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1. Head circumference of a child attains 90 % of the adult value by 2 yr of age.

2. Most common vitamin deficiency in India isVitamin A deficiency

3. Which intra uterine infection can result in microcephaly and hydrocephalus
4. Majority of the Mongolian spots disappear by1 yr of age.
5. Total number of carpal centres in a 4 yr old boy is 5.
6. Myelination of human brain completes by 7 yrs of age. ( Ref: Nelson
18th edition page 57)
7. First permanent tooth to erupt is Ist Molars .
8. The inheritance pattern of hypophosphatemic rickets is X linked dominant.
9. Name the antinutrient present in egg. - Avidin
10. PDA is embryologically derived from left 6thaortic arch.
11. The osmolarity of WHO low osmolar ORS is245 mOsm/L.
12. A child copies a diamond by 6 yrs of age.
13. Hemophilia C results from deficiency ofFactor XI.
14. Staccato cough is seen in Chlamydia ( and whooping cough) infection.
15. Bilirubin encephalopathy results inchoreoathetoid type of cerebral palsy.
16. Commonest cardiac abnormality in Noonan syndrome. Pulmonary stenosis
17. Toxic dose of paracetamol ( Acetaminophen ) in a child is 200 ( in mg/kg ).
Ref Nelson.
18. Surfactant is synthesized by type II alveolarcells.
19 Phantom hernia is seen in which infection ?Poliomyelitis
20. Name the instrument used to measure skin fold thickness. Harpendens
21. Most common cause of acute renal failure in children is fluid depletion .
22. Half life of Digoxin in children is 20 hrs.
23. Normal anion gap is 12 16 meq/L.
24. Delayed fall of umbilical cord is associated with deficiency of Factor XIII.
25. Name one drug used to close PDA in a newborn. - Indomethacin/ Ibuprofen.
26. Which vitamin deficiency results in hemolytic anemia ? Vitamin E
27. Earliest sign of sexual development in males is testicular enlargement.
28. Hetch cell pneumonia is seen in measles.
29. Drug of choice in MRSA infectionVancomycin.
30. Commonest congenital cyanotic heart disease presenting in the newborn
is d- TGA.
31. Red currant jelly stools is seen inintusussception.
32. Coordinated sucking and swallowing in a newborn is achieved by 34wks of
gestational age.
33. Mousy odour in Phenyl ketonuria is due tophenyl acetate / phenyl pyruvate.
34. Which congenital heart disease is more prevalent in high altitude ? PDA
34. What is the incidence of coronary heart disease in
untreated Kawasaki disease ? 25%
35. Hypocalcemia is defined as ionized calcium below 4 meq/L.
36. During neonatal resuscitation , bag and mask ventilation is contraindicated
in which congenital anomaly ? congenital diaphragmatic hernia
37. Stabilizing agent used in oral polio vaccine isMagnesium chloride.
38. Which vitamin deficiency manifests in exclusively breastfed infants
? Vitamin K
39. Orally effective iron chelator used in thalassemia is Deferiprone.
40. Steeple sign in X ray is seen in a/c laryngotracheobronchitis (croup)
41. Therapeutic blood level of Aspirin is20mg/dl.
42. Drug of choice for SVT in infants isadenosine.
43. Chief pathogen associated with hemolytic uremic syndrome
in India is Shigellae dysentrae Type I
44. Which protozoal infection can result innephrotic syndrome in children
? Plasmodium malaria
45. Most common cause of bilateral hydroureteronephrosis in a male child
isposterior urethral valve.
44. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia associatedwith hypertension is due to
of 11 hydroxylase.
45. What is the risk of producing a child with Down syndrome if father is a
carrier of
balanced 21 21 translocation ? 100%
46. 3 per second spike and wave pattern in EEG is typically seen
in absence(Petit mal) seizures.
47. Most common cause of congenital hypothyroidism is thyroid dysgenesis
48. Most common muscle involved in Duchenne muscle dystrophy is calf
49. Precocious puberty in boys is defined as occurrence of pubertal changes
before 9
years of age.
50. Childhood tumor associated with opsoclonus is neuroblastoma

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