Lecture7 Loop Antenna PDF

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Lecture - 7

2.6 Loo
op Antenna
The far fields of an eleectrically smaall loop anten
nna are depenndent on the looop area but are independdent of
the loop shape.
s Here we
w considered a square loop p, for finding out the far-fiield of an elecctrically smalll loop
antenna. The
T square lo oop, located in the x-y plaane and centeered at the cooordinate oriigin, is assum med to
have an arrea of l and carry a uniforrm current I 0 .

The squarre loop may be b viewed ass four segmen nts which eacch represent aan infinitesimmal dipole carrrying
current in
n a different direction.
d In th
he far field, th
he distance vvectors from tthe centers off the four segmments
become allmost parallell.
R1 r sin sin
R2 r sin cos
R3 r sin sin (2..38)
R4 r sin cos

metry for a squ

2.8 Geom uare loop
As always in far field expressions, the above approximations are used in the phase terms of the magnetic
vector potential, but we may assume that R1 R2 R3 R4 r for the magnitude terms. The far
field magnetic vector potential of a z-directed infinitesimal dipole centered at the origin is

I 0l jkr
A e az
4 r

The individual far field magnetic vector potential contributions due to the four segments of the current
loop are

I l jk r sin sin
A1 0 e 2 ax
4 r
I l jk r sin cos
A2 0 e 2 ay
4 r
I l jk r sin sin
A3 0 e 2 (a x )
4 r
I l jk r sin cos
A4 0 e 2 (a y )
4 r (2.39)

Combining the x-directed terms yields

jk l sin sin jk l sin sin

jkr e 2 e 2
I 0l

a I 0l jkr kl
A1 A3 e x j e sin sin sin a x
4 r 2 r 2

Combining the y-directed terms yields

jk l sin cos jk l sin cos

jkr e 2 e 2
I 0l

a I 0l jkr kl
A2 A4 e y j e sin sin cos a y
4 r 2 r 2

For an electrically small loop (l << ), the arguments of the sine functions above are very small and may
be approximated according to

sin( x ) x x 1

which gives

k I 0l 2 jkr
A1 A3 j e sin sin ax
4 r
k I 0l 2 jkr
A2 A4 j e sin cos a y
4 r

The overall vector potential becomes

A A1 A2 A3 A4
k I 0 S jkr
4 r
sin sin a x cos a y

where S l = loop area. The bracketed term above is the spherical coordinate unit vector
2 a .

k I 0 S jkr
A j e sin a
4 r

This is far field magnetic vector potential for a electrically small current loop.

The corresponding far fields are

k I 0 S jkr
E j A e sin (2.40)
4 r
k I 0 S jkr
H j A e sin (2.41)
4 r

k 2 k 2

Again the far field can be expressed as:
k 2 I 0 S jkr
E e sin
4 r
k 2 I 0 S jkr (2.42)
H e sin
4 r
The fields radiated by an electrically small loop antenna can be increased by adding multiple turns. For
the far-field, the added height of multiple turns is immaterial and the resulting far fields for a multiple
turn loop antenna can be found by simply multiplying the single turn loop antenna fields by the number of
turn N. So the far-field for electrically small multiple turn current loop is

k 2 NI 0 S jkr
E e sin
4 r
k 2 NI 0 S jkr
H e sin
4 r

After finding the field components, the other parameters of the antenna can be found out by using the
procedure discussed in Module I and in the present Module (Module II).

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