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1 1. How does Teach for America optimize its hiring process?

By reducing the number of interviews they

By comparing the performance of their teachers

in the eld to their pre-hire evaluations

By hiring internally

By hiring directly out of College

1 2. Why did Google minimize interview time per candidate?

point (Check all that apply)

Because interviews were not an accurate

predictor of employee success

Because interviews waste company resources

Because manager time is valuable, and can be

used on more important activities

1 3. What action did Credit Suisse take to retain more

point employees and ultimately increase earnings?

Posted more jobs internally Page 1 of 4
Coursera | Online Courses From Top Universities. Join for Free | Coursera 9/4/17, 2)50 PM

Reduced the number of interviews

Increased promotions

Oered more development opportunities

1 4. People, or employees, are a valuable asset. Credit Suisse

point estimated that a 1% retention rate would save them how
much per year?

$10,000,000 to $20,000,000

$50,000,000 to $75,000,000

$1,000,000 to $10,000,000

$75,000,000 to $100,000,000

1 5. What makes performance evaluations noisy according to

point Professor Cade Massey?

Performance is imperfectly related to employee

talent or hard work

An employee may not be performing up to their

full potential

None of the above.

Performance measures are hard to dene

1 6. What is outcome bias? Page 2 of 4
Coursera | Online Courses From Top Universities. Join for Free | Coursera 9/4/17, 2)50 PM

The tendency to believe that our employees are
performing better than the employees of our

The tendency to attribute good outcomes to

employees regardless of how much control they
had over the outcome

The tendency to attribute success to supervisors

rather than employees

None of the above.

1 7. What is the most important factor in determining whether

point an outcome is caused skill or chance?


Comparing performance across a group

None of the above.

Isolating performance measures

Practice Module 1 Concepts So Far

Practice Quiz, 10 questions

1 8. Why is it important to remember that disparate outcomes

point can be based purely on chance?

None of the above.

Evaluating employees is an unfair practice

We need to be careful about drawing inferences

about the skill or eort that underlie the
performance measures Page 3 of 4
Coursera | Online Courses From Top Universities. Join for Free | Coursera 9/4/17, 2)50 PM

Performance is mostly based on factors that are

outside the control of the employee.

1 9. TRUE or FALSE: The analysis performed by Professor Cade

point Massey in the video Chance vs. Skill: the NFL draft
indicates that the NFL draft is a useless exercise



1 10. Why is people analytics gaining more attention in recent

point years?

Increasingly, people are a rms greatest asset

Improved access to data

Growing understanding of behavior biases

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