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12 August 2010

California Edition

Calendar District Scrutiny Could Get Tougher

Bill Would Impose More Rules On Hospital Leases
August 18
The legacy of Sacramento-based Sutter million in Marin General during the 14
Health’s management of district hospitals in years it managed the hospital, and was
93)!:1;1*)!-<!=)(2;3>(*)!(40!?)&-40@! the Bay Area has been controversial enough entitled to recoup the funds.
C++->/(;/-4!-<!=)(2;3!'2(4+!)DE2-*)+!3-F! to spur legislation placing closer scrutiny Control of the hospital was returned
*)<-*G!F/22!(<<)>;!/;+!/401+;*&@!HIJKH"##@ on how such arrangements are structured. to the district in late June. However, the
SB 1240, authored by Sen. Ellen transfer did not occur until the district
L)5/+;)*!M42/4)N Corbett, D-San Leandro, and sponsored by waged an acrimonious lawsuit against
the California Nurses Association, would Sutter over which entity would pay for
:))+@(+EDU)V#W>JXYJIKYYY#KWX>$K(JW<K forbid private entities from transferring any seismic retrofitting at the facility.
0J<<)J#(0W(X funds or assets out of hospital districts. It Sutter settled the suit in 2006,
would also require annual – and publicized agreeing to terminate its lease of Marin
– audits of both the hospital operator and General five years prior to its 2015
expiration. But the same year it settled
September 8-9 the district. Losses incurred by a private
with the district, Sutter transferred nearly
operator of a district hospital would also be
barred from use as credits in purchasing a $50 million alone from Marin General to
S)>-40!C441(2!B3)(2;3!R);F-*A/45! its corporate entity.
8-4<)*)4>)@!9-F4!(40!8-14;*&!=-;)26!S(4! district hospital or any of its assets.
Z/)5-@!C!0/+>1++/-4!-<!3-F!G-%/2)! The bill was approved by the Senate on Just before the transfer of the hospital
(EE2/>(;/-4+!(*)!>3(45/45!3)(2;3>(*)@! June 1 by a 22-12 vote, and passed the back to the district, more than 30 Marin
HY\J@ Assembly Health Committee on June 22. It County officials signed a full-page ad that
is currently awaiting a vote in the Assembly appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle
Appropriations Committee. and other Bay Area newspapers
3;;ENOOFFF@G-%/3@-*5OG));/45+O CNA officials say the legislation is in demanding Sutter return assets to the
response to the way not-for-profit Sutter district. The Marin County Board of
Health has operated hospitals in the Marin Supervisors also demanded Sutter do the
Healthcare District in Greenbrae and Eden same.
September 22-24 Township Healthcare District in Castro “Sutter used Marin as a corporate
Valley. ATM,” said CNA spokesman Nato Green.
Both CNA and Marin Healthcare In the case of Eden Township, which
B)0/>(2!Z).)2-EG)4;!SE)>/(2/+;+!C441(2! District officials claim Sutter transferred as includes Eden Medical Center and San
=)(2;3>(*)!8-4<)*)4>)@!P4>-*)!(;![&44! much as $200 million in assets out of the Leandro Hospital, the CNA claimed that
=-;)26!7(+!Q)5(+@!Z/+>1++/-4!-<!3-F! district, which operates 235-bed Marin Sutter negotiated a lease of San Leandro
3-+E/;(2!(40!E3&+/>/(4!%1+/4)++!G-0)2+@! General Hospital. Sutter officials have
HY\JKH$6$\J@! claimed that it had invested some $235
Continued on Next Page


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Payers & Providers NEWS Page 2

Top Placement... Districts (Continued from Page One)

