Latin 36

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Stage 36

Marcus Valerius Martialis

In the auditorium many citizens are waiting. They are there to hear Valerius Martialis, a well-known
poet, recite. They are all chatting among themselves. Suddenly a sign is given in order to silence
them. The poet himself enters the auditorium.

Before an applauding audience, the Martialis climbs the stage in order to recite his verses.

M: Greetings, friends (he unrolls the scroll) first I want to recite a certain verse I recently composed
about Sabinius

Several listeners turned so they could see Sabinius, who was sitting in the last row of chairs.

M: I dont love you, Sabidius, I cant say why. Only this I can say: I dont love you

Listener (whispering to his friend) I dont understand this verse. Why cant the poet say why he
doesnt love Sabidius?

First friend (whispering) Obviously the poet doesnt know the reason

Second firend (whispering) No, the poet knows very well why he doesnt love Sabidius: but so foul is
the reason that he wont reveal it

Other listeners: shhh!

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