Teza 11e

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11th GRADE

1. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Use
between three to six words. 10x3=30points
1. I dont want you to send a wedding invitation to your ex-boyfriend.
INVITE Id rather_____________________________________________your ex-boyfriend to the wedding.
2. I should have taken your advice instead of thinking that I knew best.
FOLLOWED I wish______________________________________ your advice instead of thinking that I knew best.
3. Its a pity that I have forgotten her phone number.
REMEMBER I wish__________________________________ her phone number.
4. He finds it hard to use the template on the computer.
DIFFICULTY He_________________________________ the template on the computer.
5. She persuaded Nicholas not to take early retirement.
TALKED She ____________________________________________ early retirement.
6. You really should realize that money does not grow on trees.
TIME Its about______________________________________ that money does not grow on trees.
7. My sister was very surprised to be offered the chance to travel abroad.
CAME The chance to travel abroad _____________________________ my sister.
8. I dont mind where we decide to go for dinner tonight.
DIFFERENCE It doesnt____________________________ where we decide to go for dinner tonight.
9. The moment she left they started talking.
SOONER No ____________________________________they started talking.
10. Im sorry that I threw away the instruction leaflet.
KEPT I wish_________________________________________ the instruction leaflet.
2. Each of the following sentences contains a missing preposition. Insert it in the correct place. 10x1=10
1. I dont know how many parents will react that idea.
2. All the family congratulated him passing his driving test.
3. My daughter has a very short attention span and cant concentrate anything for long.
4. She apologized her mother for staying out so late.
5. His wife is bedridden and depends him for absolutely everything.
6. He insisted keeping expenses as low as possible.
7. I was never very good Maths at school.
8. The policy has resulted a wider gap between the rich and the poor.
9. Entrance is restricted members only.
10. His opinion is very similar mine.
3. . Each of the following sentences contains one word which is incorrectly spelt. Cross it out and write a
correct word. 5x2=10points
1. We must take care not to loose contact now were off to university. ______________________
2. His parents divorce had a long-lasting affect on his ability to form relationships. ____________________
3. The vase turned out to be priceless as I gave it to the charity shop. _________________________
4. Is there any chance that they will rise your salary? ____________________________________
5. There was no inspector on the train so nobody controlled the tickets at all._____________________
4. Choose the correct answer: 5x2=10points
1. You shouldnt_____ people just because they havent had the same opportunities as you.
A. come up against B. look down on C. get on with
2. I know its difficult but you have to_____ the fact that the business cant continue.
A. face up to B. grow out of C. get round to
3. James ____ a brilliant idea for a new slogan yesterday.
A. came up against B. cut down on C. came up with
4. Andrew and I are good friends but I dont really ________ his brother.
A. put up with B. get on with C. send off for
5. Hes just rung to say he cant make the meeting because hes____ petrol.
A. cut down on B. run out of C. grow out of

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