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Nidee Formation — Rreptien f Represenbabilen Digitol Wider camplin« Video Frome clastiftcalion =,P-48 Prever GO\_ Digital® ak Digital” Video quality measure > Vio Captine and display WePrinciples of colar video camera Nilo carrerey Requived —Sscrnfling Tale Gimpling th 3 4 30 Prograve Vs lokWeced Seance, |. rian eis Err re by 1a Vileo camera shoals seprestofed) os) TOUGH. He) 5 Na 2. vslgnal bis Video is agp signal On ae —s video siyoak where 62 yo are spatial coadinaley t denater SoC seat i 2 The eseisteg >and fe appuaREl| digital wideo Nave “gemuiag elther givelng wapidly or are _expubed Fe expe omg: the | leequired teabnolegiy tee becrme available | Some applications 04 video _procetsing - = Nideo teleconferenting I as = eo Stelepbimy 6 Sry } 7 focnshit — dijite) aN CHatv).. 2 7 To jernek video poses “iledieal! vidles: | ie Ayoame — scienbirc ae — (TSE Tite oes af 2 prt Nides JastritHen ra | = digo} camera | a osbighed 7 Soe aT +The ancloq video that is viewed an disflay monitexs Ts net truely ‘anal Sine FL ES warpledl ah “one spas. dimension aad) along thes Hime Givenston HeeTieilly so-called Analog ideo suctens +A one -dimenstona/ ae 3s obfest Saripliog ewe, VAST along i vvecHical \(yj space dtcesion ancl wileng— ERei ae diveedten, oThis Is called | scaing'ng and nvthe Loewe Fs yanisetey J) Hoe | Gamplen sehidy! us ca complet pales oe Framer | Tae ups bod cs sanning are: omaly Used}: = Pregrestive. ccdimning { Toterlececl Scunoitg I cA prgrestne. Vstanntog Nitracesi ce aomplehe Fame Line rby Doe Fromolfop te bats, ak asm rule funnel] Sak" Sprang sho I nf} a i Toe i aloe 19 ashi ast z 9 {| fer beth type ssitiog ccs manele Ye the Fame rahe, at Waihi iermalfan fs displyed on aultpenihor (ith 0 jopeao} that the frame. wale esithfgh enough | shove othwalee, phe clisplayed video «ill appear) to "Flicker The Auman lege telokecle “idee id the aeherh ake ts lat Han so Frome I 1 The subFrames 10 Woterlaed video core calcd fields. - eg of mvideo stynale, Fr . m — — at | HF S| an the Jake 19708 va) worldwide std alas develop [ onder ithe. suppetiirer Consuttalive Gonmittee, om): Tnternadionasi1) Rodis Ceere) . The eetp. is 2) |nike 0g") TAternabionaly, “Telecemmunicalien Union Radio :camimundeatten — True Q0 This «csheodland propose Lo Fomity ot sampling wade beved nr the basic Cvisamipling = frequinny 64 8345 Mae ).with Promd erg Froquerey 4% 2-335 Me = 13.5 MH, | ‘|-Fee_compusike dignal [He Ghederd) popu Lseppling frequbcy of “4 pa.gzs OMe. j oe Fora -asmpootnts signal. each compereok can bee tebe deaded and TF can also be ued of weliable vePercoce a = P Frame Bethe smame do dedioe the Pinaud Predicted prehwe “The predicHen . % _ made Pom jon earlier pickuve Crnciidty rome) _cothal- ‘frrequive, ets coding — -chader earhy 507, oho compared te “ -eame see ‘The amaunt ed --daka needed An deine, this predicHon consist of = meHon voeke Sojband _-rassPeehs coe) descxising: predict correction | Tt fmoluep the: Thise of mofion compensation | | B-frome ss Fs athe Ferm) er bidirectowauly pridicted.: pictures, “This kied: od: predichhy metood ‘occupiers ters |-tading dala than Pp Frames (CO 25% whe compat te E-Reme Sra) p because they «coh | be predichd: ar fotexpdakd From an ebelion or tale Jaber Prame, [Sterflor tes) Ps Pome | Bofiamer ave -expeaeed t Int 7 pe eC or i as moten veebors aod) transfered coe Example of Gop Ghuduye Gop —s Group of) Pichurer — ) => ae owe The Ree@oi” Vitleo: Formal. eile ott. Recemmendation Ree 66] video fismas ispuad by ITU Duds sused fr «enced a @ toler loeeds viewialeg.