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What Yesh Atid has achieved in just a year and eight monthsJust imagine what well do in a full

four years!


* Reducing the cost of electricity - Electricity prices will come down by 10% in January 2015 due to
Yesh Atid policies which were adopted by the government

*We reduced the import tax and began reforms which brought down the cost of food by 3.2% while
in the rest of the OECD countries prices of food increased by 2.4%

*We passed a 2014 budget which enabled us to close a 40 billion NIS budget hole left by the
previous government

*That responsible budget allowed us to fund Operation Protective Edge without raising taxes

*We forced the large corporations to pay 4.5 billion NIS in taxes on trapped profits

*We substantially reduced customs duty on personal purchases from abroad via the internet

*We led the way to the integration of thousands of ultra-Orthodox citizens into the work force
through the Equality in Service law and the opening of employment and skill enrichment centers for
the ultra-Orthodox

*Increased supply of housing - We began the process of building 115,000 housing units.

*We helped small and large businesses - Cancelling the VAT for couples working in the same
business, implementing the ability to pay VAT only on money which entered the register and
compelling the state to pay suppliers quickly.

*We doubled the loan fund for small businesses enabling them to grow, develop and create jobs

*We stopped the scandalous salaries of senior executives of banks and insurance companies and we
removed the political appointments of the directors of government companies and replaced them
with professional directors appointed through a proper selection process


*General education for all schools - We put into place frameworks for preparing ultra-orthodox
teachers to teach core subjects and put in place the regulations to reduce the budgets of institutions
which dont teach them. Tens of ultra-Orthodox schools opened this year with basic general studies,

*Summer School Programs - We made it possible for 200,000 children in the first and second grades
to take part in Ministry of Education summer programs which saved their parents thousands of

* Hot meals for the need We doubled to 200,000 the number of hot meals served to children from
a low socio-economic background to create a nutritional safety net and we doubled the grants to
purchase books and educational equipment for children in need.
* We opened five professional-technological schools alongside five new educational tracks in
existing schools to allow more students to fulfil their potential.

*We added 1,200 pre-school assistants.

*We began building 400 day care centers which will serve another 30,000 babies


*We allocated an extra billion shekels for Holocaust survivors- For free medication, increasing
benefits, annual grants and reduction of bureaucracy.

*We brought forward the payment of the grant to women who leave domestic violence shelters to
start a new life.

*We sped up the support for businesses and residents of the south who were harmed during
Operation Protective Edge

*We developed and allocated funds for programs to tackle youth prostitution


*We reduced the number of ministers in the government to 18 and eliminated the unnecessary and
wasteful institution known as Minister Without Portfolio

*We raised the election threshold to 3.25%


*We added MRI machines for hospitals in the periphery so that patients wont need to travel to the
center of the country for medical tests

*We created an allowance of sick days for caring for ill parents

*We increased the health basket by 300 million shekels


*We ended the policy that required new immigrants seeking to obtain an Israeli driver's to take a
theory test after failing the driving test twice.

*We removed many if the barriers and challenges for new immigrants in the health field to obtain a
license and work in Israel.


STUCK: 0% VAT Law for those buying a first home which would have saved young couples 240,000
when buying their first home
STUCK: Building of 150,000 housing units for rent

STUCK: Increasing allowances for the elderly on income support to raise 190,000 elderly people out
of poverty

STUCK: Reducing the overcrowding in classrooms implementation of the findings of the special
committee created by the Minister of Education to solve the problem of overcrowding in school

STUCK: Enlistment of 1,100 police officers, fire-fighters and prison guards and an additional 1.2 billon
NIS for internal security.

STUCK: Increased investment in health of 4 billion NIS to reduce waiting times, bring down the cost
of medical insurance and improve the treatment and service for patients in Israel

STUCK: School summer programs for 400,000 children in the first to fourth grades in 2015.

On 18th March well carry on from the point where we were stopped!

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