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TASK A : Description of Language Skills Lesson Observed during SBE

During School Based Experienced (SBE) that have been experienced last two

weeks, an observation of a classroom for TSLB 3033 assignment has been made. In this

assignment, the requirement is to observe an English Language Lesson of any year, ranging

from Year One pupils to Year Six pupils. After that, the teaching and learning strategies used

by teacher should also be observed as well as the detail lesson plan should be included.

Based from this assignment, an observation of Year 1Azam has been made. This

class consist of 25 pupils. Since they are only 7 years old children, their language skills and

proficiency at the level of beginner. Their school also located in rural area. On that day, the

lesson that has been taught by the teacher was phonetics and narrowed down to phonemes

area. In this lesson, the focussed language skill was English. Besides, teaching materials

were used by the teacher were sound cards and worksheets.

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher asked all the pupils to be gathered in one

group. The pupils took the mat and spread it onto the floor. After that, teacher explained that

by today they will learn about phonetics. Then, teacher pasted several sound cards onto the

blackboard. These cards showed animations with their names labelled in the bottom of it.

For the first time, the teacher said it out loud and requested the pupils to follow after her.

And the teacher used the same method which was memorisation for the second time by

saying it again. Then, after the second time, teacher asked the pupils to say it by

themselves. The teacher asked them to say it by together loudly. After that, teacher pointed

to some particular pupils who want to pronounce the sound cards. After that, the teachers

asked the pupils who want to pronounce the sound card voluntarily. When there was a

student who could not pronounce particular sound card, the teachers asked somebody who

can help their friend to pronounce it.

During the lesson, the teacher used method of mimicry for every phoneme so they

will remember better. For instance, pupils moved their hand in big round shape when

pronounced the sound of /o/. Besides, the teachers used praising method as an incentive

for the student to be motivated. For every sound card that they pronounce, the teacher will

ask all the pupils to clap their hands to their friends who successfully pronounce the sound

cards. After the lesson over, the teacher asked the pupils to be in their original places. The

pupils rolled up the mat and got back to their places.

After that, the teacher asked the pupils to take out their work sheets. The teacher

requested them to do exercises from page 10 to 13. This exercise about phonemes. From

this exercise, the pupils have to connect all the letters into a word. Specifically, the objective

of the exercise was to blend two or four phonemes into one word.

In conclusion, this class learned about phonetics which was narrowed down to

phonemes. By the end of the lesson, the teachers objective was pupils will be able to

recognise and articulate the sounds of phonemes. Besides, the teacher also hoped that the

pupils will be able to blend two or four phonemes and read them aloud.

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