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YouTube broke this link, I am correcting it

at-russia/ YouTube then put the link back as I was writing this on my computer.

PrepperVet Uk22 hours ago

Hi Karen..... What do you think about Crypto Currencies? And are they are real threat to the
Central Banks? Or is Gold the number one asset they want?

Karen Hudes1 second ago
The Banking Cartel's agent owns the patent on the blockchain. Also, the crypto currencies are
being used in the war on cash, which you can tell from India. When I tried to write this
comment, the Banking Cartel did everything to interfere.

Green Queen1 day ago (edited)

Dear Karen, What do you think of analysts claiming Hurricane Harvey was Geoengineered to
devastate Texas because they are repatriating their gold and launching their own gold-backed
currency? When can we expect the Federal Reserve to fall into bankruptcy and a new currency to
take over? Thank you.

Karen Hudes2 days ago

non interestbearing, non-usurious. The Global Debt Facility will supply the gold, and the mints
of the various countries will first supply the treasury bills that will be exchanged for aurum.
Directly issued to the people in exchange for the paper currency issued by the Banking Cartel.

Karen Hudes2 days ago

YouTube just erased my reply. (and the original question) I will have to reply in my social
media. I can see that during the Global Currency Reset we will have to have other fora for
discussion. I tweeted this as well:


Bear with me, don't get dizzy. YouTube just restored the question and my response:

Steve Torrence1 day ago

Karen do you know who owns the US mint?

Karen Hudes1 day ago!/articles/1/essays/42/coinage-clause

good point. US Treasury - which is the Banking Cartel. Looks like the Monetary Agreement is
not going to be with the US Mint, the Global Debt Facility is going to have to mint the currency

Steve Torrence1 day ago

OK but the global debt facility doesn't have a mint as far as I know, which means they will need
to create it. Technical the GDF owns the BIS and all central banks which means all corporate
governments, treasury down to the mint. They are all corporations of the banking cartel but they
are also all bankrupted by the treaty of versailles bonds and now owned by the GDF. Since 70%
of the military is on our side, why don't they provide support for this transition? If they don't
assist then they will go down with the dollar and I know they don't want that. It seems too
complicated to transition without their support. It looks like during the 50 years sequestration
their only objective was to gain control of everything right down to the facilities that print our

From: Karen Hudes <>
Sent: Friday, September 1, 2017 11:08 PM
To: rose
Subject: : Regarding the hidden wealth of Ferdinand & Imelda Marcos

Marcos assigned all the wealth to humanity in the Global Debt Facility. Duterte is cabal
I will not meet with him. How do you know Duterte is cabal? Because the Philippines'
Government is a corporation. Then, you can see in this article that the Philippines is
bogged down in a war with ISIS, in Mindanao, no less. Goodbye I am blocking you.
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, Int'l Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility

Richard Javad Heydarian


Richard Javad Heydarian is a specialist in Asian geopolitical/economic affairs.

"[R]eality has a way of catching up," warned former US President Barack Obama during his emotionally charged
farewell speech. It was partly an admission of his own shortcomings, but also a subtle, yet poignant, word of caution
to populist leaders seeking overnight national transformation based on simplistic slogans and tough-talk alone.
Obviously, Obama had no less than his successor, Donald Trump, in mind.

In many ways, political reality is also catching up with other strident populist leaders around the world. A year into
office, the Philippine's tough-talking president, Rodrigo Duterte, is confronting a full-blown crisis in his home island of
Mindanao, which is testing his mettle of leadership like never before. For almost a month, the Philippine military has
struggled to liberate Marawi, the country's largest Muslim-majority city, from ISIL-affiliated fighters, led by the
notorious Maute Group. Utilising improvised explosive devices (IEDs), a sophisticated network of underground
tunnels, and deploying snipers in strategic locations across the city, few hundred radical jihadists managed to hold
onto several neighbourhoods despite large-scale mobilisation of government troops.

Eager to deny the Maute Group a single inch of territory, the government resorted to expansive air raids, which led to
friendly fire deaths and growing concerns over civilian casualties. The bloody siege of Marawi has claimed the lives of
close to 400 people, including civilians. After days of continuous bombing and heavy clashes, much of Marawi has
been reduced to rubbles, eerily resembling scenes of devastation in Aleppo and Mosul.

As the Philippine military struggled with a full-fledged urban warfare, the Duterte administration was forced to seek
US military assistance. In many ways, this was a dramatic volte-face for a country, whose leader has repeatedly
insulted US officials and threatened to expel US forces from his country in pursuit of an "independent" foreign policy.

