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Microdrilling Surgery Augmented With Intra-articular

Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate, Platelet-Rich

Plasma, and Hyaluronic Acid: A Technique for
Cartilage Repair in the Knee
Joseph E. Broyles, M.D., M. Adaire OBrien, M.P.H., and M. Patrick Stagg, M.D.

Abstract: The ideal treatment of large full-thickness chondral lesions in the knee, especially kissing lesions and oste-
oarthritis, has not been determined. Microdrilling surgery augmented with injections of peripheral blood stem cells and
hyaluronic acid has been used to treat patients with a wide range of articular cartilage disease including patients with
bipolar lesions and joint space narrowing. Excellent results in this difcult patient population have been reported, and
second-look biopsy has shown repair tissue very similar to native hyaline cartilage. Because of Food and Drug Admin-
istration regulations, this technique is not currently allowed in the United States. We describe a Food and Drug
Administrationecompliant modication of this technique using microdrilling augmented with intra-articular bone
marrow aspirate concentrate, platelet-rich plasma, and hyaluronic acid.

T he ideal treatment of large full-thickness chondral

lesions in the knee, especially kissing lesions, has
not been determined. Most surgeons believe that con-
knee.4 We describe an FDA-compliant technique that
combines arthroscopic microdrilling with postoperative
injections of bone marrow aspirate concentrate
ventional treatment such as microfracture is relatively (BMAC), platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and HA to treat
contraindicated for bipolar cartilage damage and for full-thickness chondral damage including large bipolar
lesions greater than 4 cm2. The repair tissue formed by lesions.
microfracture is primarily brocartilage, which is
known to be inferior to hyaline cartilage.1 Saw et al.2,3 Technique
have reported on a technique that combines
arthroscopic microdrilling with injections of peripheral BMAC and PRP Preparation
blood stem cells (PBSCs) and hyaluronic acid (HA). After appropriate general anesthesia, patients are
Second-look biopsy has shown tissue with histology turned into the lateral decubitus position. The poste-
very similar to native hyaline cartilage as well as rior pelvic region is prepared and draped. A tiny (1- to
excellent clinical scores in a difcult patient population 2-mm) stab incision is created over the posterior su-
including patients with bipolar and diffuse cartilage perior iliac spine ipsilateral to the operative knee. A
damage.2,3 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 15-gauge Illinois bone marrow needle (CareFusion,
regulations do not currently allow use of PBSCs in the McGaw Park, IL) with the lower sleeve removed is
positioned on the central posterior superior iliac spine
and tapped approximately 1 cm deep with a mallet
From the Bone and Joint Clinic of Baton Rouge (J.E.B., M.A.O.); and (Fig 1A). The needle stylus is then removed. A 20-mL
Medical Oncology Our Lady of the Lake Physician Group (M.P.S.), Baton
catheter-tip syringe prelled with 100 U of heparin
Rouge, Louisiana, U.S.A.
The authors report that they have no conicts of interest in the authorship (100 U/mL) is attached to the back of the needle, and
and publication of this article. negative pressure is applied to aspirate 15 to 20 mL of
Received July 29, 2016; accepted September 10, 2016. bone marrow. The syringe is then detached, capped
Address correspondence to Joseph E. Broyles, M.D., Bone and Joint Clinic of with an 18-gauge needle, and inverted several times to
Baton Rouge, 7301 Hennessy Blvd, Ste 200, Baton Rouge, LA 70808, U.S.A.
ensure adequate mixing.
2016 by the Arthroscopy Association of North America The mixture is injected through a coupler
2212-6287/16735/$36.00 (GD896894; Fenwal, Lake Zurich, IL) into a 150-mL polyvinyl chloride transfer bag (140902; Charter

Arthroscopy Techniques, Vol 6, No 1 (February), 2017: pp e201-e206 e201


Fig 1. Bone marrow aspiration and ltration. (A) With the patient positioned lateral, a 15-gauge Illinois bone marrow needle
with the lower sleeve removed is inserted into the central posterior superior iliac spine. Fifteen to twenty milliliters of bone
marrow is drawn into a 20-mL syringe prelled with 100 U of heparin. (B) The syringe is capped with an 18-gauge needle, and
the bone marroweheparin mixture is injected through a coupler into a 150-mL polyvinyl chloride transfer bag. (C) The contents
are run through a 210-mm lter to remove any bony particulates. (D) The ltered bone marrow is divided between two 10-mL
red-top serum tubes.

