BAB 1 Ida Jean Orlando

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Ida Jean Orlando-Pelletier (August 12, 1926 November 28, 2007) was an internationally known
psychiatric health nurse, theorist and researcher who developed the Deliberative Nursing Process
Theory. Her theory allows nurses to create an effective nursing care plan that can also be easily
adapted when and if any complications arise with the patient.
Ida Jean Orlando-Pelletier (12 Agustus 1926 28 Nopember 2007) adalah perawat klinik
kesehatan kejiwaan yang dikenal secara internasional, pengajar dan peneliti yang mengembangkan
"Teori proses Keperawatan deliberatif." Teorinya memungkinkan perawat untuk membuat
perawatan efektif rencana perawatan yang juga dapat dengan mudah disesuaikan Kapan dan jika
ada timbul komplikasi dengan pasien.

Early Life
Orlando was a first generation Irish American born on August 12, 1926. She dedicated her life
studying nursing and graduated in 1947 and received a Bachelor of Science degree in public
health nursing in 1951. In 1954, she completed her Master of Arts in Mental Health consultation.
While studying she also worked intermittently and sometimes concurrently as a staff nurse in OB,
MS, ER; as a supervisor in a general hospital, and as an assistant director and a teacher of several
courses. And in 1961, she was married to Robert Pelletier and lived in the Boston area
Kehidupan awal
Orlando adalah generasi pertama Amerika Irlandia Lahir pada 12 Agustus 1926. Dia mengabdikan
hidupnya belajar Keperawatan dan lulus pada tahun 1947 dan menerima gelar Bachelor of Science
dalam perawatan pada 1951 kesehatan umum. Pada tahun 1954, ia menyelesaikan nya Master of
Arts dalam konsultasi Kesehatan Mental. Sementara belajar dia juga bekerja sebentar-sebentar dan
kadang-kadang merangkap sebagai staf perawat di OB, MS, ER; sebagai seorang supervisor di
rumah sakit umum, dan sebagai asisten direktur dan seorang guru beberapa kursus. Dan pada
tahun 1961, ia menikah dengan Robert Pelletier dan tinggal di Boston area.

As for being a respectable and credible role-model, Orlando was well educated with many
advanced degrees in nursing.
In 1947, she received a diploma in nursing from the Flower Fifth Avenue Hospital School of
Nursing in New York. In 1951, she received a Bachelor of Science degree in public health nursing
from St. Johns University in Brooklyn, New York. And in 1954, Orlando received her Master of
Arts degree in mental health consultation from Teachers College, Columbia University.

