Chem 11 Course Outline 2017

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Chemistry 11 - 2017/2018

Instructor: Ms. Emma Johannson Contact:

Course website:

Books: Heath Chemistry

Course overview: Chemistry 11 is just the beginning of science that can explain the magic of the
world. Its an introductory course that will allow students to develop the fundamental skills and
knowledge to be successful in Chemistry 12, and their post-secondary studies. The content will include:

Significant figures (sig figs), metric conversions, gas conversions

Chemical reactions
Atoms and the periodic table
Organic chemistry

Respect mutual respect is the only way to have a successful and positive class
Punctuality be on time, complete and hand in all work on time.
Preparedness study, bring a binder, ruled and blank paper, pens, pencils, ruler, textbook,
and workbook to class every day
On lab days proper lab attire must be worn: closed toe shoes, hair tie, avoid baggy clothes
Keep neat notes in a book or section of your binder. They will be checked periodically;
refer to them often.
Ask questions during class, before class, after class, via email
Electronics: with great power, comes great responsibility. Students must have their own
calculator to use for test and quizzes; handheld electronic devices will be permitted at the
teachers discretion. If technology becomes a distraction from learning, the device will be

Course Evaluation: (subject to changes)

Parents and students can access their marks online by following the link on our course website.
When you view the marks, please keep in mind that they are a work in progress, and should be treated
as such; some assignments that have been submitted may not be marked until the rest of the class have
submitted theirs. During the year if a students mark is below 60% their letter grade is listed as an I.
Keep in mind, however, that most students marks will fluctuate over the
semester depending on the unit, but they will be successful if they keep up Tests 40%
a good work ethic, and hand in assignments on time. The final exam Assignments/Quizzes 20%
worth 20% of your son/daughters mark is between January 22 & 26. If Labs/Projects 20%
your son or daughters mark is 63% or better they cannot fail this Final Exam 20%
course. If their mark is below 38% it is impossible to pass this course. A
student cannot pass this course without passing the lab component.
The first lab can be redone to get a max mark of 9/10 (all others, 8/10) unless a student would like
to come up with an alternate assignment that demonstrates the same learning outcomes for full
marks. For re-writes, I ask them to include the marked lab so I can monitor improvements. For tests, I
will generally ask them to do a test review package, and then arrange a lunch to rewrite a test. I ask that
students attempt these improvements in a timely manner (generally within 2 chapters of the test theyre

Every assignment must have your name, title (page # and question #s), and date. Labs will
have a standard specific criteria and format that will be discussed and practiced thoroughly before they
are assigned (You will get a Lab Format handout to keep for the duration of the course). Writing a
succinct and thorough lab report that follows the instructors format is an essential skill for any future
science course.

Grade Definitions: Work Habits Criteria:

A 86-100% Excellent Good arrive on time, have good attendance,
B 73-85% Very good and try their best
C+ 67-72% Above average Satisfactory on time, have good attendance,
C 60-66% Average and work at a satisfactory level
C- 50-59% Below average Needs improvement Students who have 3
I Incomplete lates, 3 incomplete assignments, 1 unexcused
absence, or who do not work at a satisfactory
level of effort

Extra Help: I am available for extra help outside of class time. It is your responsibility to request extra
help and to arrange a time that is convenient for both of us.
We will be using a class website and blog, accessible at: where I
will do my best to post daily updates and some class materials.
Please share this information with your parents/guardians, there is a copy available for your
records on the course homepage of our website. If any of you have further questions or concerns, feel
free to contact me. Please sign and complete the information below showing that you understand the
course outline and expectations. I have read and understand the information above.


___________________________ ________________________________ __________________
Student name Student email Student signature
__________________________________ ________________________________
Parent / Guardian Name Parent / Guardian Name

Home: _____________________________ Home: ________________________________

Cell: _______________________________ Cell: __________________________________

Work: _____________________________ Work: _________________________________

Email: _____________________________ Email: _________________________________

(Please print clearly) (Please print clearly)

Signature: __________________________ Signature: ______________________________

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