CAR Sales Process

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Section SD



Customer Master

The Customer master record contains data that controls how business transactions
are recorded and processed by the system. It also includes all the information about
a customer that we need to be able to conduct business. It is created in SAP
whenever there is new customer exists. This is created by the sales department. The
Customer master record is divided into three Parts:
General Data: This is data that applies to every sales organization in a
company. The general data includes, for example, the customer's name, address,
language, and telephone data.
Company Code Data: This is data that is specific to an individual company
code. Company code data includes, for example, the reconciliation account
number, terms of payment, and dunning procedure.
Sales Area Data: This is data relevant to the sales organizations and distribution
channels of a company. Data that is stored in this area includes, for example,
data on order processing, shipping, and billing.

Material Master (Finished Goods)

Material master record is a data record containing all the basic information required
to manage a material. This data is sorted according to various criteria
including data of a descriptive nature (such as size, dimension and weight)
and data with a control function (such as material type and industry sector).
In addition to this data, which can be directly maintained by the user, it also
contains data that is automatically updated by the system (such as stock
Basic Data - This is the data that is required for every Material. This Contains
Unit of measure, division, Material group.
Sales Org Data - This contains all the necessary data for carrying Sales
MRP- This gives all the Necessary information with respect to Planning &
Accounting & Costing This has all information regarding accounting.

The Material Master is created for a Material variant using an Upload program. This
upload program will select all the Necessary Views and updates all the required fields
and also it extends the material for different sales organization. At the same time it
updates the 300 class type characteristics in Basis data and MRP-2 views. The
program also does the validation so that nothing goes wrong.

In this Process a single Material variant can have different commission numbers.
There should be provision made to add the commission number in CIR (Customer
Independent Requirement).

The Input for the upload program is as follows:

Creation of FG.xls
The validations it does are:
o It checks if the material variant is of 18 digit and also it checks if the material
already exist.
o It also checks if the sales organization that is specified exist in system.
o It checks if the value of the field that is being updated exists in the system.
o It also checks if the value of characteristics that is uploaded exist in the
o It also checks if the characteristics match with the material variant code.

The commission number will now be defined by means of serial number

management. Hence to the material variant code the serial number profile is to be
attached. To each serial number master we will attach the equipment class 002.


At MBIL maintaining or creation of condition record is the responsibility of the

Controlling Department. For each vehicle different pricing components like, Price,
Discounts, Road Delivery Charges and Tax are maintained in SAP either in condition
record or while processing the order. Certain types of discounts are manually entered
while executing the sales order.

System picks the pricing procedure in the sales order based on the pricing procedure
determination. MBIL has broadly five types of discounts, they are-Cash discount,
fleet discount, special discount, performance discount and qualitative discount which
is based on Dealer Standard Information, Customer Satisfaction Index and Sales
Satisfaction Index.

If necessary, two separate cost condition type i.e. VPRS and ZPRS can be configured
to capture product cost for profitability analysis. This condition type can be assigned
to all the relevant pricing procedure. This condition type doesnt have any impact on
net value calculation as this is a statistical condition type. Nevertheless, the cost
becomes visible to others.
Pricing Descriptions Cost Description
Procedure Condition
BOUTIQUE than CKD Serial
RV1JIN Pricing Procedure DCIL ZPRS Cost-other
Domestic than CKD
ZCBUPR Pricing Procedure MBIL CBU ZPRS Cost-other
than CKD
ZMBEXP MBIL - Export Sale VPRS Cost- CKD
ZOTHER Other Sales and Scrap ZPRS Cost-other
than CKD
ZSPEXP Export Sale - Spare Parts ZPRS Cost-other
than CKD
Number Master

Serial number master is a data record that contains information for serial number
management. The serial number is given to an item of material in addition to the
material number, in order to differentiate that individual item from all other pieces of
this material. The combination of material and serial number is unique.

At Present commission number is created as material master. In the TOBE Process

commission number will be created as serial number master. Serial number
(commission number) master is created to a material variant code. The serial
number master record is created using upload program. The input in this program is
Material Variant and serial number. Option will be provided to enter multiple serial
numbers specific to a material variant. All the commission number specific
information is uploaded to the equipment master in class type 002.

The characteristics like Tracking stages and Reservation which are now part of Class
type 300 will be addressed through class type 002 equipment class of serial number
master. The serial number master is created once the monthly order is released to
DCAG. Serial number master record will be created by sales department.

Serial Number Profile Description

MBIL MBIL Serial Number Profile


At MBIL, the following Sales and Distribution functions have been implemented:
o Sales
o Shipping
o Billing

Sales: Sales allow us to execute different business transactions based on sales

documents defined in the system. Example, Inquiries, Quotations, Sales order.
Shipping: Shipping is an important part of the logistics chain in which guaranteed
customer service and distribution planning support play major roles. In shipping
processing, all delivery procedure decisions can be made at the start of the process
by taking into account general business agreements with our customer.

