Entrepreneurship Development" and "Basic of Product Packaging & Labelling

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This seminar was held last 17th day of November, 2016 at the Cavite State University Bacoor

Campus entitled Entrepreneurship Development and Basic of Product Packaging & labelling. Our

first speaker was Ms. Lisa Gabatan, she is a good speaker. She explained how an entrepreneurship

developed. According to her, an entrepreneurship development is a practice where you can enhance

your entrepreneurial skills and for those who are willing to enter in a business world. As a future

manager what we had learned was, its important for us to attend a seminar services like Trade

expositions which aims to enlarge the base of an entrepreneur to accelerate employment generation.

She said that everything in marketing Ang nakikita ng di nakikita ng iba ang siyang kikita , we

should be aware to those marketing opportunities that we had encountered in our daily lives. We can

go to other businesses in order to have an idea or in able to find what our competitive advantage is.

We should have an entrepreneurial spirit. We should know how to think big and start small. Because

an entrepreneurial spirit is a mindset, an attitude and approach to think that actively seeks our changes.

There are five characteristics of entrepreneurial spirit that we should have, (1) Passionate in business

action (2) We can be than better (3) Optimistic about all possibilities (4) Can take calculated risk and

the last one is can execute all the following characteristics. Besides characteristics, we also might have

personality traits of an entrepreneur. First is Passionate, you need to be driven by a clear sense of

purpose and passion. Second Resilient, who knows how to recover despite of their problem and had a

spirit of determination. Third self possessed, who had a self confident. Fourth is decisive, who had a

level of uncertainly and ambiguity. Fifth is fearless, who was not fear to take a risk and to take

challenges. Sixth financially prepared, youll need the right personal financial profile to make the leap.

Seventh is Flexible, who stays on their feet are the ones who stay flexible and adjust to new

information and changing circumstances. Eighth is Zoom lens, can facilely move back and forth

between short term and long term. Ninth is able to sell, you should know your market. And lastly the

balance, who know how to maintain a simple focused.

Our second speaker is Ms. Sheeba Ikan, she talk about the Basic of Product Packsaging &

Labelling. According to her packaging and labelling is a big influence to the customer to try your

product. We learned how the packaging and labelling helps you to your product. Packaging serves as

container, it is convenience and also to be look presentable. Labelling gives the consumer information

about the product. She explained what types of packaging materials that used by the businesses, it can

be made of metal, paper board, glasses, plastic and flexible (combination of metal, paper board and

plastic). In a food primary packaging, it should be food grade or non toxic. She mentioned that, using

of creep paper as packaging is not good because the colour of it transfer to the food. So that we should

think of the best packaging for the product and considering the type, design, thickness and

compatibility. The 5 Rs are environmental issues on packaging that we might to consider. Ms.

Sheeba explained to us the food labelling guidelines, first is the brand name of the product. Make it

short, suitable, unique, creative, simple and memorable to the customer. Second the product name,

what is the exact name of the product. Third is the net content declaration, the amount of product in

the container or package, mostly in food. Fourth, complete list of ingredients in descending order of

predominance by weight means that the ingredient that weighs the most is listed first, and the

ingredient that weighs the least is listed last. Fifth, Food allergen info it is information that contain an

ingredient that has one of the following eight foods or food groups or an ingredient that contains

protein derived milk, egg, fish and Crustacean shellfish. Sixth, name and address of the manufacturer,

packer or distributor. Unless the name given is the actual manufacturer, it must be accompanied by a

qualifying phrase which states the firm's relation to the product and last is the expiration of the

product. It tells the store how long to display the product for sale. It is important for us to know the

guidelines of food labelling because as a consumer, we need to make wise choices about the food we

eat. Knowing how to read food labels also assures that we get more value for our money and protects

us from incorrect claims on the product packs. Other important information on food labels includes

allergy warnings which help consumers who have specific food allergies, to avoid those allergens that

may be present in specific food products. Stay happy, Stay healthy.

Big thing come from small package

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