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HEAT Measuring Heat

-Heat is a form of energy and is also called thermal

-The amount of energy flowing from one body of matter to
energy. Its standard unit is Joule.
another spontaneously due to their temperature difference.
The old unit of heat is large calorie or kilogram
-James Prescott Joule discovered the nature of heat. calorie (Cal) dietary calorie. One large Calorie is
the amount of heat required to raise the
Temperature temperature of 1 kg of water by 1OC.
-The property of a substance that gives a sensation of The small calorie or gram calorie. One dietary
hotness or coldness. calorie = 1 kilocalorie (kcal). One small calorie is
-The average kinetic energy of the particles in a the amount of heat needed to increase the
substance is directly proportional to the temperature of temperature of 1g of water by 1OC.
the substance. Internal Energy
Kelvin - the base unit of temperature in the -The total kinetic and potential energy of the particles
International System of Units (SI) composing a substance
Fahrenheit primary temperature standard for -When heat flows into an object, its internal energy
climatic, industrial and medical purposes in increases and when heat flows out of the object, its
English-speaking countries until the 1960s. internal energy decreases.
Celsius also known as centigrade scale and used Thermal Equilibrium
by most countries around the world -The condition under which two substances in physical
CONVERSION: contact with each other exchange no heat energy. Two
substances in thermal equilibrium are said to be at the
From To Fahrenheit To Celsius To Kelvin
same temperature.
Fahrenheit (F - 32) * 5/9 +
F (F - 32) * 5/9 -The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics states that if two
(F) 273.15
bodies are each in thermal equilibrium with some third
Celsius (C
(C * 9/5) + 32 C C + 273.15 body, then they are also in equilibrium with each other.
or o)
Thermal Expansion
(K - 273.15) * 9/5 +
Kelvin (K) K - 273.15 K -The changes in the dimensions of a solid, liquid, or gas
occurring due to a change in temperature.
-When a material is heated, its particles move faster, Phase Changes
allowing each particle to move farther from it Latent heat of fusion is the amount of heat that
equilibrium position. This means that the material 1kg of ice at melting point needs to absorbs in
expands. order to completely melt
-May occur in terms of length, width and thickness. Latent heat of vaporization is the amount of
Linear expansion when the material is long but heat that 1kg of water at boiling point should
narrow (1 dimension length) absorb in order to vaporize
= Heat Exchange
Surface expansion expansion of thin sheets (2 In a heat exchange between warm body and a cold body,
dimensions length and width) the amount of energy that the warm body lost is the
= 2 same as the amount that the cold body gained.
Bulk expansion when all three dimensions + = 0
undergo considerable expansion Heat Transfer
= 3 Conduction transfer of heat that involves the
Heat Capacity collision of molecules
-The amount of heat that a given mass of substance Convection the process of heat transfer from
absorbs (or releases) to undergo a temperature change one location to the next by the movement of
of 1oC. This is applicable to any type of matter. fluids
-Standard unit for heat capacity: J/K joule per kelvin Radiation transfers heat through a vacuum or
-Materials differ in their capacities for absorbing heat. empty space

: = Thermoregulation
-Specific Heat Capacity refers to the needed heat to -The process of maintaining a fairly steady body
adjust the temperature of a single unit of a substances temperature under a variety of external conditions.
mass by one degree. -4 mechanisms for thermoregulation: convection,
-Heat capacity is an extensive variable while specific conduction, evaporation and radiation.
heat is an intensive variable.

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