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Rocks & Minerals

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Chips from the Quarry

Marie Huizing

To cite this article: Marie Huizing (2017) Chips from the Quarry, Rocks & Minerals, 92:3, 213-217,
DOI: 10.1080/00357529.2017.1283657

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Published online: 11 Apr 2017.

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Chips from the Quarry

EW COLUMN: Weve had
a Whos Who in Mineral
Names column since it was
introduced by the late Dr. Richard S.
Mitchell in the January/February 1979

Photo courtesy Carnegie Museum of Natural History.

issue. So weve learned (and continue
to learn) a lot about the people who
have minerals named for them. But
many species are named after places, so
with this issue we begin The Where in

Photo courtesy Allison Megaw.

Mineral Names, a companion column
to Whos Who. Consulting Editor Dr.
Bruce Cairncross gets us started with
a look at the NChwaning mine in the
Kalahari manganese field, South Af-
rica, type locality for nchwaningite. Peter K. M. Megaw, recipient of the 2017 Anthony Tony R. Kampf, recipient of
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Thayer Lindsley Award. the 2016 Carnegie Mineralogical Award.

Peter K. M. Megaw, of Tucson, Arizona
(and also a consulting editor of Rocks River, King County, Washington, pub- The 2016 Carnegie Mineralogi-
& Minerals), received the 2017 Thayer lished in the November/December cal Award: Dr. Anthony Tony R.
Lindsley Award from the Prospectors issue, pages 498517. The announce- Kampf was honored as recipient of
& Developers Association of Canada ment was made during the awards ban- the Carnegie Mineralogical Award for
on 7 March at the groups Awards Gala quet and program at the Tucson Gem 2016. Kampf has spent his entire forty-
in Toronto. and Mineral Show, this year held on year professional career at the Natu-
Dr. Megaw, a professional geologist 11 February. In addition to the Award ral History Museum of Los Angeles
and cofounder of MAG Silver, made a of Merit given to the authors, the County, serving more than thirty-four
blind discovery, known as the Juani- magazine received a grant of $200 in years as a curator (thirty-one as head of
cipio silver deposit, containing more their names. As in the past, the check the Mineral Sciences Department) and
than 200 million ounces of silver. The was deposited in the Rocks & Minerals the past six years as curator emeritus.
discovery resulted from an under- Color Fund account. We thank FM for During his time as curator, he guided
standing of structural controls and this significant annual recognition and the museums Mineral Sciences De-
mineral zoning patterns of epithermal congratulate the authors on being cho- partment to national and international
vein systems and persistent application sen for this honor. prominence in the areas of exhibition,
of field-based exploration methods.
The deposit was in the 500-kilometer-
long Fresnillo epithermal belt in Mex-
ico and led to renewed exploration of
the region and the finding of a further
600 million ounces of silver.


ARE: The years end brings with it the
selection of recipients for several an-
nual awards in the field of mineralogy,
three of which were presented in Tuc-
son this past February.
The 2016 Best Paper Award: The
Friends of Mineralogy (FM) named co-
Jeff Scovil photo.

authors Rick Dillhoff and Joe George

as winners of the Best Paper in Rocks
& Minerals for 2016 for their article Joe George (left) and Rick Dillhoff, authors of the article that won Best Paper Award
titled The Purple Hope Claims, Green in Rocks & Minerals for 2016, in front of their Tucson display depicting pages from the
Ridge, Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie article as well as speciments illustrated in it.

Volume 92, May/June 2017 213

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collections, public programming, and the vast majority are peer-reviewed sci-
research. entific papers. His research is mostly
His first major assignment at the in the areas of descriptive mineral-
museum was the final planning and in- ogy, crystal chemistry, and structural
stallation of the Gem and Mineral Hall, crystallography, focusing on the char-
which opened in 1978 and still ranks as acterization of new or inadequately
one of the best in the country. Kampf described minerals. He has now de-
oversaw a nearly tenfold increase in scribed 185 new mineral species.