Bottomless Potential
in 2008 that allowed it the right of first for adequate protections and public
refusal to purchase the facility, as well as review prior to a district entering into a
Advertise use operating losses as credits against the major contract,” stated correspondence
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2 purchase price. Green claimed the deal from the hospital lobby to lawmakers.
not only prompted Sutter to “run San State law prohibits transfer of more
Leandro into the ground,” but that it used than 50% of a hospital district’s assets
claimed losses to try and purchase the without approval of district voters. In
In Brief hospital for virtually nothing.
The Eden Township district has sued
2011, legislation that allowed for-profit
entities to transfer assets from a district
Sutter over the agreement, claiming a expires, allowing such transfers only to
conflict-of-interest. not-for-profit entities.
Kaiser Reports Lower Sutter officials declined comment on Green noted that the legislation
Net Income For Quarter the legislation, which is supported by would affect only a handful of district
both the Marin and Eden Township hospitals in California that are leased or
Kaiser Permanente’s hospitals and districts. operated by private entities.
health plans reported a 35% drop The California Hospital Association “But we want to guarantee that assets
in net income for the second
quarter ending June 30, although opposes SB 1240. “CHA believes existing are reinvested,” he said.
it’s year-to-date profit is about the healthcare district law already provides
same as it was in 2009.
The Oakland-based and not-
for-profit Kaiser reported net
income of $404 million for the
quarter, down from $620 million a
L.A. Care Grants $529K For Health IT
year ago. Year-to-date net income is
“approximately $1.1 billion
Five Community Clinics in Region Receive Funding
consistent with the same period in
2009,” according to a prepared
statement. L.A. Care Health Plan has granted $529,000 Angeles County were approached to submit
Revenue for the first six to ve Los Angeles-area clinics to help them grant applications, L.A. Care ofcials said.
months of 2010 was $22 billion, up Twenty-ve initially participated in
install electronic medical record (EMR
4.1% from the $21.1 billion
reported during the first half od systems). conferences about the grant process, but
2009. The grants, which ranged from $99,000 only 12 submitted formal applications.
Despite the dip in net income, to $115,000, went to Asian Pacic Health “Some had already received (EMR)
Kaiser reported spending $576 Care Venture; St. John’s Well Child and grants, and others felt they were not yet
million on capital expenditures, up
Family Center; the Venice Family Clinic and ready to go through the process,” Palencia
3.1% for the year-ago quarter.
“Through our financial the Family Health Care Centers, all in Los said.
performance we are able to support Angeles. The fth recipient was Northeast The recipients may receive technical
our capital expenditures as well as Valley Health Corp. in the city of San assistance from L.A. Care in installing the
our ongoing efforts to deliver high- systems.
Fernando. All treat primarily low-income
quality, affordable healthcare,” said
Kaiser Chief Financial Officer Kathy uninsured and Medi-Cal patients. The grants were intended to close the
Lancaster. The grants are enough to outt the gap between federal stimulus funding to
Kaiser does not report the clinics with full EMR systems, according to clinics for purchasing EMR systems, and the
financial results for its Permanente Roland Palencia, L.A. Care’s director of actual cost for installation.
medical groups, which are for-profit
community benets. Installation is expected To date, L.A. Care has given 27 health IT
. to be completed within two years. grants totaling about $3.8 million.
A total of 45 clinics throughout Los

Tougher Rescission
Rules To Go Into Effect
New regulations championed by
California Insurance Commissioner
Steve Poizner that tighten the ability of Expert Healthcare Communications
insurers to rescind individual health
insurance policies go into effect on
Aug. 18. !White Papers !Media Campaigns !Newsletters

(818) 848-8510

Continued on Page 3

Payers & Providers NEWS Page 3

Longer ALOS!* Stanford, SVMHS In Transplant Deal

Advertise Salinas-Area Patients Will Receive Local Care
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2
*For our ads, not your hospital Stanford Hospitals and Clinics perform ongoing monitoring after a transplant is
scores of kidney and pancreatic transplants performed.
on its Palo Alto campus. However, residents “(This) will provide patients greater

