Code of Ethics of Med. Tech. Analysis

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Code of Ethics ( Content) Ethical Principles/Theories Applied Explanation

As I enter the practice of Medical Technology I shall

Accept the responsibilities inherent to being a Deontology: people should adhere to their A person who follows this
professional obligations and duties theory will produce very
Keeping the promises to follow obligations consistent decisions since they
Upholding ones duty is considered will be based on the
ethically correct individuals set of duties
Uphold the Law and shall not participate in Legalism and Voluntarism: The ultimate The law obliges because it is
illegal work standard of right and wrong is the law the will of the lawgiver.
People must be dutiful,
obedient and law abiding
Act in a spirit of fairness to all and in a spirit Principle of Justice: Giving to one his own Firm and constant will to give
of brotherhood toward other members of the and his right to each one his due.
profession Valuing Brotherhood
Virtue Ethical Theory: Brotherliness
Accept employment from more than one This is a subject of legal liability is a An individual or corporation (
employer only when there is no conflict of conflict of interest breaches his duty of hospital, school etc.) is in a
interest Loyalty. Can become a legal matter when position to exploit a
an individual tries or succeeds in professional or official capacity
influencing the outcome of a decision. in some way for the personal or
corporate benefit.
Work Ethics
Perform my task with full confidence, absolute Principle of Beneficence on Non- This is related to the principle
reliability and accuracy maleficense. This is an ethical theory in of Utility, which states that
which the priority is to do good. people should attempt generate
Associated with the principle of the largest ratio of good
utilitarianism. because people should benefit
Consequentialism: Med. Techs. should be from the most good.
aware of the consequences of his works.
Indirectly it involves the so called Duty of A person who practices in a
Care health profession owes the
patient a duty. The duty of care
involves applying skills,
knowledge, diligence and
caution when caring for

To do no harm is a health
Standard of Competence ( Med. Techs care providers responsibility of
should be adequately trained.) to do the least harm possible
and to do harm to the fewest
Share my knowledge and expertise with my Sharing is giving. It is related to the value Ethical behavior requires
colleagues of charity . To be able to share knowledge maintaining state-of-the-art
and expertise. Med. Techs should have skills. Medical Technologist
continuing education. must accept the fact that
Ethical behavior demands that the pursuit of lifelong learning is concomitant
new knowledge remains in high priority. to pursuing this profession.
Contribute to the advancement of the Professional Conduct :Promotion of We must be concerned with the
professional organization and other allied progress in development in the PAMET welfare of professional
health organizations and other health organizations should be organization.
Restrict my praises, criticisms, views and Virtue Ethical Theory:
opinions within constructive limits Ethics of Character Ethics of Character:
What sort of people should we
Ethics of Conduct be?
Ethics of Conduct: What sort
Professionalism- conforming to the of actions should we perform?
technical and ethical standards.
Treat any information I acquired in the course Professional Conduct Med. Techs should exhibit the
of my work as strictly confidential value of confidentialness.
Confidentiality: application of the
principle of secrecy.
Uphold the dignity and respect of my Virtue Ethical Theory Virtue Ethical Theory judges
profession and conduct myself a reputation of Ethics of Conduct a person by his character rather
reliability, honesty and integrity Principled Values such as: than by an action that may
Dignity deviate from his normal
Respect behavior. It takes the persons
Right Conduct morals, reputation and
Reliability motivation into account.
Report any violations of the above principles Ethics of Conduct The principles pf conduct must
of the professional conduct to authorized be inviolable Actions must
agency and to the ethics committee of the be taken against a professional
organization. violating the stated principles.

To these principles, I hereby subscribe and pledge Ethics of Conduct Promises must not be broken.
to conduct myself at all times in a manner Dignity
befitting the dignity of my profession
Med. Techs actions that maybe Unethical

Ethics violations occur when the professional commits an

act that goes against the conduct code that is expected
of them.

