Growth Through Acquisitions

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Cash-rich companies now have another option -

nonsynergistic acquisitions.

GrowthThioiigb Acqiiisilions:
A Fresh Look
with those of successful diver-
sified corporate acquirers and
were surprised to find that
their operating principles
were remarkably similar.
Yet many corporate strate-
gists refuse to believe that
they can be successful in pur-
suing nonsynergistic deals. In our
view, tbeir hesitancy results from
fundamental misconceptions about the
way today's nonsynergistic acquirers operate.
Tbe first is that financial buyers rely on market
timing to buy assets at a low price (turning around
and selling them at a high price). In fact, we found
that financial buyers actually pay substantial
by Patricia L. Anslinger premiums above market priee, just as other ac-
quirers do.
and Thomas E. Copeland
The second misconception is that high financial
Tbe common wisdom on successful corporate ac- leverage is used to discipline managers. In fact, fi-
quisitions is short and simple: Make them small nancial huyers in our study, to avoid losing flexibil-
and make them synergistie. Yet companies that re- ity, make a conscious efft^rt to prevent high lever-
ly solely on this view risk missing an entire world age from controlling managers' decision making
of valuable strategic opportunities. Our yearlong about operations. Although many LBO firms start
research program has shown that companies can out with fairly high debt loads, they reduce their
pursue a nonsynergistic strategy profitably. In fact, burden to relatively conventional levels (65% debt
our research has uncovered a diverse group of orga- to total assets) within one to three years. Our find-
nizations, including Thermo Electron Corporation, ings are supported by the research of John Kitch-
Sara Lee Corporation, and Clayton, Dubilier &. ing, who studied 110 buyouts ("Early Returns on
Rice, that have grown dramatically and captured LBOs," HBR November-December 1989). He found
sustained returns of 18% to 35% per year by mak- that by the second year after acquisition, debt re-
ing nonsynergistic acquisitions. payment of the typical LBO exceeded repayment
> Our 21 successful acquirers fell into two groups: commitments by 600%.
diversified public corporate acquirers and financial Without a doubt, the 21 companies in our sample
buyers such as leveraged buyout firms. We chose to were very successful. Altogether they made 829 ac-
study LBO firms because, like the rest of the world, quisitions. When asked whether they earned their
we were fascinated as we watched them outhid cor- cost of capital, 80% of the respondents (accounting
porate buyers and then produce extraordinary re-
turns without the benefit of synergies among their Patricia I. Anslinger and Thomas E. Copeland are con-
businesses. We compared the LBO firms' practices siihcints at McKinsey &> Company.


