Eeaile 3 00 Responsibilities Students PDF

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Campus Ajusco

rea Acadmica 4 - Tecnologas de la Informacin y Comunicacin y Modelos Alternativos

Specialization in English Language Learning and Teaching

Responsibility as a Student

Second generation


UPN/EEAILE/Prepared by Elin Emilsson & Ricardo Velasco Preciado/2013 1

Responsibility as a Student

Your responsibility as a student in this online course includes the following elements:

* Read the material and do the activities suggested in the chapters. Be sure to read and
understand the content before the deadline for any activities or assignments. Avoid leaving all
chores for the deadline day!

* Participate in the online written and spoken discussions (which include the forum and audio
conference sessions with other participants). Read or listen to the questions or prompts carefully
and respond to them. You should also provide appropriate and constructive feedback to other
participants responses as well.

* Complete the assignment. Read the assignment carefully and complete it on time. If you
have trouble completing the assignment or meeting the deadline, contact your tutor.

* Take the online My Progress Tests and weekly quizzes. At the end of each chapter there is
a Self-Quiz that you should take to check your understanding of the main ideas of that chapter.
These Self-Quizzes are not part of your final grade, but they are useful in helping you identify any
areas that are not clear. At the end of each lesson, there is another test that you must take, this
one is obligatory. Your scores on the My Progress Test will become part of your grade. Be aware
that in lesson zero there is not a formal Progress Test, only a self-quiz that will help you have all
important points in mind.

* Ask questions. You should ask the other participants about their perspective on the
different aspects of teaching and learning we examine in the course, and you should always ask
your tutor about concepts or tasks that you feel are not clear.

* Avoid plagiarism. Make sure that in all your writing in the EEAILE, you give credit to the
ideas of others that you include as a part of your statements. Not doing so, will invalid your
product and may be a reason for your dismissal of the program. To avoid misunderstandings on
these matters, we suggest that you read Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association. It wont hurt you to buy it!

* Show respect at all times. It is very important to communicate with your classmates, tutor
and everybody in the EEAILE in a friendly manner and showing respect. In fact, lack of respect is a
reason to be dismissed from the program.

Please meet all deadlines. Online courses require more student independence, and it is your job to find
out when things are due, and to turn them in on time. If at any time the deadlines are not clear, contact
your tutor to clarify them.

UPN/EEAILE/Prepared by Elin Emilsson & Ricardo Velasco Preciado/2013 2

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