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Basic ResearchBiology

Cytotoxic Effects and Antibacterial Efficacy of a 3-Antibiotic

Combination: An In Vitro Study
Sorapong Chuensombat, DDS,* Saengusa Khemaleelakul, DDS, Dip Clin Dent, PhD,*
Siriporn Chattipakorn, DDS, PhD, and Tanida Srisuwan, DDS, Dip Clin Dent, PhD*

Introduction: A 3-antibiotic combination (3Mix) is
widely used in endodontics for root canal disinfection,
particularly in pulp revascularization procedures.
D ental pulp plays an important role in tooth homeostasis (1). Various types of cells
can be found inside the pulp (eg, odontoblasts, fibroblasts, stem cells, immune
cells, and endothelial cells). During root formation, apical papilla tissue is found.
However, the cytotoxicity of 3Mix has not been evalu- This tissue has a high collateral circulation and consists of various cells types (eg, fibro-
ated. The purpose of this study was to determine the blasts, immune cells, endothelial cells, and stem cells). These cells play a part in tooth
cytotoxicity and antibacterial efficacy of 3Mix and development and pulpal infection control including the self-repairing process (13).
each single antibiotic component of 3Mix. Methods: Microorganisms, especially bacteria, are the main cause of pulpal and periradicular
For the cytotoxicity test, human dental pulp cells and disease. The invasion of bacteria and their toxins into the pulp is able to induce
apical papilla cells were exposed to either 3Mix or to pulpal inflammation and lead to pulp death (4, 5). When pulp necrosis occurs
each single antibiotic component of 3Mix using con- during tooth development, the formation of the root is limited, leaving the tooth with
centrations of 0.024, 0.097, 0.39, 1.56, 6.25, and a thin root structure and wide apical closure, risking root fracture (6).
25.00 mg/mL for 1, 3, 5, and 7 days. Cell viability was The treatment for incomplete tooth development is difficult and challenging (7, 8).
determined using the 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5- Recently, pulp revascularization has become a new treatment modality to manage
diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. For the anti- immature necrotic tooth using the lesion sterilization and tissue repair (LSTR)
bacterial test, 25.00 mg/mL and 0.39 mg/mL 3Mix or concept (9, 10). In brief, the infection is removed, creating a sterile environment
single antibiotic were tested on bacteria isolated from that promotes tissue regeneration and revitalization (11, 12) and permitting the
necrotic teeth by measuring bacterial recovery on blood tooth to continue the development (6, 13). The cell sources that play a role in this
agar. Results: The 0.024-mg/mL concentration of all situation are still unknown. However, remaining vital tissue inside the tooth and
experimental groups generated the highest dental surviving cells around the apical part of the tooth, which have differentiation
pulp cell or apical pulp cell viability at all time periods. potential, are suspected (1417).
On day 7, 0.39 mg/mL 3Mix produced more than 90% A 3-antibiotic combination (3Mix), a mixture of minocycline, ciprofloxacin, and
cell viability; 25.00 mg/mL 3Mix completely eliminated metronidazole, has been introduced by Hoshino et al (18) along with the LSTR concept.
isolated bacteria, whereas 0.39 mg/mL was unable to Various studies reported promising outcomes when 3Mix was used in necrotic teeth
eradicate all bacteria. However, the overall bacterial with incomplete root formation (16, 19). However, some recent histologic studies
reduction was significantly different compared with have shown that regenerated tissue found in the treated tooth was not exactly pulp
the control group (P < .01). Conclusions: All drugs tissue (20, 21). Still, the cause for these consequences is unknown.
except metronidazole induced cytotoxicity on cultured An interesting issue is the concentration of 3Mix used because the clinical use
cells. 3Mix generated higher cytotoxicity compared of 3Mix has been empirical. Local application of 3Mix using an excessive concentra-
with a single drug. The cytotoxicity increased in a con- tion might affect the host tissue, causing cell death, which limits tissue regeneration.
centration- and time-dependent manner; 0.39 mg/mL Therefore, the purposes of this study were to determine the cytotoxic effects of 3Mix
3Mix had less cytotoxicity and was able to significantly and each single antibiotic component of 3Mix on cultured human dental pulp cells
reduce bacteria isolated from necrotic teeth. (J Endod (DPCs) and apical papilla cells (APCs) and to evaluate the antibacterial efficacy of
2013;39:813819) the noncytotoxic concentration of 3Mix and each single antibiotic component of
3Mix against bacteria isolated from necrotic teeth.
Key Words
3-antibiotic combination, antibacterial efficacy, apical Materials and Methods
papilla cells, cytotoxicity, dental pulp cells Primary Cell Culture
DPCs and APCs were extracted from human dental pulp tissue or apical papilla
tissue obtained from nonpathologic mature or immature third molars. All procedures

From the Departments of *Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology and Oral Biology and Diagnostic Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University,
Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Address requests for reprints to Dr Sorapong Chuensombat, Department of Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University,
Chiang Mai, Thailand. E-mail address:
0099-2399/$ - see front matter
Copyright 2013 American Association of Endodontists.

