Math 9 Course Outine 2017

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MATHEMATICS 9 2017/2018

Instructor: Ms. Johannson Contact:

Course website: Course textbook: Math Makes Sense 9

Course Overview:
Students will be expected to know the following:
Operations with rational numbers (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and order
of operations)
Exponents and exponent laws with whole-number exponents
Operations with polynomials, of degree less than or equal to 2
Two-variable linear relations, using graphing, interpolation, and extrapolation
Multi-step one-variable linear equations
Spatial proportional reasoning
Statistics in society
Financial literacy simple budgets and transactions

You are in this class to learn and pass Math 9 so that you will be well prepared for Math 10.
This is an academic class. It is assumed that you have an understanding of the Math 8 concepts
and are ready for the Math 9 concepts.
It is our responsibility to teach you the material, it is your responsibility to learn it and practise it,
this means asking for help if you dont understand something, and completing work on time.
You must keep separate workbooks for notes and chapter work. These will be checked regularly
and referred to often. You must be able to produce this work when requested.
It is expected that you will complete all of the assignments and show your work. Use pencil for
your work. You will be able to complete late assignments with me at lunch on Tuesdays and
You are expected to arrive in class ready to work and learn. You will need the obvious supplies
of a pencil, eraser, workbooks, graph paper, textbook and scientific calculator. (not necessarily a
graphing calculator)
Naturally, you are expected to catch up on any work missed. This is your responsibility. You
will not pass math if you miss too many classes for any reason.
Legitimately missed quizzes and tests are made up at lunch or during class time if the situation

Electronics: With great power, comes great responsibility. Students must have their own calculator
to use for test and quizzes; handheld electronic devices may be permitted at the teachers discretion. If
technology becomes a distraction from learning, the device will be confiscated.

Evaluation: Every assignment must have your name, title (page # and question #s), and date.
Students will be evaluated on their work habits both in and out of class, with regular tests and quizzes,
and with projects. Their portfolios will be an essential part of this course.
PORTFOLIO: Will contain assignment work, quizzes with corrections and any other
worksheets assigned throughout the chapter. Each chapter will have its own separate
portfolio. Each chapter portfolio must be completed in order to obtain a passing grade for the
course. If a portfolio is incomplete then you may have to attend mandatory sessions at lunch
time to complete it before you will be permitted to write its corresponding unit test.

Re-writes: You will be permitted to rewrite the unit tests. The test(s) may be rewritten at lunch time.
The better of the two tests will be recorded.

Extra Help: I am available for extra help outside of class time. It is your responsibility to request extra
help and to arrange a time that is convenient for both of us.

We will be using a class website and blog, accessible at: where I will
do my best to post daily updates and some class materials.

Please share this information with your parents/guardians, there is a copy available for your records on
the course homepage of our website. If any of you have further questions or concerns, feel free to
contact me via email. Please sign below showing that you understand the course outline and

I have read and understand the information above.


___________________________ ________________________________
Student name Student email Student signature
__________________________________ ________________________________
Parent / Guardian Name Parent / Guardian Name

Home: _____________________________ Home: ________________________________

Cell: _______________________________ Cell: __________________________________

Work: _____________________________ Work: _________________________________

Email: _____________________________ Email: _________________________________

(Please print clearly) (Please print clearly)

Signature: __________________________ Signature: ______________________________

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