Billing: Billing represents the final processing stage for a business transaction in
Sales and Distribution. Information on billing is available at every stage of order
processing and delivery processing.
MBIL SD Processes

Process Flow

Standard Sales Order: Standard Sales Order (Sales Order) is a process of fulfillment of
customer Requirement. This process is initiated once the PO is raised by the Dealer.

Sales Order

The commission numbers are assigned in Siebel through a Z Development

Z_DMS_VEH_EXTRACT_NEW1 and sent to R/3 as orders. A PO is created in
Siebel and submitted to SAP which triggers a BAPI and a Background job inside this
will allocate the Commission no in Technical objects field. The Requirement type has
been changed from KEK (make to order config mat) to 011 (Delivery Req). After the
release commission order is created MSS (Manager Sales Service) updates the
pricing and enters the relevant manual discounts in the change mode of sales order.
Now print out of Release order (sales order) is that taken and is sent to Finance
Department to check if it can be invoiced to the dealer. Then this document is sent
to Controlling Dept to verify Pricing. If everything is correct then Controlling Dept
releases the blocked release order for further Processing.

After the delivery block is removed from the release order by the controlling dept., a
mail is sent by the Controlling Department to the Vehicle Logistics Dept. informing
them of releasing the block from release order. Vehicle logistic dept. creates the
delivery for dealer. Now Vehicle logistic dept. takes out the printout of Delivery
acknowledgement note (DAN) and manually enters the transportation details like
trailer number & driver name on it. The DAN is signed by MBIL concerned authority
and is given to the Transporter along with the excise invoice form 21, Form22 and
Delivery Note. Here the PGI (Post Goods Issue)

Billing Document:

Billing is the process of creating a sales and distribution document that is used to
charge a customer for delivery of vehicle. This is done by Taxation Department. After
the delivery is created, tax department creates billing. In billing both excise and
sales tax amount is verified with reference to the release order prints which is
submitted by the MSS. If everything matches then billing is saved. As soon as Billing
is saved an I-Doc is generated and is updated to Siebel.

Excise invoice:

Excise Invoice is a business document that we prepare when we issue excisable

goods from a manufacturing plant, for example:
o To be sold to a customer
o To be transferred to another of our plants

The excise invoice lists the goods that we have issued and states the applicable
excise duty. Our customer uses the excise invoice to claim back the paid excise from
the excise authorities. The excise invoice is created by the taxation department. This
is created with reference to the billing document. Printout of the excise invoice is
taken and is sent to the dealer along with the vehicle.

Data Requirements

The Customer Master, Pricing Condition, Material Master and Serial number
Management master data is required for processing the Release order:

Transaction Data:

Sales Order

Standard functionality of SAP is implemented for creation of Release order (sales

order). For this purpose sales document type is configured. The release order is
initiated once the PO has been submitted from Siebel. BAPI functionality is used to
call the SAP sales order transaction. Hence no key input needs to be entered
manually while processing the Release order (sales order). Here the commission
number (Serial Number) is updated in the Serial number field of sales order. Pricing
is updated and all the relevant discounts are entered manually. This document type
is configured in such a way that it is blocked for delivery.

Internal number range is assigned to this sales document type. Output type is
configured to take the printout of the release order.

Delivery document is configured to process the release order. Delivery document is
processed with reference to the release order. Copy control functionality of SAP is set
to copy the data from the release order to the delivery document. Both header and
item text is configured for delivery document. This document is configured so that
picking is not required when processing the delivery. External number range is
defined for this document.


Billing document is created with reference to the delivery document. Copy control is
configured to copy the relevant data from delivery document to billing document.
Account determination is configured for SD and FI integration. Thus after the billing
is done the information of billing is transferred to Finance. Internal number range is
assigned to the billing document type.

Cross Application functionality (ALE/IDOC) of SAP is implemented to send the data

from SAP to Siebel once the billing document is created. This data is sent through
EDI. Billing output type is configured to take the printout of the billing documents.

Excise Invoice

Excise invoice is configured so that it is created with reference to the billing

document. All relevant excise details get copied to the excise document from the
billing document. Output type is configured to take out the print out of the excise

Process Flow

Return Order Process: A return order is process of receiving back the vehicle
which is sold to the Dealer.

Process Description
Return Order

The return order is processed due to following reasons:

o Damage of vehicle (incase of major damage)
o Dealer Recommendation
o Customer not satisfied
The Decision regarding the customer returns, whether to accept the returns or reject
it, is completely lies with MBIL management. Once MSS (Manager Sales Service)
gets the approval for the acceptance of returns then MBIL process the Return Order.
The return order is created by MSS with reference to the release order.