In Brief of the Monterey Peninsula region have had to

commute hours each way to receive crucial
convenience in terms of location to non-
surgical transplant care,” said Eric Williams,
pre-operative and post-operative care. Stanford’s administrative director of its solid
Such treks – which can be particularly organ transplant service line. Williams
debilitating to patients with chronic illnesses estimates about 40 to 50 patients in the region
The regulations streamline and
or recovering from major surgery – will end will use the services at Salinas Valley every
clarify insurance applications; require
insurance agents to disclose whether as part of a new pact with Salinas Valley year.
they helped a policyholder apply for Memorial Healthcare System. Although Stanford is underwriting the cost
coverage. They also impose a 15-day Although transplants will continue to of providing care at Salinas Valley – including
time limit on opening an investigation take place on the Stanford campus, Stanford the rental of ofce space – Williams did not
once an insurer receives information
that suggests contradictory physicians will be provided ofce space on disclose the annual budget for the program.
information on an insured’s the Salinas Valley campus in Salinas. Starting The deal between Salinas Valley and
application. at the end of this month, they will use that Stanford is part of an ongoing agreement
“Keeping your health insurance can hospital’s facilities to provide the extensive between the two hospitals, the former a 269-
literally be a matter of life and death,
preparatory and post-operative care to the bed community hospital in a fast-growing but
and I have zero tolerance for insurers
who use pretexts to illegally rescind transplant patients. still rural community, and the other a 630-bed
policies," Poizner said. “These tough Ofcials with both hospitals say not world-class teaching and research facility. In
regulations embody my commitment having to travel the approximately 150-mile 2008, Stanford began providing cardiac
to enforce the law and to protect round trip between Salinas and Palo Alto surgical care on the Salinas Valley campus,
consumers who buy medically
underwritten insurance coverage.” could improve outcomes. Patients who and later began providing on-site neonatal
qualify for organ transplants have to undergo intensive care in conjunction with its pediatric
a battery of pre-operative tests to qualify for facility, Lucille Packard Children's Hospital.
the transplant waiting list, and years of
Health Net Pledges
$7M To Keep SJV
Clinics Open Earnings Down At Molina Healthcare
Woodland Hills-based insurer
Revenue is up, But YTD Numbers Are Similar to 2009
Health Net and its charitable
foundation have pledged $7
million in interest-free loans to Long Beach-based Medicaid managed care burdened by their budget shortfalls.”
keep community health clinics in insurer Molina Healthcare reported a 27.4% Michigan, for example, cut premiums by
the San Joaquin Valley afloat decline in net income for the second quarter $5.5 million, retroactive to October 2009. The
during the current state budget ending June 30, impacted in part by rate cuts total rate cuts for the rst six months of the
impasse. The loans will be
available should the state halt imposed the state of Michigan. However, year was $8.7 million, Molina reported.
Medi-Cal and other payments to company ofcials say the plan is well- Molina’s medical cost ratio, under
the clinics. positioned for the long-term. pressure in recent quarters due to high rates of
“Health clinics are the main Net income for the quarter was $10.6 patients who contracted the H1N1 swine u,
source of primary and specialist
million, compared to $14.6 million for the declined to 86%, compared to 86.8% during
care for millions of Californians,”
said Dave Meadows, vice president second quarter of 2009. Revenue was $999.3 the second quarter of 2009. The year-to-date
of State Health Programs for Health million, up 7.2% from the year-ago quarter’s ratio is 85.9%, down from 86.4% for the rst
Net of California. “Clinic $927.6 million. half of 2009.
shutdowns could have terrible Revenue for the rst six months of 2010 Overall plan membership was up 8.7%,
health implications for residents.”
The loan offers would mark was $1.97 billion, up 9.7% from $1.78 to just under 1.5 million, compared to 1.4
the fourth year in a row Health Net billion for the rst half of 2009. million a year ago.
and the Health Net Foundation “Our second quarter results reect In addition to its nancial results, Molina
have extended such aid to improvement across our business despite a announced a public offering of 4 million
community clinics.
very difcult premium rate environment,” shares of stock at $27 a share. The paid-in
said Molina Chief Executive Ofcer J. Mario capital from the stock offering will be used to
Molina, M.D. “Although a few states have reduce Molina’s revolving credit debt.
provided rate increases, most states remain