JOE Volume 39, Number 6, June 2013 Cytotoxicity and Antibacterial Efficacy of 3Mix 813
Basic ResearchBiology

Figure 1. DPCs treated with 3Mix at different concentrations for 7 days. (A) Control (cells in culture medium) and (BG) 0.024-, 0.097-, 0.39-, 1.56-, 6.25-, and
25.00-mg/mL concentrations (40 magnification). DPCs treated with 0.024, 0.097, 0.39, and 1.56 mg/mL started to form a multilayer when reaching confluence,
whereas DPCs treated with 6.25 and 25.00 mg/mL showed a mixed population of both spindle-shaped cells and polygonal-like cells. 3Mix at a concentration of
25.00 mg/mL produced fewer DPCs when compared with lower concentrations and the control.

were approved by the Human Experimentation Committee of the Faculty Gujarat, India) at 50.00 mg/mL in distilled water. Then, a 4-time serial
of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand. dilution was performed producing 25.00-, 6.25-, 1.56-, 0.39-, 0.097-,
Dental pulp tissues or apical papilla tissues were minced and and 0.024-mg/mL concentrations using a-MEM. For the single-drug
digested with a mixture of 3.00 mg/mL collagenase (Gibco/Invitrogen, solution, minocycline, ciprofloxacin, and metronidazole were sepa-
Gaithersburg, MD) and 4.00 mg/mL dispase (Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, rately prepared in the same concentrations as previously described.
MO) at 37 C for an hour in order to extract DPCs or APCs. The extracted All samples were prepared at room temperature and sterilized by
cells were cultured in the alpha modification of Eagle medium (a-MEM, a double-filtering technique using 2.00-mm pore size filter paper
Sigma-Aldrich) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (Gibco/In- (Whatman, Maidstone, England) and 0.2-mm pore size microfilters
vitrogen), 100.00 U/mL penicillin, 100.00 mg/mL streptomycin (Sigma- (Corning, Oneonta, NY).
Aldrich), and 100.00 mmol/L L-ascorbic acid (Sigma-Aldrich). The
cells were kept at 37 C in a humidified atmosphere with 95% air and Cytotoxicity Test
5% CO2. For the experiment, cells at the third through fifth passages DPCs or APCs were seeded at 103 cells/well onto 96-well
were harvested and used. plates containing 150.00 mL a-MEM. After 24 hours, cells were stim-
ulated with media containing 25.00, 6.25, 1.56, 0.39, 0.097, and
Drug Preparation 0.024 mg/mL either 3Mix or each single drug. The cells were
A stock solution of 3Mix was prepared by mixing the powder from monitored for 1, 3, 5, and 7 days under a light microscope
minocycline (Qualimed, Samut Prakan, Thailand), ciprofloxacin (DP12; Olympus, Melville, NY). An 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-
(Khandelwal, Mumbai, India), and metronidazole (Piramal Healthcare, diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay was performed using

Figure 2. APCs treated with 3Mix at different concentrations for 7 days. (A) Control (cells in culture medium) and (BG) 0.024-, 0.097-, 0.39-, 1.56-, 6.25-,
and 25.00-mg/mL concentrations (40 magnification). 3Mix affected on APCs similar to DPCs. APCs treated with 0.024 mg/mL 3Mix showed densely cell number, a
descending of cell number of APCs was demonstrated when the cells was exposed to higher concentrations of 3Mix. APCs treated with 6.25 and 25.00 mg/mL
showed a mixed population of both spindle-shaped cells and polygonal-like cells.