Return Delivery

Return delivery is the process of receiving back the vehicle. The return causes the
system to register the receipt of goods using a returns delivery, and post the goods
to stock. On approval of return order by the Controlling and Taxation Department,
Vehicle logistics department creates the return delivery.


After return delivery is done, first Taxation department creates the credit for returns
billing document. Then Taxation department will avail the Cenvat Credit for all the
elements which is paid during the removal of the goods.

Data Requirements

The Customer Master, Pricing Condition, Material Master and Serial number
Management master data is required for processing the Return order

Transaction Data:

Return Order

Standard functionality of SAP is implemented to process the return order. A sales

document type is configured for return order. As this document is required to be
created with reference to the Release order, no key input is entered except Release
order number. Copy control is configured to copy the data from release order to
return order including the COMMISSION NUMBER. This document uses the external
number range.

Return Delivery

Return delivery document type is configured to process the return delivery. This
document is created with reference to the sales document. External number range is
used in return delivery document. As the vehicle is returned from the dealer, PGR
(post goods receipt) is done in return delivery. Stock gets updated in the system as
a result of return delivery.


Credit for return document type of billing document is configured to process the
billing document. This document is created with reference to the return order. Copy
control is set to copy the data from sales document to billing document. Account
determination is configured for SD and FI integration. Thus after the billing is done
the information of billing is transferred to Finance. Output type is configured to take
the printout of credit note.
Process Flow

Display Car-Order Process (Consignment Fill-Up): Display car order process is a process of
displaying the vehicle at Dealer end. The ownership of the vehicle lies with the company unless
and until the vehicle is sold to the customer.

Process Description

Sales Order

Display Car-order processing is initiated to send newly launched cars to dealers for
display purpose. Product manager will send a mail to MSS (Manager Sales Service)
Requesting him to send cars on Display to the dealers. MSS creates the Display Car-
order process. In Display Car-Order all the pricing elements are automatically
calculated except Sales Tax, Road Delivery Charges and Discounts, as vehicle is not
for sale, it is only for display purpose. Printout of this document is taken and is sent
to taxation department.


Vehicle logistic dept. creates the delivery. Printout of the DAN is taken and manually
enters the transportation details like trailer number driver name on it. Along with the
Delivery Acknowledgement Note (DAN), Excise Invoice, Delivery Note, A Certificate
(Manually prepared by MBIL) & a Rahadhari Pass is given to the transporter. Here
the PGI is done by taxation department.


Billing is the process of creating a sales and distribution document that is used to
charge a customer for delivery of vehicle. This is done by Taxation Department. After
the delivery is created, tax department creates billing. In billing both excise and
sales tax amount is verified with reference to the sales order prints out which is
submitted by the MSS. If everything matches then billing is saved.

Excise Invoice

Excise Invoice is a business document that we prepare when we issue excisable

goods from a manufacturing plant, for example:
o To be sold to a customer
o To be transferred to another of our plants

The excise invoice lists the goods that we have issued and states the applicable
excise duty. Our customer uses the excise invoice to claim back the paid excise from
the excise authorities. The excise invoice is created by the taxation department. This
is created with reference to the billing document. Printout of the excise invoice is
taken and is sent to the dealer along with the vehicle.

Data Requirements
Master Data remains same.

Transaction Data

Sales Order

Standard SAP function of consignment process is implemented to process the display

car-order (consignment fill-up). Consignment fill-up is one of the types of sales
document. SAP standard transaction is used for processing the Consignment fill-up
and a commission no is entered here manually. While processing consignment fill-up
following data needs to be entered -
o Sold-to-party
o Ship-to-party
o Purchase order No
o Purchase order date
o Material
o Quantity
o Commission Number (Serial Number)

Apart from the above data when processing consignment fill-up using the standard
transaction of SAP, the system automatically carries out the following:
o Pricing (no discounts are applicable as the vehicle is not for sale)
o Availability check
o Shipping point determination

This document type uses he internal number range which is defined in the system.
The internal number range is assigned to this document type. Output type is
configured to take the printout of this document.


Delivery document is configured for processing delivery of display car-order. Delivery

document is created with reference to the sales document. Copy control is configured
to copy the data from sales document to delivery document. While processing,
delivery for display car order system copies all the required data from the sales
order. Both header and item text is configured for delivery document. External
number range is used in delivery document. Output type for delivery is configured to
take the printout.


From the point of view of billing display car, a pro-forma billing document type is
configured. This billing document is created with reference to the delivery document.
It does not have any impact on accounting as there is no sales takes place. Copy
control is configured to copy the relevant data from delivery document to billing
document. Internal number range is assigned to the billing document. Billing output
type is configured to take the printout out of billing.
Excise Invoice

Excise invoice is configured so that it is created with reference to the billing

document. All relevant excise details get copied to the excise document from the
billing document.

