Background of S

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Background of study

According to J. Webster (2017) Social skills are critical for a long term of success. It
referred to as Emotional intelligence, it is a combination of the ability to understand and manage
one's own emotional state (Intra personal Intelligence in Howard Gardner's frames of mind: The
Theory of Multiple Intelligence) and to ability to understand and respond of other people.

Researches decides to choose this topic, because researchers recognize a lot of students in
Judge Feliciano Belmonte Senior High School, among the grade 12, section Quirino their is no
confidence, when he or she standing in front of their classroom because of afraid, they can't tell
what it is his or her mind. Even they are already know the answer of their teachers.

According to M. Tyrrel (2017) Social skills are arguably the most important set of abilities
we can have. But lack of good social skills can make life lonely, causing anxiety and depression.
We get depressed and anxious when we don't meet our fundamental human needs. And the need
to socialize, to connect with others is fundamental. We need all social contact. But it's a trap to
assume that you either have social skills or you don't.

Researchers know why social skill is very important. Having a great social skill is a big help
to students to meet interesting people, and also easy to get job that what you want. And It is a
progress further in your career and relationship. But not some students just naturally blessed with
good social skills.

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