for 611 acquisitions) said yes. Our sample of U.S. tices that have generated positive returns for many
corporate acquirers averaged more than 18% per of those companies.' Although many observers be-
year in total return to shareholders over a ten-year lieve that LBO firms uncover hidden gems in the
period, and the financial acquirers averaged 35% marketplace, more often they merely focus on im-
per year by their own estimates. proving operations.
Although the acquisitions of any given acquirer Sunglass Hut International and Snapple Beverage
in our study were seemingly unrelated, successful Corporation, two acquisitions from our sample
acquirers picked a common theme and stuck to it. group, illustrate that the largest source of value cre-
For example, we noted that Clayton, Duhilier & ation in successful acquisitions comes from operat-
Rice-a financial huyer-was skilled at turnarounds, ing performance, not from financial leverage, mar-
often shrinking the acquired com-
pany before growing it. (See W. Carl
Kester and Timothy A. Luehrman,
"Rehabilitating the Leveraged Buy- Using branding and retailing as
out," HBR May-lune 1995.) Desai
Capital Management, also an LBO its common thread, Sara Lee has
firm, searched for growth opportu-
nities in retail-related industries. acquired more than 60 different
Emerson Electric Company acquired
companies with a core competence consumer-product companies.
in component manufacturing, par-
ticularly those for which it could exploit cost-con- ket timing, or industry selection.' When Desai
trol capahihties. And Sara Lee, which has acquired Capital acquired Sunglass Hut, it concentrated on
more than 60 different consumer-product compa- growing revenues rapidly and created a new strategy
nies-including Coach Leatherwear Company, to do so. Since the initial acquisition in 1988, Sun-
Playtex Apparel, and Champion International Cor- glass Hut has grown from 150 stores to more than
poration - used branding and retailing as its com- 800 and has racked up an impressive 37% in annual
mon thread. returns by acquiring, in its turn, smaller stores and
implementing a new store format. The company re-
placed clerks who knew little about sunglasses with
Making Acquisitions Work trained customer-service specialists, introduced an
But making tbis type of acquisition work is not extensive product assortment instead of relying on
easy. Our research has found that successful corpo- two or three popular lines, and instituted a low-
rate and financial buyers use seven key operating price regional strategy. (See the chart "Sources of
principles. These principles affect almost every Value Creation in an Acquisition.")
stage of the acquisition process, from tbe identifica- *-" The Snapple buyout, done by the well-known fi-
tion of candidates to postmerger management. nancial buyer Thomas H. Lee Company in 1992,
They are: provides another example of operating innovations.
D Insist on irmovative operating strategies. Shortly after the buyout, Snapple embarked on an
D Don't do the deal if you can't find the leader. ambitious growth strategy based on rapid geograph-
D Offer big incentives to top-level executives. ic expansion and product-line extensions. Knowing
D Link compensation to changes in cash flow. tbat competitors would soon bring out their own
D Push the pace of change. natural teas and fruit juices, the company quickly
n Foster dynamic relationships among owners, huilt its production and distrihution system. It es-
managers, and the hoard. tablished contractual relationships with bottling
D Hire the best acquirers. and distribution companies that had spare produc-
Insist on innovative operating strategies. Since tion capacity, thereby getting its product to mar-
the early 1980s, high-profile leveraged buyouts ket one year ahead of national competitors such
such as Duracell International, Uniroyal, and RJR as Fruitopia (from Coca-Cola Company's Minute
Nabisco have attracted widespread attention. Maid division) and gaining a first-mover advantage.
Much of the fanfare has focused on negotiation tac- As the Snapple example illustrates, innovative
tics, savvy financial structures, and prices. Little at- operating strategies allow acquirers to be successful
tention, however, has been given to the other 2,200- in industries as notoriously competitive as the U.S.
plus buyouts that have occurred in that time period food and beverage industry. The lesson: Don't look
and to the fundamental changes in operating prac- for growth only in high-growth industries.

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW [aniuiry-Fchruary 1996 127

Finding Nonsynergistic Acquirers
To find the most successful nonsynergistic acquir- some companies acquire a variety of businesses in or-
ers, we screened all major companies making acquisi- der to vertically integrate, we saw them as one husi-
tions over the past ten years-U.S. and U.K. public ness and therefore eliminated them from our sample.
companies and known U.S, financial huyers. In select- For financial huyers, we chose firms that had dis-
ing public corporations, we chose those that had ac- closed investment funds of $250 million or more and
quired more than ten companies of size that were in that had raised at least two investment funds-an indi-
more than four different major lines of husiness. Since cator of successful investment performance over time.

1 U.S. and U.K. Public Corporate Acquirers, 1985-1994 1

Number of
1994 Sales Annualized Acquisitions and Degree of
Companies (in millions of dollars) Return Divestitures Diversification

Index: S&P 500 14.3

Berkshire Hathoway 3,847,5 32.0% 26 16

Phelps Dodge Corporation 3,289,0 29.7 10+ 4

Sara Lee Corporation 15,536,0 23.7 85 9

Thermo Electron Corporation 1,585,3 22.4 30 12

Illinois Tool Works 3,461,3 21.8 10 5

Conagra 23,512.2 20.4 95+ 8

AIca Standard Corporotion 7,992.5 18.3 62 9

Air Products and Chemicals 3,485.3 17.2 10 5

General Electric Company 59,316.0 17.2 76 24

Dover Corporation 3.085.3 14.3 11 5

Emerson Electric Company * 8,607.2 13.9 40 4

Horcouri General * 3,208,5 13.1 10 4

MSa Index (U.K.) 5.4

Wassal 1,022.0 14.4 11 5

Bot Industries 28,169.3 14.1 10 7

Hanson Trust 16,899.7 9.8 31 20

Grand Metropolitan 11,740.3 7.6 47 9

' Although rhey did not enceed the total return of tha S&P 500 ndeji over the ten-year time Frame, these componi s experienced periods of excellence between 19B0 ond ]99i.

