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Clinical Rehabilitation 1999; 13: 295300

Trunk kinematics in hemiplegic gait and the effect

of walking aids
Sarah F Tyson Centre for Research in Rehabilitation, Department of Health Studies, Brunel University, Isleworth, UK

Received 2nd June 1998; returned for revisions 7th August 1998; revised manuscript accepted 30th January 1999.

Objective: To establish baseline measurements of trunk movements during

hemiplegic gait, to assess the relationship between trunk movements and
walking ability, and to investigate the effect of walking aids on the trunk
Method: Twenty subjects with a chronic hemiplegia from a stroke, who could
walk independently, were recruited. Lateral and vertical movements of the
pelvis, and symmetry of these movements were measured using CODA (a
three-dimensional movement analysis system) as the subjects walked at their
own pace without an aid. They were also tested as they walked with a stick
and a tripod to assess the effect of different walking aids. Mean values for
the trunk movements and symmetry were calculated, Pearsons correlations
assessed the relationship between each trunk movement and gait velocity (a
measure of overall walking ability), and the influence of the different aids was
assessed using a one-way repeated measures ANOVA.
Results: Lateral displacement was large (mean = 9.9 cm, SD 3.9) and
orientated to the sound side, vertical displacement was small
(mean = 2.45 cm, SD 1.4). The movements showed marked asymmetry which
favoured the hemiplegic side in that there was less movement of, or towards
this side. There was a significant relationship (at 5% level) between walking
ability and lateral movements (r = 0.6), but not vertical movements (r = 0.41).
No significant differences were found with the different aids.
Conclusion: These results give baseline values for trunk movements during
hemiplegic gait and the relationship between the movements and walking
ability. The use of walking aid and the type of walking aid did not affect the
subjects trunk movements or walking ability.

Introduction physiotherapists working with stroke patients as

these movements are considered an essential
Restoration of normal movements of the trunk component of effective gait. Despite the impor-
and pelvis while walking is a primary goal for tance attached to them there has been little
objective assessment of these movements as
research has concentrated on movements of the
Address for correspondence: Sarah F Tyson, Centre for
Research in Rehabilitation, Department of Health Studies,
hip, knee and ankle in the sagittal plane.1,2 In nor-
Brunel University, Borough Road, Isleworth, Middlesex mal gait, the trunk and pelvis make a number of
TW7 5DU, UK. e-mail: small, symmetrical movements in the frontal
Arnold 1999 02692155(99)CR259OA
296 SF Tyson

