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On Wednesday, October 26th 2016

Toastmaster is an activity to improve the members communication, public

speaking, and leadership skills.

1. Leader
Name : Baiq Cici Kamaliani (P07120215018)
Opening the toast master activity and leading the toast master activity.
Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. How are you today? I hope you
are always fine and stay happy like me. First, I want to say thanks to the God
for blessing us so we can operate this toastmaster. Second, let me introduce
my self. My name is Cici. I had an opportunity become leader in this
In this special day, we have interesting topic about Stroke. I believe
all of us know about stroke. And now, I will describe about our topic.
Stroke sometimes called a brain attack is the sudden death of brain
cells due to lack of oxygen, caused by blockage of blood flow or rupture of an
artery to the brain. A suspected stroke can be confirmed by scanning the brain
with special X-ray tests, such as CAT scan. These are two types of stroke,
they are ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemic stroke is similar to
a heart attack, it occurs in the blood vessels of the brain. Hemorrhagic stroke
occurs when a blood vessel in the brain breaks and ruptures.
To discuss the topic more specifically, I give the time to our beloved
moderator in the toastmaster today. She is Ms. Nabila. Ms. Nabila time is
2. Moderator
Name : Putu Nabila Eka Shanti Diah Pramesti Putri (P07120215014)
Leading as well as guiding the process of toastmaster activity
Thank you very much Ms. Cici, my fellow members, and honored
guests who can participate in this todays toastmaster. Its my privilege and
pleasure to become the moderator in the meeting today with the topic about
I have a team who will be assisting me in these duties.
I would like to introduce my team now and ask each of them to stand up and
briefly describe the role they will be performing today.
The first one is Ms. Dewi as the table topic speaker. For Ms. Dewi,
would you please stand up and describe your role? Today we have two
adorable speakers, the first speaker is Galuh and the second speaker is Mang
Ayu. For the speakers please stand up and describe your role. Then, I would
like to introduce the speech evaluator, for Ms. Sinta please stand up. Next, Id
like to introduce Ms. Novitha as the Ah- Counter, for Ms. Novitha please
stand up. Next to Novitha, there is Ms. Ristya as grammarian. For Ms. Ristya,
please stand up. And the last one we have Ms. Sandri as the timer. For Ms.
Sandri, please stand up.
1. Okay, ladies and gentlemen without further ado, I would like to welcome
the table topic speaker to deliver the general topic of Stroke. For Ms.
Dewi, the floor is yours.
2. Thank you so much Ms. Dewi, so please give applause to Ms. Dewi. Now,
moving along to our session, Id like to invite Ms. Galuh who will explain
to us about Stroke. For Ms. Galuh, the floor is yours.
3. Thank you Ms. Galuh, for your good explanation about Stroke. Ladies and
gentlemen, we still have another speaker. She will continue the first
speakers explanation about Stroke. Without any ado, Id like to invite Ms.
Mang Ayu to deliver the speech. For Ms. Mang Ayu, the floor is yours.
4. Wow, that was very clear explanations delivered by our . Once more,
please give applause for our speakers. For the next session, lets welcome
our speech evaluator. She will give some corrections of our speeches. For
Ms. Sinta, the floor is yours.
5. Thank you so much Ms. Sinta for that evaluation. Please give applause to
Ms. Sinta. Now I would like to invite the ah counter. For Ms. Novitha, the
floor is yours.
6. Please give applause to Ms. Novitha as she had counted accurately. Next I
would like to invite Ms. Ristya as the grammarian to evaluate our
grammar. For Ms. Ristya, the floor is yours.
7. Thank you so much Ms. Ristya for your evaluation and correction. Next I
would like to invite Ms. Sandri as the timer to report on how much time
the team spent on their speech.
3. Table Topic Speaker
Name : Ni Putu Dewi Ayu Sulaksmi (P07120215011)
Telling the table topic and asking some questions related to the topic
Thank you for the time that is given to me, Ms. Nabila as our
moderator. My name is Dewi. Im standing here as a table topic speaker for
this toastmaster.
First, I would like to tell you about our topic. Our topic is about Stroke
like our leader and moderator said before.
Okay, now I would like to tell you the definition of stroke. A stroke is
a brain attack. It can happen to anyone at any time. It occurs when blood
flow to an area of brain is cut off.
I think thats all from me, now the toastmaster will be returned to
4. Speaker I
Name : Ni Wayan Linsa Mirawati Galuh (P07120215015)
Explaining the entire information relating to the topic Stroke
Thanks for the time that is given to me. Let me introduce myself. My
name is Galuh as a speaker in this toastmaster. Now, I will tell you about
Stroke like my leader said before. And listen to me please.
Stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain and the cells begin to die.
When brain cells die during a stroke, abilities controlled by that area of the
brain such as memory and muscle control are lost.
There are two main types of stroke: ischemic, due to lack of blood
flow, and hemorrhagic, due to bleeding. The result in part of the brain is not
functioning properly. Signs and symptoms of a stroke may include an
inability to move or feel on one side of the body, problems understanding or
speaking, feeling like the world is spinning, or loss of vision to one side
among others.
Ischemic stroke occurs when a blood vessel carrying blood to the
brain is blocked by a blood clot (ischemic), while hemorrhagic stroke is a
brain aneurysm burst or a weakened blood vessel leak. Blood spills into or
around the brain and creates swelling and pressure, damaging cells and tissue
in the brain.
Thats all from me, thank you for your attention. Now, the time will be
returned to my beautiful moderator, Ms. Nabila.
5. Speaker II
Name : Ni Komang Ayu Arista (P07120215010)
Explaining the entire information relating to the topic Stroke
