Kenneth Z

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Kenneth Z.


Grade 11 - ABM-A

August 20, 2017

Tranquillity: Laudato Si

Tranquil, that is the only word that fully describes how I feel after reading "Laudato Si',
on Care for Our Common Home," the encyclical on the environment released by Pope

In the first section of the first chapter of Laudato Si, Pollution and Climate Change,
Pope Francis identifies the ecological challenges that threaten our common home. In
particular, he cites human-forced climate change wrought by anthropogenic greenhouse
gas emissions that threaten to cause systemically-reinforcing climate change;
contamination and lack of fresh water; and loss of biodiversity.

He emphasizes the interrelatedness between all parts of creation and points out that
human flourishing is inexorably connected to the flourishing of all creation. In particular,
he laments the physical illness, economic inequality and war that accompany ecological

In light of these ecological maladies, Pope Francis affirms the urgent need to develop
policies so that, in the next few years, the emission of carbon dioxide and other highly
polluting gases can be drastically reduced. In his blunt and honest style, Francis
bemoans the weak international responses to climate change that have been
repeatedly undermined by economic interests that easily end up trumping the common
good and manipulating information.

Given my passion for the pressing issue of climate change and my increasing love for
Pope Francis, however, it is doubtful that, if asked, I would have said anything like the
sort of peace I feel right now. If anything, I would have guessed that in this moment my
mind would be racing with ideas about how best to begin implementing the document --
especially in light of Pope Francis global popularity and the incredible amount of
excitement that the documents anticipated release has caused among all people of
goodwill to work for climate stability and so save ourselves from catastrophic climate
change. Adequate reception of the gift, of course, will require fortitude, cooperation and
hard work.

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