Medical, Winston-Salem, NC) (Fig 1B). The contents divided between two 10-mL serum tubes (BD Vacu-
are then run through a 210-mm lter (11141-48; Hos- tainer [366441]; Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ)
pira, Lake Forest, IL) in a sterile closed system to (Fig 1D). The tubes are centrifuged for 10 minutes at
remove any clots and bony particulates (Fig 1C) and 1,300g (VanGuard V6500; Hamilton Bell, Montvale,

Fig 2. Bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) preparation. (A) The red-top tubes containing
the ltered bone marrow are centrifuged for 10 minutes at 1,300g. (B) After centrifugation, the tubes are carefully uncapped, and
a spinal needle is used to aspirate the buffy coat and some plasma from both tubes, yielding 3 to 5 mL of BMAC. (C) The Biomet
GPS III system is used to obtain 7 mL of PRP from 55 mL of whole blood. (D) The 3 biologic components, ready to be combined
for a knee injection: 25 mg of hyaluronic acid (HA), PRP, and BMAC.

NJ) (Fig 2A). The tubes are carefully uncapped, and a Usually 3 to 5 mL of BMAC is obtained in this manner.
10-mL Luer-Lok syringe (Becton Dickinson) with an This mixture is then passed onto the sterile eld.
18-gauge 3.5-inch spinal needle is used to aspirate the The patient is positioned supine while the BMAC is
buffy coat and some plasma from both tubes (Fig 2B). prepared. While the patient is being positioned,

Microdrilling Procedure
The foot of the operating room bed is dropped down
90 . The contralateral leg is fully abducted on an arm
board attached to the end of the bed (Fig 3A). A tour-
niquet is placed on the operative leg, but it usually is
not required. After preparation and draping, standard
medial and lateral arthroscopy portals are established.
Many of these patients have undergone multiple pre-
vious knee operations, so debridement of scar tissue is
usually needed for appropriate visualization. Clinically
signicant meniscal pathology is addressed rst.
Attention is then turned to the chondral lesions. A ring
curette is used to remove any remaining damaged
cartilage in the full-thickness defect or defects. A No. 11
scalpel blade is often used as well to develop well-
dened margins. The calcied cartilage layer is also
removed using the ring curette.
Microdrilling of each lesion is then performed. Dril-
ling is performed with a 2.9-mm mini burr (3530;
Fig 3. Surgical preparation. (A) Patient positioning for Smith & Nephew, London, England). The 2.9 mm
microdrilling surgery. The foot of the operating room bed is represents the diameter of the protective sleeve. The
dropped down 90 . The contralateral leg is fully abducted on burr itself measures 2 mm. Seven millimeters of the
an arm board attached to the end of the bed. (B) A Smith & protective sleeve is removed with a wire cutter to allow
Nephew 2.9-mm mini burr is modied for drilling holes 2 mm use of the burr for drilling (Fig 3B). The crimped end of
in diameter and 7 mm deep. Seven millimeters of the pro- the cut sleeve is then opened back up using an obtu-
tective sleeve is removed with a wire cutter to allow the burr rator from a 3-mm outow cannula (720491; Smith &
to drill to the appropriate depth. Nephew). Holes are drilled to a depth of 7 mm (when
the remaining sleeve contacts the bone) and are placed
anesthesia personnel obtain blood through venipunc- 2 to 3 mm apart (Fig 4A). Drilling is performed slowly
ture to prepare PRP using the Biomet GPS III platelet so that thermal damage of the bone does not occur
concentration system (Biomet Biologics, Warsaw, IN) (Table 1).
(Fig 2C). Per instructions in this system, 52 mL of blood Drilling of lesions on the femoral condyles and
is combined with 8 mL of anticoagulant citrate dextrose trochlea is usually fairly straightforward, with small
and used to generate approximately 7 mL of PRP. This accessory portals required to ensure perpendicular
is also passed onto the sterile eld. The BMAC, PRP, drilling. A spinal needle is always placed rst to deter-
and 25 mg of HA (Supartz; Bioventus, Durham, NC) are mine the proper placement of these portals. Lesions of
combined in a single 20-mL syringe for use at the the patella and tibial plateau are more difcult to access.
conclusion of the procedure (Fig 2D). For the patella, especially in a tight knee, a lateral

