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Guide Questions

1) What happens to the distribution of magnetic flux lines when the iron ring was placed in
between the U-magnets?
a. The pattern became random and unclear as the iron ring that was places acts as
a barrier to the magnetic field and there is minimal to no presence of magnetic
field inside the iron ring thus the distribution of the magnetic flux lines is
concentrated in the iron ring. This shows that irons permeability or its degree
of magnetization is greater than that of air.

2) How does changing the current affect the magnetic force on a wire suspended in a
magnetic field?
a. It will change the direction of the magnetic field, as its known orientation is
from North to South so changing the current will also change the magnetic
field, and it will also change the magnitude of the magnetic force to which as
current increases, its magnetic force also increases.

3) What would happen if the magnets in the assembly were not properly arranged,
meaning the N pole of one of the magnets is right next to the S pole of the other
a. It will change the direction of the magnetic force as the magnetic field lines will
produce curve lines as unlike poles attract on one another and it would connect
them. This will produce huge changes in the magnitude of the magnetic forces
in our experiment.

4) What is the effect of changing the orientation of the loop wires in the last part of the
experiment? What orientation gives the maximum magnetic force? The minimum force?
a. As we increase the angle of orientation between the magnetic force and
magnetic field lines, the magnitude of the magnetic force increases. We will get
maximum magnetic force when it is perpendicular with the magnetic field and
its minimum force when they are parallel with one another which produces a
value of zero.

5) What does the digital balance reading represent? What does the number of magnets
represent? What is the relationship between the two?
a. The digital balance reading represents the magnetic force. The number of
magnets determines the magnitude or the value of the magnetic force exerted
by these magnets. The magnetic force exerted by the magnets is directly
proportional to the number of uniform magnets.

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