plane with each gait cycle. The trunk and pelvis imum point in the gait cycle) for each leg.
displaces laterally about 5 cm (2.5 cm to each Vertical movement while stepping with each
side), and vertically about 5 cm (with the great- leg was measured. This was defined as the verti-
est excursion at mid-stance and the least at dou- cal movement of the pelvis between double leg
ble stance).39 Using a walking aid is thought to stance (the lowest point in the gait cycle) and
have a detrimental effect on these movements mid-stance on each leg (the highest point in the
and walking ability by encouraging the patient to gait cycle). Symmetry of these movements was
lean over to the sound side, and to move their assessed by comparing the values for the sound
weight towards the aid and away from the weak and weak sides.
side.10 For this reason most physiotherapists are Velocity was used as an overall measure of
reluctant to use walking aids in stroke rehabili- walking ability as it is sensitive, valid and reliable
tation.11 Yet there has been very little investiga- for stroke patients.12 Subjects with a high veloc-
tion of the effects of walking aids on hemiplegic ity were considered good walkers while slower
gait. The aim of this study was to measure subjects were poor walkers.
objectively trunk movements including symmetry
during hemiplegic gait, to assess the relationship The testing procedure
between the movements and walking ability, and The subjects trunk movements and velocity
investigate the effect of different walking aids on were measured as they walked using CODA.
trunk movements. This is a noninvasive three-dimensional move-
ment analysis system, which uses optical scanning
techniques to detect the position of small, pris-
Method matic, reflective markers. These were attached to
the subjects heels (to identify phases of the gait
There were two parts to the study. First, the cycle) and the pelvis (mid-point between the
trunk movements of a group of hemiplegic sub- posterior iliac spines). Previous studies have
jects were measured while walking. The symme- shown CODA to be accurate and reliable when
try of these movements, and the relationship measuring angular and spatial movement.13,14 The
between the movements and walking ability was subjects walked at their own pace without a walk-
ing aid in ordinary shoes along a 5 m walkway as
assessed. Secondly, the effects of walking aids on
the CODA measured their gait. They started to
trunk movements, symmetry and walking ability
walk 1 m before the start of data collection, and
were assessed.
continued for 1 m afterwards so that data was not
collected while the subject was accelerating or
The parameters
decelerating. This was repeated three times and
Lateral and vertical movements of the trunk
mean values were calculated.
were measured and velocity was used as an over- In the second part of the study, when the effect
all measure of walking ability. of walking aids was investigated the process was
Two aspects of lateral movement were mea- repeated as the subjects walked without an aid,
sured; the total excursion of the pelvis from side with a walking stick, and with a tripod. The order
to side with each stride (termed lateral displace- in which the walking aids were used was ran-
ment) and the movement to each side during domized to nullify any effect from practice or
stance phase of the weight-bearing leg (termed fatigue. Subjects practised with each aid until
lateral shift). Lateral displacement was defined as they felt comfortable before measurements took
the lateral movement of the pelvis between mid- place and they were encouraged to take rest
single stance of one leg and mid-single stance of whenever they wished. The aids were adjusted to
the other. Lateral shift (to the weak or sound fit each individual so that the handle of the aid
side) measured the excursion of the pelvis during was level with the radial styloid of the sound arm.
weight-bearing on one leg. It was defined as the
lateral distance moved between the mid-point of
double stance (the minimum point in the gait
cycle) to the mid-point of single stance (the max-
Trunk kinematics in hemiplegic gait 297

Analysis the trunk movements (Table 2) showed signifi-

Mean values for each of the gait parameters cant relationships with lateral displacement (indi-
were calculated. Symmetry was evaluated using a cating that good walkers had a low lateral
ratio of the sound and weak sides (sound/weak), displacement, and were orientated centrally), and
a value of one would indicate perfect symmetry. lateral symmetry (indicating that good walkers
Pearsons correlations were used to assess the were more symmetrical). The relationship
relationship between the trunk movements and between walking ability and vertical displace-
walking ability (velocity). The significance of the ment, and symmetry of vertical displacement was
correlation was assessed by comparison with the not significant however.
sample correlation coefficient (2 multiplied by No significant differences in any of the para-
the reciprocal of the square root of the sample meters (trunk movements, symmetry or velocity)
size). The correlation coefficient was said to be between the stick, the tripod or no aid were
significant at the 5% level if it exceeded (posi- found (Table 3).
tively or negatively) the sample coefficient.15 In
this case the sample size was 20 so the sample
coefficient was 0.46. Differences between the Discussion
walking aids were assessed using a one-way
repeated measures ANOVA. Tukey multiple This study reports baseline values for trunk
comparison tests would be used to establish movements including symmetry during hemi-
where any significant differences lay. plegic gait, and considers the relationship
between the movements and walking ability, and
The subjects the effect of walking aids. Trunk movements
Subjects with a chronic hemiplegia due to were found to be markedly asymmetrical and dif-
stroke (more than three months duration), able fered from the classic, general values of Saun-
to walk at least 10 m independently without a ders, Inman and co-workers,3,4 as well as more
specific analysis of trunk movements including a
walking aid, and aged over 50 years were
recruited. Exclusion criteria were a history of
previous stroke, a pre-existing gross neuro- Table 1 Mean values for movements of the trunk during
pathology, or other condition that affected their hemiplegic gait
mobility. People with aphasia or cognitive deficits Total lateral displacement 9.8 cm (3.9)
that prevented comprehension of the task were Lateral shift (sound side) 6.4 cm (3.9)
also excluded. Twenty subjects were recruited, 15 Lateral shift (weak side) 1.2 cm (4.3)
men and five women, 11 had a right hemiplegia Lateral symmetry ratio (S/W) 5.3 (1.2)
Total vertical displacement 2.45 cm (1.4)
and nine had a left hemiplegia. Median time since Vertical displacement (sound side) 3.4 cm (1.1)
stroke was 10 months (range 3144). Mean age Vertical displacement (weak side) 1.4 cm (0.9)
was 61 years (SD 6.5). Five subjects did not usu- Vertical symmetry ratio (S/W) 3.5 (2.5)
ally use an aid, and 15 subjects usually used a Velocity 0.6 m/s (0.31)
walking stick. Values in parentheses are standard deviations.