For the Display Car Sale process the Additional Inputs to be added in BAPI so that
commission no will be Assigned in Technical objects field are:


Reference Document -- an additional field to be added
Sales Order Type -- ZKB in ORDER_HEADER_IN-DOC_TYPE and establish copy
controls from ZKB to ZKE (for sale). Copy controls from ZKB to ZKR (for return)

Process Flow

Display Car Return Process (Consignment Pick-Up): Display Car-return process is the
process of bringing back the vehicle which is kept for display purpose at the dealer.

Process Description

Sales Order

At MBIL if management decides to bring back the car which was sent for display to
Dealer then the Display Car Return process is initiated. Once the vehicle arrives at
MBIL Gate then MSS will create a sales order for Display Car - Return Process.

Return Delivery

Return delivery is the process of receiving back the vehicle. The return causes the
system to register the receipt of goods using a returns delivery, and post the goods
to stock. On approval of return order by the Controlling and Taxation Department,
Vehicle logistics department creates the return delivery.

Data Requirements

Master Data requirements remain the same.

Transaction Data
Sales Order

For display car return (Consignment Pick-Up) process a sales document type is
configured. To this document type internal number range is assigned. While
processing display car-order following data needs to be entered;
o Sold-to-party
o Ship-to-party
o Purchase order No
o Purchase order date
o Material
o Quantity
o Commission Number (Serial Number)

Apart from the above data when processing a consignment pick-up using the
standard transaction of SAP, the system automatically carries out the following:
o Pricing (no discounts are applicable as the vehicle is not for sale)
o Shipping point determination

Return Delivery

Return delivery document type is configured to process the display car return
process (Consignment Pick-Up). This document is created with reference to the sales
document. External number range is used in return delivery document. As the
vehicle is returned from the dealer, PGR (post goods receipt) is done in return
delivery. As a result stock gets updated in the system.


For the Display Car Sale process the Additional Inputs to be added in BAPI so that
commission no will be assigned in Technical objects field


Reference Document -- an additional field to be added
and establish copy controls from ZKB to ZKE (for sale). Copy controls from ZKB to
ZKR (for return).
Process Flow

Display Car-Sale Process (Consignment Issue): Display car-sale process is

the process of selling the vehicle which is kept for Display at the Dealer.

Process Description

Sales Order

The Vehicle which is kept for display at dealer end can be sold to customer. Once the
Purchase order is raised by the dealer MSS creates the sale order for Display Car.
Here Pricing is automatically carried out, discounts which are applicable are entered
manually and the order is saved. Printout of the order is taken and is sent to finance
department. Finance Dept verifies the documents and checks whether this can be
invoiced to the dealer. Finance department further sends the document to Controlling
Dept. Controlling department verifies the pricing and releases the order (Removes
the delivery block) for delivery.


Once the delivery block is removed from the sales order by the controlling dept., a
mail is sent by the Controlling Department to the Vehicle Logistics Dept. informing
them of releasing the block from sales order. Vehicle logistic dept. creates the
delivery. Now Vehicle logistic dept. takes out the printout of Delivery
acknowledgement note (DAN). Here the PGI (Post Goods Issue) is done by Taxation


Billing is the process of creating a sales and distribution document that is used to
charge a customer for delivery of vehicle. This is done by Taxation Department. After
the delivery is created, tax department creates billing. In billing sales tax amount is
verified with reference to the release order printout which is submitted by the MSS.
If everything matches then Billing is saved.

Data Requirements

Master Data requirements remain same.

Transaction Data

Sales Order
A sales document type for display car sale process (Consignment Issue) is
configured. This document type uses internal number range. Following key inputs are
entered while processing the display car sales order.
o Sold-to-party
o Ship-to-party
o Purchase order No
o Purchase order date
o Material
o Quantity
o Commission Number (Serial Number)

Apart from the above data when processing a consignment issue using the standard
transaction of SAP, the system automatically carries out the following:
o Pricing
o Shipping point determination


A Delivery document type is configured to process the display car sale process
(Consignment Issue). Delivery document is processed with reference to the sale
order. Copy control functionality of SAP is set to copy the data from the sales
document to the delivery document. Both header and item text is configured for
delivery document. External number range is defined for this document. Output type
is configured to take the printout.


A billing document type is configured for consignment issue. This document is

created with reference to the delivery document. Copy control is configured to copy
the relevant data from delivery document to billing document. Account determination
configured to integrate SD and FI. So after the billing is done system post the billing
information to accounting. Internal number range is assigned to the billing
document. Output type is configured to take the printout of this document.

For the Display Car Sale process the Additional Inputs as given above are required.

Process Flow

Capitalisation of Car Process: This is the process of capitalising the vehicle for official
purpose. This vehicle is used by the companys employees for official purpose.
Process Description

Display CarOrder

To complete the Capitalization of car process first display car order process is carried
out. Refer document 2.3.1

Display Car-Return Process

This is the second process before processing the Capitalization of car. Refer
document 2.4.1

Sales Order

The above two processes are carried out from excise point of view. After the
completion above two processes, MSS creates the sale order for Capitalization of car.
The printout of asset capitalisation form is taken and is submitted to the controlling
department. Controlling department initiates the asset capitalisation process.