Sovrcei: Annual repotfs, company inlerviews, Compustof, Securitiei Data Corporolion.

128 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW fan uary-February 1996


We then conducted detailed interviews witb eigbt ing the past ten years. The group of financial buyers in
corporate acquirers and 13 financial buyers. The group the study had reported capital of more than S16 billion
of corporate acquirers in the study operated 50 differ- and achieved estimated returns above 25% annually
ent lines of business, outperformed tbe Standard & for their funds, with many producing returns exceed-
Poor 500 and Morgan Stanley Capital International ing 40%. If these financial buyers were viewed as cor-
(MSCI) indices by an average of almost 50%, and expe- porate conglomerates, tbeir 1994 revenues would
rienced compound annual revenue growth of 12% dur- place 45% of tbem in the Fortune 500.

Financial Buyers 1
Size of Capital
Firm (in millions of dollars) Number of Funds Raised

Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts & Company 9,200 3

Morgan Stanley Capital Partners 4,281 6
E.M. Warburg, Pincus & Company 3,675 2
Clayton, Dubilier & Rice 2,985 5
Stonington Partners 2,900 3
Thomas H, Lee Company 2,721 3
Hellman & Friedman 2,704 3
Chemical Venture Partners 2,500
GS Capital Venture Partners 2,500 2
The Blackstone Group 2,081 2
Acadia Partners/OoK Hili Partners 1,800 5
Forstmonn Uftle & Company 1,582 5
Apollo Advisors 1,500 3
Kelso & Company 1,335 5
Freeman, Spogil & Company 1,130 3
Boston Ventures Management 1,042 4
Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst 1,032 3
TA Associates 800 7
Desai Capital Management 675 3
Joseph, Littlejohn & Levy 620 2
Carlyle Group 600 2
Three Cities Research 600 3
Gibbons, Goodwin, Van Amerongen 560 3
Charterhouse Group International 556 2
Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe IV 552 5
Golder, Thoma, Cressey, Rauner 547 7
Leonard Green & Partners 535 2
Dillon, Read & Company/Saratoga Partners 513 3
American Industrial Partners Management Company 495 2
Boin Capital 445 7
Castle, Harlan 379 3
McCown, DeLeeuw & Company 340 3
Aurora Capital Partners 320 2
GE Investments 309 2
Berkshire Partners 295 3
Morgan, Lewis, Githen & Ahn 285
Weiss, Peck & Greer 275 7

Sources: Asset AllernalivBs ond Corporate Finonce fWintgr 1994J.

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW January-February 1996 129

itable. In acquiring General Ca-
Sources of Volue Creotion in on Acquisition ble, Wassail was betting that the
company could be turned around
and that Rabinowitz was the man
Sunglass Hut International to do it. Within 18 months of
Totai Value of Company 140 274
fin millions of dollars)
the acquisition, the bet paid off:
Rabinowitz had overhauled the
company's varied information sys-
tems, cut more than 30% of its
product offerings, and dramatical-
ly reduced working capital.
However, when financial tar-
gets are not met, successful ac-
quirers don't hesitate to replace
managers. Financial buyers show
less patience than corporate ac-
quirers. In 32% of the acquisi-
tions by financial buyers in our
study, one or more top-level man-
agers were replaced within three
Acquisition Normol Industry Finonciol Operating Entity value years. In the corporate acquisi-
plus net gain from gain over leveroge improvements 11/94) tions, less than 10% of managers
present value the market market were replaced within three years.
of subsequent 11/88-1/94]
Why the difference between cor-
porate and financial buyers? It
Sources, Private files, McKinsey analysii. Compuital.
may be attributable to the taller
burdles imposed by finaneial buy-
Don't do the deal if you can't find the leader. ers or to corporate acquirers' reluctance to displace
More than 65% of our respondents believe that managers and disrupt a company's culture.
managerial talent is the single most important in- Those reluctant to replace managers might take
strument for creating value. Acquirers ensure that a lesson from Thomas H. Lee. The company engi-
they have the right managers in three ways: They neered a management buyout of Diet Center in
evaluate current executives; they look for managers 1988. "We knew management was weak, but we
within the organization who are not yet in leader- thought we could fix it," recounts former managing
ship positions; they hire outside industry experts. director Steven Segal, now managing director of
Nearly 85% of the responding acquirers in our J.W. Childs Associates, At the time of the Diet Cen-
interviews kept preacquisition managers in their ter acquisition, Jenny Craig was predominantly an
positions. In other instances, successful acquirers Australian food company and Nutri-System was
have found leaders elsewhere in the company - just emerging from bankruptcy. Neither was a seri-
leaders who had not yet had the chance to carry out ous threat to Diet Center at first, but both became
their vision. Forstmann Little ik Company discov- major competitors before long. When the competi-
ered top leaders within middle management at tion got rough. Diet Center's managers faltered.
General Instrument, and those individuals have Offer big incentives to top-level executives. Find-
gone on to create more than $3 billion in value over ing and motivating the right managers is so impor-
the past three years. tant that many successful acquirers offer senior ex-
When successful acquirers look for outside in- ecutives significant ownership stakes (usually 10%
dustry experts, they tend to find outstanding per- to 20%). If all goes as planned, those managers can
formers at large corporations. For instance, Stephen become millionaires. Why offer sueh big carrots?
Rabinowitz, who had an impressive track record as B. Charles Ames, a Clayton, Dubilier ik Rice part-
president of General Electric Lighting and later as ner, said it best, "Managers are more committed to
vice president of AlliedSignal Braking Systems, was doing the difficult work of restructuring, growing,
hired to turn General Cable Corporation around in and otherwise fixing an acquisition when some or
1994 after Wassail acquired it. Many potential buy- all of their net worth is on the line." Creating annu-
ers had looked at General Cable, a supplier of cop- al returns in excess of 35%, as these managers must,
per wire cables, but few knew how to make it prof- requires a great deal of commitment and effort.

