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NI KETUT SINTA DEWI (P07120215013)
NI PT AYU SANDRIANI (P07120215016)



Thanks to Almighty God who has given His bless to the writer for finishing
the English paper assignment entitled Making an Appointment.
The writer also wishes to express her deep and sincere gratitude for those
who have guided in completing this paper. This English paper contains of the
definition of making an appointment and also example of making an appointment.
Hopefully, this paper can help the readers to expand their knowledge about
English lesson especially making an appointment.

Denpasar, October 2016



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1

1.1 Issue Background......................................................................................1

1.2 Problem Formulations...............................................................................2

1.3 Purposes.....................................................................................................2

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION.................................................................................3

2.1 Definition...................................................................................................3

2.2 Expressions of Making an Appointment...................................................3

2.3 Expressions of Approving an Appointment...............................................4

2.4 Expressions of Cancelling an Appointment..............................................4

2.5 Ethic code in telephoning..........................................................................5

2.6 Sample Conversation of Making an Appointment....................................7

CHAPTER III CLOSING.....................................................................................9

3.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................9

3.2 Suggestion.................................................................................................9



1.1 Issue Background

Language is an important thing for humans life. Language means
communication and without language, people cant communicate with others.
In this globalization, English is like a must capability for those students,
college students, and even for the professionals. English is an international
language means that if we want to make a communication in International
area, we have to be able speak in English. Beside that, most of high-quality
literatures use English.
But, many of us cant realize how importance English is. They think
that English is difficult to learn and not really important for their life. Another
reason, why they are unwilling to learn English is they will be thought
showing off with other people if they use English on their daily activities.
So, as the young generations we have to learn more about English, in
order to be equal with other developed countries. And last, as the nursing
students in this globalization era, if we want to be one step forward with those
unwilling to learn English people, we have to learn more how to speak
formally and properly with patients or other medical staffs to improve our
quality. One of them is how to make an appointment.
There are many reasons that we need to make appointments. Some of
the most common appointments are visiting the doctor or the dentist,
scheduling time for a haircut or manicure, and arranging a time for a service
in your home, such as installing cable TV and internet. We may also need to
schedule a meeting with a coworker, a manager, or a professor from
university, or make plans to spend time with friends.
Making appointments is much easier when we are talking to the person
directly and can look at a calendar to decide on a good time to meet.
However, we usually schedule appointments on the phone and this type of
conversation can be stressful when we are still learning English. We often use
special expressions to make plans and schedule appointments, so we need to
be able to understand what people are saying to us.
1.2 Problem Formulations
1.2.1 What is the definition of making an appointment?
1.2.2 How to express making an appointment?
1.2.3 How to express accepting or approving an appointment?
1.2.4 How to express cancelling an appointment?
1.2.5 What is the ethic code in telephoning?
1.2.6 What is the sample conversation of making an appointment?

1.3 Purposes
1.3.1 To know about the definition of making an appointment
1.3.2 To learn the expressions of making an appointment
1.3.3 To learn the expressions of accepting or approving an appointment
1.3.4 To learn the expressions of cancelling an appointment
1.3.5 To recognize the ethic code in telephoning
1.3.6 To know the sample conversation of making an appointment