814 Chuensombat et al. JOE Volume 39, Number 6, June 2013

Basic ResearchBiology
3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide solu- using diamond burs with sterile normal saline solution irrigation.
tion (Sigma-Aldrich) at 5.00 mg/mL in phosphate-buffered saline The operating field and pulp chamber were then swabbed with
solution. The optical density was investigated at l570 nm using an 2.50% NaOCl followed by sterile 5.00% sodium thiosulfate solution.
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay spectrophotometer (Sunrise; Sterile normal saline solution was introduced into the canal, and
Tecan, Mannerdrof, Switzerland). Percentages of cell viability were a no. 15 K-type file was inserted 1.002.00 mm short of the root
calculated and grouped according to the criteria of Dalh et al apex. After filing the canals, 2 sterile paper points were introduced
(22) as follows: into the canal and left for 1 minute. The paper points were transferred
into cryotubes (Corning) containing 500.00 mL reduced transport
1. <30% cell viability = severe cytotoxicity fluid. The bacterial samples were immediately transferred to the labo-
2. 30%60% cell viability = moderate cytotoxicity ratory, and 10 serial dilutions were performed under an anaerobic
3. 60%90% cell viability = slight cytotoxicity condition.
4. >90% cell viability = noncytotoxicity
The results were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann- Bacterial Recovery
Whitney U tests. Aliquots of 100.00 mL of the diluted bacterial samples were
dropped on and gently spread over the surface of tryptic soy
blood agar (Criterion, Santa Maria, CA) containing either 25.00 or
Bacterial Collection 0.39 mg/mL 3Mix or of each single drug. The plates were incubated
Bacterial samples were collected from 20 necrotic teeth during in an anaerobic glove box at 37 C for 7 days. The colonies
routine endodontic treatment following the protocol of Sassone et al were counted and recorded. The data were analyzed using the paired
(23). Briefly, under sterile conditions, an access opening was made t test.

Figure 3. DPC and APC viability after being treated with 3Mix at different concentrations and times. (A) DPCs and (B) APCs. For both cell types, 0.024 mg/mL 3Mix
produced the highest cell viability, whereas 25.00 mg/mL 3Mix generated the lowest cell survival at all time periods (P < .001). On day 7, DPC and APC viability was
significantly reduced into less than 90% cell viability when exposed to 25.00, 6.25, and 1.56 mg/mL 3Mix (P < .001). Data are mean  standard deviation.
*A significant difference from the control group (P < .001).

JOE Volume 39, Number 6, June 2013 Cytotoxicity and Antibacterial Efficacy of 3Mix 815
Basic ResearchBiology
Results In the presence of 0.39 mg/mL 3Mix or a single drug at the concentration
Morphology of DPCs and APCs of 25.00 mg/mL, the bacterial number was reduced, but bacteria were
not completely eliminated. However, bacterial recovery also significantly
Monitoring DPCs and APCs under a light microscope showed that
decreased compared with the control group (P < .01, Fig. 6).
DPCs or APCs in the control group were a mixed population containing
both spindle-shaped cells and polygonal-like cells. In the experimental
groups that contained antibiotics, a reduced cell number was shown Discussion
only for DPCs or APCs stimulated by 25.00 mg/mL 3Mix. Polygonal This study showed that all drugs except metronidazole were cyto-
and round-shaped cells were observed in a monolayer (Figs. 1 and 2). toxic to cultured human DPCs and APCs in a dose- and time-dependent
manner. When comparing all drugs at the same concentration, 3Mix
had greater cytotoxicity than the other single drugs; 25.00 mg/mL
Cytotoxicity of 3Mix and Each Single Antibiotic
3Mix produced moderate cytotoxicity with the highest bacteria reduc-
The 0.024-mg/mL concentration of 3Mix produced the highest cell tion, whereas 0.39 mg/mL 3Mix had a less cytotoxic effect on cultured
viability, whereas 25.00 mg/mL 3Mix generated the lowest cell survival at cells but showed less bacterial elimination. However, this concentration
all time periods (P < .001). On day 7, DPC and APC survival was reduced was able to significantly reduce the number of bacteria when compared
to less than 90% cell viability when stimulated by 25.00, 6.25, and 1.56 with the control group.
mg/mL 3Mix (Fig. 3). All experiments on day 1 produced the highest cell A 3-antibiotic combination has been used in treating immature
viability, whereas day 7 generated the lowest cell viability when 3Mix, teeth with necrotic pulp using the LSTR concept (10, 18). Many
minocycline, and ciprofloxacin were tested (P < .001, Fig. 4). When studies have reported the successful outcomes by which immature
comparing all the drugs, 3Mix had greater cytotoxicity than the other teeth showed continued root formation (13, 24). However, histologic
single antibiotics. Minocycline and ciprofloxacin at 25.00, 6.25, and studies regarding the regenerated tissue inside the necrotic human
1.56 mg/mL generated less than 90% cell viability, whereas metronida- tooth are lacking. Recent histologic studies (20, 21) of dogs teeth
zole at all concentrations had little effect on cell viability (Fig. 5). treated with the LSTR technique revealed that the newly generated
tissue was not pulp tissue. Periodontal tissue, including bone, was
Antibacterial Efcacy of Antibiotics generally observed inside the treated tooth. Therefore, the question
3Mix at 25.00 mg/mL completely eradicated all isolated should be raised whether this treatment option is valid and how to
bacteria with a significant reduction of bacterial recovery (P < .01). prevent these consequences.

