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Student Management System manages all sort of student points of interest, scholastic
related reports, subtle school elements, course points of interest, educational programs,
clump subtle elements and other asset related subtle elements as well. It tracks every one
of the points of interest of an student from the very first moment to the finish of his course
which can be utilized for all announcing reason, following of participation, advance in the
course, finished semesters years, coming semester year educational programs subtle
elements, exam subtle elements, extend or some other task subtle elements, last, most
decisive test result and so on. All of this at present is done through file management
system. A file management system is a kind of programming that oversees information
documents in a PC framework. It has constrained abilities and is intended to oversee
individual or gathering documents, for example, unique office archives and records. It
might show report points of interest, similar to proprietor, creation date, condition of
fulfillment and comparable elements valuable in an office domain.

Problems in the Current System

There were various problems in the current modelling of the student management system
through file management system. Some of them are:
1. Data Mapping and Access: - Although all the related informations are grouped and
stored in different files, there is no mapping between any two files. i.e.; any two dependent
files are not linked. Even though Student files and Student_Report files are related, they are
two different files and they are not linked by any means.
2. Data Redundancy: - There are no methods to validate the insertion of duplicate data in
file system. Any user can enter any data. File system does not validate for the kind of data
being entered nor does it validate for previous existence of the same data in the same file.
3. Data Dependence: - In the files, data are stored in specific format, say tab, comma or
semicolon. If the format of any of the file is changed, then the program for processing this
file needs to be changed. We need to know in advance all the programs which are using this
file and change in the entire place.
4. Data inconsistency: - The mismatch created when a particular data stored at two
different places has different copies of same data is called data inconsistency. This occurs
because there is no proper listing of files which has same copies of data.
5. Data Isolation: - All of the information about a particular entity is stored in different
files. So when we have retrieve information about something we have to retrieve it from all
of the files. Since the data is isolated from each other in different files, retrieval becomes
6. Atomicity: - Atomicity refers to completion of a set of operations or not completing it at
all. Partial completion of the set leads to incorrect data in the system. File system does not
guarantee this.

Looking at the above problems that comes when student management system is implemented
using a file data management system, it is clear that a new technology or concept is needed
which can help get rid of all of these problems and maybe bring certain additional features along
with its implementation. Hence, to address all of these issues, a concept known as DataBase
Management System or DBMS is used.
Explain DBMS
A database management system (DBMS) is a software system for making and overseeing
databases. The DBMS furnishes clients and software engineers with a systematic approach to
make, recover, refresh and oversee information.

There are three major components of DBMS viz.

1. The Data
2. Database Engine - To access, lock and modify the data.
3. Database Schema - To define logical structure of the database.

These three foundational components help give simultaneousness, security, information

uprightness and uniform organization strategies. Typical database administration tasks
supported by organization tasks bolstered by the DBMS incorporate change management,
execution observing/tuning and backup and recuperation. Numerous database management
systems are likewise in charge of mechanized rollbacks, restarts and recovery and in addition
the logging and evaluating of movement.
The DBMS can offer both intelligent and physical information freedom. That implies it can shield
clients and applications from having to know where information is put away or being worried
about changes to the physical structure of information whether it is storage or hardware. For
whatever length of time that projects utilize the application programming interface (API) for the
database that is given by the DBMS, engineers won't need to alter programs since changes
have been made to the database.

With relational DBMSs (RDBMSs), this API is SQL, a standard programming language for
characterizing, securing and getting to information in a RDBMS.
Reasons to select DBMS
The main advantage of selecting DBMS is that it maintains data integrity while allowing the end
users and application programmers access and use the same data.Data is better secured and
kept up when it can be shared utilizing a DBMS as opposed to making new cycles of similar
data put away in new files for each new application. Different users can access the central store
of data in a very controlled way through DBMS.

Data security
Data abstraction and independence
Robust data integrity capabilities
A locking mechanism for concurrent access
An efficient handler to balance the needs of multiple applications using the same data
The ability to swiftly recover from crashes and errors, including restartability and
Simple access using a standard application programming interface (API)
Uniform administration procedures for data
Logging and auditing of activity

Application in Student management

Now that we know what is DBMS and advantages, we can apply DBMS to the Student
Management System. So for that there will be various table that will be required in order to
maintain the database of the student management system. Some of the tables which can be
used are:

Student Table: containing attributes like roll number (which will be the primary key for
this table), first name, middle name, last name, date of birth, address, contact number,
blood group, etc.
Admin Table: containing attributes like admin id (primary key), name, password
Faculty Table: containing attributes like faculty id (primary key), faculty name, faculty
Class Schedule Table: containing attributes like id(primary key), subject id, code, faculty
id, start date, end date
Attendance Table: containing attributes like student id, class schedule id, status
Timetable Table: containing attributes like class schedule id, class date
Subject Table: containing attributes like subject id, subject name, description, subject
Marks Table: subject id, student id, faculty id, marks

Additional Benefits of DBMS

Data can be organized into a logical and structured presentation.
Since DBMS is optimized for processing large amounts of data, hence it can be used to
deliver Economy of Scale.
A single database schema can be presented through different views through DBMS.
Through the use of concepts like normalization, even if data redundancies can be
reduced or removed so that problems do not occur when we try processes like insertion,
updation and deletion.
Systems can be modified much more easily when business requirements change with
the help of DBMS.
New classes of information can be added to the database without disturbing the current
system and applications can be protected from how information is organized and stored.

Looking at the above implementation and the additional benefits that DBMS has over the file
management system, it is recommended that, for this particular problem or such related
problems, Database Management System is used. DBMS helps in giving the overall data a
structure, takes care of important features like atomicity, security and data inconsistency and

Student management system is one of a varied set of problems that usually requires a large
amount of data that is to be stored, retrieved and edited. The requirement of proper storage of
such information thus becomes critical and essential for smooth functioning of the organization
that make use of the information. So we see that ordinary file management system is has
various disadvantages associated with it. Hence a proper data management has to be used.
DBMS is the solution to this. It provides a framework for storing data in an efficient manner and
has many concepts which help give the data a structure for easy access and maintain the
integrity of the data. The various advantages of using DBMS have been mentioned earlier
alongwith certain additional benefits that DBMS provides. A brief outlook of application of DBMS
on the student management system has also been shown.

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