Data Requirements

Master Data requirements remain the same.

Sales Order

Process 1.3.1 and 1.4.1 should be completed before processing capitalisation of car.
For capitalisation of car process a sales document type is configured. This document
type uses internal number range. While processing Capitalisation car-order following
data needs to be entered;
o Sold-to-party
o Ship-to-party
o Purchase order No
o Purchase order date
o Material
o Quantity
o Commission Number (Serial Number)

Apart from the above data when processing a sales order using the standard
transaction of SAP, the system automatically carries out the following:
o Pricing
o Shipping point determination
Process Flow

Sale of Capitalized Car Process: This is the process of selling the Capitalised
car to the customer.

Process Description

Sales Order

If MBIL decides to sell off the Capitalised cars, controlling department does the
decapitalisation process. MSS creates the sale order for Capitalised car. Here Pricing
is automatically carried out, discounts which are applicable are entered manually and
the order is saved. Printout of the order is taken and is sent to finance department.
Finance Dept verifies the documents and checks whether this can be invoiced to the
dealer. Finance department further sends the document to Controlling Dept.
Controlling department verifies the pricing and releases the order (Removes the
delivery block) for delivery.


Once the delivery block is removed from the sales order by the controlling dept., a
mail is sent by the Controlling Department to the Vehicle Logistics Dept. informing
them of releasing the block from sales order. Vehicle logistic dept. creates the
delivery for dealer. Now Vehicle logistic dept. takes out the printout of Delivery
acknowledgement note (DAN) and manually enters the transportation details like
trailer number & driver name on it. The DAN is signed by MBIL concerned authority
and is given to the Transporter along with the excise invoice form 21, Form22 and
Delivery Note. Here the PGI (Post Goods Issue) is done by Taxation department.


Billing is the process of creating a sales and distribution document that is used to
charge a customer for delivery of vehicle. This is done by Taxation Department. After
the delivery is created, tax department creates billing. In billing both excise and
sales tax amount is verified with reference to the release order prints out which is
submitted by the MSS. If everything matches then billing document is saved.

Data Requirements

Master Data requirements remain the same

Transaction Data
Sales Order

To process the sale of capitalised car, a separate sales document type is configured.
Internal number range is assigned to this document type. This document type uses
internal number range. While processing Capitalisation car-order following data
needs to be entered
o Sold-to-party
o Ship-to-party
o Purchase order No
o Purchase order date
o Material
o Quantity
o Commission Number (Serial Number)

Apart from the above data when processing a sales order for Capitalised cars using
the standard transaction of SAP, the system automatically carries out the following:
o Pricing
o Availability Check
o Shipping point determination


Delivery document is configured to process the sales order (sale of Capitalised car).
Delivery document is processed with reference to the sales order. Copy control
functionality of SAP is set to copy the data from the sales document to the delivery
document. Both header and item text is configured for delivery document. This
document is configured so that picking is not required when processing the delivery.
External number range is defined in this document.


A billing document type is configured for sale of Capitalised car process. This
document is created with reference to the delivery document. Copy control is
configured to copy the relevant data from delivery document to billing document.
After the billing is created, this information is posted to accounting. Account
Determination is configured to integrate SD and FI. Internal number range is
assigned to the billing document type. Output type is configured to take the print out
of this document.
Process Flow

Scrap Sale: This is the process of selling the scrap materials like, wooden scrap,
corrugated box scrap, factory sweeping scrap etc.

Process Description
Sales Order

Once the purchase department gets the request from logistics department to sell the
scraps, purchase department calls for tender and finalizes the customer. Then they
create a sales order for scraps. This order is valid for two years. In the sales order
header data they maintain the text. After the sales order is created the printout of
the scrap sales is taken and signed by concerned authority and then passed on to
the stores department for delivery.


Delivery is created whenever the customer lifts the scrap material. This delivery is
created with reference to the sales order. After weighing the scrap material, logistics
department enter the weight of the scrap material in the delivery and does the PGI
(Post Goods Issue).


Billing for scrap sales is created by logistics department. Delivery document number
is entered to process the billing document. After creating the billing document
printout of this document is taken and is given to the customer.

Data Requirements

Master Data requirements remain same.

Transaction Data
Sales Order

To process the sale of scraps, a separate sales document type is configured. Internal
number range is assigned to this document type. While processing the scrap sale
following data needs to be entered;
o Sold-to-party
o Ship-to-party
o Purchase order No
o Purchase order date
o Material
o Quantity

Apart from the above data when processing a sales order for scrap using the
standard transaction of SAP, the system automatically carries out the following:
o Pricing
o Shipping point determination


Delivery document is configured to process the sales order for scrap. Delivery
document is processed with reference to the sales order. Copy control functionality of
SAP is set to copy the data from the sales document to the delivery document. This
document is configured so that picking is not required when processing the delivery.
External number range is defined in this document.


