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CONVENTIONAL GREEN ——_— ——— Tilescape ROOFS “Advantagesto the Owner TILESCAPE- Designed and Made in INDIA ‘CONVENTIONAL GREEN ROOF (ZinCO, Toyota Liveroafete) "ADVANTAGETILESCAPE Patent Pending) Energy Savings Thermal insulation 50-60% in VAC Cooling 3040 In HVAC Cooling ‘Doetoextainbullwater reservoirs andar Insulation inside Ties ‘Stormwater Management Yer More ve ‘Duetoextrainbuit water storage copay Rainwater Harvesting ve No ‘Duetoinbuitreverse lw yitemnadethe Tes Noise insulation Yes upto 1065 Yes uptor0 dB Similar atenoationin bothcases bat Tlescopes sight beter duetomore cir swatergop RealEstate Valve ve ve Similar increment in both cases both oe green uldng rating enhancer Roof Life Extension| Es Es Similar xenon both cones Healt and Wellbeing ve ve ‘Both redcepoiation ax well or enhance comfort FicePrevention ve ve Similarin both cases “customizations ke PV cells, Furnitures, Lighting et. Tess cont ond fenbiliydue to modular rate More cost ond bly due to pre planned nature recat tive Bites ble Features TILESCAPE (First indian made ofits CONVENTIONAL GREEN ROOF (ZinCQ, ADVANTAGE TILESCAPE (Patent kind) Toyota Liveroofete) Pending) Trigation Subsurface Caplan wth Auto ming Subsurface drip ortopsurface “Saving 76morewaterinrigaton Highly hoselsprinking ficient more water saving Recycled Pastc usage ve Yeo Tiescopereduces waste plastic hom ‘Maintenance Minimaldue to moduler sytem Huge doetofulremovaloflayers during Take ovtandepac tile anytime at ower root repair costendtime Alo duetoimplementedioT system Build Recycled Plastic (307O rata) Fresh Posicfabric ‘Moreeco-fiendly what can bea betterase forwosteplstic thon converting ito Tlesapeandclean the environment? Same Same “Same duet common engineered swith vegetation Price excluding maintenance period) Ra 350650 pers Fe 15002700 persate ‘Beto ocal manaactrng optimised and ‘moduler desgn whichis mos producble Totaltime required tolnstallon TOOsqRt_1220men-hours 308 manhours Taster and more ficient ntaloion Entra plications | “Green Roofing lator Slanted Green Focading Greenwalknay reaton low cost subsurface drainage system at ‘oadsides or open fils led with silat ‘thetop, mobile intigation, flood sabilsationet ‘Only Green Roofing Tilescape 49) Supply Chain Xd + LY Business Model key Partners oe key Actes value Propostions ‘we il customer Relationships. @ customer segments Cost structure | rovonve steams Tilescape Recommendation Towhomsoeverit may concern Tilescape a = We will change all the abandoned spaces in the world!

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