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Agung Tri Laksono, Jurusan Biologi, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Malang
Konaah Ajeng Widowati, Jurusan Biologi, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Malang
Racy Rizki Abdillah, Jurusan Biologi, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Malang

Abstrak : Ringkas, Faktual, Tidak lebih dari 500 kata
Isi Abstrak mencakup : Permasalahan, Solusi, Metode yang diberikan, tujuan dan

Latar Belakang
Pembangunan berkelanjutan

Sustainable development means having a different vision of the world.

Sustainable development, a constantly evolving concept, is thus the will to
improve everyones quality of life, including that of future generations, by
reconciling economic growth, social development and environmental protection.
As the above examples illustrate, improving the quality of life takes on a different
aspect from one continent to another, from one region to another, and from one
country to the next. No single continent, government, institution or individual,
however, can attain this alone because the nature of the challenges to overcome
requires a global, collective, and individual commitment. [ AJI 141629e]

Pembangunan di kawasan 3T

Kawasan 3T

Pengertian ESD

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is essentially a call for change in

the way we educate our children and ourselves with the express purposes of
ensuring a sustainable future. While countries and stakeholders are already
interpreting this call in diverse ways UNESCO presents ESD as a development
project with four objectives and four thrusts. The four thrusts of ESD are
improving access to quality basic education, reorienting existing education
programmes, developing public understanding and awareness and providing
training. (Little, 2009)
[] Little,A.W., Green,A., 2009. Successful globalisation, education and sustainable
development. International Journal of Educational Development. Vol 29. pp. 166-
172. University College, London.

Peran pendidikan (konsep ESD)

By educating citizens, especially young generations within the formal schooling

system, the hope has been to effectively address the issue of SD [12]. This hope
led to the launch of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development
(DESD), overseen by UNESCO. During the Decade, ESD was launched as an
approach to teaching and learning that promotes SD. ESD has grown from an idea
into a global movement [13]

[12] Bonnet, M. Education for Sustainable Development: A Coherent Philosophy

for Environmental Education. Camb. J. Educ. 1999, 29, 313324.

[13] Hopkins, C. Twenty Years of Education for Sustainable Development. J.

Educ. Sustain. Dev. 2012, 6, 14.

Berdasarkan hasil studi pustaka

Beberapa AJI, AJUN

Rumusan Masalah







Definisi Konseptual

a. Pengertian pembangunan berkelanjutan

Pengertian pembangunan

Pengertian sustainability (berkelanjutan)

A view of sustainability

Sustainability relates to ways of thinking about the world, and forms of social and
personal practice that lead to: ethical, empowered and personally fulfilled
individuals; communities built on collaborative engagement, tolerance and
equity; social systems and institutions that are participatory, transparent and just;
and environmental practices that value and sustain biodiversity and life-
supporting ecological processes ( Hill et al, 2003).

[] Hill, Stuart B., Steve Wilson and Kevin Watson. 2003. Learning Ecology a
new approach to learning and transforming ecological consciousness: experiences
from social ecology in Australia. in OSullivan, Edmund and Marilyn Taylor.
(eds). 2003. Transforming Practices: learning towards ecological consciousness.
New York: Palgrave Press. di 139937e cariio

b. Pengertian pendidikan

Education is a life-long process for the betterment of human well-being (Shohel,


[] Shohel, Muhammad M C and Andrew J Howes. 2011. Models of Education for

Sustainable Development and Nonformal Education: A Bangladeshi Perspective.
Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 5(1):2.

AJI Models
Peran pendidikan

Key roles for education are first,education must inspire the belief that each of us
has both the power and the responsibility to effect positive change on a global
scale. Second,ducation is the primary agent of transformation towards sustainable
development, increasing peoples capacities to transform their visions for society
into reality. Third, education fosters the values, behaviour and lifestyles required
for a sustainable future. Fourth, education for sustainable development is a
process of learning how to make decisions that consider the long-term future of
the equity, economy and ecology of all communities. Fifth, education builds the
capacity for such futures-oriented thinking ()

[] UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014. Draft

International Implementation Scheme.

Three main models of sustainable development through education are education

about sustainable development; education for sustainable development and critical
education towards sustainable development. The first model, education about
sustainable development, provides awareness which generates changes in attitude
and then in behaviour. The second model, education for sustainable development,
focuses on actions which change attitudes and build awareness for life and then so
develop lifelong practice. The third model, critical education towards sustainable
development, emphasises generating knowledge through critical action, and the
development of active and critical citizenship (Shohel, 2011).