2.1 Definition
Appointment is a kind of expression which is used to make an
arrangement to meet a person or be at place at a certain time.
Making an appointment is an activity which has purpose to set up the
time to do something based on the agreement between first and second, or
even more than two persons.
2.2 Expressions of Making an Appointment
When making appointments, we often begin the conversation by
indicating what kind of plans we would like to make.
Making Plans with a Friend
- Lets go to the movies this weekend.
- Lets hang out this weekend.
- I need some help with my homework.
- Id like to try that new Italian restaurant.
Making a Professional Appointment
- Id like to make an appointment to see Dr. Smith.
- Id like to meet about the report Ive been working on.
- I would like to meet with you about my essay.
Asking about Availability
After introducing our reason for meeting, we need to ask about the
other persons availability. There are many ways to do this. We want to
choose the right language based on the person we are talking to us and how
formal our request needs to be. We will be more relaxed with a friend than
with the receptionist at the doctors office.
More Informal
- Are you free tonight / next Saturday / on July 15?
- Are you around this weekend?
- Do you have any plans this weekend / next Wednesday / after class?
- Do you have any time this afternoon?
- Do you have free time next week?
These questions are casual ways to ask a friend or acquaintance if they
are available on a specific day or during a period of time. When we find out
that our friend is free, we can make our request. For example, we can say,
Lets go out to eat!, Do you want to go the museum on Sunday?, or Can
you help me with my homework?
More Formal
- Are you available on Saturday, June 7 / Monday afternoon?
- Do you have any availability next week?
- Does the doctor have any availability in the next few days?
When we are talking to co-workers, managers, professors, or doctors,
we use more formal language. Asking about availability shows that we
understand that they are busy and that we want to find a good time that is
convenient for both of us.
2.3 Expressions of Approving an Appointment
When we agree to meet at a specific time, we often show enthusiasm
using one of the following phrases and usually confirm the date and/or time.
- That works for me. - Sure
- I can do Thursday at 5 PM. - Certainly
- Sounds good! - Its a deal
- Sounds great! Ill see you Friday night. - Why not
- Thats perfect for me.
2.4 Expressions of Cancelling an Appointment
You can cancel an appointment as follows:
- Unfortunately, due to some unforeseen business, I will be unable to keep
our appointment for tomorrow afternoon.
- Would it be possible to arrange another time later in the week?
- Im afraid that I have to cancel our meeting on Wednesday, as something
unexpected has come up.
- You know we were going to meet next Friday? Well, I'm very sorry, but
something urgent has come up.
- I'm afraid that I'm not going to be able to meet you after all. Can we fix
another time?
- Im sorry. Im afraid I cant - I cant make it, sorry
- I think I cant - Im terribly sorry, Im busy
- I wish I could, but - I dont think I could
- I really want to, but
Finding a Better Time to Meet
If we cant meet at the suggested time, we need to negotiate to find a
better time to meet. First, we indicate that we are busy at the suggested time.
Sometimes we give a simple reason, such as another appointment. Then we
suggest a different time to meet or ask another question about the other
persons availability.
- Im not free on Sunday, but how about Monday?
- Im not around this weekend. I already have plans. Can we try next week?
- Im sorry, Im not available at 4 PM. I have another appointment.
- Thursday night doesnt work for me. I have a previous commitment.
- I cant make it at 3PM. Lets try to meet at 4 instead.
If this time works for the other person, we agree to meet and confirm
the time again. You may repeat this negotiation a few times to find the best
time for the appointment.
2.5 Ethic code in telephoning
Making an appointment is very useful to set or reset someones activity
or daily time table which relates to telephoning, so thats why the nurse
should know the ethic in telephoning.
1. Always identify yourself at the beginning of all calls
a. When in the office, always answer a telephone by saying:
Hello/Good Morning, A Hospital, Cindy speaking.
b. From a cell phone, either simply say Hello, or state your name, Hello
Cyndi here. Do not answer by using word such as yeah or yes
c. When placing a call, always states your name along with the name of
the person you are calling. Example: Hello my names Carol. May I
please speak with Dr. Jane?
2. Be sensitive to the tone of your voice
Do not sound overly anxious, aggressive or pushy. It is important your
tone conveys authority and confidence. Do not lean back in your chair
when speaking on the telephone.
Tips: Sit up in your chair or stand during the conversation. When at
home, use a personal tape recorder to privately record your own
conversations. You will then hear how your sound to others
3. Think through exactly what you plan to say and discuss BEFORE you
place a call
Tips: Jot down the items you want to discuss and questions you want