Payers & Providers OPINION Page 4

Finding Meaning In Meaningful Use
'(&)*+!,!'*-./0)*+!/+! Although Lengthy, Regs Pave Clear Path For EHRs
778?!@4!(441(2!/40/./01(2! The healthcare industry is abuzz about the objectives and a “menu set” of 15 objectives
+1%+A*/=B/-4!/+!CDD!(!&)(*! final regulations released by the among which providers can choose. This two-
EC$FD!/4!%12GH?!;B!/+!0)2/.)*)0! Department of Health and Human track approach ensures that the basic
%&!)I:(/2!(+!(!'JK! Services on July 13th that define the elements of meaningful EHR use will be met
(BB(A3:)4B6!-*!(+!(4!)2)AB*-4/A! Meaningful Use of Electronic Health by all providers qualifying for federal
4)L+2)BB)*? Records (EHR). incentive payments, while allowing flexibility
The final Meaningful Use to accommodate different
rules incorporate changes needs and capabilities.
@22!(0.)*B/+/456!+1%+A*/%)*!(40! designed to make the The elegance of Meaningful
requirements more Use is that it’s about more
EOPPH!"FOI"<Q# achievable. Although the than health information
/4R-S=(&)*+(40=*-./0)*+?A-: guidelines are 800-plus technology; it’s about
pages, the principles transforming health care
T(/2/45!(00*)++N contained in them are not delivery.! The biggest
O$O!U?!V-22&L--0!W(&6!X1/B)!Y that complicated; they challenge is not the
Y1*%(4G6!8@!D$Z#Z promote 10 key changes in capability of the technology,
how health care providers but the capacity of people
deliver care. to change. Meaningful Use
Most of us would agree calls on providers to
that these changes are significantly change how
K(A)%--G sensible and needed and they deliver care. And we
LLL?R(A)%--G?A-:[=(&)*+=*-./0)*+ that the federal all know that change makes
>L/BB)* government is moving most people anxious. Yes, it
LLL?BL/BB)*?A-:[=(&)*+=*-./0)*+ By
medical practice in the right will be hard work, and it will be
direction. For example, giving Elaine uncomfortable at times. But, putting it
patients’ their own clinical Batchlor, off to some future date is not sensible
\0/B-*/(2!Y-(*0 information will help them become given the urgency of the challenges
real partners in their care.!Sharing
M.D. facing our health care system. It’s work
XB).)4!>?!9(2)4B/4)6!'*)+/0)4B6! clinical information, such as lab results we need to expeditiously move forward in
>3)!8(:0)4!]*-1= and prescribed medications, with other order to create health care that is efficient,
health care providers will improve care affordable and high quality. !
^-++!]-20%)*56!83(/*:(4!-R!B3)! coordination and reduce wasteful To help health care providers implement
duplication. the changes promoted by Meaningful Use, the
The real controversy is about how fast federal government is establishing regional
\2(/4)!Y(BA32-*6!T?J?6!83/)R! these objectives can and should be extension centers covering the entire country.
T)0/A(2!_RR/A)*6!7?@?!8(*)!V)(2B3! achieved and whether existing systems These centers will provide onsite assistance to
'2(4! can support them. An April 2010 Health providers to help them purchase, implement
Affairs study found that many of the and meaningfully use electronic health record
`)/B3!^/A3:(46!T?J?6!\a)A1B/.)! Meaningful Use rules align with how systems to provide better care. For a regional
9/A)!'*)+/0)4B6!7(G)+/0)! physicians are already using basic EHR extension center in your area, visit: http://
8-::14/B&!V)(2B3A(*) systems. This suggests that Meaningful Use
is achievable with existing technology. healthit_hhs_gov__rec_program/1495.
Providers at Kaiser Permanente are
@++-A/(B/-4!-R!X-1B3)*4!8(2/R-*4/( demonstrating that the technology is
usable, and their early studies are showing Elaine Batchlor is the chief medical officer of
V)4*&!7-1%)B6!83/)R!XB*(B)5&! that they support better care. L.A. Care Health Plan. She is a member of the
_RR/A)*6!`))4(4 The final Meaningful Use rules Payers & Providers Editorial Board.
incorporate changes designed to make the
'1%2/+3)*[\0/B-*I/4I83/)R requirements more achievable. For Stage
1, which begins in 2011, the rules call on
^-4!X3/4G:(4 Op-ed submissions of up to 600 words are
physicians and other eligible professionals
)0/B-*S=(&)*+(40=*-./0)*+?A-: to meet 15 objectives to qualify as welcomed. Please e-mail proposals to
Meaningful Users of EHRs. The rules, or call (877)
248-2360, ext. 3.
include a “core” group of 10 required

Payers & Providers MARKETPLACE/EMPLOYMENT Page 5

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Payers & Providers MARKETPLACE/EMPLOYMENT Page 6

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