Fig 4. Trochlea lesion in a

right knee, with arthro-
scopic views from the ante-
rolateral portal. (A) Lesion
after debridement and dril-
ling. The holes are 7 mm
deep and placed 2 to 3 mm
apart. (B) The same lesion is
injected with bone marrow
aspirate concentrate,
platelet-rich plasma, and
hyaluronic acid with an 18-
gauge 3.5-inch spinal nee-
dle under arthroscopic

Table 1. Pearls and Pitfalls release of the medial collateral ligament in the method
Do not use an arthroscopic leg holder because deep knee exion is described by Fakioglu et al.5 The improved access al-
more difcult. lows medial tibial lesions to be more easily drilled
Use a padded Mayo stand to rest the foot on while drilling the patella. (Video 1). Posterior tibial plateau lesions are accessed
Drill slowly with the burr and back out several times to clear bone
debris and prevent thermal necrosis.
from a midcoronal portal, whereas anterior plateau
Check under the meniscus for cartilage defects. Retract the meniscus lesions are accessed from an anterior portal.
with a probe while drilling there. After all lesions are drilled, water is suctioned from
Create additional mini portals as necessary to maintain perpendicular the knee. An 18-gauge spinal needle is inserted
drilling. percutaneously into the primary chondral lesion. All
Perform a percutaneous medial collateral ligament release when
necessary to drill the tibia. (Do not resort to a microfracture awl.)
portals are closed with nylon suture. The 20-mL syringe
Bear in mind that performing a lateral release greatly improves access containing the BMAC, PRP, and HA is afxed to the
for patella drilling. spinal needle, and the mixture is then injected into the
Use a tenaculum clamp on the patella for easier patella positioning knee (Fig 4B). A standard sterile dressing is applied.
and stability while drilling.
When injecting buffered lidocaine for bone marrow aspiration, Postoperative Rehabilitation
inltrate the periosteum in an area approximately 2 cm in diameter
to minimize discomfort.
Continuous passive motion for 2 hours per day is
Begin early isometric loading of the patellofemoral joint after started on postoperative day 2 and continued for
patellofemoral joint drilling. 4 weeks. Patients with tibiofemoral lesions are kept
Advise patients that they should not expect improvement from partially weight bearing for 6 weeks, whereas patients
baseline until 3-6 months postoperatively. with patellofemoral lesions may only bear weight as
tolerated with the knee extended. Early on in physical
release is often necessary to be able to tilt the patella therapy, there is a focus on isometric exercises in varying
enough to drill the central ridge. A tenaculum clamp degrees of exion to load all drilled areas. Early dynamic
placed on the patella through tiny stab incisions greatly loading is not recommended to avoid shear injury to
facilitates positioning of the patella by an assistant repair tissue. This protocol was established in accordance
(Fig 5). The placement of the accessory portals for pa- with previously published recommendations.2 Cycling is
tella drilling must be posterior enough to allow drilling allowed at 1 month, jogging at 9 months, and return to
as perpendicular as possible. Drilling of the central ridge sport at 1 year postoperatively (Table 2).
usually requires drilling from both the medial and
lateral aspects of the knee, because any drilling of the Postoperative Injections
medial side of the ridge from the lateral side, for Beginning 1 week postoperatively, intra-articular knee
example, will tend to skive. For drilling of the medial injections of BMAC, PRP, and HA are administered once
tibial plateau, we now usually perform a percutaneous per week for 5 weeks. The aspiration-injection procedure

Fig 5. Microdrilling surgical technique for a medial patella facet lesion in a right knee. All arthroscopic views are from the
superomedial portal with a 30 arthroscope. (A) A ring curette is used to debride the lesion and to remove the calcied cartilage
layer. The curette enters the knee posteromedial to the patella. (B) Drilling of debrided lesion. Tilting the patella with a te-
naculum clamp facilitates perpendicular drilling of the patella. (C) A mini shaver is used to smooth the edges of the lesion after

Table 2. Procedure and Rehabilitation Timeline Table 4. Indications and Contraindications

