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Basic Structure

1. Title (& the subtitle if necessary)

The title which reflects the topic should be presented with the

participants name and the university they belong to.

2. Table of contents

The composition of the paper is required to be displayed by
numbering them in sequence.

3. Abstract
A brief summary of the essay should be given before starting it in


4. Body text

The essay itself including the introduction, point, and the

5. References and related documents

Documents and other studies that the participants referred to
should be enumerated precisely and related documents can be
attached at this end.
Basic format and requirements for the paper
Major Requirements
The paper overall should follow the publication manual of the
American psychological association the 6th edition and written via
Microsoft Word. The details are,
1. 1 inch (2.54cm) margin on all sides(left, right, top, bottom) of

2. Use 12 point New Roman font for essay text.

3. Text is required to be inclined to the left. Indent the first line

of each paragraph for 1 tab space.

4. Visuals such as tables and graphs should be labeled like

Figure 1 on the bottom of each content.

5. Refer to the APA style 6th edition for referencing.

6. The length of the paper should be around 20 pages.

<Example of an appropriate paper format>

3rd International Undergraduates Conference on Policing

The title of the essay


The participants university

Participants name (sign)

Table of Contents

Abstract 1

I. Introduction4
1. Study Surroundings 5
2. Aim of the study 6

. Analysis of Research 9
1. Method for investigation 10
2. Research result and its implication 11

. Conclusion and Expectancy Effects 12

Participants are required to conform with this format only

and can freely compose the actual contents of the essay

Summarize the substance of your research from the introduction to the conclusion.
(12 pt Times New Roman)

. Introduction (16 pt, Times New Roman, Bold, Line Space 1.6)
-Leave one space before starting the sub content-
1. Study Surroundings (14 pt, Times New Roman, Bold, Line Space, 1.6)
-Leave one space before starting the sub content-
1.1 If any (13 pt, Times New Roman, Line Space 1.6)
Text size of the content is required to be 12 (12 pt, Times New Roman, Line Space 1.6)

2. Aim of the Study (14 pt, Times New Roman, Line Space 1.6)

. Analysis of Research
1. Method for Investigation
2. Research result and its implication

. Conclusion and Expectancy Effects


Refer to the APA publication manual 6th edition (12 pt, Times New Roman) as to avoid
For example, to provide information on referencing about an article included in a journal, it
should be written like,
Author (The year of publication), The title of the paper, Title of journal, Number of the book,
page number

In text citation and References page citations should both be included in the essay.

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