Photo courtesy Mineralogical Association of Canada.

size and a significant increase in impor- Kampf is the thirtieth winner of the
tance of the museums gem and mineral annual award, which recognizes out-
collection, principally by bringing in standing contributions in mineralogi-
major donations and making impor- cal preservation, conservation, and ed-
tant purchases. He established an effec- ucation that match the ideals advanced
tive support group and provided exten- in the Carnegie Museum of Natural
sive public programming, including the Historys Hillman Hall of Minerals and
planning and leading of many gem and Gems. Established in 1987, the award is
mineral tours all over the world (Bra- underwritten by the Hillman Founda-
zil, Burma, Greenland, Kenya, Mada- tion. It was presented to Kampf at the
gascar, Morocco, Namibia, Russia, Sri banquet and program at the February Peter Tarassoff, recipient of the biennial
Lanka, South Africa, and Tanzania). Tucson Gem and Mineral Show. 2017 Pinch Medal.
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Kampf has consistently provided a The 2017 Pinch Medal: Dr. Peter
high level of service to the amateur and Tarassoff, of Beaconsfield, Quebec, has been of great benefit to the min-
professional mineral communities. He Canada, was selected as the 2017 re- eral sciences community worldwide.
has been a consulting editor of Rocks & cipient of the biennial Pinch Medal of Researchers have benefitted from his
Minerals (since 1980), Gems & Gemol- the Mineralogical Association of Can- generosity in providing specimens and
ogy (since 1981), American Mineralo- ada for his considerable and sustained information for their studies. He has
gist (19921995), Mineralogical Record contributions to the science of mineral- also written and coauthored articles in
(since 1995), and Mineralogical Maga- ogy. The medal was established to rec- scientific and popular mineralogical
zine (since 2015). He has served on the ognize such contributions by members publications.
board of directors of The Mineralogical of the collector-dealer community; In addition, for the past fourteen
Record, Inc. since 1983. He has been a this marks the ninth time it has been years Tarassoff has volunteered at the
member of the Society of Mineral Mu- awarded. Redpath Museum (at McGill Univer-
seum Professionals (and its predecessor Tarassoff has made it his lifelong sity in Montreal) where he has helped
the Mineral Museums Advisory Coun- goal to document the geology and min- to completely renew the mineral exhib-
cil) since 1977, serving as a member of eralogy of Mont Saint-Hilaire (MSH). its and reorganize the mineral collec-
its board for most of that time. He has In fact, he has committed the past fifty tion. As honorary curator of mineral-
been a member of the Friends of Min- years to this endeavor. Of the more ogy, he has written a scientific guide to
eralogy since 1972, serving on its board than four hundred mineral species the mineral gallery. (Editors note: He
of directors from 1978 to 1994, as vice found there, he was the first person to has written an illustrated article on the
president in 1980 and president in 1981 identify at least thirty-five. In addition, museum that will be published in an
and 1982. He served as U.S. delegate his collecting and subsequent exami- upcoming issue of Rocks & Minerals.)
to the IMA Commission on Museums nations have resulted in his discover- Tarassoff s legacy, spanning more
from 1992 to 2008 and since 2008 has ing twelve new species from not only than five decades, serves as an inspira-
served as U.S. delegate to the Commis- MSH, but also other alkaline localities. tion for future generations. The medal
sion on New Minerals, Nomenclature In 1980 the new species petarasite was was presented during the Saturday eve-
and Classifications. named after him. ning awards banquet and program of
Kampf has authored more than 320 Tarassoff s dedication to systematic the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show.
publications and has about 30 more collecting, curating of his own collec- The American Mineral Heritage
awaiting publication. Nearly 200 of tion, and keeping an archive of detailed Award: The American Mineral Heri-
these are from the past ten years, and historical and scientific information tage Award was established by the Min-

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Volume 92, May/June 2017 215

Downloaded by [] at 08:26 15 August 2017
eralogical Record in 2012 to recognize updates. The first of these updates was
a field collector whose personal discov- given as the presentation Whats New
eries in the Americas have contributed in Michigan Minerals? by George
most significantly to the cumulative Robinson (speaker) and Shawn Carl-
heritage of aesthetic and/or scientific son at the 2009 Rochester Mineral-
mineral specimens preserved in muse- ogical Symposium. The second update
ums and private collections worldwide. was released as an online eBook in
A panel of fifteen prominent mineral 2013, again by Robinson and Carlson.