1. Accepting Commissions from Med.Reps for products Accepting gifts from companies or friends Work Ethics and Virtue Ethical
used in the lab. who also do business with the medical Principle
technologists accepting the gifts is
considered unethical if decisions to be
made will be affected.
Gifts include non tangible things such as
transportation and lodging, sponsorship of
seminars and workshops.
2. Asking for conversion to cash the This case will defeat the purpose of the Work Ethics and Virtue Ethical
sponsorship in a training or convention training or convention. Principle
This is CPE and not giving gifts in the form Professional Ethics
of money.
3. Demanding for commission as a reward for Unethical because a decision was made due Work Ethics, Virtue Ethical
endorsing the equipment to his lab. to a commission. Principle and Professional
4. Working in 2 laboratories at the same time Conflict of interest can be defined as any Can be a conflict of interest if it
that constitutes conflict of interest situation in which an individual or breaches the Duty of Loyalty.
corporation ( a hospital) either private or
government is in position to exploit a Can be a conflict of roles.
professional or official capacity in some Having two roles is not illegal,
way for their personal or hospital benefit. but the differing roles will
certainly cause improper acts in
Depending upon the law or rules related to some circumstances.
particular organization, the existence of
conflict of interest may not, in and of itself
be evidence of wrongdoing.

Can become a legal matter when an

individual tries or succeeds) in influencing
the outcome of a decision for personal
5. Sexual relationship with co-workers or co- Violation of the laws of GOD. Fornication or adultery is
workers spouse You heard that it was said, do not regarded by the church as one
commit adultery, but I tell you that of the worst sins. The Bible
anyone who looks a woman lustfully has says Flee from sexual
already committed adultery with his immorality. All other sins a
heart man commits are outside of
his body, but who sins
sexually, sins against his own
6. Demanding for salary increase or else This is considered a form of threat or Principle of
would go on strike coercion ( an expression of intention to Consequentialism: A morally
inflict evil, injury or damage.) right action is the one that
produces a good outcome or
Double Effect Principle: The
foreseen beneficial effect must
be equal to or greater than the
foreseen harmful effect.
7. A laboratory owner ( MT) who gives This is another example of Conflict of Virtue Ethical Principle.
rebates to doctors patronizing his lab. interest or Competition of interest. Professional Ethics
8. A med. Tech. is accused that he causes so Unable to meet the standards of This is against the principle of
much pain when he performs venipunture. competence expected for the profession. duty of care or breach of
The most severe penalty would be the right standard of care.
to practice the profession if proven. Duty of care: a person who
practices in a health profession
owes the patient a duty. The
duty of care involves applying
skills, knowledge, diligence
and caution when doing Lab
Tech. procedures and when
caring for patients.
The standard of care is
primarily determined by the
general practice of the
profession The practitioner
may not live up to the highest
standards but rather the
reasonable, accepted standards
set for the profession.
9. A lab. Owner who allows a non- This is a violation of the law. Principle of Legalism.
professional to do the work of a RMT Section 29, Penal Provisions letter (a). Any Republic Act 5527 is being
person who shall practice Medical violated. Only registered
Technology in the Philippines without being medical technologists are
registered or exempted from registration in allowed to perform medical
accordance with the provision of this act. technology works.
10. A med. Tech who accepts walk in without This is against the standard procedure. If completion of a laboratory
doctors request requisition form is SOP. It
becomes illogical if a patient is
accepted without a doctors

Teachers actions that are unethical Explanations and Grounds for violations Ethical Principles Violated
Ethics violations occur when the professional commits an act
that goes against the conduct code that is expected of them.

Breaching of code of ethics that covers teacher conduct

towards students, colleagues, parents and community as well
as their own work standards.

1. Failure to renew their licenses as teachers or its equivalent, Violation of law.

the license as medical technologist which is being required by ( Principle of Legalism)
the CHED Many professionals are required to renew or Principle of Deontologism
update their licenses and certifications. This

often requires that fees be paid. For various

reasons, many professionals do not renew

their documents in time. Since many people

do not check these things, these ethics

violations often go unnoticed if a regulatory

body does not discover them.

