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1. Discuss some of the consumer awareness issues associated with halal certification.

What are some strategies that an international marketer might initiate to address these

Indonesia has the largest population of Muslims in the world, which there are 86% of the
population in the country practicing Islam. Therefore, Halal certification has proven to be
beneficial to Muslims and also Non-Muslim. In fact, Halal may be used for foods that
considered lawful under Islamic Law and culture considers palatable. However, Non-Muslim
could be said that benefit as they belief that most foods that get into Indonesia that have
passed the test and entitled to put Halal on packaging are safe, hygienic and high quality.

However, there is some of the consumer awareness issues associated with halal certification.
The halal dietary laws deal with issues relating the eating prohibited animals. Muslim do not
eat items include pork, carnivorous animal, birds of prey, animals that having their habitat in
in both land and water such as frogs and turtles. In addition, Muslim consumers also need to
aware whether the animals that selling are slaughtered in the proper manner , animals must
be slaughtered by a same adult, they must bless the animal before availing them, the act of
slaughtered must be done by cutting the throat in a manner that induces rapid and
complete bleeding. Other than that, Muslim consumers also prohibit blood, whereby
Muslim consumer must not be in contact with the blood of animals that they are
anticipating its product. Nonetheless, the Muslim consumer need to aware on prohibition of
carrion, which the products sold are from animals slaughtered while still alive instead of
dead carcasses. Halal certification also embrace the prohibition of intoxicants, which any
drinks or products sold to Muslim consumer must be free from alcohol. Moreover, Halal
certification requires that manufacturing companies that deal with Halal foods must have
follow the proper manufacturing practices such as using proper sanitation and
recommended equipment. Transportation that deliver the products must only constitute
Halal certifies foods only (Chaudry et al. 2000).

There are strategies that may prevent an international marketer to encounter for Halal
Certification. First of all, ensure that the company sell to Indonesia has met the
requirements of Halal foods and safety authority, such as procedure of processing the
products. Besides that, international marketer can consider to join a federation that has
recognition from Indonesian Muslim Council, for example, The Federation of Islamic
associations of New Zealand is recognized by the Indonesian Ulama Council for certifying
products from New Zealand. Moreover, marketers may also appoint a local importer who
can ensure the products imported to the country undergo full registration and the person
appointed to do final products must be Muslims and guided by the Halal certification laws.
Lastly, international marketer must make sure that the products sold in Indonesia have
proper packaging, such as label, list of ingredients, halal information, and the address of
the party who produced or imported the food into Indonesia. Packaging may not use the
terms no preservatives and no artificial colours.

Chaudry, M., Hussaini, M., Jackson, M. & Riaz, M. 2000, Halal Industrial Production
Standards, accessed 6 April 2017,

Discuss some of the consumer awareness
issues associated with Halal
certification .what are some strategies that
an international marketer might initiate to
address these issues?
The Indonesian population has the majority of Muslims who have seen it beneficial to
embrace the Halal certification. Since Indonesia has a mix of consumers, the Halal
certification has proven to be beneficial to both Muslims and non-Muslims. Halal only
supports foods that their laws and culture considers palatable (Lever & Miele, 2012).
Non-Muslims have found this useful since most foods, getting into Indonesia that have
passed the test put by Halal are usually hygienic, safe and have very high quality. The
consumers in Indonesia need to be aware of the Halal logo for any foods that come to
their disposal as this will ease their choice in terms of taste and palatability.
Customer Awareness Issues Associated with Halal Certification
The most important issue is the eating of prohibited animals. Culture and laws of their
religion don't eat animals such as Pork, birds of prey, animals having their habitat in the
water or on land at the same time such frogs or turtles limit Muslims. Muslim consumers
need awareness of the methods used by the seller to slaughter or bless the animal before
availing them its products. Any drinks or products sold to a Muslim consumer must be
free of any intoxicants and alcohol (Camillo et al., 2014). The Halal certification also
prohibits blood, thus; Muslim consumers must not be in contact with the blood of animals
that they are anticipating its product. The consumers need to be aware that the products
sold are from animals slaughtered while still alive, not from dead carcasses (Shariff &
Lah, 2014). Halal certification also requires that any worship equipment should not be in
the area of processing food. The manufacturing companies dealing in Halal foods must
have proper sanitation, recommended equipment, and adhere to the proper manufacturing
practices. The transportation must only constitute Halal certifies foods only. The
employees involved in the processing of Halal products must practice standard work
ethics to avoid contamination of Halal certified products. Any listed medium company
must constitute a team, which will deal with the internal audit of the products to ensure
adherence to Halal certification. Finally, the slaughtered animals must face Mecca and
the process done by a Muslim who is supposed to recite prayers (Camillo et al. 2014).
The major strategies that may prevent a marketer from contravening the Halal
Certification matters may include ensuring that the company anticipating to sell to the
Indonesian market has certification from Halal food and safety authority. The marketer
may also opt to join a federation that has recognition from Indonesian Muslim Council
(Temporal, 2011). The marketer must also be able to show that a body that is affiliated to
the Indonesian Muslim councils recognizes the slaughterhouses in the country of origin.
The marketer may also opt to appoint an Indonesian importer who can ensure that the
products undergo full registration in the region. The marketer has to ensure that the
person doing final products are Muslims and guided by the Halal certification laws. The
international marketer has to ensure that all products sold to the Indonesian market have
proper packaging, labeling, ingredients, and Halal information on them (Lever & Miele,

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