A billing document type is configured for sale of scraps. This document is created
with reference to the delivery document. Copy control is configured to copy the
relevant data from delivery document to billing document. After the billing is created,
this information is posted to accounting. Account Determination is configured to
integrate SD and FI. Internal number range is assigned to the billing document type.
Output type is configured to take the print out of this document.

6.3 SD Organisational Elements

Sales Organisations:

Sales Organisation Description

CAPT Capitalisation Sales Organisation
NESO North-East Sales Organisation
SRSO Southern Sales Organisation
WRSO Western Sales Organisation
PART Other Sales

Distribution Channels:

Distribution Channel Description

01 Dealer Sales
02 Direct Sales
08 Car Capitalisation
99 Common Distribution Channel

Divisions Description
10 New Car Division
20 Used Car Division
50 Capitalised Car
80 CBU Sales
85 Scrap Sales
99 Common Distribution Channel
Assignment of Sales Organisation to Company Code:

Sales Description Company Description

Organisation Code
CAPT Capitalisation Sales MBIL Mercedes Benz India
Organisation Ltd.
NESO North-East Sales MBIL Mercedes Benz India
Organisation Ltd.
SRSO Southern Sales Organisation MBIL Mercedes Benz India
WRSO Western Sales Organisation MBIL Mercedes Benz India
PART Other Sales MBIL Mercedes Benz India

Sales Area

SORG. Description D CHL Description DV Description

CAPT Capitalisation S.Org 08 Car Capitalisation 50 Capitalised Car
CAPT Capitalisation S.Org 08 Car Capitalisation 80 CBU Sales
CAPT Capitalisation S.Org 99 Common Dist Channel 99 Common Division
NESO North-East Sales Org 01 Dealer Sales 10 New Cars Division
NESO North-East Sales Org 01 Dealer Sales 20 Used Car Sales
NESO North-East Sales Org 01 Dealer Sales 80 CBU Sales
NESO North-East Sales Org 01 Dealer Sales 99 Common Division
NESO North-East Sales Org 02 Direct Sales 10 New Cars Division
NESO North-East Sales Org 02 Direct Sales 20 Used Car Sales
NESO North-East Sales Org 02 Direct Sales 80 CBU Sales
NESO North-East Sales Org 02 Direct Sales 99 Common Division
NESO North-East Sales Org 99 Common Dist Channel 10 New Cars Division
NESO North-East Sales Org 99 Common Dist Channel 20 Used Car Sales
NESO North-East Sales Org 99 Common Dist channel 99 Common Division
PART Other Sales 01 Dealer Sales 99 Common Division
PART Other Sales 02 Direct Sales 85 Scrap Sales
PART Other Sales 02 Direct Sales 99 Common Division
PART Other Sales 99 Common Dist Channel 99 Common Division
SRSO Southern Sales Org. 01 Dealer Sales 10 New Cars Division
SRSO Southern Sales Org. 01 Dealer Sales 20 Used Car Sales
SRSO Southern Sales Org. 01 Dealer Sales 80 CBU Sales
SRSO Southern Sales Org. 01 Dealer Sales 99 Common Division
SRSO Southern Sales Org. 02 Direct Sales 10 New Cars Division
SRSO Southern Sales Org. 02 Direct Sales 20 Used Car Sales
SRSO Southern Sales Org. 02 Direct Sales 80 CBU Sales
SRSO Southern Sales Org. 02 Direct Sales 99 Common Division
SRSO Southern Sales Org. 99 Common Dist Channel 10 New Cars Division
SRSO Southern Sales Org. 99 Common Dist Channel 20 Used Car Sales
SRSO Southern Sales Org. 99 Common Dist Channel 99 Common Division
WRSO Western Sales Org. 01 Dealer Sales 10 New Cars Division
WRSO Western Sales Org. 01 Dealer Sales 20 Used Car Sales
WRSO Western Sales Org. 01 Dealer Sales 80 CBU Sales
WRSO Western Sales Org. 01 Dealer Sales 99 Common Division
WRSO Western Sales Org. 02 Direct Sales 10 New Cars Division
WRSO Western Sales Org. 02 Direct Sales 20 Used Car Sales
WRSO Western Sales Org. 02 Direct Sales 80 CBU Sales
WRSO Western Sales Org. 02 Direct Sales 99 Common Division
WRSO Western Sales Org. 99 Common Dist Channel 10 New Cars Division
WRSO Western Sales Org. 99 Common Dist channel 20 Used Car Sales
WRSO Western Sales Org. 99 Common Dist Channel 99 Common Division

