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Sleep and Rest Time Checklist

Certificate III in Early Childhood Education

Assessment Workbook 1: Task 1.1

Tim is 3 years old. He likes to sleep with his favourite blanket that his mom packs for him when he
goes to the centre. His mum informed you that Tim gets very agitated throughout the day when he
does not get his afternoon nap, and prefers that the centre ensures he gets his nap before she picks
him up in the afternoon.

Ensure sleep and rest practices are consistent with approved standards and meet the Tims needs by
creating a checklist for his sleep and rest time in the centre.

# Sleep and rest checklist for Tim: Y N

1 Tim has placed on his back

2 s he allowed to find his own sleeping position when he turns over during

3 When first placing him to rest lay him on his back

4 when Tim is sleeping, at no time his face is covered wiyh bed linen

5 Sleeping room light is dim.

6 Roome temperature is between 20 to 24.

7 On mattress quilts and duvets are not be used to cover Tim.

8 Tim is sleeping in his favourite blanket.

9 Tim is in comfortable sleeping suit.

10 Soft toys are not around Tim during sleeping.

Sleep and Rest Time Checklist
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education
Assessment Workbook 1: Task 1.1

Kevin is 1 and a half years old and is still used to sleeping in a cot. He just started going to the centre
and is still afraid to be left in the centre without his mum. Hearing his mums voice calms him down
and helps him go to sleep. So his mum provided the centre with a recording of herself reading
bedtime stories to play for Kevin when he is having difficulty sleeping.

Ensure sleep and rest practices are consistent with approved standards and meet the Kevins needs
by creating a checklist for his sleep and rest time in the centre.

# Sleep and rest checklist for Kevin: Y N




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