Ethics violations regarding the handling of Placing the funds into their personal This is considered as crime.
students funds in school organizations accounts Violations of company ethics,
Malversation of funds and misappropriation Work Ethics, professional
of funds ethics, Virtue Ethical Principles
and the Laws of God.
Ethics violations regarding handling of solicited donations in Bringing home the donated gifts, relief This is a form also of stealing.
cash or in kind for community projects or for donations or for goods to their homes. Can be considered a legal
other socio-civic projects. matter
Violations of company ethics,
Work Ethics, professional
ethics, Virtue Ethical Principles
and the Laws of God.
Breach of Confidentiality Posting students grades ( failure) Virtue Ethical Principle

One of the most common issues is Professional Ethics

confidentiality. The adage, "an ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of cure," is
helpful to keep in mind in relation to
prevention of ethical problems. Educators
anticipation of times when they may be
faced with a possible need to breach
students confidentiality.
Records of Misdemeanor
( Violation of Rules of Conduct in the

Other school records ( documents in the

registrars office

Going to parties and other out of school activities with An ethical dilemma will take place when Violation of Teachers Code of
students. the educator faced with a decision that Conduct
maybe incongruent with the organizations
values & policies. Work Ethics
Potential or apparent conflict of interest Teaching in other schools with conflict of Work Ethics and Professional
time and interest. Ethics
Breach of loyalty is questionable.
Professional ethics violations. Even when not written into a code, Professional Ethics
Fidelity to professional responsibilities principles of professional ethics are usually
expected of people in business, employees,
educators and others.

Due diligence / duty of care not demonstrated Handling of records of students such as Principle of Deontologism
grades, internship records etc.
Non-compliance with the laws Violations of Teachers Laws and others Principle of Deontologism,
principle of Legalism
Injustice the unfair treatment of students Favoritism Principle of Justice
Giving favors to some students

Stealing Credit Passing off the work of others as their own. Work Ethics ( unethical
In the school one team member tries to workplace behavior)
claim an undue share of credit for the
report, marketing campaign, new mission
statement or other job that the team
These can lead to resentment from others
and can break down the spirit often needed
in the workplaces.
Stealing time Both hourly and salaried employees betray Work Ethics( Unethical
a lack of workplace ethics when they try to workplace behavior)
steal time from their employers.
1. playing games in the computers
2. take an hour long nap while on the clock
3. staying in another office doing gossiping
or discussing topics not related to school
Stealing money Lying about their expenses to get a larger Work Ethics ( unethical
reimbursement check from their employer. workplace behavior).
A school employee using the school money
for their own personal use. This particular issue is
considered a criminal offense.
Even if the employee intends to
replace it later, it is still illegal
and unethical. The law wont
even take into consideration the
minimal amount stolen.
Stealing school supplies Taking home the school supplies for Unethical Workplace behavior.
personal use. Ex; paper, tape, markers, Explanation can be : supplies
cords, computer cables etc. are just laying around or
employees may think, they are
working for the school and that
is the least the school can do
for them. This is not only an
unethical issue but a form of
stealing and the school could
take legal action.
Misrepresentation Misrepresenting themselves as a way to Work Ethics (Unethical
convey to others wrong information. workplace behavior).
Ex: use of titles that do not match their
educational background.
Discrimination By not behaving in an ethical manner is a Virtue Ethical Principle. By
Lack of respect to co-workers of different religion or to people particular issue and can be seen as working well with others and
who belong to the third sex. discrimination. treating everyone as equal is
making an ethical decision.
Nepotism ( Undue favoritism) Placing relatives into positions/jobs Violation of Rules and
Regulations if stated in the
HRD Manual.
Ethical principle based on
norms and standards
Plagiarism Stealing from another authors work. Principle of Legalism
Examples: Books, Manuals, Modules etc. Professional Ethics
Work Ethics
Piracy Infringement of copyright, unauthorized use Violation of Laws
of patented works. Principle of Legalism
Work Ethics
Business Ethics

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