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Colegio De San Antonio De Padua

Guinsay , Danao City
College of Teacher Education

Name: ________________________ Year and Section: _______ Date: ______ Score: _______
Directions: Read and analyze the question carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Joana is said to be functional in her activity of daily living and is able to cope with her academic
requirements but there are times she needs to hold the words in the block since she said the
words are running around and she is a little less lower in her current age gap group when it comes
to her reading skills she said to have?
a .Developmental Aphasia b. Minimal Brain Injury c. Dyscalculia d. Dyslexia
2. This is the inability or loss of ability to manipulate arithmetic symbols and do mathematical
a. Congenital Arithmetic Disorder b. Gerstman Syndrome c. Dyscalculia d. Acalculia
3. The following are categorized as specific learning disability except:
a. Expressive Language Disorder b. Traumatic Brain Injury c. Dyslexia d. Dysgraphia
4. It is one of the measures used to determine eligibility for special education services.
a. Skill Evaluation b. Emotional Quotient c. Behavior Determent d. Intelligence Quotient
5. It refers to a difference between ability and achievement
a. Disagreement b. Variance c. Inconsistency d. Discrepancy
6. Learning disabilities usually correspond with low IQ.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. Not Certain
7. At what age range do learning disabilities manifest?
a. From conception birth b. From birth - 3 yrs. old c. From 3 - 8 yrs. old d. From 3-17 yrs. old
8. It means a disorder in one or more basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in
using language, spoken or written.
a. Orthopedic Disorder b. Health Impairment c. Emotion Disorder d. Specific Learning Disability
9. In 1998-1999 US schools had been identified students having learning disabilities had enormous
increase in percentage, by how much?
a.4.5 % b. 0.5 % to 30% c. 6-8% d. 3%
10. Among the learning disorders, who had the greatest prevalence that is manifested by school
a. Dyslexia b. Dyscalculia c. Dysgraphia d. Dyspraxia
11. These are academic skills that were present when the child is having a specific learning
a. difficulty in reading, writing and mathematical calculations.
b. excellence in spelling, speaking and logical thinking.
c. superiority in listening, abstract and artistic talent.
d. distinct ability in reading poem, writing a manuscript and creative thinking.
12. This is defined as any restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or
within the range considered normal for a human being.
A. Abnormality B. Disability C. Handicap D. Impairment
13. Lorie is said to be born healthy without any unfavorable behavior seen during early stages of
development. But she started to be showing some odd behavior when she begin to go to school,
she has difficulty in pronouncing words, counting and learning numbers, remembering the lesson
they discussed, understanding the stories she read and among others. Does this manifestation of
behavior of Lorie is said to be the sign of:
a. Intellectual Disorder b. Autism c. Learning Disability d. Emotional Disturbance
14. It refers to students capacity to learn independent of what has been achieved
a. Ability b. Achievement c. Skill d. potential
15. Are useful for assessing a student's academic abilities. They are designed to measure both pre-
academic and academic behaviorfrom the ability to match pictures and letters, to more advanced
literacy and mathematical skills.
a. Individualized Achievement Test b. Aptitude Test c. Skill Evaluation d. Career Orientation

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