> video sigraln to AQtay video Rsreak 7 SS : Ravameker a | [eEge y Ficlds per 3) Go so | | Luma Channel Zt tenia Fee i (35 te | 13smhe Boodtet Sic Me | SMe No. of samples per Line BSE epl 728 Set No. & sampler per cela Moe] Toe 20 IBte = Iper! sample bps 8 bes Bit wake 188 Mbps | joe Mop. Chroma Ccoler adikferente channeh | Sanpiig Freq. Gismus | GF, Band aid Hy ome | 2omK, No. sample per tine. 424 spill 4azspa No. sanplin per cule Lae Gee 367 7 Bik per Sample Phoe Buel Sit wate: 54 Mope| 54 oan Total *rahe 216 Mbp | 916 Mey ak rod Lage Nideo quatity Pleasure dedi cegd Uo “The basic principles “4p -roeasure, “Quality of f oege cap alséiibe applied ote | wideo, | The. Basten Gmidure job vides quality méhic ix basicubly He some, Frost + Frequeny *coothoe Moa Ring Evror End Avalysin seodtity Model | pealing Frequeney Analyan :- Frequeny analysis decmposet the sipal Frto Ghonrels with dittereot spatial Rrequender avvenF- aRens and tempera) Req ventier | Controst — sanstHvihy 1 | The cuntredt sentinihy deleemioes Hy amous)- if enengy fn eoth subband Hhak fs) cayubrel in orler te dded the torgel | The Key perametere fie the cenhoul dees) Hvily | ave viewigT Che didlente and the sesolulinn a Afeplay devices Mosktsy Models | Mobking f% the vedudien in the viblefiiy od one Pmgqe component whith fs due he He presence, od anther Tt is Areygat chan both compeneah hare the same ex shale “frequency arienbadven | and teration Brew _pesling 1 a foniquall ry [Tevto ceomblon the ever.” which have been T computed fir seach spatial: Frequenay. and owt — ntteHooiiband dad och . spakal ‘sedlulion inte I xt 4 al I i 7 tha 1 i fe i A - (one J Belo) les wtoeecn digital Cana ei | See abr) Sar =a + |) 4 dfattal ideo signal can be vobleined efter a Sampling 09 akanaleg video stgrok oe by oe stg a digital | Gamera s|Nfdeo cameras ore Fitted witty a charged couple Derteer Coed) which fs basically a semitenduahy device containing —Feuis od A ghh sensitive aves Called. piclp? FAs we know a piecel cleseribes annlstygle ‘uth that conlalns a phole -sensiHve. ‘fares “known: ag photodiode oq a icalid | the ice sense - Lonpht serder te relale out any wesidu cel Charge 100) then ccd cwhich “might be deft From tha fie foage! t el aM - aay fs when the: pePlerled asp siege The robight i: Foon objecks Pn thes ecene ai Bocuse: by the! dens sets thal Gamera 8 the Cap The Light photon: hip the sensee! Gnd) ther sensen _ converle 1 ther oneal itesan veleckvieal sana — pospah— to ithe focident i tighk . Eleekeoas fe acciniulate ge is ead fy exch pisel. This peed “thal shubter’ is peed or the. % 6hep 3 2s! integration Pied the! Foal ehh ithe aes thah ave Saceuimuabed Sy the, ipheelir axe Shite: out 6d. othe spices. This step 3s Plloweal by the sdting D- + the: Scan piiels «Toe ad Raia faxt, tet [Brnlble oF aly ako gig tA video “vecrds “othe: emftted oy aehedled: UURht tolensity TF. CCE, tA) from) the water tn scene hak "Rs obsewed by a viteoiogn« gysiemn Ca human beye ios camera) } Zo genteal this fotensity — chooges sep beth JO. ctfnervand epare Heve, | we! assitme Hak there Aire SEEN FThurmyer dignt sources | in te ene Otheube there alll be no njeded na caePladled Light sures ty xeene and mog@ —yilll_ be. fobeelly dark , |i. When observed by: a camera ‘only Hioke, wave. deogths \ Fe whith te’ camera is losendtive are, ollvRsible. l o]Zo__ genet} |) the video signal hots ao finite. Spedal aad | temperad range. The apabtal wange | depodn -lfen then tamerg view yaveq while phe fempavai] rouge, depende on duration tn. which wes Zysal is caphied, Shek speach abeerphin F969 comer AGA), the lighh | Jolene by dishhbidion Tap world: Re. whidle to camerq ir Ween fe Gee a fAydy = J-s(P wf +) wine PT campnq prijedion oprahv a = =< = +) IF camerd Se absueplien funclion ts tre same “ge the atlalive \Juminout | eMedcreniey Fancher > [6d Ti Rumen being = Ta cali Teniney Gen agar) 3 Ehren Aurioane Baege te Rarroed, | UE oabseaphenw andl ap jnenh cern