130 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW lanuary-Febniary 1996


Incentives are especially important when new motivate executives with carefully designed com-
managers are recruited into a company. In that case, pensation schemes tied to changes in cash flow.
suhstantial upside potential is often needed to woo Such ineentive pay accomplishes two ohjectives.
outstanding executives away from comfortahle and First, it's a reward for current efforts - a symhol of
relatively low-risk jobs. Previous studies on buy- recognition, a pat on the hack. Second and more im-
outs have shown that CEOs of acquired companies portant, it provides a foundation-a common vocab-
typically hold 6.4% of their unit's equity, whereas ulary - for communication between managers and
the average CEO of a puhlic company might hold owners so that managers will keep cash flow in
only .25%.' mind when making daily operating decisions.
In most of the cases we studied, executives are Many of the acquirers we studied pay managers a
obliged to purchase enough stock so that their hold- base salary set at roughly the average for the indus-
ings constitute a large part of their
net worth. These large holdings are ^
often referred to as pain equity"-a
way to ensure that managers cannot
S o i n e m a n a e ; e r s m u s t Dut a l a m e
afford to fail. If an executive is un-
able to buy the equity, acquirers may
part of their net worth at risk.
offer a discount or a loan.
A major controversy has erupted
This is called "pain equity."
over whether public companies
should follow these practices. Some argue that pub- try. However, they tie a substantial amount of total
lic companies cannot offer large ownership stakes compensation to annual performance measures.
to individual managers beeause shareholders moni- They evaluate which measures are the most impor-
tor executive pay to ensure that it is "reasonable." tant drivers of operating cash flow and then set
However, the best acquirers in our study, such as aggressive targets. Factors that affect current cash
Thermo Electron Corporation, aren't afraid to make flow, such as inventory on hand, accounts receiv-
top managers wealthy if their companies achieve able, and unit growth, are generally used along with
outstanding returns. In fact, almost 60% of our cor- variables that affect longer-term cash flows, such as
porate acquirers offer managers a chance to become return on new capital investment and gains in mar-
much wealthier than their industry peers. Thermo ket share. These metrics are derived from overall
Electron alone has created 40 millionaires. How- business targets and are often incorporated into
ever, such acquirers are shrewd and give up only as senior managers' employment eontracts, with ex-
much equity as required to lure the best talent. plicit numerical targets set for each variable. Bonus
Equity stakes are not the only motivating factor payouts usually range from 50% to 100% or more
for managers, of course. Other forms of reward, of base salary. The size of the reward is correlated
such as public recognition and future advancement closely with the difficulty of achieving specific per-
formance goals.
In 1993, when Kirkland Messina, a
Nearly 85% of the respondents buyout firm in Los Angeles, acquired
the Selmer Company, a maker of
in our interviews retained musical instruments, it knew it had
to resolve a severe lack of communi-
preacquisition managers to run cation among Selmer's departments.
It discovered, for example, that the
their acquired companies. sales force was not properly inform-
ing the manufacturing group of its
inventory needs. The confusion
Iwithin large corporate parents), are also needed to caused the company to miss critical delivery dates
make the difficulties and uncertainty worthwhile on its highest-margin products: trumpets for profes-
to managers. Nonmonetary forms of compensation sional musicians.
are particularly prevalent at public corporations, "The company was run in fiefdoms," says CEO
where executives with the best performance Dana Messina. Kirkland Messina changed all that:
records are rewarded in a variety of ways. "We set up measures that forced partnering
Link compensation to changes in cash flow. Be- between funetional areas. Sales managers have
sides issuing equity up front, successful acquirers margin as well as revenue targets; manufacturing