Photo courtesy the Mineralogical Record.

collectors, museum curators, and min- The next update is in preparation.
eral dealers, under the direction of Current authors Carlson and Olds
panel chairman Gene Meieran, chose are most interested in hearing from
Stanley Lee Esbenshade, well-known collectors and researchers who may
Tucson, Arizona, mineral collector and be aware of mineral species new to
dealer, as this years recipient of the Michigan but not yet reported in the
award. scientific literature. Also of interest
Esbenshade earned his bachelors Stanley L. Esbenshade, recipient of the are new collecting localities for long-
degree in geology from Ohio State Uni- 2017 American Mineral Heritage Award. established species. Finally, there are
versity in 1978. The core of his inter- several counties in Michigans Lower
est has always been, and still is, field including Ajo and Washington Camp Peninsula for which no minerals have
collecting. His early days of collecting in Arizona, the Himalaya mine in Cali- ever been officially reported. Although
Downloaded by [] at 08:26 15 August 2017

were in the limestone quarries of Ohio, fornia, the Sweet Home mine in Colo- these areas may not offer the best min-
Michigan, and Indiana: localities such rado, the Book Cliffs in Colorado, the eral collecting, certainly some minerals
as Clay Center, Auglaize quarry, Pugh Elk Creek area in South Dakota, and must occur there, and it would be nice
quarry, and Sylvania, Ohio, were among Petersen Mountain in Nevada. He also to hear from residents of these counties
his favorite haunts. Maybee, Michigan, collected at Cave-in-Rock, Illinois, the so that they may be included.
and North Vernon and Pleasant Ridge, Viburnum Trend in Missouri, and the Those wishing to contribute infor-
Indiana, were also visited frequently. Elmwood mines in Tennessee, while mation should contact Travis A. Olds at
On one of his first trips to Arizona with also making numerous trips to Mex- the University of Notre Dame at tolds@
Neal Pfaff, Curt van Sciver acted as a ico to buy and collect at various small, or Shawn M. Carlson in Crys-
guide to the Red Cloud and Rowley mines as well as at Mapimi and the tal Falls, Michigan, at shawncarlson@
mines, where Esbenshade was intro- Navidad mine in Durango. In addition,
duced to the use of the Cobra drill and he has collected at the Rogerley mine in
explosives to collect minerals. England and at the famous Solnhofen ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The Hous-
His first real commercial mineral quarry in Germany. ton Gem and Mineral Society, in mem-
dig took place when Sandy Ludlum and The award was presented to Esben- ory of Arthur E. Smith, and the Cincin-
John Medici hired him to assist in their shade at the Fine Mineral Shows Sun- nati Mineral Society underwrote color
Spruce-claims project in Washington day evening program, 5 February, at costs associated with the Connoisseurs
State. There he met Bob Jackson, and the Westward Look Resort in Tucson. Choice column. Laura Delano of LLD
they subsequently worked the Spruce Productions, Inc., did the same for the
claims for six years and also a project CALL FOR DATA: Authors Shawn Museum Notes column. Donors to the
on Denny Mountain. Carlson and Travis Olds invite the Color Fund and to the Dallas Sympo-
In Arizona Esbenshade frequented collecting and research communities siums benefit auction, held in August
many of the classic localities such as to contribute news and new informa- 2016, contributed toward color in the
the Red Cloud mine, the Rowley mine, tion about Michigan minerals to the remaining articles. All are thanked
the Old Yuma mine, the Silver Bill/ next Mineralogy of Michigan Update, for partnering with Rocks & Minerals
Defiance mines, the Glove mine, and tentatively scheduled for release as a to enhance the publication with color
Bisbee, along with many other smaller monograph in 2018. The first edition photographs.
mines and lesser-known localities. In was written by E. Wm. Heinrich and
1984 he started working at the Morenci published as Bulletin 6 by the Michi-
mine initially under contract for gan Department of Natural Resources,
Wayne Thompson and has been at it
for about thirty years. Esbenshade sub-
Geological Survey Division, in 1976.
The second edition was authored by
Back Issues
sequently obtained a contract to mine
for specimens at the Chino and Tyrone
George Robinson at the Seaman Min-
eral Museum in 2004. Since then, how- Available
mines, which are still operating today. ever, the discovery of mineral species
During this time he had opportunities new to Michigan has significantly esca-
to work at or visit many other localities lated, creating a need for more frequent

Volume 92, May/June 2017 217

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