Results Table 2 Relationship between walking ability (velocity)

and trunk movements
The mean movements of the trunk are shown in
Table 1. Lateral displacement was large and ori- Correlation coefficient (r)
entated over the sound side with little movement Lateral displacement 0.6*
to the weak side, and vertical displacement was Lateral symmetry 0.6*
small, more so on the weak side than the sound Vertical displacement 0.41
side. The subjects walked slowly with marked Vertical symmetry 0.07
asymmetry. *Denotes a significant relationship at 5% level. Sample
The correlation between walking ability and coefficient = 0.46.
298 SF Tyson

Table 3 Mean values for velocity and trunk movements when walking with different walking aids, and the results of
the ANOVA to elicit differences between the walking aids

No aid Stick Tripod p-value

Velocity (m/s) 0.6 (0.31) 0.5 (0.2) 0.5 (0.2) 0.33

Lateral displacement (cm) 9.9 (3.8) 8.5 (3.2) 8.7 (3.6) 0.45
Lateral shift to weak side (cm) 1.2 (4.3) 0.8 (4.2) 0.9 (4.4) 0.95
Lateral shift to sound side (cm) 6.4 (3.9) 5.4 (6.3) 6.1 (4.3) 0.8
Symmetry 5.0 (1.2) 5.0 (2.6) 6.0 (1.9) 0.97

Total vertical displacement (cm) 2.4 (1.4) 2.3 (1.3) 2.3 (1.5) 0.87
Weak side 1.5 (0.9) 1.3 (0.8) 1.3 (0.8) 0.73
Sound side 3.4 (1.1) 3.3 (1.1) 3.4 (1.2) 0.9
Symmetry 3.5 (2.5) 6.3 (1.5) 5.5 (3.0) 0.54

Values in parentheses are standard deviations.