Plant Assignment of Sales OrganisationDistribution Channel to Plant

S.Org. Description D CHL Description Plant Description

CAPT Capitalisation S.Org 08 Car Capitalisation CAR2 MBIL-Car Plant Pune
CAPT Capitalisation S.Org 99 Common Dist Channel CAR2 MBIL-Car Plant Pune
NESO North-East Sales Org 01 Dealer Sales CAR2 MBIL-Car Plant Pune
NESO North-East Sales Org 02 Direct Sales CAR2 MBIL-Car Plant Pune
NESO North-East Sales Org 99 Common Dist Channel CAR2 MBIL-Car Plant Pune
PART Other Sales 01 Dealer Sales CAR2 MBIL-Car Plant Pune
PART Other Sales 02 Direct Sales CAR2 MBIL-Car Plant Pune
PART Other Sales 99 Common Dist Channel CAR2 MBIL-Car Plant Pune
SRSO Southern Sales Org. 01 Dealer Sales CAR2 MBIL-Car Plant Pune
SRSO Southern Sales Org. 02 Direct Sales CAR2 MBIL-Car Plant Pune
SRSO Southern Sales Org. 99 Common Dist Channel CAR2 MBIL-Car Plant Pune
WRSO Western Sales Org. 01 Dealer Sales CAR2 MBIL-Car Plant Pune
WRSO Western Sales Org. 02 Direct Sales CAR2 MBIL-Car Plant Pune
WRSO Western Sales Org. 99 Common Dist Channel CAR2 MBIL-Car Plant Pune


Plant Description

Storage Location:
Storage Location Description
RJS Rejection Store

Assignment of Plant to Company Code

Company Code Description Plant Description

MBIL Mercedes Benz India Ltd. CAR2 MBIL-CAR PLANT - CHAKAN

Shipping Point:

Shipping Point Description

CARS Shipping point for CARS Chakan

Assignment of shipping point to Plant

Shipping Point Description Plant Description

CARS Shipping point for CARS CAR2 MBIL-CAR PLANT -

Loading Point:

Loading Point Description

01 J14 Loading Bay

Pricing Procedures

Pricing Procedure Description

RV1JIN Pricing Procedure MBIL Domestic
ZCSJIN Pricing Procedure MBIL for Display Car
ZCOMPN MBIL Company car Sale
ZCAPIT MBIL Car Capitalisation
ZCBUPR Pricing Procedure MBIL CBU
ZOTHER Other Sales and Scrap

Customer Pricing Procedures

Customer Pricing Procedure Description

1 Domestic
2 Export
3 Accessories
4 Others

Document Pricing Procedures

Document Pricing Procedure Description

A Standard
X Consignment Issue
G Car Capitalisation
F Company Car Sale

Sales Documents, Delivery Documents and Billing Documents

Sales Description Delivery Description Billing Description

Document Document Document
Type Type Type
ZDOM Standard ZLFD Delivery F2DM Invoice
order Domestic Domestic
RE Returns LR Returns RE Credit for
Delivery Returns
ZKB Order Cars ZLFX Consignment ZCSX Consignment
for Display Delivery Issue
ZKA Order ZLRX Consignment -NA- -NA-
Return from Return
display Delivery
ZKE Order Sales ZKE Consignment ZKE Consignment
of Display sale Sale
ZCAP Capitalized -NA- -NA- -NA- -NA-
Car- Request
ZCMP Order- ZLFC Delivery ZF2C Invoice
Company Car Domestic Car Company Car
ZOTH Stand Order ZOTH Delivery - ZOTH Sales Others &
other Scrap Others Scrap

6.3 Impact of Material Variant

Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI)

Business Application Programming Interface is the function call interface to Saps

business object methods. At MBIL BAPI is implemented to connect Siebel and SAP
R/3 to create sales order (release order).

The below BAPI is implemented:


Below is the information about BAPI:

Fields from Siebel to SAP

Purchase Order Number ORDER_HEADER_IN-PURCH_NO



Fields from SAP to Siebel

Purchase Order Number ORDER_HEADER_IN-PURCH_NO
Sales Order Number SALESDOCUMENT
Sales Order Date SY-DATUM (System date)

Purchase Order Line Item Number ORDER_ITEMS_OUT-PO_ITM_NO
Sales Order Line Item Number ORDER_ITEMS_OUT- ITM_NUMBER


Message Type RETURN-TYPE
Message Number RETURN-NUMBER

Impact of Material Variant: Serial Number (Commission Number) field has to be

called while creating the Release order.


ALE: Application Link Enabling - This technology is for transmitting IDOC data
container to and from external applications using transaction RFC (Remote Functional

IDOC: Intermediate Document - This is the hierarchical data container used in by


At MBIL ALE/IDOC is used to send the billing data from SAP R/3 to Siebel. The
message type used is INVOIC.

