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16 MAR 2017

TELECOM | Sector Update

RJIO: Driving the digital wave; multiple triggers ahead

Reliance Jio (RJio) Analyst Meet Key takeaways
Telecom industry market size likely to be Rs 3 trn by 2020-21(FY16: Rs 1.9 trn).Voice revenues will shift to data.
Data is supply constrained (demand will always outstrip supply).India has become most active market for Google
and Facebook
RJiobelieves it is well positioned to achieve >50% revenue market share. It anticipates EBITDA margin of >50%
There exists ~400 mn subscribers who can afford Rs 500/ month on digital services
RJio caters to 85% of mobile data traffic in India today. It can support more than 60% of Indias data demand
forecastfor 2020 -21. Of 124 mn LTE devices currently, 100 mn are on RJios network. 4G smart feature phones
launched by RJiowill offer additional competitive advantage to the company
RJio is Indias only 5G ready network due to its elastic network and deep fiber

Industry revenue to shift from voice to data; overall industry revenue to grow to Rs 3 trn by 2020-21 (FY16 Rs 1.9 trn)
RJio anticipates a fundamental shift in telecom industry revenue from voice to data in 1-2 years. Voice is expected to
reduce from ~Rs 1.5 trn currently to ~Rs 0.5 trn given free/unlimited voice offering. Voice is demand constrained, and
lacks possibility of service differentiation.

In India, data would reach 1.35% to 1.6% of projected GDP (less than 2.5% of developed countries): Data, on the other
hand, is supply constrained. Demand for data is considerably elastic. Data consumption is expected to increase driven
by bigger screen sizes, higher resolution, greater data speeds and more time spent. Consequently, ARPU is expected to
grow owing to the greater propensity to increase data consumption vs. voice. Leading global consultants have forecast
data demand at 5-6 bn GB/ month. At yield of Rs 50/GB, industry data revenue would be
Rs 3-3.6 trn/ year. Next 5 years are expected to witness rapid growth driven by explosion in data consumption.

Given the aggression in data pricing and high upfront capacity investments made by operators, revenue market share
will be driven by data capacity share, as growth in revenue will be volume driven.

Our ratings
Currently, we have a SELL on Bharti Airtel and our Energy analyst (Prashant Tarwadi) has a BUY rating on Reliance

High demand for digital services, 400 mnsubscribers can pay Rs 500/ month:The management highlighted that Indian
telecom market today has 263 mn smartphone users with effective ARPU of Rs 329 and 496 mn feature phone users
with effective ARPU of Rs 172. It shared telecom scenario in year 2009 when 392 mn subscribers had an effective ARPU
of Rs 500 (in 2016 adjusted for nominal per capita income)

Exhibit 1: From ARPU/ user to ARPU/SIM

Smartphone users Feature phone users
Devices in circulation (mn) 263 496
Average SIM / User (Nos) 1.19 1.28
ARPU per VLR SIM (Rs) 277 134
Effective ARPUper user (Rs) 329 172
Source: Company presentation
(Continued on page 2)

16 MAR 2017 Sector Update


(Continued from page 1)

Exhibit 2: Customers have ability to pay

Subscribers in 2009 392 mn
ARPU in 2009 Rs 179
Equivalent ARPU in 2016* Rs 500
Source: Company presentation; *adjusted for nominal per capita income

Data market exploding: Post RJio, data market has expanded 6x with
1.2 bn GB/month (pre-RJio,the market was 0.2 bn GB/month).

Exhibit 3: Market expanded 6x

Source: Company presentation

RJio has been instrumental in driving exponential growth in data market given its
substantial low pricing (base rate: Rs 250/GB, lowest data rates globally),
simplified plans, free voice services (across local/STD/roaming/off-net calls), no
roaming charges, no blackout charges and no charges for VAS.

RJios network asset is unparallel

RJio is worlds largest all IP network and carries VoLTE traffic of
2 bnmins/day. The company has filed 53 patents and has created/enhanced
device ecosystem for 4G in India. Itshared that India has become most active
market for Google and Facebook (70 mn additions post RJio)

RJios networkhits ~3.6 mn peak simultaneous video streams daily (vs. the largest
US operator which had a peak of 1.7 mn during Super Bowl17).

16 MAR 2017 Sector Update


Exhibit 4: RJios impact on India ranking

Source: Company presentation

RJiobrings best suite of applications with the most comprehensive library of content
free upto 31 March 2018. This will ensure stickiness of customers.

Exhibit 5: Many proven credits

Proliferated LTE 124 mn LTE devices with all new smartphones models are LTE
devices market enabled (8-9 mn/month being added)
2G/3G smartphones (~165 mn) can enjoy 4G with a JioFi
Leading to superior
4G smart feature phone is becoming a reality. This will allow spectral efficiency,
free voice services lowest capex per
Even with dual SIM 4G phones, second SIM becomes a unit capacity and
2G/3G SIM lower operating
Data explosion Data explosion with commencement of RJio services - Average cost per GB. Can
consumption is seen at 10 GB/month across all circles and
support more than
Superior voice quality HD quality voice is only on RJio network
60% of forecast
RJio network today carries 2 bnmins per day; equivalent to data demand in
large incumbent operators India in 2020-21
RJio has capacity to carry 100% of Indias voice traffic
RJio network has lowest call drop in industry. Considerable
reduction in congestion from 8% congestion of towers, now
to 5% during peak hours
LTE coverage RJio has achieved population coverage of over 75%
with urban coverage being 100%. Plans > 95%
population coverage in CY17. RJio is only operator with
pan-India sub-GHz LTE spectrum
Faster subscriber ~90-95% are Aadhar based eKYC
enrolment SIM is activated within 15 minutes using eKYC
Quality of customers Handset price is proxy to ARPU
Average price of handset on RJio network is >10K (Industry
has 10%>10K)
RJio has 40% market share in devices >20K
Source: Company

16 MAR 2017 Sector Update


RJios network enjoys superior efficiencydriven by a fair blend of spectrum,

towers and fibre network

Exhibit 6: Capacity = Spectrum x Towers

Capacity = Cells x Spectrum X SINR Factor X Backhaul Factor

Jio 4.7x of entire Interference reduced Backhaul constraints

Industry LTE MHz-cells by Jios unique real- due to Site fiberisation
(million) time analytics and Jio 60%, Rest 20%
automation tools
Incremental backhaul
Better Signal ensured-
Jio* 13.46 is not only expensive
device support, single
but also time
sector cells, indoor
Others 2.85 consuming and
complex execution
*includes Jio small cells
Jio has 3-4 years
head start

Source: Company presentation

16 MAR 2017 Sector Update



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16 MAR 2017 Sector Update


Ratings Expected absolute returns over 12-18 months
BUY More than 10%
HOLD Between 10% and -10%
SELL Less than -10%

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