)
tion of bars (complete kinking of reinforcement). It is
One of the reasons why this convenient criterion is so
emphasized that this mechanism is kinematically per-
widely applied is its conservativeness in determining
missible. However, the mechanism is yet rather far
from reality because it implies that there is no crushing
*Dr Kwiecinski was the British Council Scholar at the Univer-
of concrete caused by the pressure of bars which tend
sity College of Swansea at the time of the work described. to straighten themselves out.


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Magazine of Concrete Research: Vol. 17, No. 51 : June 1965

In this case(2) the plastic moment is expressed by

mn .
= cos IX + sm IX (2)

Partial-kinking-of-reinforcement theory
Let us now consider a kinematically permissible
mechanism shown in Figure 1; where the crushing of
concrete due to overstressing in the vicinity of the
kinks in the reinforcement results in a tendency to
straighten out the reinforcement bars. Without enter-
ing into details of the crushing phenomenon involvea,
it appears sufficiently reasonable to describe this prob-
lem by introducing two geometrical parameters which
most conveniently are the two angles y and 1').
This improved yield criterion with "restricted"
kinking of reinforcement can be expressed by a func-
- = F(IX, y, 3) .................. (3)
and should, when y = IX, 3 = (7T/2)- IX, yield equation 1
directly and, when y = 3 = 0, give the transformation y
of equation 2.
In order to obtain more general formulation of
equation 3 let us first consider an initially orthotropic
._ ------1}
reinforced slab. The yield moment produced on the I
yield line perpendicular to the x-axis is denoted by m,
parallel to it by xm, where x stands for coefficient of r--b--i
orthotropy. Consideration of equilibrium of moments ~
with respect to the t- and n-axes (Figure 1) gives the
results Figure 1: Geometrical pattern and yield-moment components for
an elastically orthotropic reinforced concrete slab.
mn .
- = cos IX cos Y + x sm IX cos 1') (4)
~ = cos IX sin y - x sin IX sin 3 ........ (5)
In the case offull kinking, y = 3 = 0, equation 5 gives way that equation 6 is satisfied during the whole plas-
the significant result tic bending process.
Taking the right-hand side of equation 5 as zero,
m nt = O.................. (6) we obtain
This means that the direction of yield-moment vector sin y
produced by any given yield line coincides with the - .-" = x tan IX (8)
sm 0
dire::tion of the line itself; hence mn is a principal
moment. When there is no kinking (stepped theory), Considering equations 4 and 8, we now find that for
y = IX, I') = (7T/2) - IX, twisting moment does not vanish a unique determination of the function mn/m a further
automatically and its value is given by relation of the type g(IX, y) = 0 is lacking.
There appears a simple way of determining this
m nt function, namely to fix some experimental coefficient
- = (I-x) sm IX cos IX (7)
m characteristic for the problem and then determine its
This is the reason for a further fundamental objec- distribution according to the empirical requirements.
tion to the "square" (and "rectangular") yield An essential parameter which governs the function
criterion. (2) g(IX, y) can be taken for any steady value of oc and then
However, equations 4 and 5 equipped with the this function can be determined in accordance with
variables y and 3 give us now the opportunity of boundary conditions of the problem.
determining a yield criterion for a reinforced slab such Let the following parameter be introduced.
that m nt always vanishes on the yield line. We maintain mn
that the directions of bars adjust themselves in such a
f1. = -(IX = const) ............ (9)

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Yield criterion for initially isotropic reinforced slab

At this stage, an initially isotropic reinforced slab with

x = I will be considered only.
The angle oc in equation 9 is taken as 7T/4 for ob-
vious reasons. The parameter fL is now the sole one
responsible for the degree of "unsquareness" (or
" unrectangularness ") of the yield criterion (equation
4). After a number of trials as to the shape of function
g(oc, i), the simple linear relation between sines of i
and oc is eventually assumed
sin y = A sin oc ............. (10)
where A = A(fL). For oc = 7T/4, sin oc = l/y2, we have
i = abecause of symmetry. This latter value which is
in fact the geometrical equivalent of parameter fL is
denoted by y. Remembering equations 4 and 9 we
obtain for the isotropic slab (x = 1): f1. ~ 1 (stepped theory)