answered. In other word, anticipate and expect you will be placed into a
voicemail system; plan your message to be as direct and specific as
possible, asking the person to respond to specific alternatives or
questions. Do not say, Hello, its Manda, call me back. At least state
the subject about which you want the person to call you back about.
4. Do not allow interruptions to occur during conversations
Do not carry on side conversations with other people around you. The
person on the telephone takes precedence over someone who happens to
walk in your office or passes by while you are on the phone
Tips: If you must interrupt the conversation, say to the person, Please
excuse me for a moment Ill be right back. And when you return, say,
Thank you for holding.
5. Especially when leaving messages, speak clearly and slowly
Do not use broken phrases, slang or idioms. Always, always leave your
return telephone number us part of your massage, including the area
codeand S-L-O-W-L-Y, including REPEATING your telephone
number at the end of your message.
Tips: Practice leaving your number, by saying it aloud to yourself as slow
as you have heard and informational operator say it.
6. Build the habit of always turning off your cell phone ringer when
entering a hospital, meeting at restaurant, theatre training class or other
place where the purpose of your visit would be interrupted or other
would be disturbed by hearing your cell phone ring.
Tips: If you are expecting an important call, inform the caller you will be
in a meeting during certain times and state you will monitor your
message indicator for when it illuminates you will excuse yourself to
leave the meeting and return the call.
7. Always speak into the telephone receiver with an even and low tone of
voice. Especially when speaking on a cell phone out in public, be sure to
monitor how loud you may be.
Tips: Move the phone ear piece just slightly away from your ear and
listen to yourself speaking. Discover whether you are speaking too loudly
or too quietly for the other person to hear you.
8. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by other activities while speaking
on the telephone, such as rustling papers, chewing and eating, working
on the computer, or speaking with someone else. Most importantly, do
not use a hand held cell phone while driving. Get a headset or speaker
phone for the car.
Tips: always treat every caller with the utmost courtesy and respect by
giving him/her your undivided attention.
2.6 Sample Conversation of Making an Appointment
Clinic : Bali Sada Clinic. Carol Speaking. How can I help you?
Patient : Hello, I'm calling to make an appointment.
Clinic : Medical or dental?
Patient : Medical, please.
Clinic : Can you hold one moment? I will connect you.
Clinic : Hello, Jane speaking. How can I help you?
Patient : I'd like to make an appointment for a check-up.
Clinic : Have you been here before?
Patient : No, I haven't.
Clinic : We have an opening on Friday, October 12th at 3 o'clock.
Patient : I'm sorry, I work on Friday's. Do you have any
appointments available on Monday or Wednesdays?
Clinic : Our first Monday appointment would be October 22nd at
9 in the morning. Could you make that?
Patient : Yes, that would be fine.
Clinic : May I know your name, please?
Patient : Luci Garcia.
Clinic : What is your phone number?
Patient : 08181819966.
Clinic : What is your date of birth?
Patient : 10/13/85.
Clinic : How will you be paying for this appointment? Do you
have health insurance or medical coupons?
Patient : No, I don't. Can you tell me what the charge would be for
this visit?
Clinic : We charge by sliding scale. You will need to bring your
last 2 pay-stubs, an ID, and a 10$ deposit. Please come 1/2 hour before the
time of your appointment to fill out a medical history.
Patient : OK. I will do that.
Clinic : OK. We will see you on Monday, October 22nd at 9 for a
physical check-up. Plan on spending about 1 hour at the clinic.
Patient : Thank you. Good-bye.
Clinic : My pleasure


3.1 Conclusion
Making an appointment is an activity which has purpose to set up the
time to do something based on the agreement between first and second, or
even more than two persons.
There are many reasons that we need to make appointments. Some of
the most common appointments are visiting the doctor or the dentist,
scheduling time for a haircut or manicure, and arranging a time for a service
in your home, such as installing cable TV and internet. We may also need to
schedule a meeting with a coworker, a manager, or a professor from
university, or make plans to spend time with friends. So, we need to be able to
understand what people are saying to us whether its in formal situation or
informal situation.
3.2 Suggestion
For all of the readers generally and specially all of nursing students, if
we want to understand what people are saying to us, we have to be able to
improve our English skill. In this case, we have to know the right time when,
we have to make an appointment in formal and informal language.

Inggris Online. 2011. Making an Appointment. Retrieved from on October 6th 2016
Kim. 2014. Making Appointments and Plans. Retrieved from on October 6th
My English Pages. 2016. Making an Appointment. Retrieved from
appointment.php on October 6th 2016

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