Time Event
Symptomatic International Cartilage Repair Society grade III or IV
Day 1 Surgery and rst injection of PRP, BMAC, chondral lesions of the knee in any compartment
and HA Treatment area up to 18 cm2 for bipolar lesions or up to 9 cm2 for
Day 3 Start CPM and PT, partial weight bearing unipolar lesions
Weeks 2-6 Five more weekly injections of PRP, BMAC, Contraindications
and HA Body mass index >35
Week 4 Stop CPM Age >60 yr
Week 6 Advance to weight bearing as tolerated Signicant varus or valgus*
4 mo Three more weekly injections of PRP, BMAC, Flexion contracture 10
and HA
9 mo Return to jogging * Mechanical axis of the knee passing more than halfway from the
1 yr Three more weekly injections of PRP, BMAC, midline of the tibia to the edge of the tibial condyle.
and HA
Return to sport
BMAC, bone marrow aspirate concentrate; CPM, continuous pas-
combined with an osteotomy. In addition, age over
sive motion; HA, hyaluronic acid; PRP, platelet-rich plasma; PT, 60 years may be a relative contraindication (Table 4).
physical therapy. To date, this procedure has been performed in 40
knees, with treatment area ranging from 0.6 to
14.7 cm2. On the basis of the outcomes of patients 1 to
is performed in the ofce with the patient under local
5 years postoperatively, an upper limit of treatment
anesthesia. To minimize patient discomfort, lidocaine is
area has not been determined. Although these results
buffered with 8.4% sodium bicarbonate at a lidocaine-
need to be conrmed with more patients and long-term
bicarbonate ratio of 10:1. An effusion, if present,
follow-up, early outcomes are generally very good
should be aspirated rst. At 4 months and at 1 year
regardless of treatment area, location, or number of
postoperatively, 3 more weekly injections are per-
involved compartments. Similar to microdrilling with
formed, for a total of 12 injections including the rst in-
PBSCs described by Saw et al.,2,3 the available data
jection given at the time of surgery.
suggest that the FDA-compliant biologic-augmented
microdrilling technique described in this article may be
Discussion applicable to a wide range of chondral diseases.
Treatment of full-thickness chondral lesions of the
knee with microdrilling and injections of BMAC, PRP, Acknowledgment
and HA is a technically feasible FDA-compliant modi- The authors acknowledge Kaitlin Hanken, M.P.H., for
cation of the technique described by Saw et al.2,3 compiling and editing the video and gure images.
Biologic-augmented microdrilling has the advantage of
an all-arthroscopic procedure amenable to a wide range
of chondral diseases. Although we recommend 12 total
bone marrow aspirationseknee injections over the
1. Oussedik S, Tsitskaris K, Parker D. Treatment of articular
course of 1 year after microdrilling surgery, we have cartilage lesions of the knee by microfracture or autologous
optimized the in-ofce procedure to minimize surgeon chondrocyte implantation: A systematic review. Arthroscopy
time and maximize patient comfort (Table 3). Like other 2015;31:732-744.
cartilage repair techniques, our technique is not indi- 2. Saw K-Y, Anz A, Merican S, et al. Articular cartilage
cated for patients with signicant malalignment unless regeneration with autologous peripheral blood progenitor
cells and hyaluronic acid after arthroscopic subchondral
drilling: A report of 5 cases with histology. Arthroscopy
Table 3. Advantages and Disadvantages 2011;27:493-506.
Advantages 3. Saw K-Y, Anz A, Siew-Yoke Jee C, et al. Articular cartilage
The technique is applicable to a wide range of cartilage damage, regeneration with autologous peripheral blood stem cells
including bone-on-bone arthritis. versus hyaluronic acid: A randomized controlled trial.
Bone marrow processing materials are inexpensive compared with
Arthroscopy 2013;29:684-694.
commercially available bone marrow concentration kits.
The technique is a single-surgery arthroscopic procedure.
4. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Failure of previous cartilage restoration procedures does not seem CFReCode of Federal Regulations Title 21. http://www.
to be a negative prognostic factor.
Disadvantages cfm?CFRPart1271&showFR1. Published 2014. Accessed
A large number of postoperative bone marrow aspirations and June 10, 2016.
knee injections are required. 5. Fakioglu O, Ozsoy MH, Ozdemir HM, Yigit H, Cavusoglu AT,
Postoperative injections are not covered by insurance. Lobenhoffer P. Percutaneous medial collateral ligament
Standard insurance reimbursement for microfracture surgery is release in arthroscopic medial meniscectomy in tight knees.
low for the time involved in treating large or multiple lesions. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2013;21:1540-1545.

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