Untuk menjadi terhormat dan kredibel model peran, Orlando baik dididik dengan banyak
advanced gelar Keperawatan
Pada tahun 1947, dia menerima diploma perawat dari bunga Fifth Avenue Hospital of
Keperawatan sekolah di New York. Pada tahun 1951, ia menerima gelar Bachelor of Science
dalam kesehatan masyarakat Keperawatan dari St. John's University di Brooklyn, New York. Dan
pada tahun 1954, Orlando menerima gelar Master of Arts dalam konsultasi kesehatan mental dari
guru College, Universitas Columbia
Career and Appointments
Orlando had a diverse career, working as a practitioner, consultant, researcher, and educator in
nursing. Orlando devoted her life to mental health and psychiatric nursing, working as a clinical
nurse and researcher.
After receiving her masters degree in 1954, Orlando went to the Yale University School of
Nursing in New Haven, Connecticut as an associate professor of mental health and psychiatric
nursing for eight years. She was awarded a federal grant and became a research associate and the
principal project investigator of a National Institute of Mental health Institute of the United States
Public Health Services grant entitled Integration of Mental Health Concepts in a Basic
Curriculum. The project sought to identify those factors relevant to the integration of psychiatric-
mental health principles into the nursing curriculum.
During 1958-1961, Orlando, as an associate professor and the director of the graduate program in
mental health and psychiatric nursing at Yale University, used her proposed conceptual nursing
model as the foundation for the curriculum of the program. From 1962-1972, Orlando served as a
clinical nurse consultant at Mclean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts. In this position, she
studied the interactions of nurses with clients, other nurses and other staff members and how these
interactions affected the process of the nurses help to clients. Orlando convinced the
administration that an educational program for nurses was needed, whereupon Mclean Hospital
initiated an educational program based on her nursing model.
From 1972 to 1984, she also served on the board of the Harvard Community Health Plan in
Boston, Massachusetts.
In 1981, Orlando became an educator at Boston University School of Nursing and held
administrative positions from 1984 to 1987 at Metropolitan State Hospital in Waltham,
Massachusetts. In September 1987, she became the Assistant director of Nursing for Education
and Research at the said institution. She was also a project consultant for the Mental Health
Project for Associate Degree Faculties created by the New England Board of Higher Education.
Finally in 1992, Orlando retired and received the Nursing Living Legend award by the
Massachusetts Registered Nurse Association.
Karir dan janji
Orlando memiliki karir yang beragam, bekerja sebagai seorang praktisi, konsultan, peneliti, dan
pendidik di Keperawatan. Orlando mengabdikan hidupnya untuk kesehatan mental dan kejiwaan
keperawatan, bekerja sebagai perawat klinis dan peneliti
Setelah menerima gelar master pada tahun 1954, Orlando pergi ke Yale University School of
Nursing di New Haven, Connecticut sebagai seorang associate professor kesehatan mental dan
kejiwaan menyusui selama delapan tahun. Ia dianugerahi penghargaan hibah federal dan menjadi
rekan penelitian dan penyidik utama proyek kesehatan National Institute of Mental lembaga
pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat Amerika Serikat hibah berjudul "Integrasi konsep-konsep
Kesehatan Mental dalam kurikulum dasar." Proyek berusaha untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor
yang relevan untuk integrasi prinsip-prinsip kesehatan jiwa-jiwa ke dalam kurikulum
Selama tahun 1958-1961, Orlando, sebagai profesor dan Direktur program pascasarjana dalam
kesehatan mental dan perawatan psikiatri di Universitas Yale, digunakan model diusulkan
Keperawatan konseptual Nya sebagai dasar untuk Kurikulum program. Dari tahun 1962-1972,
Orlando menjabat sebagai konsultan perawat klinis di rumah sakit Mclean di Belmont,
Massachusetts. Dalam posisi ini, dia belajar interaksi perawat dengan klien, perawat lainnya dan
anggota staf lain dan bagaimana interaksi ini mempengaruhi proses perawat membantu klien.
Orlando yakin administrasi bahwa program pendidikan bagi perawat diperlukan, dan rumah sakit
Mclean dimulai program pendidikan berdasarkan model Keperawatan nya.
Dari tahun 1972 sampai 1984, dia juga disajikan di Dewan Harvard rencana kesehatan masyarakat
di Boston, Massachusetts.
Pada tahun 1981, Orlando menjadi seorang pendidik di Boston University School of Nursing dan
memegang posisi administratif dari 1984-1987 di Metropolitan State Hospital di Waltham,
Massachusetts. Pada September tahun 1987, ia menjadi asisten direktur keperawatan untuk
pendidikan dan penelitian di institusi tersebut. Dia juga adalah seorang konsultan proyek untuk
proyek Kesehatan Mental untuk mengasosiasikan derajat Fakultas diciptakan oleh New England
Dewan Pendidikan tinggi. Akhirnya pada tahun 1992, Orlando pensiun dan menerima
penghargaan Keperawatan legenda hidup oleh Asosiasi perawat terdaftar Massachusetts.

Deliberative Nursing Process Theory

Orlando developed her theory from a study conducted at the Yale University School of Nursing,
integrating mental health concepts into a basic nursing curriculum. She proposed that patients
have their own meanings and interpretations of situations and therefore nurses must validate their
inferences and analyses with patients before drawing conclusions.
The theory was published in The Dynamic Nurse-Patient Relationship: Function, Process, and
Principles (NLN Classics in Nursing Theory) in 1961. Her book purposed a contribution to
concern about the nurse-patient relationship, the nurses professional role and identity, and the
knowledge development distinct to nursing.
Orlandos nursing theory stresses the reciprocal relationship between patient and nurse. What the
nurse and the patient say and do affects them both. She views the professional function of nursing
as finding out and meeting the patients immediate need for help.
She also described her model as revolving around the following five major interrelated concepts:
function of professional nursing, presenting behavior, immediate reaction, nursing process
discipline, and improvement. The function of professional nursing is the organizing principle.
Presenting behavior is the patients problematic situation. The immediate reaction is the internal
response. The nursing process discipline is the investigation into the patients needs. And lastly,
improvement is the resolution to the patients situation.

The Deliberative Nursing Process has five stages: assessment, diagnosis, planning,
implementation, and evaluation. Nurses use the standard nursing process in Orlandos Nursing
Process Discipline Theory to produce positive outcomes or patient improvement. Orlandos key
focus was the definition of the function of nursing. The model provides a framework for nursing,
but the use of her theory does not exclude nurses from using other nursing theories while caring
for patients.

