GIDB1616832-Comparing Ch1 Worksheet 1

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Name : Class : 1 Section :

Subject : Mathematics Topic : Comparing

Worksheet No : 1 Date :

1. Draw and then colour the picture.

a. Draw 1 cloud above the boat and colour it.

b. Draw 2 birds above the boat.
c. Draw 4 fish below the boat.

2. Mark the correct answer in the given picture.

Where is the flower vase?

On the table
Under the table

Where is the mouse?

In the box

Out of the box

Where is the cherry kept?

On the cake

Under the cake

Where is the squirrel standing?

Near the pot

Far from the pot

Where are the kids sitting?

Under the table

Over the table

3. Tick the activities those are done inside the house and cross the
activites those are done outside the house.

4. Colour the shapes.

a. Colour the shapes b. Colour the shapes

that are above the that are below the
square. circle.

5. Answer the question based on the images.

a. T.V is _____________ (on/under) the shelf.

b. Floor mat is ______________ (near/far from) the bed.

c. Frying pan is _____________ (on top of/below) the burner.

d. Tap is ________________ (on/under) the sink.

e. Food is ________________ (inside/outside) the plates.

6. Colour the number in the ladder.

a) Colour the number b) Colour the number

at the top. below 6.

c) Colour the d) Colour the

number at the bottom. number above 1.

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