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW lanuary-Fehruary 1996 131


managers have customer-delivery as well as work- ment team announced that the company was no
ing-capital targets." The result: Managers' cash longer in business to sell the maximum amount of
compensation has doubled, and casb flow has in- product; it designed a new sales-incentive plan that
creased 50% in the two years since the acquisition. rewarded the sales force for hoosting gross margins
Push the pace of change. "When it comes to iden- instead of focusing on volume. Procurement and in-
tifying opportunities, time is critical," says Charlie ventory control were improved by charging the
Peters, vice president of development and technol- branch managers 1 % per month for inventory held
ogy at Emerson Electric. "Most of the actions re- less than two months and 2% for inventory held
quired to create value are taken in the first two more than two months.
years after the deal is closed." Both public and pri- Foster dynamic relationships among owners,
vate acquirers agree that pushing the pace of change managers, and the board. One critical difference be-
disciplines managers and sharpens priorities. It tween successful acquirers and most corporations
gives people in the organization a sense of urgency is the level of interaction among managers, direc-
and a challenge. For example, Emerson acquired tors, and shareholders. Rather than erect a multi-
Fisher Controls International, a supplier of manu- tier, bureaucratic structure, successful acquirers
facturing process control equipment, in late 1992. create flat organizations. Sara Lee, for instance, em-
Because of a series of operating changes - including ploys a decentralized management structure that
plant consolidations, changes in procurement prac- divides the acquired company into discrete profit
tices, inventory programs, and sales-force align- centers, each led by an executive with a high degree
ments - both profit and cash flows were able not of authority and accountability for the performance
only to meet aggressive two-year plans but also to of tbat business.
exceed the original acquisition forecast. Emerson is Other successful acquirers keep acquired busi-
not alone; Grand Metropolitan also makes change nesses separate from otber operating units, even if
happen fast. After acquiring PET in February 1995, that policy precludes exploitation of potential syn-
the company quickly moved to close plants, reduce ergies. They believe that giving acquired businesses
costs at headquarters, and change brand strategy. a high degree of autonomy is essential.
At WESCO, a buyout done by Clayton, Dubilier The way Thermo Electron is organized illus-
& Rice, operating income jumped from almost no trates the point. In the past ten years, Thermo Elec-
profits to profits of roughly $55 million within two tron has acquired 30 companies in the environmen-
years. The previous owner, Westinghouse Electric tal, energy, health care, and medical equipment
Corporation, had sought to maximize profits by industries. It owns between 50% and 80% of the
keeping manufacturing utilization high-a strategy stock of its operating units; the remainder is in the
that meant WESCO sometimes sold products at a hands of the public. By structuring his company in
loss. Following the acquisition, the new manage- this manner, CEO George Hatsopoulos has been

Sara Lee has chosen to employ

a decentralized structure that
divides the acquired company
into discrete profit centers.