Figure 4. DPC and APC viability after being treated with 3Mix at 25.00, 6.25, and 1.56 mg/mL for 1, 3, 5, and 7 days. (A) DPCs and (B) APCs. 3Mix generated the
highest percentage of cell viability on day 1, whereas the lowest percentage of cell viability was observed on day 7. DPC and APC viability was significantly reduced
when the exposure time increased (P < .001). Data are mean  standard deviation. A significant difference from *day 1, **day 3, and ***day 5.

816 Chuensombat et al. JOE Volume 39, Number 6, June 2013

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Figure 5. Cell viability after being treated with antibiotics at different concentrations for 7 days. (A) DPCs and (B) APCs. For both cell types, 3Mix produced more
cytotoxicity compared with each single drug at all concentrations. Minocycline and ciprofloxacin at 25.00, 6.25, and 1.56 mg/mL generated less than 90% cell
viability, whereas metronidazole at all concentrations had a small effect on cell viability. Data are mean  standard deviation. *A significant difference from
the control group (P < .001).

One interesting issue is whether excessive concentrations of higher than 25.00 mg/mL produced even greater toxicity, leading to
3Mix are used in the treatment. Hoshino et al (10) reported that total cell death (data not shown). Therefore, these results ensure that
25.00 mg/mL 3Mix was able to eradicate all isolated bacteria. the concentration of 3Mix in general clinical usage is too strong,
However, the exact concentration used in the clinic, especially in causing cytotoxicity on the remaining vital tissues. On the other hand,
the pulp revascularization technique, has never been measured. It 3Mix at 0.39 mg/mL had a less cytotoxic effect on DPC and APC
seems that excessive concentrations are currently being used, which viability. This concentration is suggested to be the best candidate for
may damage the remaining cells and impair tissue healing and regen- pulpal regeneration along the concentrations of drugs tested in this
eration. It is possible that the remaining vital pulp tissue and perira- experiment.
dicular area, both containing stem cells (1417), are damaged by Interestingly, recently published data concerning the cytotoxicity
the high concentration of 3Mix. Therefore, an expected of 3Mix reported that 0.010.10 mg/mL did not have an effect on
differentiation pattern (eg, odontoblast differentiation and dentin cultured stem cells from apical papilla (25). This result was different
formation) might not occur. from our study, which showed that 0.39 mg/mL 3Mix was a safe
In this study, DPCs or APCs were exposed to different concentra- dose. Also, some possible reasons might be the different source of anti-
tions of 3Mix. DPCs were selected for this study because these cells may biotics used in the experiment, the different techniques for 3Mix solu-
survive in the infected tooth. Many published case reports revealed the tion preparation, and the different method for cell viability
observation of vital tissue in the tooth diagnosed as necrotic (1417). measurement that may affect the results. It is important for clinicians
Moreover, APCs were also tested because stem cells may still remain in to be aware that diverse sources of antibiotics have varying levels of
the apical region, which may have some roles in pulp regeneration. toxicity; these antibiotics also have varying levels of effectiveness, which
From our study, we discovered that 25.00 mg/mL 3Mix produced is an additional concern. More information and research into this area
moderate cytotoxicity. However, in a pilot study, concentrations are needed.

JOE Volume 39, Number 6, June 2013 Cytotoxicity and Antibacterial Efficacy of 3Mix 817
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Figure 6. The antibacterial efficacy of 3Mix and each single antibiotic against bacteria isolated form necrotic teeth. 3Mix at 25.00 mg/mL could completely erad-
icate all isolated bacteria with a significant reduction of bacterial recovery (P < .01). In the presence of 0.39 mg/mL 3Mix or a single drug at the concentration of
25.00 mg/mL, the bacteria number was reduced but not completely eliminated. Data are mean  standard deviation. *A significant difference from the control
group (P < .01).