Thanks for the time that is given to me. Let me introduce myself. My
name is Mang Ayu as a speaker in this toastmaster. Now, I will tell you about
Stroke like leader said before. And listen to me please.
More than half of all strokes are caused by uncontrolled hypertension
or high blood pressure, making it the most important risk factor to control.
Medical treatments may be used to control high blood pressure and/or
manage atrial fibrillation among high-risk patients. Those medicines include
anticoagulants such as aspirin and warfarin, antihypertensive for example like
captopril and amlodipine, carotid endarterectomy, also called carotid artery
surgery, is a procedure in which blood vessel blockage is surgically removed
from the carotid artery, and angioplasty/ stents to help open up the blocked
blood vessel.
For ischemic stroke treatment, we can do endovascular procedures
which is trained by the doctors. The procedure is removing a large blood clot
by sending a wired-caged device called a stent retriever, to the site of the
blocked blood vessel in the brain. And for hemorrhagic stroke treatment, we
can do endovascular procedures like the ischemic and also surgical treatment
to stop the bleeding.
Thats all from me. Thank you for your attention. Now, the time will
be returned to my adorable moderator, Ms. Nabila.
6. Speech Evaluator
Name : Ni Ketut Sinta Dewi (P07120215013)
Evaluating the speakers speeches and criticizing the speakers in many point
of view
Thanks for the time that is given to me. Let me introduce myself. My
name is Sinta as a speech evaluator in this toastmaster. The speakers had
explained about the definition of stroke, the types of stroke, and also the
treatments we can do for the patients with stroke.
- The leader was really good to open the toast master today.
She was doing eye contact with participant during toast master and had
good articulation.
But, she did some mistakes on her pronunciation. She said it should
- The moderator was very interested in guiding and leading the process of
toast master today. She looks adorable and has good eye contact with all of
the participants. She has good articulation as well. But, she did some
mistakes on her pronunciation. She said it should be.
- The table topic speaker has good articulation and always has eye contact
with the participants. She did some mistakes on her pronunciation. She
said it should be.
- Next is our first speaker. She looked awesome and understood with the
topic she had delivered to. She was so relaxed during presentation. But,
she did some mistakes on her pronunciation. She said it should
- Then the second speaker, she apparent so capable on delivered her matter.
But, she did some mistakes on her pronunciation. She said it should
Thats all from me, the toastmaster will be returned to my beloved
7. Ah- Counter
Name : Luh Gde Dwirini Novitha Putri (P07120215012)
Counting the ah, em, or eh said by the speakers.
Okay, thank you for the chance that is given to me. Let me introduce
myself, my name is Novitha as the AH- Counter. Now, I want to report my
observation about how many times the leader, moderator, table topic speaker,
speakers, and speech evaluator said ah, em, or eh
Well, the leader said ah times, em times, and ehtimes
The moderator said ah times, em times, and ehtimes
The table topic speaker said ah times, em times, and ehtimes
The first speaker said ah times, em times, and ehtimes
The second speaker said ah times, em times, and ehtimes
The speech evaluator said ah times, em times, and ehtimes
I think thats all thank you for your attention my lovely, and the time
will be returned to our beloved moderator Ms. Nabila, for the moderator the
floor is yours.
8. Grammarian
Name : Ni Made Ristya Kusuma Dewi (P07120215017)
Criticizing the speakers grammar during the speech
Thank you for the chance that is given to me. Im a grammarian for
this toastmaster, my name is Ristya. Now I would like to give my correction
and suggestion on the using of grammarian of the speakers just now.
Just now, the first speaker said that in the paragraph that it
must supposed to be .. Because ..
And the second speaker said in the paragraph that it must
supposed to be because
I think thats all about my correction and some suggestions for using
of grammar. Thank you for your attention and I will bring back the time to
9. Timer
Name : Ni Putu Ayu Sandriani (P07120215016)
Counting and recording the time used by the speakers
Okay, thank you so much for the chance that is given to me. Firstly, let
me introduce myself, my name is Ni Putu Ayu Sandriani. I am here as a timer.
Now, I will report about the time spending in this event. The theme of this
toastmaster is Stroke.
This toastmaster started at .. P.M. and followed by a little information
about topic by the leader, Ms. Cici for . minutes, from.. P.M.
to . P.M.
The moderator, Ms. Nabila had spent minutes, from.. P.M.
to . P.M.
The table topic speaker, Ms. Dewi had spent minutes to give a little
speech, from.. P.M. to . P.M.
The first speaker, Galuh had spentminutes to describe the topic,
from..P.M. to . P.M.
The second speaker, Ms. Mang Ayu had spentminutes to describe the
topic, from..P.M. to . P.M.
The speech evaluator, Ms. Sinta had spent minutes to give the
evaluation, from.. P.M. to . P.M.
The ah counter, Ms. Novitha had spent minutes to deliver her
report, from.. P.M. to . P.M.
The grammarian, Ms. Ristya had spent minutes to evaluate the
speakers grammar, from.. P.M. to . P.M
I think thats all thank you for your attention, and the time will be returned to
the moderator.
10. Moderator
Name : Putu Nabila Eka Shanti Diah Pramesti Putri (P07120215014)
Giving the time to the leader to close the toastmaster activity
Well, our fellow members and honored guests, let us invite our leader
to close the toastmaster today. For Ms. Cici, the floor is yours.
11. Leader
Name : Baiq Cici Kamaliani (P07120215018)
Closing the toastmaster
Okay, give applause to our toastmaster today. Thats all about our
topic today. I hope this topic will be useful for everyone. I want to say, thank
you so much for your attention. See you in next toastmaster, and have a nice

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