able to offer a large and diverse group of managers daily [with the CEO] for the first few months, until
equity stakes,- yet he has maintained control by major change has happened; then we talk weekly,"
having key officers report to Thermo Electron and says Thomas Weld, a managing director of Three
by having formal contractual agreements that spec- Cities Research, a financial buyer.
ify operating policy. For example, each operating Successful acquirers also carefully structure the
company is required to put its funds into a cen- boards of directors of acquired companies, limiting
tralized cash-management system controlled by them to five to seven members. The boards typical-
Thermo Electron, to follow internal control and ly consist of one to three managers from the ac-
accounting procedures, to submit annual and quired company, one or two industry experts, and
five-year plans, and to report to Thermo Electron's two or three representatives from the ownership
senior executives about deviations
from plan. In short, the operating
units have the mdependenee of pub T h e o n o E l e c t r o n ' s O p e r a t i n g u n i t s
lie companies with the control and i . i
reporting relationships
mon in corporate that are com
subsidiaries. have t h e i n d e p e n d e n c e of public
More than 80% of the successful ^ i 1
acquirers studied allow top-level
managers to have the final say in all companies with the reporting
operational decisions as long as fi-
nancial targets are met. The rest relationships of subsidiaries.
make major operational decisions jointly. Financial group. Financial buyers generally use outsiders on
buyers in particular rarely override the decisions of their boards to provide an independent point of
upper management, in spite of having controlling view. In the case of corporate acquirers, however,
equity positions. As a representative of one stated, industry experts are usually the CEOs of other op-
"We have the same power as corporate parents, but erating units in related lines of business; owners are
we are less willing to use it." typically represented by the group head or holding
The best financial and corporate buyers often company president. Both corporate and financial
appoint a gatekeeper to be the interface between acquirers prefer a majority of seats on the board to
owner and operating unit manager. That individual be held by equity owners (managers and investors).
becomes intimately involved in the acquired Hire the best acquirers. One often overlooked as-
company's operating decisions by acting as a sound- pect of acquisitions is selecting the deal makers.
ing board for management, especially during the These individuals make judgments that are often
first 6 to 18 months after the acquisition. "We talk critical to the success or failure of the transaction.
Here the differences between financial buyers and
corporate acquirers may lead to some differences in
value ereation.
Financial buyers hire highly skilled professionals
with outstanding professional and educational cre-
dentials. In our sample of nine buyotit firms and
more than 100 professionals, 45% of professionals
had previous experience making deals at either an
investment bank or some other major investing
firm. Another 35% had top-level operating or con-
sulting experience. The educational background of
investment professionals also suggests that they
are drawn from an elite pool. More than 75% of as-
sociates and partners studied had advanced degrees
in business or law, and more than 90% of those de-
grees eame from high-ranked U.S. schools.
The best and the brightest don't come cheap.
Starting compensation for associates can be greater
than $100,000 per year and can grow to more than
$500,000 within five years. The opportunity for as-
sociates to influence the actions of managers at