The cytotoxicity of 3Mix was investigated regarding its combination same concentrations as 3Mix, it was found that even a 25.00-mg/mL
because 3 antibiotics were mixed. Therefore, each drug was also tested concentration of a single drug alone was unable to eradicate all isolated
at the same concentration as 3Mix using an MTT assay. The result indi- bacteria. This might be because each drug is not active against all bacte-
cated that all drugs except metronidazole generated cytotoxicity. The rial types. Minocycline and ciprofloxacin, which are broad-spectrum
cytotoxic effect was dose and time dependent. 3Mix had greater cytotox- antibiotics, have an efficient action against some gram-positive and
icity than other single drugs. The greater cytotoxicity of 3Mix might gram-negative bacteria (31, 32), whereas metronidazole is able to kill
result from a combination of the toxicities of each drug. However, only anaerobic bacteria (33). Thus, the combination of 3 drugs provides
the study was conducted in an in vitro environment, which may not a broader antibacterial spectrum than a single drug alone. However,
represent the real clinical situation. No evidence has been published balancing between the cytotoxic effect and antibacterial efficacy is impor-
regarding the depth of 3Mix penetration in immature tooth whether it tant and still needs further study.
reaches the apical and surrounding tissue. Therefore, the clinical impli- However, there is concern whether the types of bacteria presented
cation of these results should be further tested. in necrotic immature teeth are the same as in necrotic mature teeth. In
One reason for its cytotoxicity might be the low pH (pH = 4.04.6) this study, only bacteria isolated from necrotic mature teeth were
of 3Mix. Minocycline hydrochloride and ciprofloxacin hydrochloride applied using a protocol adapted from Sassone et al (23). The dentin
are generally used for 3Mix preparation. The release of hydrogen was scratched by means of a K-file, assuming that bacteria presented
ions from HCl groups resulted in an acidic condition that was an unfa- in dentin might be dispersed and collected after absorbing with a paper
vorable condition for culturing cells (26). In addition, a low pH allowed point. After incubation, collected bacteria samples were grossly clarified
more agents to remain soluble and available for uptake into the cells; using gram staining. Main types of bacteria observed were similar to
thus, the retained drug was able to develop more cytotoxicity (27). previously published data representing bacteria found in necrotic tooth
Conversely, in this study, metronidazole did not inversely affect DPCs (34). However, these bacterial samples may or may not completely
and APCs even at the 25.00-mg/mL concentration. It is possible that represent the bacteria observed in immature necrotic teeth. Further
metronidazole solution has a neutral pH (pH = 6.84); thus, cytotoxicity studies are suggested because current evidence is lacking.
did not occur. In contrast, this result differed from that of a previous The use of 3Mix has been popular for a decade. It offers many bene-
study by Ferreira et al (28), who reported that only 5.00 mg/mL metro- fits in treating patients with infected teeth. However, the results from this
nidazole resulted in 74% human gingival fibroblast cell line viability. study should stimulate a concern with 3Mix usage, especially in pulp
However, many studies indicated that there is a variation in the degree revascularization, because using high doses of 3Mix produced cytotox-
of drug-induced cytotoxicity in different cell types (29, 30). Therefore, icity. The reduction of the 3Mix concentration into an appropriate dose
the sensitivity of DPCs or APCs and the gingival fibroblast cell line may improve the outcome of pulp revascularization treatment because
on drugs might be different. From this point of view, the cytotoxic it causes less cytotoxicity and still has a potent antibacterial efficacy.
effect of 3Mix from its acidic condition should be a concern. Other
antibiotics that have a neutral pH should be selected as a substitute Conclusions
for minocycline and ciprofloxacin. However, those alternative 3Mix, minocycline, and ciprofloxacin were cytotoxic to cultured
antibiotics should intensely offer a potent antibacterial efficacy. DPCs and APCs. 3Mix induced a higher toxicity than minocycline, cipro-
The antibacterial efficacy of antibiotics used in vital pulp treatment, floxacin, and metronidazole. The cytotoxicity of each antibiotic except
especially the LSTR concept, is important because bacteria remnant metronidazole increased in a concentration- and time-dependent
might affect the treatment outcome. Interestingly, 0.39 mg/mL 3Mix, manner. The 0.39-mg/mL concentration of 3Mix had no cytotoxicity
which had a less cytotoxic effect on cultured cells, significantly reduced to DPCs and APCs, yet it was able to significantly reduce bacteria isolated
isolated bacteria compared with the control group. However, this effec- from necrotic teeth.
tive concentration differed from Hoshino et al (10), who reported much
higher concentrations (100200 mg/mL) with antibacterial effects. The
reasons might be the differences in the source of antibiotics used and the Acknowledgments
bacteria isolation techniques. When single antibiotics were tested at the The authors deny any conflicts of interest related to this study.

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