From: Rose
Sent: Friday, September 1, 2017 8:37 PM
Subject: Regarding the hidden wealth of Ferdinand & Imelda Marcos

Dear Mrs. Hudes,

I had been following daily the Philippines news. Just recently, Mrs. Imelda Marcos
would like to give back to the world the wealth that are being kept by Mrs. Marcos,
according to the Phil. Pros. Rodrigo Roa Dtente, the current Phil. Pres. There is a big
news, in a video being presented and the Room where the over three thousand
documents are kept and the million tons of gold that you mentioned in the past, through
your video is being revealed by Mrs. Marcos herself. She mentioned as it is being video
taped, and shown world wide, that she, Mrs. Marcos says that these wealth is not just for
the Philippines but for the whole world .
Please Mrs. Hudes, you will be doing a great favour to all humanity, if you get hold of
Pres. Dtente. Better still if you meet him personally and discuss these world health for
humanity....Please, it is critical that you get hold of him. You know exactly the whole
story of these world wealth.

I am a Canadian-Filipino Citizen and had been a resident of London, Ontario Canada

since 1976. I am an avid follower of of yours videos since the past 2 years....

Please Mrs. Hudes get in touch of the Phil. Pres., Duterte

I am keeping you in my daily prayer, rest assured.

I am very sincerely yours,

This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes

From: Karen Hudes <>
Sent: Saturday, September 2, 2017 8:40 AM
To: Burt Osterweis
Subject: Re: Local towns and villages to issue currency?

We need for there to be decentralization in order for there to be an end to the corruption
as we wind down the Network of Global Corporate Control in the Global Debt Facility.

If you read the literature of how local communities create employment by issuing their
own local currencies, you will understand.
and these studies:

The local currencies are not an interim step. The local currencies will continue. The
merchants in the local villages and towns are actually using a barter system, and that is
what the local currencies help to achieve. The villages and towns do not all need their
own mints. They can figure out what to use as local currencies, making sure that there is
no counterfeit is all that is necessary.

As the countries grow, they will be eligible to receive more gold for their national

You can see this in the Monetary Agreements. The growth in the economies of the
local villages and towns will be the main source of this growth.

Crypto currencies are from the Banking Cartel. They do not figure in to the Global
Currency Reset. If people want to risk handing all their wealth to the Banking Cartel,
they are welcome to do that. This is all that crypto currencies achieve -- there is no store
of value, the patents on the blockchain are with the Banking Cartel.


From: Burt
Sent: Saturday, September 2, 2017 7:34 AM
To: Karen Hudes
Subject: Local towns and villages to issue currency?

Dear Ms. Hudes,

On many of your videos, you state that one of the interim steps in replacing the current
corrupt Federal Reserve note with gold filled plastic dollars would include Local towns
and villages issuing their own currency?

Can you explain why this interim step is necessary, and are you proposing that local
villages hire, or create their own mint or bureau of engraving and printing, or are you
suggesting they might create crypto currencies?

Best regards,

From: Burt
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2017 10:14 PM
To: Karen Hudes
Subject: Treasury Direct Accounts
Dear Ms. Hudes,

I have seen many videos on accessing these Treasury Direct Accounts using the red
numbers on the back of our social security cards, and I believe you have even made
reference to these strawman accounts in some of your videos.

Do you know if the TDA can really be accessed, and If so would you recommend doing

Best regards,

-------- Original message --------
From: Karen Hudes <>
Date: 8/5/17 12:32 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Burt Subject: Re: Treasury Direct Accounts
no don't do it, and pay attention, I have dealt with this in many posts.

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf is a Vatican agent. The TDA is a trick and is being
reversed, but you will be getting yourself into trouble for applying. I have
been telling people not to go to the side of Banking Cartel and that the
Banking Cartel is not to be trusted so many times. Here is an earlier tweet
about Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

why not? do you trust the Banking Cartel? Do you think it is corrupt? Do you think
humanity has to end the Banking Cartel? Do you think you should risk that humanity
lands in WWIII? Do you think?

What I have said in a nutshell, is that you are admitting the Banking Cartel exists with
this, and are throwing your lot in with the Banking Cartel and working with them. What
do you think of your life on Earth? Is it important to leave the world a better place or
not? Do you think you can oppose the Banking Cartel at the same time that you accept
their bribes?

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