Given below is an example of the data related to IDOC:

MBIL Invoice No. E1EDK01-BELNR
MBIL Invoice Dt. E1EDK02-DATUM

PO Line Item No. E1EDP01-POSEX
Commission No. E1EDP01-MATNR
Sales Ord. No. E1EDP02-BELNR
Del. Note. No. E1EDP08-VBELN

Impact of Material Variant: New segment needs to be added for Commission Number
(Serial Number).

A user exit is an event in an SAP program at which a customer program can be
called. A user exit is essentially a function module using a unique naming
convention, in which set import and export parameters are defined to limit the data
that can be manipulated. This is to protect certain data from being changed. This
function module is attached to an enhancement that may contain other function
modules. A user exit should only be used if the possibilities for customizing or
application-specific user exits are inadequate.

The following Function module or Enhancement is used at MBIL:

MV45AFZZ This function module is used to validate the sales order, For example
when creating the sales order system will check whether the Destination (destination
is a character defined in the material master record) is defined to the material or

ZSDBILLN - This is used to call the accounting document type when posting the
billing document to accounting.

Impact of Material Variant: There will be few changes in MV45AFZZ Function Module.

List of SD Z Reports

T-Code ABAP Requirement Programme Name

ZADF Print asset disposal form ZSDCPADF
ZAPF Print Asset Capitalisation Form Comp ZSDCPAP2
ZCOC Print Order Confirmation - Comp. Car ZSDCPORC
ZCRO Print Release Order ZSDCPREL1
ZCT1 Update Planned Tracking Date ZSDCTSU21
ZCT2 Update Tracking Stage Date(planned) ZSDCTSU2
ZCTS Update Car Tracking Stage ZSDCTSU1
ZCTU Update Car Tracking Stage ZSDCTS011
ZF21 Print Form21 ZSDDMF212_CBU
ZF22 Print Form22 ZSDDMF222
ZFG1 FG Stock Report with Excise Dates ZSDDETLS1
ZFG2 FG Stock Report with Remarks ZSDFGSTK1
ZMU1 Material Master Upload - I ZSDMATU6
ZMU2 Material Master Upload - II ZSDMATUP
ZMUP Material master upload (boms, routings) ZSDMATU7
ZOC1 Print Order Confirmation ZSDORDC11
ZOPTIONSP1 Additional option upload Z_ADD_OPTIONSP1
ZRE1 Release Order Print ZSDRELO11
ZSAL1 list sales order Z_LIST_SALES_ORDER
ZSC1 Car Details AQZZAT==========ZC============
ZSCR Registration of Capitalised Car. ZSDCREG1
ZSD5 General purpose report for sales. ZSDDET01
ZSDM Sales and Distribution Menu MENUZSDM
ZSL1 Create Domestic Commission No SClass ZSDCOMS1
ZSL1N Generation of Commission Numbers Z_CREATE_COMM
ZSL2 Create Domestic Commission Number ZSDCOMS2
ZST1 Tracking Dates Report ZSDDTTRK1
ZVC1 Company Car Availability Report ZSDCLIST1
ZVC2 Availability Report for C class ZSDCLIST2
ZVEH Vehicle Data Details ZSDVEHDT
ZVM5 Car Tracking Report ZSDCARTRACKING11
SE38 Vehicle Data Details Z_DMS_VEH_EXTRACT
ZDSD1 Delivery Acknowledgement Note ZSDDELVS11
ZJ1IP Printout of Excise Invoice Z_EXC_INVOICE

Return Order and Consignment Pick-Up (Display Car Return Order)

In case of vehicles which are sold or sent for display purpose to the dealer before
the implementation of serial number, if returns after the implementation of serial
number then the following steps need to be carried out.

o Normal Process of Return order and Consignment Pick-Up is carried.

o Once the material comes to stock, need to do the transfer posting material to
material i.e. commission number code to material variant code, using
movement type 309
o Create the serial number to relevant material variant.
o Down load the commission number specific information from the class 001
from the material master record of commission number.
o Upload the all the commission number specific information to class type 002
in equipment master of serial number.

The interface to Siebel is at 3 levels -

Release Order Process Description

Release of Commission Numbers of FG stock to Siebel through a Z Development

Sales Order creation in SAP from Siebel with the help of BAPI
ZZRFC_BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATE & assigning of Serial number in
Technical objects field through a Back ground job
Verification of Pricing details in VA02 and entering manual conditions if
Creation of Delivery document ( VL01N) and issuing of Goods to Dispatch
Creation of Invoice in (VF01) and once you save the Billing document an I-doc
will be generated and is submitted to Siebel
Creation of Excise invoice ( J1IIN)
Reports in SAP

Release of Commission numbers of FG stock declared during the day:

This is an automatic process executed through a Z development
Z_DMS_VEH_EXTRACT NEW1. This code has been modified so that the Information
of Different Serial Nos to a Material variant to pass the necessary parameters to

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