igenidl [Lear band then. a tencnedyhorne. image ts 1 Powe s\Te _percewe al visible colby aterding vibe He dafdomaltesocolern vielen ltheavy thie senso areiiunteded ect with a Prequenw — reopmae [stmflor to the elor _makchion Feanth ein) Ba Mast cole camero® se the ved green ¢ Hut sence! ak ester! cacquis on + Only bene slumhnedce sensor br Gray sealer Twos | colors Black diuhite pnnBloek€-wbine The gepuale sening 9 =a oR Ga Sn color video careros cath senor tuned] | te choasen jeolar ls the otal vetker cfundton~. phab value ab ereny pole. m 3 sigoel 1 leon tating nithvee itl Pn | ley Ec Digital videos canhoved el hte capture color, there are usually three. ctype 0d | phofosensiive er CCD. sensixs emthy with! a frequency stpeost thal ts dekemined by colo matkehiig Funchion Te veduee cost | most camergs- conlain —sfgle ccd chip for color Fmogieg This fs acomplished. by dividing then beaser Tlarey | Aa vena ipteel | lote beet bret oy Four subrareu cath sensitie doa primary color, The» -Hhrts, caphved cfgnel.) sao be either converted to One -tureriimante — efynell and.» tue chroma, signs: cr multiple oko composite | signal — - fet cD: mb 45 Pate AeTat eT il z Ltt £ ae oe era ssa iy | ts ISteriere so Lae i ue & are Teh F [pa fe keTee 1 schematte Black dig Sf. ol Peolessioma) calor vidlew ceme-ey Video quality measwre > t ait | To condud- video processing |, FL fe pecessany HBL detind van “objedive Smemure Hak ca meosure the didtwence « leehween an originals and pee wie one ling such a measuve however turn out Te bean esckremely dita boi) ) Math Video processing syflemt —todey gre © desigued to minimize | the mean square ever (MSE) bebween dso vicles | sequencer Bet od, Which fs deReed lage st 5 : Mébe gee 1 { iN mn el $ whet Nis tote! noe} pixelr tn efter Bequsre fer Cola video=, the mse fy comple Sepery — key, fers eoeh color component! Wtedleod od se, Pre peak Qed Joram. wales (PSNR) % dedbel Cd) fs, used oa a quality measure fn vieles coding PSNR ten defined soe PSR = 10Seq x | { here Ways FS a Cpeak) fotensiby Valoe D video stgneh eight g bik jel siynal Paes 25S SS Sto The psne ~ fs Wire: commonly used) thay MSE. because people, teodr to, atseclate the quolity of Tmaqe with a certain range co} PSNR. Far mina Chey POO PSNR over 4o'dR => Indieabes esccellegt bnoge t penal ibet” 30€40d8 -5 oad iimoge 1 RSWR bok 80 teseda-> quite posy, PsyR_ Sower Han 90 —» ubasees ties Leofhaae: isicTrrerreak ly waelsie phe PENA, ddoen every |e cerrespanding | Framen and. then ay ovewayie lof 1 PSNR: values abloined:* Podivlual Frames Rakhes than should eae the MSE bel corresponding frames dverane Ethan senultihg —campakeidy — anebian Fibally conv MSE yoluer Ge PeNR : i Ab medina. «Habis ssoetotsiaued 289 poe bod oMse | te seduced | -ledmputattion ofisd | Phe. mean absolute ditbernce Crap) . This dedived oy 2 il Map + =p boop shoe Fos mofién estimaticn He MAD fc asually use fp Find the bes¥ machin blotkh Fn another fromthe a give) block io caren Frame. peel | ee } The Pane fs mere commonly used thay MSE because people. trode to, alseciale the quolity od fmage with av certala vange od PSNR, nei nane cer ponent PanR over 4od => Indicaless eiccetlegh Imoge panel sibel” soehods 5 Qeod Tmoge PswR pek* do peseda— > quile pear. | Pswe_ tower tran ga —s unacceptable 4 [a is ToevvedF Up calealate the “PSNR. between levery |i feoo veerrespending — Framen and «chhin_falelng coverage of od + PSNR. value obtolned lover © individual frames Rabhea than sheuld) | compule +r MSE bet? cavrespendin, Frames dverag e uthee wenthing! —ceropabahiin'® — aaibinn Fibaliy conve MSE valuer “Fe PSNR we hail Peat means. cHiaki te _osendimdeni used 2-9 [plore od amie "te sedated | ‘edrnpubethion visd [Po mean akeoluke difderence (map) . This dedjred a M. Ss 1) fy 6 ) ceoll Hap Shri nen Fox tmofiéy esHmaHen the MAB fe drually usecl > find the bert malthin block Fo) another Frome fa a ivto_blotk fo a catren Frame . i a Lh | Rregressive and interlased | Soansing _8—> Love Beamning (tg basleatly >. makiog at that the elecko. beam» moves AG tHe dep lef commen of =the xr€eh = tothe bottom aight corse, aioral vEnteriaeed Vscansing J land. progvesive. seanoing ore the two fmege Stoning Feehniquet auaifeble Today | Be vending and dis Pliying ‘fofermalion a ; mi ales Proqvesswe 9 Scanrin 2. volly Pro ceneivte, deanntog Ugo iknow ot sequenHaf 1 scamming , Tin! this) beth — horfzenhal , and ver- nfetak Vscancing! tiler 7 place ak Hey same Efdoes» ; ' E “Biteeslal and werGe) deHeshien cain are. Ped with sad footy current vcicnulkamesetty Bath mage {5 me sumed ak fo one silt. || pass veaaueds Brame Thérefere - ihe desley Ui [beary” fs deHeded Vo ePh to righkirand al the same From topote? Beton) Arbus the scaaiing ‘fs dene tine by tine crake fly. the clashed Line ola) aebrore indicates” He Qumber of Hirmey per second He dechwo rj sweeps across the Screen in He horizontal direction fs known: o9 othe horitenfal San Freq | cr heizenta) vepelaion wale : y tarihave Since we case vA Frame wepeihbn rele os Frome pec Seerrands asilimingy ier finer to Frame usin resve, ceetmntiog’ wen gel Pee Soa 4 ory. Nf Liner Io Wome K Ne. Cramer Herfsental Prequencoy : ; = Set vieesrasi = isezs He to FT Ner tiled Preqoenty | Mo. oF Framer Io Bee = 252 TR verbal scanning tS dene. ar the ak of OS Framer per see” it 3S onwh, enough | fost foaled the belghtness od one pide Fo blend — SmooHhlpcotobos ithe nest And this | vereello jy absap} changes in brighnets Jevelr bef Framer This eHek TS knoso og) Pike and [it ir eg, anns Ho ewer bei STAY ber aviided by | fecrtating? the, Seannlog rake TR it Tis Jnereord | te so [| Framer” per gee flicker can ER cngiced|, Heise tel freq = NeroF Mogr jn: Frome yx slo Setenda + = 6 625% SD | =o B10 He 1 4 , o i Mee Bug Ne: of Prumer 4 > Sees = 90 Hz (ell) ciminake the Phickey bak acon ther bandwidths odguirement To vawold ohh pritlem 9 Inlerlocedl aaahnique se ased- 4 Interlaced Ss8welog 1 Here each Frame ots scan in two Sacemne vertical passes! “This fe dane by dividing ath frame into foo parts The eed ot PL Fame ave igreuped: “Toke Fue Feldéikeean et odd fidd and even Preld Ourtng the fel saan odd oumbered Diney ee ee anne: This te Ailgund bythe werk Scan hich) Seangr} even cyumbered 9 her C2, thes Thus every Hine alternabe ner sare scanned 1 1 5 I : q ‘Pictorial Pena a Interlaced (Searing is shin ele Tne ty the dashed sa Jrithen! Ryu Heater ihe eee | | i = Fg toed scan Assuming G25 dines in a fume foterlaced Seanaing Scans 812-5 ner duving the firch “sean | and ans Heer during next sean Al) So PPE ce Aisployed this avoidp Flicker, Nos d) Scanning Liner io frare X No- Frames & ee, = 912.5450 (565 We Haczenka) time _periug | ae 1 2 64 bet “ Thyp we can observed thak +e bandas mequiremenk using Yolefored Searaing FF raged af cempmed to” progrestive Scanning fi i | Ha inevlated Sranning the odd tine Held Starting with ouecbex 1~ begins at tea fep | and endg~ ak the bottom center where af the ever ine Geld storting ulFh Bs Lice, hegins af - nial Lis ero top center and ends ak bathm aight. This interteaving oF Fld giver ut [ sanning wey e time varying imagery must be sampled alleost one diexnsion Fay the purposes of traning zsioq_, Gkrage. processing ote display | eq I-dimenssisnal damp temperal sampling Ta | melon — produ ~ toro-cliemensstonal — verleal fempere| io. cose analeng television andl —_thrte-d?mtn.stion af SS verlicalT temperal sompling Fo digthal video | eft seme cases ag stage sampling Gauure fe used Hrreugherk an entire

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