Teori proses deliberatif Keperawatan

Orlando mengembangkan teori nya dari studi yang dilakukan di Yale University of Keperawatan
sekolah, mengintegrasikan konsep-konsep kesehatan mental dalam kurikulum dasar Keperawatan.
Ia mengusulkan bahwa "pasien memiliki makna dan interpretasi dari situasi mereka sendiri dan
oleh karena itu perawat harus memvalidasi kesimpulan dan analisis mereka dengan pasien
sebelum mengambil kesimpulan."
Teori ini diterbitkan dalam The Dynamic perawat-pasien hubungan: fungsi, proses dan prinsip-
prinsip (Dariantonius klasik dalam teori Keperawatan) pada 1961. Bukunya bertujuan kontribusi
kekhawatiran tentang hubungan perawat-pasien, perawat profesional peran dan identitas, dan
pengembangan pengetahuan yang berbeda untuk menyusui.
Orlando's Keperawatan teori menekankan hubungan timbal balik antara pasien dan perawat. Apa
perawat dan pasien katakan dan lakukan mempengaruhi mereka berdua. Dia dilihat fungsi
profesional Keperawatan sebagai mengetahui dan pertemuan pasien segera keperluan Anda untuk
Dia juga menggambarkan model Nya sebagai bergulir sekitar lima berikut konsep saling terkait
utama: fungsi profesional keperawatan, menyajikan perilaku, reaksi langsung, keperawatan proses
disiplin, dan perbaikan. Fungsi profesional Keperawatan adalah prinsip pengorganisasian.
Menyajikan perilaku adalah pasien bermasalah situasi. Reaksi langsung adalah respon internal.
Keperawatan proses disiplin adalah penyelidikan kebutuhan pasien. Dan terakhir, peningkatan
resolusi untuk pasien situasi.
Proses Keperawatan deliberatif memiliki lima tahap: penilaian, diagnosis, perencanaan,
pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Perawat menggunakan standar Keperawatan proses di Orlando's
Keperawatan proses disiplin teori untuk menghasilkan hasil positif atau perbaikan pasien. Fokus
utama Orlando's adalah definisi fungsi Keperawatan. Model menyediakan kerangka untuk
menyusui, tetapi penggunaan teorinya tidak mengecualikan perawat dari menggunakan teori
Keperawatan lain sekaligus merawat pasien.

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Home Notes Theorists & Theories

NotesTheorists & Theories
Ida Jean Orlando
By Gil Wayne, RN - Oct 21, 2014
Ida Jean Orlando

Ida Jean Orlando-Pelletier (August 12, 1926 November 28, 2007) was an internationally known
psychiatric health nurse, theorist and researcher who developed the Deliberative Nursing Process
Theory. Her theory allows nurses to create an effective nursing care plan that can also be easily
adapted when and if any complications arise with the patient.

Contents [hide]
1 Early Life
2 Education
3 Career and Appointments
4 Deliberative Nursing Process Theory
5 Works
6 Awards and Honors
7 Death
8 See Also
9 External Links
10 References
Early Life

Orlando was a first generation Irish American born on August 12, 1926. She dedicated her life
studying nursing and graduated in 1947 and received a Bachelor of Science degree in public
health nursing in 1951. In 1954, she completed her Master of Arts in Mental Health consultation.
While studying she also worked intermittently and sometimes concurrently as a staff nurse in OB,
MS, ER; as a supervisor in a general hospital, and as an assistant director and a teacher of several
courses. And in 1961, she was married to Robert Pelletier and lived in the Boston area.


As for being a respectable and credible role-model, Orlando was well educated with many
advanced degrees in nursing.

Ida Jean Orlando

Ida Jean Orlando
In 1947, she received a diploma in nursing from the Flower Fifth Avenue Hospital School of
Nursing in New York. In 1951, she received a Bachelor of Science degree in public health nursing
from St. Johns University in Brooklyn, New York. And in 1954, Orlando received her Master of
Arts degree in mental health consultation from Teachers College, Columbia University.

Career and Appointments

Orlando had a diverse career, working as a practitioner, consultant, researcher, and educator in
nursing. Orlando devoted her life to mental health and psychiatric nursing, working as a clinical
nurse and researcher.

Orlando used to work in a hospital exclusive for childbirth in a short span of time.
Orlando used to work in a hospital exclusive for childbirth in a short span of time.
After receiving her masters degree in 1954, Orlando went to the Yale University School of
Nursing in New Haven, Connecticut as an associate professor of mental health and psychiatric
nursing for eight years. She was awarded a federal grant and became a research associate and the
principal project investigator of a National Institute of Mental health Institute of the United States
Public Health Services grant entitled Integration of Mental Health Concepts in a Basic
Curriculum. The project sought to identify those factors relevant to the integration of psychiatric-
mental health principles into the nursing curriculum.