similar age range as this study.8,9 Lateral move- been observed but not objectively measured.10
ments were related to walking ability but vertical The decreased vertical displacement on the
movements were not. The use of an aid and the sound side was unexpected, however. An appar-
type of aid did not have any significant effect on ent elevation of the pelvis (hip hitching and cir-
trunk movements, symmetry or walking ability. cumduction) has frequently been observed to
The large lateral movements and orientation to compensate for difficulty in flexing the weak hip
the sound side support clinicians observations and knee during swing phase.10 In normal sub-
and previous studies which have found a short jects the muscle forces produced to propel the
stance phase and decreased weight-bearing on body forwards and upwards are relatively low
the weak leg.10,1620 In normal subjects lateral dis- (much of the movement comes from momentum
placement is controlled by eccentric activity of and energy transfer), but the plantar flexors are
the hip abductors21,22 so it may be that the key in generating these forces and initiating flex-
changes in lateral displacement found in this ion of the knee during swing phase.23 Lack of
study are due to poor control of the abductors. knee flexion during swing phase is a common
EMG activity of the hip abductors during move- kinematic finding in hemiplegic subjects and
ments in the frontal plane has not been studied reduced effectiveness has been found in the ankle
to date in hemiplegics, and is an obvious area for musculature.19,24 It is possible that the lack of
further research. effective plantar flexion in late stance phase of
Normal subjects show a sinusoidal vertical dis- the weak leg reduced the vertical displacement
placement of approximately 5 cm during gait, on the sound leg. A more detailed biomechani-
which is dependent on horizontal rotation of the cal analysis including lateral tilt of the pelvis and
pelvis at the hip as the hip extends in stance using EMG analysis of muscle activity is needed
phase, lateral tilt of the pelvis to the nonweight- to clarify these findings and the reasons for the
bearing side, and flexion of the knee during movement abnormalities which could inform
stance3,4 and is powered by concentric activity of physiotherapy practice.
the plantar flexors in late stance and at push- Walking ability was found to be significantly
off.22,23 Alteration in the vertical movements related to lateral movement, in that good walk-
could be due to any or all of these factors, so ers showed less movement, were more symmet-
decreased vertical displacement on the weak side rical and orientated more centrally than poor
is unsurprising as a lack of hip extension and loss walkers who orientated over the sound leg, but
of knee flexion during stance phase is one of the no such relationship was found with vertical
most consistent kinematic findings in hemiplegic movements. This may be a reflection of the small
gait1921 while increased pelvic tilt (which would numbers of subjects in this study, but a number
lower of the centre of gravity during stance) has of other studies have also found that the walking
Trunk kinematics in hemiplegic gait 299

ability is not clearly related to gait parameters in Conclusion

chronic hemiplegics, suggesting that chronic
patients adopt abnormal but none the less func- Trunk movements while walking have been
tionally effective gait patterns.2527 Further described in hemiplegic subjects and baseline
research with larger numbers could clarify these measurements obtained, the relationship
findings and establish the importance of symme- between these movements and walking ability
try and normal movement to function which has been investigated, and the effects of different
would inform physiotherapy practice. walking aids assessed. The trunk movements in
The other aim of the study was to investigate this small group of subjects differed from pub-
the effect of walking aids on trunk movements. lished normal values, with large lateral move-
In this study, neither the use of an aid (compared ments, but small vertical movements.
to no aid) nor the type of aid effected the trunk A striking feature was the asymmetry, which
movements. There has been relatively little study favoured the hemiplegic side in that there was
of the effects of walking aids on hemiplegic gait, less movement of, or movement towards the
but the other studies to date have also failed to hemiplegic side. Lateral movement was signifi-
find that the use of an aid or the type of aid sig- cantly related to walking ability, but vertical
nificantly influenced hemiplegic gait. A number movement was not. Trunk movements, symmetry
of different aspects of gait have been assessed, and walking ability were not influenced by the
including: temporaldistance factors, gait sym- use of a walking aid or the type of walking aid.
metry, ground reaction forces during stance This study looked specifically at trunk move-
phase, hip kinematics, muscle activation patterns ments in a small number of a specific group,
and the amount of support taken through the namely people with a nonacute hemiplegia who
aid.2731 This fails to support the belief that the were able to walk without assistance, so any gen-
use of an aid has a detrimental effect on hemi- eralization must be treated with caution. The
plegic gait and that a tripod produces a worse gait study does suggest however, that the assumptions
pattern than a stick10 and the widespread reluc- underlying the use of walking aids in stroke reha-
tance for physiotherapists to recommend use of bilitation are not as clear cut as many physio-
a walking aid.11 Despite physiotherapists antipa- therapists would believe, so until these issues can
thy, most ambulant stroke patients choose to use be clarified, greater flexibility in the use of walk-
a walking aid, although many use it intermit- ing aids for people with a hemiplegia is called for.
tently, for example only when walking out-of-
doors or for long distances. It is possible that the
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