[]Shohel, Muhammad M C and Andrew J Howes. 2011. Models of Education for

Sustainable Development and Nonformal Education: A Bangladeshi Perspective.
Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 5(1):3-4.

c. Pengertian strategi ESD

d. Pengertian kawasan 3T
Kerangka Operasional

Pengertian ESD

Education for Sustainable Development means including key sustainable

development issues into teaching and learning; for example, climate change,
disaster risk reduction, biodiversity, poverty reduction, and sustainable
consumption. It also requires participatory teaching and learning methods that
motivate and empower learners to change their behavior and take action for
sustainable development. Education for Sustainable Development consequently
promotes competencies like critical thinking, imagining future scenarios and
making decisions in a collaborative way. ( UNESCO, 2012).

[14] United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

(UNESCO). ESDBuilding a better, fairer world for the 21st century. Available
online: uploads/2013/09/esd.pdf

Education for Sustainable Development extends its scope to deal with the
complex amalgamation of issues relevant to environment, society and economy.
ESD prepares people to cope with and find solutions to problems that threaten the
sustainability of the planet ( The UN Decade Education for Sustainable
Development 2005-2014 The First Two Years).

AJI [ 154093e]

{AJI Models for}

Education for sustainable development (ESD) is fundamentally about the links

between the awareness of the human as a whole in the nature and its supporting
social systems and the health of the planet which we inhabit with responsibilities
of present and future world (Shohel,2011).
Shohel, Muhammad M C and Andrew J Howes. 2011. Models of Education for
Sustainable Development and Nonformal Education: A Bangladeshi Perspective.
Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 5(1):2.

Klasifikasi ESD

Tujuan ESD

The objectives are to: Facilitate networking, linkages, exchange and interaction
among stakeholders in ESD. Foster an increased quality of teaching and learning
in education for sustainable development. Help countries make progress towards
and attain the Millennium Development Goals through ESD efforts. Provide
countries with new opportunities to incorporate ESD into education reform efforts
(UNESCO, 2007, p. 6).


Karakteristik ESD

Education for sustainable development should not be equated with environmental

education. The latter is a well-established discipline, which focuses on
humankinds relationship with the natural environment and on ways to conserve
and preserve it and properly steward its resources. Sustainable development
therefore encompasses environmental education, setting it in the broader context
of socio-cultural factors and the socio-political issues of equity, poverty,
democracy and quality of life. The development perspective that of social
change and evolving circumstances is also a central to any treatment of
sustainable development. The set of learning goals of sustainable development are
thus wide-ranging. Sustainable development must be integrated into other
disciplines and cannot, because of its scope, be taught as a discreet subject.
Education for sustainable development will aim to demonstrate the following
a) Interdisciplinary and holistic: learning for sustainable development
embedded in the whole curriculum, not as a separate subject;
b) Values-driven: it is critical that the assumed norms the shared values and
principles underpinning sustainable development are made explicit so
that that can be examined, debated, tested and applied;
c) Critical thinking and problem solving: leading to confidence in addressing
the dilemmas and challenges of sustainable development;
d) Multimethod: word, art, drama, debate, experience, different
pedagogies which model the processes. Teaching that is geared simply to
passing on knowledge should be recast into an approach in which teachers
and learners work together to acquire knowledge and play a role in
shaping the environment of their educational institutions;
e) Participatory decision-making: learners participate in decisions on how
they are to learn;
f) Applicability: the learning experiences offered are integrated in day to day
personal and professional life.
g) Locally relevant: addressing local as well as global issues, and using the
language(s) which learners most commonly use. Concepts of sustainable
development must be carefully expressed in other languages languages
and cultures say things differently, and each language has creative ways of
expressing new concepts ()

[] UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014. Draft

International Implementation Scheme.

Karakteristik ESD


- is based on principles and values that underlie sustainable development;

- deals with the well-being of all three realms of sustainability
environment, society and economy;
- promotes lifelong learning;
- is locally relevant and culturally appropriate;
- is based on local needs, perceptions, and conditions, but acknowledges
that fulfilling local needs often has international effects and consequenses;
- engages formal, non-formal and informal education;
- accomodates the evolving nature of the concept of sustainability;
- addresses content, taking into account context, global issues and local
- build civil capacity for community based decision making, social
tolerance, environmental stewardship , adaptable workforce and quality of
- is interdisciplinary: no one dicipline can claim ESD as its own, but all
disciplines can contribute to ESD;
- uses a variety of pedagogical techniques that promote participatory
learning and higher-order thinking skills.

UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014

[ AJI 154093e]

Manfaat ESD

With its aim being to change the ways in which children and adults learn to think,
value and act, ESD bears many similarities with earlier and parallel curriculum
movements such as environmental education, peace education, population
education, human rights education, citizenship education and development
education. While the curriculum and pedagogic approaches and boundaries
between these subjects or cross-curricula themes are sometimes contested by
the educators who promote them, they share a commitment to changes in
educational content and delivery (see for examples, Stables and Scott, 2002;
McKeown and Hopkins, 2003;JenkinsandJenkins,2005).

[] di AJI successfull

Prinsip ESD


The four thrusts of ESD are improving access to quality basic education,
reorienting existing education programmes, developing public understanding and
awareness and providing training (Little, 2009).

[] Little,A.W., Green,A., 2009. Successful globalisation, education and sustainable

development. International Journal of Educational Development. Vol 29. pp. 166-
172. University College, London.
[AJI 148654E (1)]

UNESCOs leadership role and, in fact, the task of Member States are also
defined by the four major thrusts of education for sustainable development :
improving access to quality basic education; reorienting existing education
programmes; developing public understanding and awareness. providing

Strategi ESD

...strategi ESD, Stakeholders will apply the following seven strategies both in
their own institutional frameworks and in the networks and alliances in which
they function. The seven strategies are:

- Advocacy and vision building

- Consultation and ownership
- Partnership and networks
- Capacity building and training
- Research and innovation
- Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
- Monitoring and evaluation ()

[AJI 139937e]

Stakeholder ESD

All of us will feel the impact of its relative success or failure, and all of us affect
the impact of ESD by our behaviour which may be supportive or undermining.
This generalisation does not however help to identify targeted strategies of
cooperation, communication or action. Particular roles and responsibilities
devolve to a number of bodies and groups at different levels: local (sub-national),
national, regional and international. At each level, stakeholders may be part of
government (or intergovernmental at regional and international levels), civil
society and non- governmental organisations, or in the private sector.

[AJI 139937e]

Penerapan Strategi ESD

[AJI 148654E (1)]

Tabel Strategi Penerapan ESD beserta Contoh

Strategi Contoh
Vision-Building - Lobby to embed ESD in goverment policies and
and Advocacy development plans.
- Establish a need for ESD by promoting the benefits
of ESD.
Consultation and - Model transparency and inclusivity in conducting
Ownership public participations events.
- Identify roles and responsibilities for stakeholders.
Partnership and - Actively seek a wide range of stakeholders.
- Identify existing advocates and work in unison.
- Identify partners and networks in all four thrusts of
Capacity-building - Address professional development needs at all
and Training levels including leadership.
- Build upon existing actors and expertise including
NGOs, private sector, and civil society.
- Link on going local and national sustainability
Research, - Develop ESD materials to fill curricular gaps and
Development, develop associated assessment instruments.
- Create research and development agendas for all
and Inovation
four thrusts of ESD.
- Disseminate ESD research, development and
innovative practices to practitioners.
Information & - Explore how sustainable development messages
Communication can be infused in games and popular culture
Technologies through ICTs.
- Use ICTs in training and in-service professional
development activities.
- Use ICTs to reach geographically isolated
Monitoring and - Develop indicators to assess the impact of the
Evaluation DESD.
- Gather baseline data and set up longitudinal studies.
Keberhasilan ESD

Pengertian kawasan 3T

Pendidikan di kawasan 3T







Bonnet, M. Education for Sustainable Development: A Coherent Philosophy for

Environmental Education. Camb. J. Educ. 1999, 29, 313324.
Hopkins, C. Twenty Years of Education for Sustainable Development. J. Educ.
Sustain. Dev. 2012, 6, 14.

Little,A.W., Green,A., 2009. Successful globalisation, education and sustainable

development. International Journal of Educational Development. Vol 29.
pp. 166-172. University College, London.

Shohel, Muhammad M C and Andrew J Howes. 2011. Models of Education for

Sustainable Development and Nonformal Education: A Bangladeshi
Perspective. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 5(1):2.

UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014. Draft

International Implementation Scheme.

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