Orlando (left) already worked as a nurse before going to St. John's University in Brooklyn, New
York for her Bachelor of Science degree in public health nursing
Orlando (left) already worked as a nurse before going to St. Johns University in Brooklyn, New
York for her Bachelor of Science degree in public health nursing
During 1958-1961, Orlando, as an associate professor and the director of the graduate program in
mental health and psychiatric nursing at Yale University, used her proposed conceptual nursing
model as the foundation for the curriculum of the program. From 1962-1972, Orlando served as a
clinical nurse consultant at Mclean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts. In this position, she
studied the interactions of nurses with clients, other nurses and other staff members and how these
interactions affected the process of the nurses help to clients. Orlando convinced the
administration that an educational program for nurses was needed, whereupon Mclean Hospital
initiated an educational program based on her nursing model.

Bachelor of Science degree in public health nursing from St. John's University in Brooklyn, New
Bachelor of Science degree in public health nursing from St. Johns University in Brooklyn, New
From 1972 to 1984, she also served on the board of the Harvard Community Health Plan in
Boston, Massachusetts.

In 1981, Orlando became an educator at Boston University School of Nursing and held
administrative positions from 1984 to 1987 at Metropolitan State Hospital in Waltham,
Massachusetts. In September 1987, she became the Assistant director of Nursing for Education
and Research at the said institution. She was also a project consultant for the Mental Health
Project for Associate Degree Faculties created by the New England Board of Higher Education.
Finally in 1992, Orlando retired and received the Nursing Living Legend award by the
Massachusetts Registered Nurse Association.

Deliberative Nursing Process Theory

Main Article: Ida Jean Orlandos Deliberative Nursing Process Theory

Orlando developed her theory from a study conducted at the Yale University School of Nursing,
integrating mental health concepts into a basic nursing curriculum. She proposed that patients
have their own meanings and interpretations of situations and therefore nurses must validate their
inferences and analyses with patients before drawing conclusions.

Class photo during her graduation at St. John's University in Brooklyn, New York
Class photo during her graduation at St. Johns University in Brooklyn, New York
The theory was published in The Dynamic Nurse-Patient Relationship: Function, Process, and
Principles (NLN Classics in Nursing Theory) in 1961. Her book purposed a contribution to
concern about the nurse-patient relationship, the nurses professional role and identity, and the
knowledge development distinct to nursing.

Orlandos nursing theory stresses the reciprocal relationship between patient and nurse. What the
nurse and the patient say and do affects them both. She views the professional function of nursing
as finding out and meeting the patients immediate need for help.

Master of Arts degree in mental health consultation from Teachers College, Columbia University
Master of Arts degree in mental health consultation from Teachers College, Columbia University
She also described her model as revolving around the following five major interrelated concepts:
function of professional nursing, presenting behavior, immediate reaction, nursing process
discipline, and improvement. The function of professional nursing is the organizing principle.
Presenting behavior is the patients problematic situation. The immediate reaction is the internal
response. The nursing process discipline is the investigation into the patients needs. And lastly,
improvement is the resolution to the patients situation.

The Deliberative Nursing Process has five stages: assessment, diagnosis, planning,
implementation, and evaluation. Nurses use the standard nursing process in Orlandos Nursing
Process Discipline Theory to produce positive outcomes or patient improvement. Orlandos key
focus was the definition of the function of nursing. The model provides a framework for nursing,
but the use of her theory does not exclude nurses from using other nursing theories while caring
for patients.

Orlandos second book The Discipline and Teaching of Nursing Process published in 1972.

After working as a researcher, she wrote a book on her findings from Yale, entitled The Dynamic
Nurse-Patient Relationship: Function, Process, and Principles. Her book was published in 1961.
A year later, she also continued her research studies published her second book The Discipline
and Teaching of Nursing Process in 1972.

Awards and Honors

Orlando retired from nursing in 1992. After becoming well-educated, researching over 2,000
nurse-patient interactions, and coming up with a theory that changed nursing, she was recognized
as a Nursing Living Legend by the Massachusetts Registered Nurse Association.

Orlando died on November 28, 2007 at the age of 81.

Orlando's kedua buku "The disiplin dan mengajar dari Keperawatan proses" diterbitkan pada
tahun 1972.

Setelah bekerja sebagai seorang peneliti, ia menulis sebuah buku tentang temuannya dari Yale,
berjudul "hubungan perawat-pasien dinamis: fungsi, proses dan prinsip." Bukunya diterbitkan
pada tahun 1961. Setahun kemudian, dia juga melanjutkan studinya penelitian menerbitkan
bukunya yang kedua "The disiplin dan mengajar dari Keperawatan proses" pada tahun 1972.

Penghargaan dan kehormatan

Orlando pensiun dari perawat pada tahun 1992. Setelah menjadi terdidik, meneliti lebih dari 2.000
perawat-pasien interaksi, dan datang dengan sebuah teori yang mengubah keperawatan, ia diakui
sebagai "Keperawatan legenda hidup" oleh Asosiasi perawat terdaftar Massachusetts.

Orlando meninggal pada 28 November 2007 pada umur 81.

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