1 ~f1.~116, \ 2 (proposed
cos y = ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11)
1..L = \ 2 (complete-kink theory)
Hence, from equation 10 Figure 2: Graphical representation of the criterion obtained in
polar co-ordinates mn/m, oc.
A = Y2 - fLz ............. (12)
The yield criterion describing the value of full plas-
tic moment on the yield line of initially isotropic rein-
forced slab is:

!!!.!!. = Y 1 - AZ sin z oc cos oc + Y1 - AZ cos 2 oc sin oc

.......... (13)
According to the generalized solution presented
above, the ultimate bending moment on the fracture
1 ~ A = Y2 - fLz ~ 0 .......... (14)
line, even for an initially isotropic reinforced slab,
The left-hand side limiting value of equation 14 cannot be regarded as independent of yield-hinge
corresponds to the stepped-line theory, whereas the inclination. In other words each reinforced slab be-
right-hand side value is appropriate for the complete comes plastically anisotropic because of partial kink-
kinking theory. It is here understood that the values of ing of reinforcement bars across the open crack.
oc in equation 13 are bound to the interval 0 < oc < 7T/2. Moreover, this anisotropy is of a particular kind. It is
In other cases the absolute values of both terms are to not a function of a slab texture only but in an essential
be taken. way depends upon the direction of supposed fracture
A geometrical singularity of the above solution lines, i.e. of the assumed collapse mode of a structure.
seems to be worth discussing. Let us look at equation Taking this anisotropy into account would inevit-
8 with x = I, in the form of sin a = sin i/tan oc. In- ably involve some technical difficulties in analysis and
vestigating the value of a when oc = 0 shows that design of reinforced concrete slabs but would allow a
more accurate assessment of its load-carrying capacity.
lim . .1 Z
sm a= A = v 2 - fL The" square" yield criterion in common use proves
oc-o a conservative approximation for a partial-kinking
Unexpectedly enough, it has turned out that at oc = 0, criterion which is more complicated but closer to
a =to 7T/2(excluding a trivial case when fL = 1). How- reality.
ever, this singularity does not violate the requirement The author proposes to generalize this solution on
of equation 6 since there is only one single bar that an initially orthotropic slab. In addition, some tests
jumps from one edge of an opening yield line to the on evaluating coefficients fL for various properties of
other. This bar does not produce any moment since steel and concrete should be carried out.
the spacing b' (shown in Figure 1) tends to infinity
when oc tends to zero. A CKNO WLEDGEM ENTS
In order to illustrate the partial-kinking criterion The author wishes to thank Professor o. C.
obtained let us assume, for instance, fL = 116 (see Zienkiewicz and Dr K. C. Rockey for providing facilities
reference 2). The results of numerical calculations are for his research work at the Department of Engineering
shown diagrammatically in Figure 2. (Civil) of the University College of Swansea.


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Magazine of Concrete Research: Vol. 17, No. 51 : June 1965

REFERENCES 4. SAWCZUK, A. and KWIECINSKI, M. Nosnosc graniczna ustro-

jow plytowo-zebrowych. Archiwum Iniynierii Lqdowej. Vol.
I. JOHANSEN, K.w. Yield-line theory. London, Cement and 3, No.3. 1957. pp. 335-370.
Concrete Association, 1962. pp. 181. 5. KWIECINSKI, M. Plastyczne wyczerpanie nosnosci ustrojow
2. WOOD, R. H. Plastic and elastic design of slabs and plates. plytowo-zebrowych. Rozprawy Iniynierskie. Vol. II. No.2.
London, Thames and Hudson, 1961. pp. 344. 1963. pp. 253-299. No.3. 1963. pp. 389-409.
3. OL"SZAK, w. Teoria nosnosci granicznej plyt ortotropowycl). Contributions discussing the above paper should be in the hands
Budownictwo Przemyslowe. No. 7-8. 1953. of the Editor not later than 31 October 1965.


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