HARVARD BUSLNESS REVIEW lanuary-February I99fi 133


acquired companies also gives them a powerful non- such companies are currently running highly au-
monetary motivator: a strong sense of impact. At tonomous operating units, sometimes with sepa-
a more senior level, the financial rewards are huge. rate legal structures, albeit with close ties to the
Partners at successful firms usually earn in excess parent corporation. Here most changes will be evo-
of $1 million per year from a combination of man- lutionary rather than revolutionary and will be
agement fees, incentive ("override") payments geared to bringing acquisition and management
from realized investments, as well as capital appre- techniques in line with best practices.
ciation of stock. Companies tbinking of developing in-bouse ac-
Corporate acquirers pursue a different strategy quisition capabilities will need to screen potential
for building their acquisition teams. Unlike finan- acquisitions, structure sophisticated deals, and
cial buyers, they tend to hire people
with less deal-making experience,
preferring to develop their own tal-
ent. Corporate investment profes-
Our respondents found that
sionals generally possess fewer ad-
vanced degrees and come from less
they did not have to stay in their
prestigious schools. They are paid
significantly less than their counter-
core businesses but could grow
parts at financial firms. Unlike fi-
nancial buyers, where both senior
within their field of knowledge.
and junior staff evaluate the desir-
ability of an acquisition, corporate buyers typically monitor portfolio companies effectively. In addi-
have senior executives make those decisions. Staff tion, they will need to develop individualized
associates are limited to structuring the deal, nego- performance-based evaluation and compensation
tiating it, and working out legal and accounting is- systems. Specifically, we recommend that head-
sues. The prospect of fast-track promotion serves as quarters allow each subsidiary to pursue its own
the key motivator for corporate investment profes- long-range strategy, have a separate management
sionals, rather than the decision-making autonomy compensation plan, and pursue acquisitions in its
and financial rewards offered by financial buyers. main line of business. Nonsynergistic acquisitions
Do corporate acquirers lose anything by not hiring and spin-offs, however, should be managed by the
the same type of people as financial buyers do? Al- parent company, as should selection and removal of
though this hypothesis cannot be tested directly, high-level subsidiary managers.
our analysis of the two groups' respective acquisi- Establish a separate subsidiary. Where a compa-
tion processes and returns suggests that they do. ny's business system and culture are likely to reject
nonconforming additions, we recommend creating
an acquisition group outside the core organization.
How to Do It Many multibusiness or single operating compa-
Many companies today find themselves with a nies, especially those that are highly centralized or
surplus of cash and a shortage of places to use it have strong corporate cultures, would find this ap-
profitably. In the past five years, more than 1,300 proach the most appropriate for them. Companies
companies have collectively stashed $150 billion in that wish to copy the operating practices of success-
their coffers. ful acquirers must be confident that they have or
We believe that most companies can benefit from can find the skills necessary to run an independent
the nonsynergistic approach to acquisitions we acquisition program within tbe guidelines suggest-
have described. However, cash-rich companies ed here. At various times, some public companies,
should consider carefully the magnitude of change including General Electric Company and Hanson
that will be required. Taking into account their Trust, have set up or spun off operations to allow for
company's skills, organizational structure, and cor- the autonomy and flexibility needed to invest in
porate culture, they should do one of the following businesses outside their core businesses. At Chem-
to implement the strategy. ical Bank, Chemical Venture Partners was estab-
Evolve in-house capabilities. This approach is lished as an autonomously managed partnership,
most suited to those companies that already have yet the bank is the only limited partner and the em-
the right frame of mind - those that are entrepre- ployees are Chemical Bank employees.
neurial and growth oriented and that already follow Outsource. A company without an experienced
many of our key operating principles. Most likely team of advisers can hire outside assistance. How-

134 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW [anuary-February 199fi

ever, the advisers' interests must align with the cessful acquirer, executives must think in ways
company's. If a company uses investment bankers, that are unorthodox and uncomfortable to them.
for example, it must realize that the way deal fees Each of the successful acquirers in our study made
are structured makes completing a transaction the purchases where others failed to discern a path to
highest priority of such advisers. The risk: overpay- success. Yet the acquirers in our survey did succeed
ment on price, hurried due diligence, overly sim- in exporting their knowledge to new businesses.
plistic contracts, and little premerger planning. Thus, interpreted properly, "Stick to your knitting"
Another option exists for those whose corporate does not mean a company should stay in its core
climate is suited to partnerships. A eompany wish- business. It really means a company should grow
ing to make nonsynergistic acquisitions can henefit within its field of knowledge. Our sample of acquir-
from a partnership with a financial huyer experi- ers did just that.
enced in nonsynergistic deals. For example. Oak In-
Bradley Boyer and Kristin Fink, both of McKinsey &> Company,
dustries, a manufacturer of consumer components, helped prepare this article.
formed a successful partnership with Bain Capital
1. William F, Long anil David |. Ravenscraft, "Decade of Debt; Lessnns
in 1992 to acquire Gilbert Engineering, a specialty- from LBOs in the i980s " In Tbe Deal Decade: What Takeovers and
connector manufacturer for cable television. Leveraged Buyimtn Mean for Corporate Governance, ed. Margaret M.
Blair (Washington, D.C.; Brookings Institution, 1993).
Any CEO who wants to implement our guide- 2. Various academic studies of LBOs support our findings tbat successful
lines in his or her own company must ask, Am I diverse acquirers are able to create value mainly by improving operations.
confident that I can buy into new husinesses and See Steven Kaplan, "The Effects of Management Buyouts on Operating
Performance and Value, "/ouni(jio/fjj]iincia7 Economies'241 lysy I, p. 217.
generate maximum returns from my investment .1. Michael C. (ensen, "Eclipse of the Public Corporation," HBR Septem-
dollars? Ultimately, for a company to become a suc- ber-October 1989, p, 61.
Reprint 96101 For ordering information, seepage 172.

"The learning curve is a loop."


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