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Liceo Jos Victorino Lastarria

English Elective

English work:


Members: Fernando Alvarado Caro

Rodrigo Ros Valderrama.

Grade: 4G.

Date: 04/15/2016.
Perfume is a novel written by Patrcik Sskind, the book talks about Jean Baptiste Grenouille and how
he dedicates his life to find the best fragrance in the world. Perfume is the story of a murderer.

Jean Baptiste Grenouille to the moment of birth is abandoned by his mother, being sent to different
orphanages, in which began to discover the world through his extraordinary sense of smell. Grenouille
did not have any aroma. As Grenouille grew, so did his desire to meet and learn about the art of
fragrances, is how after going through various physical works, Grenouille met Baldini (a very famous
perfumer), who teaches him the forms dealing to make perfumes. After a great success, Grenouille
departed in search of the perfect aroma. Grenouille killed and tortured many women to achieve their
objective. After many murders Grenouille created the best perfume in the world. Jean Baptiste is
realized that without an aroma (unique and only of he) not worth living. Jean Baptiste Grenouille died
being eaten by the people that was in the place. He used his perfume for the last time.

The author of Perfume is Patrick Suskind. He was born in March, 26th 1949, in Stranberger Ambach,
Bavaria Lake near Munich in Germany. He studied middle age and modern history in Munich
University in 1968 until 1974. His ability in writing came from his father, Wilhelm Emanuel Suskind, a
journalist and a linguist. Before Suskind wrote Perfume, he worked as scriptwriter in many plays
during the 80 years, getting a big recognition inside the artistic environment, but their biggest success
arrived with the premiere of Perfume: the story of a murderer, a novel acclaimed for critics and the

The novel develops into eighteenth-century France, mainly in Paris, the events that happens into
Grenouille life are represented in the places where he lives, the orphanage, the Baldini (mentor, tutor)
house, Cantall Mountains (when Grenouille isolates himself) Grasse in French Riviera, Montpellier,

Perfume is a novel that develops, through the story of a young perfumer, a reflection about the
essential, about all the things that are hide in each person and that is necessary to express and share.
However, the natural contradiction in that when a person expresses their soul, their spirit, its
inevitable that this person dies. While you create, you destroy.

Aditionally, Sskind (author) examines the nature of love throughout the novel, both what love is and
what love means. By connecting the emotion of love directly with the fleeting world of scent, Sskind
is perhaps suggesting that, like scent, love is something difficult to grasp or to express in language.

The novel talks about the sense of the life and the search for himself in this case represented in the

Jean Baptiste Greouille: Main character, could make lot of smells, recorded in his mind and
not never forgot. No love for anything or anyone, only feel appreciation for odors. It is a cold
and cunning person, who does not mind having to go through difficult and painful tasks, if
that helps you get what you want.

Antoine Richis: A man for whom the most important is the life of his daughter, Laure.
When beginning the murders by Grenouille, he is convinced that her daughter is in danger,
so uses all his intelligence and cunning to save Laure, but ultimately fails.

Laure: Is a very beautiful girl and has the aroma Grenoville most appreciated. It is the last
piece of perfume that he wanted to create, in the end manages to grab your killing her

Grenouille's mother: Mother of Grenouille. She gives birth Grenouille fish in his post
because he wants the baby to die, but the cries of her son gives her away, then apresan for
attempted murder, they condemn and dies.

Madame Gaillard: Owner of the boarding school where he spends his childhood
Grenouille. It has a cold sense of order and justice, and treats all pupils equally.

Monsieur Grimal: Is the owner of the tannery where he began working Grenouille. He is a
man who does not care if the young boy dies or not, for him, it's just one more animal.
Slowly, and with great effort and endurance Grenouille, Grimal begins to consider very
valuable the boy. Drowns.

The conflict of the novel centers in the methods that Jean Baptiste uses for finding the perfect
essence, he kidnaps, tortures and kills in order to reach his wishes.

German. Translated to many other languages like English (by John E. Woods), Spanish and Italian.
The novel presents many uses of personification, because Suskind (author) searches represent moral
and emotional problems. The story unfolds under dialogues between the characters, since they speak
more than two people; but the Narrator tells most of the events. The author uses a very easy
vocabulary making the novel suitable for all the publics.

- El Perfume PDF Version.

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