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The Other Side

The other side of multiplying rabbits

What a concept. The Other Side. It lures you into accepting the existence of a not self-
sufficient one side that is. One side needs its other side to define itself. The side and its other
side form together yet another side. That will imply another other side into being. And it
keeps going, with each new entity being the sum of the two previous ones.

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34.

This is the Fibonacci sequence. It was introduced to the westerners by Leonardo of Pisa in 1202.
He was known by the nickname Fibonacci. He used it to model the growing rate of rabbits, a
threatening pest on farms in his time. The sequence was described as early as the 6th century by
the Indian mathematician Virahanka.

the spirals of shells

Fibonacci numbers appear in settings as branching in trees, arrangement of leaves on a stem,

fruitlets of a pineapple, an uncurling fern, arrangement of a pine cone, the family tree of
honeybees, the seeds on a sunflower, the spirals of shells, and the curve of waves.

I am quite sure that the bit fuzzy rock in the upper left caught your eye while wandering in the
above frame. It is at most a dull and unfocused spot so why that may be?

It has something to do with Fibonacci.

The Golden Spiral

There's a mathematical ratio commonly found in naturethe ratio of 1 to 1.618that has

many names. Most often we call it the Golden Ratio but it's also referred to as the Golden
Number, Divine Proportion, Fibonacci Number, and Phi.

Youll usually find the golden ratio depicted as a single large rectangle formed by a square and
another rectangle. Whats unique about this is that you can repeat the sequence infinitely and
perfectly within each section.

If you take away the big square on the left, what remains is
yet another golden rectangle. . . and so on.

The appearance of this ratio in music, in patterns of human

behavior, even in the proportion of the human body, all
point to its universality as a principle of good structure and

Used in art it is the most mysterious of all compositional strategies. We know that by creating
images based on this rectangle our art will be more likely to appeal, but we dont know why.

Coming back to Fibonacci sequence, dividing each number by the previous one gives:

1 / 1 = 1, 2 / 1 = 2, 3 / 2 = 1.5, and so on up to 144 / 89 = 1.6179. The resulting sequence is:

1, 2, 1.5, 1.666..., 1.6, 1.625, 1.615, 1.619, 1.6176, 1.6181, 1.6179

Do you notice anything about these numbers? Perhaps the fact that they keep oscillating
around and getting tantalizingly closer
and closer to 1.618?the value of phi:
the golden ratio!

The Golden Spiral is created by

drawing circular arcs connecting the
opposite corners of squares in the
Fibonacci tiling. The Golden Spiral is
one of the most elegant of all
geometric patterns.

Remember that dull unfocused rock?Yeap! Straight on the spiral! Could this be the reason of
its powers of attraction?
The Cage of Our Mind

The other side. Needed for making into existence this side. How would we know a day if it
wouldnt be for its night? How would we know happiness without experiencing sorrow? How
would we know it is love without losing it?

We are trapped in our western kind of dialectic thinking. At every moment and in every place
we are defined by a multitude of two opposite time, space and inner feeling entities. One side
and its other side. They are not of equal measures. The resultant impulses converge to take us,
in a Brownian drift, somewhere, following the field patterns of nature, society and selves.

We are caged into the way

we are thinking. We have
well defined borderlines for
our spatial and temporal
cages, we have social bars
to our encloses, the super
egos are there 24/7 to keep
us in line.

We perfectly know what

reality is and what is not,
the causes create effects
and the unquestioned
believes in common myths
makes societies advance.

We create our world. The

ways we think create our
worlds. Thinking is a way of
communication. We think in

So could it be that the way

we communicate shapes
the reality?

The Himbas and the Space Traveling

A while ago, while browsing for my daily porn shot on the net, I bumped into some revealing
frames of outrageously beautiful native Africans girls of the Himba tribe. Highly recommended.

Another interesting fact about this people is that they cant see the color blue. They see green
instead. They have no word for green in their language. I mean, they really see green where
we see blue. Imagine a world with a green sky. This is Himbas world.

If shown the Fibonaccis

rectangle on left a Himba
tribe woman would see the
one on the right.

The fact that the Himba language has no word for blue models their world blue-less.

one side of color

Imagine a mind set in which the only word we have for colors is orange.
What if this concept is universal and applies to space also?

Can we train our minds to a communication mode where this side and the other side coexist?
Where here and there are one? Would this model the world such that we could be
everywhere at once?

we could
jump into
mode and
manage it
at our will,
ding in the
space than
we want.
The space
become an

An One Sided PoV

In fact there is a hint that the meta-space exists. There is an example of an unidimensional
object in our 3D world: the Mbius strip. A Mbius strip can be created by taking a textile strip,
giving it a half-twist and then joining the ends to form a loop.

If a ladybug were to
crawl along the
length of this strip, it
would return to its
starting point having
traversed the entire
length of the strip
(on both sides of the
original textile)
without ever
crossing an edge.

Cutting a Mbius
strip along the
center line with a
pair of scissors yields
one long strip with
two full twists in it,
rather than two
separate strips; the
result is not a
Mbius strip.

If the strip is cut

along about a third
of the way in from
the edge, it creates
two strips: One is a
thinner Mbius strip.
The other is a longer
No other Side but thin strip with
two full twists in it. Is
this the wink weve got that spaces without any sides at all can exist? Could we twist the strip in
such a way that it would simply disappear?
The other sides of time
And what about time? What if the concept of past translating into present and potential future
is a mere consequence of our communication skills? We construct our thoughts in the way we
write, from one side to another, in a linear way. What if we could construct our thoughts as an
entire frame at once, same as a picture, lets say?

Time Sides

We may than experience the meta-time where all the instances exist at once. We could be
somewhere anytime.

We can train our mind to physically take us at any moment anywhere. But how?

My strong believe is that the answer is love. True boundless love. When you give yourself in
such a way that all the past and future experience are lived in the miracle of present.

And love, where all is easy,

Where all is given in the instant;
There exists in the midst of time
The possibility of an island. M. Houellebecq

Well, thats another story, for another time.

Closure words
Of course we cant imagine how the meta-spacetime would like. It may not be felt and
explained through the hilariously limited spectrums of senses we have.

Words are merely descriptions of things that if not known cant be explained.

Yet, one early morning on the beach, I came across what I felt would be a good example of the
meta-spacetime footprint in our world:

Your possible pasts

You may notice the dots of possible pasts and futures floating together with the potential time
paths in the ocean of our mind. Have we the power to bring them into a certain reality?

If you wonder, this is an old jar with some disintegrated pickled cucumbers.

I found the above article together with the below picture in the rest room of a mall in Haifa,

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